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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I did not need to know this! The same way you didn't need to know that one of the early bosses in Digital Devil Saga 2 is a Kumbhanda who serves as the warden of a prison. He has an attack that automatically ends the battle and imprisons you. To mitigate this attack, you have to avoid being caught by him and go around visiting various prison cells to finally get some poison to put into the warden's food. When you do so, Kumbhanda eats it not realizing what you've done. When you go to confront him, he is beset by indigestion and is REALLY desperate to get to a lavatory, this means that he can't concentrate, thus causing his "capture you" attack to always miss. Judging from the mid-battle dialogue, he might lose bowel control during the fight, but thankfully we are spared the visuals!
  2. How about a little fight music? It has to be FE? Fine: -Me wanting to joke about Berwick's overwatch skill led me to look up the OST another game with the same mechanic. Better than I remember.
  3. Any Skell should work methinks. I never paid much attention to the kind I was using. And I choose the "WTF?! The rules didn't say you could take that side! We didn't know that was even an option. Whats it about anyway? But, uh, getting back to seriousness, since you aren't with us, you're against us? So, we'll defeat you! I'm guessing thats the right thing to do." faction. -This actually summarizes a route in a certain game.
  4. The childrens’ absolute (as in without factoring in class) base stats on joining = [(mother’s current stats – mother’s class base stats) + (father’s current stats – father’s class base stats) + child’s absolute base stats] / 3 + child’s class base stats So I guess this means every 3 points a parent gains, except from promoting/changing classes, adds 1 point to the child's matching stat.
  5. Hard, it could become too easy later, but Lunatic... try the first two maps and you'll figure out why I say this.
  6. The only tiers I care for is tiered cakes. And I've had my monthly intake of vitamin buttercream already. *Points to the history of the big, cocky southern neighbor* I'm sure any inhumane treatment of the First Nations carried out by Cold Australia (and I should mention Hot Canada was terrible to the Aborigines), was matched or perhaps exceeded by the USA. It's the sin the "big five" Anglosphere countries have in common, the other two being South Africa and New Zealand.
  7. Yep, thats the most in any FE from what I've counted, setting aside GatchaHellEmblem and Einherjars and the Fates logbook/bonds stuff. Second place goes to Radiant Dawn at 72, third is Revelation with 66 (.6 adding in Scarlet), fourth place goes to TearRing Saga at 62. Dead last is either: original Gaiden at 32 (31 considering you only get one of Deen or Sonya), Genealogy because each Gen has only 24 units, or Sacred Stones at 33.
  8. Considering how, when looking at Awakening and Fates, I was always like "ooh, those level 15 promoted skills are great!" -shame that by the time I get them all I've capped level and the game is almost over. And in the case of Awakening, blending together the skills of different classes inherently means capping practically every stat in the process, killing the difficulty. NG+ would've been great for Afatening!
  9. I distinctly remember that on Lunatic, FE12 could be divided as follows: Top High Upper Mid Lower Mid Low Free Silvers- Everyone who joins after Chapter 11 barring Xane and maybe Leiden and Beif, though I don't get why Jake isn't a Free Silver. Basically, these characters are waaaaaay too much effort to use and the quality free weapons in a cash-strapped game is all they're worth.
  10. FSA was I think the only non-CDI (or BS) Zelda title not playable for someone with a 3DS and a Wii U. It's definitely been more on the forgotten side of LoZ. Though as you point out, it thats understandable, because the game is like a 6 or 7/10, not bad, but below the usual Zelda standard. And visually, it's kinda lazy, between the upscaled ALttP 2D and Wind Waker stylings. Apparently it's one of the least successful Zeldas, only 937k (which is kinda incredible that the "worst" Zelda still almost reached 1 million). As for the part of what you said that I quoted, I completely remember that. I think it was done for sake of pick-up-and-play, but it does remove any sense of personal growth, and perhaps makes the later parts of the game a little easy to compensate. In retrospect, I think it's a lot slower than Tri-Force Heroes, and I might say for whatever flak the latter got, that it is the better attempt at a multiplayer Zelda, even if I find the two ideas not entirely compatible.
  11. Yeah, I think I missed the Nopon Commerce Guild for a while the first time, the AfM is doable fairly early, it's just unexpected an AfM would unlock one. And it's BFFs that officially brings the Nopon en masse to NLA, despite a few strays coming beforehand.
  12. Might be dependent on where you live, the demographics may be to blame or thank for the good stuff. Even if "old country heritage" no longer applies, I suppose the art somehow endures in a region.
  13. What exactly was truncated about Friends of Mineral Town vs. Back to Nature? Other than a visual overhaul, if anything, doesn't FoMT have more content? I played them both when I was younger. Excellent quest 10/10. Its intro is slamming. Neither have I. After about elementary school, chain pizza went extinct for me. Where I live, more than enough small business purveyors exist that offer a far better pizza. Best is a slightly charred sesame seed crust with balls of fresh mozzarella, basil, and a tomato sauce thats on the sweeter side.
  14. *Sees Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town is on sale for $34.99. Has almost $40 on my account.* Do I? I'm leaning not, I'm don't think the sale is big enough to make the buy hesitation-free. This is at its core a mostly visual update of a 1999 game, the reviewers have said it's fairly simple by modern SoS standards. However, I admittedly fell out of the franchise not much further into its maturation. More than the farming, I'm concerned I won't actually like its characters, I know them from seeing them in my youth, but I admit to actually knowing very little about them. The child is lost in imagination and in being so, does not actually read things. Will, stripped of the blurriness of how a child experiences things, I like these people? I haven't a clue.😟 This is a peculiarly tricky decision for me. It's like seeing the person you had a crush in kindergarten on 25 years later, and you see they look and act somewhat attractive now. Theres an awkwardness in this, you might as well be dating a new totally different person, but the origin of the attraction partly lay in them being familiar.
  15. It was months ago when it was like that. Juju is meme-annoying, hence his inclusion in your results. Either fans not me stopped looking for the risqué stuff, or the search algorithm changed to change the top results.
  16. I on the other hand, when searching "Xenoblade Wiki", for a time, had Mythra and Pyra nudes (either on a t-shirt or body pillow, I forget which) show up first thing in the search results. 😑 I'll spare you knowledge of what I wouldn't have minded.
  17. Why? Did you aggro Gangy too soon and he's doubling you with his Levin Sword? I do love what he says in the end, reminds you how the last moments of your life will ultimately be.😁
  18. Challenge, what challenge? Douglas is not strong. Okay, 34 Atk stings, but he's slow, immobile and not the most accurate either. He ain't the Lu Bu of FE, he's no Death Knight. Specter Knight needs a plan and prep to survive and even better, kill, Douglas has no such needs. Get him against a wall or corner with 2-3 unarmed units to trap him, healing whenever a Silver Axe swing hits. Anyone can do that. It's tedium wherein you bench a few of your fielded units for a bunch of the fight while everyone else goes about cleaning up the map, Douglas in the meanwhile does nothing of note.
  19. 👍 For SD, and finished with a smile. May the last dose of Archanea be as good or better. From what little I know, the old favorites for surviving the Prologue on Lunatic were Knight and Fighter, I forget the Past/Present/Future picks. The gaiden chapters require either the completion of a certain, usually very easy, condition, or the completion of the chapter to precede it in a certain number of turns. The turn counts are generous, on Normal, they're between 15 and 24, Lunatic gives you between 27 and 43.
  20. The naming sequence for SMT1 happens during the dream that begins the game. In the dream, you meet the souls of the Law and Chaos Heroes, as well as the Heroine, who, like Isabeau, stand for Neutral -but only in the beginning of the game, later, the Heroine will follow you regardless of your alignment. If the dream sequence sounds familiar, SMTIV, including Apocalypse to a far lesser extent, is a modern retelling of SMTI & II, in a way similar to how FE6 heavily borrows from Archanea. Theres also an antagonistic woman named Yuriko in SMT1 for instance. And Mikado is comparable to the Tokyo Millennium of SMTII. Nocturne, for all the praise it gets, is actually the black sheep of mainline SMT, even counting the oddity of Strange Journey. (SJ should be SMTIV, but it was initially conceived of as a spinoff using the Etrian Odyssey engine, and despite the dev team later thinking the quality was worthy of the title of SMTIV, the lead director shot it down.) Throw Rex off a cliff and tell me what he looks like when he falls into Primordia.😛 Honestly, as evil as Spores can be, I think I'd rather stay in the weather than quick travel to undo it. Go with the natural flow, experience the downs with the ups. And hey, it ain't gonna last for long when you bump into something deadly.
  21. Persona 3 came first, 2006, SJ's DS release was 2009. And Jimenez is definitely based on the Chaos Hero (you get to name him, as do yourself, the Law Hero, and the Heroine) of SMT1. Because, they share one significant plot detail.:
  22. Female I'm told is exclusive to Portable, with a few altered Social Links. FeMC is usually ignored in Persona spinoffs I think, because it was "Oooh FeMC!" when Persona Q2 added her.
  23. A Nendoroid that is in no way a distortion of the character it's supposed to hee. I hope it sells well! (But at $52.99, I'd never buy it myself.) I ❤️ Frosty! Weird, it shouldn't. Maybe it's something about the Overdrive, or does the Verus (it's Verus, not Verum, same Latin meaning "truth", but I'm just giving you a little correction here) come with a G-Buster upon purchase? You could, you don't need the AI's help with this.
  24. Thats actually the Tyrant, or rather general location, used for grinding to 60/all classes mastered. A level 30 Skell can work, though a 50 is better. Arm your Skell with a Meteor Launcher or better Phoenix Wings. Farm some Suids if you want first for some Appetizing Suid Tails to make SpecUp.R-ACC (or do Phoenix Wings use Melee? But Suids still drop the mat). Then, lower yourself into the plant and use the art. Get in a second use of Meteor/Phoenix via a lucky Cockpit Time if you can, and then fly out before your Skell is destroyed. Some of the high-level Blattas around the Tyrant itself should have been roasted dead. Yielding plenty of EXP, CP, and probably a bunch of weapons and armor you can keep or sell. Any Tatty Insect Wings you get should be converted into Slayer.INSECTOID augments to improve your ability to kill the Blattas again and again. This works, because size DOES matter in XCX. Blattas are small, so even the strong can't OHKO a Skell, and in turn are liable to being killed relatively easily.
  25. I like how at night high in the sky over the Divine Roost, it becomes impossible to see the ground beneath a veil of darkness, and the only light there is, is the wing tips of the Telethia. It has a certain, almost "extreme pressure depths of the ocean" like quality to it, and a general ominousness. There is a fast-forward command, hold the key/button you assign it to during animations and whatnot. I'm pretty neutral on 3H. I know naught of its plot, world, or characters, so I don't judge them, nor do I really know the music or animations. And I pretty much ignored the monastery. So all I understand of it is most of the gameplay, and on that don't have strong opinions. That is your end.
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