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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. One common story criticism is that Valm didn't belong. For a direct sequel to Awakening, Valm would be good, but as is, it detracts from where the main focus should be, somewhere on the Ylissean continent building up the stuff to the Grimleal and Grima. Let me ask you this.: Any gut reactions due to their appearance? If so, do not touch Luminous Arc 2. Their name starts with "R" too,
  2. In the long run, maybe it is a good thing, if the Democrats learn how to capitalize on this and build on their gains here come the next presidential election. But thats the next election, which could be very very very bad and difficult to win if Biden loses this one, due to the thorough destruction of democracy. Putting a state in play is nice, but you don't hold elections for the fun of it, if you don't win, then the play was for utter naught. Though I see your point. It has narrowed? Thank you for the update. Though I concede I'm the kind of person who triple-sextuple checks my multiple choice fill-ins and the simplest of emails they've written to make absolutely sure they didn't make an egregious error somewhere. The premise of a miraculous stack of just enough Trump ballots that just so happen to not have been counted yet fills me with -irrational I admit- concern. If I'm going to be a worrywart, I shouldn't post so much in this topic. Though that won't stop me from revisiting here at 9:00PM after Arizona's next tranche (I like this word we never heard of before now) of votes comes in. -But it's too late into election week pre-potential court chaos for me to apologize for this.
  3. 98-99% of Georgia is in. Looks like Fulton, Dekalb, Cobb, and Gwinett are blue areas with 95% accounted for, Chatham is 87% in, the rest are higher in reporting. I'm not liking this. ๐Ÿ˜ง Trump still leads by more than 9000. Arizona remains uncertain, PA is so slow. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ -Though I admit I have nerves of made of mercury.
  4. Wasn't that kinda a "I'll beat those lefties to the punch to steal the inoffensive-to-conservatism aspect of their platform from them"? And IIRC, it was a conservative Prime Minister of Britain who chose to greatly expand the electorate in the mid-late 1800s, on the grounds the masses would vote conservative more often than not. And from what I read once, the Netherlands established it's current universal healthcare system under a conservative government, with it being more private-oriented as a result or something. (I did not catch your red-lettered edit.)
  5. America is simply further to the right than some (or many) other first-world countries. The fears of socialism are entirely the product of conservative hysteria, an accusation that is a remnant of the three-decades dead Cold War. The winds of radicalism change over the decades, and currently the radical threat to America rests on the far right.
  6. And Gunter can marry Corrin. Or Walhart can marry F!Robin, despite some line in his Robin support saying "his heart no longer beats", meaning he's a dead man resurrected only by sheer force of his undying will I think.
  7. As reading stuff on Vox and The Atlantic has told me (be it right or wrong), America's increasing polarization means we're living in separate realities, without a shared common ground. I think exit polls put Trump supporters at only 8% thinking Covid was a serious issue. In other words, regards of who wins, America is in no mood for unity. As the Gap found out when they had to drop ads of a jacket yesterday (when was yesterday? 35 years ago?) that was half blue and half red.
  8. But it gave us the rather interesting BastianxLucia, an unending flirtation that never developed into a more formal relationship. Though where it stopped can be left to one's imagination.
  9. You reminded me of this super-obscure DS tower-defense (I think) game.:
  10. Geeze, I didn't know you thought the pairing was that bad! I'd say it's less the pairing is bad, and more what often happens when it's brought up by the fanbase. I'll give FlorinaxHector a dishonorable pairing mention.
  11. HAF gave you the basic answer already, I just happened to joke with the place because I went there once as a kid. Maybe I should return there eventually after Covid ends. Although instead of the lodge, I think I'll stay at the Hotel Hershey and get a cocoa massage. Yes, you go through a tunnel ride or something, I remember that. And there is no shortage of buyable Hershey chocolate or memorabilia to buy there, I got a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup plushie as a kid. And to remain on politics, ๐Ÿคž that Nevada is not a blue mirage. -But Biden still needs to be assured of just one more state!
  12. I bought all of the first season of Awakening DLC, and some of the second. Awakening has the best DLC FE has had, it's been a downhill slope since then. Although, I do kinda regret buying Awakening's DLC now, the first season is a lot of recycled maps and enemies.
  13. No, it doesn't. It's visually entirely cheapo wholesome DLC.
  14. There are three of them, Hot-Springs, Summer, and Harvest.
  15. "Administrative work"? ๐Ÿคจ I better not see them at Hershey Park today.
  16. I'd second once per phase, provided the unit is above 1 HP in the first place. Though, adding a Super-Miracle that can only activate once per entire battle, but fully heals the unit when it activates, wouldn't be a bad idea.
  17. Try her Nowi Harvest Scramble conversation. Probably not as bad though.
  18. He gets a conversation with Say'ri... in the Hot Springs DLC. I'd think I'd want to be as wide-eyed and unblinking as her were she anywhere near me, otherwise I would expect my head to be no longer near my neck.
  19. Good for you, well, not good if the stuff is bad (my sympathies then), but immersion in politics rarely brings anyone any happiness. Trying to pass the time until ultimate judgement by watching some longplays. Particularly of games I'd never be good enough to play myself. Got the 3DS version of this game, never finished it even on easy settings, but darned it looks fun.
  20. Slept another 3-4 hours last night, my spine was so charged with anxiety that for a while it felt like I was going to fall off the bed, even when I was smack dab in the middle. I'm a back sleeper, side and stomach are impossible for me. My eyes are bleary from sooooo much screen time (not to mention I played a lot of games in the days prior to this), but I cannot rest more. This day is going to feel sooooooooooooooo long. Ways to be patient, calm, ease stress? I've basically ignored every single one of them and turned increasingly into a useless hyper-attentive sack of hypertension. I wish I had some form of sleep medication, and I'm usually very wary of taking such things. My apologies that I'm posting this, but it feels like, to use an old video game title, I have no mouth and I must scream. Well I do have a mouth, but I'm not good at screaming and letting everything out that way, the written word is more my voice. I don't want to fill the SD board with all of my pathetic personal paranoia, I'm a little surprised no mod has called me out for my not-infrequent veeeeeeeery wary of the direction of things posts there. *Tries to find something to post to try to force a smile on myself to end this post "happily"* ...I don't think I can this time.๐Ÿ™
  21. Arizona just narrowed, Trump is meeting what he needs.๐Ÿ˜จ It comes down to the final batches, drop-off ballots instead of late mail-ins, will their composition be different?
  22. Didn't the Supreme Court in the past year or two rule that states can bind electors???
  23. Time to try to sleep again, hoping that I don't wake up to a combination of sudden reversals and "so closes yet so fars", but it's for the better I assume that will happen.
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