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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. It has random encounters, so it's sunk right there for Shrimpy. Sure escaping battles has a 100% success rate, but nope, not good enough.
  2. Zelda. Is. Not. An. RPG! It's Action-damnHylia-Adventure!
  3. Not to mention, if Gordin looks shota, then how is Ryan going to look? The little brother has to look younger than the elder! Though, the chances of Ryan are coming are rather slim, so pretend the Gordin we have is actually Gordin's soul in his brother's body. The old FE3 artwork where Gordin takes a manly, pantsless stance would be great if given a modern update.
  4. Sorry for any health restrictions you may have. Although I do respect those who, even if it isn't voluntary, are able to diet, and thus live with less of the splendidly delectable edible delights I do so adore and simply cannot resist. Tell me if you need help hunting that bison! Tip based on archaeological evidence- it's highly wasteful, but try making them panic into a stampede off a cliff. It works. ---- I need to fill out a new form to get my Joy-Con repaired, because I let the old one expire a month ago. And, I think I want to eventually get a gaming laptop. A full desktop tower & monitor PC sounds too expensive and too cumbersomely specialized, but I want a dedicated device for some emulator and low-end PC titles that I can't find on Switch or find only less optimized there. But, I'm spending too much time here, I've done neither of the above two things today. And I have no idea on the fundamentals of what would make for a good gaming laptop.
  5. I know you didn't ask for my opinion, and I know only some of the Banpresto Originals, because Banpresto decided to stop translating the OG games after the second one, and I kinda don't want to get Moon Dwellers despite the SE Asia English translation, considering OG Gaiden and 2nd OG have happened since then so I'd be two games out of the loop. But... Latooni Subota has the "ew!" of lolicon attached to her. But I felt her character was written fairly well. Considering all I saw of her 95% of the time was just a little square of her face in the GBA games, I was focused on her character, not her visuals. Alfimi is similar to Latooni. Visually... 😬 But her characterization in her first game was interesting. I'm only a little familiar with what became of her personality after the major change that happened to her at the end of her first game. Viletta Vadim was fairly good, if you ask me. I wish Ring Mao got more attention than she did, because I like her too. Although she originates in a spinoff, I do very much enjoy the character of Aschen Brodel from OG Saga Endless Frontier. Suzuka from EF is good too. Pretend FE dancers came with a miniature controllable iron giant thingy from later in 3H, thats how she fights. I'm not sure if anyone from the OG games really annoyed me or rubbed me the wrong way. There were those who I didn't particularly like, but that doesn't mean I disliked them. Usually when I go to the ice cream vendor nearest to me, I'll do a large cup thats half vanilla-peanut butter, and half Oreo. Because why not both? If you've ever had a slice of peanut butter pie, the milkshake is basically a drinkable version of that. I love 'em both.
  6. The fancy spin on Lyon, as I heard one person put it, is this. Eirika- Lyon yet lives, I must save him. Ephraim- Lyon is dead, I must kill him to save his body from further desecration. After the dance with Gorgon Eggs... Eirika- Lyon really is dead, I'll stop his body desecration. Ephraim- Lyon yet lives, I'll stop he who is my friend, not the Demon King pretending to be my friend. They flip their perspectives. Both are driven by emotion, Eirika is naive so she hands it over, Ephraim rushes alone into the stone smash because he really doesn't like the idea of his friend's body being used a puppet. The Hispanosphere(?) shares in the Anglosphere in using an "inaccurate" name, yay! Look beyond Europe, and it shouldn't be so bad, considering thats two of the big three European postcolonial "-ospheres", although I could see Latin American nations using indigenous words instead of what Iberia uses. I was wondering for a moment "how does Tantal have sunsets?", only to remember Titans can have holes. Though this is a little confusing with one plot point. Seconded! Buy me a peanut butter milkshake with it, and were I Chrom, I'd instantly enfeoff Robin as Duke of Importantia.
  7. Considering the lolicon market has the potential on paper, possibly in reality, to drive people from fantasy thoughts into absolutely criminal acts of greatly scarring the lives of real innocents forever, yes, I agree, it is disturbing. Best to condemn it. Not to say all young female characters in Japanese video games are the product of loliconism and should be erased from existence (because some are dressed conservatively and are good fictional characters), but IRL people of lolicon preferences should be kept at a minimum of 36 feet away. Though I have a real hunch a mod is going to say this belongs in Serious Discussion, or nowhere on SF at all. Thus, I end my discussion of this matter now.
  8. Well, you never know if he'll eventually walk over the line into a prison cell. Best to separate oneself from liking the person before then.
  9. 😨 I'll still stand by the majority of his EO artwork (some, like the younger female Necromancer, I will not defend), but yes, as a massive precaution, I hereby disown the artist themselves. I am ready to do that, serious sexual allegations demand one sever ties with the accused faster than the creation of a eunuch. Let them not get reputable commissions in the future, and ideally no commissions at all.
  10. I wouldn't say Mia is my least favorite character in the franchise, but I would say I'm not fond of her. A perky girl sure, but not any depth, and she is kinda mean to Largo in their support together. Characters don't need to be deep, but even so, Mia doesn't have surface charm that specifically interests me. A number of players agree to split up the cast of a given game and play through it using only the characters they pick + any freebies the draft allows. Meaning, to use 3H, if Drafter 1 picks Sylvain when their turn comes in the draft selection order, nobody else can use Sylvain on the draft without a turn penalty being inflicted for their use. Byleth would be a freebie anyone can use. The core goal of a draft is simple, to do the best you can with what you have to work with. Because other people will be taking good characters from you during the draft process, you inherently won't have the perfect team. Ideally, you'll finish the game with the lowest turn count compared to anyone else who participated in the draft, but you absolutely don't have to.
  11. "..."? The Juli- twins? The Ni- siblings? The time Naga conceived via parthenogenesis? Yes, Tiki has no father, because if she did, why haven't we ever heard of them? Parthenogenesis is the only answer.
  12. I would say there never was a "golden age" of supports. Some people enjoy FE6's, but for quite a few others they're too dull on the whole. FE7 has duds, FE8 has duds, FE9 has duds. And we know every subsequent game had duds too. There has been good ones the same in every game, but that doesn't negate the existence of the bad. True, if from what I've seen is of the OG stuff is representative of the true SRW, you don't need supports when so much mandatory banter exists. It's a wholly different approach to things. Except, Micah's Wooly form is pure Wooly, not demihuman, and he has no demihuman features. So... ...why are you making me think Micah's human parent engaged in consensual bestiality at this hour of the night? 🤢 I need an excuse to negate this vivid imagery in my head. So sure, Micah might have had a 100% Wooly no demihuman parent, but I have to imagine they had a spell/potion used on them that made them humanoid for the duration of the conception if the Wooly was the male, or conception + pregnancy if the Wooly was the female. There, that saves me.
  13. This isn't the first non-sequitur in the War of the Heroes. Where did the "Altea got invaded" come from at the end of Chapter 4? There are two excuses here, the first that it's supposed to be a surprise. And the second excuse is that the original reason for coming out here in the first place, Yumina and Jubelo, are perfectly capable of dying, they needed something to end that chapter that was in no way related to them whatsoever. Two excuses is more than what Chapter 7 has though. Actually, a thief has Bantu's dragonstone in the next chapter, this Fire Dragon is carrying a totally unrelated d-stone. Maybe it couldn't contain all its power and some congealed into a stone. Or maybe you're right, maybe it got into an argument long ago with its dear friend over draconic pride. It got angry, chose to shift out of distasteful humanoid form, and incensed, found itself unable to cling to reason and accidentally killed its Manakete friend. Finding its mind permanently too blurry lost to shift back into Manakete form, it has since cradled its friend's stone between its forelegs when it rests and carries it everywhere in its mouth when it moves, it is deeply regretful of what it had done, their departed friend was right, and now, they're doomed to suffer until they day when they finally meet again.
  14. First time using Riesz, Hawkeye, and Angela, I've decided on Starlancer, Ninja Master, and Archmage. And me being myself, I couldn't help but think of future playthroughs that I wouldn't start for months at the earliest. I haven't done Duran & Angela as the main duo yet, so I'd pick them, and... Charlotte for a Secret of Mana imitation team? If I did that, then Liege, Magus, and High Cleric. I can tell High Cleric is bad (it wishes it had a revive spell, or auto-revive, something to be more uniquely supportive), but I've already used Necromancer. The premise would be overkill healing so Angela could freely use Wound Magic and Wound Magic All. With the exception of Dark, Charlotte could apply Sabers to Duran, who would be the only one in need of them on this team, making Saber+ unnecessary. For a fourth, "Men of Mana" playthrough, I'd definitely use Edelfrei again to Saber+ everyone, since everyone would be going melee (though slots on the item ring aren't overly precious, I could go the less optimal Duelist instead and consume some Faerie Walnuts). Kevin goes Warrior Monk for Healing Light+. Hawkeye picks Nomad for Nature Aura and Moon Energy. For a fifth, "Women of Mana" playthrough, Fenrir Knight for a debuff Riesz (I'll just have to swap her costume). Charlotte wouldn't need Dark Curse with Riesz going dark, so I'll try Warlock instead (though that Necromancer class passive means Warlock probably can't outdamage it). Angela could do whatever she wanted, maybe Rune Seer. It's been a long time since I played either, but I might prefer Fusion. Zero Mission's bosses are a little too easy, and I just don't remember it being as fun. Correct, it's RF3. Alright GBA spell animation, but otherwise it's kinda bad as an ultimate weapon. Bishops should never touch it, because Ivaldi has only a 2x damage multiplier on monsters, whereas the class's skill Slayer is 3x and gets overwritten by the tome. Ah, laziness/incompetence. Sorry devs of the world, a 10 petaflops per second computer won't automatically make your game run at 60 fps. You have to put your nose to grindstone to fit your game for each and every console you put it on, if you skip on this, the game will skip. Hopefully there won't be too many instances of inexplicably unoptimized stuff running amok on the new systems, but you know some is assured to happen.
  15. RD had some clean, formal, and good flashy animations though. It's neat when two Soldiers/Halberdiers enter a battle against each other. And I stand by the ultimate spells, they're as awesome as they are pathetically weak. --- The Citadel Laurent bosses remain two of the harder fights in the game. I noticed this time that the game puts a chest with three Poseidon Claws in the same small room as the Gold Mana Statue before the first boss, seemed fishy. However, I forgot to put them on the item ring before the boss battle, the result was that the battle was too difficult and I got a Game Over. I did realize from Hawkeye's water ninjutsu that the boss is indeed weak to water, and somehow it weakens the boss's offense too I think, though the ninjutsu puts its flame out for hardly any time. Second try against the boss, popping two of the Poseidon Claws on Riesz made it much faster and easier. The second Citadel boss battle was harder than I remember, I was burning through the healing items. The first boss fight after the Citadel was a little long, and its whirlwind attack is too strong, but with Angela around this time, three Fairy Walnuts and spamming Holy Bolt made it a fairly mindless, if not entirely harmless, boss battle.
  16. If you're referring to the absence of forelegs, thats actually what a wyvern is supposed to be! Apparently, the etymology of "wyvern" goes back to "vipera" meaning "venomous snake" in Latin. Snakes don't have any legs, wyverns might have two legs, but thats less than a more common form of dragon, and it's more serpentine as a result. Blame NoA for not being mythology nerds for their lousy choice of "Wyvern" to describe all units who ride something with scales. Glen should be a Dragon Lord (or Dracolord to use RD's superior name), and Valter the sole canon manned "wyvern" unit in FE. -Although I think the feral Wyvern enemies in New Mystery are true wyverns too.: I saw the Winning Heal and I will be loving that ASAP. And thanks for the advice! Explosive damage potential here I come.
  17. College didn't change me that much I think. There was no magical "changed" moment, it was more school with more work to be done, I know how to skim tens of books for research papers now, but I don't perceive a fundamental change in my outlook on life or my general behaviors or something, whatever was supposed to change. --- Made it to the Wind Mana Stone again, time to look at that class spreadsheet to plan things out. *Notices not one of my three characters gets Healing Light, ever* ...I was not expecting to be dependent on candies, chocolates, and the like for the entire game. Oh well, it must definitely be possible to manage somehow. The spreadsheet I'm using isn't the easiest thing to read, but it does seamlessly have everyone's classes and all their details listed side by side. Riesz- Starlancer looks like it's a shoo-in. Vanadis's victory HP recovery is useless on bosses. And Auto-Heal HP All is too little healing for the time it takes. Her dark classes just don't look useful. Hawkeye- Ranger looks like a bad 2nd class. Nomad has three neat buffs but otherwise looks weak. Ninja Master appears to be his best option with Super Ninja Trick, Chain Ninja, and Weak Point II. But Nightblade or Rogue could grab me a dark spell in case Angela doesn't go that way. Though what would a dark spell cover besides the Light Benevodon (who admittedly was tough)? Angela- She's got big magic damage every which way, thats good. Magus is a no, because Wound Magic is too risky for me without Healing Light. Rune Seer looks MP inefficient, 350 is less than double the power of the + spells but double the cost, and it doesn't appear to have anything else useful. Grand Diviner has great MP regeneration, but it can't work during boss battles like Archmage's. Limit Break II is strong, but Judge and Elemental Combo II combined are better. Because I value bosses capabilities more than strengths against ordinary enemies, Archmage it'll be. I thought the same, but Gwin's first Affinity Mission -the one where you have to find the missing cat- I noticed on my second run, to my surprise, that they said that was a real flesh and blood cat. The ones for your barracks and all ordinary BLADEs are pure robots, but it seems a few natural critters were permitted for the sake of research. I think theres a real moral complaint here thats left unsaid. Although, you may wish to double-check a video on that AfM to see what it said. Or maybe the cat-bonded NPC explains it in his dialogue if you go and talk to him in NLA.
  18. Speaking of Trials of Mana, Square Enix recently did a Japanese popularity poll for the six heroes. Riesz came in first place, followed by Angela, Hawkeye, Kevin, Duran, and in dead last, Chawotte. HACCAN was commissioned to do a new illustration in honor of this.: ...Don't tell me thats one of her class costumes.😑
  19. Cecil is not giving the best first impression to me either. And he isn't being helped by not exactly looking good. Though TBF, he and Lucy having their full body official artwork shown here was a disservice to them. As the four NPCs revealed alongside them indicate, the character portraits always look better. Not to mention they're what you see of the characters first and foremost, with second place going to the 3D models, and dead last in terms of forming an image of the character in your head is the full body artwork, because you'll probably have to look up online. 15 years? Do we we get an actual age on Roy and Cammy in Gen 1? If we don't have that, we can't say how old they are in Gen 1. Do we get actual ages on any child character in any other game (not counting the other children in RF2)? ...I see it is said that Candy is 6 years younger than Cinnamon, who has to be at least 18 to be legal (maybe we could drop her to 16 or 17 because international variance), so she's at least 12. -That would would align with your point. This said, thankfully, the marriages in Gen 2 are pretend marriages. And, RF2 didn't have the budget to give anyone new, aged portraits, which allow the premise of "marrying" Roy and Cammy to be less objectionable on the very surface of things, they still look like they're children, even though certainly aren't after the time skip. But, the real questionable thing about RF2 isn't that Aaron & Aria can "marry", it's that a 7-year-old is entrusted with: Running a large farm, including the use of a sickle. Animal husbandry of monsters, including wolves and demonic sorcerers. Selling and purchasing goods. Crafting woolen scarves and not poking their fingers during the needlepoint. Cooking and not chopping off their fingers. Concocting formaldehyde and not inhaling vapors very dangerous to one's health. Working over a hot blacksmith forge. Going to school for lessons in things such as how to make an axe called "Executioner", Venturing into areas filled with untamed monsters who could kill them, for the sake of killing them and also farming and mining inside said danger zones. ...and all of this without a modicum of help from anyone. Whats the point to having a mother? FE9 Rolf is given an "apparent age" of 12 and has an army beside him, Aaron/Aria are almost half his age and solo everything. Meanwhile, Max welcomes the red-headed child, obviously a demon baby given how inhuman their capacities are, to "play" in his mansion, like they've time and a mind for childlike wonder and innocence.
  20. I prefer Sage or Mage Knight for Ewan, his color scheme is amazing on those classes. Yeah, I was alluding to Amber and Kiel being dateable. My explanation for it is Marvelous wanted to have 6 marriage candidates per gender, and wanting a little boy and little girl as usual, and something caused them to merge these two things.: It could've been they were running low on bachelor/ette ideas, and thus resorted to adding the children to the pool. This is highly unlikely to me. Or, it could've been they felt they had a strict NPC limit, wanted 6 marriage candidates per gender, and wanted the two children. But, they didn't want the children to be useless wastes of oxygen. Let's face it, the mandatory boy and girl have long existed, so as to show people under 18 exist in RF (and SoS) towns, but have rarely been good characters. -But I don't want to talk about those weird two from RF4 anymore. It's a dead horse. I picked Riesz as the main because, while Hawkeye wasn't uninteresting from what I saw of him on the first playthrough, Reisz was more appealing. Though I can understand how one could prefer a cool rogue to a boring valkyrie princess.
  21. And, FEH's visual rendition of *picks first thing to pop in my head* Gunter doesn't look like they belong in a Fire Emblem game. Too much realism or whatever you call the direction it went in. This gatcha doesn't exactly enforce strong rules on the hired artists. Dragalia during my brief stint before I concluded gatchas are soul-depleting grind and gambling highs & lows, was much more cohesive aesthetically between all its characters. Not to say allowing artists to be very free is bad, although the artistic extremes may not appeal to everyone as a result. Merely, that it will result in situations akin to Minecraft in Smash, or Toon Link alongside Zant in Hyrule Warriors- Zelda's most cartoonish variant beside Zelda's peak realism. They're weird, but again, the quality of the contrast is purely in the eye of the beholder.
  22. https://gonintendo.com/stories/372445-more-bachelors-bachelorettes-and-townsfolk-revealed-for-rune-fact New RF5 characters shown. One bachelorette and bachelor, and four non-datable NPCs. The franchise tradition of a mother you wish you could wed continues, and Obligatory Little Boy & Little Girl return, thankfully like everything pre-4 they aren't dateable this time. --- Didn't feel like FoMT today, so I began a second run of Trials of Mana, using the three characters I didn't use on the first playthrough: Riesz, Hawkeye, and Angela. It's non-NG+, on Hard, though I think I'll turn it down to Normal until I can upgrade classes, it's a little restricted prior to that.
  23. One of them is super-obvious, the Xeno franchise. Mostly 'Gears. I'm unfamiliar with mainline SRW, but assuming games can leave things unresolved for a second game, I'd split things. So the first of two games features most of the playable characters in their standard Gears, second game would pick up somewhere late Disc 1 XG, and add Seibzehn, Crescens, and upgrade all of the standard Gears to Omnigear status. The other would be Custom Robo, I have good memories of the GameCube entry, as two screenshots I posted earlier indicate. Their problem, besides originating in a video game, is that they're toy-sized. Buuuuut I'd be totally fine with somehow making them proper mecha-size and either adding a cockpit, or a wireless mind connection from the nearby allied battleship. Make their attacks fast-paced combinations of all the various guns, bombs, pods, and charging accompanied by running, aerial jumps and air dashes. If we used the GameCube game (the five games have entirely separate worlds and storylines), we'd be looking at maybe 8 playable characters. Can't remember if there was a third something I'd have liked in SRW, too sleepy at the moment to think about it. You mean the one with a rather good battle theme? Ouka did not deserve her fate. Never noticed the stars. And for the moons, when has their proximity and number ever mattered in a video game? Of course, this could be evidence that Mira is an artificial planet, or a natural one, but its current state is one maintained through unseen artificial means.
  24. I love the GerikxTethys A support. Goes where no support had gone before, or probably since (unless Inigo really self-loves on the battlefield as I once heard someone say). Does SRW require non-translation fan hacks though? There is an unending stream of official new games continually pitting more and more new franchises of mechs and even some non-mechs against each other. What else would you want? I suppose theres also the issue of editing in new characters. For FE, a recoloring a sprite is easy, but you'd almost always need to draw entire new mechs, with magnificent attack animations (well, not so magnificent if we kept to say SNES era hacking), for an SRW fan hack. Thats a lot more work. Though *yawn*🥱 I have one or two impossible in a real game additions I'd like in an SRW fan hack.
  25. Well, at least it's early into the holiday season (which seems to be starting super-early this year, because people want something to cheer them up with Covid ruining the year and all I fathom?), you have time. --- Halfway into the first Winter, and I'm one or two days' worth of chopping away from getting enough lumber for the first house upgrade. I've delayed it for a long time. The Lake Mine isn't that profitable, only ~2000 gold per full stamina trip. Might be better for money making once I've unlocked the elevator to instantly warp to the lower floors, but I can't access that this Winter, I'd have to wait another year. I gifted every guy (except Kai b/c he is only around in the Summer) chocolates on Valentine's Day, some of them took it without hesitation, others were a little flustered. Was it because I'm playing with a male farmer, or were they just being closed emotionally in general? I stumbled through the events for the new type of flower, which unlocked the preserved flower, which allows me to view the two new romance events per character. Cliff collapsed, and I've already got him up to a yellow heart, and as I've said before I'm concerned I'm taking this game too fast. I'm not sure I'd ever do a second run of this game, and were I, it wouldn't be for a long while. So probably, I'll get everyone male and female to red heart all events viewed, before marrying my favorite. But because I don't want to drag things out for too long, I decided to cheat and look at what everyone actually likes, the game has given me very few spoken clues as to this. I'm surprised by just how easy some of these are, Doctor's absolute favorite thing is milk of any quality and Rick's favorite is spa-boiled eggs? You could max the LP of these guys ludicrously fast.
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