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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. To me, it's the error Awakening learned from. RD had cinematic final blow = gameplay final blow, Awakening rightfully separated the two.
  2. Money troubles are only for the first few chapters when you think about. Adequately arming the GMs costs a good deal though you get with the Silver Card for the first chapter with a shop. But then, lo', the next chapter has a White Gem, and the chapter after that a Blue Gem. Chapter 11 gives you 20k much later. *Stabs you with an obsidian knife* What are you saying? Your right kidney will be able to afford it.
  3. I haven't a clue how thats possible. 9 Str at base, 25% growth? But... this is the game where I'm told it's possible for Benny at base level to double the Rev final boss on Lunatic. The power of stack is strong in FE14. A +Str -HP Berserker Corrin with S Felicia support could provide a +10 Str boost. Throw a tonic on this, add a Str Rally and Rally Spectrum, and she'd be 27 Str at base. With Certain Blow via Archer access it'd become 31 on the player phase. -But this is a lot.
  4. Not to mention that if you got Felicia Onmyoji (Hayato) access, she could get Tomefaire fairly early. -But thats not Corrin.
  5. Agreed, though I'll put the crook on parole. The RebeccaxLowen "rural girl and her knight in not-so-shining armor" setup is slightly comedic, but it's naught before the RebeccaxWil pre-established childhood friendship and shared bond with Dan/Dart. I see your preferences, much agreed with my own, especially A tier. Though I'm not that charmed by Airi, and I'd move Makoto up a tier. I'm still delaying on starting Triangulum, so I can't judge Miyako yet.
  6. I quietly read through each of these, though I couldn't contribute b/c I only played through 3H three times and don't feel like any more, so I'm a total 3H meta novice. I enjoyed reading the conversation anyhow, unit analysis is always fun to consider. Not entirely sure why some people placed more attention than I expected on Authority (Charm is more understandable), but I'm not going to question it.
  7. Saaaaame! I ❀️ Daichi. Let's face it, none of us are Yamato. πŸ˜…
  8. πŸ˜„ Took me less time time than I thought it would to find this scene online.
  9. Are you going to make a similar criticism of Archanea? After all: Lena- Rescued by Julian in both games. Maria- Must be rescued in both games. Elice- Must be rescued in both games, even if she consented to being staying behind and being captured both times. Nyna- Unplayable freed from captivity by Camus, passed on to Hardin, and then trusts in Marth, princess in the first game. Has to be rescued in the second. Minerva- Wants to be resistant in SD but can't b/c Maria is hostage, Marth by saving Maria, frees Minerva. Mystery makes her helpless until her brother saves her. SD Linde- Stuck in slave market until Marth came to her rescue. Yumina- Captive and has to be rescued, like her brother Jubelo. Midia- In a prison in SD along with four men. In Mystery she rebelled and failed, and basically needs a Rescue staff charge to keep alive in Mystery. Palla and Catria- Bound by the Maria hostage situation in SD, so they're bound in a semi-captive status like Minerva in that game. Est- Like her sisters in the first game, imprisoned in the second. SD Tiki- Brainwashed by Gharnef, must be rescued. Phina- Had to be rescued by Navarre. Marisha- Had to be kept in hiding masquerading as a child to avoid being captured by lustful & indirectly and unknowingly workin' for Gharnef Lang. So many captive and semi-captive females, I wonder why this is? Maybe it's because these women were written in a much earlier era of gaming when medieval fantasy games were commonly written with all the sexism usually found in the stories at the time? Sons of Valentia is a faithful remake of Guyden, the game sandwiched between the Manchanea duology. Whilst the game did take liberties with the very thin plot of the original game, it did not mess with map design very much if at all. Hence, if Mathilda was in prison in Gaiden, she had to be in prison in SoV, the developers were too bound to the old map design and recruitments to consider tossing Clive behind bars instead. I'm not saying that this isn't sexist, and I'm perfectly fine with the retort "Well, SoV shouldn't have been so stuck in preserving a past worth leaving behind!", but I am making the point that SoV was a remake, the developers did not write the damsels out of the ether or because they wanted to. The SoV lead dev team members saw what they had to resurrect, and made their choice between keeping the forms of old, or showing greater artistic license. I played the entirety of Fates and the entirety of SoV the exact same way. Lights on, clothes on, no eye contact, skip all plot scenes, skip all supports, turn off voice acting, very rarely were animations on. I have no bonds to Camilla or Celica, they're CQ.G1.U8 and V.C.U1 to me, androids I deployed for gameplay and nothing more. I am biased towards neither game nor their casts.
  10. Got back to FoMT after a longer than expected break from it. Did the Moonlight Night event with Cliff, a little disappointing, I wonder if it would've been a little better had I picked a marriage candidate with someone else who'd be at the dinner. But, I saw Cliff's embarrassed portrait for the first time, 'twas kinda cute.πŸ˜„ Although, because I've a hankering to do all the romance holidays once before marriage, I'll have to play through to a second Fall before proposing. Days are short, I can bear with it. I want that beach house anyhow. Turns out my one accidental answer during one of the heart events back in Spring means I can't get Doctor's purely decorative item at all now. Darned, I would've wanted them all. Hmm... Barring the bad apples we're given one instance of, and possibly the Betaforms, I'm not sure if Orpheans would be capitalistic. The consensus of logic backed by the will of the Ovah and shared memories and like appearances, would lead me to think the Orphe to be more communal/socialist. Not that that would render the above quote void, after all, it's the survival and objectives of the whole that override the importance of the individual in a communal ideology, thus the death of one could be sad, but in a way acceptable.
  11. I suppose thats a good way of putting it. Though I'm not entirely sold on it either. Because theres something wrong in how Eirika has to be bailed out by Ephraim twice and he never has to be saved by her. Perhaps you're right that Eirika's twice circumstance is not damselism, but it's still sexist I think we can agree.
  12. Turns out F-Zero is 30 today. Not that age matters for the long deceased. And, people in the UK who ordered PS5s are having cat food, rice, and countertop grills delivered to their houses in boxes that are outwardly labeled "PS5". Thats assuming they got the package at all, and don't have to go and harass the delivery person in their truck when they pass by, but don't actually stop at the buyer's house. FE simply can't do 1 v. 1s well, it's the limitations of the system. If the enemy is mortal and a relatively ordinary human, I'd say the map has to be elaborate, with the final boss the crowning jewel atop the crown, but not the crown itself. If you're fighting something significantly beyond human, then a fight like RD's or Rev works, where the final boss is the star of the show and not merely a goal in the far back. Awakening, Binding, Mystery (both versions), are all bad takes on this superhuman-enemy-centric style of final fight to me.
  13. Keep in mind they stopped 3DS production, so get another now if you want one to last for years to come.
  14. To be fair to FEH, there is a ton of skills to consider, only Fates CQ demands as much skill awareness. It's a bit of a shame that this is the case. Though on the other hand, having to check each and every enemy for some potentially death-dealing skill combination, and to remember what the tens of enemies on each map has and how they work together, is something of a slog. The counter-rebuttal would be that a Strategy RPG should not be breezy, or worse, mindless. I'd commend FEH more, but I can't because a gatcha is no game for brain usage IMO. Sure, no mental exertion in FEH would make mobile gaming the junk the stereotype has of it, but when it is so much repetitive tedious grind, irrespective of thought demands, I would rather have it that way.
  15. Except thats basically Roy too, and Leif, and you could say Seliph to an extent, and Eliwood. Marth is to me archetypal of about half of the males lords, albeit that percentage is now in decline thank goodness.
  16. I have one big problem with the chapter the Pegasus Knights are too much!, if you pull back the sea, eventually it should come back in. And if all the water is instantly set free instead of slowly returning when the Dragon Vein wears off, then we get what the Hoshidans call a "tsu-nami". 🌊
  17. It's not that I like customizable avatars, it's that I like beta content. I still want that dropped WW Greatfish Isles dungeon Nintendo.πŸ˜„
  18. VI is in need of a real remake if you ask me. IV works being as simple as it is, but VI could use a serious gameplay update, it makes it too boring for me to return to it nowadays. Moar character interactions (and world-building/story) because SNES charm isn't enough to go on decades later would be very desirable too. Male Terra option would be a fun but highly unlikely bonus too; if only I could find that beta drawing showing a very Squall-like male Terra surrounded by the rest of the cast. Oh wait, here it is!: Complete with the "Big Sister" who was supposed to be part of the Cyan-Gau-Sabin "family", and Strago's Wife, both scrapped.
  19. I think you should know very well thats highly debatable.πŸ˜› Bad romance, underdeveloped rest of the crew, main story is... I'm not sure, maybe insufficiently grand? Then again, you are wandering over the world in VII too, not like there is an overarching great mission other than "chase Sephiroth". Music is about equal, Man with the Machine Gun is great, but One Winged Angel outdoes Maybe I'm Lion and The Extreme for final battle themes. Visuals, VIII wins hands down, but thats about the only category you can say that for. And gameplay? 'ello enemies that automatically level with you, and actually get stronger if you don't Junction better spells, which takes a wee bit of annoying time to do. And, if you want to be some super-optimal freak, you'll turn off random encounters or only turn enemies into cards to avoid earning EXP. And then you play hours of Triple Triad to get incredible Junctions to finish the breaking of all notions of difficulty. -Though Enemy Skill Materia, grinding for KotR, or early Omnislash all break VII. And knowing that you should avoid fighting to keep things easy isn't something the average player would know. I ain't saying you can't prefer VIII over VII (I'll say V is my favorite, and I think I'm becoming gradually detached from the franchise), thats entirely acceptable because differing opinions on video games are totally valid. But you'd have to be totally unaware of the general fanbase to not know that VIII has a mixed reputation.
  20. *Leaves shoe store and prepares to drive off for some bagels.* *Sees food truck sitting in the parking lot. Notices "winner of Cupcake Wars" on its sides.* 😍 Carpe diem! And I still got bagels afterwards, no wonder I'm heavy. And here, a $900 "cheap" gaming laptop was what I was rudimentarily considering. Although I'd probably get it on the first of never, considering I just can't imagine paying that much for one of those but why can't I when wasting money is what Mac users do?. They reused the Mila Tree? Looks nice, but that map was never fun. No regrets skipping on the Fates DLC then.😏 The DF & DF class change are a little cheaty at first, because you get promotion bonuses now, without the price of sacrificing on your maximum level. Almost anyone can benefit from them. It's on my list as well, but I want physical. The game is a combination of niche so few copies were made (probably affected by Covid too), and the developers I read weren't expecting it to sell as well as it has. The result is that the game is sold out everywhere, theres not a GameStop in a hundred miles of my location that has it in stock and it's not available online either. The game has sold well enough it led to a temporary stock price surge for Marvelous. Reading some reviews, the game seems to fall into the 7-8 range, maybe a 9. The first issue I think I noticed everyone agreed on was that farming (which is only rice, but apparently requires a lot more effort than the plow-seed-water-harvest of Rune Factory/SoS) is not adequately explained at first and takes some time to adjust to. "You flooded the rice field too much, you didn't space the rice saplings far enough apart." Those are the kind of comments I've seen. The second common criticism I found in the reviews is that combat takes time to open up, to become fun and not quite so simple. Some diffuse criticisms found in one or review or another, but not all of them are: the game isn't clear on what to do next, enemy variety is a little lacking, font size is and dialogue box backgrounds make things hard to read. This said, I'm willing to bear with any faults this game might have and try my hands at Oryza sativa intermixed with fighting with a hoe come the 25th of December. Playing as a Shinto goddess brings back memories of Okami, and I've seen someone compare the action to Muramasa: The Demon Blade, two fairly good and very feudal Japanese games. The main developer behind the game, Edelweiss, looks like it's only 2 people, so gotta give them props for that. Although I'd hope they hired additional help. https://www.nintendoenthusiast.com/e3-interview-edelweiss-xseed-dev-behind-sakuna-of-rice-and-ruin/ And if you didn't see this, the developers did a variety of research when planning out how to simulate rice cultivation.: https://gonintendo.com/stories/372391-sakuna-of-rice-and-ruin-dev-grew-rice-as-research-for-the-game And as a factoid I read a few years ago, Japan devotes itself to being self-sufficient in rice production. The country might have to import almost everything else it eats, but rice is the stuff of which the people of the Yamato spirit are made and is thus a national priority.
  21. Shiki's design and select songs share a "I don't think I'd want to admit to playing this game to others" thing. They're not egregious I know, all Shiki needs is pull up the shorts a little, but enough that I would feel a bit off. Also, I'm not opposed to the disparate soundtrack, and it turns out it's not the last game I'd play that'd be like that I'd be fine with it, Xenoblade Chronicles X comes to mind. The soundtrack is fine on the whole to me, no issues. But again, this would be a little odd for others to hear in public.: I'm an introvert with no social life through and through, so I don't truly care, hence the music (and Shiki) is a minor issue. It's that Nomura gets all esoteric in the world's details via the reports,. And the themes have go kinda esoteric too, and yet they really aren't that well developed or handled. And partly, you can consider my regret a reaction to my overzealousness for the game when I was younger, I should forgive myself for that. --- I'm too indecisive to list my favorite games, and listing/tiering in general has something of a negative connotation to me. You define what is inferior, and criticism is something I do, but I try not to bash.
  22. It's not so much the gameplay, speaking of the DS original version, which I still have. The dual-screen action is very unique, if a little chaotic. It's a little bit of the character designs (well, Shiki), two or three tracks of the music, and mostly because I've been shamed into disapproving of Nomura plots. When I overheard from secondhand information that TWENY's Secret Reports are basically copied from Kingdom Hearts, I cringed a little. Never mind I really shouldn't criticize KH because I've neither played nor watched one. Part of me still wants to like it, but if SE ever gets to making a sequel which they've teased for years but never followup on, I think I'll skip it, or wait for a deep discount. I think it's less the characters themselves that makes me regretful, as it is... I can't describe it... the meta-narrative and overarching themes that fill the space between them?
  23. To think I once enjoyed that game.πŸ™„ It's one of those ones I've come to regret liking with age (another being TWEWY). Although, the game's level structure isn't a bad idea in itself, it's being bundled with an edgehog with guns, damns!, and a plot thats too childishly serious for the franchise that sinks to the bottom of the ocean. That, and Westopolis always being the starting stage is a bit repetitive.
  24. But, you can't raise it back up. There is that WiFi badge whose shade is different dependent on the highest difficulty you've beaten the game on, I'd blame that for no upward tweaking. But who cares about a minor symbol that does nothing but show off to other players (and I don't think it accounts for Phoenix/Casual/Classic or pay to win DLC, thats a serious mistake for showing off)? A Lunatic+ thats the same as plain old Lunatic but you're locked into it no changing ever would've worked instead for the stupid badge.
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