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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. It took me ten seconds to figure it out, sorry if that was slow. But, I do remember.😄 *A different peculiar tune enters my mind* But eh, I'm not gonna post it.
  2. How does Lunge work in this instance? I visualized the premise behind it as "wyvern-riding class swoops down, attacks you and grabs you, and throws you behind to where they once stood". But this is a shuriken where physical contact doesn't happen. Does the ninja throw an extra big shuriken such that it sweeps under your legs, causing you to sit on it as it boomerangs back to where it's tosser was, except now they've occupied your spot? And what about a bow?
  3. We must live in different worlds, theres rarely an FE where I don't end up with tens of thousands of unspent gold at the end, plus rare and limited items clogging my inventory. I might have over 200k remaining on my 3H files. That has happened in the past for early festivals in some farming sims. Playing SoS: Friends of Mineral Town (originally released in 2000/2003), there is absolutely no way in your first year you'll have upgraded your house for a kitchen and have the ingredients and utensils to win the Cooking Exhibition during the first Spring, winning any of the animal contests is next to impossible too in the first year. The same can be said of early dating festivities, although with sufficient gifting, the ones later on are possible first year. Don't feel like theres a wrong way, farming sims can be frantic if you're concerned with getting maximum profits and development online ASAP, but they're meant to be chill in contrast to many genres too. Play at your own speed. I'm agreement with the first statement. With the second, I try not to speak of my favorites or least favorites all that much. I'll take a stance once in a while, but detailed regurgitation of positive praises gets tedious, and an upchuck of that which I am critical of isn't good for oneself methinks. It's only a game, if one must criticize endlessly, let it be of the true evils of this world, not bits of recreation that are not so fun, for the absence of fun is not a true evil, it's but a minor discomfort. I won't say I'm perfect here, sometimes I take insults to games I like too seriously, but I try to keep things in perspective.
  4. I rarely used Grenadiers actually, except when I absolutely had to. I preferred the OHKO on a radiator of Lancers. Although, given it can take a few CP to get in position for that, I can see that a Grenadier could use the same amount of CP to destroy a tank in multiple hits. I always used the anti-armor weapon and never bothered with the shorter ranged and less accurate anti-personnel/all-purpose artillery. I tried using a Mortar Lance once, they actually don't seem bad. But, the fact you can't have both a mortar and a standard anti-tank lance on a Lancer at the same time bites. This, despite your tanks having that flexibility, and Grenadiers combine the two different weapons in one. Lancers need some kind of significant improvement in the next game. Interception fire against tanks might help, and it could nerf the APC on the player's side of things, though I think it wouldn't be enough. Corrected! And to think her first five seconds seemed so good... 🙁 If you want a better generic evil scientist, give this doctor a call.: About spoilers: With RF5 on the foreseeable horizon, and the predecessors to 4 IMO very likely quite inferior to 4, I don't see a point in getting them. But... I would like to remind you that Frontier and Tides of Destiny are available to you now since you have a Wii U.
  5. I feel strangely guilty for not having enough things that interests me for Xmas for someone else to get me. I'm usually very discerning with my game choices because I don't want to waste money. Still, might as well try to find something. *Looks up Dragon Quest Builders* I see both the first game and its sequel have demos. The second game reviews suggest it is totally better than the first. I've no interest in Minecraft, because I have no creativity, but a linear Minecraft-esque game with objectives and a DQ aesthetic? I just might enjoy that. I do want to branch out a little. He should've arranged his staffs differently. Why does Silence follow Freeze? He should've put Enfeeble or Hexing after Freeze, because Freeze would assure him a target for either of those staves.
  6. Same. What I do remotely well (which is to say, not well at all), is all my amateur, always unfinished etchings, can amount to. The same stuff devoid of character and dialogue and usually centered on world building, the same kind of world building every time.
  7. Currently, it's around 10C where I am. And where I live, usually it gets very close to the freezing point and dips a little above and below it in the depths of winter, but actually getting a good snowfall varies from year to year, I've had years without a big one. I'm right on the cusp of where rain and snow coexist, about an hour's drive inland, and I'd be in more much consistently winter snow territory. Same. Although I'd add that as I don't yet drive, snow is better for me than it is for others. And, that I don't like playing in the snow, too cold and wet, I'm more an armchair Romantic when it comes to the weather and nature as a whole. And, snow is good for only the first three days. The day it falls, the day after snowfall, the day after that. Already on day three, the snow begins to lose its majestic sparkle and fluffiness and turn into white chunky ice, but by day four it's totally gone. I'd think farming sims tend to start this way. So much to be done when the game begins, so little time, money, and stamina to do any of it. You get the hang of a daily work rhythm and what you want to plan for as things progress. But if you don't like the genre, thats fine. I've only in the past month or so begun my return to it after a long departure.
  8. It varies based on the game. For Etrian Odyssey, which I do enjoy, it works and I have plenty of fun with the gameplay. And Link has been timelessly silent at this point, that I think he can stay that way. Giving Link a voice could be interesting, but it could be divisive, depending on how they choose to define the personality behind that voice. For the Shin Megami Tensei franchise, not all games are the same. For Devil Survivor 2, a silent protagonist sufficed, partly because some of the flavor dialogue choices were well-done. But for Digital Devil Saga, Serph's lack of a voice was a bad move. Persona 2 made a major mistake in muting Maya and giving voice to Tatsuya in Eternal Punishment, because it's very weird to suddenly have the perky Maya go mute, and to see that I was missing so much from Tatsuya in Innocent Sin. Why did Atlus force a silent protagonist in games where there are no major choices to make?
  9. Normally I've some interest in unused content, but here, since I've yet to play XS, I'll have to pass. And, if there was anything that notable, I would've expected Armagon to mention it offhand once or twice by now. I can't imagine significant scraps of a less-compacted XS Ep. III would be in the data.
  10. Well, I just felt like getting the franchise name imbroglio thats mandatory for any potential player of the first farming franchise to know about out of my system well in advance.😅
  11. That was very annoying. It is a threat to keep you busy and wanting to get the rest of the map done fast, but it was pestilence. I forget exactly what I did, but I think it was a constant dose of smoke round cheese. By which I mean equipped Claude with the smoke round part in his tank Tetris grid beforehand, I use the smoke round where those loathsome twins are standing once they approach the Hafen, and then I had a Shocktrooper headshot them. The smoke round will prevent the girl from turning around and shooting you, letting you walk up to her backside and fill her head with lead and she won't try dodging it because it counts as a surprise attack. I like this map overall, but the turn 1 ambush and and the twins endlessly respawning were not to my liking. Sounds like Harvest Moon: Skytree Village then. That, by the way, isn't TRUE Bokujo Monogatari. Which to explain... Marvelous Entertainment owns the franchise which in Japanese is known as Bokujo Monogatari, which translates as "Ranch Story" and is contracted to "Bokumono". They acquired the franchise after they bought its creator Victor Interactive Software, all the way back in 2003. Victor Interactive, and later Marvelous, agreed to let all the games be published and translated into English by Natsume, who chose "Harvest Moon" as the franchise's English name. In 2014, Marvelous chose to abandon using Natsume for publishing and translating Bokumono aboard, opting instead for Xseed Games, which is owned by Marvelous. Natsume was not happy about this, and did not give Marvelous the rights to the "Harvest Moon" title, nor any of the old translations. As a result, Marvelous had to create a new name for the franchise outside of Japan, they chose "Story of Seasons". In Japan, the birthplace of the franchise, nothing changed, nothing at all, because Natsume had nothing to do with that. Natsume got desperate after this, Bokujo Monogatari was their one major moneymaker, now it was gone. And so, after more than a decade of translating farming simulators, and doing nothing more than that, they decided to create their own. The name? "Harvest Moon"! -Except, thats all they have, they may own the classic franchise's English name, but they don't own the classic games themselves. So in other words, Natsume is trying to sell you on name-brand-recognition. Except, the product is totally fake, it isn't related to what people know as the original farming simulator franchise. It'd be like Nintendo losing the rights to the name "Nintendo Switch" to a cookware company, which then tries to sell you a "Nintendo Switch Omega", don't fall for it. To be fair, the original development team and its leaders who made the iconic older Bokumono games have all long left Marvelous pretty much. The programmers who make Bokumono now didn't do a program a pixel for the SNES originator, so why hold Marvelous in higher regard when neither they nor Natsume have any of the ancestral crew? You could argue this, but Natsume is absolutely being deceptive here, and Bokumono overall is still critically held as being higher quality than Natsume's knockoffs. Although Stardew Valley has in the eyes of some gamers rendered BOTH Marvelous and Natsume obsolete, because Stardew Valley is the ultimate farming sim that shall never possibly be surpassed. TL;DR Don't buy "Harvest Moon", buy Story of Seasons (or Rune Factory!), if thou seekst a farming sim not Stardew Valley.
  12. Assuming the east isn't where Jugdral lay and they missed it somehow. Or, given the difference of over one thousand years between Marth's adventure and the happenings of Jugdral if ~-740 on the Archanea calendar is when Loptous went over to Jugdral, then it's possible the Whitewings could've sailed east. They would've been able to miss Jugdral, because the continent isolated itself by: activating an invisibility cloak, turning on the continental levitation system, and then triggered the spatial distortion device to create a seamless wormhole effect to "shrink" the globe without anyone noticing it.
  13. There are games where it's fine to play at half your cognitive capacity. Conquest is not one of them.
  14. Actually, IS has done that already, and without Kaga, and not in FE. Rain in Advance Wars: Dual Strike was changed from increasing some terrain movements cost as it had been in the prior to games, to Fog of War with -1 Vision. Not too terrible, considering your light Tanks will still have 2 range and Recons 4 range. Advance Wars: Days of Ruin went a drastic step further, to FoW with all vision ranges were dropped to 1. Better crank out some Flare units and an APC to keep them stocked with those essentially Torch Staffs. Or, select Penny as your CO and get immunity to weather effects (there will still be FoW with Rain turned on though), but that'd be EZ mode. It's more she seriously thought he was going to die, all logic indicated he would, so she enacted the "till death do us part" line in their marriage vows before it was confirmed he was officially dead, which turned out not to happen. Xander was sooo naive not to take seriously her modifications to his will, and so she ran off with 30% of the Nohrian treasury, and two nice country estates.
  15. Not all of them, I didn't check why, but a lot of characters had but a single paragraph blurb in their entries for me. If I had to guess offhand, I'd have to get them to Corporal status first to see the rest.
  16. Well, at least the leveling system of VC makes the loss very manageable. In addition... Personally...
  17. Theres Marth!Itsuki as the obvious pick, but he'd be another boring Sword Infantry. And I'd say if Itsuki gets an alt, I'd prefer it as Blue Tome, considering Elec magic is as relevant as sword attacks in his arsenal.
  18. I did the old-fashioned Order stacked Shocktrooper from the first game on that one, winning in 1 turn. I think it might've been close, but Raz was able to to pull it off this one time. The Vulcan can electrocute in hell, since obviously it's immune to fire and ice.
  19. That isn't without historical precedent actually. The Arabic world I believe preferred south as being at the top of their maps.
  20. *Checks image address* As I suspected, a wiki, images from those have been broken for like a month or so now. Haven't checked to see if it's just SF or a problem with the Wikia sites themselves.
  21. Sounds like that could potentially be very very very damaging, even to a non-player. If all it flipped was Spd, then there is the fact that a dearth in one stat means the points have to go elsewhere to balance the BST spreadsheet. And therefore, FEH could be plagued by a rise of the sluggernauts. Although, the Pokemon metagame has survived for generations since the creation of Trick Room, FEH could get by. And, it wouldn't do anything to flip the brave effect probably, it'd be fairer I suppose to make flipping that a separate skill.
  22. My mistake, I misread the Dragonstone rank as the Tomes rank.🙁 But Leo's Blade decreases Mag & Skl by 2 with each use, she couldn't have been stickin' it in too many fundoshis at once.🙂
  23. Being in a small Valkyria Chronicles mood again made me turn to fanficting, I haven't done that in a while. Unfortunately, it's went nowhere far except down a "romance" path that was awful, but nonetheless I wanted to write because I was so self-ingratiating.🙁 I did start however with an okay idea before a smutty hijacking, that idea being playing from the perspective of the Empire, with the main heroes being soldiers -mostly handsome youths of course- from across the Empire's expanses. Their shared end goal is social mobility, achieved via selfless military service to an Empire which in doctrine regards each subject regardless of background as of equal worth and worthy of equal reward for equal merit. I was thinking the southern theatre of EWII, that hasn't been explored yet I think. And if you're going to get direct copying from the IRL World Wars as VC1 did with the invasion of small neutral countries and VC4 with the invading of country right before winter arrives, then how about the push for the oil (now Ragnite) fields? In need of more stuff than this, I was turned to pulling a page from WWI, that being the invitation of Lenin & Bolshevik friends to Russia by the Germans to subvert the war effort. Thriving but exploitive Ragnite industry in the southern reaches of the empire, undefended by large quantities of troops due to the real frontline being elsewhere, sounded feasible. Then, I hit a conundrum. That being it would be interesting to let a video game set in fictional Europe mimic the real course of history, and to let the Fake Commies win out and conquer the Empire. But, to do that means either the heroes must lose, in which case, what happens to their life advancement? Or the heroes must join the Not-Bolsheviks, which isn't exactly palatable, given the IRL ones embarked on inhuman atrocities the Tsar could never have dreamed of. There is a tough, but entertaining choice here: do the heroes for the sake of their beloved social mobility remain with what they've been placing their hopes and dreams into all this time- the Empire; or do they cast the past aside and take a gamble that the Reds will be able to provide the future they've yearned for? Sounds like the perfect place for a lategame route split -except every game doesn't need a freakin' route split, I want a singular narrative. It would seem unrealistic and too drastic for the entire Empire to crumble I will add, I could let just the southern territories successfully break away under the hammer & sickle. but I run into the issue of setting several of the main characters as coming from the imperial south, what happens to them if their homes break away and they remain loyal to the Empire? I do want a happy ending for the characters, maybe a little bittersweetness, but I like happiness, I want to see their "Imperial Dream" of a better life for them and their families realized. Once I hit all these walls, a happier thought dawned on me. Imagining the heroes of Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, set into VC4 gameplay. Though here, I bumped into an issue of who to include. Will, Lin (Scout), Isabella (I'd toss her into Grenadier) would be definite. I should probably then include Brenner, because he completes Brenner's Wolves and this would be easy to write up a thin "how they got into VC" story for. However, part of me wanted Tasha and Gage (Sniper), and including them gets messy, because the first four characters should definitely have bonds with each other, and each character in VC can only have three of those. Having Gage and Tasha only being bonded with each other would be weird, they deserve at least one other person, and everyone in VC4 itself is taken more or less. Nonetheless, I did have fun writing up some Potential sets for them, trying to get a little creative to incorporate their two CO bonuses from DoR. I think it's just in Kana's nature to be lackluster, I never thought they were a particularly good child unit. But... I'd say Dark Falcon if you don't mind using a precious Ebon Wing, double down on all her strengths. The Arms Scroll BTW would give you B Tomes, because they boost all of the current class's weapon ranks, also true in Awakening, but not any game before that. Even if she fails to kill, Draconic Hex is good, or so I think at least. But, don't take my opinion too seriously, for I've seriously used Fates's Dragonstones, they're an underpowered shield to the so-so sword of the Yato, but I liked the idea and it was easy.
  24. It varies based on the type of gem. But for Spike Defense, the maximum is 100%, although a Mega Heated SD VI gem is only a 75% reduction, so you'd have to use up a second gem slot for 100% resistance, unless you used Melia's anti-Spike skill as well.
  25. I was not aware of that, because I don't have DE, not yet. I intend to upgrade to it come the holidays, because I'm so threadbare for new games or other material desires this happiest season, that I am willing to double-dip on a game for a change. It's percentage-based. Each III SD gem offers 20-26% reduction, each IV 28-34%. These are additive, so if you slapped five minimum-value SD IIIs into your armor, you'd get 100% resistance.
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