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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Ran through Bloodstained's Zangetsu and Bloodless modes on Normal, didn't finish Zangetsu's because I just didn't, but I did make it to the second phase of the final boss on Bloodless. I'm surprised as I was able to make it so far, I nearly perished against Zangetsu round 2 and the skeletal stegosaurus thing in the lava area, but I survived and won against both. They greatly weakened the Millionaire's Bane for Bloodless, and I think they did the same with the fake Belmont, not sure on the chainsaw man, and I didn't win on the 8-Bit Overlord, so thats still as strong as it already was. The Blood Rain (which leaves you very vulnerable when you try to use it as its price) and double Blood Pillars are the two best MP uses Bloodless has, the rest are mostly weak, though the Umbrella Toss helps on two bosses. The air hovering dealing damage upgrade makes it unexpectedly strong too. And, I opted to pop Advance Wars: Days of Ruin the old 3DS again. Did a few easy warmup story chapters, and then stepped up to a little harder stuff. I've half a mind to try the Trial Map version of Jay Islands again, which is slightly agonizing to me. Fog of War + landing operations being difficult in AW + fear of Tabitha spiraling out of control fighting Waylon as you throw everything into conquering Greyfield first = one long battle. As I've said before on the bold, thats tradition. Why are both of the final candidates they revealed so blue? The choice of clothing makes them look them siblings. As for who I like, won't judge and can't judge until I've played the game myself. Brief bio bits doesn't do enough to endear them to me. Twelve individuals is not too many to write, so the characters will be able to be of decent quality and yet of sufficient variety. Six each is fair to the sexes, better than Tides of Destiny with its 9:3 bachelorettes to bachelors, plus whichever protagonist you don't pick to be for the postgame. Correct, they're in every game. And in each of them, you could marry into the family if you wanted to, Bianca in RF1 & F, Rosalind in 2, Sofia in 3, Electra in ToD. You could also engage in "pretend incest" if you married Rosalind, picked Aaron for the second generation, and then did the totally-fake-because-you're-7-marriage-ceremony with your cousin Leann.
  2. I'd approve of this, though I wouldn't likely buy it. I've experienced those games enough that I wouldn't need to do it again, the same as LA. What would really make me happy, is if they chose for a smaller project to give Farore her own game after all these years.
  3. I wouldn't pin the grind on XCX having an avatar. You only need to focus on one class line of your choosing for the main game, though you can get enough CP without grinding to master probably 2/3s of them before the story is over. The XCX grind is concentrated in: Augments Level 60 Skells/the Ares Skell Superweapons Emphasis on the first above the other two, although you don't need any Augments until the postgame, and overwhelmingly only for the Telethia (which also demands an Ares 90 or a 60 Skell and a Superweapon or two) if you're solely concerned with getting 100% on the survey.
  4. Though you could say an heir to a king is being very ineffective at his job if he couldn't convince anyone either. Theres no excuse for a lack of a good leadership in an heir, since your very title means you're expected to inherit a position of leadership. You couldn't get a single person to defect from he whom you will one day succeed? Considering Medeus's physical age, the aging rate of dragons, and the Archanean timeline, Medeus should have long been an adult by the time of the internecine draconic warfare, no excuse that he was too young and inexperienced. I'm not sure if Bramimond is using Quintessence to stay alive, nor is Athos. Athos:“Ah, Nergal… He took the dragons’ knowledge… He learned the art of stealing the essence from living creatures and turning it into power. It only says he learned how to steal (Quint)essence, not of its entire existence, but it could be interpreted that he didn't know of Quint' at all until then. This was 500 years prior to FE7's start, so Athos would've already have extended his life for that same length of time. And if Athos didn't know, then Brammy couldn't have either. And thus, in this interpretation, sustaining one's life, which Louise points out is declining in the very old Athos, is not related to Quintessence and cannot grant total immortality from time. I wouldn't say it's evil. All magic requires sacrifice, Pent complains in his Erk support that Erk almost killed himself using up too much "magic in his body". The difference of the magics it seems, is that Dark is more likely to involve extensive sacrifice than Light or Anima.
  5. Livestock does always add some charm to a farming game, especially if they're cute and you give them nice names.🐮 And, they're a steady source of daily income.🥛=💰 ---
  6. If you're referring to Trump being booted out, I thought the headlines said this offer was made back in the summer, before the election, when Trump had a scarily real chance of winning. I'm a little uneasy over Biden's Secretary of Defense pick. Looks like a nice guy, is diversity, has experience, works well with the president-elect, but the whole "extraordinary exception to civilian control of the military" aspect doesn't sit well with me. Too many military juntas have and currently do exist around the world, and US democracy is already being damaged by Agent Orange.😬 Some Democrats expressed hesitation to the also extraordinary pick of Mattis for the Department of Defense, and I hope they keep to this with a nominee by a president of their own. I don't know how often cabinet nominees are rejected, but I'm paranoid about the future of American democracy, so I kinda hoping he gets voted down and Biden can find another diverse, civilian pick whom he can establish rapport with. I get the military is disciplined and loved in this country, but it's partly for the sake of keeping it loved that it is best kept out of political offices, it'll become a lot less loved if some generals arbitrarily take over in 2040. Yes, I'm being a worrywart over precedent.
  7. True. And, if this isn't what you meant, it doesn't feel as weird either. A Blade is inert in slumber if it isn't in someone's possession, but an ordinary human being? Why aren't they concerned about getting back to their world, or why hasn't anyone been arbitrarily dragged into another dimension while they were about to slay their mortal enemy or were kissing their beloved and you ruined it? On the contrary, if Nintendo is doing well, why fear what fans are doing? It doesn't need a scapegoat to explain its losses. Doing poorly one could say would force Nintendo to be more actively protective of the IPs it needs reach financial prosperity again. Although it is equally true that a weak company shouldn't concern itself about "minor infractions" and focus on solving the bigger problems. A strong company has its house in order and can afford the luxury of assailing petty infringements. So when I think about it, Nintendo doesn't need a particular time to cull the fanbase, there is always a "reason" for doing so.
  8. This will only support constant whaling, since the premise seems like only if someone spends more than you, will the hacker get to keep the account. Therefore, FtP players and "minnows" are liable to being pinched out at any time, when someone with an income willing to spend, after secretly stalking you to see if your account has anything valuable, will pounce and steal your hundreds of hours of labor and relatively small financial investment. Gatcha going into an increasing state of desperation and decline? -I wish, because it'd mean the end of it is coming, which is certainly not the way things are headed ATM. True. XC2 gives a format for how to put randomly drawn characters into a game that has an end, far less grind, and a one-time payment. Although, I will say I'm not overly fond of XC2's gatcha-lite. But it is not because it mimics an objectionable genre or could be a hypothetical gateway to gatcha. The reason is the "gotcha-feel" to characters is... not ideal to me. I'd definite this roughly as each character being an isolate, because they can be drawn by different artists with wholly different aesthetics, and barring the occasional interaction or that one two they're closer to, they exist apart from each other. To compensate, each character, none of whom can get much in the depth because of their sheer quantity, relies on a zesty personality gimmick. Now, some of the above is not exclusive to gatcha, FE has had casts lacking for depth with some reliance on crazy gimmicks for years, and not just Awakening and thereafter. Florina is a total trope, and a more muted personality, while different from hyperactive gimmick, can still be one-note, as most of the Archanean cast is evidence of. Sheer quantity makes this problem rather inescapable. And within Xenoblade, X laid the groundwork for the big playable cast of 2. None of it is gatcha, and all of it is drawn by a single artist, but the cast is big, some characters are gimmicky, and some are isolated from each other in terms of social interaction. Now, even with a smaller more traditional cast, I admit that you aren't guaranteed depth or cohesion between the cast. To use XC1, Reyn doesn't develop, Sharla is rather filler, Riki is filler. For Torna, Team Hugo is there for the ride and little else, it's really Mythra and Team Lora that matters. But, with a smaller cast, the chance of the above problems is lower and if they exist, it might not be so stark. And yet, those less opposed to gatcha, or even friendly towards it, may be inclined to disagree. Which I find a bit disconcerting, but oh well. There are two or three things in FEH's favor: No RNG in the gameplay. Barring gatcha mechanics. One of SF's mods sincerely loves FEH the most of all FE games because of this. Sadly, it's second only to Fates Conquest in terms of Skills mattering. Thats heaping tons of them to customize your units with and it matters and enemies use the same gazillion of Skills and can wreck you with them too if you don't think about things. Armor units aren't horrendous, Fliers and Cavs are a little more balanced. But, these are like slices of good pizza buried beneath rat droppings that are so stacked they go up to your knees. Even if I could scrub off the excrement and not die or end up in the hospital or on the toilet, I wouldn't go for it.
  9. https://gonintendo.com/stories/373817-nintendo-begins-to-take-down-music-videos-on-youtube-containing-s Screw corporate Ninty, with a blender set to the highest setting. If you don't put out the music yourself outside of the games in a format for easy listening at anytime, then you have no grounds to do this. What the hell is wrong with wanting to listen to the addictive Song of Storms without having to shove a copy of OoT into a cumbersome and or dated gaming system and carry it around with me?
  10. Actually, it doesn't. Satan is sometimes called the "Prince of Darkness", which would lead to the question, who if not the Devil would be the King of Darkness? Prince can mean "one who rules a principality". Prince can be the heir to a king or emperor, but it can be a noble or small fry monarchal title. Prince Klemens von Metternich, the conservative mastermind of the post-Napoleon European order, was not a Hapsburg and was granted the title "Prince" by his Austrian lieges, but he wasn't made part of the family. "Prince" can be a catchall for the nobility or any ruler in general too. Machiavelli's The Prince does not refer to a son of a king nor a principality's ruler, he lived in Renaissance Italy, there were very very few kings there, it took the famed Medicis like 100 years before they became dukes, which was a crowning of their power, long after it began. Therefore, it's possible that while the Divine Dragons get a King/Queen, the Earths settled for a Prince/cess as their leader. Or, the Japanese term to describe Naga and Medeus are the same, and to call Medeus a Prince as opposed to King is a localization choice made to align with Satan's moniker. We need to examine the script.
  11. I don't think this is the game you're thinking of. This game is called "Selfy Collection: The dream fashion stylist!" on the Switch. All against the same two players? You know they've good sportsmanship if they stick around after getting trashed the fifth time.😄
  12. Not a bad idea. I did see a shump on the 3DS that made fighting viruses look cool. And Xenoblade has done some decent "inside a living organism" dungeons. It could be otherworldly, in an unforgettable, though possibly niche way. True. For whatever narrative, for whatever good characters may exist in gatcha's sea of generics because they need to crank out so many of them for $$$, it's all lost to the soulless and repetitive gameplay. It's a sad waste. ---- Bad translation of the month.
  13. I'm not saying it's not doable, or that FE can't try it. I played the first Wild Arms years ago, that ancient JRPG throws a couple mecha into a medieval fantasy meets Wild West game. I'd be down with a Dragbuster (because FE inevitably needs dragons involved at the top), although I'd much prefer the Dragzon. But, my desired sci-fi FE spinoff shouldn't be medieval barring maybe a few clothing/armor designs in a sea of them more conventionally spacey.
  14. Only if it turns out it's set 700 years before the FE thats set in space. Steampunk is fine, but I want interplanetary sci-fi FE. I want a new weapon triangle or similar mechanic thats something like lasers > gravity > plasma. Keep it a spinoff tho', mainline FE should stay medieval fantasy. This could allow for greater experimentation, though I want the core experience to remain classic FE.
  15. That upwards arrow of history whose existence one wants to doubt when they see the state of the world, does skirt by on thin margins sometimes, more often than we'd ever want it to when we look carefully.😬 Which I might've heard once is what has happened in Hungary too. Rather than rise up to the occasion, you lock down on your enemies.
  16. 😧 That is bad, stupid wrong bad. Lance Cav are endless, Axe Cav are few. He has both a Silver Lance and a Silver Axe in his starting inventory in SS, but it's the Axe thats at the top, thats what he reaches for first. His country's regalia include Garm, the Black Axe. Sure, he trained Ephraim in Lances, and carries two fine quality lances including the one that cursed Valter. But! Notice this line from Eirika's Scorching Sands?: Duessel:“Of course, Your Highness. I’ve pledged my service and my axe. You shall have both.” FEH is giving players only one. I know it's odd choice to introduce an OC on the New Year's banner, but here's a preview of the Dancer that'll be coming then.😘:
  17. Micaiah has 400 in total growths, RD Ike has 310, the lowest any Beorc has barring Renning (PoR Ike has 365, the highest of any first tier Beorc not Sothe, 2nd tier Beorc are a different story). And yet, who is the better unit in RD? Ike did grow, and in growing up, he learned growths aren't everything, bases matter a whole lot.🙂
  18. *Announcement of the next Civ VI free update* City-State Picker! City-State Picker! CS Picker! I was waiting for this, now I'll be able to throw Auckland into every single game I play with a coastal civilization. It's kinda sad coastal cities need that extra +1-2 Production on coastal waters to be more competitive with all-land cities, but if it must be done, so be it!
  19. Provided said remaster streamlines the weapon fusion process. Copy SMTIV, let me pick what skills I want to inherit, the weird invisible math that determines rigidly what you get is totally unfun. I don't want weapon grinding, I want the best weapons easy so I can readily toss myself into the multiplayer and always lose slightly less badly than I would otherwise. And Star Fox would be great, I don't play it, but I don't believe in leaving any beloved or once-beloved Nintendo franchise behind, from A to W and from F to Z. Theres some wrenching in your lower guts if you travel by flatulence. 😄 Although, you're right the serious side of the plot isn't exactly good, maybe it's because Mario has sets the bar so low.
  20. I just don't understand why they didn't make him playable in the almost unending unit carnivale that is FE12. He uses magic, he was nowhere near Hardin, he didn't oppose Hardin. And physiologically, he's a dragon, so he hasn't actually aged a year, probably not even a month, he can't say "I'm too old for this". And Marth has really proved humanity is worth having faith in having restored the Binding Shield on the true ending, Gotoh should've joined with Nagi, they could've had a great conversation together.
  21. In response to your response in the thread where I don't see these walls of text people are talking about, this: Sonic = Cringe, I'm thoroughly convinced of that, and the same goes for its lyrical music. But uh, this one does have a point.
  22. Hope is best saved for the other side of the grave, I try not to have expectations. I've tried writing ideas for sequels or improvements to games I love a few times, it only left me saddened and embittered due to the disconnect between what I can conceive of and the reality that is. I thought Sakurai considered that a one & done tryst. Not sure what he'd work on after Smash, but an E-rated onsen Nintendo Labo VR simulator would probably be better, something relaxing. A KIU sequel would be funny, but the action gameplay could be too stressful for him to create, and truly humorous dialogue requires toil. Felt sick with anger from SPM then? Not saying thats wrong, its gameplay is the weakest aspect. Which is why I've never returned to it.
  23. If you aren't releasing games, you aren't making money. Does anyone tell a farmer "maybe you shouldn't harvest your corn this year"? The complaints of "Slow down with the releases! Make fewer, more quality games" has to accept this reality. However, to counter your statement, it is worth remembering that GameFreak usually has something else they're working on in addition to the next Pokemon generation, so the next gen isn't receiving all the attention during those 3-4 years. This wouldn't be an issue, except GameFreak is a small company, they don't quite have the manpower expected for multiple teams working on multiple projects. Although, Pokemon isn't entirely the biggest offender in this regard. Story of Seasons has been able to plop out a new game every two years since 08, which is probably too much farming simulation. Bulbapedia says Victory Road. And agreed on it being annoying. Though I somehow still like Sinnoh. --- I stopped Pokemon with Gen 5, so I don't know what they've replaced HMs with. Something Pokemon-related sounds nice, maybe those integrate those Ranger games into mainlines in a way? Although ordinary items would work too, why can't you use a flashlight/lantern for Flash, small inflatable hovercraft or foldable motored surfboard for Surf, or Nintendo's So Bad It's Good Power Glove for Strength and Rock Smash? Fly, I do not know what could replace it.
  24. Funnies intended. But thats also how it feels, playing FE shorn of all but the gameplay, which again, I do enjoy, though I never gave 3H's schooling a chance. Oh, and don't worry, this only applies to my beloved FE. It might've, I don't understand why, spilled over into Breath of the Wild as well for some inexplicable reason, but BotW2 could correct that, or some not-connected-to-BotW Zelda game they choose to produce (I'll take Zelda XXI: Link's Next Adventures!). And it might've affected VC4 as well. Nowadays, if a scene is going ugh to me, I might be inclined to mash skip through too, like the hot springs scenes in Bravely Second and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (yes, it left me a little lost what I was doing afterwards). Despite this, I am capable of getting better, my initial cold decision to turn off the portraits in SoS: FoMT because I didn't like the new artwork, eventually subsided when I felt no portraits was strange and wrong, and I haven't turned them back off since, I've adapted.
  25. Because, it's FE gameplay and enjoy that. 🙂 And, part of me thinks I might open up to it this time, which is probably unlikely, because I've said that for a while and it didn't happen over any of the three 3H runs I did. I'm better off waiting for the next FE remake, since while I never played NES Gaiden, I know the stories of 4 & 6 well, I know their characters and their story. They may get a modern coat of paint and some new details added that'll be hotly praised and rebuked for a few months, but, I can't say I can remain nonjudgemental and neutral on Jugdral or Elibe when I already understand them in their old forms. It'll be nice again to experience and appreciate an FE in its totality, after my bizarre and unwanted but kept "clothes on, lights on, no eye contact, missionary position" habits developed with Fates, retroactively assigned to Awakening, and later applied to SoV and 3H. I do want to hope that after the disappointment of XII that IX will be a great FF for me and make me believe a little in the franchise again. That sounds odd given it's one old game, but the warm appreciation I once had for the franchise some years ago has chilled. I want to reignite it. I've got to disconnect my bedroom's Wii U first, but it isn't like I've played it in over a month or four. It's more I'm so... attention-deprived and wired... that I want the TV on in the background even if I pay no attention to it while I play a game. Can do that with a Wii U, but not a PS3. And I keep refusing to double dip on my Switch. 😅 *Looks up game* Thank you for mentioning this. When in 20XX I get a gaming laptop, I might go for it. I've a desire to expand into 4Xes, and I've a totally unrelated itch for spacey sci-fi games (within certain parameters that exclude most genres with spacey sci-fi). I read Civ: Beyond Earth was mediocre and unfinished, and I've not an interest in going back to the relic of a former humanity called Alpha Centauri, so this could suffice instead.
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