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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I might assign benign "remoteness to the great evil" to it. Which is to say, Namibia might've played an indirect but extant role in World War II which has been largely forgotten due to being a European colony at the time. Yet, very few if any Namibians were in Europe suffering under the modern dictator's tyranny or fighting the battles against it. It didn't leave so big an impact on the national consciousness. On the other hand, would it -hypothetically as I do not know Namibian history, culture, or naming practices- surprise someone if Namibians liked using names of the language of their former colonial power, but excluded names associated with infamous governors and other colonial figures who locally oppressed them? I'm feeling quite bored as well. I keep telling myself "start the DS2 Triangulum story!" or "Plug in your old PS3 and finally play Final Fantasy IX or XIII", or even a 3H run, despite my heart being an iceberg in the shape of a nondescript crying goddess towards that game. But, I keep telling myself I have to be "in the right mindset", and that proper mood hasn't come and never seems like it will. Sometimes, I just have to throw myself at something instead of doing nothing holding off for the awaited time.
  2. Technically, Defeat Boss can take less time in a game without a ferrying command or if you don't have Warp or Rescue yet. But these are very rare circumstances. I'm not entirely sure if they've ever existed actually. Not to mention Rapiers aren't a sine qua non for lords or FEs. Sigurd and Seliph have no such things, the Thracian Rapier can be used by anyone from Lifis to Leif and Leif doesn't start with it or get it in any special to him way. Alm and Celica didn't have it in NES Gaiden and for SoV anyone can use it. 3H is the same as Thracia and SoV. Fates has no Rapier or Rapier replacement like Thani and the Regal Sword at all either. Fixable. How? A simple calculation change.: EXP gained from the Dance command = 10 + X X = Danced Recipient's Level - Dancer's Level If 10 + X < 1, then EXP from Dance is set to 1. Or, if you want to banish any pretense of potential Dance grinding, 0. Negatives are an acceptable value for X, so a Dancer who exceeds the level of all their allies, will see their EXP gain slow. On the other hand, it makes it easier for a Dancer to catch up if they fall behind in levels. Also, didn't Fates use this Dance formula or something? I don't remember, and SF never made a calculations page for Fates. Yet, this formula was used for other SRPGs I've played. Staff units become an issue with this system, because the fixed EXP gain from Staff use means you could still make a super-leveled Staffer who lets the Dancer grind off them. This could be remedied by applying the a similar formula to Staffers, albeit with a way of accounting for the traditional increased EXP gain from rare staffs. But, a Dancer and a Staffer could stay evenly leveled and bounce off each other that way, which would require some other form of restrain, perhaps a turn limit on Dance/Staff EXP gain, not exceeding say 30 turns, which is enough for almost all casuals to finish a map methinks.
  3. Listen, you don't raise thieves for combat, in any game except RD (and even then you don't train Sothe or Volke, they come pre-trained and all you have to do is use them). Maybe Perne is another an exception, but in what game barring Fates's Ninjas & Outlaws or Awakening long enough to swipe Lockpick do you want to use Thieves for combat? To hit a necessary Str or Spd value for stealing, or to get a couple extra HP to surviving a Bolting, or Matthew for Hector 11, but thats about it. Julian might like training in Old Mystery to recruit Lena and not be a 100% liability for final battles, but you can buy infinite Robes and Rings right beforehand to patch up his HP & Str as needed. What I'm saying, is that Julian and Rickard don't have a compelling reason to be trained, but, thats very par for the course for Thieves. You use them not because they're a worthwhile combat investment, they never are when Myrmidons and Mercenaries exist, you use them because subjective desire compels you to embrace the waste. And no, I'm not counting 3H Assassin, Assassin doesn't require you actually spend time in Thief.
  4. Sure she lost access to it with New Mystery, but the Rapier was available to her in FE3. I wouldn't say it has to be entirely that way. Most FE dancers are frail but with high Lck and Spd, provided you them a middle-of-the-road growth & base in one of Str or Mag, and Skl that wasn't the absolute worse, they could still pull some weight in combat. Not the shining star, but they don't have to be if they've sufficiently mad support powers. Not to mention we already have had the Charm skill on lords and Authority Stars (and or massive quantities of pre-6 "supports") a few times, indicating their noble presence has some kind of supportive effect. And then there is the Etrian Odyssey take on Sovereigns, which is a class entirely built around the premise of the aura of regality buffing allies. 7th Dragon Princesses could buff by virtue of their Nobility or debuff through their sinful Cruelty skills or get low on life and punish the bad guys with a whipping. And, you have Valkyria Chronicles where the commanders can issue various Orders to support or strengthen their soldiers when you don't need them moving around in their tanks. FE could certainly go down the route of making their royalty rock the reinforcing powers. And considering the main character probably deserves to be at least good, a support lord deserves some good exclusive enhancement abilities. It's all balanced if they can't solo the game, or make someone else warpskip it.
  5. I'm assuming thats a poison mushroom. Is she trying to kill you? The most recent fishing minigame nightmare I went through was Ys VIII. The regular fish weren't a problem, but the legendary fish got me standing up holding my breath and running a marathon trying to catch them. Never again. Took me a few minutes to figure out the funny. I could not readily see Ursula, Devourer of Time behind the words.
  6. Julian and Rickard said hello. They've a base of 2, and a growth of 0, enough for Iron, Steel and Devil, but not any others. The Arms Scroll is necessary for them, and adds Wrymslayer, Armorslayer, and Killing Edge to their arsenal, although Silver and Levin remain forever out of their reach.
  7. In the case of every game since FE11, a dead, recruited characters' items end up in your inventory when the fight is done, so I'd think you might want to divide those who automatically join from those who need recruitment. It's a wafer-thin partition, but it makes sense, I think. Bord's Hammer could've been handed to Marth as a gift from King Talys at the end of the prior chapter and it'd make no real difference. Marth getting handed a Killing Edge instead of having to have Caeda recruit Navarre would make a small but real difference. As for chest utility, it's the only thing that often gives thieves relevance -considering stealing is often nonexistent or lacking- so as to prevent them from being bottom-tier. 😃 Although the Thief class is bottom-tier for 3H because buyable Chest Keys. And while HHM Matthew deserves tier credit for the Silver Card, Legault should be much lower, because buyable Chest Keys in the same chapter he joins, largely obsoletes him in a game with all too limited deployment slots, though he still gets some credit for a bit more durability, the rare steal, and the desert chapter. An Excalibur stuck in the stone can still be useful. All you have to do is chisel the away at the rock binding the stone to the ground to set it free, and voila, you have a mace. Rock-derived blunt force trauma is potentially deadly.
  8. I don't really read or watch much, but I have heard of that before. A world where a man in America starts writing a counterfactual history where the US didn't lose WWII to the Nazis, because that bad end is what actually happened in this fictional world, if I have it right. Why you watchin' it now? Why not wait a few decades when maybe the ebb and flow of radicalism shifts in a different direction? Do you Germans have the equivalent of Hallmark or Lifetime Channel? Watch a schmaltzy cheesy horrendously acted Christmas movie instead, something that tries to be uplifting.
  9. From what I remember of your mentioning of the game, I know you made it to the Cloud Passage at least, which would be the second dungeon after Gibari joins. Or, you possibly just barely made it to the third island, Anuenue.: Ring any bells? Also, uh, if you've forgotten the link, don't forget to search "Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean Undub" for an ISO with the bad English VAs removed. Typing in that exact phrase should bring up the undubbed version of the ISO as the first result. Since ISO = ROM for Dolphin, I can't actually link it myself for fear of being banned. 😅 I hope that search doesn't result in any spoilers accidentally flying into your face.
  10. Running the simple numbers, from what SF has listed.: Medeus: 12 Def + 23 from Earthstone = 35 total. Terrain gives no Def. Str cap is 20 of course. We thus need a weapon of at least 16 Mt then. The weapons which qualify are: Mercurius- 18 Mt. But as it is exclusive to Marth, why not use Falchion instead? Devil Sword- 17 Mt. The only option for Heroes to use. Gradivus- 20 Mt. Has 17 uses, so you'll need 9 of them to kill Medeus (do thrones not have HP regeneration in FE1?, SF doesn't mention it). Devil Axe- 20 Mt. But, any of your four axe users are unlikely to 20 Str, and this has only 9 uses. Firestone- 16 Mt. The Divinestone is not effective on Medeus and has but 12 Mt. I don't know if magic used at range 1 works, because all SF says is that Medeus negates ranged attacks, which I assume includes Parthia (17 Mt). But given Res doesn't exist and how easy it'd be to kill Meddy with Gotoh, I'll assume magic won't work at any range. Not sure if the Pachyderm (18 Mt) ballistae works at range 1 either. So, those five weapons are your only options not Falchion that I'm sure would work. None truly compare to the effective 30 Mt of Falchion. -Didn't notice the part of what you said about a Marth solo. Mercurius will do the job then.
  11. There was an ancient late 90s-early 2000s, now very dead, website of fantasy creatures which featured a giant primordial omelet in its dinosaur land from which all could partake on a daily basis. Although I went on that site only for a short time and nowhere near as in-depth as others did, my memory still recalls that. --- By sheer coincidence with regards to yesterday, today is the 17th year since Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean released on the GameCube. One of Monolith's lesser titles co-developed with Tri-Crescendo. Monolith it has been stated by the game's directors, was responsible for the scenario and graphics, while Tri-Crescendo was responsible for the gameplay and sound. Although the game is almost certainly an inferior one in Monolith's catalog (and the same can be said of its prequel Baten Kaitos: Origins), I will childishly insist that Alrest is the marriage of XC1's Bionis & Mechonis with BK's sky.😜
  12. I see we share a double-standard, what I'd never watch, I might tolerate in the form of a video game.
  13. I've never seen the famed movie, but I've heard of an iconic scene where the two lovers stand on the prow of the ship, arms stretched out. That might've been their words during that scene.
  14. Solos of most FEs should be possible, at least on the lower difficulties. 5, 11, 12, 13 Lunatic without Robin, 14CQ, and 3H Maddening are the cases where I imagine solos wouldn't work out. Modern FE can be soloed to on the highest difficulties to limited extent. As in Revelation Lunatic, I did that, and BR Luna should be no harder.
  15. You're not exactly incorrect here. The one Disgaea game I played left me disappointed, because I realized a level cap of 9999 with the ability to reincarnate tens, hundreds of times isn't fun, because the grind is tediouuuuuuuuuuuuuuus. And, I'd add that Metroidvanias, while not bad with leveling implemented, certainly lose little that is good if they were to lose them. 40 is a sufficient level cap for any FE, 60 at most I'd say. With regards to stat caps, universal 20 in every non-HP and move stat is not terrible, just flavorless. I've an upper preference of ~35 give or take a few points, Awakening's 45 is too high. Not to say I couldn't have fun with 3H because it abolished stat caps, I did.
  16. Because of the update in the past two days that added playable Bloodless, I decided to pop in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night again. I never tried Zangetsu mode either, so I've dipped into them both. Compared to the prior bonus characters of Metroidvanias, Zangetsu is like a better Maxim, a sword user that shreds enemies like it were nothing. But, he is not as fun as AoS Julius or Albus I'd say, those two are brokenly stronger and good for a quick easy afternoon romp. Bloodless however, she is underpowered, her main attack isn't particularly fast or have that much range, and of the two MP-consuming attacks I've gotten so far, they hit for good damage, but their hitboxes are very shabby and they're expensive.
  17. Interesting. I like learning the unique traits of languages, providing said traits don't require a specialized degree to understand. And, I'm thinking I'd go out into left field and invent "Grates". Yes, you don't pronounce the first three letters the same way as you would the country's name, but it's a one clear syllable word. "Graians" could leave greater ambiguity of pronunciation, "Graite" and "Graish" are disyllabic, and "Grans" sounds too much like an abbreviation of "Grannvale".
  18. 1/2 GH is an alright game. It has some charm, and looks good, though the various alternate modes could use some tweaking. And, the game is short, with the various alternative modes rehashing the same small set of stages.
  19. So, when are FE final bosses going to start getting "*Insert Name* Soul" forms as soon as you kill them? Modern Kirby joke aside, that does sound like it could be a fun idea for a fangame. You kill an enemy physically, and then have to follow it up by cleansing/eradicating their soul. How to make soul warfare not a total drag? That is the devil in the detail.
  20. Filthy ultra-centrist! You cling to moderation thinking it is a good thing in itself! How preposterous! I'm not sure if FE fans truly despise all much per capita, or if its that the Internet lets you see everyone's dislikes, which gives that impression. That, and criticism is more "fun" for discussion than praise for some reason. Maybe that wouldn't be the case we all had the capacity to gush out boundless streams of fanfiction and fanart. Although, it is the case that the more you read, the more polished a stone you become, the more disillusioned or nonjudgmental or less attached you end up being than had you persisted in your bubble. I'd say this of myself. Ananny resurrected all the servants Peri sadistically, slo...w.......l............y killed. Their tortured agony has become vengeance. So blame Peri.😛
  21. The Hallway of Death, I don't like how narrow it is, but it is one of the better attempts at a grandly-designed final battle that isn't about the boss itself.
  22. Some who has played the game and doesn't like it? I've never touched it, but this is interesting, considering all the encomia around it. Over 70 playables does that. Theres a reason that the old Lunatic tier lists relegated mostly everyone after Chapter 13 to a "Free Silvers" tier, because they're worth no more than the weapons they bring. I'm amazed that even on Hard this applied as I discovered myself. It's been noted since NM's release the absurdity of the Samson killing Sheena thing, it's up there with SD Matthis killing Lena in how bad it is. Sheena and Samson, given Samson's sheer loyalty, would work better if it followed Fates Rev Chapter 11, talking to Reina automatically brings her companions Saizo and Orochi under your command. Modifying Samson's recruitment convo into a plain old on-map Talk would be better. Although I should probably save this remark for tomorrow, since I'm commenting at all today, you should be able to wrap up this nightmare next week. Tomorrow you settle things with Aurelis. Then, next week what you'll have left is: The fight around Pales. The fight in Pales vs. Hardin. The trip to the Dragon's Table (or Altar, whatever it's called). The three-part final battle which has now been broken up into separate chapters. Six fights, I suppose if Gharnef doesn't overtax your brain, you could vanquish Medeus on the same day. Fuggetabout any Archanean Chronicles you didn't complete, or getting a save file with those DLC assassins, Khadein liberation, and Ogma-Navarre scuffle scenarios. After that, maybe take a week or two off to preempt the holidays. And then play whichever you've chosen of Awakening or TearRing Saga more like Archvaldral Saga.
  23. 23:00 minutes and 66%. Not bad, though I felt like I was rushing a few times and made stupid choices, I confused Slovakia and Slovenia for instance. The Caribbean and Oceania were my biggest weaknesses. And the sad thing, is the most basic of geography, real masters of the subject delve into major rivers, rainfall, mountain ranges, plains, climates, and then you toss in the human factors. Fun subject of study that embodies the idea of "social science", but not as easy as it looks.
  24. I thought similar once. And I'd go a small step further and customize when the avatar character shows up in the Prologue. If... Bladr, Hodr, Bragi- Turn 1 with Sigurd & three knights. Neir, Ced, Fjalar- With Azelle & Lex. Njorunn, Dainn, Odr- With Quan, Ethlin, and Finn. Ullur, Naga, Thurd(?)- With Midir. I tried to make this geographically sensible, although I tossed Naga with Midir solely to keep things a symmetrical 3 blood bloods per recruitment point. I was considering a fifth point, where the avatar accompanies Arvis to the battlefield and starts green, going off to auto-recruit themselves via a Sigurd talk, with RNG rigging to keep them from dying and like FE8 L'Arachel & Dozla, automatically joins at the battle's end if they survive so that you can't try to miss them, but this would be too much work.
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