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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. A hint of sarcasm? Because I have seen people complain a little about a lack of folders. This said, swapping physical game cards is slightly annoying, because the game card slot cover is a bit tight to open. Good morning! Usually, I don't listen to the soundtracks of games I haven't played, but I'm already familiar with an instrumental version of this, so I permitted myself the original.
  2. It's hard not to be. 😆 Four games, and he still hasn't gotten what amounts to any significant of development or screentime. The best he has gotten is Xane's "I understand where Medeus is coming from" remark in FE3B2/12, a tiny amount of expose is the best he has. Tokyo Mirage Sessions was no disservice to him, because showing up for the final battle and never appearing beforehand is vintage Medeus.
  3. I won't deny that, anyone can take Dark Falcon. After all, one of Nyx's problems is that her good Spd growth is hampered by a base that can't double much if anything at all. This is admittedly a "turn the janitor into a Wyvern Lord in 3H" type solution, Dark Falcon is great, this doesn't say so much about Leo, other than his bases are usable when he joins. But... I don't feel like seriously debating, this is all the argument that I'll toss up. A cookie-cutter approach that makes Leo work is better than not having one at all.😅
  4. For me, he's better than trying to Odin or Nyx off the ground. Fix his Spd and he works. Looking at the evidence, he was absolutely pulling his own weight on my CQ run from a few years ago, Dark Falcon and its Spd +2 = 6 Spd over Dark Knight practically instantly. Leo don't need bulk, he's a mage. And, if anyone seriously says "X is OP" then I'd ignore the casual praise as unserious, but not wrong! either. Although we me, I wanna say there are moments when it goes slightly, stupidly, deeper. To pick Dragon Quest V, I queue up some optional chit-chat wherein the hero's little daughter asks to hold his hand. It's so sweet. Let me get make this clear, I think I would make a terrible parent, I don't want kids. And yet, the way I received the words of innocence, did I in that moment accept myself as the virtual child's father? Or to take a moment from the opposite end of the emotive spectrum from Dragon Quest, a bunny girl offers to put her breasts against my face, I feel revulsed. Revulsed, because I'm acting as if she was real? ...Now I'm thinking of that one History Channel (burn it to the ground now, the channel does not deserve that name any longer!) documentary I saw which mentioned idolatry. What would the "idol worship" as described in the Bible feel like to a true devotee? That was the question, and one seemingly fair scholar brought up Santa Claus. Before the ongoing plague, people would take their kids to shopping malls and have them tell "Santa" what they want for Christmas. We know mall Santas are fake and that Santa himself is a fiction, and yet we do that anyhow and we don't say good riddance to the dressing up as Santa tradition. The "documentary" asked, is that idolatry? We know better, but we offer some form of reverence to a fiction. My takeaway, do I treat a video game as a ritual, and within the confines of that ritual, I accept things I know to be false outside of the ritual? That I am not a sea green-haired, orange-skinned girl in a machine body on a fake planet, siding with fictions people doing things that don't truly exist. And yet, I enjoy it, I feel the taste of victory with every battle and the sting of every defeat, I awe at natural beauty that is artifice, I smile at the personalities of nonpersons, I still to this day quiver at the ambient silence of a certain scene which does not affect me in any real way. And, if a video game is a ritual, wherein I already partake of so much lie in the name of "immersion", what's the problem like I've slid into a character? -Not saying I will feel that way, but I'm not sure if its so strange or weebish for it to happen.
  5. You never ever feel a little like you're the character? You can say that you don't, you can disconnect what you'd do as a real person and what your avatar would do in the context of this game, but can you deny not once subconsciously establishing some kind of connection that you're too prideful to admit? Because, I don't treat an avatar as myself, but I'd be arrogant to say that playing as a certain set of pixels all the time doesn't attach me to it in a "foolish" way that must be acknowledged.
  6. When you hire many freelance artists of varying levels of fame and obscurity, this seems like it'd be bound to happen. You did put every Blade artist under a microscope, right? But, a single artist is very obviously not the solution either given the aforementioned EO. *Looks at the Sistine Chapel.* I don't think it's fair to say that all the people who criticized Michelangelo's artistry were uncultured philistines and ultra-conservatives. Michelangelo, from what I read of him, seems to have been a little bit of a prick. "I must work in marble, I dislike wood, and I hate metal. Oh, and it must be flat, or three-dimensional with the commission designed to be looked at from only one particular direction. I won't do it if you don't agree with my terms and conditions; and for Saint Peter's sake, let me take my time!" And yet, he is very fortunate that he stuck primarily to adult nudes.
  7. Your "calm, let's return to good things" go to tune? I didn't intend to drag the topic in this direction, my mistake. How about one this to make up for it?:
  8. I did not. And no need to apologize, it is better to know than not. If this affects my purchasing of the DQ franchise, so be it, it isn't politically correct, it's is plain old objectively correct. In this day and age, you have to be ready to drop a liked person in a snap if things come out against them that are true or likely true. Sighing "Why are like this/did that?" is understandable, but standing by them after you know is wrong. It will be easier to stomach DQ purchases when he's in the grave and no longer collecting money off it. Although to cite Wagner again, it could be tricky. Although in this guy's favor, he isn't like this other revulsive German composer who composed a ballet about a little boy who falls ill, and then fever dreams himself in a candy land. The revolt that happens in the candy land is actually an allegory of post-WWI Socialism being vanquished by a righteous right (and although this is known, the American Ballet Theatre still sees it fit to perform it). I don't think DQ bears any such strains of the composer's wrongful views. And, there is the case of Lovecraft, everyone universally agrees the dude was as morally hideous as his creations. But at the same time, the horror he invented is infectiously popular (to the point I referenced a game featuring Lovecraftian horror yesterday, and my current avi's ultimate enemy is none other than Lovecraft's second-most famous monstrosity).
  9. You say speak of this Wagner to me only after I spent much of the past evening and today playing a demo featuring his classic tunes. 😑
  10. I want to hope that the absence of these criticisms, doesn't mean that said reviewers don't pay attention to that stuff when they play other FEs. That'd be... 🤨.
  11. That did come up, but only later in the discussion, after I had already tried some persuasion that utterly failed. I didn't actually know of the objectionable behavior of the artist until it came up in said discussion. Now, I wish that the guy no longer has anything to do with the franchise, I don't want him contaminating my entertainment. Maybe that explains why Atlus still hasn't given us an update on this yet.: It's been two over years since this trailer Atlus, where's the successor to EO that you promised? Okay. Two years ain't long, and Covid has gotten in the way. Looking at this now, the silhouettes are quite possibly Himukai's style... I hope you found someone to replace him Atlus.😬
  12. Sometimes things are like that, we think things are fine when we're in our bubble of one or maybe three, and are amazed when we encounter someone who thinks differently. I experienced that recently with Etrian Odyssey's character artwork, I was fine conceding that the artists' Fire Emblem Heroes contributions looked bad, but, barring some female designs and the hideous Yggdroids, I felt most of the Etrian Odyssey artwork was good and fine. Turned out there is a crowd that absolutely hates it all.
  13. Yowza the Dragon Quest Builders II demo is long, it's been hours and I still haven't finished it. This doesn't entirely surprise me, because DQXIS's demo is known for its unusual length as well. I have to assume this is the actual game, only it cuts off and that the save data will be able to be transferred to the full game later, it would be very cruel if this wasn't the case. The game opens slowly, too slowly I'd say. But that mostly works I think, considering all the construction information the game has to give you, it'd be easy if it was faster to get inundated. Does it make me want to buy either DQB game? Well, it isn't bad. I'm not a Minecraft person, but I might have a satisfying experience with this, if the pace picks up later that'd help. The Switch versions are still pricier than I'd like however. And, the combat is feeling like an obligatory afterthought, it's very simplistic. The DQ charm is here, thats good. Having the Lord of Destruction from ye olde DQII reborn as an amnesiac boy with a liking for thrashing things but seemingly as a result of his fundamental diabolic nature can't create anything as your best bud is 🙂. And then I hear of PC elitists getting things like 90 fps or higher. What does that even do? If there are people can't tell between 30 and 60, how high can the human perception of frames per second go? Hate to be superficial, but true. Things do become more normalized the longer you stare at them, but it doesn't change the fact that some things are objectively not very good looking. The same can be said for sounds, bad music and bad VAs can become tolerated, but not actually become good.
  14. Not all of the port's changes were due to Working Designs. I'm more referring to this: "Unlike Working Designs' previous stabs at "enhancing" the Lunar games, the stat changes in this game [Eternal Blue] follow a very regular pattern. With few exceptions, regular enemies have 45% higher Attack, give out 14% less EXP and 10% less Silver, and have 10% less HP. The net effect is to make it a lot harder to stay alive and to increase, in an extremely artificial way, the time required to beat the game." Maybe as an optional Hard difficulty setting this would be fine, but it isn't, so it's not. The translation, from what I've seen examples of, frequently adds pop culture references and jokes where there weren't any in the Japanese (if there were, and this was simple localization substitution for that which would not be understood by foreigners, I'd be fine with it, but these mostly aren't), alters character motivations, has people speak additional lines that weren't in the Japanese. Theres an audience out there that likes the more radical approach to localizations, but I try to keep my preferences somewhere closer to the center on the art of translation & localization, neither 100% literal when it would fall flat, nor so heavily punched up.
  15. "Stardew Valley originally began as a modern fan-made alternative to the Harvest Moon series, as he (Eric Barone, the one man who made the entire game) felt "the series had gotten progressively worse after Harvest Moon: Back to Nature".[9] Unable to find a satisfactory replacement, Barone began to create a game similar to the series, stating that his intent was "to address the problems I had with Harvest Moon" and that "no title in the series ever brought it all together in a perfect way".[4] Barone was also inspired by other games, including Animal Crossing, Rune Factory, Minecraft, and Terraria, adding features seen in those games such as crafting, quests, and combat.[4][10][11]" Copied from Wikipedia. Although, you'd have to call the guy something of an elitist if he deems Back to Nature the peak of the SoS franchise. That was the PS1 game from 1999. And no, me playing an update to the GBA version of that game doesn't make me elitist, I left SoS not out of dislike but a benign parting, and I chose to return with it because it's familiar.
  16. And yet, he immediately followed it up by announcing an investigation into the investigation of the 2016 election (which Biden will likely let proceed to conclusion as a matter of non-corrupt government practices). Although given the 70 year old brat never forgave Sessions despite being willing to throw kids in cages and doing a lot of the rest of his bidding, there is still a chance he'd go as far as fire Barr in the last few days remaining.
  17. I do have my hot-off-the-grill (as in February 2019) thoughts on FE3 posted here on SF.: Things have cooled in the almost two years since then, but I think I'd stand by most of it. Do note I hadn't played 4-6 nor 12 yet at the time I had written that. I do think I might prefer 3 to 12, but I should play 12 again first, I think I need to give it another shake. Thank you Internet for preserving my thoughts as they were (barring what I kept unwritten), not as I now envision them to be. Truth of what I believed will endure.
  18. I would, but whilst I've had fun with some instances of questionable localizations in the past (Days of Ruin to name one), Working Designs's are a step too far. And reading The Cutting Room Floor articles, their gameplay alterations are utterly detestable too. I'm quite fine with covering bare skin on ladies as it rarely affects men, I'm not okay with jacking up enemy stats, or overhauling motivations for no good reason (says a hypocrite, because, the BK's survival kinda counts here). This said, I might play Lunar Legend. Working Designs didn't work on that. Now that you point that out, it's true. They could've had Kris mention Katarina throughout the prior assassin gaidens, but they didn't, nor any other chapter now that I think about it. I think the choice of assassins for the new story content (ignoring that they should've been working on refining the plot and characters from 1994) was fairly reasonable one. Because assassins are a small band of enemies, and hence could be more readily shoved into optional side content. You also say Astram is trapped and alone now. Theres no chance of reinforcements coming to his aid, theres no hope of fleeing either. It's live or die in Castle Altea, and I'd guess that for some people, being in such a hopeless situation makes them more reasonable, as opposed to the very theoretically possible total opposite of becoming suicidal fanatics. Why didn't Gotoh take it? He kept the Lightsphere, why didn't he offscreen ask Marth to fork over the Geo? Gharnef doesn't seem concerned about Gotoh carrying a Sphere or two. As for the Fane, who manages it when it isn't overrun by thieves or a Tiki under Gharnef's sway? Do humans use it as a temple? Or is it a relic of dragonkind, where the sounds of prayers no longer resonate, nor the walls be illuminated by the torches of the long gone night watch? If the Fane is magnificent but abandoned, then I'd say it'd be safer for Marth to keep the Geosphere, golden ruins don't stay gilded for long.
  19. Including this: https://www.siliconera.com/everyday-todays-menu-for-the-emiya-family Why would an anime franchise get a cooking game? Thats niche upon super niche.
  20. Then free his soul from Xel'lotath. I suggest invoking Chattur'gha, but be very careful not to open yourself to its control.
  21. Although I'm seemingly one of the less harsh silent protagonist critics here (I should add the avatar in XCX and DQ's litany of heroes are perfectly fine, I forgot to include them among the positives earlier), I can agree with the bolded. Isn't Zeus what every Classical Greek free, heterosexual & horny male wanted to be? And aren't the 4.3 trillion shonen & isekai protagonists out there all male self-inserts no matter how much they won't shaddup?
  22. Correct, each ending is better than the prior ones. To get the true ending, you need over 200 Approval (or Reputation, whatever it's called) Points before you fight the final-if-you-don't-get-the-true-ending boss.
  23. That can be the case for sure. And then there is the issue if you set the game down for an extended hiatus, of getting back into where you left off if you don't remember your entire schedule. You may have to take a few ingame days trying to remember what you doing, working towards, how you managed your time, etc.. Speaking of which, although I by a small margin failed to get Kai to marriage-ready red heart in FoMT, I did squeeze in both of his two new Pressed Flower "dating" (not really descriptive, it's more the same, just slightly more intimate) heart events, they were nice. Now, I'll spend my second Fall doing everyone else's Pressed Flower events for the sake of seeing them, and because I want the ingame achievement for dating everyone before marrying someone, it has the wonderful name of "I Choose You!".😄 Though this save file won't be a perfect one. I think I won't wed until after White Day in Year 3, for the sake of seeing the letter Kai sends you with chocolate inside, I didn't get it from him in the second year. Oh, and I got the beach house, a flower for the Goddess every day does that, I wish there was more stuff inside than just a bed and save journal. I do like the premise of having multiple residences in a farming sim, but for FoMT the second houses are basically trophies and little else. Still, gonna try to get the 10 million G town villa. The 50th wedding anniversary mountain cottage is a NO! though. I don't think it'd take 50 years to acquire the 362 million G to buy all of Van's rare items.
  24. According to old Wikipedia, the mori -emblem- of the Hojo clan is supposed to be three dragon scales. The historical Hojo clan was even more manipulative than the FFVII dude. The Kamakura bakufu -literally "tent government" but commonly translated "Shogunate" in English- was established by the Minamoto clan, it overthrew the rule of the imperial court in Kyoto. Thus the bushi class after centuries of existence during the Heian period, which started with a weak central government and got increasingly weaker as the centuries went on, had finally amassed enough ambition and power to seize control of Japan. Although technically, the Minamoto clan was established hundreds of years before as an aristocratic offshoot of the royal family. The first Minamoto shogun, Minamoto no Yoritomo, reduced the Japanese Emperor to a figurehead and his once-authoritative court to a decorative role. However, after Yoritomo died, his father-in-law, a Hojo, claimed the title of Shikken- "regent". And with that act, all subsequent shoguns of the Kamakura bakufu, which had made the Emperor a figurehead, were themselves reduced to powerless figureheads! The Hojo clan via the Shikken title became became the power-behind-the-power-behind-the-throne, not the Boss, not the Secret Boss, but the True Boss. Only in Japan could you somehow get a functional government with a head of government and two heads of state. All he needs is Meiji Restoration and some good tightly-packed district city planning. Took me forever to roll a good map for him, but wow it's amazing. Really easy great Harbors (with the double adjacency bonus card) and +3 Campuses in every city, and, I built lots of great Industrial Zones too, because I like high production. Not my fastest Science Victory, but it was fun. And, Meet Hojo Ujiyasu, from Samurai Warriors 3. According to Wikipedia, he isn't actually related to Hojo clan of the Kamakura period. One of Ujiyasu's predecessors wanted to spiritually embrace the powerful Shikkens of old, and so changed the clan's name and adopted the old Hojo's mori as their own. I'd never think of a European aristocrat doing something like this, but medieval Japan was so lacking in central authority and peace that I guess you could get away with this. It's worth adding that the famed Tokugawa Ieyasu founder of the third, last, and strongest bakufu, claimed descent from the Minamoto clan, which there is no evidence as being true, it was a purely symbolic move of wanting to be connected with a great ancient bloodline.
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