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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I'll do that for him: Taurus 3 Ryuke Gemini 5 Toras Aquarius 6 Samuto Cancer 6 Lang Libra 6 Chest Scorpio 7 Thief Leo 8 Thief Sagittarius 8 George Virgo 9 Minerva Capricorn 9 Chest Aries 10 Ellerean Pisces 12 Chest
  2. One, I loves me my Alt,. and two, I wasn't thinking of that when I wrote that. Although I've been told it's mediocre, I can't help but glimpse at a certain game, and there is a movement type there called "hover", which doesn't mean a high Move stat, but it does get around some cumbersome terrain. Sounds like a slightly too powerful solution for armor units' mobility problems without turning them into wyverns. Though, you do remind of the RyuKoOh. Flight without great mobility, albeit it can instantly swap to KoRyuOh for when you gotta go places in water/heavy terrain. Big and bulky doesn't always equate to immobile in SRW I see. -Provided you've got a high mobility transformation or Accel that is, a post-movement attack with some range also counteracts low move issues.
  3. Don't forget to enhance their armor by including a subsurface lining of pure Floatstone! All the knight has to do is ignite the magic "no flames -just pure heat- bonfire stone" stored on their person to emit sufficient warmth so as to cause the Floatstone to become temporarily agitated to the point that it emits creates enough lift to counter the weight of the armor and then some. It's not enough to enable flight, but it allows the knight to jump high and slowly return to the ground as if they were operating in a low-gravity environment. This you could call "hovering", and should be sufficient to allow the knight to cross stretches of forest, swamp, and hills in a few low-effort leaps. As it does not involve wings or true flight, they needn't fear arrows either.
  4. It might make things a wee too easy there. My only, incomplete, Conquest Lunatic Classic run used BP/VP rewards up to... 2000 maybe? I know I didn't get enough for that, much earlier than otherwise, Dragonstone+. For me, at first they were necessary due to stuff like Chapter 10, but later, maaaaybe it was cheating. So much good free stuff, including things like a Dual Yumi for Niles that you'd never get access to normally on CQ.
  5. I remember the E Fields in the OGs were good, G Wall was fairly worthless, G Territory was limited to being good for mechs that were already very durable, and TK Fields were about the same. Beam Coats and AB Fields were niche, since they covered but a single weapon type. DoubleImage was great, though I never relied on it, nor did I do the little joke of tossing a Hyperjammer on a battleship and watch that ginormous thing dodge stuff. I can only wish something came with those boss-only Warp Fields. The above said, I'd be fine with those things modified and tossed into FE.
  6. And yet, her "slightly faster than every other male support" is with him. Which shouldn't be taken as "canon", but it is a tiny tiny tiny tiny nudge towards that.
  7. I didn't think a niche game like this would get such a cute figurine set.😋 Gwendolyn and Velvet figurines sold separately or can be selected instead of Mercedes. Neither of the two males are on offer though; the table is small, but it would've been charming to see all five having brunch around it. And that Elrit Forest backdrop is perfect, but it's purely for advertising and not included. It is, and unlike Pent there is no reason to not to let them rampage. The map gets a 2/10 on the challenge scale, but it's cool from a different perspective. (1/10 is saved for the TRS map wherein the only two enemies on the entire map are two little girls who've mistaken you for bad guys and are recruitable.)
  8. Which is why they should always have realllllly good stats. Theres one chapter in TearRing Saga in which you're greatly outnumbered with almost no chance of winning. Two turns later, a band of 10 NPCs shows up, the worst is a staffbot, the second worst is a Sage with Wind and endgame-worthy stats, one of the better units is a Swordmaster with an 80 Crit sword. Hide in a corner and they'll save your posteriors ORKOing everything that approaches. It's delightful for a change to see the NPCs own everything. SNK was bought by Saudi Arabia in the past month or two. An unceasing windfall of Petrodollars can let you be stupid in your other business dealings, almost the same way Big Techdollars has allowed Google via Stadia and Apple via its Arcade service to dabble in finding a place in the world of gaming.
  9. To bring up Berwick again, Spears and Lances both use the same weapon rank, Lances are restricted simply by lacking the skill that lets you use them in addition to Spears. Daggers and Blades are similarly considered subtypes of Swords sharing the same weapon rank. And for one-handed vs. two-handed weapons, why not have the distinction? One-handed spears could let you use a shield for extra defense, whereas a two-handed spear would offer potentially greater offense. Or in the case of swords, how about someone who can dual wield a one-handed sword and a dagger? That ought to play a bit differently from someone using a hefty two-handed greatsword. I would entertain an FE where having a good understanding of a more involved equipment system is essential to success. This would be but one aspect of it. Alongside shields as alluded to above, probably body armor which would be restricted based on class and unchangeable mid-battle to differentiate it from other forms of equipment, buyable horses and flier mounts having HP and unique stats, the usual accessory slot, maybe keep those 3H Battalions. Shift some of the importance away from growths into gear. Not saying I'd want it forever, as a one-off with this unique flavor is fine. Agreed. If you emphasized the Weapon Triangle too much, I'd think it'd become a black hole which would be a net negative on strategy, and I wouldn't be wanting of that.
  10. I haven't played it yet, but Berwick Saga has Spears, the usual infantry stabby polearms, and Lances, which are heavy cavalry-only weapon like actual IRL lances. Lances in BS have a high Mt value, and additional Mt is added for every space moved before attacking on that turn, as if you're charging at the enemy that whole time and the momentum is transferred into your strike. Daggers in that game ignore Def but have really poor Mt and an increased chance of inflicting the Wounded and Crippled statuses compared to other weapons. As if you're finding that one opening in the enemy's armor and slicing it. This little post-FE Kaga black sheep didn't fully differentiate its weapon types it seems, but it looks like it provides a possible starting point for how to do without the Weapon Triangle and try making each weapon category unique.
  11. Just keep in mind that when you get to TRS, you're going to be judging a game that came out a few months before Binding Blade. I'm not saying you have to excuse everything about it because of its age, if you did, FE1 might not be the lowest of the low in your rankings. But, for your own enjoyment regarding conveniences, it's not that the game is a step back, it's that you're taking a step back.
  12. Just a joke. A joke that came to mind because I remember Dragon Quest got two Minecraft spinoffs. And Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors have their 4X-lite Empires spinoffs, and FE has now had a Musou of its own. There are -very very remote- grounds to say FE could try them out either genre. I'd be interested. You do bring to surface the Scottish Mor Ardain in XC2. And Dragon Quest's liking for, sometimes too exaggerated, "foreigners speaking English" accents, the infamous DQIV DS translation being at the forefront of those, but DQXI the most recent did endow some of the people of Gondolia with a pinch of Italian flourish, and Japanese Hotto speaks entirely in haiku. How dare you remind me of Validar's extremely abnormal appearance. I had almost forgotten it. I wish Veld had been Robin's father. Validar is just not human ...which could've worked if a human who looks like a demon was evidence of being so closely related to Grima. But considering Robin the perfect host/reincarnation is totally normal, there goes that idea. Fair. I had brushed that out of my mind as being unusual for royalty. Can I ask the Ylissean record keepers for an account of his travel history since his begun this humbling task? I want to calculate precisely what percentage of the Ylissean population has had the opportunity to glimpse at his noble visage.🧐
  13. There is a solution for this- Fire Emblem: Masonry of War, or Fire Emblem: Empires of Micromanagement. Minecraft FE or 4X FE, either way, you'll never complain this franchise has no worldbuilding ever again.😛 This happens. Years after I was done with my GBA, when Sacred Stones became available for early buyers of the 3DS, I was still in state of being burnt out with that game. It'll be many, many moons before I return to a bunch of old FEs. I'm not as anti-grind as you, it depends on the game. But, I do see your point with Awakening for absolute sure, it's unacceptable for the postgame junk, and we can agree that the grind in FEH is horrendous and Disgaea is our mortal enemy. You've gotten me to dislike grind in Metroidvanias, tho' I still went out of my way and did a tonne for completionism's sake in Bloodstained -but never again in that game. Because you bring up Masquerade Boy, this game has one nice bit of misleading art. They emphasis that duel between Chrom & Mars in the official stuff a good bit, but it's such a tiny scene in the context of the entire game. -Not heavily criticizing the game for it though. That would be good. Though as a working title, it has nothing to do with the final product, since the children amount to nothing except for whatever Lucina does. Blame FE's Casts of 90% Irrelevance. And I'm sure you'd play a game that featured a lord whose solemn duty was cleaning litterboxes across the world if the game played like Conquest.😜 Because the lines can be out-of-place and repetitive, see at Basilio's hatred of pig baths. I'll take full VAs any day. I don't mind slowing down if I've already read them if the VAs are good. If the VAs are bad, and I have been playing Devil Survivor 2 with Io's VA sounding artificial, then as soon as I'm done reading it, I press on and her VA is clipped at that point. This is better to me, because every word my Daichi speaks is music to my ears, worth more than anything shoddy Io throws out there that I still happen to listen to. Call it weird, but how it is less weird than a random generic quip that has little or nothing to do with the lines being said? But this is just me. One of my earliest VA experiences was Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean. You can't get much more tolerant of bad and not so bad it's good VA work than that. You know that whole "Abolish the Valm arc, it's filler" thing some people say? Well you'd need something to fill in the void, and I think emphasizing on a Risen apocalypse would be the answer. You could keep it on the Ylissean continent, provided you abolished Chonsin and relocated Vert, and moved Tiki with the Azure to Mount Prism, which you can totally do, because lack of worldbuilding means the Mila Tree is weightless and free of things to bind Tiki there. Except, would a civilian know what their liege looks like? They have no TV, internet, or probably printing presses outside of Anna's sweatshops. Coinage could be a source of a ready portrait, but why would Emmeryn throw her siblings images on it when she is the ruler? Characters without class should have at least 270 in growths, classes barring Villager have at least 105. Radiant Dawn peaked at 400. New Mystery... class growths are about the same, it's the characters that got more in Awakening. Excuse me? No IRL dynasty lasts that long, give Marth a break. At least the Kingdom of Archanea "region" has held together as Ylisse. When it comes to some of the terraformation, I like to pretend Grima was on the verge of integrating the planet into its own being 1000 years ago. Attempted terraformation into the Fell Planetoid (whose depths would've bore the Fellspawn born into darkness, kill each other, and see the strongest set out to Fell the universe) did a number on things. Blame us for being too sensitive for Fodlan culture. Ya see, there is nothing wrong there with choosing to relax at any time by disrobing any portion of one's body.😄 I might have missed something I wanted to comment on, but I already said enough. Good luck with this game!😉
  14. True. Humor lends itself to aging badly anyhow. I still remember and maintain the distinction between tragic and pathetic my teacher taught during one of the chapters, and the book's later mention of the triple "vus": deja, presque, and jamais vu. Also its minor mentioning of the concept of subjective time, which is quite relevant in the world's current ordeal I'd say.
  15. The novel or some movie I'm not aware of? Because if it's the novel, I had to read it back in high school. I hated the evil that was Milo. The humor usually fell flat. Though my teacher explaining that the Italian prostitute of the dead friend chasing you with a steak knife is symbolism for being chased by one's conscience when in danger of betraying it. Notice the main character isn't caught and stabbed except the one time that sell out the corrupt insanity of the world.
  16. Well, XCX Overdrive applies solely to the person who activated it. It makes sense that if the one character KO'ed that their superhuman awareness ceases. XC2's rendition applies to everyone if I understand it right (I rarely used it in XC2), there are people who still benefit from it even if Elma's Driver dies.
  17. I'll just copy & paste what wrote a few hours ago on this topic.: "I could do with or without the weapon triangle myself. It is a minor tactical element, but it's not essential, there are plenty of other ways to make maps need brains. Considering how Kaga nerfed it to a minuscule +/-5 Hit in Thracia and has never used it in any of his Saga games, I think it's fair to say he didn't think much of it either. The WT doesn't automatically balance out the weapon types- see the dumpster fire of FE4's weapon balance, and how swords often got the shaft in FEs 7, 8, 9 and 13."
  18. I finally channeled the zen state of mind and initiated my third playthrough of Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker. At last, I began the Triangulum story. So far, I've completed the first day. As I've said before, I'm wary of whenever Atlus adds new plot to an updated game, barring Nocturne. So far, those fears haven't been realized, thankfully. As it stands, I'm feeling overwhelmed. *In Daichi's voice* So. Many. Woooooooooooooooooooooooords!😵 I had already recognized that there really aren't that many mandatory battles in the Septentrione story compared to the number of non-battle events. Is it more words than before, or am I just not in the mood for such verbosity? Either way, what's not helping is repetitiveness of "Find X, find Y!", although I am happy they quickly got over one thing they could've easily dragged out. I say I have no interest in Visual Novels, but how wide is my disinterest gap?🤔 From a gameplay perspective, well this being on NG+ because I want to glam up the save screen with all the ending visuals, I could inherit a lot of bonuses. And I did, I got everything except 8 and all demon inheritance bonuses from the Survivor Awards. Now, I could hold myself back even with this and not grind a whole lot, fuse above my level, or equip skills I shouldn't have at this point like Anti-All and Megidoloan. If I didn't do any of that, I could basically have a close to fresh run of Triangulum and feel battles as I should. As is, the first few battles seem like they could be challenging but fun if I hadn't carried over Loki, Titania, Vritra, and Parvati. However, because the first day was short and seemed limiting, I went ahead and cheated my way though it, after the first two battles that is, where I still permitted my leaders endgame-tier skills. Maybe I'll back up and limit myself for the rest of Triangulum now that day one is done. Or, perhaps I'll still feel burnt out from the quality fusion-mania I went through on the first playthrough and instead fuse a Metatron to be wedded to my Loki to summon Mr. Level 99 Demon. The new character I can't judge from how little I've now seen of them, but the rest of the cast I've reunited with looks like they're still all good. I haven't done any new Fate events yet. Though I did stumble on a totally random Yellow Turban joke, Atlus ought to know them if they throw an ugly Guan Yu in the Hero demon race. Congrats!😄 But how do you use Overdrive during the Elma rematch? I assumed the game would strip her from your Blade lineup during the fight, and without her, no Overdrive.
  19. I haven't studied the period, but I did hear exactly the same as you. I think it's because Romance of the Three Kingdoms wanted Shu to be the hero kingdom, so it had to fabricate stuff at such a glorious battle for Shu to steal the attention from that third wheel Wu.
  20. They were a little slow to get to the usual crowd-clearing move, but I think my usually issue with them was the lack of stunning they did to the enemy. I haven't played WO3 or DW7 in a while, but I think that was my problem. Although I thought I might've heard the daggers generate Musou faster than other weapons. It's hard to say it's not one of the greatest, if not the greatest battle in all of the Three Kingdoms period, at least judging from what DW has shown me. And it's like only what, one of two battles where all three kingdoms are fighting at once? The other being Fan Castle/the Day Guan Yu Got Shorter. Their boats were the ones being set on fire. Wei had just finished conquering northern China, which gave them ~2/3rds of China's population and resources at the time. Wu and Shu had no choice but resort to uniting and using flames to avert defeat against far superior numbers.
  21. Umm... @lightcosmo if you're going to make a post that consists of nothing more than a spoiler box and the contents therein, could you please write the names of the game(s) you're speaking spoilers of outside of the box right above it? I read five words before realizing my error, and my fairly good memory ain't gonna forget them in time. 🥺 "Let me stand completely still and shoot it like a pistol at a firing range." It's not flashy, it's not fast, it's not strong, it's not anything but extraordinarily basic and weak. Thats what I remember of it. It was certainly one of my less liked weapons, not as bad but rather mediocre too were Wang Yuanji's throwing daggers. On the Samurai side, I've barely used Ina, but her bow wasn't amazing either, and Magoichi's rifle is so-so. When it comes to projectile weapons, at least Guo Hua's cannon is cool. I could do with or without the weapon triangle myself. It is a minor tactical element, but it's not essential, there are plenty of other ways to make maps need brains. Considering how Kaga nerfed it to a minuscule +/-5 Hit in Thracia and has never used it in any of his Saga games, I think it's fair to say he didn't think much of it either. The WT doesn't automatically balance out the weapon types- see the dumpster fire of FE4's weapon balance, and how swords often got the shaft in FEs 7, 8, 9 and 13.
  22. Well, you tried.😃 I'm the lunatic for wanting Elma so much that I'd go through the ordeal that it was. I forget how many tries it took me. But the in old messages I wrote that I spent 39 minutes on the successful fight. And although it is highly unlikely that I would attempt a second run of XC2, if I did I think I'd go NG+, delevel the characters, tone up the difficulty by tweaking Custom. And then I'd do what I like to often do with FEs, that being a gendered run. Time for some theorycrafting fun (XC2 SPOILERS!) :
  23. Keep in mind my opinion is only one opinion, one that may be a little too critical of FFT. You may want to seek out others. Also, because I was crunched for time when I wrote the above post, the difference as to why I like the Devil Survivors I think can be summarized as two things. The first, is that the games feel quicker than FFT, maybe because they're more modern, maybe because they actually are fundamentally. The second, is they don't "pretend" as much to be SRPGs, they, use SRPG grid movement, with some of the demon racial skills playing with it, but their JRPG nature is more transparent, more effectively carried out, and perhaps more integrated into the SRPG grid at the same time. Yup! Thats how it is. Priority no. 1 was getting that Seal Reinforcements up. After that, I let Nia and whoever the third wheel was die, and then the fight turned into one long trial of never getting caught in an Elma Driver Combo that'd kill me. This meant Morag running away nonstop, using Corvin's level 1 Special whenever I was a safe distance away from the Elmas and repeating that over and over and over. Corvin was chosen because the level 1 special heals wicking away any damage Morag was still taking, and Morag could keep running as Corvin did the attacking. Plus Corvin is Light to Elma's Dark, so slightly more damage.
  24. I wouldn't disagree with this. I don't think that SRPGs in the FFT mold are very... strategic. If you ask me, they're JRPGs with movement. Terrain is mostly a nuance at best and doesn't matter, unit placement barely matters. What matters comes down entirely to who you field, what skills they've been taught, and maybe what they're equipped with. They about nuking the enemies with the best spells and cutting techniques you've got, and thats about it. I still had fun with FFTA2, but otherwise I don't particularly care for them ...and the two Devil Survivors kinda fall into this mold too and I love them.
  25. Looking at my three 3H files: VW (first playthrough)- 43:14 CF (second)- 30:46 AM (third)- 37:57 All of these were done under the following conditions: New Game. Hard. Classic. All cutscenes skipped. No supports made (except the minimum of Edelgard for CF). No monastery (barring the absolute minimum). Auto-lessons every time. No animations on. All free time was always spent on free battles, or paralogues if they were available.
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