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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. There was the time I slipped on a little water on my kitchen floor and fell onto my right arm. The bruise that resulted covered a great expanse of my upper arm, and it left its movement restricted for maybe a few months. There were questions as to whether I should've gone to the hospital to get it checked out, but I insisted nothing was broken and I left unsaid that I didn't want to go there. Fortunately, it healed up just fine, though it took a while. I mean, it didn't break thats good, keeping things in perspective. But all I did was fall onto the hardwood floor in my kitchen, no falling from any height, from slipping on a small quantity of water from the freezer's water dispenser that had sprayed onto the floor. And I'm not gray-haired yet with osteoporosis yet. How'd so ordinary a trip turn out to be as bad as it did. It's partly because he's squatting here, but he looks like he has dwarfism. A flaw of reclassing, everyone shares body types, and some heads don't go well with some class bodies, Henry the Berserker has a similar problem. Although, Hayato isn't bad as an Oni, his Str is usable, but, his Skl is buried in the La Brea Tar Pits alongside a dire wolf- extinct.
  2. Did you complete Crimson Flower or maybe Silver Snow? I'm told that every time the final boss on those routes roars, its robots gain stats, including more critical IIRC. I think the Japanese term for Master classes is actually "hybrid classes" or something akin to it -so I read once here on SF. They're made mostly to coexist, not replace Advanced classes then. --- Just felt like sharing this. It's good, until you've heard it 50 times.
  3. Not to mention we live in a world where more is possible and we've become accustomed to wanting it. For most of human history, so I'm told, people read a few works intensively. Sure there were always more works of literature being produced (I think a Buddhist canon list complied in the medieval era comprised over 1000 texts), but not at such a rate in a given section of a disconnected world that it was unmanageable. Besides being about all sorts of important things, scripture was so heavily commentated on and woven into everything else that gotten written and or made into visual art, because there wasn't much else to read. (And, no holy book is a pamphlet, there is no shortage of chapters on a variety of topics to read again and again.) From what I once read, it was late 1600s into 1700s Europe where, with the printing press a century-old, the use of vernacular in serious writing ever growing, and the invention of the easily digestible novel, that literary output reached such fecundity that most humans made the shift. The shift from intensive reading of a few books, to a voracious appetite of shallower reading of more and yet unceasingly more stories.
  4. And of course, metaphor, which is a form of comparison, is a timelessly basic way of communicating information. Humans can assign qualities to anything on its own, but points of reference help to guide anyone. Well, if all you say is "X is bad, Y is good", then yes, you aren't saying a whole lot. Thats one short sentence. Though if a person follows it up with a series of additional sentences that defines the contrasting qualities of what makes X bad and Y good, in a tone more measured than a flaming rant, then comparison is perfectly fine. The attitude could be so moderate, someone could say "X is bad, for me, but I can see how another would like it", it'd be hardly hateful then. Your reductionism of all comparison to single-sentence comparison is explicable to me as you being sick and tired of people on social media bashing 13 & 14, to which I offer empathy. But that isn't what comparison has to end at.
  5. Yes, Beck is still trapped. But he can still Thunderbolt a bunch of things from his zone. And whatcha mean the Pachyderm weapons got censored? Were they actually riding elephants that we've never seen in FE since? Did they shoot elephants? Were these specific ballistae unfortunately very phallically shaped?
  6. I uh, never noticed. 😅 The few scenes I was forced to see, never used the portraits. FE could try using beautifully hand-drawn artwork instead of sprites with a polish of charming pixilation. But reclass becoming a standard means this would be extraordinarily unlikely. I'd say Tales of Abyss is in the same boat. Anise is... oh Anise, Tear could use a little work on emoting, Natalia is nice, but she ultimately is a pretty cliche princess. However, when Luke spends the first arc being one of the greatest jerks in gaming, Jade being a bit of an acquired taste, that leaves Guy as the one shining(?) character. I guess you could toss Ion into the male pool though, and he isn't bad. Maybe the whole ToAb cast is questionable. Tales of Graces is also better on the male side I'd say with Hubert, Malik, and Richard, but that isn't difficult for the game to achieve when Sophie is 😒, Cheria is filler, and Pascal is so eccentric. XC1, well, Melia is good IMO, probably the best, but Sharla is like the weakest character of the seven, and Sheik is Zelda I'm not particularly fond of. The combined characterization power of the four males, which include the good Dunban and nice Shulk, I think overrides the combined characterization power of the three females. Xenogears is also much better on the male side of the equation I'd say.
  7. In SoV at least, the erratic witch behaviors include a tendency (not a definite law of the universe!) to target units isolated from the rest or those on the edges of the pack. If you keep your units grouped and keep the most vulnerable ones in the middle, you'll be safer. A Valbar surrounded by allies sounds like the total opposite of what he should be doing though, and keeping an armor unit in the center of a grouping turns its overall momentum into molasses. 2D portraits + 3D models works as a compromise for me. A well drawn portrait can compensate for a lackluster 3D model. To try to formulate fancily as I tend to, it allows you to divert your eyes to an ideal form of sorts, making the model less bad knowing it is a shade of the real version of the character.
  8. Ignoring the TT of Galle, this banner also consists entirely of characters from Binding Blade Chapter 2. Melady shows up in the plot, Guinevere is rescued here from Bern at the end, Merlinus becomes Roy's wrongvisor, and Dieck (+Peg & Two Axes) joins up. Elen is the one other character that first shows up here.
  9. Keep in mind Marx would be turning over in his grave at the thought of what Stalin later made socialism into. Marx's original interpretation of socialism had no place for the peasant, industrial workers alone would bring it about. Only towards the end of his life did Marx accept the possibility that a primarily agrarian country could create a classless society. Revolutionaries from agrarian countries didn't care if this later interpretation wasn't Marx's original, because they were too impatient to wait until their countries sufficiently industrialized before they could revolt. Also, Marx criticized the social democrats trying to bring about the nicer ideals of socialism while working within the peaceful framework of democracies, no yucky violent radicalism. "Social democracy" is basically what "Europe" (because the "Europe" American politicians speaks of isn't totally based in reality, it's a thing of the mind with some basis in reality) and modern American progressives want. Going back to radicalism, the post-Stalin USSR and Mao also disagreed on things, to the point of schism and a militarily tense border. Although in this case, it's partly a matter of "old socialism" versus "new socialism". The USSR was by the time Mao conquered China a decades-old people's republic, the youthful fire of revolutionary activity had died out except for like Khrushchev. Mao at the time was still a youthful firebrand promoting continuous revolution, he remained that way until he got old and embittered at the end of the Cultural Revolution, being not so vibrantly radical anymore and wanting peace in old age partly led to his talks with US President Nixon. Castro also started young and yearning for revolution, and in what I guess is human nature, got less active as the years went by, though he did carry out some supportive military action Angola.
  10. If you feel like you're getting too much New Mystery, take another break if it'll help.
  11. I assume you've heard this expression? "In Berlin, things might be Serious, but they were never Hopeless. In Vienna, things might be Hopeless, but they were never Serious."
  12. I thought the 3DS remake was fine, not that I ever finished it, the digger robot was too tough for me.
  13. I've enough fear of my own country's direction with this resurrection of the right radicalism that threatens to bring forth a dark age for democracy, that I don't need additional thoughts of any and every other presently functioning democracy going into tyrannical illiberalism for as well. 😣 I hope for the best for all countries, for democracy cannot be in but one country if it is to survive, but caution that decades of the worse may come. ...I can't think of anything overly happy or positive, so will the jazzy opening to a so-so PS2 game suffice?: Because I have no narrative/character attachment to BotW, I'm not disliking this, but as someone who wasn't happy about FF7Remake (which is a definitely a worse case than AoC, considering FFVII's original version has aged terribly in certain aspects), I can understand those who aren't happy with this. Ghirahim good, trying to create single timeline bad. High school-ish start bad, Groose alright, Hylia ...eh. Actually, wasn't nudism a bridge for your nation during its Cold War partition? The universality of human nakedness defying political division or something.
  14. Thank you for the clarification. Orpheans jumping into illogic through their logic misunderstanding humans. 😄 Ah, the Elder Gods have begun to work their ways on your mind. You'll return to sanity soon enough, though you'll subtly be their pawn.. You're reminding me this game exists.: https://nintendoeverything.com/wp-content/uploads/cthulhu-saves-christmas-1-656x369.jpg --- Another day, another Kirby product. A "heating plushie"? "Hug and power on for 115F/46C warmth in only 30 seconds." Why not just make a heating blanket with Kirby motifs? Japan be weird again. -Although, at least it's only Kirby. This could be a lot worse. Oh, and Marvelous said in Famitsu that RF5 is currently 75% completed.
  15. ...I do not remember this. If this is real, prithee, how did the Orphean get their hands on some crystal meth? Alternatively, the enemy is on Casual Mode, which only works during battles, after battles, then people can die. Occam's Razor says your hypothesis is less likely. --- It's been eight years since the Wii U released, huh. The Switch still feels like a newborn to me, and the Wii U not quite so old.
  16. Some games are like this I guess. Exploiting stupidity becomes the only way to overcome stupidly strong enemies. This came to mind recently: Somehow, you're supposed to be able to sink a 9 unit navy, with only 2 naval units of your own, and maybe a little help from the Rocket and Artillery. This should not be possible, it just shouldn't. Bad Advance Wars AI is what makes it possible. Similarly, from what I've read (which I only played like 3 maps of, too evil) of Advance Campaign, all missions if you aim for a maximum Speed score, consists of suicide rushes to the HQ that relies on AI exploitation.
  17. I'm inclined to say the top option, though as I try to see alternative perspectives that are within reason, I can't say it's wholly terrible. It would be a lot easier if SD didn't nerf the old Avoid formula, consistent dodgetanking would be much feasible then. Although, ballistae spam in FE is perhaps not the best idea, considering the existence of permadeath. Minimizing casualties is unacceptable unless it's zero casualties for many. Sufficiently massed and layered ballistae make things can be more bothersome than fun, because there will be few ways to keep to zero deaths. I might say that the very late TRS chapter where you recruit Hagar, which is closer to the FE1 interpretation of the Wooden Cavalry, is a better way to handle "brigades of high durability shooty enemies". That chapter is without a doubt more fun than Runan's two or three second-split typical ballistae chapters, where it's leave the small fry behind, and run through the gauntlet with my handful of great units + Runan. And no, abusing Sunflame to turn the Artillerymen into Wicker Men is not the reason I like the Hagar chapter.
  18. Lyla's Galdr is the worst part of the Off the Record missions, the riddle is too vague, the conditions to spawn it are too severe. The rest is nowhere near as bad.
  19. One, thats contraband, no Hoshidan cultural imports allowed! Two, Odin is going to break them attempting to initiate a "variable formation" that he envisions them performing, but weren't actually made to do. And unrelated, but here's a little a robot clip you might like (and probably have already seen).: I still remember the tune (but not the lyrics) from early childhood. I think I'll agree with you. 🤣 If you're gonna do power of bonds, grand opera and flying on magic discs is a good way to carry it out.
  20. When he does come around, please have Klein speak a line that retcons Erk into having been one of his tutors growing up.
  21. I'd agree without a second thought of Vaida below Athos, she comes one chapter too late and already comes very late. I like Geitz, but yeah, I can see him below Athos too. Hawkeye though, I'd hesitate on him. I no super-efficient hardcore player, but he has just enough availability and useful durability that I'd want to rank him above Athos. -But I am very likely overestimating enemy strength even with Death By A Thousand Cuts in FE7. I guess one factor it comes down to, is how many units you "need" for a chapter. I'd speculate that if you "need" fewer units per chapter to get it done, that you have more "filler" slots, that availability would matter less. But if it's all hands on deck, then would being less available hurt more? But then you have to define how many units are "needed" for a given map, and for this to be repeated for every single chapter. Then, your play level and how you factor in investment would matter. Should "massive BEXP dump into Marcia" be considered for PoR? If so, then you only "need" two units per map, strictly speaking. If you say no to such a lopsided investment, then your quantity of necessary unit slots increases, because one unit + Ike can no longer so readily solo the maps.
  22. On tidiness, I'm something of a veneer person. If things look neat on the surface, then what lay beneath isn't something I'm usually concerned about. I always keep my bed properly made, but dust on the nightstand and window sills? Yes. And disorganized computer desktop isn't as bad as not making a backup of important data. I need to stop being lazy and find a way to get all my stuff off my old, forever-to-load Mac. Theres a lot of photos on there I want to keep, I'd hate to see them all vanish. I know this feeling very much from a few weeks ago. My sympathies.
  23. I feel sorry for hyping up FE12 at all as good, I was going entirely on what I read from long ago. As for the ironman, if you really aren't enjoying this game anymore, I think you can drop that. Ever heard of the term "sinecure"? If you haven't, and thats probably the case, it's quite obscure, it means "political or administrative office wherein you have few duties and responsibilities, but nonetheless get a nice paycheck". Translated into a single ordinary English word- corruption.
  24. I'm not sure Sumeragi ever uses Ganglari though. He has it in his inventory, but he starts with the Hagakure Blade (also not in this game?) equipped from what little time I've let him live, he prefers using that over using the Ganglari even once.
  25. Even though Persona has grown Atlus and its reputation, it's still something of a smalltime company. Also, DemiKids's lifespan was 2000-2004, Persona wasn't a mega hit at the start, Megami Ibunroku: Persona (1996) created the franchise, but isn't good; the Persona 2 duology has a solid story and characters I'd say, but it failed to breakout. Persona 3 (2006) is where the franchise started taking off into what's it's known to be today. I can't find my old analysis posted somewhere on SF, but I think, barring BR grinding, Hoshido and Nohr end up with very comparable gold totals by the end. CQ might even have more if you play Percy's Paralogue really well. It's Revelation that has a dearth of funds, both CQ and BR have over 100k in funds available during the campaign, but Rev is like 50k? I can't remember exactly. All the free weapons and junk they give you, but so little money.
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