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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Digimon? Puh-lease! Real monster collectathon died with DemiKids.: What were you thinking Atlus? There was no friggin way you could compete you small nobody.
  2. I still have close family that still insists on throwing bags of steamed carrots, corn, and some kind of green in the microwave. It's garbage vegetables, and I'm never going to like them, they are why children come to abhor the food group. To my dying days, I will hate them. Stop serving the 1950s abomination! I don't give a crap if you're lazy or busy, just don't serve a vegetable that day then! Or, when you're not overworked or you command me to cook, throw together some dish from India, you know, the land where all-vegetarian meals are supposedly heavenly. Quality over that crapola that doesn't deserve to be called food save for starving. Burn burn burn burn burn BURN! microwave veggies to the ground!πŸ₯•πŸ₯¦πŸŒ½πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯🀣🀣🀣 -Had to get this out of my system for once. And I'd get nothing but flak flak and more unceasing anti-aircraft fire if I said this aloud to the reprehensible culprit. So I'll say it here, where they will never know.
  3. Cheese... I really want to become a connoisseur of the food, as superficially fancy as that sounds. But, little idea of where to start, and artisan cheese is expensive. What I can say that melted brie with crackers and some fig jam and or caramelized onions, is a delicious dessert course that isn't overly saccharine.
  4. I've never been below overweight, height alone has spared me from being overly rotund. And since I'm old now, I will never be that ideal of youthful form. I need to get a treadmill, and live on it. And I need to abolish dessert as a regular meal of the day, but a little TV, plenty of video games, and food are my only indulgences.
  5. Whoops! Didn't mean to try making a sales pitch just trying to catch you up in case you were interested. Personally, I'm probably going to buy it, but on a matter of principle, I refuse to do so until the last bit of content for this New Frontier Pass is revealed. It is foolish to buy a DLC pass before you know what's in it, because I can tell some people are feeling a little burnt and regretful from Three Houses and Smash. --- In the past week, I did a second playthrough of Trials of Mana using the three characters I didn't use the first time. The game is a bit more fun when you know to keep your expectations low concerning the plot and characterization. On Hard, it's a good simple and not too long Action RPG, though I wish it didn't take until the second class change late in the game for everyone to become really fun. I've also been working my way through Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. I grew up with the franchise formerly known as Harvest Moon, but then suddenly stopped playing them for no real reason. It's been over a decade, and with fond memories of Back to Nature and GBA Friends of Mineral Town, this would be my point for an attempted reconnection to the franchise. The game is definitely too simple and too small for those not already drawn to the franchise. The new artwork earned only my disgust initially barring a few redesigns, but stare at it enough, and the distaste goes away. NPCs need more varied dialogue, I do miss not having BtN's tomato festival, and the 3D models if you zoom in are too simplistic. Days are really short and farming consumes too much time, unless you hire the Nature Sprites, who wind up divorcing you almost entirely from agriculture once you've befriended them and put them to labor. This said, I am enjoying it, it's a good return to my childhood. For whatever flaws it may have, I think I'll try to make a permanent return to the farming sim genre.
  6. You could always bring dinner to class in the pre-Covid era. I had a classmate who usually brought much more than a snack to class (which class, I can't exactly remember, all of grad school was night classes for my field at my university). Once in a while, said student would stress-bake and at least on one occasion gave us its results; they may have also brought a dog for those with special needs they were training twice or thrice. And, there was the case of my community college where we'd take a break halfway into the session and one student would drive over to a convenience store and come back with hot soup or something every time. Boze in his own tier, below even Nim. Not exactly a surprise, racist old Buddhist white dude isn't the most endearing of characters.
  7. Correct. It's her tradeoff. Nyx got the Mag & Spd, but Odin got the Skl, while in Hoshido, Orochi got the Mag & Skl, and Hayato got the Spd. No Perfect Offensive Stats Trifecta Mage in Fates without investment.
  8. Great way to kick off a final battle. Shame it's merely a mecha fight against a giant peach space battleship followed by a rather slender robot. Just taking a short trip down an alleyway off memory lane.
  9. Then thank goodness I skipped on the 3DS port! Well, more content is nice, but did they need a happier ending, or Eruca losing her highly distinctive golden curls? I very much did enjoy the Standard History-Alternate History split in RH. They did a good job with the writing on both sides. A turn-based JRPG with a grid on which enemies are placed. You can push and pull enemies around, which can help with your attacks. It's not the most complicated game, but it works. The story involves Stocke, the main character, obtaining a special book that lets them travel through time on a very limited basis- they can't jump into the future they haven't experienced and they can't go back to before the book activated for them. But, there is an early choice Stocke has to make, to stay in Alistel's special service, or to join a new brigade with his friend Rosch. At this point, Stocke can jump through the two parallel worlds, and you have to do so every so often to find a solution to advance in the other timeline.
  10. London, the capital of eternal snow, be careful as you drive past Buckingham Palace, the wild penguins tend to cross the street there. I don't think I've ever had a start that bad. As for how good England is, Gathering Storm redefined England by removing the cultural aspect it has in the base game/Rise & Fall, gaining to a later-game well-rounded industrial boost. Workshop of the World replaced The British Museum as the Civilization Unique Ability, giving extra yields (production, gold, culture, science) when districts are being powered. England gained a starting bias for Coal too, so hopefully you'll have some for the Coal Power Plants to electrify your empire (although this means you'll be responsible for global warming). Whether you opt to conquer with England via Redcoats or play peacefully instead, Workshop of the World can help. For an alternative, you could try Eleanor of Aquitaine as England's leader if you haven't already. For her: An ideal map is Pangaea, sea level set to "high", with a reduced number of City-States, a cramped map is best for fun with Eleanor. Build Theatre Districts and fill them with Great Works, build Entertainment Complexes for running Bread & Circus projects. Get your spies out ASAP to Neutralize Governors and Foment Unrest. Avoid making alliances with those you wish to spy on, they banned spy use in allied cities in just the last update. Get Amani's Emissary title and place her in a border city. Reset if Dido is in the game, she'll ruin your fun. Once you have done all of the above, hopefully the Ages will work out so that one of the nearer empires is in an Dark Age and that you're in a Golden, but as long they aren't in a better Age than you, it should be able to work out. Look for a red down-arrow on an enemy left of an enemy city's name, next to the empire symbol name, and wait until it rebels against its master and offers to join you, which for Eleanor happens instantly once its loyalty hits zero, no free city phase of at least ten turns. Fill your new city with another Theatre District and Entertainment Complex if you can. Once you've peacefully stolen one city from a rival, the rest may not fold overnight, but the pace of a country crumbling should quicken, even the enemy capital may eventually rise up and hand itself to your governance. Eleanor is very finicky to make work, she is slow to do her thing, partly dependent on luck with Ages and geography to make happen, and requires a sizable amount of infrastructure. But, the premise of conquest without firing a single bullet can be fun. If you haven't played in eight months, you might not be familiar with the New Frontier Pass they're selling. My summary of it so far:
  11. Allow me to warn you that Devil Survivor 1'S DS version has: no voice acting, no 8th days on three of the routes, and more concerning, no demonic compendium. It lacks a few skills and demons the 3DS port added too, but nothing too significant on that front, and no NG+ awards ceremony. DS2's DS original does have the very useful compendium, though no VAing, nor the Triangulum story, which has a few new skills exclusive to it I'm told, and a few handfuls of Spotpass'ed demons too. There are a few very tiny translation differences between the DS originals and 3DS ports too. I coulda sworn I saw the term "horndog" in DS2's DS version, which got replaced by "horny" in Record Breaker. One slightly more notable change was Joe's nickname for Ronaldo, in Record Breaker it's "Ronnie", in the original it's "Clicky". Clicky makes sense when you consider the following: Cs and Ks sound similar. Is and Ys sound similar. Japanese operates in syllables, not individual letters. You can't have "K" by itself in Japanese, you need to add something, like vowel. Japanese Transliteration 101- the "RL" issue. Add these altogether, and you see that "Clicky" is a wordplay on Ronaldo's last name- Kuriki. I like Clicky because it's a more original nickname, but it does make no sense unless you think it out like me and have some knowledge of Japanese transliteration into the Latin alphabet. Will watching the opening trailers imprint them into your mind better?: And, I shall begin apologizing in advance if my occasional evangelization for either Devil Survivor or Luminous Arc has created a critical mass of external hype which will exceed the pressure emitted by the joy you experience internally. Thus, causing the star of your playing of the games to collapse and create a hypernova of hype-induced-hate which annihilates planets within a few lightyears and to eradicate all life on the planets within hundreds thousands of lightyears nearby. *Straps a pillow to my forehead, gets on my knees, and begins rhythmically banging my head against the ground asking for forgiveness*
  12. People have already expressed disappointment in this matter, you aren't alone. I'd add to the sentiment as well. But think on the bright side, FE7 Merlinus alt as an Armor unit that consists of a moving big blue tent. How would that be as an idea? Weapon would be Staff, because Merlinus serves baked puddings (so British-styled I assume, not the chocolate/vanilla/tapioca stuff Americans assume pudding to be) to Marcus, is caught eating something unnamed by Nino, and he gives Vaida roasted dumplings. This merchant is a chef too, and food heals the soul.
  13. For me, it's an uneasy eyeroll if it's excessive. I'll bear with it if I have to, but I do like the option of doing without it. My tolerance can be greater or less than this sounds, on the less side, for EOV when I made a second Necromancer insisted on it being female, I used the generic female Celestrian artwork which I recolored to look undead because I couldn't stomach either female Necromancer artwork. But, OG Saga Endless Frontier has many fanservicey battle cut-ins and I quite enjoyed the two games in spite of them. Naturally, I assume there will be some shortage of female armor in video games compared to what males wear, so a mild shortage of female armor I won't bother eyerolling over. You can't always be certain something is bad unless you've seen images of it. Humility is great I suppose. Rather be too harsh on oneself (within the boundaries of reason) than too boastful, so I think. And I'm reminded of an old Earthbound meme, there is a set of five moles you must fight in that game. Each insists they are greatest ...that is between 2nd and 4th! None of the moles wants to be no. 1, nor dead last, they all dramatically exalt themselves before you fight them as the third strongest mole around.
  14. πŸ™ Igrene wants him back. It's that one -unexpectedly and unusually touching- support, that makes me want the Ostian spy.
  15. If we were at C+ support or less, I'd stab you in the back and never look back, for being so base as to pollute the earth with your mere presence. Fortunately, we're at B-, so I withdraw my dagger after a fake out thrust passing by your head instead. I won't judge you. Glad you're enjoying the gameplay, it's nice to have some confirmation that there is something more to it than the surface that makes me eyeroll with unease. Can someone make a patch that replaces everyone with Mr. Game & Watch versions of their actual selves, with the gameplay totally unaffected by the change? And, I will confess to searching for an image of the lone playable Senran Kagura 2 male once. And by "image" I mean with all his clothes destroyed.
  16. Despite our disagreements elsewhere, I'd like this same set too. Although Gonzales, Astolfo (he isn't in yet, right?), Dayan, Geese (and, to speak of FE7, his brother Geitz!) and Juno would all be on my list too. I don't particularly care for FE6 or its characters, but despite not being fond of them, I suppose I can name a bunch I care enough about that I'd like to seem them in FEH and would be a bit disappointed if they didn't show up. Weird. I could see them maybe throwing Elffin into a seasonal instead for his introduction, unlikely because he'd be the draw for another FE6 banner, but if they really didn't care about that, maybe they'd do it.
  17. Finished my second run of Trials of Mana. The Benevodons became very easy with the second promotions, though a few bosses still had attacks that either instantly GO'ed me or almost did. Angela's spells and Hawkeye's ninjutsu backed by a bunch of strengthening passives and Riesz really did smash things very quickly. I gotta say Dark Castle is worse than Mirage Palace, there aren't any teleporters and there is a little less boss rehash rush, but the enemies were far meaner in Dark Castle. My first encounter with a Dark Knight ended when everyone was instantly OHKO'ed by its earthquake attack, I don't remember any Dark Knights in Mirage Palace. As far as final character-specific bosses go, Malocchio is a joke, Goremond was much harder, and the other two Kevin/Charlotte bosses were harder than the Hawkeye/Riesz ones too. It could've been I had gotten better at the game, it could've been Angela's cast-and-win playstyle, or the bosses themselves could've been plain easier. Gotta get back to FoMT now, but I'm not sure what to play in addition to that. Do I start the DS2 Triangulum scenario, or do I wait a little longer on that? Maybe I'll do a battle or two in one of the two Advance Wars I still have, I'm in the mood for that.
  18. I'll opt to stay out of this silly little SRPG Maker thing. I had a very specific idea in mind for a unit... ...but this does not suit my personality at all.πŸ˜…
  19. Thanks. I didn't exactly forget all this music, but I never really went out of my way to listen to it. It isn't that the music is bad, rather, relaxing isn't as fun to normally listen to. It can't compete with battle themes when you're in the mood to hear something with pizazz.
  20. I usually don't overthink things, but I will say I did like Team Rocket in Gen 2. It suffers, particularly in the original GSC, from lacking a charismatic face, but the premise of a fallen organization trying to regain its footing was different from what I think Pokemon has done since (barring BW2????). And unlike some other instances, this isn't "well you killed our all-destroying Dark God the first time, but good luck when when we bring them back for a second time!", Team Rocket is leaning on the defensive outside of the Radio Tower takeover and it never gets its charismatic mafia boss back. I did like the implementation of time in GSC, though I was also a little impatient with some of the stuff. If Pokemon had a stronger passive narrative/world-building presence in Gens 1 and 2, then I'd have liked to see how the changes over time could've played out.
  21. Build a pyramid over a geothermal fissure, have a shaft run from the fissure underneath through the tip of the pyramid. Sounds perfect for some kind of symbolic meaning or ritual, not that I can invent one. The Egyptian underworld is based on the Iteru (Nile in ancient Egyptian) river, not caves like Greece or Mayans. I wouldn't say it's perfect though. Although I don't entirely regret it because of its age, opting to watch an LP of the second half of the Persona 2 duology left something of a bad taste in my mouth. For one, the pacing of the narrative. Because I skipped over all the battles, shopping, getting Tarots for new Personae, grinding said Personae to unlock their skills, everything happened faster for me than for an actual player of Eternal Punishment. Things could marinate in their minds and they could ponder it all much longer than I did, they may also forget little plot details over this gameplay time that would be fresher in my head. This can influence your final opinion on everything. Second, the old marketing term of "immersion". Just because in practice we players don't become 100% engrossed in the game, doesn't mean that what lesser extent of immersion we do experience is irrelevant. By not playing the game myself, I wasn't as immersed. This is particularly true of boss battles in an old turn-based RPG, it isn't fast and intense and hence potentially more immersive like a hardcore shump or an action movie. Third, and to a much smaller extent, the game has stuff outside of main story cutscenes that could help contribute to its narrative, missing it does impact your experience. I'm not talking optional scenes that could be assembled into a video easily, I'm speaking more the feel of the overall world itself, partly developed for instance by talking to NPCs. The EP LP I watched never had the LPer talk to NPCs or fellow party members when browsing a shop after the most recent big story event passed. When I played Innocent Sin, chatting to NPCs helped strengthen my impression of the influence of rumors coming true and Joker on Sumaru City, two things which are at the center of the plot. I missed not seeing that in the EP LP. Not saying watching a game's story online is a terrible idea, only that theres a gameplay-story integration factor at work that is missed when you devour a 50 hour game in a day or three on YouTube. This isn't gameplay-story integration in the sense of Shulk's visions or Genealogy's ginormous maps, this is a more subtle thing, which the developer doesn't actively think of a way to add, it's something inherent to the format of video games themselves. -I hope this sounds logical. TL;DR Watching Xenosaga Ep. II instead of playing it is henceforth the lesser of two evils, either way the experience is going to be hindered in some way. To not play is to miss out on all of the above, to play is suffer XSEp.IIJvGuB's terrible gameplay as I hear it is. Hence, I need XS I&II translated. But, I'd imagine that actual cutscenes are better than CGs, so I need to bang myself on the head hard enough to dream for three minutes of I&II's gameplay and modified story remade with modern graphics used throughout, including the cutscenes.
  22. Thats how you get the a cut of the high school students who think history is boring to lift their heads off the desk. You need outrageous superficial stuff to draw them in. And although the likelihood of succeeding is slim, once they are pulled in, then you can try enlightening them with unsexy wisdom and attempt to add them to the priesthood of academia. And it doesn't have to be incest, mention that Queen Victoria liked a little tincture of I think it was laudanum (opium) first thing after waking up every morning to quell her menstrual pains. The Empress of India, in her happy pre-dead Albert years, loved her perfectly-legal-at-the-time drugs.
  23. Maybe when I get a dedicated gaming laptop, ETA on that is -273000000^75 years. I got my toe in the door on the 4X genre with Civilization VI's Switch version, and I'm willing to expand and try more. Right now, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV Switch version that releases next February is in my sights. The Steam flash sale conundrum? Buy buy buy like you're in an alcohol-induced coma?
  24. On the topic of first impressions, whilst I'm no boundless saint who'll forgive everything, I am willing to keep an open mind if things don't land on the right foot the first time in fiction. *Tries analyzing this* I don't see any sons here marrying their mothers. And here I was misled into thinking from a TV documentary that mom & son sexual unions between Ptolemies happened. I am disappoint.
  25. Took out three of the Benevodons now, Wood, Moon, and Light, because Angela can't target weaknesses on the first two and has only Dark Gate+ for the third b/c she's gone Light herself. Start with the harder ones and let the increased levels go to the easier ones. Moon was fairly easy. I think I made a mistake with Wood by controlling Angela at the start, I would've been better controlling Hawkeye or Riesz from the fight's beginning, because then I'd be more attentive to dodging the vine whippings. As is, I barely overcame the Wood Benevodon on the first try, I was expecting to lose. And I shoulda went to Beiser to buy some Dark Saber consumables, because Lightgazer was too strong, I almost ran out of healing items. I keep telling myself I have to be more carefree with Class Strikes too, I shouldn't wait until the boss gets dazed, doesn't happen for a long while. I tried the Earth Benevodon next, but on getting frustrated, I opted to go and grind for another ??? Seed. I had the four from the Benevodon dungeons so far, and a fifth from random enemy drops, so I stopped back at Chartmoon Tower did some grinding for a sixth. I am now ready for the 2nd class change, that ought to give me the power boost I need. Despite some boss difficulties, I'm not noticing a major difference between Normal and Hard. Although, NG+'s Expert setting sounds too insane for me, receive quintupled damage compared to Hard? No, I'm fine!
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