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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I'm not in the mood to be hyped up. This is more how I feel.:
  2. I getcha, few in this country won't be holding their breath today, into at least tomorrow.šŸ˜¬ Music shilling, as a form of therapy for those who don't partake of stronger substances, is a perfectly fine thing to do today. I'll offer up a composition on that note.:
  3. If it's ninjas, what's the ratio of Hoshidans to everybody else gonna be? Will they reclass Sakura, will they cross the Bottomless Canyon for Inigo, will Asugi show up? Are they going to slip in Kellam on that tired old joke? Perhaps Ninja!Volke because a thief/assassin is the closest thing in other games to a ninja? Something entirely out of left field?
  4. Well, XC1 barely has elements outside of Melia, and for XC2, it'd be bad for Torna given 2/3rds of your team's elements are fixed. XC2 main game, well Tora wouldn't mind, but then you'd have to Tora Tora! to get Poppi those alternative elements. Maybe you could throw such an immune boss in XC2 on NG+, since NG+ removes the "must always have their story Blade equipped at all times" Driver requirement, thereby allowing everyone full elemental flexibility. Or, XC2 could be tactical about it and not make an element-immune UM Fire, Water, or Volt immune, the other five elements wouldn't be an issue for the four standard Drivers. There is one Tyrant with total attribute immunity, but they aren't immune to attribute Res Downs. Or, you can Blossom Dance it dead and thus bypass its resistances. "Elderly with cancer" probably can't end well. But at the least, I hope it ends with the last part of this one ancient Greek saying I can't remember the rest of. It went like "when young, be wise, when thing-that-comes-after-young, be X, when next thing, be Y, when dying, be without pain". Sorry to be grim here, you definitely don't need it. But I sincerely hope for the best for you and grandfather. I don't know how bad it is over in Germany (other than the reinstitution of lockdowns across Europe), but given reports here in the United States that COVID19 is forcing the cancellation of some medical operations because of the most recent surge, I hope any treatment your grandfather may now want or need won't be affected by the plague.
  5. Actually, I know why off the top of my head. I tried fighting this thing on foot in Overdrive with a level ~30 Elma a few months ago, the first try went terribly awry and I scrapped the attempt. Yama has 100% Ether resistance, which just so happens to have been the attribute my Elma's weapons were, and which the Aghasura Cannon and Agni Gatling are.
  6. I've gone through two-thirds of my first Summer in FoMT. A loooooooong playlog:
  7. I played through the entire campaign of VC4, though I didn't complete the extra hard bonus missions (nor any of the Squad Stories). I got a little addicted to save-and-reloading on the final map, and probably did too much saving on some others too, but not all of them, I wasn't that bad. Quit reminding me of Dude In Love With Ice Camilla. Too. Many. Fights!
  8. It's just the game's first FoW fight. As far as FoW goes, FE5 has a lot worse, this one is before Thracia removes the kid gloves, and it is rather big without a ton of stuff in it. So I guess thats the problem. I didn't mind it myself.
  9. I didn't have my Ares at the time I took on Dadaan, so I took him out several times on foot. Even on foot, he isn't very difficult, all of his -and the army of goons he summons- attacks are either Physical or Thermal, nothing else, so a Shield for Supershield + a buyable swim band makes you invincible. Add in Overdrive, and I eventually killed everyone with Executioner. He is one of the few enemies with additional details in the Enemy Index, just a single-sentence blip. And he is the only source of Reflect: Physical and Reflect: Thermal (the Skell versions must be obtained elsewhere) augments. He drops the Mighty Glaive: Galaxy Chief too, a special Gravity-attribute Longsword that looks like a katana, and is guaranteed to come with some randomized-from-a-list XV traits, some rather nice. šŸ‘ It only took you until after the main story. I wish Mia had reallllly absurd stats to show offer her potential, because she deserves them after all you went through to get her. If X2 brings back all/most/some of the first game's playables, I think Mia deserves a chance to really shine there in an AfM or something. As for her Signature Arts, Beam Bomber is excellent for Rayguns, shame it took so long to show up.
  10. A quick boss kill IIRC, if you don't enjoy hordes from forts. Chapter 21 spikes enemy stats again, at least according to my old experiences of it. Just a heads up. That should be the last stat spike in the game outside of the Priam paralogue.
  11. Soooooo cold!šŸ„¶ I know it's the start of November, but I think it's a cold snap today, not like I haven't been shivering in the past few days. 45F (7C for everyone from countries that haven't landed men on the Moon) and I'm loathing it. And now daylight savings is in effect and the northern hemisphere goes dark all too soon. Can we abolish November and skip right to December? At least it'd be festive. I have a portable heater, I'm trying to turn my bedroom with the door closed into a sauna. But then I run into two issues: the possibility of the dryness leading to annoying nosebleeds, and the room getting so warm I fall asleep, only to later wake up overheated and uncomfortable.
  12. Are you aware that EM Storms apparently have a very narrow timeframe in Cauldros? Supposedly it's 5-7AM only.
  13. I don't think you have to spam quick travel, IIRC, flying back and forth over a region's border (as in, fly into Sylvalum, when you see you're labeled as being there, turn around and fly back until you see the location has changed to Cauldros and see what the weather is there, if not the desired weather, fly back into Sylvalum and repeat) works too. Maybe thats faster.
  14. I'm not sold on the game's pixel art in general either. And I heard the entire game was made by one man and some say that character writing wasn't exactly his strong suit. Farming is nice, but the characters better be good too, considering that about it for what the game has. That might have something to do with the fact Luciel inflicts Topple with every attack it has, it's its gimmick. I have never seen a single snippet of either the manga or anime adaption, but I from the occasional random image of the series I've seen, I can tell you went JoeJoe on the colors here. The Orphe are welcome to immigrate to the United States, we could use 'em. I love The Party Line, yaaaaaay to interfering in elections for sanity's sake! Not that I'm aware of. Although I would say Ignit, the Ultimate Chaos in the region is on the dicey side for an unaugmented Ares. And the husband and wife Sabulas.
  15. Now that Iā€™ve turned aside the apocalypse for a second time, Iā€™ve at last cleared my mind, and after some cold-feet delaying, finally turned to peaceful farming with Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. My first impression couldā€™ve been better. The title screen did not have a remix of the old title theme.: Whatever replaced it did not sound all that good to me, and stood no chance of eliciting tears of nostalgic joy like the above track could. My memory said the first day of Spring used to be one big forced tour of Mineral Town, it isnā€™t in this update, but the first day of Spring is still unplayable, a little odd. And there arenā€™t really anything in the way of forced interactive tutorials either (written tutorials exist though), though Seedling Mode exists for beginners. Iā€™m a little disappointed the town map doesnā€™t let you see the hours of operation and closed days of the various shops. The music for Spring alternates between the old tune I recognize, and something new and unfamiliar, not sure why. I made the mistake of leaving one tile untilled in each 3x3 crop square for my first few plantings, the remake does away with the old ā€œno stepping on your crops!ā€, so I can even with a basic watering can reach and harvest the center plant, that cost me a few hundred gold. Also, I noticed they changed the title screen flashback stuff a little, probably because same-sex marriage meant the old "I was the little boy/girl you played with those years ago, and now we're at the altar" was no longer viable -unless they had chosen to include both a local little boy and a little girl in the sequence. I turned off character portraits first thing, but I think I might turn them back on, considering the portraits add expression to the charactersā€™ words. My turning off of the portraits was likely because the mayor Theodore and Zack, who got really bad redesigns IMO, are the first two people you meet, and I think Iā€™ll be mostly fine with the rest. I picked the new character design myself, since I wanted to mentally separate this remake from the original somewhat, and the new design is perfectly fine too for me. I liked what the designer said of it, that the modern urban look suits the player character more than the classic farming getup because the player is technically an immigrant from the city in the first place. The basic chibi 3D models are alright from the usual ingame distance, up close theyā€™re poor. For all ye RF4 players, this is definitely too simple for you. Wait for RF5, or if you really want to try the mother franchise, the brand new SoS instead (or that indie Stardew Valley game everyone loves, I'm not overly interested in it though). But, I canā€™t say Iā€™m not having some fun. I played through half of Spring before I decided to take a break, at which point my undocked Switch was down to 20%. Days are definitely fast in this game, though the world is pretty small and time doesnā€™t go by indoors (including the mines), so it evens out somewhat. Iā€™ve planted about all I can within my current stamina limits, and have upgraded the watering can once. I donā€™t like that going to sleep even before itā€™s too late doesnā€™t give me a 100% Stamina recharge. Itā€™s almost never not a slow start in SoS Iā€™d think, since you have little stamina, little means of replenishing it, basic tools, no animals, and above all else, next to no money. I keep investing in more seeds because they mean more money later, and I've upgraded my rucksack. My next purchase will probably be a chicken for that constant egg money, and although itā€™d be far better to get all my subsequent chickens from the incubator, I think Iā€™ll break from efficiency and add some visual diversity to my coop by purchasing a brown chicken too. House renovations and such can wait until after I get a cow and a sheep sometime in Summer, and some tool upgrades. IDK when Iā€™ll start putting time and stuff Iā€™d rather sell into wooing my man, and I honestly donā€™t know who they are, so Iā€™ll butter them all until I do. ...I think I've written enough for now.šŸ„”šŸ„’šŸ„¬
  16. Wait, is that the QTE for starting a battle? The Agni Gatling is the second strongest Art the Ares has, but I wasn't expecting it to kill Hayreddin in a single volley. The Aghasura Cannon is even deadlier, though it does burn through the fuel. There are a few things that can withstand a shot of Aghasura Cannon, you'll lose very quickly if you try to challenge Pharsis or the Endbringer, but they aren't too numerous. And once you load it up on proper augments, the Ares can take them down too. The reason level 60 Skells are considered better with investment, is that another 2-4 weapons (depending on whether your shoulder and back weapons take up both sides), means another 6-12 augment slots (plus inbuilt traits), which you can fill for more damage boosts. But as the Ares is capable of meeting all your practical death machine needs, for most players it'll come out on top. By the way, nice to see you've made this god of war! At first I didn't like its unique walking animation, but I came to understand why it slowly strides, it has the might to be so cocky. If someone thinks the skating movements are weird, it can zap them gone in three seconds.
  17. *Compares to averages* He's on or above them, Str and Def are where they should be, Spd is maybe 1 point above, Skl and Lck are 2 above, HP is 6 points above. Res is 2-3 below, but who cares about that?
  18. Finished my NG+ run of DS2 with my favorite ending. It was delightful, though I wish the ending was longer, the game appears to be fairly good with variable script situations, I wouldā€™ve liked each character getting a quip in the ending, maybe if X, Y, and Z were all recruited theyā€™d have quick dialogue together. Took 23 hours from start to finish, compared to the 52 spent on the first play, the reduction by more than half being due to battles being a breeze and no need to grind or staring at the Cathedral of Shadows flipping back and forth between demons that interest me laying out elaborate fusion plans. The second run would've been shorter had I mashed my way through the text I had seen before But the writing is fairly good stuff Iā€™d say, I didnā€™t mind taking it slow and rereading with attention again. And I did see a few Fates events I had missed on the first run because time constraints and me wanting to recruit everyone. I had totally forgotten what Daichiā€™s very last Fate event was, with voice acting it was hilarious. I missed getting Joe to Fate level 5 again though, heā€™s the one character I havenā€™t done so for. Well, Joe and Miyako, but sheā€™s exclusive to the Triangulum story and I havenā€™t started that yet, nor will for a while, I need another break from this game before trying the new scenario. Hopefully Triangulum is as good as the original Septentrione plot. I found the writing of Devil Survivor Overclockedā€™s new 8th Days inferior and somewhat inconsistent to that of the original story. And Atlusā€™s other 3DS ports of DS games (SMT Strange Journey Redux, Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology; as well as the Full Body edition of Catherine on other systems, and possibly Persona 5 Royal, possibly as far back as Persona 4 Golden) seem to have added questionable narrative stuff. Thus, Iā€™ll be going in wary of how itā€™ll treat the characters Iā€™ve come to love, pleeeeeease donā€™t botch them! But, Iā€™ll try to be positive, maybe theyā€™ll actually give Ronaldo some consistently good writing for once, not like he could get much worse *a black cat named ā€œKassandraā€ walks by me*.
  19. You can convert 5000 Miranium to 3000 fuel if you want to stick to the same Skell. Low on Miranium and don't want to wait for FrontierNav? The level 50 Support Mission "Scouting Antropolis" gives 30000 Miranium per completion. *This boss instantly enters my mind*: ...But posting a cool Castlevania boss is enough for tonight, to sleep I go.
  20. I get that, it doesn't seem on paper like it'd take that long or be that hard, but in practice, I don't know how but it feels really slow and draining.
  21. I uh, never tried that myself. šŸ˜… I waited until after I crafted my Arts: TP Gain XX augment and got all my Reflect augments. Sorry, I can't be of use. You're probably best off waiting for the regular showings of the Telethia Plume then. Please note that the Telethia Plume can make itself reflect Thermal & Electric or Beam & Ether, and these reflects can last for a long while. Either stick to Physical and Gravity weapons and Arts, or make a Nullify Reflect XX augments for each of the above the Attributes you wish to use. Worry not, the materials to make them are easy to obtain.
  22. But can you have this!?!: What the turducken is up with Wikis and linking images from them right now?! Try opening this in another tab. It's a ingame menu background for Final Fantasy VI consisting entirely of Chocobos- the chicken-ostrich things of Final Fantasy, drawn rather poorly eh. We don't need RGB spectrum color customization, which some SNES games do have, we need gorgeous wallpapers instead! The Silver Vita Cores I personally grinded for, you only need 4, and the boss refight wasn't too bad with my Overdrive setup. The Neilnail Masks, considering... Both Ares and all level 60 Skells require these and I wanted to make one of each. That they rarely "drop" due to being Intergalactic quality. That Treasure Sensor doesn't work to increase your chances of getting them because technically the masks are randomized rewards for completing the mission, not obtained from the enemies themselves. And the Neilnails spend a whole lotta sweet time being invincible for some reason as they waltz around. Invincibility is bad when you're trying to start an Overdrive because negated hits don't add to the counter. And the two Neilnails don't stand close to each other, so I waste time in my Overdrive running over from one defeated Neilnail to the other. ...I eventually turned to tickets because of the insanity of getting these, although usually you get two whenever they're luckily doled out.
  23. TBF, I was the same way on the first run. šŸ˜… And hey, sticking to Duelist was nowhere near as bad/noobish (which you could be excused for being in XCX given it's lack of explanation) as me sticking sticking to Shulk-Reyn-Sharla in XC1 in my first playthrough, even during the final boss when I was severely overleveled. I'm not even sure when I first ditched Sharla from my team there. You can reaaaallly improve on second playthroughs. ...And if you're going to try Photon Sabers, remember use Starfall Blossom before Starfall Blade and Starfall Rondo. That way you'll trigger the melee combo damage boost on the latter two Arts.
  24. Maybe it was just me, but I was fine deviating later. Somewhere in this topic should be logs of when during my recent second run I mastered various classes, and stopping before Chapter 10. I had already finished both Mastermind and Galactic Knight- the end classes of the bottom third of the class tree, and was either in Winged Viper or Full Metal Jaguar. Chances are, if I got back to finishing that run, I could master FMJ and then end the story either in Partisan Eagle or Astral Crusader (the Sniper Rifle-Javelin offshoots of Commando). That would've meant I would've had 1/2 or 2/3rds of the classes mastered before the game was over. I wasn't worried about lacking Arts in my new class, because as long as you pick one line to master first, you can always equip its weapons again after you swap to your new class and just use your old setup until your Class Rank has gone up enough to get enough Arts in the new one. Or, you could mix and match a weapon of your old class and one of the new, if the old carries enough good Arts to make up for it. So yeah, my advice to anyone trying XCX first time would be to beeline mastery of a particular weapon setup you'd be comfortable with, and then you'll be free to experiment. You wouldn't have to wait until the very end. Also, Joker farming was great for CP too! Not like your foot Arts matter when you're in a hulking Skell!
  25. You leave out "but the Emperor was really nice to my village once" part that makes Selena indebted to him. Her Camus problem is the archetype, as I see it, needs a character of a sympathetic personality and sympathetic backstory, and in addition, hesitation. A Camus must hesitate in their duties, though they obviously mustn't betray them for good. Camus definitely hesitates, Eldigan hesitates, Bryce slightly hesitates. Selena Fluorspar practically never hesitates and instead slavishly declares her loyalty when it is suspected. I like the sympathetic aspect of her, thats solid; Camus and Eldigan are lacking in sympathetic backstories. But you need both the sympathy and hesitation to be good to be a good Camus. -Or so is my criterion. Gale, like Selena, does he ever hesitate? You can't even say hiding Zeiss was hesitation, because Narcian was on the verge of losing his Wyvern General status at the time, and Zephiel probably would've tolerated hiding Zeiss to protect him from the scapegoating of an incompetent general.
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