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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Here's a, not very informative, minute of the battles. Having Megidoloan at the time when your opposition is Pyro Jacks is hacked or something else.: As you see, movement on an SRPG grid, that transitions to SMT combat. Some explanation of what else you see here from me.: A human leader and two demons comprise a team, and as long as one demon is alive, the leader takes halved damaged. If the leader dies, the team is wiped off the map, be careful until Recarm shows up, when you can at last revive them with someone else. Extra turns are similar to Press Turns, target weaknesses, deal critical hits, or have enemies hit your Resist/Nulls/Drain/Repel or better to gain them. Or you might a start a battle with one, the chance of which may be influenced by your Agility stat. You can lose Extra Turns if you hit an enemy's Resist/Null/Drain/Repel, get hit with a critical, or the enemy hits your weakness. A skirmish lasts only one round of attacks without getting Extra Turns, which can only extend it to two rounds- no Extra Turns during an Extra Turn (barring if your has an Omega on it in DS2). Getting the initiative -a boost to your Agility- happens if you initiate combat, giving some incentive to player phase. The MC's ability to warp behind the Pyro Jack is because of Flight, which grants +1 Move and the ability to bypass enemies and obstacles. This is the Suparna's Race Skill. All demon types except Elements and Mitamas have a Racial skill, Flight is the Racial of the Avian race. Some Race Skills are passives, some are commands. Leaders can select from a variety of Auto Skills instead of having Race Skills.
  2. Slightly reminds me of Marth's white Smash recolor, which I do really like on him.
  3. Beautiful!😍 I love the winter and the snow ...until hypothermia kicks in. Well, it's more I like the Romantic idea of snow, not the reality of it. I don't like the cold, I don't like the wetness, the ice on the roads and driveways, the trudging through it all, or the shoveling. I don't ski, snowboard, nor care for snowball fights, nor have ever made a good snowman.What I ultimately like, is the pristine, unbroken sheet of pure white over all. In practice, snow, like guests, stinks after three days. On days one and two, the freshly and recently fallen snow is "sparkling snow", light and illuminating even the midnight's darkness with its crystals. By the third day however, the snow has lost its literal and metaphoric luster, it has compacted into a dense, icy substance, devoid of that majestic refracting quality. And thence, I want it gone. My impossible ideal would be a light snowing that starts on Sunday, continues into Monday morning. By Thursday it is gone, and by Sunday the next the cycle begins again.
  4. You cannot outrun the Black Rider, for the fiends are death, and death is inescapable.💀
  5. *Wakes up unusually early for myself, despite going to bed at the usual time* I want to imagine some characters from other games in FE gameplay, but I keep running into issues of how to exactly formulate them when not everything aligns with FE in their origin game. Who do I give horses to when horse-riding isn't a part of their world? I did Shu first because it was the top one, and then, before my old Mac ran into its unusably slow loading issues, I made it as far as partway into Wu. I intended to save Samurai for last. You're not guaranteed to recruit the character from each Gaiden, you usually need to fulfill certain conditions. Kotaro was "don't defeat him until all the food has arrived at base". Don't fret if you don't get someone the first time, I held off on getting the character from the next Wu Gaiden, I needed more impulse. And some of the Gaidens themselves have an unlock requirement, I didn't get Shu 8x for instance. Difficulty doesn't matter for unlocking things, so use Easy if you want. I liked how when Kotaro suddenly shows up, his ninjas pop up out of nowhere around you. And in response, Hanzo, without any fanfare, has his own ninja troops show up in the same locations to counter Kotaro's. It's that easy to just appear of the air?😆 An English fan translation of 2020 exists. I know it, because I beaten it. The issue is that I'd be banned if I pointed you to a ROM, and the only form I can readily find of the fan translation is on a pre-patched ROM. So uh, that sounds like it'd be sayonara for me.
  6. But what if the artbook contains a QR code for the ideal image for a Marth body pillow that you then send to the nearest custom t-shirt maker, who then makes a body pillow cover for you so you can have Marth replace what has up to this point been Arion with a carefully placed Gungnir? More seriously, what could be in the artbook? 222 pages is a lot. How much of it is modern Archanean art, how much of it is the much more mediocre old Archanea stuff? If it's too much of the old, I'd think it a little bit of a scam from a visual appeal perspective (but not a historical one).
  7. Other people in your BLADE Squad doing Squad Tasks, that'll give you tickets too. And, maybe you coincidentally helped out with one a little.
  8. I've rarely seen the point to this, unless the turn is basically just a "move everyone, nothing else happens" or "grinding super weak enemies, I stand no chance of dying". I don't want to discover Saizo took 27 damage on the enemy phase and then deduce how it happened, I want to see it as it happens. Okay, it should not be hard to figure that stuff out, but I want to see it anyhow, it feels better that way. And the more stuff that'll happen, the more I want to see it. He says as much: Gotoh:“I washed my hands of humankind and their foolish ways long ago. But you and your companions have convinced me that was a rash decision. Perhaps there is hope for you yet. Allow me to offer what help I can.”
  9. Beautiful. Enjoy your newfound freedom. Two damage dealers can be sufficient. It worked for my Untold 1 team, and it worked for my EOV 3rd run team. Don't blame yourself for that nightmare of a boss.
  10. No, it's the Nobody of Celem. How do you not know that? Emblem Hearts -17*12 Fables Actuated Killing Eternity made that clear.😛 Medeus:“Hmm? So… I am not the only dragon revived. I had heard you perished the last time. No matter; you’ve recovered even less of your power than me. This time, you have no chance!” This is Medeus's only special boss conversation. Nagi's character ending title is "Holy Avatar". In the New Mystery fan translation (and maybe in SD's Japanese) it's "Dragon King's Avatar". "King" in this case being gender-neutral in Japanese and defaulting to male because that was the assumption of the FE fanbase until Awakening and Fates made it officially clear Naga is a she.
  11. Do you really need achievements though? Isn't the Mira survey enough? I've never cared about achievements. The goons weren't there in the original Heroes of Lagaard battle. Nor did the prior boss have minions. Nor did the final boss. Or the superboss. And neither did any of the dragons have Hearts. It's Etrian Odyssey Untold Numbers of Too Many Damn Grunts Fafnir These Bosses!
  12. How can Fates happen first when the Awakening trio travels into Fates? And I summon Lavos to consume "unifying" timelines that do not need to exist. But it doesn't really matter. A nigh-infinite number of dimensions means that time is irrelevant. One or another in the nigh-infiinity will always be in Awakening time, and another in Fates time, whenever they are if they are on the same line.
  13. You mean Asugi is a Gaius clone. It's because of a popularity poll for FE13. Gaius, Cordelia, Tharja topped Gen 1; Severa, Inigo, and Owain Gen 2. Lucina was the top 2nd Gen female and Chrom the top 1st Gen male, but having them in FE14 would be slightly weird given their main character status in FE13, thats why I guess they didn't get brought over. Same poll got them thrown into a yukata/swimsuit artwork too. I heard it said once in a TV documentary that IRL ninjas were forbidden from having smelly breath, because that'd ruin their stealth. This included no garlic or onions in their diet, or sweets. Which makes me think there was a modicum of effort put into choosing to reincarnate Gaius as a Ninja.
  14. There was once an era where I just had to preorder games, and would've considered something like this. What a fool I was. Maybe it's because of the 222 page artbook? I prefer it when the game includes a free digital copy of it's artbook. Right Okami and Odin Sphere? A Nintendo Power-knockoff poster bites at me. I wish Ninty hadn't shut down whoever put every issue of it online to read for free.
  15. Speaking of limited time stuff, the 3DS release of LoZ: Four Swords anyone? That game wasn't too bad with someone else to play with. Yes. Unlike ground combat, Skells can use two melee or two ranged sidearms, and they can be the same type, and they will have separate auto-attacks. In fact, two Diskbombs lets you use a glitch that somehow turns auto attacks into a ginormous GP generator and possibly even primary damage source. Never tried it myself though.
  16. I get that. It's what they say of the places like Peter Luger's Steakhouse and Delmonico's in New York City. You can get better steaks and clams elsewhere in the city, they aren't particularly special there, but it's the sense of history in a city thats constantly updating itself that makes them overblown with praise. That, and I have done a "history game" purchase before. Shin Megami Tensei I comes to mind. I can say modern SMT blows it out of the water, but I wanted to see the origins of the franchise (which isn't actually it's origins, it's the third game, preceded by Megami Tensei and Megami Tensei II).
  17. It's limited-time you cheapskate! I love you Nintendo, but screw you for limited-time digital. Bad practice stop now!
  18. I just posted my thoughts in the general FE topic. Too antiquated for me even at $6 USD. Don't get your hopes up for 4 or beyond (barring maybe a situation where the remake includes the original as a bonus). And fans are no stranger to artificial abundance, if you catch my drift. If Nintendo chooses to remove any and all means of a customer purchasing this game and directly providing funds to Nintendo, then it's their fault for what I'd do. If the game is "dead" and my only option is funding a fellow gamer nobody on Amazon or Ebay, then you have no right to complain I'm costing you money Nintendo if I opt for other means. Because, I'm not. Provide me with a living avenue for giving you money for a game, and I'll do it over any and all alternatives, thats all I ask for.
  19. Well this came out of nowhere. Hopefully 2 and 3 will follow. 4 and beyond goes into "the original would disincentivize remake sales" territory, so I question giving us those. Maybe FE12 though, Japan eventually got Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, which Europe and NA did, but they did not, another DS title. Even for $5.99 though, an NES SRPG sounds like a hard sell to me, that genre ain't the platformer. Mega Man and Super Mario Bros. have aged liked cheese, FE like that no-preservatives organic bread you bought two weeks ago and left out in the rainforest.
  20. 🍿 The chapter is epic. Elma might strike a different tone than during the last, but I love the whole thing. First, get all your Skell jumping out of your system, once you can fly, you can never plain old jump without transitioning into flight ever again. Also, if you've still some exploring of more remote parts of the regions you could do by foot, try to keep it that way even after flight. When you can fly over the woods, you can't see the trees, and XCX has some fine mahoganies. Speaking of Celica, if you didn't already see this fun fact (SPOILERS!): Thanks Nintendo. Not two of the tracks that come to the forefront of the XC1 OST, but it's appreciated. Excellent montage.
  21. Not entirely impossible to get characters, or at least villains in the flesh. Final Fantasy XIV, one of the franchise's two MMO entries, went and added the main villain of FFVI Kefka as a boss. As well as FFI's Chaos, III's Cloud of Darkness, and V's Exdeath. Not sure why they did this, but it shouldn't be taken too seriously. Excellent! ...But the sad thing about that boss fight is...
  22. Slower, vocalized, and a lot rockier, very different from the version I'm familiar with. Though I'm still not fond of Masaki's theme for some reason. The Winds of La Gias would be better as his personal theme. Although Man in the Dark/Dark Prison is unbeatable. If they wanted to return to the multiple planets concept they scrapped for XCX, an MMO would be well-suited for it I think. Lets the open-world game remain openly seamless. Though they'll have to toss in dimension-crossing for fanservicey stuff, I still want my Gold-Silver-Jade-Metal quartet battle! And then I want as a followup Gold-Siren-Ares (the original of course).
  23. I should get back to that, though I'm not entirely in the EO mood after a bit of a binge on it. The one on the right in that fight has some ailment vulnerabilities, the left is practically immune to everything. Determines the class you can access via a Heart Seal and offer your spouse via a Partner Seal.
  24. It surprises me as well. Nintendo quickly got to work on removing that infamous Skyward Sword glitch which kept you from completing that game. Not sure why Monolith didn't remedy this. It shouldn't be hard to fix. Did Monolith just give up entirely on this game after the flop of the Wii U and less than a half-million(?) in game sales? Speaking of updates, when X2 comes around, I'd like the online to have occasional updates of flashy content, even if I barely touched it in X1. Telethia Plume and Yggralith Zero, thats it for the Global Nemeses. Sure they're the two species worthy of the global title, but from my tinyyyyyy engagement with one gatcha, I would like a few more of these kinds of foes for the sake of variety. "Regional Nemeses?" Something like "Our activities in Oblivia has awoken a catastrophic threat from the abyss. All BLADEs, arm yourselves for Colubrim Progenitor!" -Though of course I do not want this additional online stuff thats added over time to come at the price of a rock solid no-DLC base game. I want a massive complete game no download stuff just as XCX was. (And, I know Squad Missions exist with almost every enemy type there is represented there, including some story bosses, but those aren't "flashy" enough.)
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