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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. And just to remind you, the Support Missions are now available at the Network Console in the BLADE Barracks. You've three easy mission sets, one that provides all at once EXP, Class EXP & BP, a second for credits & Miranium, and a third for Division Points and Affinity (though it ain't XC2 Love Source fast). They can be fairly mindlessly done in Skells if you want. Passionately written! I like it.😃 Oh, and, since you're emulating Berwick now, why not make a quick dabble into Namco X Capcom? Another 2D PS2 game, with three XS characters tossed into the crossover. It's the predecessor of Project X Zone and the gameplay of Endless Frontier (minus the SRPG grid of its predecessor and successors) as well. Dunno how good it is myself of course, but you can always drop it after the trio who know the mostest about the Gnosis debut. You best alternative is to make a unit with high Magic into a Valkyrie, or better a Falcoknight (or you pair an infantry staff to a flier). Have them move as far you can/want, and then use a Rescue staff on the unit you want relocated. It does mean putting the staffer in danger, but it'll have to do. And you could always have a second Rescue user on standby to Rescue the first Rescue user back to safety.
  2. Glad you really enjoyed it! Maybe more than expected given the overall reception of XCX. But, it's never not a good thing when someone has fun with a game, and the more fun the better. Hopefully finishing up the stuff in the postgame is fun as well. If you intend to get an Ares 90, you'll need I think 1272 tickets for two Golden Yggralith Hearts, those can otherwise only be obtained online, if you're in the group of 4 that deals the final final final blow to the Yggralith Zero and thus banishes it from the game for a while. I made an Ares 70 for the sake of it too and gave it to Elma because it suits her, but it isn't otherwise worth it. It's almost half-priced, and although the 70 has more than half the performance of a 90, the extra grind for the 90 isn't so crazy that that the 70 is suddenly more convenient. If you're only going to make one postgame Skell, make it the Ares 90, the level 60 Skells require more investment aka grind, to outdo a freshly crafted 90.
  3. I didn't quite realize at the time, and it's never outright said during the quest, though reviewing the script
  4. *Takes a moment to remember* Oh, that one. Did you realize that... I sort of liked the quest, because it's "the travails of surviving the wilderness of Mira", but it isn't the indigens which are the problem.
  5. It could be lust, never leave out consideration of the male gaze. The overabundance of samey female nudes in art owes a lot to men's desire. That said, there is also appreciation of the nude human body for nonsexual reasons. We are born naked, it is our natural state, it's nothing shameful, so why not celebrate it? IRL nudists aren't all sex-crazed (and many would probably not arouse you), nor are the uncontacted tribes of the Amazon who wear most a skirt or loincloth. The ESPN body issue intentionally blocks out genitals to emphasize that it is nonsexual, focused instead on the feats of athleticism which the human body is responsible for achieving. Of course, classical nudes (found in Greece and Rome, and also India) are almost always ideals, they're muscular (well, the men are, that was unattractive in women), vigorous, healthy, young, tall, they are humans in peak physical condition, which we often fail to be IRL because of aging, illness and injury, overeating, or genetics. For artists interested in painting and sculpting as realistically as possible (or realistic but within those idealized forms), realism demands you portray human musculature accurately, even when your subjects clothed, so drawing some sketches of nude forms helps. For the more austere order of monks (but not nuns) in Jainism, the monks are always nude, as are the Jain saints in their depictions. Hindu sadhus (ascetics/holy men), tend to be naked or right next to it too. Their nudity doesn't indicate carnality. No clothing means if they're outside when it rains, they get wet, if it's cold, they're cold, their bare feet leave them open to the agony of stepping on a pointy rock or LEGO brick. Clothes are a comfort and a possession, these monks deny all comforts in life and they deny material goods, their detachment from the desirables of this world and willingness to bear with its ills emphasizes their dedication to purely the spiritual. Mind, that nonsexual and sexual appreciations of the nude form can vary based on who is looking at it. Take Michelangelo's The Last Judgment: Although all it was intended to depict was all of humanity gathered, each to be judged worthy of eternal paradise or eternal damnation, even its day in the 1530s, The Last Judgment was controversial. Not the least because it was waaaaay too much nudity for the back wall of the Sistine Chapel, Jesus Christ Michelangelo what are you, a pagan? Why nudity when it ain't lustful or super-idealized here? Michelangelo really liked nudes, not unusual for the Renaissance (which was rather okay with nudity because the Reformation had yet to ruin the monopoly of the Roman Catholic Church on Christianity in much of Europe, Catholicism got prudish again when that heretic Martin Luther started stealing souls). And you might be able to call this a case of "heroic nudity", where the intent of the nudity was to add drama and weight to the overall painting.
  6. Don't forget Anna! Has anything we've seen of her character been different since Awakening? You can only spin jokes with the exact same character (and her various sisters are basically the same Mammon in red hair) so many times, and if you're going to spin the same old jokes, keep them short, for the more spotlight you give the returned character, the more you allow for it to be recognized there isn't a whole lot else to them.
  7. Barring cleric and mage, what is there that Palla can't do well? FE12 often lets the good units be good in almost anything they can access.
  8. The first Devil Survivor (whose enhanced 3DS port adds the subtitle "Overclocked") and Devil Survivor 2 are narratively 100% unrelated. I think I even spotted an advertisement for the first game on the back wall of the subway where DS2 begins. Devil Survivor 2 is also more lighthearted than the first DS, which isn't as dark as mainline SMT is, but the atmosphere is fairly bleak. DS2 doesn't feel as dire and has a fair bit of humor interspersed, though it is set in a Japan undergoing the apocalypse and you're working from dawn to dusk trying to stave off humanity's imminent extinction, the story isn't one big joke. Thus, you're totally fine starting with DS2.
  9. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker edition (the 3DS port, which adds a new 5 day story on top of the original 7-8 day story of the DS original; the opening posted above is from the DS version, RB's opening movie isn't as good if you ask me). Basically, it's Shin Megami Tensei's standard turn-based combat, modified to work with an SRPG grid. When Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei was first announced, some people thought that the two Devil Survivor games would be the gameplay basis for it, and you could definitely argue that Devil Survivor is gameplay-wise closer to a more equally SMT and FE crossover than Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is. The route splits are because SMT ever since the second game back in 1990, has had them in every mainline title and some but not all spinoffs too. Although unlike Three Houses and Fates where you decide at the very beginning, the route split doesn't happen in SMT until ~90% of the journey is over. You get to weigh your options before you choose a future for the world, whose current state is almost always apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic. As for the recruitment, when the time comes to choose a route in Devil Survivor 2, all the characters go their separate ways after almost a week fighting together because of ideological disagreements. Bonding with the other characters until the MC has a Fate level of 4 with them, allows you to persuade them to come back to your side after you defeat them as enemies, barring a special exceptions depending on your route choice.
  10. I'm even older than you, done with university and all, and I still don't have a DL. Although I kinda need one to stop being a layabout eventually, 'cause it's hard to get a job you can walk to. America's glorious absence of good public transportation. Blame Ford and General Motors for that, a century ago they forced the tyranny of the automobile upon us and bribed the politicians to agree with them. The freedom of being able to drive wherever you want is great, but the need to drive where you have to go is a burden. And for me, the burden is more annoying than the freedom is good. --- Speaking of freedom, I reached the route split again in DS2, and I got everyone I wanted (which meant everyone except those not allowed in my route) to Fate level 4 with a few time slots to spare, though it was close. I initiated my favorite route, shaking with joy as I went through it, and then quit the game, I'll redo the route's opening tomorrow because I like it and actually play the route then. I made a separate save file in case I ever wanted to play the route once more. Unfortunately, I had to skip the optional NG+ Beelzebub battle, I shoulda lifted the fusion level cap, because the level ~60 demons I inherited from the end of my first play aren't strong enough. I also shoulda done a Vit dump on the MC for Anti-Almighty and general durability, that would've let them survive the Lord of the Flies easier, not like I need their damage anymore with those endgame demons OHKOing every enemy team on NG+.
  11. That quest sounded promising at first, a mysterious lifeform that had that once lived on Mira. The cliche ending is therefore disappoint. I yearned for knowledge, revelations about the great unknown on which you walk! And what's the problem with Murderess now?😈 Though, as later missions indicate, she isn't that bad. She, as well as Boze, Yelv, and H.B. (three of whom were DLC in Japan, a coincidence), all have bad first impressions, but I warmed up to Murderess later. Honestly, my first playthrough's memory of her recruitment AfM had me think she had actually shot Irina in the back there during the trip to Noctilum, when that was corrected with my second run, that made her slightly better too. -- ...Still delayed on starting FoMT, even though I had the perfect opportunity to start it today. I'm really rushing through my NG+ run of Devil Survivor 2 instead, it was too addicting. It's slower than expected, so much text, but I've still nearly whipped through it in 3 days. I'm up to Friday again, and I've a hankering to go through it tonight against my better judgement of having blitzed the two prior ingame days in a single IRL day, thats alot of DS2.
  12. Sounds a little like a case of "doomscrolling", thats actually a neologism now. It means "constantly looking at negative/sad/bad stuff", not good for mental health.
  13. I love the way it perfectly sits in there, still and unflinching. It looks so bizarre when you first see it (partly because Colubrims are very rare, no generic ones outside of squad missions). And if you attack this one, it's a bit of a sight to see. The bolded I'm completely fine with, it's a nice touch allowing for cameos. The Isle of Happiness/Sunshine Islands inclusion of four of the FoMT Bachelor/ettes set sometime after their marriages sounds like it was a good idea, in the sense of a "here they are after their games are "over"".
  14. Will it clearer if I say the battle will not end well and done, if you end up well done?🔥🥩 I don't get why they came up with this sequel idea when it's so removed, Bokumono needs a timeline no more than Kirby or Mario. But thanks for this information. My core issue with your statement is "AWL DS" sounds like its port of AWL, which it isn't, especially not when they removed the one thing that makes AWL so unique within the SoS franchise. Yeah, convenience; I dropped 7th Dragon on my current computer because I was afraid I was wearing out some keys too fast, and it wasn't the best for my fingertips either. Why am I thinking the localization team added a cartoon meme here?
  15. Do you mean Harvest Moon DS/DS Cute? If so, then that is definitely not AWL if you ask me. Never played it, but I have a guide for Magical Melody that has a section on HMDS too, and nothing is the same besides a bunch of reused characters. There is no aging/life cycle, it's a more typical SoS experience, with a not-in-AWL "plot" of trying to bring back the Harvest Goddess by collecting 50 of the 100 Harvest Sprites.
  16. Fort Stieger does have strong enemies, though the next chapter is going make you very craggy. If you go too slow, you'll find your feet a little past medium. Hope it ain't too bad! I wonder what Chrom thought of that? 😄 Although at least it's not his exact child, Fates has it weirder. I never played more than like two days of A Wonderful Life myself, it was too slow and boring. But when I read online of its whole "circle of life" aspect, that definitely put me off from ever playing it again. Life's transient cycle is beautiful, and it's interesting to see a game simulate that, but it's too depressing personally. I want happy eternal life free of aging, because I won't find that IRL. But I absolutely see why some people would enjoy the experience. I'd personally like to see the low-key PSP Hero of Leaf Valley remade (with bachelors and a playable female option added, weird that so late into the franchise that a game wouldn't have this). Because it has the "save the town from becoming an amusement park by achieving one of several endings before the time limit is up" of Save the Homeland, and then added the marriage aspect that StH removed. The blend of an overarching timed objective with relaxed freedom sounds like a good balance. -I could emulate this, but I don't have a controller ATM and I'd want one.
  17. Flipping through Fogu, it looks like Animal Parade allowed it as well. That game seems to get a good deal of praise by hardcore fans of the franchise. That or A Wonderful Life seems like they'd be good as the next remake, if Marvelous wanted to mimic Pokemon and FE with remakes interspersed between new games. I'd say AWL has priority, given FoMT used to have connectivity to it and the remake still features the two characters from it. And considering $25 is a good 10 closer to the $20 I had in mind as the ideal price tag... digital games need refunds. Why'd I rush on this?
  18. If you mean Excellus himself is a one-off and not the quote, you'd be wrong. Thanks Tokyo Mirage Sessions!
  19. According to the SF name chart, it always has been: ローロー Rōrō Roro Roro Why did NoA change it to Legion? Don't know. Did Roro sound too barbaric? But BerserkerCloneMan is a barbarian in behavior. Legion was a great choice for a new name, though they should've called him Lolo.
  20. Looks like what I heard on Fogu was somewhat mistaken, rereading what I read and how others interpreted the remarks, I found the likely source. A 2013 interview with Yasuhiro Wada, the producer of most games in the Bokujo Monogatari franchise from the SNES original (1996) up to and including Animal Parade in 2008. https://www.nintendoworldreport.com/interview/34710/interview-with-harvest-moon-creator-yasuhiro-wada Yasuhiro Wada (YW): "In Harvest Moon, there are three key elements. There are crops; there are animals; there are people. As the series moved on, there was so much focus on marriage. It was almost like getting married in the game was the goal of the game. But I wanted that focus to go back to where it started. The human relationship is not just about marriage. It's about man and man, father and son, etc. I wanted to have so many varieties of human relationship in Hometown Story instead of just getting married. Although you can get married, it is just one part of the game." So it wasn't so much "not enough farming" and more just "too much marriage". Understandable, one of the things about rural communities IRL is that it's more possible to know all your neighbors and bond with them, so wanting to replicate that in a game makes sense. City neighborhoods can have close communities too don't get me wrong, but anonymity is much greater there, by virtue of the much greater populations. Marriage can happen in any setting more readily. Wada still makes a few games, though nothing of major significance since his departure, Little Dragons Cafe his latest game has a 7 average on MetaCritic. (Also according to comments on Fogu, most of the original SoS team had left by Animal Parade, which isn't unsurprising after more than a decade. How many of Monolith's crew have worked from Xenogears to XC2?) You're not a problem here, but if you feel you need a break from social media for a bit, or for forever, go ahead. It can be consuming and exhaustive. Have a good life regardless!
  21. And vomiting a grand mish-mash of old ideas in new packaging with some novelty toss isn't a whole a lot better either. Narratively I don't dislike TRS, but I don't see as much more than 1-5 thrown in a blender with a few new flavor extracts. There are aspects I surely like of it, but let's not kid ourselves into thinking it's truly great. -Not to praise FE7 by criticizing TRS. 😄 He is the oldest not-divine Nopon in the game, at 99. Bring a certain girl to a house, afterwards... The major issue is you the player have to initiate this terrible thing, and you so want to when she's the only dancer around.
  22. I disagree. Julius, maybe it's the long hair and wyvern, is Travant. And since Sennet is Alm raised by Swordmaster Mycen and Eyvel, Canaan is Rigel, or Rigel-Grannvale. Gwen and Bahanuk being manipulated by Carla are FE7 things, that I agree with.
  23. Just read that the new SoS will have same-sex marriage like the FoMT remake does. Well, "Best Friends Ceremony", but the English localization of FoMT was allowed to drop that term and rebrand it as marriage, so it should be the same here. Interesting to see they announced that on day one, though no such announcement for RF5, hopefully the RPG spinoff would adopt this improvement from the more peaceful ancestor. Curiously, I overheard, with no source given, the reason why the founder of the Bokujo Monogatari franchise left Marvelous, was because he felt it was going from a farming sim with a dating aspect, to a dating sim with a farming aspect.
  24. Ah music, that language that doesn't need 5 years of studies to learn and yet have only the most remote of fluency:
  25. First priority is adding a series of naval battles, using bi/tri/quadri/quineremes. I want to shank my enemies' boats with my own at sea. Oh, and dromons because ships on fire is how I like it. Here a list and some explanation: *Cough* This said, if you enjoy Sw/Sh, good for you! Nobody can deny your sense of enjoyment. What the critics want beneath the venom, is an even better experience for all. And hopefully, Game Freak will get better in time. ...And positivity? Uhhh... https://nintendoeverything.com/wp-content/uploads/mario-halloween-2.jpg
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