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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. It's not using probes or anything. You go into the barracks, head for the Network Console in the back, select Time Attack Missions, and there's your selection of boss fights to relive. Skells are verboten for all of them. It doesn't include the Chapter 7, 10, or latter two phases of the final battle as bosses, C10's was presumably too big, and there's another of the C7's boss's kind as a superboss. Only reward is some rare materials, expect to virtually murder the Rexoskell a heckuva lot more if you want some non-Ares level 60 Skells and superweapons to put on them. Wow, that soon? Why didn't they announce this sooner? Fears it'd cut into FoMT's sales knowing a newer game was on the horizon? Depending on my reexperience with FoMT, I may spring for it eventually, or not. First impression is me not liking the visuals of the new game, and I'm not fond of FoMT's new artstyle as others are, but what can you do?
  2. *Sigh* I'm feeling a little regretful now of yesterday's SoS purchase when a brand new one presumably 100% modern gets announced the very next day.πŸ˜‘ But it's not that bad, since FoMT is a good way for me personally to try reconnecting to the franchise, given my past history with it. Everyone else is probably better off waiting for the next one. I'm running out of classic and new RPGs that I'm interested in, so either I venture into other genres of games, or I do something else with my life, and I know which is easier. Though I haven't started FoMT yet, I'm reaaaaally finicky with my gaming mood sometimes, and I'm not in it for this one yet, maybe later today, maybe tomorrow. I've cleared Sunday and Monday again in DS2 (it's fast when I inherited 4 endgame demons), and I want to see if I can blitz down Tuesday on the same battery charge. Daichi is already at Fate level 3, geez the best friend bonds fast, I think I'll save beforehand and reset to view his events without wasting time when I no longer need to raise his Fate anymore. *Definian Downfall at 1 in the morning*😡 And, you can always refight the Rexoskell for pride and some materials whenever you want, not sure if clearing the story is necessary first to do that from the online barracks terminal. That wouldn't be a challenge, they've already done that before with Tides of Destiny. Though Aden and Sonia aren't amnesiacs with customizable names like the other protagonists, which would absolutely work, since it isn't like you get much of a say in the amnesiacs' personalities. You thought you were racing against the Lifehold's charge, turns out it was another's. Terrible timing! I hope you get it fixed, thats extremely inopportune.
  3. 🀨 The one true, inescapable test of your ability to fight on foot, and you do this. Neither. A fan customized their avatar with Shulk's name, his voice, and roughly, his appearance. Theres probably hundreds or thousands of those out there. The actual Shulk or anyone else from XC1 does not exist in XCX in any capacity.
  4. About that The thing is, a menu or map would suffice. It's all XCX does, all HW does, and it's all a slew of DS and 3DS games do. The days of "forced gimmicky touch screen use" that early DS games had (like Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow) had passed by then. It should end sometime in the morning of the 29th I think. Not sure how far I'll be able to play into it then.πŸ˜… But considering I was reading time moves fast in this game (but it stops indoors), maybe I'll get through my first year tomorrow. -Not really. Does merely seeing the chapter make you Pales in the face?
  5. I bit the bullet, SoS has been purchased. PleaseletitgoodletthecharactersbecharmingnottookiddyorsimplemaythefarmingbeenjoyableaftermorethanadecadeofseparationpleaseletmenotregretthepurchasepleaseitbegoodshouldIpursueKai?IpraytotheHarvestGoddessitthatitisfun. Amen!πŸΆπŸ”πŸ„πŸ‘πŸ₯¬πŸ…πŸ†πŸŒ¨οΈ I'll be mentioning the game from here on out. Won't be able to post screenshots of it unfortunately, I'd need a microSD adapter to put them on my current computer, but I'll be giving my honest judgement of things. Although for tonight, I think I'll start up my NG+ of DS2, I want to see if I get my favorite ending done before the IRL reckoning next week, in the very possible case it sends me into an emotional state wherein no game can banish the fear and despair. Whatever my mixed thoughts on Lao as a character, So Nah, So Fern is a good character theme, more so when you learn what the lyrics mean and what its probable meaning is supposed to be.
  6. I had forgotten about him, but thats true of course promoted Marty is Best Bowman. He's is slow, though FE5 isn't huge on AS. It'll take until 20/8 for Tanya to match his base Str, and Ronan until 20/36 to match it. Scrolls can accelerate that somewhat, and help them more than Daggy because they can level more, but he can use them too.
  7. Good luck with the LP! I tried to make one once, it was exhausting to the point I didn't finish it. Screenshot LPs can be a lot of writing, though I'm sure putting the oomph into a video LP with commentary besides the additional technical challenges can be as draining or more.
  8. Except, Roy is only weak magically and possibly physically, though: says that could well be overstated by fans. Roy still has a brain, and it's supposed to be his strength. And, it is possible to make someone too good at strategy, by being the flawless mind, they become boring, since you know whatever stratagems they execute will succeed, the same way you know anything Ike chops will die/lose and he'll live/win.
  9. Never played the Mario Football Internationale games, it's a gap in my Mario sports catalog, why'd Nintendo never make another? No more Mario baseball I understand because thats an American-Japanese phenomenon with little appeal elsewhere outside of the Caribbean, but socball does have a global appeal. Sports Mix was the last Mario sports game I played. It was fun, even if I never learned the nuances of the four sports included. Dodgeball was probably my least favorite, but I'm not sure whether I liked basketball or volleyball the most. 2 days left on the sale, and I'm still undecided on whether to buy SoS. Ideally, I'd wait for sale down another 15 to $19.99, but until I buy this game, it is going to linger in the back of my skull and every now and then pester me with thoughts of it. But $35 just to banish a pest from the noggin is not worth it, especially if it then becomes a member of that mental list of games you regret buying. While I'll skip it for now, I think I'll eventually buy SteamWorld Dig 2 on sale. Normally, I'm not one for indie games, but I bought the first SteamWorld Dig for cheap and it was fun while it lasted. I bought SteamWorld Heist as well, it was for the low price was a good SRPG, very different from FE. So, although the 6-10 hour length makes me wary about bang for one's buck, I think I'll get Dig 2.
  10. Having or not having a personality doesn't matter, if you're the main character, you get a lot of emphasis and mandatory screen time, you're guaranteed to be liked by the silent mass of the fanbase. All lords, barring like the Jugdrali lords b/c they're obscure, are popular, if FEH is anything to go by.
  11. Have characters strong enough to cut through everything in a blink! By the time I get to Pale Intimidation of Red Cliffs, my snowballs have started to build up momentum. Chapter 17 IIRC is the chapter where all main story enemies from thereon out are promoted BTW. How about a reset bomb instead? *Insert Pit asking why when Mira is already pretty wild, and Viridi answering it's best to nip the inherently exploitive species called humanity in the bud while they have the chance* *Hades tries to do stuff with the Ganglion, but they're too boring and he prefers fueling Nopon corruption until they go too awry for him*
  12. Rolf does feel like the odd one out here, is there not an eighth canon hoodie in FEH? There is Soren, but I'd hazard he has been VG'ed before and they didn't want to repeat him. Oh, and Legendary Tiki, but Tiki is as burnt over with reuse as a torch.
  13. Radd and Caesar should be better, but most units (Sedgar, Wolf, Caeda, Wendel, Lena, Maria, Elice, and Jake and Beck are exceptions that come to mind) should be better in New Mystery than Shadow Dragon. Everyone, looking at this data, got a significant boost in their total growths.: SD: NM: I think class growths remained the same between games. Each class gives a net (meaning including the Mag & Res negatives most physical classes get and the Str & Def negatives magic classes have) growths boost between 95 (Mage, Curate/Cleric) and 145 (Fighter/Warrior, Pirate/Berserker)
  14. I think you're being a little unrealistic here. Besides sentimentality of "my country right or wrong", there's family commitments that can make this an impossibility, and there's the need for a job in whichever totally strange land you choose to go to. As depressing -and if you can't "blend in", terrible- American dictatorship could be, the logistics of immigration are too great and 99% of Americans will opt to survive instead. A brain drain could maybe happen, because those with the brainy skills have the talent to be readily wanted wherever they would choose to go, and they've the bit of startup capital to make it happen.
  15. A positive of this is that by finishing the game once on Hard, you remove the male reclass split for all future runs. Meaning there's no longer a "slim vs. burly" dude divide, Barst can be a Swordmaster and Roshea a Warrior. Thats good should you like this game and try it on a higher difficulty afterwards. I wish these choices actually affected Kris as a character, but they don't, barring a throwaway line or two. Shared with Macedon of course. But it only adds to how unusually archipelagic Archanea is. Altea, Gra, Grust, Macedon, Dolhr, Talys, Pyrathi, all island nations, no other FE compares, most FE world maps are merely big solid continents. This was probably unintentional, though Archanea being based on the Mediterranean does provide a slight semblance of reality to this, considering the Med Sea was water surrounded by land, Classical European-Near East Asia-North African antiquity was mostly interconnected by readily saltwater, not dirt. If Anri's Way, and the deserts of Khadein are representative of the whole, then no wonder civilization doesn't exist up north. Barbarians can subsist sure, but barbarians can't be that numerous or that civilized. This said, Thabes and the Ice Dragon temple mean that at some point, dragonkind was able to tame the wilderness, and maybe it wasn't that wild back then. If Bantu wore clothes equal to the amount of information we have about Dolhr, his thong would be a little small. We know it's probably all badlands. And it would seem the only reason Dolhr went to war is because Medeus rose up, otherwise I guess the angry Manaketes grumbled in silence? I'd honestly be surprised if even Macedon had normal relations with Dolhr. The desire to gut Kris with a kris knife begins. I'm not a super-duper Kris hater, though the trend Kris innocently started is... 😐.
  16. I'd say Tanya if you're looking for a good bow user, her better growths matter more to me than Ronan's gimmicks. Though Thracia has fairly few fliers, mono-bow units are held back by being unable to ever Capture, and most of them start with low weapon ranks that increase at a glacial pace. If you don't mind using a mounted bow user instead, Selphina is probably the best bow unit.
  17. The final battle, as was practically every boss battle on my first run, was a total blur, and not because of Overdrive. I didn't comment on the C11 boss battle because I couldn't remember anything about it. You don't really need Augments for anything prior to the postgame, and I'd say thats been true of Gems and Aux Cores as well. I don't know how often the final phase of the final battle uses some of their more exotic debuffs, but it has a bunch of them you can very inexpensively block out via Augments.: Control, a few Cracked Claws from Scirpios in Primordia can provide Resist Control. Puge Counters can be made into Resist Time Bomb. Succulent Meats from Suids can block out HP Recovery Down. 10 Succulent Meats can be made into an Max HP Up or SpecUp.HP.Max XX, for additional 1500 (foot) or 1000 HP (Skell), if you want that little bit of extra durability FYI. The final phase also has Debuff Resist Down, Forfex Miso can be used to craft the resist Augment for that. Otherwise your 100% resistance from one of each of the other Augments won't be enough. Level 50 Skells will handle the earlier phases easily, so I can't recommend much there. And the last phase has at least one attack of every attribute except Electric, so no armor recommendations there.
  18. Does it matter you messed up? Maybe it's because I long longingly stared at its page on the the SF main site, but by the time I get to playing BS (by which point Rubenio should look like Barlowe IRL), I feel like I'd want to tell anyone trying to help me to "SHUT UP!". There's some irrational reaction in this to all the help being discussed. But at the same time, while "Blind" + Kaga = AGONY, I'd want to have some experience of what that'd be like; those whose permanent recruitment, item get, and promotion I botch up miserably, I would take in equal doses of bitterness and stride.
  19. Fortun is quite annoying, though her species is listed as "???" and I do wonder who built her. Doing this quests means you're getting fairly close to recruiting Mia, you can wait until after Chapter 12, or you can finish the relevant quests to do it before the story is over. Your choice. Silque doesn't have Physics, Faye does, that means you don't have to slow down your frontliners. And Silque Warp + Faye Rescue + ORKO machine of your choice = safe assassinations everywhere.
  20. Huh, I would've thought Sylvalum and Noctilum would top things, Cauldros is a little small and dense. I can see your point though, and it's nice to see unexpected but pleasant preferences. How will X2 make you feel about it, if therein lay an explanation of all the ruins? -You don't need to answer this. With all the zesty personalities of Awakening, leave it to Mild Man to mildly improve. Cavalier!Stahl should have 400% in total growths. So I'd guess you could interpret that to mean 4 stat points per level is "average". 400% in growths adding together personal and class growths is pretty normal for Awakening. Miriel as a Troubadour, 375, is as low as it goes.
  21. I'm reading that now, Pasca Kanonno, Kanonno Earhart, Kanonno Grassvalley. Thats a way of approaching things I hadn't considered before, though it is basically the LoZ approach in a sense.
  22. I was about to say that. Release date was 8-12-2006. So it precedes Tempest by 14 days, but is placed after it. Odd. Even odder, reading the description of the game, I have no idea why they put three girls when seems like it's actually just one??? Maybe to rep all three entries at once. If thats the case, it makes things more boring, triplets would be exotic. Reading the gameplay description, it doesn't sound half-bad, a customizable avatar and your own choice of class using Tales (Abyss-era) gameplay? If the execution ain't horrible, I'd considering emulating it one day.
  23. It does, though I forget which button it is. Check the menus to see if they explain the controls anywhere. If that fails, mash, mash, mash everything away. There is a skill that if set causes you start battle on a horse too, provided the fight isn't indoors. And Impulse I think is the skill that increases movement speed, so equip it if you have it.
  24. Swords, more swords, a few fists, a stray woman here and over there. ...Whats up with the triplet sisters?
  25. Shall I remind you of Tlazolteotl?: And are you familiar with the Seven Deadly Sins?: I'll drop this topic nao.
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