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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Of course not. If dogs had an age of consent, it couldn't be 18, because only some small breeds could be lucky enough to reach that age, maybe. We have Tiki to judge the aging of Archan-lisse Manaketes. Naga died in -500 AC, Shadow Dragon takes place in 605 AC. Tiki can't have been born after mommy died, so she's at least 1105 years old, and yet she's a little girl, not sure how young, but maybe 6 or 7? Awakening is ~2000 years after Marth's era, by which point Tiki is now a young adult, although what you'd say she looks like in human maturation may vary from person to person. I'd say 21 at most.
  2. I'm interested in using that guy when in 20XX I get the power to play BS. From what I read on the SF pages about that guy, he's uniquely the only healer who can use anima magic for offense too. Buuuuuut, you gotta play fast when you bring him along. I wonder how good he actually is then -but don't tell me, I want to see it myself when the time has finally come.
  3. Looking at that Berwick map, I'm reminded that hexes have a certain novelty compared to squares. Not as easy to defend with hexes, but the maps have a more organic look when they aren't so boxy. @DragonFlames Looks like another niche dungeon crawler you may wish to check out.: https://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/switch-eshop/undead_darlings_no_cure_for_love The premise of dating freshly zombified anime girls is a total turnoff to me, but maaaaaaaybe it'll interest you on a sale or something. But who knows, maybe it'll burn you like Mary Skelter again.
  4. The problem there is that 15% Str growth. The Njorun Scroll, the +30% Str growth one, doesn't come until the very appropriate time of Leonster Castle. Stacking four of: Baldr, Hodr, Neir, Dain, and Fjalar grants up to 30% true, but thats a lot of Scrolls others can't be using then and it limits Ronan's inventory to a single bow. And believe it or not, but Ronan would want Mag-boosting scrolls early too, his 55% growth there is sunk in practice by his 0 Mag base, and he gets but 1 point on promotion.
  5. A-men! TBF, the very first trailer for this game didn't help one bit with the random Shulk-lookalike face at the very end. And Shulk's VA isn't the best male one, I agree with the sentiments that the one that put the most enthusiasm into it was the Joker VA. I'm fine with that, as long as you didn't say "Prospectors". I don't agree with H.B. that the Divisions should be abolished, but Prospectors have no good reason for being separate from the Curators. Everything else makes sense.
  6. *...Suddenly dawns on me that Xenoblade Chronicles 2/DE and BotW sans DLC are 6 GBs less* Maybe it's lack of compression or other data organization inefficiencies, but wow thats big. Don't most Switch games come on 16 GB cards even though 32 GBs exist? X2 I imagine would be even bigger. And good luck! I'll offer what advice I can if you want it!
  7. Thinking of card-based SRPGs, try Yggdra Union if you haven't. A GBA game later ported to the PSP with the difficulty toned down (GBA difficulty is now a Hard mode). I only played the first three missions, so I can't say how good it is, but you may like it.
  8. This is partly why I won't ever play Mother 3. Thinking too much about buried alive for all eternity with the sweetness of escape or the mercy of death both impossible fills me with existential torment. I believe they really dislike stoic edginess, adding in goodness in gameplay is another blow. Personally, I don't need to like someone to use them (though not liking good units is a purely gameplay criticism), but everyone should play as they wish.
  9. Can we condemn American adult cartoons to the "great errors of humanity" pile too? For whatever makes me eyeroll at anime, the Western stuff makes me want to puke.
  10. I miss Battalion Wars, only two games, and controls and ordering the AI weren't ever perfect, but they were fun enough.
  11. Motorcycles are naught but a way to die via backflip off the back bumper of a suddenly stopped car. And motorcycle culture is a fabrication of immorality invented by the moneyed entertainment business elite. Motorcycles are no better than the trashiest anime.šŸ§
  12. At 18%. And tied for the highest HP growth, at 40% (which becomes the highest with the overpriced memory foam mattress). And random factoid on the topic of beds, the founder of the Mauryan Empire that unified nearly all of India, Chandragupta Maurya, supposedly never slept in the same bedroom twice for the sake of keeping would-be assassins at bay.
  13. I've played it too! Although I never completed the postgame Seraphic Gate. The game I think is a case of trying to be a little too dark, and it ends up being "Shadow the Hedgehog mature" as a result, meaning it kinda flounders as too juvenile. Although I did post about it here on SF recently (two months ago) too: I think the game is decent though, the gameplay was good enough, I just wish the game was a bit less harsh on the penalties of pluming people.
  14. True, they'd eat that up, as they would these.: Sillago Tempura and Tempura Udon with shrimp. Images taken from Muramasa: The Demon Blade. The devs liked food, and so they made it eating charming, plus it provides the Spirit needed to forge new swords (and you need Soul from killing enemies too).
  15. Consider my interest piqued! Sometimes, subplots and side-quests are better than the main story in games, so why not do it with aplomb?
  16. Does the food look anything like this when you buy it in BS?: Lobster Tempura anyone? With a decorative upper half on the plate.
  17. Sorry to hear that.šŸ™ At least they were pretty train wrecks? I wouldn't quite say I loved the entire package, but I would say the Dana portion of the story was surprisingly superb. I was very unsure of Civilization VI when I first bought it last year, but now I'm addicted, and approaching total burnout with the game from playing it way too much (doesn't help the AI is too passive and the lategame is too boring, even if I don't play above Emperor and will restart like 25 times before finding a good start- why are all my Japan starts pockmarked with mountains ruining the potential of Meiji Restoration?). I'm open to trying other games in the 4X genre now.
  18. You could bend this into a net-stagnation. The borders moved, but like a rubber band they snapped back into place. Would it defy the impression given by the originator-game? Yes. Buts that unplanned sequels/prequels/midquels for ya. As long as they don't do something too outrageous like adding invading octopus aliens whom Dimitri and Edelgard must team up to defeat and who are to blame for the ultimate return to the borders status quo, I think it's fine. Does FE have many fantastic locales though? How many exotic places does FE have? Zelda has FE beat in this category. I mean sure, Hoshido is Japanese, Ice Dragon Temple/Silesse/Ilia/Daein/Ice Tribe Land could bring snow, there's no shortage of deserts, a couple forests, some lava caves, and Sacae's plains. Perhaps FE is getting better at wondrous places, but I don't really remember FE for its scenery, it stays towards the realistic side and practical for map appearances. I'm not saying native FE locations shouldn't be featured, but it wouldn't be so wow as some of Zelda's places are.
  19. I do like Vanillaware aesthetics and have been paying some attention to this game, though the visual novel approach and drab color scheme, combined with me not having the appropriate console, mean I'm only rooting for this on the sidelines.
  20. An update to my old computer (stupid me) means if I'm lucky it'll take 20 minutes to boot up now, thats pretty bad (and I need to get all my old photos and other stuff off that hard drive) The problem with my new computer is that I was using an old PS3 controller for emulation, and that requires a USB port to establish the initial connection, a port whose shape isn't found in my new computer. Playing Dynasty Warriors with a keyboard? No. I could use my Switch Pro Controller, but I'd rather save that for the Switch, I don't want to press that hard-to-press "reset connection" button again and again to swap between Switch and emulation. Part of me wants to get a second computer, a PC this time, to function as an emulation machine + a tiny bit of Steam use. But shelling out the cash for that and a controller? That kills the desire. Understanding technobabble so as to find a PS2-emulation capable computer that'd be even more money and unfashionably big? That grinds the corpse of the wanting into a very fine dust that sinks to the bottom of the sea. Thank 3H for that I guess? I don't know much in the way of Persian/Iranian history, but it does seem very interesting, everything from the Achaemenids to the Safavids that is (the modern country is ...tricky). What I most recently read of them is that the Sassanid dynasty seems to have embraced Zoroastrianism as the state religion unlike prior dynasties for proto-nationalistic reasons. They said goodbye to the foreign Hellenistic culture of the Seleucids and Parthians and returned to the native traditions, fire temples are the abode of true Persians! This included the persecution of early Christians because Christianity came from the evil Roman Empire and Christians were suspected of being spies for Rome, despite Rome persecuting Christianity in the first century or so of Sassanid rule. Although Rome eventually adopted Christianity, the Sassanids curtailed their persecution of Christians (with periodic upswings of violence and the government carefully overseeing the elite Christian clergy), mostly because when the Sassanids got strong and or Rome/Byzantium got weak, the need for an internal enemy to scapegoat went away.
  21. Good point! We don't know see any of that. And for Tauroneo specifically, we don't really know what he thought of Ashnard's Daein. After his wife took his family away, he plunged himself into service, but we don't know anything else. This all we know of his thoughts on Ashnard: Tauroneo: Oh, my kingā€¦ In all of Daeinā€™s history, perhaps no other ruler has used the talents at his command to the degree you haveā€¦ But all the same, no other king has chosen a path so incredibly stupid. Being a former Steadfast Rider, you'd think he'd have a strong opinion on what Daein is and what the Mad King's Daein was. The Black Knight was an enigmatic part of that, and was one of the people who took T-ro's esteemed rank.
  22. Ike's treatment of the BK in RD in the duel wasn't the issue for me, it was the flashback to him and Sephiran that was the noticeable end-of-game fumble. But hey, it might make Ike consistent with how he acts, but it does make IS consistent with how it acts. How is this different from the Berkut & Rinea (and Alm) debacle? Mayhap you could say Seliph and Arvis too. Threatening Mist wasn't done in front of her, although having her attack him in PoR 27 is mean on his end besides the "flee, weakling". And why would the BK be mean to Micaiah? His master wanted her alive, being mean to her wouldn't likely allow him to close to protect her. For Micaiah's part, she didn't know who he really was, so I'd forgive her for her liking of him. If she knew his full story, then yes Micaiah bad, but she didn't until the Tower methinks.
  23. Yeah, I haven't played the game, but it does have sex scenes and some stuff thats a little gruesome, though all I've seen of either is the image of the heroine's head in the middle of a giant splat of blood, in old PC graphics. Ah Red Hare, recently stole it after KOing Lu Bu during a WO1 mission (although I probably won't be able to finish that game now, now that my old computer is pretty bad -I got to sample it at least). Reminds me that China used to refer to some exotic "heavenly horses" from Central Asia as "blood-sweating horses", a very distinctive and fantastical, if "eww!" description. Apparently, the term likely refers to a Ferghana horses, which modern biologists say could as health complications from parasites get blood mixed into their sweat. -Just a Chinese equine factoid. For the class name for the elephant cavalry, "Varu" would be a good choice, since it was the term used in India. To post the description of them provided by that Civilization VI game I've been playing waaaay too much of lately: And as a minor supplement, the Domrey ("elephant" in Khmer) of the Khmer (modern Cambodia) Empire in the same game: Also, what about these from Civ5? Camel Archers! (Although Arabians used horses plenty don't get them wrong.) "Some Muslim cavalrymen rode camels into battle. This often had an unsettling effect upon European-bred horses that had not before encountered those unusual beasts. As might be expected, camels are better-suited to desert terrain than are horses. Generally, the camel archer employed hit-and-run tactics against the enemy, more similar to Mongol horse archers than to knights or other heavy cavalry units. A well-trained camel archer unit could be extremely difficult for knights to deal with, if those knights were not protected by archers or their own light cavalry." If you're interested in learning more about camels, this article is informative.
  24. When I decided to write up some details of a hypothetical "Zelda Mode" for BotW1, I used the dragons to replace the Divine Beasts, which successfully attacked Calamity Ganon before the Champs died, but because Zelda got hurt Link has been stuck in a tussle with CG for 100 years. For the dragons I thought "where do they go when you can't see them?", and my answer- the Sacred Realm! They successfully sealed and protected the magical parallel dimension plane from the Malice in Link Mode, but Zelda Mode has her needing to save them and the Sacred Realm from a century of corruption. ...Is that an okay counterfactual scenario? I'm not actually familiar with BotW lore and story.šŸ˜…
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