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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Nope! Remember how that one Tiger went running at Zelgius in Part 3 RD? That Tiger was Female Robin, Zelgius was Camilla, and the off-the-screen person whom that Tiger's dying body crushed was Micaiah. Were you thinking of the Blood Pact when you thought of this? Edit: I somehow forgot Sothe existed. And I guess I was drawn to more depressing thoughts. Can there be a Forging Bond with Garon's Beard as a Camilla reward then? I'd be interested in the full results as well, since they could determine who they would be adding in say November and this time next year.
  2. Reminds me of Almedha a bit actually, physically I thought she looked older than Rajaion, even though it is never said who is the elder of the two. I get the general impression IS has a preference against having sisters be the eldest of multiple siblings when there are siblings of both sexes. This isn't absolute, Emmeryn, Elice, Tethys, Melady, Ninian, Altena and Brigid and Lene (who aren't really treated as Leif's/Andrey's/Coirpre's sister due to a lack of interactions with the sibling), and I guess Ishtar "feels" the senior (due to her Major Thurd), are exceptions, a lot of exceptions actually. But these are fairly few compared to the opposite. Makalov I think is older than Marcia, Ike is older than Mist, Zephiel over Guinevere, Bors over Gwendolyn, Michalis over Minerva and Maria, Xander and Ryoma over their flocks, Klein over Clarine, Eldigan over Lachesis, every 2nd Gen child duo but Altena's/Lene's. Clive older than Clair, Sigurd over Ethlyn, Conrad over Celica, Ephraim "feels" the senior of his twin Eirika, Innes over Tana, and now Hrid over his Elsas (and BTW no doubt Fates influenced the choice for a four-sibling family, albeit with one more female since females sell better). And even when the female has seniority, they often find ways of undermining it. Camilla can't inherit Nohr, probably because of her mental state; Emmeryn gets mentally disabled; Ninian is made of wet tissue (although I do really like Nils); Elice barely has screentime due to Gharnef capture and can't swing a Falchion; Almedha might be older than Kurthnaga at least, but she is so lost in grief she sometimes needs his shoulder.
  3. Thanks for the tip. In act of gratitude towards her Wing Spear godliness in SD, and being Tsubasa's Mirage, I intend to make one of the half dozen I presently have into 5* once this update possibly happens. And now I know what to avoid and favor when selecting one.
  4. Just got a pity break Takumi, so CC fodder. I know this isn't as valuable as DC, and it'd probably just sit around doing nothing because I just can't commit something so rare, but who likes CC? -And to narrow it, I'm not interested in Seasonals, OCs, Awakening, or Fates characters.
  5. Don't remind me of Wil and Louise. I know Louise thanks to CYL3 has a very solid chance of coming now, but I'm concerned IS will demand she file for a divorce first. And she cannot be without the better Mage General. As for Wil, nothing special in himself, but a nice guy with a nice history with 'becca and Dart. Since you mention those, I kinda miss that these don't exist as resources of any kind in this game. I guess if they added a "Skill Alchemy Lab" where you could teach units skills with seals or sacrificing another, they could treat these magical items as resources for it. Want Death Blow? Spend Energy Drops. Want Ward Cavalry? Pony up some Dracoshields and Talismans. Brazen Atk/Def Seraph Robes, Energy Rings and Dracoshields. -Though there is good reason people would disparage adding more resources to the abundance of ones that already exist. And speaking of boons/banes, how many characters experience a significant change from having good vs. bad boons/banes? Okay, 6-8 points difference can be big, but I thought I heard here it won't generally change what the unit is made to do.
  6. Reason to implement Stalwart Def/Res- Fortress Def/Res but -Spd instead. Or, Trick Room, that'd really break things, albeit in favor of some already quite broken. This feature will be much appreciated! Although I personally wish to be able to turn it off with natural 5*s, don't want to see the potentially sad truth of a good summon.
  7. The record keeping of hope and despair begins again. I'll be going for Elincia and Nephenee this time, skipping over the Greens and Colorless. I was questioning Nephenee, and while she is inferior to Brom I might conclude, still gotta have most of my Telliusians. She develops at least- more than Mia and Ilyana have going for them. But first, a record of all the intermittent freebies on banners I don't care to Orb summon on: Now, onto the slots! 832 Orbs going in... Down to 327. Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch! I'd reduce the world to ruin over the agony of a stab like this! Over half my precious, precious supply, and all gone, for what? One Princess Elincia Ridell Crimea. Well I have to skip the Binding Blade banner now, even if it has Lugh and some other nice ones. This Elincia must be from a world where she ended up being very racist, why else would she stay away from me but for those half-breeds of mine? I'm going to have skip many many many banners save those I most ardently desire with a burning passion the depths of which the world has never seen from here on out. Now if you excuse me, I have to get to speaking with Gutenberg and Pulitzer, we must start the presses again. Although I might wait on few days on some of these in case of a certain update so I can decide who to make the base onto which others are merged.
  8. So they're hinting at Anri? Sure he'll probably look just like Marth, and whatever personality he has can be deemed noncanon later, but I don't care. I'd take em', the bit with the Artemis's Curse is enough for me, I'd hope he'd be a little depressed for it. As for this possible free Legendary choice. I wonder if there will be any restrictions? Could if I held off on doing it right away, pick a Legendary added later? That'd probably be too good. Now who of the present ones would I want, hmm... I'm thinking Marth or Hector (since I don't have a regular Hector yet), slim chance of Tiki.
  9. Now I see it looking carefully. I'm using Night Forest, so the black lettering blended in so well that I couldn't see it. And...
  10. For the first, I don't believe so. For the second, nope. Would've been nice, but for much of RD, that would've been as tight as Sothe's shirt trying to fit them in. SF has all the support dialogue here in case you're interested. Can't deny this, like the graphics issue. RD does have a no-animations at all option, it just shows HP ticking up and down when two units fight, and quickly states any misses, crits, and skill activations. Not sure if it is available on a first playthrough though, strangely. It helps a little if it is. I do hope 3H borrows from the quickness of the 3DS games. And if I seem a little too generous and present in offering advice and such, it is simply because I'm at heart a Telliusian. I am interested in seeing others' experiences of the duology and offering some guidance to hopefully improve it. What opinions one ultimately forms I will not argue with unless they openly invite argument, everyone has their own right to dislike, like, or feel neutral towards any game. Only that they had the fortunate chance to form those opinions matters to me.
  11. That is a fair point. Some do find going slow unfun. And, there are people who enjoy intense and unintended challenges involving the breakdown of the most minute details and sometimes playing with maddening chances of success. Sure it might sound very bizarre someone would appreciate such intense "fun", but in other contexts, we IRL do want people who love that stuff. Namely engineering, accounting, other fields involving massive collection and analysis of data.
  12. Fare thee well from this board. Sorry you've hit your breaking point, you aren't the first in the recent month or so to quit, and might not be the last. I can't quite sympathize on all points, I don't care about story for instance, and I'm not sure FE could ever do PvP well. But on others, I can see where you are coming from. We're at two years, and if it was said that the game will last for five, well several games by two and half years will be below 50% inclusion at the present rate. And given gatchas I would think should be heavier in their content in the first half, due to age causing a die off later, this is even worse news. Although admittedly, the facade of Fire Emblem is all that draws me to this game. I wouldn't bother with anything I wasn't already familiar with.
  13. Yeah, I was thinking we could get Idunn with Mystics now being open to being gods and final bosses. She might even be popular enough that they could profit from making her summonable over a GHB. Although, if Idunn is MH, even if there is an MHB, I'd think they'd like to give us a Binding GHB welfare unit too. And if Idunn can't be it, then it'd have to be someone else, the question is who? We still have Gale, Brunnya, and Murdock on the pure enemy side. Maybe they could squeeze in another playable with Perceval or Rutger?
  14. Well this kind of thing inevitably has to go sometime. Not sure what gems we forever lose access to amid all the shovelware (which is inevitable). RIP these unknown games. This was Nintendo's first attempt at a digital front, and although it was only for VC and WiiWare games, it was an okay start, for me at least. Albeit I don't play PC games, nor did I actually have much access to the store since WiFi was an issue back then. The elevator music was good at least.
  15. I'm not familiar with how easy Grails are to come by, but how often if ever do TT units reappear? GHBs seem to get frequent enough reruns, but I've little idea of the other. I ask since I realize I need a Red Armor, and I'd really like the Black Knight over just pulling a Draug or using Zephiel, but with only the starting quantity of Grail at hand, is there any chance I could obtain him in a different way?
  16. Do not remind me of this one nasty YouTube video I saw once. This said, ever heard of horned lizards? I'm pretty sure they did. Not going to check right now, too lazy, but you look reallll carefully, you can see one on this Duma Carving item: The newbie here needs one. Colorless Beast "Mother" Mogalls. When not adjacent to another Mogall, at the start of turn, creates 2 new "Children" Mogalls in adjacent spaces with stats which are slightly lower than the "Mother" across the board and which cannot divide. Mother counts as Armor with Wary Fighter, but has a skill which grants Flier movement, the Children are just Fliers. Enemy-Only Duma has an S Skill that allows them to generate a Mother Mogall if no enemies are within 2 spaces of him at the start of a turn.
  17. Congrats to all KH fans! I'm not one of them (I don't care for Disney), but I know this has been loonnnggg in the wait. Hope it's all good! And I found this about KHIII's development. So apparently Nomura wrote most of the dialogue and everything else in the final draft related to the story by himself. That sounds like real micromanaging to me, and it's secretly been this way since 358/2! Apparently, one of his reasons for this is how complicated the story of KH has become.
  18. Interesting. It hammers home the idea that Light = faith, Dark = knowledge (in a pseudo-scientific way), and Anima = philosophy. The English translation in Anima then doesn't make much if any literal sense. Since anima means something like "spirit", and is commonly used as the term "Animism", meaning worship of spirits inherent in nature and all things. This seems to be a case of translate according not to what the word means, but rather what it visually looks like. The magic type looked like fire, thunder, wind, and ice, so it got translated in such a way as it could describe all of these things. They could have gone with "Nature", but to be fancier went with "Anima", in reference to Animism.
  19. Although the Duma Faithful use Dark Magic, and the Terrors are probably made of darkness, and the stream of his own excrement that makes up the swamp in the final battle of SoV is probably tainted with darkness, technically, Duma isn't a Shadow Dragon. Duma is a Divine Dragon in utter degeneracy, really weird degeneracy- but this is what happens when you take something ambiguous and definitively retcon it decades later. (Although we don't know whether Divine Dragons can become Shadow Dragons. Shadow Dragons as is just seem like really angry and powerful Earth Dragons. But then why not keep calling them Earth Dragons? And why don't Divines have a Super-Divine Dragon form? Are they naturally that much stronger they don't need a powerup?) In the sense that he has fallen become associated with Dark in his fall when he was originally of Light, Duma seems feasible for Anima. He went from one to the other, but is truly between the two? Sounds poetically appropriate. @Ice Dragon What does the Japanese for "Anima" translate to?
  20. That would be really weird. Although it would pave the way for Deceiver Fellgod of Zenith: Feh. She does have official artwork: they just need to give her a solid body for it. But I could see them make her a Flier even so. We need some levitating units. She'd obviously be Red, being Chaos itself. Beast or Tome I can't say, but since Ashera's Judges are Strikes in RD, and given Beast units will be rare in FEH, Beast could work. She is adorable, and there is a crowd that is into lolis. Her form I think is supposed to be a counterpart to Ashera's "old mother, yet not wrinkled grandmother" form. Yune also acts childish, and this is a child's body. And Ashunera, as being a balance of Ashera and Yune, is between young and old, looking like "a mother with young children" to me. With the awesome new Mythic, who I'm going to wait for a while on, despite the promise of what he foretells, I think I can safely snipe for Elincia. Having a third Red Flier, for I'm willing to use Caeda and the Wing Sword sounds good, still has a purpose, since I can only have one Blessing on a character at any time. So I can make Elincia my dedicated Water Red Flier, Caeda my Wind (outside of Vike, I won't have any LHs, so the stat boosts don't matter to me), and Tibarn my Earth, or something, more efficient on the Blessing consumption than reanointing Tibarn every so often. Still not sure about Nephenee, since I sorta dissected her character, and while putting a positive spin on it, I'm not so enthused about her after doing it. I'd like a canon Staff Flier, and I would be happy if Elincia ever got such an alt, but as a Legendary, she'd have to share a color with two others who I'd probably not want, I don't like those odds. As for the Orbs, well I admittedly hoard them because they're precious. When I stopped playing Dragalia Lost, I had enough Wyrmite for +100 summons, and a Tenfold Ticket or two. And in RPGs with consumable items, if I buy 40 of a healing item and use 3, I then end up buying 13 more. Also, as a newbie without the well-honed hordes of two years of playing able to tackle everything and anything, I'm afraid a bunch of Orbs are inaccessible to me.
  21. Actually, we all are the center of the universe, since there is no finite point from which the universe originated. -Or so I heard on a science documentary once, I can't quite wrap my head around it. Dheg can be placed in Green for not total powercreep. If we throw holy Naga in Blue, and toss M-deus Red (Mila can be doubled on Blue), then all works out. Good idea! I'd go for this, and being brand spankin' new, he might have a shot. Sure I'll expect Lazarus to win, but this is a feasible remote hope. And while I'm not going to try for Duma now, Mythics due to the guarantee of color sharing is not something I'd like. If later I see he is back with another character or two on Colorless I want, I'll snipe and put him in my scope. Also, what does this mean for Idunn and the upcoming Binding Blade Banner? Is she no longer a guarantee as GHB? Will we get Brunnya or Gale instead? Or is she, as nothing more than a War Dragon factory with pretty weak combat abilities, feasible for GHB still?
  22. Hmm... dragon, Mist Breath, oh, I get it she does this: It is scientifically proven, FFIV's world is Archanea 1000000 years later. That'd explain Rydia's green hair. Haven't played Mystery ever or watched a run, but Chapter 6 looks a bit... well weak in enemy layout and map design. Guess Lang spent too much time being corrupt and a pedophile rapist to have any to arrange an actual defense. Well he did hire the famed "Navarre" as well, so maybe they thought his blood sword hand would be enough, thanks for your duplicity Samto/Samuel! (Although he does, as always from what I'm aware, look pretty darn bad statistically.)
  23. My expectations for the final results of CYL3: I better get to the high ground.
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