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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. No. Way too much Holy Weapon. The HW users I would say should carry three or two non-HWs on their coattails. Shannan + Altena should be enough. I know those without HWs in Gen 2 tend to be flavorless, but that is why they need to be with HW users. Otherwise once Gen 2 is out of Holy Weapons, it might never be revisited. Linoan is a little disconnected to the others, but otherwise works. Perfectly reasonable. Yet I have a major criticism that combined with your RD set we'd still be lacking about half of the eleven-thirteen GMs (varies on counting Volke and Greil). Oscar is rather lonely, at least one of Rolf or Boyd, or Shinon, should be on here. Good, but to me it looks like its a bifurcated set. Lucia and Haar are fine together, but the other three seem to be their own thing. But of course, this game doesn't exactly care about cohesion.
  2. Without Hayato, Orochi, and Izana of course, the Chinese zodiac have no particular connection to them. Apparently this year is the Pig, wonder which of the zodiac if any would get repped by the alts? Certainly I'd think IS would like to rep the Dragon.
  3. She has always been a latecomer in joining (understatement). Which combined with Archanea's dearth of characterization for many, has denied her the attention she deserves for such a powerful familial relation. I give my pity to her (and pity will return the favor with someone completely different). As for who deserves entry, that is something that should be objective, but in practice has a significant subjective element, and depends on your criterion. Plot, popularity, gameplay novelty (aka my "account for a canonical horse cav!") are all among them. I'm too indecisive to offer anything, and I'd basically echo others.
  4. Well they couldn't quite give Imhullu its "blocks everything but Starlight" (I wish I could come up with a Gotoh build), but nulling counters is a way of making it block some kind of attack. Notice it only affects physical units, the implication being they can't use magic (Starlight) to kill him. So the positive half of Firesweep made into a buff? Certainly possible, and sounds quite good. Nightmare counts as a Staff, and Status Staff Avoid in FE8 is calculated as (Resistance x 5) + (Distance from enemy x 2). So you would be correct. Reminds me how Ashera has her cycle of something like: Multi-Physical, Single Long-Range Physical, Multi-Magical, Single Long-Range Physical, Silence AoE, Stun AoE, repeat. Now that is going to be total clockwork if they try to fit that in, unless they consolidate things via Breath Def/Res targeting. Then it could be AoE damage, "Chill Damage", and some debuff. Iago could actually be a fun and unique GHB unit on that note if they ran with his Staff Savant CQ self. First he does something to replace Silence, then he drops someone's Move to 1, then he -4 Atk/Spd/Def/Res, and if they wanted to be really cruel- Hexing, lasting only through 1 action though and when it wears off HP returns to what it was before (or it just halves someone's current HP). And while I just said I shouldn't do any more create-a-heroes, I did throw yet another one together, this time with a little more care and comparison. The Berserker: Durban (What? From what little we know, the guy seems rather, coarse, by the standards of FE heroes, and I kinda like it.)
  5. The easiest thing would be to make the revive a Special, as application of guaranteed Miracle to the healed target. To make it good, make it restore 50% of max HP as well. If they wanted to make one offensively oriented too, this idea happened to pop into my head: "When Special is charged and this unit engages in combat, if the enemy’s current HP <= 50% of their max, this unit’s next hit will kill the enemy regardless of the damage this unit would deal. However, the Special cooldown is reset." This, a skill on the weapon and not in the Special slot, would be the closest thing I think we could get to an insta-kill. The idea being the resurrection staff both restores life, and painlessly reaps it away- but not of those who are hale and hearty, only the weak.
  6. I really need to stay out of this topic until I get a far better grasp of things, why didn't I learn my lesson eons ago with that horribly busted Opera of Light? I've some creative ideas I guess, they just aren't tethered to the realities of FEH. I'm like an English major who wants to solve climate change- good heart, but leave it to the scientists and other proper professionals, please! I'm not caught up with all the BST stuff- I'm neither that kind of player, nor have actually played that long. I guess better mixed tanking would be better then, as a more unique niche. I was considering 10 damage for Malevolent Aura, a little better, but still not much. As for the debuffing boost, well you're right a reverse -blade would've just been much better. As for Distant Counter in Ravager, I had ideas of keeping Demon Light out of this. Since if I really wanted to allude to Demon Light, I'd have to make it a distant counter that targets Res, but so far, that has only been done in tandem with being able to alternatively target Def. But that would make Formortiis just a Breath Armor without the Breath weakness and Def targeting up close, and from what I'm aware, Breath Armors are being a bit too annoying powerful for some players. I didn't want to do that. I would've made a separate Demon Light build instead, with a reference to Nightmare thrown in, although it appears Imhullu has stolen the general idea of what Nightmare could possibly be.
  7. *Grabs Holy Water and Item Crashes it into Hydro Storm* *Next poster is assailed by the Hydro Storm*
  8. I'm sure he had to take a stand against Tibarn's inclusion. *wink wink*
  9. I was thinking on Mythics, and I think I found a solution for a certain BIG bad. Prince of Demons: Lyon @ILikeKirbys I see you fit Boon on Nasir's weapon. How useless that skill was in Tellius, but here it could be genuinely good. And the Dusk Dragon knows how much Conquest could've used it. Ena getting the Def/Res targeting is perfect for her mixed White-Red heritage.
  10. *Loses my brains. But as I am cursed by Odette, Queen of the Netherworld, my fetid grey matter peeking out through my thinned skulls magically regenerates back to its hideous normal.* *Sends an Omega Metroid to attack the next poster*
  11. There is a simple explanation for this, the planet Helosemberu has a different day length than one on planet Earth. One day there is 58 Earth days 15 hours and 30 minutes. They've plenty of time. Agreed. I'd be fine if this game went super alt and collabs heavy in the final year and half, but only on the grounds they'd have almost everyone in by then. But two years in, this game is still missing large amounts of characters. Even if we write off a lot of "deadweight", we're still missing enormous amounts of characters. Fates is still missing over twenty characters- the favored child of FEH! FEs 7, 8, and 13 still have over twenty left as well. There are forty-two FE6ers, and even more Telliusians. We could likely say there are over twenty Archaneans of noteworthiness excluded, and I could likely muster twenty Thracians, and twenty Genealogists, mixing the two generations together, who deserve entry too. The remaining fourteen Valentians, and however many Fodlanian younglings pop out of IS's womb later this year, which should be at least in the thirties, more likely the forties, and with major villains and NPCs, could reach nearly sixty.
  12. RRs are fun, this ought not to disappoint. I'm a little surprised you've leveled Medea, 9 HP and 2 Spd say "don't use" to me.
  13. Mark doesn't have to exist though. The tactician in Eliwood and Hector Mode is only there if the playthrough is connected to Lyn Mode play. Of course, canonically since Awakening, Mark has existed. His clothes remain consistent at least, since FE6 had a group CG of the Eight Legends- although that did depict Durban as armored like Hector, when he is shirtless in FE7. And unless Roland died terribly young, Durban's spirit and Roland's spirit alike should depict themselves in their primes, probably how they dressed when they were in the midst of the Scouring. The exact Athos line explaining Bramimond is: Now the "He... She... It..." might lead one to think that Bramimond has no defined physical form I can see. Yet I wouldn't say that is what Athos means by it. It'd really help if the lines when HEL talk to Bram were voice acted, since perhaps he spoke like a girl when Lyn spoke to him. The Japanese might help in this case, since Bramimond uses "I" in English in the Lyn response, and Japanese pronouns can be gendered. What I think Athos meant is gender, not biological and physical sex. This is backed by Teodor in H19xx: A Glimpse in Time Teodor is wrong, Bramimond's memories do endure, it is because of those memories that he protects the Divine Weapons. Bramimond does say he doesn't care about the world in response to Hector, but to be fair, he is just mirroring Hector's brutishness. And, he might be displaying the coldness expected of a guardian of something of legendary status- petty problems in the world do not warrant the breaking of the seal on the Divine Weapons. As evidence, despite Athos using a seemingly calm tone with him, Bramimond ends a sentence in respond to him in a demanding question, indicated by an exclamation point. So on serious matters, perhaps Bramimond's will can still exert a measure of personality control. But nonetheless, Teodor does not speak of physical dissolution. That would be pretty extraordinary, and something you'd think these "rumors" Teodor speaks of would mention. And certainly that Athos would have made this clearer.
  14. Bramimond is even less human than Athos. Athos has extended his lifespan by 900+ years, but as he speaks to Louise during the Living Legend chapter, he is clearly approaching the end of his life. Although we don't see his face or the color of his hair, I wouldn't be surprised if Bramimond hasn't gained a wrinkle or lost any color since the day he became The Enigma. Were it not for Athos disturbing his rest, and FE6 requiring he die, he might have been able to live on for another 1000 years. Athos also has a perfectly ordinary personality, Bramimond still has memories and independent will, but can't control his personality. That is not normal, that is no mental illness, that has to be the result of sublimating himself to the Darkness. He gave some, and got unparalleled mastery of the shadows, without the foolish mistake of giving everything. While Yune is Chaos itself, which has a Dark association in Tellius, the Demon King, and Medeus, Loptyr, Grima, and maybe Anankos all have great Dark Dragon powers. Of mortals, or former mortals, Bramimond is certainly the greatest master of Darkness in all of FE. -Or at least "master" who did succumb to corruption by the Darkness (Gharnef, Julius, Nergal, Lyon) or is innately EVIL! (Manfroy). I hypothesize Robin could outdo Bramimond, but that would require they master their Grima powers and become the King/Queen of Fell and not just seal/destroy it. Robin I guess would rather live an ordinary life, while Bramimond chose the path of continuing in his art above all else, although at the time when he made the irreversible sacrifice, humanity was on the brink of annihilation. ...But I should really stop doing these Brammy worship posts. On another note, Tellius and Elibe would be plentiful sources for the Mythics if they are only deities and legends. Since we get more detail on many of them than we do for any other game. Jugdral has the most at 12 Crusaders, but none have that much of their backstory explained. The only Tellius Mythic who would be lacking is Soane, who never says a word in the 4-F flashbacks. Altina does, even if it is only gentle words, which she could not have always been dual wielding Ragnell and Alondite. Elibe gives us plenty of Athos and Bramimond, with a few lines from Roland and Durban too, plus Elimine has that one picture. For everywhere else, we have little to go on. They would be effectively OCs. Magvel only bothers to name two legends of its five. Although a Mythic Lyon with his face who is actually Formortiis ala Grima Robin in this game would work for an SS Mythic. Demon Light says Breath, but Ravager, aka Demon King PUNCH!, says Beast, and either way he screams Armor to me. We already have enough broken Breath Armor, and in Japan the DK starts with Ravager equipped (it's Demon Light aboard), and Beast Armor would be much more unique, so Beast Armor please! I'd like Demon Light too, but Lyona doesn't exist, so something has to give.
  15. I recall hearing Heath having some meme status in Japan back in the day. Apparently is because of this Japanese FE7 commercial. That is Heath's death quote that pops up at the end. I guess this might have died when the American commercial Dorcas meme didn't proof Japan is not so addicted to memes and hence better human beings than us. He is a likable character, a gentleman knight in his behaviors, but a little different in being a Wyvern Rider and deserter. And the green skunk hair adds to his noncomformity.
  16. By Shinon's favorite cheeseballs, let this not happen! If those who received Legendaries already start getting Mythics, then a blight no goddess could fix will be on this game not really, it's only Mythics. Just alert me when Void Eternal Omega Alpha Transcendent God Daimaou Majin Kishin Shitennoh Ssu-Ling Zodiac Lost Mythic Legendary Brave Super Saiyan Blue Ike with the Ragnell Shin Wild DGG Rein Reise Mk. III Custom Powered Altered RLS Trombe. Again, if we must have more Ike presently, I'd rather his latest effort to be broken be in the form of him stabbing people with a stick with toasted marshmallows on it, while riding a grizzly bear, shirtless, oh yeah and in swim trunks. And to speak the truth, I don't want Micaiah to be the next Mythic, I'd rather it be an Ike actually. Since while I want Light Priestess Micaiah, I wouldn't try getting her on a Mythic Banner. She'd be competing with how many others? Odds are too low for a miser like me. I'd actually be in favor of her on a normal banner, personally speaking.
  17. *Resurrects the Metagross by fusing the Flame Sword with it, creating Experimental Legendary Pokemon "Heatgross"* *Tricks the next poster into thinking they're flying squirrel*
  18. T'would be better than nothing. Why it'd be wonderful if they assigned each month to a different game or games. It'd be consistent at least. Ike still has two cosmetic alts if they really wanted to do it. Lord Ike- his promoted self from PoR, and Hero Ike, his unpromoted self from RD. And as for weapons, if they don't want to do Ragnell again, well his dually-effective Rapier-not-called-a-Rapier the Regal Sword from PoR is still not in use. Nor is his RD non-Ragnell personal the Ettard, which lacks any special effects to call its own, opening it up for what IS wants to do. Going off its ingame size, Heavy Blade sounds perfect for it, but by this point the skill might be dated. Speaking of dated things, I know refines to DC weapons are unlikely, but I'd prefer giving PoR Ike, who is probably very outdated by this point with all the better Sword Infantry, a refine to "Regal Ragnell". It'd be something at least. Or maybe Special-nulling, since in PoR and not RD, the Ragnell negates all non-Wrath crits, though it is not stated to the player. Also, Cipher has a hypothetical Ike card, where he touched Lehran's Medallion and went berserk: But FEH doesn't need more Ikes, and if it must, throw him in Seasonal that was going to happen with or without him! Tellius is still missing so much.
  19. He insofar as I'm aware did tie with MS Link for the best in the Wii U version originally.
  20. I've returned to this topic with an alt partly inspired by the recent Laguz banner: Central Commander: Zelgius (him in his red Begnion armor)
  21. I considered his FE6 self different enough. One is young and bloodthirsty with long hair, the other is old and saintly with short hair. I was going to count the other Bartre as different enough, but I'm not aware of which is in this game already. Hmm... his growths are GODLY, but his base level high. And his bases are decent, stronger and more resistant than Normal Mode Rutger and Fir at 20/20 (Hard Mode boosts were a glitch anyhow), equally as skilled and durable, much slower (23 vs. 30, but still fast by non-SM FE6 standards), less HP, and much luckier than Rutger but a little less than Fir. So overall, it averages out to comparable to the competition. I don't think they've added anything like Peri's Bloodthirst from Fates, right? A stat boost for a turn after attacking if the enemy is killed. The idea of such a skill on Karel would be he killed the enemy and leveled up, getting the boosts that way. Bloodthirst is too long. How about "Victory *Stat*", since you've "won" against an enemy. Like SMT's Victory Cry skill- 100% HP and MP restore after winning a battle for the unit. And I wonder how his growths would look if properly translated into FEH, the relevant ones are: HP: 210 Str 130 Spd 140, Def 110, Res 100 I might have been a little too draconian in my cuts to show how even with accepting some characters as never coming, Tellius is still massively untapped. The Dawn Brigade trio do have a lot on their side for inclusion outside of supports, and I would like them to come. Perhaps they can even chime in and include mention of their designer notes stuff that never made in it RD proper. And Mia I agree is lacking, llyana too its goes without saying. They totally slipped my mind actually. I will admit to making some errors in my meticulousness. Truly they are the hero of shadow. Besides being older, male, and Archanean, my primary fear about Wolf was that he is just too dour. After Mystery, he wants to commit suicide on the battlefield. Do enough players of FEH want that kind of sad? I'd think not. Sure, people do find the insecurities in dozens of characters endearing, but is that so deep a sorrow as Wolf's? And as for the romance aspect *checks* ...why? He is not at all who'd I'd think to be a candidate for that, and somehow Cain is like a grandfather? FE should do an otome spinoff.
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