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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Well HD Pikachu's tears at least. Better than going for that CGI fictional beings with real actors and world approach, whatever you call it, that Disney is dragging a lot of its classics into.
  2. If Laguz are anything to go by, Janaff says the Hawks haven't hatched from eggs for a quite a number of generations, though Nealuchi does say he remembers Naesala with egg on his feathers, that was probably just an old man waxing nostalgic. Believing Janaff, the Manaketes are likely mammalian live births as well. As for the form on birth, not sure of this. I could see it matching the mother's form at the birth, or just being in its humanoid form. And to speak on Laguz/Taguel/Wolfskin/Kitsune/Manakete sexual relations as a whole, between two individuals, sex while shifted and unshifted should both be viable. Maybe not while shifted for the Manaketes anymore though, since their dragon form is related to their infertility.
  3. If I can't defeat someone, I have perfect solution that gets rid of them forever. *Places person in the Absolutely Safe Capsule and gets its door jammed* Enjoy eternity unable to die and or ever be freed of your very compact prison. The universe may die, but you still be safe stuck inside. *Shudders at how much this idea creeps me out*
  4. Isn't Portuguese just a Spanish spinoff that happened to form into its own language and not just a dialect because for some odd reason the monarchal effort to unify the Iberian Peninsula never brought Portugal under permanent Castilian/Aragonese control though the Dark, Middle and Early Modern Ages? There was a period of personal monarchal union I know, but never was more an effort made to unify the administrations and elite societies into one polity. No offense to Portuguese or Portugal, it's existence just seems less owed to "natural" boundaries or "ethnicities", and more the pure happenstance of centuries of politics, from little I know that is. Still is less of an oddity than say Luxembourg or Monaco- why did big powerful nation-states and empires allow these itty-bitty dots to live? Portuguese is perhaps a case of defining a language as having "borders and an army", while a dialect does not. Of course, by this simple definition, American should be its own language apart from English, and that I refuse to accept!
  5. Fair enough, I'll be kind to the foreigner and accept them, tolerance is a wonderful thing and all. And who thought it was a good idea many kalpas past to give SF its own emoticons?
  6. The doof is whoever named it that, it's weak and pathetic. Which rather suitable for as wobbly and hesitant a form of punctuation it is. It needs to straighten up and be strong!
  7. Yeah, I'd doubt they'd let this stay like KT turned their back to the Hyrule Warriors Rupee Glitch (rather necessary it was though due to the absurd level cap), although that was far harder to pull off.
  8. Fortunately I have rarely seen it used in such a capacity. But I could see it coming off as being kinda psychopathic. The one use for it I see is as a stand in for the word "roughly", or some other kind of estimate. So like "~10 posts a day I make here". How would one exactly express a ~ IRL whilst talking too?
  9. Now that I do think about it, I did find the Lesser Celestial River a bit more challenging than anything on Sadal Suud, the enemies do pack the extra punch and now carry Poison. It doesn't exactly help this game is built on weakness targeting since practically everything has weaknesses* and Gibari is stuck with a lot of Water and Wind at the start- the very elements the enemies resist, and Kalas's Fire source has limited duration. Things will get better. Gibari gets pretty diverse on his element selection with time, there is even a farmable Fire for him on the third island. And once you get more of them, if a particular ailment enemies are packing is bothering you, try seeing if your characters have equipment- Kalas's Buckles, Xelha's Anklets, Gibari's Creels- that offer any good resistance to that ailment. Rarely will you find 100% protection, but something is better than nothing. I've heard some people like taking a character and giving them nothing but healing and some armor for bosses, to make sure the team always has healing on hand. Sure it'll decrease your offense, but it make your survival easier I can imagine. I never found the need to do this, but see if it'll help, you can always change your decks again later. On the plus side, you can probably strip the non-healers of healing items and fill in the space with more offense to compensate somewhat. If you need more healing now, well if you get any Honey and Cucumbers, you can make Melons with them. When Cheese (not Pow Cheese, that is just a Quest Magnus) is available, that plus Honey makes Chestnuts (not the same as the ones you can eat in the menu), which also have a high chance of curing Poison on top of HP healing. One other thing I will mention, in Castle Elnath- the castle of Diadem, you should find a Blank Notebook, and a boss will drop the Prophet's Pen. Play first the Notebook and then the Pen, the creation will be the Prophet's Notebook. This unlocks a feature in the menu options that alerts you to any Magnus that has aged, the Prophet's Notebook itself ages after ten hours, I don't know if you'll need to make a new one then or whether the feature will stay unlocked. It's a useful little utility. ...If all these recipes sound ridiculous, well oftentimes the Magnus themselves will suggest a recipe with them in it in their description. Other times, you just have to think about what makes sense. A Blank Notebook and a writing implement do go hand in hand, literally. Fortunately, a lot of the 141 recipes and their results are just side attractions for the curious and creative, I've listed only a small handful of ones which are relatively easy to make, useful, and don't having any aging issues (well the Melons do, but they'll work for the short term). *Asterisk is for two bosses later on who follow one another (not back to back battles though- that'd be mean), they resist everything, just pick your strongest cards for them. Coincidentally there is another boss just before these ones show up, who is back to back with another, who I've always fought, but is optional via a dialogue choice on the spot, and that boss happens to be neither resistant nor weak to anything. They aren't hard at all, and their picture sells well (they drop nothing), so I say go ahead and do it, but your choice. Wow that should be a feat. But it'll help that I think BKO is a bit shorter than Eternal Wings. Not quite sure, but it felt that way to me. Length has nothing to do with quality though, as I love BKO as much, if not more actually than Eternal Wings. Just don't try to start Origins before finishing Eternal Wings. Things big and small along the way up into the final dungeon are referenced in Origins, and it loses some of its impact without a full understanding of Eternal Wings. Once you get to it, I'll have a list of tips for BKO as well. Hope I'm not revealing too much or ruining the experience at all.
  10. Except Fimbulvetr has already begun. That was Gunnthra's true name spoken only with greatest reserve and respect by her loved ones, her death welcomes in the storm that marks the coming of the end of the world. All the other siblings have similar names not to be uttered, each speaks of their role in the fate of the world. *Sigh*, I loved Odin Sphere, nice touch of Norse mythos there (not to call the plot flawless). Shame to hear it isn't being used so well here. I have neither read Rot3K nor the historical records of the period, but since I don't like him in Dynasty Warriors, preferring Zhou Yu, Jia Xu, and Sima Yi, I'm interested in hearing more.
  11. For extra credit, book a vacation to somewhere tropical and go for swimming with sharks sans cage. That should keep you from failing no matter how many classes you skip. Never scubaed, would be interesting, but eh, too wet for me. And sadly, one of those little mini submersibles would be too small. I'll stick to watching Planet Earth: Blue Planet instead, or Endless Ocean on my Wii U (that game could use another sequel, shame it being a relaxing game meant it sold little). My Major was fortunately already a fun one, so I never needed to do such ridiculous electives, of course a fun Major tends not to be so employable I would think, but such are choices in life (and I never have really given much consideration towards my future). At least this one has some practical benefits, it'd be a step towards becoming a dive instructor yourself, should you ever find yourself so pressed or well off that you had to/could comfortably become one.
  12. I-III are safely skippable, they invented the series, but the NES trilogy doesn't hold up as anything more than historical curiosities. V is proto-Bravely in gameplay with a good class system, except ATB of course. I consider both Bravely games superior to V, but I do like it, more than most probably would. VIII is very much safely skippable as well I would say, it is experimental in gameplay, much more for the worse I think consensus would tell you, although to be fair I already knew how to exploit it in advance: On characters, well Slumber here would be happy to explain the merits and good character of Squall Leonhart, although others are off put by his stoicism and find it too much and illogical. The main heroine Rinoa, well she and the romance she and Squall have- if you're into it, you'll enjoy the plot, if you aren't, well there goes a big chunk of it. The other characters tended to be okay, but nothing amazing, since Squall-Rinoa hogs up a lot of the attention. The plot beyond the romance is also okay, but nothing really notable. The world building I found weak. Soundtrack has some good ones in it though. I only really have time to set up one or two Overexertions before I resort to Chain Blast, so one of my frontliners will lack the buff, so it isn't exactly efficient, but having a third attacker is very useful. I haven't looked up data values on the various skills, but I tried Leading Blow thinking it the one major damage dealer the BB has, and thus decided to go for it. Fully bound and ailed, the near-fully upgrade five hit combo in the 3rd Stratum went something like 500-250-250-250-250 (those 250s might have been closer to 300) I think with Overexertion, which sold me on it. Once I'm done with maxing the binds punches and Corkscrew, which should further maximize LB's damage I would think, then I can go more into Thunder Fist for composite damage, or maybe even Clinch as a Chain Blast alternative, it'd free up my Unions for something else. And if I ever need to, a quick Rest and I can retool my BB, that is a beautiful thing about EO- being able to redo your builds if need be not totally freely, but with a manageable cost. As for Helm Splitter, I saw the "low accuracy" part and was dissuaded from it despite the resistances ignoring part, I've opted instead to invest in Bolt Slash for when pure Cut will get resisted, there shouldn't be too many things both Cut and Volt resistant. But the BM has no shortage of Skill Points, I can get it later. Not sure where your are presently on Eternal Wings, but I just want get this piece of advice out of the way which I said I would give earlier. When you reach the second village in Mira, scan it thoroughly for two Magnus that are obviously are related to each other. One of them will hint at using the other with it in battle, so do that any play them together, just them in any order (some Magnus recipes I believe require the Magnus to be used in a certain order). Don't understand why you get what you get from this combo? It took me some time to figure out the little meaning behind it. Now if you haven't obtained a Japanese Rice Wine by now, the shop in that town sells Uncooked Rice, buy that Magnus in the town and let it age three hours. Combine the Japanese Rice Wine with the other Magnus, the result is a failproof in-battle reviving healing item that never ages. Now technically, Mizuti will be joining after the next dungeon and will come with the non Japanese Rice Wine Magnus, so if you wanted to, you could just use the one they bring in the combo. But since this lets you stock up on multiple of one of the needed Magnus and it is capable of being obtained a little sooner, you might want to do the first part. Later on, you can make a little stronger failproof in-battle revival Magnus that never ages. And once again it requires the use of one Magnus found in a town, a different one, one with a ridiculously long and hard to pronounce name I will say. Now it might heal, for next to nothing, but play it with an offensive Magnus matching what the Magnus's description hints at. Then take the results and read its description for another hint, and then play it with an offensive Magnus matching that to make the Deluxe version, which can handle the rest of your healing needs pretty much for the game. The supreme healing in the game however lay in Peaches aged for 80 hours, as I alluded to before. But you don't actually need that, ever, it's more there for those who stumble on the secret of them existing and or play things really slowly. And one little fun fact I just recently found out. You know how everyone shouts something whenever they use a Finisher, regardless of which one it is? Like Kalas's "Sword Style!", Xelha's "Magic!" and Gibari's "Destructive Power!"? That is apparently the work of the localization, a bit of unique flavoring for each of these character who fight differently and have different personalities. The Japanese is the same for them all- hissatsu- which literally can mean "certain kill", and is commonly used before special attacks in action anime/manga/video games and whatnot. In Xenogears, hissatsu is translated as Deathblow. After taking a break from it I got back to ToX, played a bit further:
  13. The association of the Earth Dragons with Darkness is because of the Divine Dragons. Divine = Heaven, so you have Heaven vs. Earth, Heaven and Earth is a Classical elemental/universal dichotomy, be it Platonism, Christianity, or Chinese and Japanese spirituality. Tellius's Affinity system made Heaven and Light separate things, and made Heaven's mirror opposite in terms of stat boosts, Earth, continuing this dichotomy within FE. (What this means for Ike's horoscope I don't know. Do Elincia and Lethe being his opposite bode well or poorly for his relationships with them? Does Soren being Dark hint at good relations? Bah, horoscopes are junk, as KentxFarina point out.) If they wanted to be mean to Micaiah, they could give us a different RD Legendary Blue. Begnion Central Army Commander Zelgius with the Wishblade (the BK might start with S Lances, but his cap is actually SS- having two SS ranks is very unique in RD)! Because Neph isn't getting it now, Levail is too busy licking Zelgius's feet clean for anyone to care about him, and as pretty as they might be, Crackers!, Sigrun, and Fiona stand what chance of getting into FEH for the time being?
  14. It was so good that when they got to making Tellius's Rexcalibur they just copied the animation and made it 3D, why the French translation even calls it Fimbulvetr. The only difference being Rexcalibur starts with the ice explosion and finishes with the heavy winds, while Fimbulvetr begins with the heavy winds and finishes with the ice explosion. Either way the animation is good to me. Brunnya could get Fimbulvetr too, she is the only one in all of FE6 who has the tome in spite of it not being locked to her at all. But one of these three (or the Fluorspar) should get Bolting, at least an enemy in some GHB or TT. If it isn't made available to the player, then they're free to make it something like 1-4 range and immobilizing the user.
  15. I recall overhearing on this very board I believe that in Fates/Grand Order, another gatcha, they made one married/betrothed Servant suffer a memory wipe or something purely for the sake making them romantically available for the player. Severe memory repression is very possible in FE. Why I happen to be SF's biggest fan of a character who can at will seal the memories of others, since if they couldn't do that Ike would have been a mentally scarred forever child.
  16. You would be correct in your assumptions. When I'm seriously going to judge a character, I'll take a moment to look over their dialogue if it isn't too copious, which unless you're from Awakening/Fates or a main character, typically isn't that much. You read the entirety of most Archaneans in like ten minutes, and most GBA-Telliusians in twenty or so at most. When Karla got added earlier, I went to her supports and read them all over plus her introductory recruitment dialogue and character endings, and I did a similar thing with Marisa, also with Joshua, and Knoll when Gleipnirika came out. But how many people are seriously going to do this? Not very many I think. Most when they rate Marisa, probably haven't touched her supports, if they've played SS at all. The most they'll see of her character is whatever FEH presents it in some quips as, which may not be all that accurate- see Sanaki. Oswin's relationship to Hector is better than Marcus and either of his lieges I do agree. Marcus is pure ardent submissive loyalty to Eliwood, and for Roy is wrongly contrarian at first, but then just submits to him. Oswin does admire the good traits of Hector, but is plenty willing to criticize him as well in a decently nuanced manner. He is able to coerce Hector into behaving himself, yet when hiding Uther is dying, does so both for the world's sake (Hector would abandon the mission to stop Nergal), and to keep Hector from the sorrow of seeing and knowing Uther is passing on. Beyond Hector, well the Dorcas support is good, the Matthew is decent as well, the Priscilla doesn't do much for him though it does do some real backstory for her. The Serra, I'm not quite sure what to make of it. And of course I was being superficial with the Brom criticism. Of him and Nephenee, the two country bumpkins of Tellius, I'm not sure who I like more. Nephenee isn't bad, she isn't overly shy, she isn't in any way particularly bad or good, and neither is Brom, both are, appropriately, ordinary characters. Neph does certainly rise to the occasion though when she preps herself for battle at the start of 2-1 and brings Brom with her, I appreciate her proactiveness and foresight here. Her ending of moving to Melior to be a guard was unexpected, I would have expected her like Brom to continue being a farmer. That she sees soldiery as her profession would suggest to me she has become self-confident in her abilities in what she never thought she had any talent at before. Melior being the capital of Crimea makes it also urban, so I'd expect she overcame her shyness caused by her country accent, and maybe Calill and her maintained their friendship. Brom is funnier and more lively, his Boyd support is good with its philosophical touch. And I like his a little more subtle bit of acting like a dad at the end of the Nephenee, not as humorous as the Zihark stuff, but slightly more mature. Nephenee being massively more popular than Brom isn't all sex appeal/beauty though. Being the first playable Solder/Halberdier and having Wrath too has something to do with it as well. I have to admit this. These are still surface traits though. I just wish she wasn't massively more popular, since it seems she is that way for the wrong reasons.
  17. Yep, I understand that. SS might even have the issue of too many good GHB picks and too small playable roster relative to them, and have to float one or two as a summonable. The Fluorspar would be best for this, people do like her as a tragic figure, and she is fairly beautiful; Ishtar has already opened the door. Then again, they would could have made Valter or Lyon summons since they're popular too, but they don't despite it possibly costing them money. As for Fates, well I guess it has to do with questionable villain quality standards. IS is probably well aware that it isn't the antagonists which draw people to Fates, better to add another PC than a villain who attracts at most an "oh..." and not a "yaaaaay!". SoV might also have some villain issues too, since only Berkut is young and charismatic, the remaining selections there are: Blue Man Cultist, Lady "Got a Good Backstory in an Artbook Few Will Read", Daddy Dearest Rudolf, Slayde, who for some odd reason lives until the Last Bastion; Fernand, "Hot Lips- and Everything Else" Rinea, and "Degenerate Dragon Degrading in his own Defecation" Duma. Oh, and I forgot they could throw in Deen, that'd be a good move, in which case I will fodder him for the Brave Sword just to mimic how things go exactly ingame.
  18. Ragnarok Omega was a Combat Art on the Beloved Zofia, not its own spell. Making it a Sword would seem a little off, but making it a "Tome" wouldn't exactly work either. It'd work best as a Special if you ask me. Not like Ragnarok Ω was worth anything in gameplay, the Beloved Zofia on the whole is junk worth not spending a Gold Coin on, but this is besides the point. I'd say Blue Tome Seraphim Celica, somebody might as well get that spell exclusive to Valentia. Silque or Tatiana could have it instead, but not hand it to Celica and just Staff the other two? Nosferatu and Expel would be other ideas for them. Maybe give Tatiana some sort of flier buff to allude to her Peg Knight Illusion, and Silque some Res or Infantry buff to allude to her Dread Fighter Illusion; Genny can be New Powered an Armor buff for her Soldier Illusion. Or just put Tatiana on an Illusion Pegasus Knight for flier healer. Problem- last CYL units were one for every color, there are only four colors, no room for a 5th without upsetting this symmetry. Doing two Colorless, each in a different weapon type, would be my preferred solution for this dilemma. Or Marth can get a new color type invented for himself, like how Lyn got Colored Bows for herself. And if Marth got Braved, I want him toting the Fire Emblem itself as a weapon. Shielding himself in darkness, dispelling enemy buffs with light, killing them with earthquakes, buffing his allies with the cosmos, healing with life's essence, and lastly just stopping enemies from being able to do anything against him by sealing them in their place. Nothing too broken I hope, it's only what he deserves, and what the Archanean Fire Emblem deserves. Lekain packs Rexaura, so not to him, although he does have a Silence AoE technique. Valtome Valaura, so again, probably not. Hetzel never actually carries a Light tome of any sort, having instead an Elsleep and an Elsilence. But the game would have to be as old as Hetzel for him to get in. This is a message from Lord Nergal. "Why is everyone ignoring me!?" This is a message from Lord Nergal. "Why is everyone ignoring me!?" Despite being the main villain of FE7, with a good reputation for having an intimate struggle with the heroes of his game, he has been thrice ignored in favor of Four little Fangs. It would be a little irritating if they selected a one-time boss, who you might not fight until they've become a dead morph, over the creator of said morph. The only one who could keep Nergal from getting the next Blazing GHB would be Sonia thankfully, and maybe by the most remote of possibilities, Kishuna. For CYL2, I'm going to in all likelihood go for Hector, ideally sans Armads and sans a Sword, I'd be more interested in a Maltector actually. Armads is overdone at this point for him, a Sword Armor means basically another BK, and Maltet still isn't in FEH. Ideally Eliwood should get it being he rides a horse like Baligant is implied to have done, but Hector would be fine with it as well. If for some reason I don't pick Hector, it'll be Celica. Veronica Virus I just have no interest in. And Ephraim, especially one that has mugged Garm from Duessel, is not someone I particularly care for due to reasons of perfectionism in spite of utter brashness. The Flame Shuriken seems more like a Saizo refine to me. Although it would work for Flora, given her final act on BR. Being that Flora is a Fates character, I would like for them to insert some form of reference to her Personal Skill in that game. Hers is Icy Blood: when current HP < 100% and damage is taken by this unit, the enemy receives the same damage and suffers -3 Skl and Spd. I'm not asking them to copy it as is, but I would like some form of reference to it in FEH. Levin Daggers sounds fine to me. Keeps Robin's Levin Sword, should they ever get it, unique to them. As for SS, we still have over half the Gemstones as viable GHBs: Glen, Selena Fluorspar, Caellach, and Riev. Orson too. Maybe if they were willing to invent a personality for him, the Silent Emperor of Awesome Facial Hair and Grado: Vigarde. An explicitly Lyon- Formortiyon- might also be possible. In other words, they'd really really really have to force Rennac into being one.
  19. I want to go all in on my first real summoning. Silly and illogical yes, but never did I claim to be completely devoid of illogic and making mistakes. We all have our quirks others may disparage here, but nonetheless we cling to those assertions. Which is evidence of my shifting logic and standards. Since Micaiah and Sothe would have been the 2/3s minimum to summon. Although at the time, Vike wasn't a thing yet, so Radiant Rondo (I've chosen this name simply because it's alliterative, has Radiant in it, and reminds me of the Arc Rise Fantasia superboss cameo battle) wasn't quite in the air. Two things that might have held me back, besides Zelgy coming too early and not in his Begnion Central Army red armor, was "not until a rarity demotion" and "not until the last game gets adequate representation"- as in Leif and Thracia. Both things actually happened, and I still didn't join in, Leif was countered by the bad taste of the Olart alts, and I didn't admittedly have any particularly strong liking for Leif or Nanna. Finn not getting a Brave Lance with a jet engine attached to it (or anything special) too was a bummer. Still, I'm going to just try sticking to the 2/3s logic now. There is little else to feasibly go on at this point. Decided, in a hope of on the next New Heroes, to actually read over his supports and determine whether or not I truly like him. FE6 supports can be a bit dull and below par in the writing, being the first attempt IS did at the concept, the Hugh C support for instance fails to take into consider the possibility Raigh died or was never recruited. But overall I do like the impression of Lugh they give off, combined with his introductory dialogue, only the Ellen was pure bland nothing. The Melady started kinda eh, but the A certainly went well, and reminded me of Rolf's Mist support, which is very good. Add in the solid Raigh support, the Hugh's little bit at the end where Hugh says Lugh is the only one to ever truly care for him (Niime must be as bad a parent as she is good a staffbot) which becomes a tad ironic given FE7 implies Hugh and Lugh are distant cousins, and an okayish end to the Chad support, and Lugh is a nice character. He I can certainly say I will go for now. And, why did they have to recycle Lugh handing out baked tarts in three of the supports?
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