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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. After a few rounds of cheap drinks, 5.7 I think. And after they turned down the first dart's suggestion: "Forehead of a Guy Bleeding and Screaming in Agony" Poleax.
  2. Nephenee: "You want in Brom? Well ya ain't getting in now ya big fat brown sucka 'cause now ma lance can give you more holes than you've plowed in your whole life even if you bring an axe 'n record Def." ...I might have botched Neph's accent, or it was just a real bad day for her. And there is nothing draconic about Titania's new boost? Why then did NoA pick that name? So in a few days we'll have a new calendar to look forward to, better than the current dull Summer 2 2018 we've been shown. *Sigh* Inspire again IS.
  3. I can't name a single topic to look at, but there have been other people complaining in other topics about this. As is, Colored Bows seems to have just been a gimmick to make Regendaly Ryn extra special. Some would argue the Colored Bows that will be added will be those characters with Bows that have a element to them, like Parthia or Fujin Yumi. Yet others might say Colored Bows will inherently be inferior to non-colored ones and other weapon types. So Cutekumi is the lone male. Well given I massively crushed when someone made a sprite of Summer him before, I'll give a nice long stare for I care later. Still, using two characters who had swimsuits in their original games, another Tiki, and just one totally new character to being Seasonalized. While Summer 1 2018 was half-safe half "risky"- non Fates/Awakening- this one is 3/4s safe. IS just really won't risk the summer sales I guess. And here they began experimenting with the pre-Summer seasonals this year. Hopefully Halloween will go the adventurous route again.
  4. They turned Da Vinci into his most famed work? Well historical rumors (so not to be trusted at face value. has it he was either gay (or a pedophile), his loyal through the years pupil nicknamed Salai ("the devil") is said to have possibly been the model for this painting: I wouldn't call Leo unfit: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! He is so handsome! I want! Leo isn't muscular, but he isn't fat either, just an average but idealized slim. But I'm in agreement about having less-than-purely ideal body types in. Which is why I'd be so happy to have Merric in, he's a nerd so I'd expect it to be less than ideal, and it'd be particularly cute if he had a little flab, a small something to squeeze which makes him insecurely tell himself "I have to work out to impress Elice" when she thinks he is fine as is. Having a mom bod (Titania or Eyvel) and dad bod (Frederick kinda works for this- he isn't so young after all.) would also be fine for me. As would a shota to contrast the loli swimmer of Elise. Old people too could work. Open the beach to everyone! If you want to use the Coconut Ammo analogy, you must first pick one of the Summer males and rewrite the DK Rap entirely around their sexual appeal. And you must leave the follow lines intact: He's the leader of the bunch, you know him well He's finally back to kick some tail His Coconut Gun can fire in spurts If he shoots ya, it's gonna hurt He's bigger, faster, and stronger too Why waste her time with the small stuff? She is busy in her submarine scanning the ocean floor for sunken ships loaded with the real treasure. While I would love the idea of someone in a wetsuit scuba diving or surfing, no skin is a sin on a Summer Banner sadly.
  5. It is a weird thing with Camilla. Some use the flight to justify her normal outfit- she doesn't need armor while in flight and it'd only hinder her. Camilla being an axe flier girl is also rather unique in FE, and axes don't have many popular reps. Camilla is also the only one to canonically ride a revenant wyvern. There are a few issues with this though that makes it complicated. One, her lack of clothes would mean skin against scales, which would really hurt some would say. Two, revenant wyverns receive absolutely no explanation in Fates as to why they exist, like Gryphons in Awakening. And three, from what I hear, Camilla never in a single Fates conversation acknowledges her wyvern, or even names it (the FE Wiki name if one is listed is from a fanfic). And on the contrary to needing Camilla to have a wyvern, there is the fact there are indeed other girls who ride wyverns, and often with axes. Cherche for one. Minerva her originator for two. Jill, a much beloved Tellius character, can potentially be added as an axe unit due to PoR promotion/RD base. And BR's Camilla-lite in gameplay- Scarlet. Female Wyverns on the whole sans axes, Melady is another good Minerva. Palla, Catria, Est, Caeda, Tana, and Vanessa can all go Wyvern potentially. Altena could bring the Gae Bolg as a personal. Vaida could be GHB with the Uber Spear. The only potential female wyvern who is totally devoid of popularity or uniqueness is Eda the Conless.
  6. Praise praise praise often invites its opposite- bash bash bash, which spawns more praise praise praise. The result is a glut of praise and hate in an ever turbulent cycle that never ceases until the game fades away from immediate popularity and memory. Moderation, as bland as it is, and formalized analyses both positive and negative, as boring and drawn out as they are, are to me superior to dealing with all the polar tumult that exists in the absence of moderation. Or you take a middle path and just use the BK or someone durable with Pass to kill the cliff guards, once they're gone, the easier way to proceed is clear, unless your name is Fiona, then you need to take the long way of the stairs. Once you're in the lower-midsection of the map and have slain the Thieves, you can proceed at your own pace without needing to resort to the broken units. Rarely is a map just two extremes, there is very often a middle ground in how you approach it. An easy map I can do quickly is fairly painless at least. A poorly designed hard map or tediously slow easy map, like 4-3, is worse for me. And I agree, the narrative supports the map design here, which whilst not always a perfect excuse for poor map designs, works fine here.
  7. She doesn't seem like the bikini kind to me. A motherly figure like her would probably go for something less risque like a one piece. Today is Tana's last day strutting one admittedly, but I think on the whole IS prefer bikinis for showing more skin I think. This said, Edain has probably been to the beach, although they were being persecuted, I'd imagine she just had to bring the kiddies for a day of fun in the coastal sands of Issach. This being a premodern world though, the kids probably didn't have swimsuits and skinny dipped. In which case to keep the sexes from mixing, Edain probably watched Lana and Larcei along one stretch of sand, while Oifey and Shannan cared for the boys a distance away so they couldn't see each other. For some reason, I like the idea of Shannan and Oifey playing parents to all the Issach kids (Seliph, Lana, Larcei, Ulster, Diarmuid, Lester). Not necessarily as gay dads, so much as "dads" by happenstance of fate and bonding over it in a weird way.
  8. Summer Lucius and Takumi with his hair down? I like it, each from a different perspective. Such a surprise wouldn't happen though.
  9. I do sincerely hope FE4 Remake does do a lot more to flesh out the characters. The 1st Gen crew have solid bases to build on, but the 2nd Gen is in dire need of actual characterization. And just thinking on the same-sex supports (no romance obviously), with 2 per person a general rule, here was what I was thinking for the 1st Gen: And for those who didn't notice it, while the poll is olllllllldddddd (2003-2004). SF's Kirokan has the Blazing and Binding Blades polls which heavily informed FEH's early choices for these games listed, with translated Japanese fan comments on the characters published in an artbook.
  10. A virtually perfect balance gender-wise. Nice. But the summonable-unsummonable gap, while not gigantic, is noticeably wider. Although I wouldn't consider Hardin ambiguous until the Coyote gets in when he isn't Gharnef's marionette. Since right now, we only have one of him.
  11. Her substitute Muirne (what was the problem with Mana?) does also maintain the crush on Seliph, adding a new little nuance of Muirne being a commoner while Seliph is super royalty and nobility. Sadly, this isn't really developed at all, because FE4 has no supports, so there is very little dialogue to go on and "canonize" it. For her part, Lana is the child of Edain, who apparently escaped the Belhalla massacre and helped raise Seliph and the other kids in Issach at Tirnanog. And Sigurd's adventure begins with him trying to rescue Edain his childhood friend. So all in all, Lana has grown up closely with Seliph, and her mother and Seliph's father had the potential (they were never in love, but the possibility was still there) to be a couple, were it not for Deidre showing up. Note however that in the final chapter, Seliph can have a post-marriage lover conversation with any 2nd Gen female except Julia and Lene/Laylea. So really, although Lana/Muirne is pushed slightly more, it isn't by too much. There is a Love Point giving convo Lana/Muirne has with Seliph, but Patty/Daisy also has one worth the same point value too (and it comes with a Brave Sword).
  12. Yep. During Eliwood or Hector Mode (EXP from Lyn Mode doesn't count), Dorcas, Guy, Bartre, and Raven have their total EXP gain compared against Serra, Lucius, Erk, and Priscilla, whichever group got more will send you to one or the other PFoD, Jerme for the physicals, Kenneth for the magicals.
  13. 626 is the year of both the "plague" and Gawain suddenly leaving Daein, and we know Sephiran gave Ashnard the Medallion and Lillia (who must have been put under a really strong sleeping spell like Leanne, albeit by Sephiran here). 625 is the year of the Assassination and Massacre. So Sephiran really was betting everything on Ashnard from the get go- a Heron, the Medallion, and a Blood Pact'ed throne all bestowed on him at once in less than a year after Sephiran went off the brink. Given Zelgius's flashback says he still serves under Gawain, the exact course of events must be very tight. We don't know if Sephiran already met Ashnard at this specific moment, but if he hadn't, it would be very soon. With a hint of irony, Sephiran by handing Ashnard the Medallion and Lillia caused Gawain's flight, bringing Zelgius into his tutelage sooner than Zelgius may have intended. But yes, the Kilvas Blood Pact mustn't have had Sephiran's hand in it, I would fathom he was still in Goldoa (although there is this odd part where Kurthnaga remembers Sephiran from when he was a baby, but never saw him after that, not sure if that means Sephiran remained within Goldoa but never went to Dheg's court, or had outright left the country). The Ashnard Blood Pact most likely was his creation. He was certainly privy to the Pelleas Blood Pact, but whether he wanted it or not is uncertain, he needed Daein arisen again, but we don't know if he then wanted the Blood Pact on top of that.
  14. And didn't the last two banners both have leakage issues? Three strikes in a row means either you're stupid, or not concerned. Oh well, it's only the FEH junkies who'd notice it, an hour isn't long and its only a banner, not the hypothetical reveal of Fire Emblem: Radiance Reimagined HD Collection (featuring a longer version of RD and more PoR supports), three months before its official announcement.
  15. Interesting the seasonal sub-conversation within this seasonal topic. Now that I think about it, I'm not even sure if there is a season I really like any more than the rest. Summer can be too hot and humid. Winter is too cold and dark. Autumn is a prelude to Winter, Spring tends to be not as warm as I'd like and yet Summer is too hot. Each is problematic, and so is staying inside a climate controlled building. *Sigh* I need a greenhouse, that might be better. I was a little hyped when I heard about that, but when I saw it, it was terrible and ugly, ugh. Much better ways of going about things than that. Spring as a whole is gaudy and aesthetically poor. Rather they dump the bunny suit theme completely and go with something less Easter meets Playboy.
  16. My cynical side is afraid we'll be stuck with another reference to Japan's expression "Fall of the arts", which is why Performing Heroes exists. Although if we had Perfoma Heroes instead, then I would be really really really happy. Is it ever about the fabric? Well outside of FEW. Damn that game did male underwear so right, it gives fanservice, but looks so good in itself as fashionable underwear. You're being a little too obvious here. It should be "Beach Seax". A seax is an actual type of dagger I kid you not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seax
  17. Well Ms. Right's silhouette certainly emphasizes her thin waist. My, probably wrong and I put no stock in it, guess, is Tharja. Hope if they are including two Fates and or Awakening characters, they counterbalance it with a riskier non-Afatening duo as they just did with the prior swimsuits. Except the Seasonal Swimsuit we just got had Innes, one pullable male.
  18. Slow, a bit of curiosity, melancholy, peace. Being the overworld theme for 1000AD (right?), it isn't bad. Although my preferred rendition of the Chrono Trigger theme is the piece actually titled that. I'll say... 7.7/10. Divine Identity, from Digital Devil Saga 2. This is the final battle theme, so avoid looking at the comments to avoid spoilers if you have any interest in playing it.
  19. Well if you had actually addressed why you consider 4-3 less bad in the prior post, as you did here, I might have been less judgmental. Your rather exaggerated wording of dislike for Geoffrey's Charge also suggested such vehemence as to be blind hate. The pity wasn't so much for the FE chapter, as it was in what it may say about your overall character. But this is a silly game forum, why should I try to give a little moral advice and character judgements here? Maybe to political pundits who rave with hate to the non-radical and non-violent opposition I should be so, but why on a gaming forum of all places? I acknowledge I am in the wrong for being too serious here. My apologies.
  20. Lost in your blind hate for the chapter, you failed to notice any of my points on 4-3. It can be just as easy, is even slower, and has worse map design overall. Also, turn off the Allied units, you don't really need them at all. Viola, five minutes saved. Like LMC, I pity you. Don't respond, since as I can see, there is little point in either of us continuing this argument.
  21. I'd be first in line for Merric! IF I did Seasonals, which I don't. Still, would stare at his damaged art for a while. Linde would be fine too, and I'd really like it if they alluded to her FE3 exclusive (before promotion) access to Nosferatu (then again BoL on Aura might constitute one). But, owing to Absorb no doubt, Nosy isn't showing up at all. Wonder how they could fix this?
  22. I don't see why Geoffrey's Charge is attracting so much dislike. Pick 2-1 or 2-2 if you want a really meh Part 2 battle. And none of these are the worse RD has. 4-3: Distortions is much worse I'd say. It's a flat 100% desert rout map with reinforcements everywhere. Yes you have Naesala (who has no 1-2 range), Sigrun (who is fairly weak), probably Tanith and Nealuchi (also weak), also Haar and or Jill if you had the foresight, and the BK show up. But Geoffrey's Charge isn't difficult either outside of a little hairiness right in front of the door to the boss. And 4-3 will certainly take much longer, owing to the sands in part, also owing to all the wonderful treasures you want to obtain from the sands, plus Stefan and his Vague Katti- that takes time to get, on top of being a rout. Geoffrey's Charge had some creativity to it, Distortions has none, neither does any of all the Part 4 routs really. Part 1 is the tightest in map design for RD. Part 2 has some nuisances, but the battle scenarios are largely creative. Part 3 is less creative as it goes on, but is still good, with much less nuisances than Part 2. Part 4 is the nadir of RD map design pre-Tower, and even in the Tower is poor. That is how I see it. Not hard when the alternative to a Haar skip is loading up Neph, Brom and some others with EXP. Sure there aren't a ton of options to do this with owing to RD's Part system playing with availabilities, but I do like the real viable choice between the quick boss kill and the slow EXP defend. The only issue with the map is defending the lone point is a joke, it's a timed rout more than an actual defend. Chill! Save your hate for something other than a little video game. I pity individuals who let themselves be devoured by such venom spent on such petty things in life. What good is it? Why love to hate so much? Dislike is fine, just save your hate for the real injustices of the world- keep things in perspective. I try to, despite my occasional stinging criticisms.
  23. Interesting results. For Blazing: Ninian ranked only 17, below Rath and just above Wil, that is very unexpected. Now where are Rath and Wil- especially Rath? I need him in Heroes yesterday! Anything but being stuck with Brave Lyn and Seasonals/Legendaries for Bow Cav. Lyn just barely failed to make the top 5 owing to Matthew and Raven. Also why is Isadora dead last among PCs? Sonia and Nergal doing so poorly- near dead last, yet Ursula getting a surprising 22nd, certainly explains Heroes, a lot of this poll does. Brendan, did better than these two! And Brendan gets next to nothing in screentime and development, the original Black Fang leader is sadly almost a nonentity. Also says seduction doesn't always win out. This said, that Ursula was 5-1 male-female in vote composition makes it clear seduction played a role. Well better than saying people were into her actual character since there isn't much to it. Lucius and Canas did great, but Pent did more poorly than I would've liked. 2-4 men-women on the ratings for him indicates he is something of a DILF. Nils got in below Roland and Bramimond, two characters with hardly any screen-time who did unexpectedly well, and while I loves Brammy, Nils did not deserve this! And Roland comes off as just being another pretty boy lord like Eliwood and Marth and Alm and Seliph and Roy (which is also true of Baldur), Brammy is very different at least. As for Binding Blade: Rutger got second, but isn't in Heroes? He lost only to Roy and isn't in yet despite the game loving to add infantry swords. What happened here? Although a 4-2 male-female percentage ratio indicates its gameplay and not studliness (although maybe character/backstory) which got him where he is. Banana Mage Lugh got 7th, Wolt 8th, and Dieck 9th. None of these are in FEH yet while the rest of the top 10 is. Wolt is higher than I expected. Speaking of no. 11, it is Hugh! Wow, the poll loved Anima magic, since every Mage is within the top 11. I for some strange reason like Hugh despite not having played FE6, so I like this. On gender, Sophia got 5-1 m-f for the voting ratio thingy, and Raigh was 2-4. Says sex appeal in the former for me, and the ladies like cuteness in Raigh (and so in Chad?)- but Lugh is 3-3. Zeiss is 2-4, so a case of sex appeal for hetero females here perhaps. Melady is 27th, losing to every non-Juno flier, even Gale! Thea is the most liked non-Shanna flier and Zeiss outdoes her too. This doesn't seem right to her. And Gwendolyn ranked right below her, and yet she is in. Both also had male-slanted voting, 5-1 for Gwendolyn Sue is in the top 20 (#19), another good thing, c'mon natural Bow Cav! She was also perhaps unexpectedly 3-3 in gender ratings. Chad is 20th, a bit strange I guess. Perceval and Gale ranked one and two above Cecilia each, they stand fair shots of coming in I guess. Why did Igrene do so awful? I can understand the other PCs who did, but Igrene seems just unfortunate. Klein was also ranked rather poorly but is in Heroes. And staying on Igrene, Astolfo, her implied former beloved, is dead last among PCs. So thank you Kirokan as always! I appreciate every translation effort of yours. ...By the way, could I ask for your opinion on a little Tellius translation I noticed yesterday after asking Ice Dragon about it? To be precise: All I'm really asking is what you think NoA's best option would have been for the term in question, and whether there was a single perfect or near perfect option at all?
  24. Except when people think of say Leon for instance, they think of this: and certainly not this . Particularly when you consider 99.9 percent of FE fans aboard have never touched original Gaiden. And while Dolph got diddly squat in practical terms from the Marth remakes, Leon got WAYYYYYYYY more than Gaiden ever gave him, which amounts to just this: He went from two lines and an ending blurb, a husk of a person, to actually being one. SoV created the Leon that is known and loved, there was nothing in Gaiden that said he had to be gay, nothing about him at all other than an unexplained Valbar attachment and a little pride, both of which could have been spun in many different directions from that which SoV chose. Now if they remade GBA/Tellius, then we have more fleshed out characters who, if altered by the remakes, could not claim to have given them souls like SoV did for Gaiden's near blank nobodies who might as well not exist as characters.
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