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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Did he abandon his kingdom right away though? From what I know of Genealogy, it seems Lewyn could continue being a normal guy for the most part right after the resurrection, Fee might not have been conceived until after the resurrection (hard to imagine Forseti getting aroused). As the years progress, Forseti takes more and more control. Lewyn probably informed his beloved mother and wife of what happened and they prepared the realm for it. Silesse itself could likely only do so much post-Behalla in the short term. The Massacre killed Sigurd's forces, which I think were mostly Silessean. Against Grannvale, well that they managed to keep the far north free was better than what anywhere else could do. Could Silesse have mounted an offensive with Issach and joined in the Liberation Army? Probably- buttttt no sirree, no going back to Silesse for Gen 2, FE4 is out to show you the world! Very true. Here are some rough musings of mine on this front. Archanea: Camus is definitely a master warrior. Medeus's distrust of him is the only thing that keeps us from seeing more of it. He more or less singlehandedly survives an onslaught to whisk Nyna away. He is also, but we don't see it so much because of the Medeus distrust, happens to be a master commander. Michalis is able to command respect from his people, and he is supposed to be stronger than Minerva, but we never get to see much of him in SD because of the game's antiquated formula of keeping you from seeing anyone of importance until the fight you kill them except for Gharnef. Hardin is weaker than Marth in every way, but still he is supposed to be very talented as a general and warrior and managed to hold out for a few years all alone against all odds until Marth showed up to relieve him. We don't know much of how he was as King/Emperor and he got possessed in less than a year's time. Minerva is supposed to be very strong, but weaker than Michalis, yet strong enough to earn Hardin's respect. Gotoh is the strongest practitioner of magic in Archanea, he can fight well, but his talents off the battlefield, like warping Marth's elites all the way from Macedon to Thabes are more impressive. Tiki, she is strong, although Mar Mar won't let her unleash all her power- he loves her too much to potentially let that happen since it'd likely destroy any chance of her returning to normal. Xane, oh the espionage he could do with the transforming! Jugdral: Sigurd seems to be a master warrior, Crusader power in B Major helps, and he managed to conquer Verdane and Agustria with limited resources since most of Grannvale's assets were tied up in Issach. Seliph made do with a ragtag liberation army and managed to reclaim over half the continent without any issues. Quan apparently has been successfully thwarting Travant's ambitions for years, until one day.... Tellius: For Robin, their named major stratagems are the fake emblem ploy, the Long Sea of flaming ships (who are they, Zhou Yu?), and the withdrawal to the lava place to survive Walhart's assault and coincidentally (I don't think they really had any intentions of doing it) kill Yen'fay. Their weak plan was the Emm rescue- which was halted by themselves, in a way. The price Tellius pays is having fewer human countries, even though Begnion is made out to be a superpower and Laguz, despite their smaller numbers, are stronger than Beorc. I could see Begnion by itself tackling Lycia and Etruria or Bern, but I think it'd need help fighting all three.
  2. I’m self-exiling myself as of tomorrow the 11th from the Forest until… the 20th of March, just before the current new Banner ends and the next one will be revealed. It should be Seasonal, and I’m expecting more bunny costumes, or they could do something more creative like Love Abounds. While i don’t care about Seasonals as much as I do standard ones, since LA broke from Afatening exclusivity, it should be interesting to see if PoR Mist's basket of tomatoes is replaced with one of easter eggs! Or Reinhardt in pastels, it’d be a good prelude to Thracia. But I’ll settle with Marth in his Sunday Best. So sayonara for now.... at 12:00AM tomorrow!
  3. Apparently Nintendo is calling today "Mario Day", for the second year in a row. Because it's March 10th, or Mar 10 for short. Mar10, like Mario, get it? Better than "May the 4th be with you". Ninty's not really doing anything for today other than some wallpapers, cards and poor digital sales on My Nintendo, but the idea is nice. A day to take a moment to reflect on the blessings that is having the Mario franchise in the world. Mario has always been good for me since childhood. The fun days of 64 and later Sunshine, Parties 1-5, Super, Super Circuit and Double Dash Mario Karts. Mario and Luigi, Paper Mario. Then later came the 64DS, the Galaxies and even the NSMBs and 3D Land/World I enjoyed a lot. I'll never grow tired of Mario. And I'll never be able to beat SMB3 or World without restore points, because I'm not that good a gamer- but they're fun even so! I actually wanted to cry when I heard the Princess Peach's Castle theme and Superstar Saga battle theme remixes in Paper Jam. I wanted to cry again when I started Odyssey. It just meant so much to me, magic exists in Mario.
  4. Complete with 0 base Speed. Just as I want Rhys and Ellen to join with 0 Def. Zero Heroes! Excluding the oh so common 0 Res characters. Although Zero Heroes sounds like a freak "summon accident" where you pull a 5 Star, only for it to suddenly at the last moment mutate into a character weaker than a 1 Star. I was questioning this, but I guess you're right: The angle of posing makes Lex-Lester look a little more different than it actually is. And Claud-Caipre then: Not so similar as the others due to hair color difference, but still you can see the younger growing into right into the former.
  5. Mega Man? Perhaps some of the 3rd Party characters are returning? I'll take a New Donk City stage. Just to keep my wishes low. Maybe a BotW Hyrule Tour for Zelda? At least the Plateau, but the rest would be nice, or at least the more inhabited regions.
  6. Genealogy has a bad case of kids looking like petite parent clones, mostly for the daughters (since the fathers are mostly variable): Thracia has a case of Fin and Lewyn being Ced's genetic dad. And yet the latter has usable Forseti and calls Lewyn his father and is Prince of Silesse.
  7. Well from what I remember seeing in XCX, a game that has 18 playable characters outside of the MC. Although admittedly XCX isn't built around the story, the characters aren't great here, which is the closest possibly that Takahashi has gotten to an FE cast in size. My quick opinions on them: I never went for the Hearts to Hearts, but I did finish all but Elma's, Celica's and Nagi's Affinity Missions (I saved Nagi's for later because it apparently has a really cool cutscene).
  8. Both Seliph and Julia make minor appearances in FE5, saving Leif's bacon once I believe. T776 starts around the same time Seliph begins his liberation war in Issach and continues into Chapter 7 or 8 of Genealogy. It also massively changed their head sprites, from these: to these: Leif and Fin and Nanna went from these: to these:
  9. If they start to reference pairings that aren't certain to be canonical, then I demand Assassin Raigh. And woah the post two above is an eyeful! (From the one moment in Awakening's plot that made me tear up a little.) So if you poke them you can turn the kids off? Must be convenient for their parents.
  10. For the past three years I've tried growing stuff in the backyard, I have a large one, and a large front yard. Nothing much, just a few planters with tomatoes, even though if I had the ambition I could build a greenhouse- I remember being let into the greenhouse at my high school several times, so warm and interesting. Anything other than tomatoes seem to die mostly, or bear little fruit for me. I wish I could do a little more horticulture. But maybe I'll add another planter this year. Until then, I like visiting botanic gardens. They're living museums in a way.
  11. Every game in the series taunts you with ladies you just can't marry because they're mothers most of the time. Sabrina, Tanya, Ganesha, Rita, Shino, Evelyn (she isn't even a mother in any way- just Sofia's big sister), Jocelyn.
  12. Now that Rival Domains exist, they might just do that. As is, you can only have 2.5 times the max you can bring into the mode on your friends list. Not that much really when you factor out any friends that might have dud characters to offer. Plus it lets you have a 5 Star perfect boon/bane decked out character without having to pull them, but in a balanced way only for this one mode. Unit trading made workable. I also the larger maps of Rival Domains are also used for other modes in some capacity. I got some cautioned optimism when they announced Thracia. Or is that a sign I've just got low expectations since "duh of course they'd do a banner for that eventually"? I say no. He stole a spot on what should have been a pure Gen 2 Awakening Banner. But after the assault of Vike, and Gleipnirika and Possessed Celica, and another Takumi too soon, I think most people lost the will to complain about it. That and the Morgans stole everyones' attention. But not mine. I will not cease for now! *Kicks Chrom off Grima's back and forces Robin to kill Grima. Hops to another world to repeat the process.*
  13. Does that mean all playable men will have one of 10 faces? I can't wait to see how many remind me of Angelo (he was a good and developed character by DQ standards)! And Blue Dragon exists you know. Never apparently did well, but it exists. Same here. Although I think that if a Takahashi Fire Emblem had any issues, it'd be the old "too ambitious" criticism. But as an RD fan (an overambitious game among FEs), I wouldn't mind one bit, and Takahashi has learned to improve on his execution- he only had to cut a giant shoulder and a life pod scene out of XC. And maybe playable Vanea. But nothing like Disc 2 XG (I haven't touched XC2 yet- I'll get to it late spring-early summer), but even that had all the ideas there, the presentation was all that was lacking. And mecha aren't a problem for Fire Emblem. Armor units need a buff, so might as well make them GIANT Armors (Xeno-mechs aren't that big by mecha standards though).
  14. I was looking to see if Rune Factory 4 finally dropped in price- the game never has and never will it seems. I'd be fine buying it for like $20, but $30 not so much. I don't think the game has ever had an eShop sale either. Anyhow, I decided to look up what the characters look like for once, in particular the Bachelors since this game was only the second in the series to have them. And then I spotted this: Awww, he looks so cute, so innocent! I'd date him. -Wait, what did you think!?! He's so young. Kiel does not look like he should be dateable at all! But at the same time the cuteness, which is the wrong type of cuteness to marry, is drawing me to him! Is this what it feels like to be a Nowi fan? No nononononono IO, don't! Think of Zaid, stare your mind into those silver eyes you've fantasized about! He's the right kind of cute to wed! Or Russell or Kyle or Bismarck or Barret. Not Kiel! Zaiiiiddd! Much better! RF has always had "children" characters, with Cecilia and Nicholas in the original and at least one kid in every game hence (ToD had the worse duo). But you could never marry them. -Well Frontier let you marry the Irises, but they're long lived vampires as well. And now that I think about it, Sakuya in 3 looks rather young- but her business acumen actually made me kind of forget that you can marry her (her shop sells a random assortment every day of anything you've sold at least once- including rare monster drops- very useful). And actually, Violet in ToD looks too young now that I also seriously consider it.... But RF4 has no dedicated "child" characters who you can't marry. And it looks to me like they made Kiel and Amber (a loli), the two characters who look like they'd be the child characters, into marriage candidates, presumably because without them you'd only have 5 bachelor/ettes to pick from for Frey/Lest. That and the children just kinda existed in every other game not 2, and they kinda taunted you with wanting Candy in Frontier (she can randomly call you a pervert and appear in her swimsuit in a winter festival), and they made a grown and mature Cecilia a marriage candidate in RF2. ...They should've invented an official special form of bond with one particular character you just want to be platonic with. I want to be Kiel's new big sister, not his wife! Not having that is abusing my admiration for innocence and nonsexual cuteness and annoyingly misleading it into totally inappropriate marriage.
  15. To quote an obvious someone "Hope will never die." Like Emmeryn, it'll just come back, damaged, but alive. And when that fails, I just move into an alternate world where Hope still lives and pray it survives this time. I'm not sure thats always the criticism, that isn't for me not getting all the way in yet. It's making it so its less boring and samey when summoning from the 3 and 4 pools. When ~2/3s of everyone who will come from Tellius will stuck at 5 Star exclusivity and I will rarely see any even less notable figures in the common pool like Brom and Devdan when they make it in, well, that doesn't sit well with me. Well you're right in that Raigh doesn't have the "child/trainee" bonus. And it doesn't help Nils is fairly mature for being so young (although the Hector piggyback scene shows him in full childlike joy). Hoping at least one shota qualifies though. Maybe Franz for a cav with the boost? Or more realistically based on gameplay and stats, Kurthnaga. Or Ewan since he is a literal trainee.
  16. I'd call Roy the playboy lord (who isn't an avatar). He has 6 options from supports plus Guinevere falling for him. Each of these represents a different country, so not only does Roy have a global appetite, it means he can take over the world through his paramours. Lilina as his official wife gives him better control of Lycia, Sue helps in Sacae as heir to the Kutolah, Cecilia is the Mage General of Etruria who can marry Perceval and then manipulate him, Sophia is the Prophet of Arcadia, Larum has some voice in the Western Isles, Guinevere is Queen of Bern after Zephiel dies, Shanna is a Princess of Ilia at the end. You could also make the case for Seliph with 7 options (excluding Julia). Although if you want him to rule the world, it's best to have an army of subs and kill off all royalty that isn't subs.
  17. I don't think Alm would have an affair, he's too clean for that. Faye is either going off to stalk him in secret, or having an emotion breakdown off in private due to obsessing over him. And for SoV, Jedah had his daughters when he was over a hundred and then uses two of them as pawns. Twisted much? Garon has concubines who violently fight for his attention- apparently this tragically unexplored bit of lore broke Camilla's mind. And in all likelihood some of those concubines were forced to become sex slaves. Reminds me of another fire king who really really badly wanted a heroine despite her not wanting him, and fought a hero over her sleeping body.
  18. The moral compass exists because violations of morality are believed to have real repercussions on the world. If you believe pornography is wrong, it is not out of some intangible reason, it is because you seriously believe society will suffer material consequences because of pornography. Dheg believes breaking from neutrality breaks his moral compass, which he knows, as you pointed out and I absolutely agree with, has serious physical implications for Tellius. Morality is not apart from the real world, but concerned with it. Taboos exist for morality, and morality exists for the betterment of the physical-mental-spiritual day-to-day world. As for Lewyn- the alternative was letting Lewyn die (we have no real idea if he could have been resurrected without partial possession)- that'd be bad for his family too. What is the suffering of 2 people due to a bad father (Fury likely understood I would hope), compared to stopping a continent from being persecuted by child hunting cultists? He's saving many more children than he ever hurt. Ced coincidentally saves kids because Dad ran off.
  19. Nils says Blue to being, being an Ice Dragon like his sister. But I do like Xane! I wish he was in Awakening, Bantu is somehow still alive but Xane is nowhere to be seen! They could make him manly there. I would have loved to see him interacting with Tiki after all these years. FE3 Xane > FE11/12 aesthetically.
  20. And it'll be accompanied by Pegasus Lilina and Myrmidon Lilina, and Myrmidon Sue. And then we need Dagger Raigh and Anima Raigh, and Cavalier Wolt. More seriously, I wouldn't mind a trip to Dread Isle to see Nils again as paid DLC in 6 Remake. But think of the leverage that would give Roy. Roy: "Daddy I want cookies for breakfast." Eliwood: "No, it'll spoil your day." Roy: "But, but, but Daddy! I want cookies!" *Starts showing signs of transformation* Eliwood: "Okay okay! Anything for you! Just please calm down." Roy: "Yay!" Unless Eliwood was willing to brandish the big stick labeled Durandal to spank some discipline into him.
  21. Well Wyverns, like certain other reptilian species, have the sex determined by the temperature of the egg before it hatches. Minerva's was in this blurry zone where it alternated between cold enough for a female and warm enough for a male, and being that way she managed to be born with both sets of sex organs complete. A freak but not unheard of accident. Or so that story goes- I haven't gotten so close to Minerva as to check that out for myself. I'm not sure if it is true. And Virion has told me of rumors about Cherche. Apparently she used to go by the name Serge, that doesn't sound very feminine.... Not that I have a problem if thats the case!
  22. I think you could safely manipulate timespace all you wanted to if you were smart enough to know what would cause issues. But to avoid giving the impression to others that you should, you restrict your own use of timespace manipulation. Why do shouldn't you encourage timespace manipulation? Because if you do, what if someone decides to do it for malicious intentions or does it poorly/dangerously? Forseti could have intervened more in Jugdralian affairs without consequences because he is a sane and wise dragon, but didn't out of the principle it would be bad to do so because it might cause some other dragons he has not control over to get too caught up in humanity and create problems that way. SoV speaks on this a bit. Dheginsea could have interfered in the daily affairs of Tellius, he is a good wise man, but what if a stray Dragon Laguz wasn't? His own daughter and younger son ended up doing a whole lot of messing things up, and this was while he had total control of his people. And principle, is the very premise of Camuses I think. Disloyalty is setting a bad precedent that may cause others to misbehave, even if your disloyalty might in a certain way be a good thing. However, because your disloyalty might cause greater problems than those it might solve, you don't betray your problematic cause and fight for it to the end. Eh, Naga can die. Just seal off all means of Naga's escape from World X and kill all lifeforms therein Naga might use for her purposes. Nobody to help her, no place to run, she's lost the battle between good and evil and dead at least figuratively unless she can invent a new human race (and Naga has shown no abilities of creating new life outside of the sexual intercourse that led to Tiki (I wonder what the Divine Dragon King Consort was like?)- only blood giving and resurrection). But I doubt Grima would allow that to happen it a world where they have surrounded Naga in every single direction and location. Had Lucina and crew died in the world Future Past shows us, Naga would have been doomed, no ifs, and, or Tiki butts about it. But again, I think the dragonhole sent this topic off a cliff. Lets move on.
  23. We all have the characters we're begging for on the inside, voicing it isn't an issue as long it doesn't become an every other post thing or you slam overly harshly new additions who are logical (as in not Gleipnirika) because they are not your favorites. If TMS characters or Nils or Sephiran or a slew of other 7-10 characters get in, I'll be squealing with joy. And I'll bring them up once in a while in the meantime until they are added.
  24. Whenever an new banner rolls around, we're always left wondering who will be using what for their weapons, and the trend it seems to be nowadays is to give almost everyone personal weapons. It's cool, and obviously a lot of characters had personals in their base games, but is it too much? Did Siegbert and Dorcas need personals? Does Ivaldi have to be locked to L'Arachel? I'm not saying it is a bad idea, and Seasonals are always 100% inheritable weapons. But would you like to see them expand the inheritable pool a little more? They are (finally the Poleax is coming!) and they will, but is the rate fast enough for you? What should be the place of Personals and the place of Inheritables? Should we have more characters with Personals than not? The opposite? Equal numbers? One might say that when the Special Assist ABC Skill slots (SAABC) are typically devoid of Personals, and Weapons in FEH are just Skills of another name, that Personal Weapons make the characters stand out from each other in a game where there isn't a lot of things that presently can make a character unique. But to this I say why not add more Personal SAABC Skills? Why not, when a hypothetical Lucia or Caeldori gets in, IS instead of inventing a Lucia Blade and a Caeldori Naginata, give them Laguzguard and Prodigy respectively? (And of course we can give a Personal W and a Personal SAABC. DEHardin needed Darksphere by the way.) I'm sure they could go back and invent a means of "refinement" for old skills to new Personal ones, like for Odin to give him Aching Blood via dumping some more Feathers and or other resources on his natural Defiant Atk. But what do I know? (I don't mean that sarcastically.) Enlighten me.
  25. They never got a 1st Gen Banner right? Certain members got gratuitous Seasonality, a solid portion the initial pool, and Xander has some plot appearances for this game, but no actual 1st Gen Banner. I want Benny! Not because I like his personality, I don't know it, but because in Fates, his build is high HP, massive Def, average Str, the worst Spd in the game, and, this is what really makes him stand out as far as Knights go, average-good Resistance. I'm hoping Heroes continues in this trend and turns him into the ultimate Armor Mixed Wall. Sure he won't kill anything 80% of the time, but as long as he's incredibly durable I don't care. Or maybe they're just inventing a Breath Seasonal at last and it'll be Colorless- that'd move some Orb sales.
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