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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. But isn't erotic lust supposed to override the disgust of the act and make it a net good experience? Though yeah, I'm not someone who normally has physical contact with others, I'm not a germaphobe or an obsessively no-touch person, but I do like an empty seat between me and a stranger in public location. Another reason to stay celibate is that I'm afraid I'd delude myself into thinking what I am and then copulate, only to wake up to the realization some time later, that I'm not what I thought I was. Will that be after my first, or 100 acts down the line? I wouldn't want to make such a mistake. And I lack actual experience in relationships as well. Thus, I stick to people who aren't real if I have the need to relieve some lust, it's safer that way, since I know the difference between reality and pure fantasy and won't act towards the real as I do the artificial. Reason to fawn over pixels instead of real flesh.
  2. Most of the Authority Stars in RD were flavor text, nobody save the army's official leader gave any bonuses from them. So only for Ike, Elincia, Tibarn, Geoffrey, Lucia, and NPC Skrimir did they matter at all on the player side; Micaiah infamously has none forever while Nailah whose kingdom we never see gets 3 useless ones. Reducing them to an AW: Days of Ruin CO Zone effect that works only on select units, so for example Skirmir anyone Gallian, would have been better. As it would be if the bonus they gave varied between the leader character, like Elincia giving Hit-Evade, but Caineghis giving Str and Def.
  3. I've read both this topic and the female equivalent in full, very funny and intriguing the both of them. Though being one who shall likely die celibate owing to a sexual agnosticism I've mentioned on a different topic (which I have not really explained in full to anyone close to me IRL- such is Internet forums as a potential priest/bartender of humanity), I have nothing to contribute at all. However, I will mention the Icelandic Phallological Museum (which apparently is 60% female in its visitors), and of course NYC has the Museum of Sex, which I'll probably leave off my list of ones to visit.
  4. But they can truly become one via possession, and that some would say is the end goal of love. In no other case can the beings of two creatures combine so perfectly, unless you're talking Beldum-Metang-Metagross evolution, I think.
  5. As you get to it whenever you can, thank you Kirokan! But why is this called Valentia Accordion? I'm guessing they mean "Accord-ion", as in settlement, diplomatic protocol, an pact of unity and agreement. But the name is weird and that "accord" meaning sounds very forced. As is, the title sounds like Alm should have an according strapped to his chest as he plays the Song of Storms ad infinitum flooding Dead Man's Mire and the Swamps of Duma with clean rainwater and flushing out the poison or something.
  6. Kliff's base Speed is poor, which hampers his great Speed growth. It's the big issue with making him a Mage. Excalibur is good, but 30-40% chance of critting is not enough for it to be perfect, it's good, but I'd like more than just that from a mage. Aura is heavy, but it has its uses if you can get it. Luthier is crap against non-Knights (who along with bow units can double him FYI) with his inability to double, I don't use him much. Now Delthea is great, but given how late she joins, there is no reason you can't use her and Mage!Kliff. Tobin does have Physic on his side, a strong start, and picking Mage Tobin frees you to use Faye as something else, but you might want more than this combat-wise. Double Physics might have use in Act 3, but Act 4 gives you Tatiana with Fortify halfway in and combined with Slique you can have enough healing between the ladies. The question should be asked whether Mages are needed at all in SoV, and while they're pretty amazing, I can see one doing without them with some Dread Fighter!Zweihander!Tigerstance strikes, that CA is just way too powerful. But that is about it.
  7. Perhaps, I think there may be real world examples of this, but I cannot think of any specific ones right now, would be that it would be better to divorce a lackey from a place they originated from. The idea is that if you leave them in their home realm, their personal connections and intimate understanding of the locale gives them a chance to later turn treasonous. By sending them somewhere that isn't their native land, they have no personal connections nor intimate knowledge of the landscape and such, keeping them from fomenting treason/undermining the system (like keeping more of the agriculture/mineral output for themselves than giving it to the demanding core) there. They can only do their assigned job as best as they can, or lose it and have no other recourse like rebellion.
  8. Agreed. It makes sense in the narrative, adds some felt reasoning for Marth's personal enmity towards Gra, and gives Jiol who otherwise only appears in his one chapter (like Michalis, Medeus, and Camus) some good screentime. That reminds me that I forgot Macedon sends air support to Gra and Khadein, giving it 6-8 appearances total. The same as Grust! Macedon's monopoly on air power is that valuable. I heard Hardin's strat to defeat Marth once called "Dracoknights! Dracoknights! Dracoknights!" in terms of gameplay, so I guess wyverns are the bee's knees in Archanea. The SD Gaidens feature (not that they have any relevance to the base games or the story at all really besides 24x): Chapter 6x: Bandits ("Ruffians" is the official name for them) Chapter: 12x: Grust and Horace's Archaneans Chapter 17x: Grust Chapter 20x: Grust Chapter 24x: Keepers (so I''ll lump them with Bandits/other) So Grust has even more fighting dudes, enough for 10-11 battles, the last, Chapter 20x, happens even after Camus "dies", a stubborn, hopeless but honorable resistance. Also, apparently the Fane defenders are just called Raman, and in FE3, they're branded Dolhr, but FE3 also brands Gharnef's Thabes and Khadein forces Dolhr, which aren't actually the case at all. So I'll consider them Gharnef's/Khadein still, because he brainwashes Tiki beforehand, and likely controlled the Fane for preventing the acquisition of Starlight and having Tiki as a future anti-Medeus weapon. When you think about, Shadow Dragon Marth probably should have been the least likely lord to succeed. He had what? The meagre resources of Talys, later Aurelis, a handful of Altean refugees, and that is about it. No major allies like Begnion or Frelia or Etruria or Issach to turn to. What Marth had to fight was: A kingdom of powerful Manaketes A manipulative invincible sorcerer with a very powerful dragon and a land of mages The big military-focused land of knights and cavalry and everything else you can imagine Except fliers, which the also very big kingdom of Macedon has in the spades And the little kingdom of Gra That is no little Begnion Occupation Army or Black Fang, we're talking every major country on the continent barring the crushed Altea and Archanea, and the barely surviving Aurelis army under Hardin. Marth only wins b/c he's the main character in an NES-era plot game. And because his enemies act mostly reactively/defensively to his moves rather than just combining their resources and killing Marth lickety-split. Medeus can't leave Dolhr Keep to fight (but he could have at least sent his minions), Camus he doesn't trust at all, Michalis I don't know why he couldn't go and fight Marth himself unless Medeus didn't trust him either, Jiol was incompetent, and Gharnef was de facto independent. FE1's enemy countries are a mess of disunity and disorganization, if Medeus got his empire together he could have won, but he for some reason never did.
  9. I know that, I was referring to things like Fernand and the Deliverance class dispute. Royalty is not quite the same as aristocracy, Ming Dynasty China had a royal family, but no nobility from what I hear. And Peter the Great of Russia tried to make noble titles inheritable only at a certain high level and beyond, the idea being you encouraged lower nobles to work meritocratically higher to earn those inheritable titles I think.
  10. It is? I wouldn't know. I connect to here via the Akashic Record, which I guess is like the Internet. However you don't need to worry about your data's privacy, the Akashic Record holds all the data in the universe that will ever be, so everyone's personal information about everything in their lives is on all display if you look hard enough. A Cybustle search should make that pretty easy.
  11. No need for apologies, I was just trying to make the point that Wendy does eventually get good stats. It just takes a while, lucky for you that it took less.
  12. Well if they live in the Southern Hemisphere, they are living on the underside of a pretty big rock. Maybe not the biggest in the universe, but still big. And I don't follow memes either. For the better I should think.
  13. Well if she's a cold-blooded murderer, it makes her questionable outfit a little less problematic, not entirely, but a little less so. A comment on the inferiority of Japanese/East Asian parenting? Maybe they should hug and kiss their kids once in a while, public and private displays of affection in youth can make for more expressive grown individuals later who will have healthier sex lives. Or so I heard regarding Japan.
  14. Lv 20/20 HP 55.3 Str 23.2 Skl 20.2 Spd 22 Lck 23.1 Def 22.4 Res 7.8 So expectable. Of course according to your wording, I expect that in your case they were even higher and sooner in coming then the averages here. Her stats issue is that outside of HP and Luck her "midgame self" perhaps we could call it, at 20/0, is the same as Normal base stats Melady. And of course there is the bad class and poor bases as well.
  15. Owain: No Lucina is explicable they have one in their base game, but then why does he have a Lissa? Chrom is good, but why Camilla? Tharja: Camilla, as expected (does it involve a ten minute earthquake and misfired itchy skin curse like I feared it would?), Robin was expected as well. Why Hinoka though? Corrin I get- but I don't by the reincarnation BS. And why Azura? Chrom-Tharja would have been good too. Olivia: No Navarre? She is visually based on Phina, who although from Mystery should still have been referenced via a Navarre. And why the Xander? Because like Chrom? But then why not just use Chrom? Ahem to that! See my gallery of armor breaks posts for a breakdown of my thoughts. Though I will say that I prefer to keep the experience special and not take too many peeks. I was thinking this before the game was even released. Build movesets around classes, and let each clone character have different skills, stat spreads, personal weapons and some variant charge attacks. That it happened at all is good, but that it took until the very last added character to do it is sad.
  16. I'm going to do a detailed breakdown of the men again, albeit maybe with a less detail: Chrom Lord: You look good physically, which I expected of course, no flab or lack of tone in FEW. The dark blues, grays, and black of the "smallclothes" in Ylissean parlance, are dull color-wise. And the design, while neat with the little bit of blue sash(?) is a little boring too. This said, is it just me or does he have a bulge the other men lack? Dang Chrom, I predicted you'd be a little above average, but this is amazing! You know, if you give me, I might forgive for all I've bashed you about the sacrifice. It also appears the seam runs right down the middle of his underwear, hope it doesn't tear wide open. Chrom Exalt: Reminds me of the Nohrian brothers with its black on gold color scheme and similar patterns. Unlike the Nohrians though, Chrom adds a shirt, which works stylistically for him and puts extra emphasis on his signature Exalted Shoulders (copyrighted). Keeping the headpiece is an interesting move, but I don't love the headpiece. No socks works for me here. It appears the lord bulge is gone, were you lying to me Chrom? Why? Robin: You look a bit better than I'd think for a magic user, but to be fair Leo looks better than he should too. The gold obviously aligns with Thoron and Thunder magic in general being your signature element. The purple speaks to your inner Grima nature, and the dark blue and black are suitable colors upon which to rest the gold and purple scheme. The pattern is a blend of curved lines with a little geometry on the lower rims, and the curvature with the complementary colors (or are they analogous?) making for a very distinct design. The choice to restrict Robin to shorts keeps it from being overused, because as is it is visually powerful and might be too much if repeated on the legs. Frederick: Not a bad body, but your underwear is so boring! The pale ugly blue, the white, the black and the gray-tan, ugh! Here I was going to say that the buttoned underwear made Groom!Marth the worse half-naked dude, but Frederick is sadly generic ugly garbage. Owain: OWIN! The yellow is so different from anything else, and is so works for him. Owain's bandaged arms, bold and eclectic color scheme as a whole on good patterns make him a one of a kind standout! And just what is with his top? It covers his shoulders and little else! When I saw the string that ties it in in the middle, I thought "Is he wearing a man-bra?". Nope he isn't, but it nonetheless creates an idea of a male midriff on him and I like that. So in final analysis barring a second DLC wave I would list the underwear men in roughly this order: Archer Takumi Owain Ryoma Robin Lord Marth Niles Nohr Corrin Navarre Butler Takumi Hoshido Corrin Lord Chrom Rowan Xander Leo Groom Marth Frederick Though anyone above Groom Marth is good, GM and Fred sadly don't have good underwear. Leo and Xander are just so small and simple that they rank poorly against the rest, but the smallness is likable from a sexual perspective.
  17. This wouldn't be the first time we got a delay between some form of official art for all chars in game. Sacred Stones anyone? And I think in that case there is a clear stylistic difference between those who got it early and those who got it delayed. Compare for instance: Kozaki might not have such a disparity when he gets to the rest of Fates's cast though.
  18. Well I don't think I picked up on it myself, and I played the game blind. Mums appearing only in the opening, a significant role there yes, but only for ten minutes before he "dies", I sort of forgot about him. Not completely, but enough not to make a instant connection. Being caught up in the intense moment of the opening and the likewise intense Mechon attack on C9 kept me from connecting the dots- distract with tension to deflect suspicions, not exactly an uncommon thing in video games.
  19. Lehran and Ashunera do discuss in their brief moment together at the end war is happening again 1200 years later. The question is what "later" means here. Does later mean post-Ashera and Yune debacle, in which case Kurthnaga may have died of old age? Or does it mean 1200 since Ashunera broke in two? Which given that happened in -155 TC, would mean ~1045 TC is when Ashunera would return, which exactly 400 years from the outbreak of the Mad King's War, and thus Kurthnaga barring unforeseen circumstances should still be King of Goldoa and probably not even in middle age yet. Overall, great character writeup, I do like Kurthnaga myself. Our second shotakete, the first being Nils, and a rather fleshed out side character on top of that, using two tiny appearances in PoR and only a moderate amount of screentime in RD to accomplish this. Pacifist for good reasons, kind, at the same time powerful beneath the surface, no matter how much he does not want to use that power. His Ike conversation in RD was touching, and he makes a good brother to Almedha. I just wish he had more playtime (why not 4-4?). I'd add that, while it is to provide testimony against Naesala, his appearance in the Laguz Kings meeting in PoR would I personally inferred to hint that Dheg was consciously trying to inculcate him as heir with some firsthand observations of proper Goldoan politics and diplomacy. Given his other two children have flown the coop into tragedy, Dheg was probably very attentive to setting Kurth on the right path. Now I'd love to do an in-depth character writeup myself, for Skirmir, the unsung true protagonist of Part 3 Laguz Alliance, but I don't have the time to do that right now.
  20. Iceland Silesse invented an app for this long before Jugdralian Count 1738 (which is Archanean 606/Valentian 403- the year Gaiden ends). Well for determining whether two dating people are cousins, but it should work for half-siblings as well. Unfortunately Jugdral enacted the ESTVAT continental invisibility and flight system by that point and enacted a strict non-interaction policy with the savages on the surface below. So Celica never got to use it. On possessions and corruptions, Valter being corrupted by a cursed lance hurts him in my eyes. He was fine being bad to the bone as is, serial killers don't need magical objects to go that way. Eirika!Lyon was a pity magnet who isn't that great, but the more subtle possession of Eph!Lyon is good. Nergal is an unsympathetic husk of a human being, so is Gharnef. Ashnard's corruption was for five seconds at the end of PoR, and mind you he maintained control over himself when he underwent it, it was less corruption and just a power boost, because Ashnard was already mad and is that strong to not turn into a brainless beast even touching the Medallion. And I don't like the idea that Grima!Robin is Grima possessing a good Robin. Lucina-future Robin should have chosen of their own volition to become Grima free of any corruption. Makes it more chilling that way and makes Robin more their own agent.
  21. Elincia not fighting was because she was the sole survivor of the Crimean royal family left, if she dies, what does Crimea have to rally justly around against Daein? Ike is a disposable mercenary who can be replaced eventually with no such issue. The civil war aspect was about Renning. Renning was declared heir to Crimea by Ramon when he would never have a child (and Renning has no children nor even a wife it seems- why is the future of Crimea's royal family so barren?), and then Elincia was born later. The civil war would have been whether the presently declared heir or the heir by inheritance traditions (assuming they would favor a daughter of a ruling king over his brother), deserved the Crimean throne. Ramon didn't either have the power to quash the feuding it'd create, or had no stomach for the internal chaos in the first place. Otherwise if he had a strong hand, he could have changed the inheritance to Elincia upon revealing her and then silence the opposition to the change, with no real issue. I can't say much of the SoV discussion at hand, but why did Rigel have an aristocracy? A power-based/meritocratic society shouldn't have a hereditary inheritable nobility. Although should Zofia have one either if Mila seems egalitarian? Unless she supported a Medieval/Early Modern European corporate society, as in "Everyone has a place, and everyone in their place", breaking from your place, a good place in a glorious happy system of places, brings chaos and ruin. Does hereditary aristocracy have a place in either Rigel/Duma or Zofia/Mila? Or was this move an addition of SoV not in the original game that was not necessary?
  22. I don't think it's so much my Alms have turned out bad, as the first of mine in SoV turned out above average and the rest have ended up being average/a little below average. Double Lion aside, Alm is not that godly in FE15, not bad, but not a one-man army at all, a DF much outdoes him. And I'm not so sure, but I don't think I've ever had an amazing Canas. He's a bit overrated honestly, Luna is only for bosses and if you want a chance to crit a generic in exchange for what is likely less power. Sans Luna, he is using Flux and is hardly any different functionally from Lucius or Erk.
  23. Hopefully that Switch delay is just a delay, and not something worse, since I only have a Switch. And that for however long the delay is, the port doesn't turn out to be shoddy.
  24. I wouldn't call Dunban stupid though. The first time he and everyone else meets with him, Black Face is silent, that he uses claws is the only thing that might hint to him there is Mumkhar inside. The next appearance is post-Ether Mines, and here he speaks for the first time- but there is no reason to assume that Mumkhar is in there, the voice might be similar, but the heroes are still mostly in the dark about Mechon leadership. The next meeting is Prison Island, where the big reveal about the Faces happens, and the meeting thereafter is when Dunban states the truth right away before Mummy shows himself. I do love the drip-feed Mechon reveal the game sets up. Leaderless legion horde of machines in the opening, we get a literal "face" for Mechon leadership in the Colony 9 attack, but the Face is still a personality-free silent monstrosity. Bionis Leg/Ether Mines reveal there are many Faces and they can speak and have personalities. We also get the mysterious Vanea scenes we can't understand at that moment, but which hint at something bigger. Then comes Nemesis and Metal chatting to each other and disagreeing leading up to Prison Island. and then at last the true Mechon leader is revealed at Valak Mountains, and who then through the entire journey across, down, up, and down again through Mechonis is fleshed out. The game gives you new info on your foe throughout the game at a reasonable pace, rather than just use exposition dump reveals about them at one or a couple moments. Returning to Mumkhar, he did do one thing right, besides being a good jerk (and KI:U Hades was the same), was that he died at the right moment. The plot outgrew Mumkhar as soon as Fiora was revealed, and Yaldabaoth drove the last stake into his importance. Mumkhar might have been better off dying at Valak instead of Sword, and Shulk's naïveté and Dunban's willingness to listen to it was eh, but beyond this, he died a good death. A rule for a villain is that they should not overstay their welcome, I mean that Slayde guy in SoV- why does he live until almost the end of Act 4 when the last you saw of him was in Act 1? He doesn't appear in Act 4 in OG Gaiden. And Valter and Caellach, they died in just the right chapter, but they needed more drama to their deaths I think- which gameplay sadly denies from happening. Of course, in terms of perfectly executed villains deaths in video games, Luca Blight takes the cake. I would not have changed his passing in the least, even though his passing deprives Suikoden II of its only perfection- his replacement villain just can't match him at all. To actually discuss the question at hand. I do love Sephiran, a very good sympathetic villain, but I admit making a good sympathetic villain is not easy. And when you can't get it to work, like Van in ToA, it makes that character either really blah or dislikable. The Black Knight suffered from RD changing him from evil to sympathetic. Luca Blight does have a note of sympathy in his backstory, which we don't know much of, but he is mostly splendidly evil. Lucifer in SMT is on the whole a good evil villain, cold, logical, selfish, on the surface willing to entertain himself with the potential opposition, but all about business when pushed, questionably an ideologue or just having a vendetta with God, he admits in SJ I think that he will never love humanity- he isn't hiding his support as being wholly conditional on helping defeat God.
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