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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Well the Recollections had plenty of nice stuff, but not as much it is true. Partly because the Recollections came out years after the release and therefore fewer people having a strong attachment to the base games. And we already had a lot of information available on Tellius owing to the timeline being released sooner, and a lot more stuff being said in the games themselves about the world and characters. On the timelines, I think Tellius's has its strengths vis a vis the new Valentian one, but Valentia's has a lot of great things about it as well. Tellius could afford to fill in the gap between 478 and 595, and maybe list a few other dates like Almedha's relationship with Ashnard, Soren's birth and Rajaion's capture, when Sephiran left Goldoa, when he recruited Zelgius, when he became a Senator, and Elincia's birth and the elevation of Renning to Crown Prince before that. The Valentian timeline fills in a lot of the short-term history that Tellius's doesn't. And I say this as one most partial to Tellius.
  2. Mariachi band banner! Takumi variant able to drown people in seasoned ground meat. They wouldn't stoop that low. Elibe yes, but Tellius, despite the absence of Laguz, is doing relatively well. It has had three exclusive banners since launch, including one earlier this year and Vanguard Ike. Elibe definitely needs more besides Love Abounds though. Binding could use the bump more than Blazing I think, since it has the bigger roster. What I think we could totally do without for now is more Magvel and Valentia- those two worlds have much smaller casts that have already offered many of their kind to the summon pool. Although the very recent revelations behind Nuibaba's and Deen's pasts would make me consider pulling for them.
  3. The common criticism is ketchup is too sweet and overpowering for a hotdog. Even though I do it myself at home, at a good place I'd be respectful and just have it plain. Although I heard a corn relish on hotdogs is good too. Not that I'd eat it, or mustard either.
  4. Marisa kinda does actually, cold-ish, starts as an enemy with a high crit weapon. But no edgy past, although Zihark didn't have one either. And Caellach- the Tiger Eye of Grado. A mercenary from Jehanna who traveled with Joshua for a time, really wanted to up his place in the world and leave the horrible sands of Jehanna. An opportunist, he wants to be king of the world, he kills Ismaire Joshua's mother and Queen of Jehanna and a few generics, smashes two Sacred Stones, has a Hans-like personality if you remember Fates. He openly speaks of his ambitions for more power and wealth in front of his liege Lyon. The ultimate corrupt and greedy mercenary you could say. I'd be careful about doing that around Valter. He seems like the type to slowly sup upon your bodily fluids while carefully peeling back your skin. Or at least I have envisioned him doing that to Eirika.
  5. I don't think May Day is big in Japan, nor anywhere in the US. Golden Week apparently was Hero Fest last year. Besides a slight vestigal hope of some 5* drops and 3* pool additions, I don't really have any. But may Nanna be a good new Staff unit. And Fin gets his custom Brave Lance, and Leif be well off too. If godforsaken Lifis gets thrown in, I have plans for him.
  6. Would that make Galle extremely well endowed? Selena Fluorspar as a man.... I don't think we've ever seen a male Camus love and die for their female liege. Caellach's personality on a female form, I'm having a hard time seeing it. Has that ever been done in FE? I don't think we've had a single female Navarre either. Lon'qa would be like Florina, but stoic. Florino would be adorable and funny.
  7. Has to be before Deidre, Saias is 27, Julius and Julia are born in 761-762, and FE4 ends in 777. Going by the Oosawa manga, Azelle someone recently pointed out is 18 at the start of FE4 in 757, Arvis is 7 years older in developer notes, so 25, and this means Saias was conceived by Arvis at 16-17. They chose not to include a Major Fala person in FE4, but couldn't resist the idea in FE5, despite it not being necessary that the Major Fala be passed down at all. And the worst is that for the player, it means nothing since Saias doesn't have access to Valflame. Well, Saias if he appears in an FE4 remake could hopefully incinerate the last chapter to ashes, whats another playable with a Holy Weapon? I'm sure there somebody out there who could love her. I'm sure the ladies would appreciate the male version of this: And Lewyn as a deadbeat mother sounds interesting.
  8. Definitely the worst weapon type in my analysis. If only one could obtain an Emperor's Lance without random paid DLC (maybe give Rudolf one?), you could get a 100+ Crit rate with that. And then you have the Trainee's Lance and its potent Solo Triangle Attack, which is so good, but again, paid DLC, albeit you're guaranteed to get one, but only one. Or, they could have just made it possible to Silver Lance > Ridersbane > Rhomphaia for the ability to craft a bunch of these instead of being stuck with one. The Rhomphaia's Dragonhaze can match the Zweihander's Tigerstance, and the Zweihander is arguably the best weapon in the game. I found it odd you couldn't forge the Silver Lance into anything else when the Silver Bow can go Radiant or Killer. And the Silver Sword can be turned the Brave Sword, which in turn can go Shadow Sword, which go into the Ilwoon, or which you can make into a Rapier. As is Gradivus is the best non-DLC Lance that isn't the one Ridersbane/Rhomphaia, which is saying how lacking they are. Oh, and there is the Sol too, but good luck with the RNG for that, and it still worse than the Rhomphaia on anyone that is fast. Gradivus's 1-2 range, while great by the standards of every other game, is only good for keeping squishy units safe on the player phase in this game, since Mire and Bows outrange it. Bows by comparison have the powerful Killer, the shutdown of the Longbow and Silver, the range of Parthia, the accuracy of Luna, and the Res targeting of the Radiant. A lot of viable options. Swords have the godly Zweihander, the crit-happy Brave, the anti-Cav & Armor and terrain Rapier, and solid B-rate weapons in the Silver, Shadow, and Ilwoon, and Alm's personal duo.
  9. Well even if they didn't have any world building/characterization planned at the time, they can invent some now and we won't be able to tell the difference/we'll accept the retcons. They have plenty of time, because Kozaki has to make over forty new official artwork pieces and he is apparently busy as is. They're saying by the end of the year hopefully, but it might take even longer. You need to forge very rare Blessed weapons to make them, and you need a boatload of Gold as well. So they aren't exactly easy to make and the Mercurius is trash. Being able to forge regalia does not seem canonical, only the Gradivus in Duma Temple is for all we know.
  10. Doing a quick look at the Smash Wiki tier lists, there are 58 characters in Smash 4. Brawl had 38, 26 Melee, and 12 in 64. Even with paid DLC, 4 added only 20 chars, there is no way they can boost it to 100+ in one new game, that would mean nearly doubling the already huge roster.
  11. Well I think this is it: Meanwhile, to protect the most powerful spells, like Aura or Excalibur, Gotoh attached a contract to them so that only the user could wield them. The same kind of protection was also placed on the Falchion. So it doesn't say anything specifically about dragon blood, only a "contract". Which is good, since SD and NM kinda undid that contract at least partially. And it spares us from the idea that Linde and Merric are also dragon blood recipients. Well Elincia exists unused in TRS, so that might be right. I could've sworn for some reason you aren't his biggest fan.
  12. I was looking for the line that said Gotoh gave Anri the Falchion, but for some reason I couldn't find it. Although Gotoh is a Divine Dragon, being Major Gotoh-Blooded sounds a little bizarre. So lets just pretend Gotoh had a few vials of Naga Blood with him, which he in a noninvasive manner via magic infused into Anri. I just hope this never somehow alters Tellius and gives Ike Major Ashunera Blood. Of course they will, and we will have to keep reminding people that these things aren't what was originally intended. Sigurd visiting Tiki? What chance could he have gotten to do that? It can't be during FE4 unless he secretly survived Valflame. Did he get on a boat that went radically off course one day and then stumbled into Tiki before returning home?
  13. Sonya's backstory is wonderful. Her sisters gave their lives to defend her and she has sought their revenge and salvation ever since. Deen is not as good, but still certainly better than nothing and by no means bad. I like the Brave Sword he uses having some backstory to it, makes you regret prying it from his cold dead hands a bit. What is meant by "...he found his wife, whose form had completely changed. To kill his beloved fiancee and enact revenge..."? It sounds like something happened to her, but what exactly? My hunch was she became a Terror, but that can't be insofar as we know, so I guess somebody turned her into a Witch? Or maybe she was in terminal agony and he killed her to end it? It does not say who the assailant was, but if she became a Witch, maybe the Duma Faithful? Overall, better than what we know of Navarre, the original FE edgelord, but still not as good as Zihark if you ask me. Better than Rutger? I need to reexamine him, and Galzus (not that we have much for him). Their food interests- does everyone playable have those on their profile b/c Provisions? *Checks SF's Preferences page*, yup S&D match up with what it says there.
  14. Saw this on GFAQs: Google Translate says: "Notice] 4/10 (Tuesday) From 12 o'clock, we will do live broadcast announcing 3DS "Labyrinth of World Tree's" [roughly the Japanese title for Etrian Odyssey] latest work. Broadcast time is about 4 minutes. We will send it below so do not miss it!" 12:00 PM in Japanese Standard time is +9:00 UTC, so if you want to watch it live, so find out what your time zone is and then convert it. So, will it be Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2? So will it be Etrian Odyssey "Festival"- the not-3 Untold game they have been teasing that we know nothing about? I doubt it'll be Persona Q2. Whatever it is, it doesn't have to come out for a while, I'm just about to buy EOV and still have much in EO2U to finish, and Alraune/Great Dragon/Dragon clones and the Superboss Formerly Known as Primevil to kill in EOU. Here is hoping to whatever it is, it's good my fellow explorers of Yggdrasil!
  15. Bahahahahaha! She is beautiful! And so serious. Better than someone you know is a trap, like Lucius.
  16. I'm guessing they just wanted to kill the incest and thought Arion was very womany with his long hair? I can see a little something here. But why change Arion's sex in case of wanting to kill incest. Same sex incest shouldn't be as bad as normal incest, if it is consensual, since no children can result. Although I wouldn't mind a Queen of Thracia: Arion coming eventually in a genderbent banner. Alongside Martha of Altea, Manith of Begnion, and Vaido of Bern.
  17. Good luck with the increased caloric loss half of your controlled starvation program!
  18. An artbook with loads of details about the world and characters of SoV that just got released and two of SF's finest are translating. Includes an 8-part timeline and Nuibaba profile saying she got scarred, dumped for her sister by her boyfriend afterwards, and then shoved off a cliff, thus leading to her rage and becoming a Witch.
  19. What, I can't joke a little? Hardin is a tragedy, though I didn't intend for him to Darksphere his soul away just because he lost Gradivus. And there are worse unfunny jokes made repeatedly about the tragedy of Sigurd's army. And of course Emmeryn jokes that fall flat, and Flora is a hot mess in the joke department as well. Admittedly, I could have used any character in the game for that butterfingers moment. Maybe it was Est- it slips from her hands, she goes to look for it the dutiful girl she is, and she in her search gets taken by bandits. All I meant was Gradivus could have been obtained, and then suddenly lost.
  20. Hmm... Honestly, I didn't pick up on the implication until somebody said it to me. It is subtle enough that I think those with a more innocent/unassuming mind wouldn't get it. It is a breath of fresh air. Two disciplined goodie-goods with harmonious personalities slip up with each other rather than be flawlessly perfect at keeping their moral high ground. And in a sense, maybe their natures made it easier for it to happen. If Fiora had a Sain support, all his pestering would cause her to keep her guard up, which would keep Sain from getting what he wanted. Fiora thinks she doesn't need her guard up for Kent, because Kent is a gentleman. She likes that he respects how she wants to be treated, Kent the same of her, and because both know they won't be uncouth to the other, so they can allow themselves to get closer to each other. They get close, they bond intimately, and viola, the mistake. While I can expect Saphy and Rhys to restrain themselves at all times, some modest individuals may not be able to exercise complete control, they're human after all. This said, Fiora's last line "Well...Perhaps... it can wait..." sounds a little too naughty, a little too "I would like some more first". That I can see changing as being a little too into the fallen angels camp. Them trying to regain their morality by ending such physical closeness in their amor until the present journey is over, would possibly be more appropriate. As for a character I would change, I would pick Ilyana. Downplay her hunger, play up the Convoy Four as her family whom she loves traveling the world with despite her sickliness. Fill her supports with talk of Brothers Jorge and Daniel, and Mama Aimee and Daddy Muston. Not that hard to turn this blight on Tellius to a decent character. Devdan/Danved on the other hand...
  21. It doesn't explicitly say Camus was found with Gradivus. It could have happened like this: Hardin: "La la la la la! Gradivus! Gradivus! Lalalala! Nyna should love me now!" *Gradivus slips from his cheery hands and goes flying into the ocean* Hardin: "Noooooooo!"
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