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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Not going to read the profile of the guy with a Polish name unless Kirokan signs off on the translation, in respect to them and their hard work here. Conflicting information in an artbook doesn't necessarily strike me as odd. The Tellius Recollection had conflicting/strange information, like Ike as the Second Altina when it is never brought up ingame, the Laguz and Branded lifespans seemed a little off to me, as did the description of Phoenicis and Kilvas as fertile lands. And then there is whether Ashunera created the Laguz and Beorc- as the Recollection says, or if she only created the Zunanma, as is said in RD itself. However, in the case of Tellius, we already knew from prior sources about the games' development processes. Hence, the Begnion profile which speaks of Noad and Persis and Est and Razia, is explicable as describing the beta version of PoR, and that implies some of the other details are possibly not the final canonical game ones. In the case of SoV, this is our first real source of information. We have nothing to cross-reference to validate any part of what they are saying. ...Though this is making me question whether the Dawn Brigade notes were invented ex post facto or not. How long after the release of RD were they revealed? The closer to release, the more likely they are authentic. And what about the Tellius timeline, when was that revealed?
  2. Who are you, Sensei, Eagle? I'd hard counter that with "Anti-Airs of Serenes".
  3. I think this is getting a little out of hand, and nothing will be able to recreate the magic of the men's and women's threads. FFtF magic is always spontaneous, uncontrollable, and unpredictable. Celebrate the wonder of what you wear under. But I think we can move on. Not to be bitter or anything.
  4. Not if you've the restrain to be Free to Play. And there is no real Player vs. Player, the game is much more a single player experience. All you have is Voting Gauntlets- which are noncompetitive when you add in the multiplier making the winner come down to pure chance. The Arena too pits you against other players' units- but not against the players themselves. Unless you want to be at the top of the Arena or Tempest Trials, a mostly superficial thing, you have no urge to compete. What instead you have is the freedom to take characters you like and favor and raise them and use them as you wish. Anyone can be perfectly usable if you're not obsessed with being the best.
  5. Arceus or Palkia, which should I later make my avi when I'm in the Pokemood eventually? I'm not familiar with the interdimensionality-observatoriness of any Pokemon post Gen 5. *Hands some Poffins* Cake vs. Yeast donuts, I prefer the denser, smaller cake ones. I'll order two generally for breakfast: one more breakfasty, and the other sweeter and more dessert-like. My typical breakfasty donut is French Toast, the desserty one can be anything. I eat them deliberately slowly, to savor their taste, and after I eat the breakfasty one, I take a few more minutes before turning to the second, sipping my choice of breakfast beverage all along the way.
  6. The Orient was the common parlance of the late 1700s to early 1900s, the end of the era including the American Fu Manchu Chinese stereotype. The era of "Oriental despotism", of countries without histories, without cultures of any value, of excess lust, decadence, and harems. Edward Said wrote a long, well known in academia, and controversial (partly over his evidence, focus only on the Middle East), book on Orientalism called well... Orientalism. "Oriental Studies" is a valid academic field, but beyond this specific use, it isn't really encouraged to be used in a serious context. A classic example of unabashed racist and exotic Orientalism is this painting called The Snake Charmer (warning- includes non-genital nudity- but it is a classical piece of art) from the art genre appropriately called "Orientalist". Nobody is sitting on a chair or even a pillow. They sit on a cold floor, which looks aged and ruined like the walls- symbolic of the decadence and ruin that is Oriental civilization. Everyone is an old man- also a sign of the death of the Orient. And while the date is 1880 when it was made, it is timeless in setting, you would never know it was 1880, because the Orient is ahistorical and never progresses. And then you have the snake charmer themselves in the middle- an overly exotic practice. And then you have the snake charmer himself- a nude young boy holding a snake in suggestive pose. That makes no sense and reeks of pedophilia, a sign of the immorality of the Orient. The artist Jean-Leon Jerome got away with the pedophilia only because it was set in not-Europe, where morality is of a higher, more tasteful standard. And with this hopefully clarifying explanation, I think this topic has gotten out of hand. @eclipse, I believe you have grounds to lock it.
  7. Nice topic idea! RD is packed with goodies of this sort! My number one of them all? I'll go for a deeper one, Haar-Levail:
  8. I would say no. How hard can independently discovering necromancy be? You have fountains that flow with the essence of life in Valentia, and Bragi's Dragon, who must have been weaker than Loptyr or Naga, granted their Crusader a staff able to resurrect the dead. The Aum staff too. Necromancy is flesh without, with a partial, or with a corrupted soul- a weaker form of true perfect flesh-and-soul resurrection.
  9. I'm childish when it comes to Disney. Turn it on any cartoon and I'll likely leave the room, barring occasions when I must bear it out of proper etiquette. I've "outgrown" Disney, and hence have no tolerance for such childish things. Even though my intolerance for Disney is in itself immature. And I also have a double standard, since I love Kirby. But a personal double standard of aesthetics isn't the worst thing to have. From afar, reading about the game in Nintendo Power, it sounded sort of interesting, particularly with all the playable characters who used to be enemies in the older games. I guess I was wrong. Well Nomura produced it and Square both helped in the development and published it- even including a Tin Pin Ifrit and Shiva. The game was also released on the 3DS's predecessor, and maybe they wanted to tease TWEWY fans even though nothing of a sequel has come to light yet.
  10. I actually had Emeralda partly in mind speculating on this. Because she the colony of nanomachines is the child Kim and his Elly never could have normally b/c Zeboim environmental conditions made Elly infertile.
  11. Neither have I, the Disney aspect is a turnoff. Even though the plot I'm 99% certain from afar has nothing to do with the Disney half, and everything with the bizarre wonderful world of Nomura's mind.
  12. If there was no child, and Forneus we're sure died for good, then that means Forneus cannot be the bloodline. At this point, the bloodline would have had to come later, during Grima's coming out apocalypse. And this is getting me thinking, if there was dragon-human coexistence in Thabes, we get into the speculative territory of Forneus having a dragon wife. Grima suddenly becomes speculatively the hybrid child they never had.
  13. So proto-Arcadia? A city of scalies-soft fleshies coexistence? Not impossible, but you'd think the Revelations would have mentioned this just wait for the Esoteric Super Hidden Revelations.
  14. It looks glacially slow. But the spell animations do look good from an LP I saw. I liked the angel that appeared when using Seraphim. Agreed. Visually they're a good in-between of outlandish and realistic leaning to the fantasy side. Sage, Monk, Hero, Pirate and Hawkeye!Berserker are all among my favorite class sprites. She doesn't have that choice in TMS, it is Wyvern Knight or Falcon Knight on promotion. Though she can always use Force, some Fire, Spirt, and healing magics. Aversa and Pheros exist as Dark Fliers though in that game. And about SoV- read the translated Valentian Accordion details here on SF once you're finished with the game. The translation is a WIP, but even at this stage a lot of juicy information is coming to light!
  15. Rudolf is 50 right? Doesn't look like a contemporary IRL 50- more like a 60+ to me. However, people in yesteryear without such high living standards may have died sooner, so they would have aged faster. But then if they did have shorter lifespans, and the contemporary average is ~80, what would a Medieval one be sans infant mortality? 60? But that is shorter than the 61 and third years of a Rigelian monarch! I can accept 38.6 on the Zofian side, even if it is very unrealistic to have string of five those in a row, Mila could have made that happen. But Rigel's 61.67 is almost an impossibility unless they always chose a young child or an adult who lived or well into old age. And we know Rigel I was probably no Rolf-like shota. Long story short- they didn't think the number of monarchs all the way through. You say pre-Pelleas was 13 Daein monarchs over 243 years? That is 18.69 years on average, much more reasonable by premodern standards than Valentia's. And Ashnard ruled for an almost perfectly average 19: 627-646, it takes a year to liberate Crimea invaded in 645. And it coincidentally aligns with my calculation for the number of Begnion Empresses 36 in 625 years excluding Sanaki, or 17.36 years on average. Although Meshua reigned for 30 years we know, so that skews things for having to be shorter for someone else. ?Errgh! Tellius, how could you fail me!? I can't find a monarchal number for Elincia or her father Ramon despite all the times she is called Queen of Crimea! Damn you! You give me two of the three Beorc realms, I know Dheg alone has ever ruled Goldoa, and I'd expect the underdeveloped other Laguz societies to not have regnal numbers known, but why'd you leave out Crimea?! If anyone can find one, please alert me. If Crimea did have an 18 reign year average, hypothetically speaking since it's right between the Begnion and Daein numbers, then over its 255 years pre-Daein invasion, then we would have 14 maybe 15 monarchs pre-Elincia. Comparable to Daein, which is 15 years younger as a country.
  16. The 2nd part of the timeline puts the founding of both in 189 VC. So I guess the Rigelian monarchs just lived longer. Not sure why, did Mila's decadence kill off one or two of the other ones prematurely via obesity? There could be a tens of realistic explanations. I'd agree with this. And Forneus could better hide and do evil research in a ruined city of corpses than a thriving civilization of presumed goodness.
  17. Well astronomers were responsible for the real ones, but sometimes for solars they overcompensated for a year's length, sometimes they under-compensated. The intercalary systems to keep things in check got out of hand- that is how the Romans revised their calendar to the Julian standard still used in Eastern Orthodox Christianity. The Gregorian was invented to replace the Julian because it was falling behind the seasons too much (well not really a lot- just a few days over the centuries, but bad by the standards of religious officials obsessed with keeping Easter in the right date frame). But enough with this meaningless diatribe on calendars I've thrown together! I'll just assume 364 days for the FE planet to rotate around its sun. The Divine Dragons invented a Starsphere so they must know the heavens above quite well. And this Matthaus guy who invented the calendar must have had Mila's help, so I'll assume she got the calendar length in sync with the seasons down to the millisecond.
  18. Forseti: Reach level 20, promote, be at Chapter 9 or later. Having Lewyn's son/Patty talk with Seliph (who doubles as Lewyn) will then result in the tome being passed on. The conversation will go along the lines of: "Son/Patty, you are strong enough now to handle Forseti. Unlike all the other Holy Weapons save Naga, Forseti once you invoke its power, will slowly overtake your body, it has a spirit of its own, you and Forseti will become one being." "Wait Father, are you also-?" "Yes. Very much so. I am no longer the man I once was. But I accept this, for the sake of the world I did. Now you may not be as consumed as I, but will you accept the risk?" "Yes Father, I will!" "My Son/Patty, the battles ahead will be even more difficult than ever before, embrace the Forseti and become a true Crusader!" -Modify this if the child isn't Coirpre or Arthur. For children who can't inherit use Forseti, make this a little saddening, but not too much (or change Diarmuid into a Mage Knight and Patty/Ulster a Mage Fighter in this instance- nothing you can do about Lester I think). -If Ced is Lewyn's son, it will be stated somewhere that Ced already proved himself before Lewyn left Silesse and thus gave over the tome then (Ced does start as a Sage). Yewfelle- Add Eyvel cameo in Chapter 9 in a village or castle. The Gesh is starting to wear off and compelled her to find the Yewfelle, but she doesn't know why. She knows however the heir to it is in Seliph's army and thus goes off to give it to them. Eyvel and Febail speak, she likes him a little, and a vague passing memory might return, but not until the war's end will she be Brigid once more. Conversation with Patty will also give her a little bonus. Valkyrie- Can we just pass this down? It isn't that incredible with only 1 50000 Gold use. But if we must, either throw in a living Silvia explaining Claud has died in C9 or 10. Or let us kill her (my preference) and just have Sleuf somehow pop in and pass it down. Come up with a good reason as to how he got it. Give him a nice conversation with the Son/Patty of Claud, and maybe the Daughter/Febail if it isn't too much. And maybe even Coirpre and Leen without Claud fatherhood. Mystletainn- Not sure. Eldigan died in Agustria- who could have gotten it? How did Ares get it again? Just given it after Eldigan's death? Freege borders Agustria and happens to be in Manster where Gen 2 spends most of its time. Either you can obtain it post-Blume, or something like Ares being able to converse with a Freege servant post-Blume and demand "You, where is Mystletainn? Freege I know has it!". And then at the start of Chapter 10, a servant shows up explaining: "The Freege estate is presently in some chaos with Lord Ishtore and Duke Blume's deaths although Duchess Hilda and Lady Ishtar yet live. The resistance in Agustria to Grannvalian rule upon finding out about this and that you their future king is yet alive and fighting the Empire, attacked Freege managed to obtain the Mystletainn, which was passed to me to give to you. It came at a loss of many lives just to obtain this one sword, bear this Ares, heir to Hodr the bloodiest of the Crusaders (my interpretation), and do your people well. They trust you so, yet have not seen you in over a decade. May their faith not be misplaced." But I don't love this option, it sounds so-so. Plus Ares and Shannan are supposed to be clutches just in case you screwed up on the variable kids, like Oifaye. I'd rather the Mystletainn with the rest of the Holy Weapons be balanced a bit more.
  19. The DLC of course costs you money, and I don't consider the battles particularly incredible or anything, and you don't get a gameplay reward outside of a Master Seal and some Seeds of Trust, so if you want to save a little, you may just want to read the dialogue online for free and not buy it. But let the buyer be free to choose. I did buy it, but with a sense of remorse afterwards- I was blind spending on Awakening DLC, and the Scrambles were probably the last thing I should have bought as I didn't really care too much for the characters of Awakening. Never bought anything for subsequent games save the Cipher stuff in SoV- that was a very good gameplay deal.
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