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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Hmm... if Medic is 20 Wisdom, and the Medic is to healing what the Zodiac should be to Int attacks, then that might give us something of a barometer as to how strong each class will end up being in a stat. Using a 9-20 scale for bases, you can get an idea of how viable a unit should be with a given stat. However, looking at EOIII, an Arbalist starts with 1 more Str than a Yggdroid, but ends up being 4 points weaker. So bases don't say everything exactly. As for the Harbinger, well Nightseeker, Pugilist, and War Magus may all be able to capitalize on big damage via Binds and Ails, so opting not for a fourth could make sense.
  2. Blazing Light Brand/Runesword? In reference to Cog of Destiny? A Brave Sword? Silver Blade? Runeaxe? As long as he has the Iron Rune. French for Brave Sword? Making a Meisterschwert-inspired joke already? Funny. And I wonder which version of his title they will go with. They translated two equally valid ways in FE7: Mad Dog, and Rabid Hound. Rabid Hound sounds more FE classy, but Mad Dog does have its appeal.
  3. The unlock requirements don't appear that difficult. And you're free to do them whenever until Chapter 13- the third to last mandatory chapter. Just build up the relevant character's Happiness and their level. And in addition: a view an event in the city you reside in between battles for that character, keep someone important to them alive as well, and in the case of Kramer, talk to him with the main character once in his joining chapter. These aren't hard things and if you like and use the character, you should get them no problem. Nothing really obscure.
  4. Trauma Emblem: Under the Sword. Enjoy endoscopy with Sakura, orthopedics with Basilio, diagnostics with Galzus, first response with Fiona, forensic science with Ninian, and general surgery with Julius. ...I cannot wait for the day when all these pure speculation topics are flushed away with ones about FE16 itself. I would love to see Base Conversations again, they gave Jill so much character development in PoR, and built up Tellius too. The side stories idea was explored in Berwick Saga. Four characters: Faye the Myrmidon (with not-Astra), Kramer the young Mercenary, Sylvis the Sniper, and Ruby the Cavalier all got EX chapters unlocked by meeting certain conditions with them, the game is still being translated, but it sounds like it was a good idea.
  5. At the same time, the part system makes some more useful than they would be without it. It takes from Fiona (who would like P3 GMs with its bigish open maps), but gives to Devdan, who wouldn't likely be used if Aran and Nephenee were available on the same team all the time. Taxing on the ground waiting for its time to take off. Nyx is trying to use Fimbulvetr on a wing to disable the plane just before it hits V1 speed and becomes unable to abort the takeoff, but the hit to the wing would ideally cause it to make it unable to fly for long and thus crash with no recourse otherwise. I watch too much Air Disasters. But in short, she is inaccurate.
  6. Admittedly, Xander does have a notable number of chapters where he is best forsaking Paladin for Wyvern Lord. Without reclass here, he wouldn't be quite as good, if still good. I'll say that is going too far. Jakob and Felicia are clearly different characters. Jakob has Str and physical durability, but tapers off in the long run, while Felicia is horrible at the beginning without a magic weapon, if better in the long run. Flora is just utility because she's statistically poor outside of Skill. The two kids- well they're "customizable" within certain boundaries. Dwyer only does really well if recruited early with a nice skill from daddy, Forrest is a Warrior except with Magic instead of Str. And you certainly can't say the same of the Dark Mages and Diviners: Odin is durable and accurate, but weak in Magic and kinda slow. Nyx can't hit a jetliner but can with training double and kill what she does hit. Leo is a bit slow, but overall good despite questionable bases and starts promoted. Orochi hits hard and accurate, but is doubled by everything. Hayato can double and is decently durable for a magic unit, but has average Magic and low Skill. Izana is the Pent to Orochi's Erk. Benny is a pure wall with a notable amount of Res for mixed tanking, but will never ever double. Effie is more a tank, less durable but still durable, and outside of General might be able to double one day, which should be a ORKO given her massive Str which Benny very much lacks. Unit variety within a class still exists in Fates. There are some balancing issues, Subaki and Hinata are trash and Hinoka and Ryoma are just better, but this is true of every game. Part of this is statistical, part of it is actually classes. If I took Effie and turned her into a Mercenary right away and compared her to Selena and Laslow, let's see the difference at 20/20. And don't mistake me for being a supporter of a reclass-heavy game. I'm not. FFT-style is much slower than FE, it isn't terrible, but it isn't FE and I want FE in my FEs. I like mostly fixed class teams. Maybe on the first reclass the characters are different, but by the time I've spent 2, 3 at the latest, seals on them, their stats are approaching the "bonkers I'm a broken unit outside of Lunatic" barring for something like Maribelle's Def or Vaike's Res or Donnel's Magic. By the time you finish collecting all the skills a character may want to use and then put them in the right class, they're a "Glowing Green Broken Unit Like Anyone Else" owing to massive growths. A trophy unit. Personal stat caps barring on min-maxed children are overwhelmingly flavor numbers, not at all important really. Now in Fates, things are better due to lower growths and no level reset. Although loading up on lots of skills without any grinding likely means dealing with E ranks semi-frequently.
  7. You severely overestimate a few "safe" Devil Axe uses + Hand + Iron/Steel (usable at E)/Killer. FE7 weapon rank growth is a joke. But this isn't really relevant here. Who is Brendan? The actual founder of the Black Fang is very lacking in presence and important in FE7, a scarred middle-aged man who fell for Sonia's sultriness. He dies to Sonia onscreen if you unlock a gaiden chapter, and offscreen if you don't. He is never fought, HEL never encounter him until he's a Morph in the final fight. He is destined to be obscure and not in until the game is in its dying year if that.
  8. I think different styles make different tradeoffs regarding "JRPG/Animeness". The excessive backside on Cherche, Micaiah oversized eyes. A style can be more anime than others, and a style can be less or not really much at all. And about the eyes, doing a flip through the Awakening stuff and PoR, PoR isn't that bad on this despite the Kita critiques here. Men tend to have good eye size, as does mature women. Rolf and Tormod- youths, Ike- the main character, and many of the females- perhaps out of a certain cute appeal- do, but the rest are fine. Insofar as I can tell what is oversized eyes.
  9. Don't we have topic for this? It has fallen from the first page, but less than a month has passed. I'll edit in more a response later.
  10. I headcanon they withdrew when they saw the other ally was defeated- cut their losses short and all now that they see Bern is a sinking ship. But yeah there is no given explanation. And I don't get why Bern doesn't push Lycia during this time. it seems to only focus on Etruria. Limited resources? The reversal of fortunes happens offscreen, not so much at Renvall. It appears Frelia is mostly to thank for this. But when discussing Grado, it is worth remembering who commanded the invasion and why they did. Lyon, manipulated by the Demon King, arranged the invasions to smash the Sacred Stones of Renais and Frelia. Why? To return to his body easier and eliminate all means of stopping him. Grado is just a tool of the DK. Once Frelia's was smashed, Jehanna's was in the process of being smashed, and it was clear the twins protecting Renais's were plunging themselves into battle with Grado, Lyon had no more need for Grado the country nor occupying Frelia or Renais. Rausten's was entrusted to Riev, the DK's highest confidant who didn't actually have a real plan that we can see for Frelia, but nonetheless the DK trusted he would succeed. And Grado did not border that country at all so it couldn't invade here conventionally. And mind you all the humans you fight post-Reunion are still Grado remnants, a lot of remnants. If Grado was fighting a conventional war for territory, it could have been smarter about its use of strength, but it was being wasted in all likelihood because the Demon King wasn't interested in that. Once he resurrected, he would rule the world with or without Grado.
  11. Just realized a problem with Kozaki's Awakening artwork that I don't think has been mentioned. Many of his ladies have the same pose! Maribelle, Olivia, Lissa, Sully, Tiki, Cherche, Tharja, and Flavia all use a left-facing standing pose, often showing off a lot of back, in their official art. Nowi, Panne, and Aversa loosely share a different one as well. For Fates, the back-heavy pose is gone, but Sakura, Felicia, Hinoka, and Elise share a similar dynamic pose. Azura and Female Corrin share their own dynamic pose, which you may or may not argue is a variant of the one I described before for Fates females. Admittedly there is only so many ways you can contort the human body and it is only the official art, but it seems lazy here. I might be biased though.
  12. Medeus is a 80s gangsta boss! But oh it is bad! This had to be released back in the NES era judging from its location in the SF music collections being before Mystery. Marth on the other hand has the classic Fire Emblem Theme in classical orchestration, as his personal theme on this collection. So I don't what went wrong with Medeus's theme. Abel (but no Cain?) is pure classical too, based on "Time to Act"- the first ever map theme in FE to use SD's name for it. Mostly that, it deviates like Marth's halfway in. I think Minerva's is "Onset". Hardin is "Come, Join Us"- better known thanks to Smash as "Together We Ride" "After the Battle" and "On the Path to Victory". Both classical. Jagen is the first nonclassical piece, techno-jazzy. I can't quite identify it though. "Stalwart Opposition"? "Blade of Treachery"? Caeda is also jazzy, but I can't tell what it is in the beginning, but then it hits the signatures notes of "Trouble!" one of my favorite FE1 tracks. Camus is "Adversary". Therefore, Medeus must be something in FE1 maybe "Medeus, Shadow Dragon"? "Showdown in Dolhr Keep"? "The Shadow Dragon's Ire"? The BGM Medley provides you with an idea of what the composer was remixing, chiptune wonders, blurs, and ear piercers. Nice. I find it odd that it has a collection of old sound effects, not compositions, just the sound effects, the individual boops and bleeps. Listening to them, FE could be sci-fi for all you know.
  13. I like Radiant Dawn as a matured version of PoR's style. Realistic, but with some fantasy additions. Runner up would be Blazing- a matured FE6 aesthetic. Thracia 776's more humble artwork is very appealing and refreshing. I'd put SoV over Magvel. Both are middle tier for me. I like Treasure a lot, but FE4 is a bit boring, particularly the original pre-Treasure artwork. I can't say I love Kozaki at all, not that I have much against him either. Path of Radiance and FE6 are immature, the colors are bolder and more garish, besides being more kiddy overall in FE6. Archanea's official artwork was poor pre-11/12, and very few characters have any from 11/12. The head profiles of 3 and 12 are good though. And what art exists for 11/12 isn't bad. And yes, I love TMS- that game has flair, if not appropriate for a standard FE.
  14. I try not to be too attached to fannames. Sure Celice was better than Seliph, but I accept Caeda and Ced- each can be pronounced "Shiida" and "Seti" with their official spellings. Lewyn and Nyna are a little eh, but I can deal with it. My comments on many of the changes, mostly to class names: I also really appreciate whoever has recently added more details about these characters to the SF main page. Although the hint of skepticism/disgust towards Reese's and Lynette's love for each other might be uncalled for, unless in-game it is recognized as strange. Although I get you have to explain they're adoptive siblings and also lovers, which is admittedly a bit strange in the present day (although in the early 1800s it wasn't Victor Frankenstein's beloved in the titular novel was his "sister"(or was it "cousin"- same thing practically either way)). And this isn't really a criticism or anything, but how can Burroughs be reckless? He's a Ballistician! His job is on the safer backlines.
  15. Well one member of the Wolfguard, Roshea, could always join, it was just the rest that didn't. Michalis- why does he lose that facial scar? It was ugly, but scars don't go away one two three. Nor did he necessarily rule Macedon when the game was over. Minerva did and retired to a convent (why?). But Michalis has one of the strangest open-ended endings in the game: Michalis - Renewed Prince Accounts are conflicted about Michalis after the war. Some said he ruled over Macedon once again, while others claimed he departed to conquer another continent. How can accounts be conflicted over so public a position as King of Macedon? FE historians are really shoddy if they can't be certain of something like this. And Marth does rule the world at the end of FE3. And besides showing he's both magically and physically talented, the Meister is there to keep you from tanking him with Pure Water! Asbel/Safy/Olwen/Homer/Ilios/Sleuf/Sara/Tina/Miranda/Ronan/Nanna/Karin/Misha. Both weapons are important. Well you CAN capture him, you could Sleep him turn 1 and he'd have no idea his entire army was slaughtered before the battle ends. But capturing counts only selectively for recruitments. And he is a Camus, that archetype dooms him to death.
  16. A character who dislikes the concept of healing magic and refuses it. They believe purely in natural health and strength, rejecting magical means of enhancing one's self and lifestyle. Partly inspired by this bit of Disgaea lore, unexplored I think, saying how Male Priests in the original game reject the concept of healing and wear flesh penetrating spikes as penance for their use of healing arts. Actually, a recreational nudist would be funny. Not like they ever have to visually show them undressed, and of course, play into the semi-stereotype where the nudist is not the prettiest of people. But as a plus they'd be open and understanding about listening to the body issues of others.
  17. It's good, just more like Tales music than FE music. If you don't mind hearing it out of context, SF has Reign of Despair- the battle theme of Medeus, here.
  18. Medeus's battle theme in Mystery was solid, it sounded Castlevania-esque to me (and not 100% of out place in FE like Tearing Shadows is). Although Shadow Dragon's was pretty poor.
  19. I wonder if the Colorless nature of Bows would explain any hesitancy to add Bow units to the normal summon pool? Also, apparently the text in this game has hinted at the possibility of Colored Daggers in the future- is that really necessary? We don't have many options for Daggers as is, only the Fates Ninjas and retroactively any Thief.
  20. Because Pokemon are an underlying part of the human collective unconscious. Why did the ancient Greeks think rain was the gift of a castrated Uranus trying to make love with Gaea?
  21. And if I remember my Andrew Johnson impeachment right, they're the ones who make the crucial vote. So there goes that opportunity unless the Senate has enough conscientious Republicans- just enough realized back in the AJ case that it would be a legislative overreach to throw out a president just because you dislike his politics (and here there is so much more).
  22. Shogun- Warrior's Might or Blitz Command. Landy- Well as EOIV design, it should be Links. Ronin- Perfect Chaser. Gunner for Action Boost? Nightseeker for Follow Trace? Or Ninja for a clone to proc another attack? Sub Sov on someone or carry Oils for imbuing elements? Sounds like a decent hyperoffensive team. Also, thanks for the Masurao info. I'm going to run one as a BM once I get EOV. Originally I was P-M-D-W-B. But then I replaced the W for a N, and then I heard H is great on lockdown so I've replaced the D with an H, facilitating the need to do BM over BD from what I hear. F-D-R-W-S will be my second run's team.
  23. Don't forget when Robin no. 7 & 8 show up. The difference? It's after their false sacrifice and now they've been expunged of all Grima nature, leaving them ordinary human beings. I wish Robin didn't have male and female selves. It bloats their representation.
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