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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I was being a bit too bitter there I admit. Actually, I went to find the lines and all I could find was this: Music, someone to comfort her, that is all she had. She did not necessarily speak to the Apostles. Ashera could have dictated messages from on high to the Apostles below who could receive her word, but not partake of the world itself. Yune never claims to have spoken with all the Apostles. I meant before Awakening existed, not before it chronologically. Before Awakening existed, Naga was the Divine Dragon leader, she led dragonkind through prosperity and decline, and helped humanity in two continents and made some powerful objects, a very strong mortal, but that was the end of it. She died and never reincarnated (and Nagi in itself wasn't a bad idea). She had nothing to do with Valentia, because that connection was not made until SoV, she had nothing to do with time-space travel. And does it make sense Lucina did not say to Chrom "eradicate the Grimleal at all costs, collect the Gemstones just in case, Robin is the blood of Grima, and Walhart is going to attack us"? Even if Lucina never saw Robin become Grima and didn't know it, shouldn't the much-knowing Naga have known and told her? That the other kids did absolutely nothing? Every plot has its issues. Nergal had like five chances to win, but missed them all. Anankos had untold numbers of chances. Julius as many if not more. Medeus just lets Marth waltz to the door of Dolhr in FE1, Gharnef is even worse. Zephiel and Ashnard might be some of the only biggest bads who don't make many glaring issues. I don't mind Caineghis surviving the blast being a Laguz King, nor the main group of heroes, I can understand the criticism of Bastian and Tormod though. Tormod was poorly handled and Bastian and Izuka just had to be crammed in somewhere, but wasn't exactly the best way.
  2. Birthright does have the Venge Katana/Naginata/Club, which had doubled Mt on the enemy phase. Not very useful, and they required an A rank to use. Not as as good as EP Brave effect, but they could bring them in. I hope the next New Heroes Banner doesn't have people I want. I asked for another ban from this site until sometime in May. I've.... slipped terribly. I need to write ~25 pages in the next 18 days. It didn't have to be this way, I just never asked for IRL help against flight into this dark playground I call SF at all in the past few months. I can do it, but I hate myself for this. And I have only myself to blame. No pity needed, nor deserved. As I type this, looking at this site, I've trembled with the dependency shake of an addict for the past days. I've have slept uneasy, thinking you did NOTHING today, NOTHING! You will burn for this! But I love SF, and when the crisis is past, will return. I commend all with greater discipline, and offer myself as a warning to those who descend the same terrible way.
  3. Ashera was tucked away in a giant magical tower, Yune was in a little medallion. Ashera I guess could have accrued a massive reserve of strength via it. And we don't actually know who spoke to all the Apostles. We know Yune spoke with Micaiah, but we don't know about everyone else. It could have been Ashera with her being inside the Tower of Guidance which is in Sienne, where the Apostles resided. The nature of the Goddesses being a bit strange is addressed in the Japanese Extended Script: Again I'll ask, what alternative would you have preferred? No hostility in this question. Death to the Outrealms, death to mythological powercreep because its more epic. If Tellius got a remake, either Ashunera will kowtow to Naga *spits on her feet*, or Ashunera will gain the same and equalize the playing field. Naga pre-Awakening was less than Ashera and Yune, much less. A mortal she was, just a really strong mortal. I doubt that. Petrification as a status does not exist in FE4. Stone came into being only with FE5.
  4. I hypotenuse they're in-sine. Are squares actually boring?
  5. So that is the nature of Brahma? I never got to DDS2. Need to, but I no longer have a PS3 PS2 Classics DDS1 file to transfer over. Oh well, I can do without Heat, a couple spells, some rings and a Soma. Not going to replay DDS1 just to get all that. The "God beyond human comprehension" approach works I guess for me as well. I can dig that there is a vast difference between the mortal mind and the divine.
  6. I was being hypothetical here. If you think she isn't a "real" god being too weak for one, I ran with what would happen if she was. And it isn't good. Almighty gods have little place in video games. I read Paradise Lost, which includes a "War in Heaven" lasting three days between Lucifer and God. What I would have liked- Gettysburg basically: Day 1- Luci victory, Day 2- draw God upper hand, Day 3- God decisively wins. What I got: Day 1- Lucifer wins like half of it, God the other half, Day 2- God wins, Day 3- God kicks Lucifer out of Heaven with extreme ease. BORING! If I were a Christian, it'd be good since its asserts God's almightiness, but as someone wanting entertainment, it is just plain boring to see Lucifer trashed so much. Something similar would unfold if Ashunera or any vg god was almighty, and that I think is bad. Therefore gods must be less than that to be entertaining. And a god can still be really really powerful but not almighty. All can be explained as strong enough to resist petrification. And Yune herself did not have to willingly and actively protect the people inside the building, the chaos was just strong enough around her to keep away the petrification. Which I think can make sense, she is the embodiment of chaos itself. Would you have liked the petrification to work on everyone? Fine, game is over. Would you have liked some other act of Ashera's godly power that wasn't the petrification? More reasonable, but I personally was fine with the stoning.
  7. The main characters were strong enough to resist the petrification, the merchants were in the building where the Medallion was- its chaos protected them. The dragons were strong enough to avoid petrification as well, however, in the Japanese it says some dragon elderly were petrified- they were too weak to resist. And of course, she didn't know about the Branded. It is very divine that she could be so specific with her continental nuke, only targeting Beorc and Laguz and leaving everything alone. Ashera revived corpses, without souls. Can she revive the dead with souls? Tellius lacks an Aum/Valkyrie equivalent, so I'd say no. Yune saved a soul right in the grey zone between life and death- it was one case, when everything was calm around her. Saving everyone who dies in the middle of an ongoing battle or someone a day later would not be so possible if at all. The Sacred Springs of Valentia are strange and really shouldn't/don't work with the narrative. They have generous uses and if the heroes thought to use them. Valkyrie and Aum having only one use make them not so bad in the narrative. Ashunera and Ashera and Yune are real goddesses. They emerged from primordial watery chaos and created life itself. That is good enough for me. But they aren't powerful enough you say? Phooey! Fine. Ashunera is absolutely almighty, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. Because of these things, she never breaks into pieces because if the Beorc and Laguz got out of hand, it was because she willed or allowed it to be. If she didn't like them fighting, she, being the three omnis, could have stopped it with zero issues. If she broke into pieces, it would only be because she wanted it to be and she could reassemble herself freely. And if somebody tried to stop her from doing what she wants, force would be futile, because being omnipotent she cannot be defeated and she could crush them with the gentlest touch of her pinky toe. Persuasion alone will get her to change her mind, but persuasion has no chance of succeeding, since she is bound to no obligation, to nothing, she is all-free. Therefore, Tellius as we know it could never happen, or would at least lose much of its depth. Ashunera would be hated if it turned out she just let Sephiran lose his powers and watch his people and many greats granddaughter die. If Ashunera let thousands nay millions of the living suffer. And if Ashunera was all-good, another god trait, then all that suffering was the best of all possible outcomes despite Ashunera having the absolute powers to stop it - maddening! Gods can be no stronger than Greco-Roman/Shinto level in video games if one is to oppose them successfully or the gods to have tragedy and nuance to them. Making them Abrahamic would make them perfect and invincible, unable to lose to anything nor have much development. Particularly if you attribute to that god the attribute of being all-good. Even in SMT, YHVH is not invincible and almighty, he more or less is caught in my interpretation of the series to be stuck in an multiverse battle with Lucifer and the agents of chaos over each and every world. If God were almighty, Lucifer would never win, nor humans try to do without Him, unless He willed it, which I doubt. You could make a game where the god is Abrahamic (or Buddhist or Hindu), but it would mean possibly: that God's good could never really lose, or that "victory" in opposing God is a farce without permanency if you "win" at all. These aren't bad ideas in themselves, but not what most people would like, the former is boring and the latter frustrating.
  8. Not impossible. I don't get why the continents just trail off the edge like that, particularly when Tellius insists on being the only place left after the Great Flood. Disney Ariel or original literary Ariel? Because nobody wants to be the second.
  9. The dragonkind felt kinda shoehorned into FE8, there just because the series has them. We only see Myrrh and her father, we don't know if anyone else was or is left, nor how and if the Great Dragon Morva cooperated with the Five Heroes. But this is more or less true of all Magvelian world-building, thin and lacking. However, there was this one neat line I found in SS: Would be interesting to see them flesh this out. Are Magvelian dragons some human-monster hybrid? An apocalyptic telling of the unknown story of the Five Heroes of Magvel would be cool, but I don't expect IS to ever do it, nor do it well.
  10. Yes, Kirby did it. If pollen is plant male reproductive cells and humans are allergic to pollen, does that mean it's bad to romance plants?
  11. FE1: 20th April 1990 Gaiden: 14th March 1992 SNES: November 21, 1990 Genealogy: 14th May 1996 Nintendo 64: June 23, 1996 Thracia 776: 1st September 1999 Gamecube: September 14, 2001 Sacred Stones: 7th October 2004 DS: November 21, 2004 New Mystery of the Emblem: 15th July 2010 Nintendo 3DS: February 26, 2011 Path of Radiance: 20th April 2005 Wii: November 19, 2006 Yes, SoV has a lot of company in the world of Ninty late FE releases, including its original. The series is more late releases than not.
  12. I do wish Terrors as whole got more, they're there, but not really well explained. Magvel wasn't very good with this either, their description says they're creatures born into darkness, and numbered few until the start of SS. If a game is going to include hordes of different paranormal monsters, they should give a full history of their existence on the continent. Why does Valentia have Terrors but Archanea none for one?
  13. She has light green hair, the expression on her face in the official art is always less than alert, likes being very kind to people, her brain is a bit degenerate, she does have a big chair she just sits in until Rigel PD storms through the door Falchion pointed right at her.
  14. Well now it is official, but whether this was conceived of before SoV's release or afterwards is debatable. It's no better than "canonical manga" if it was invented afterwards. Not everyone seems to get one- Berkut doesn't have one despite being a Rigel royal. And they are special in the sense that only like 10-20 people probably at any time in the entire continent would have one. And there is supposed to be auspiciousness in Alm and Celica being born very close to each other and both having Brands- although I wish we knew their birthdays to figure out how close. Degeneration makes him contradictory always an explanation. That is why Alm got sent to Zofia, and as for Rudolf not killing Duma, I chalk it up to the auspiciousness of the Celica birth- the reincarnating of Rigel I and Zofia I and the gods themselves or something like that.
  15. A novel idea. It'd be difficult to cram Supports in here, and you have to make sure everything in those three days gets a good explanation instead of being just a bewildering narrative (a FFXIII criticism- two days and you have to look up everything in a book of lore because the plot never stops to say what an X or a Z is). With Thabes Labyrinth being underground, maybe include a vast underground network to the city to provide a lot more different battle spaces? Duma is relentless on the surface, but people can hold onto the underground? If they really wanted to, they could extend things a little into the 9 Naga vs. Mila and Duma days thereafter. It doesn't say they fought in Thabes, nor that it happened the moment after the 3 Duma days in Thabes past, and it says the humans evacuated the city, but a few stragglers unable to escape, wanting to get to Naga but trapped with Duma and Mila sounds okayish.
  16. There are characters who do actually start with an S Drink- Homer and Tina. Wonder if they'll get it? Homer maybe, Tina already has Thief-Unlock Staffs (good luck integrating them somehow). Leif, being the pampered leader of the group and heir and hope of the future of the Manster District must horde an invisible supply of them. And any bad decisions Leif makes in FE5 are owing to S Drinks having caffeine and thus causing him to get little sleep over the course of his perilous journey.
  17. The Clive and Clair were decent, I liked the "two brothers" bit in Clair's. A tad sad Clive's talents as a commander aren't present in gameplay- he'd benefit from a passive buff to all nearby allies that isn't a support boost. Nothing on Delthea and Luthier being a descendant of Zofian royalty, oh well. For Rinea- it'd be nice to know the details of the power struggle her father lost and how it affected her. Mila, earlier I think it was suggested she almost locked herself inside Mila Temple due to degeneration. I don't see that here. But it isn't a bad profile. Duma "enter a deep sleep" euphemism for death? Or not saying they exactly died? He doesn't look bad in humanoid form by the way, a little evil, but not bad. The Cipher bunch doesn't say much, understandably. For the villains/NPCs, the Nuibaba bit was nice, and it is good with Tatarrah that they say the Duma Faithful are not even really human anymore. Lima IV is one ugly and shirtless monarch. I guess he preferred doing drugs and sex to eating? Duma's gentler expression was a touch humanizing, and I wouldn't mind seeing him charge into battle, the related Fiend bit was novel. Now for the Terrors: When they say "flying dragon" in the Necrodragon profile, do they mean Wyverns like the fire-breathing bow-weak units in FE3/12? If so, maybe their wings let them fly across the Seaway to Valentia? Gargoyles are literally sentient stone? Okay. Entombed could be finely dressed noble servants instead of nobles? That would explain how there can be so many.
  18. One, Rath and Wil can give us some new Colored Bows. Two, GHBs are always save Fobin enemies. Until IS runs out of good villains for a continent. Three, at no pop. alts I balks. Four, Nils or blood is spills. Three New Heroes in a row? Blasphemy! But such sweet heresy. Bridal 2 is bound to follow though.
  19. I'm normally not inquisitive, but... Care for museums? Do you read at all for pleasure? If so, what? Place you want to visit the most? What would you ideally do on a typical day of a vacation? Since you like Titania, any one support/dialogue/moment of her's you like? I know it's niche and certainly not for everyone, but any interest in the Etrian Odyssey series? Opinion on this? 8. Lastly, opinion on myself?
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