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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. SF has it stated that the additional text is about 5% of the total script of the game. Of course, you have to find that 5% anywhere and everywhere in the haystack of standard script. The Extended Script I believe I heard is oxymoronically shorter in some of the early Part 1 chapters! And NoA actually added some lines in a few places too I think, not a lot and not too meaningful, but some, like the "Don't forget Lekain is probably still alive" bit Micaiah and Sothe say in 4-P. Whoever thought that, as has been stated in some interview, that more casual players want less dialogue to read had some really funky logic. The best I can rationalize it, is that the "casual" player just wants to slaughter enemies with their favs and are too immature/gameplay-oriented to care about plot. There might be such casual players, but more often, I'd think a casual player would be playing for story first and foremost nowadays. The concept of two separate scripts was one problematic idea, and think the same can be said for the things hidden on a 2nd playthrough, since the Nasir-Gareth Base Conversation at least provides some really important lore. One thing I wonder, but severely doubt the Extended Script would hold, is a regnal number for Elincia. Sanaki is the 37th Empress of Begnion, Pelleas is the the 14th King of Daein, two of the three Beorc kingdoms have their numbers of monarchs known, but Elincia, despite me looking over the English scripts of PoR and RD alike, and the official timeline, never do they say what number Elincia or her father Ramon is! It's so annoying! One little detail! If Daein and Begnion are anything to go on, and Begnion has an average rule of 17.361 over the 36 Empresses prior to Sanaki. 405-646 taken as the period of Daein's first 13 kings, we get an average of 18.538 years per ruler, very similar. So if we define 390-645 as encompassing Crimean history pre-Elincia and divide that by 18 years per monarch on average, then Elincia should be the 15th monarch of Crimea I'd predict. But if only I had an actual number!
  2. How many fans actually know how to, are fine with, and have played an emulated game? First, you have the people who don't know anything about these, then the people who find emulation illegal, and then you have the totally technologically inept. The only reason it seems like there is a sizable number of people who have played the emulation is because we're on a dedicated FE fansite. Without any evidence to back it, in the sea of mostly silent and not online forum-going players of FE, greatly widened by Afatening, maybe 10% have emulated? Not very many I would imagine.
  3. And they are much appreciated there! Well Shade and Randal are at least. SoV's tiny cast and ability to field everyone makes the addition of four PCs significant. Shade's Physic and Rescue are never not wanted and Seraphim is good, and Randal is basically Mathilda (so very good) except with dirt Luck (a problem I can Turnwheel away), and able to be recruited earlier or by Celica. Emma, well I thank her for her Lance, but otherwise she isn't terribly good, not bad, just lacking for stats. Yuzu... I know why you're a Priestess, only female sword class and all, but your lack of move kills your ability in that role, and your spells are practically nonexistent, so you're poor unless Pitchforked, but then that breaks her like everybody else. But IS has been listening to the FEH fanbase, otherwise why else would there have been the rarity drop? They've remained fairly attentive to altering the metagame and taking in player criticisms it seems. Perhaps the no-alt FE4 Gen 2 banner is the first of multiple to come without alts? Maybe Gleipnirika complaints were so loud they destroyed the hearing in the left ear of somebody at IS and they immediately decided that the next possible banner that hadn't proceeded beyond the malleability point, the Gen 2 Genealogy one, would have to be alt-free? We don't know, but it could be. I'd be fine with a one version of the less than ten(?) Cipher OCs getting in, but no more than that. I'd rather have the TMS 7 PCs + Uta-loid Tiki get in first though. And once one or the other of Cipher and TMS gets in, I think that'll crack the door open on the other getting in, since both are non-SRPG spinoffs of the franchise with comparable in size character rosters to add. Atlus might have a say in TMS, but I don't see why they'd object to TMS's inclusion.
  4. Oliver: "Empress Sanaki, in you, I have found sublime beauty. Death must not tarnish your grace! You simply can’t die now."
  5. I only played the original DS version, but yes, the combat is a bit too traditional and plain, it was definitely a weaker spot of the game. Once Eruca got... I think it was called Burst Light, I could use that to wipe out entire battles of weaklings all at once. As for sidequests, well the original doesn't have the extra good ending, and I don't know if you're stumbling on the quests for that, or only those for the better version of the original ending. I don't recall exactly how obscure the sidequests for that one were, but I think I did it mostly without any form of guide, I think I did use one for the Raynie confession sidequest, and probably also the paint one now that I remember it. Which reminds me, I'm not exactly fond of the artistic redesign for Perfect Chronology. Marco I'll admit got better, but the rest of the main crew, at best they remain comparable, at worse, Eruca. She went from a blonde curly short-haired girl, very unusual in anime, to a generic long-haired one. You can her old style made her look like a grandma, but at least it was distinctive. Gameplay-wise, the extra content does from a distance appear to add some good filler, and difficulties are always appreciated. By the way, whats your opinion on the soundtrack?
  6. Five weeks I can understand, how you condense a full semester into three I don't comprehend. Exactly what degree mill are you going to? But tip for an all nighter, you can gain 30+ mins of sleep if you don't visit online forums. And good luck!
  7. Revelation is hardly the model of good map design. And Chapter 7 there isn't so much FoW, as it is how FEs 3-10 had indoor maps where you couldn't see into rooms whose doors you haven't opened. Of course, Awakening also abandoned this, and so did Rev, for the most part. The one exception being that stealth chapter, whose final door is awful since a Locktouch unit is likely fragile, if you stealth it, you probably won't have anyone nearby to go in front of them as protection, and the enemies on the other side could easily kill the Locktouch unit. More bad Rev design. In prior games, well I do recall PoR hiding a Killer user a few times behind a door, but nothing too egregious, though PoR Maniac does hide some siege tomers during the Ena battle, and all difficulties during the Nados battle, but they're spaced out a good bit here.
  8. Not using Rolf isn't missing much. This is the first game where Snipers got +15 Crit, but Bows only have a 2x Mt bonus against fliers, as opposed to the usual effective bonus of 3x. Bows are generally worth little in this game, and the two Archers/Snipers both have issues. RD changed things FYI. Characters that start with a personal (as opposed to class) skill get it free of capacity consumption, removing it and putting it back on them again, or giving to it somebody else, will take up space. As for Occult scrolls, you can get up to four of them in PoR, one comes in a chest, another on a PC, another in Base Conversation from a PC, and another from a boss. Ike's is really good, but none are at all gamebreaking (in PoR, RD made them overpowered), what skill a character gets from one varies based on class. You're not wrong, Tellius is where Lances and Axes shine. You get plenty of money in this game, so ahead. Not quite as broken in the long haul, but she does hold up for the entire game, she is very good. He is much better. Ike is handicapped by being locked to swords and lacking a mount, but statwise, he is significantly better than Roy on average. Use whoever you want, PoR is easy enough to allow it outside of Maniac. And of course, if someone gets screwed or another blessed, adjust your team appropriately.
  9. Okay, they never did that, I was just making up an extreme example to prove a point. I'm not quite sure what the worse thing they ever did was. FE6 C14 has all those Manaketes, but the sands keep them in check. Maybe the Phantom Ship Deathgoyle boss reinforcement that shows up just a little too early right behind the starting ship where for safety's sake you may have a few squishes just waiting to be backstabbed?
  10. Yay! The hope liveeeeees! I was worried that from a prior interview, Takahashi sounded like he didn't enjoy sticking to any one thing for too long, and I was afraid he'd abandon X where he left it. I would like to know how much if any of the key plot details/concepts of X2 have already been written, since if it takes until say 2025 to get X2, the less that has been prepared long in advance, the more the writing between X and X2 would diverge. Not to say X was remotely a great plot, but nonetheless, the tone and perceptions the game made of how things would advance in a sequel should not be thrown out the window.
  11. It works in Advance Wars, because if you lose a shiny new Medium Tank to hidden enemy Rocket, it isn't a reset, it is in FE. If FoW does come back, it needs to be updated to the rules of Advance Wars: Days of Ruin.: The enemy also abides by FoW, if they can't see you, they can't attack you. Moving a unit reveals all within that unit's vision range that they pass by, so move a Pally 8 spaces in straight line, and assuming a vision range of 2, you suddenly have a huge line of battlefield revealed. Hiding places like in AW should not be, or if they are, much more judiciously than they are in DoR, which went a little crazy with them (although it does have the Flare unit). Or making hiding in certain terrain a unit skill like in Berwick. RD torches on the map would also be appreciated. Modifying individual unit vision range based on class wouldn't be really bad nor really good, but different. And of course, IS just shouldn't be obnoxious with what they hide on the map. Don't hide a Killer Axe Berserker or the like every five spaces.
  12. Reminds me that when I played SMTI iOS, the only official English version, the Visionary items related to Alice in a way undercut her, although they did in a different way makes things even more creepy. I did like the Visionary items as whole though, and I'm aware SMTII also got them in later versions. *Checks the release dates* Shin Megami Tensei II: March 18th, 1994 If...: October 28th, 1994 Devil Summoner: December 25th, 1995 Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers: November 13th, 1997 NINE: December 5th, 2002 Nocturne: February 20th, 2003 Seems like you're right. That gaping gulf between mainline titles is pretty big, almost ten years. Wonder why they chose to abandon Devil Summoner as the replacement for the mainline and just go back to plain old SMT? It's worth noting that 1996 was the year of Persona 1, and Persona 2 filled in 1999 and 2000 with Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment, so those years weren't exactly empty. Plus whatever other minor spin offs. Why oh why haven't they given an official English version of this one yet? I'd still play it, as old school as it is. I also think that when it came to Devil Survivor, Law pre-8th Day was done well, YHVH gave humanity a week to fix its problems, rather than just send in the nukes first thing, and Remiel was fairly reasonable, as was Amane as the human rep. But the Overclocked 8th Days, besides being poor writing as a whole, just excreted all over Law. Yuzu 8th does YHVH no favors at all, and if you choose the heroic version of Naoya & Kaido 8th, it is even worse. The evil version of that 8th doesn't make Law good, just makes you worse than Law. It isn't like the Amane 8th does Law that many favors either, it doesn't really hurt, but it could have been better.
  13. Interesting. Although there were a few annoying students who'd be bothersome as they would my classes as a whole, I largely escaped being personally pestered by others. Being socially awkward like others in here due to Asperger's, I did provide plenty of quirky moments if they wanted to, but largely if there was ever laughing, it was more with me than at me I think. I guess I was lucky. My sympathy inasmuch as I can offer it to you all. It helped I was intelligent in high school and ended up in classes that were predominantly the smartest and most tolerant of my grade. Although I do recall one time having seen after the fact somebody recorded and posted online a video of me doing a high-pitched laugh lasting for several minutes once in class, when I was younger I could do that, I'd say I had the natural ability to produce nitrous oxide or something. I'm not sure if they meant it maliciously. I only knew about it because a near-age sibling of mine happened to see it and showed it to me. It was more difficult for them I think having to deal with my antics, since they cared about their reputation, while I did not, and yet they had to bear some fallout from with my actions. Although they were quite social and got through just fine with no issues, it was insofar as I can perceive years later without asking them just hearing things about me and having to shrug it off like bad news in newspaper. Nor were my actions ever so brazen as to require reprimand or anything of the sort from the school just to say that, nonetheless, teachers did have something to deal with with me, not wholly bad being a teacher's pet I was. There was one class where my remarks could be a bit out there, and one student, in disbelief of them, would just respond "Wow.", not hateful or anything, just neutral disbelief. Back to the near-age sibling, since I was smart and eager, that also meant they, a normal student both behaviorally and academically, might have had some expectations from their teachers given my performance. I was a star and a scandal.
  14. When I first saw this, clearly fake, "leak", I leaped to conclude it was not long after the catastrophe, so I thought "Pokepocalypse"? Like Pokemon was going to go SMT, I'd side with the corrupted Pokemon League over Giovanni any day of the week by the way. But then I notice the post-rebuilding part, so not apocalypse, not that catastrophe has to equal complete grimdark end of the world. Whatever do you mean? Care to point out where? I'm a slight Orreophile. I mean I know Japan doesn't have desert, but the shape of the region matches up with what part of Japan?
  15. EO in a nutshell, no? True, the last spinoff series was Devil Survivor. Although to be fair, would it be far to say the rise in development costs has also been to blame for stifling SMT spinoffs? Can't afford to make super obscure games anymore. I don't think Devil Children/Demikids would see the light. Well Persona has been generally Sony exclusive, but if the PS3 can handle P5, and was originally made for it, the Switch could handle it too. All depends on how strong Sony's chains to Persona are. And if Persona is a cash cow, well why shouldn't Atlus consider porting to Switch, and PC? If there are significantly enough expected buyers to exceed port costs, they as a company should. Now you're insulting Persona! Well somewhat. P5 has the MC lose their reputation over trying to defend a woman from sexual assault and then features as the first boss and villain the classic school gym coach rapist whose psychological dungeon is filled with their nasty thoughts in physical form. That is pretty disgusting, and partly why I have no interest in P5. I bear with SMT darkness, sometimes with it draining me, but sexual crimes I simply do want to have to witness even in fictional form. There is also the case of the one character with a kinda serious past which is a serious issue in Japan, if not so much over here, which is why Japan gobbles them up and the West/rest doesn't. And insofar as I'm aware, there is... Kenji I think his name was in P4? Yeah... I don't want to touch that. But at the same time it for some reason it also would make me want to use them PQ, if I bought that game. I am aware Persona has plenty o' lighthearted stuff in it, like visits to the beach, spying on girls bathing, and slice of life anime goodness galore, none of which would end up in a mainline SMT. Although Devil Survivor 2 was also pretty darn comical at times, not exactly a dating sim because 8 ingame days isn't enough for one, but lightness and coolness overrides darkness, if not seriousness in that game for sure. Mind you I've never played a Persona, nor ever intend to. But GFAQs puts out enough talk on the games for me to get an idea of them. And if PQ2 is significantly better than PQ1 in gameplay and still EO-like to the core, I might nab it. Assuming all 3 Persona casts were in it, MC, MC, MC, OC, + Dog I'd consider for my team. I wouldn't quite call the series anti-religion. It does lack Jesus love and other niceties on the Law side, but to be fair Chaos is no bucket of puppies either. You're never forced to be Chaos, and Lucifer, although perhaps not so rubbing the wrong way as the Law reps tend to be (they are "holier than thou"), is at his core just the same. He doesn't really care about humanity, he thinks Law is stupid the same way Law thinks Chaos is barbaric, and he has no issue with his nominal goons running around eating and terrorizing humanity. And sometimes, religious references are just for coolness. I did the fourth and final Archangel battle in DDS2 today, mind you it's just side content here, nothing story-related. I liked fighting Michael and friends, since the idea of fighting the Archangels is fun, even if I'm not a immoral satanist, which I am not (and Satan is Law-aligned in SMT anyhow). They're big and strong and put up a good fight (well on the blind round, grinded for three -dynes and used the -kajas for change and things were much easier). When you factor in the bits of what they say, it's even an act of mercy when you defeat them. Doesn't that saying work against what you say right beforehand? A statistic is cold, nothing to get attached to, that you do (and I do as well), is unusual according to the saying. Maybe they realized trying to compete with Pokemon for the kids market wasn't the best of ideas? Outside of what, Digimon, all Pokemon competitors died off, although that Yokai Watch rival was relatively recently born and has at least been having a good show from what I hear. Don't know about the current status of the show. As for Devil Summoner, the last new one was on the PS2, so you shouldn't be surprised. I've played Soul Hackers, it's nothing special really. And while I hear Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon does improve on the gameplay of vs. The Soulless Army, unless it is massively better, and unless the plot is as well, it was a milking of SMT side project that wasn't actually up the series's usual par. Not saying Devil Summoner can't have a new good title, but what was the exact point to the subseries? It needs a Reason, but feels to me like a Vortex World. Then utter a Silent Prayer. I'm not sure this was the best way to go about things. And SMT isn't dead until we stop getting actual games. And right now, we can't say that. V is on the way and looking like its taking inspiration from good old Nocturne, hopefully this includes dungeon design. Can they just make the characters thicker than tissue paper and more risen than a pancake this time?
  16. The whole reason giant bosses exist in HW is as a reference to your standard Zelda bosses. Fire Emblem rarely has gargantuan foes, save as final bosses. And things like feral dragons, which are massive, could easily be made as generic Manaketes were it not for lil Tiki having the Dragonstone moveset tailored to her. Although I'm not the most vehement critic of giant bosses in HW, I do think they could be made to work. Playing BotW makes me realize always fighting humanoids can get boring, but Musou isn't exactly built for fighting non-humanoids. The mechanics of the series need some serious modification to handle giant bosses, but at the same time they have to remain perfect for fighting what you'll be battling 99% of the time- humanoids. Mind you I haven't actually played FEW, so I can't say much of an improvement Velazquez is over HW giant bosses.
  17. I'm probably going to tweeze Tellius to the point there is nothing left, and I think I might be approaching that. But is this 2-2 Base Conversation with Nephenee, Lucia, Heather and Brom, simply country bumpkins being not very intelligent, or was there some actual wordplay at work in the Japanese? Because I can't think of any disease/infection in English that sounds/looks anything like "espionage". Although it could be along the lines of the "Sothe's children" or "Rancid butter" lines- NoA just added some color in line with the spirit of the Japanese. Idioms tend to lack perfect equivalents in other languages, so what of Ranulf's use of "fish out of water" in his Ike support in PoR? And on the topic of idioms, ever heard of Bravely Default? The Swordmaster job's various skills all employ idioms and the like in Japanese, and also in English, the trivia section here compares the Japanese and the English. Just as a little something to feed your mind, without you having to analyze it yourself. Also, scrap the Ewan and Knoll things for good, call it my bark, in this case trying to be helpful by providing you potential leads, exceeding my bite, something of an issue of mine. I really shouldn't have said anything about them, they probably should be normal text. Though I do recall Selena's battle quip: Selena: “Fluorspar… His Majesty gave me this name. Therefore, I…” I recall Legends of Localization mentioning that Japanese sometimes likes leaving statements unfinished, but with a clear ending implied. This quip now that I look at this again, was probably such an instance. Translators, so the article said, are faced with a dilemma here of whether to fill in the blank and choose what to fill it in with, or leave it open. SS's translators clearly picked the latter option. And to be fair, I like it. Since no one choice of wording or meaning would suffice I think, leaving it open makes it pregnant with all possible answers all at once. "Therefore, I... will serve him unto death" or "will terminate his enemies", something either combative or emphasizing Selena's loyalty, whatever you could say, I think it would fall short of ambiguity's potency here. Just to point this out, characters can form supports at different rates with different people. Ike and Soren can support at an accelerated rate, Ike and Shinon however have a below average support speed, being that Shinon hates Ike, although Shinon actually hates Soren more and supports him at the slowest rate, type 04 (02 is average). Oliver, understandably, has the most 04 supports by a landslide, although surprisingly it isn't anywhere near everybody, just a bunch of Laguz , not even all of them, and Tanith and Tormod. This help can explain the hesitancy, downright disliking, and or surprised to come to like Oliver many characters with unique lines with him have. And to round out RD funnies, there is Shinon dismayed that Gatrie he thinks would flirt with a "tree in a skirt": I've more or less read over all the PoR, Blazing and SS supports in the past and skimmed over them again. Barring a massive rewrite ala the Garcia-Dozla A, a not-so outstanding English phrasing of things (like pretty much all of the RD funnies being pointed out) differing from the Japanese to the same degree of those outstanding lines. Or some subtle loss of nuance in meaning from the Japanese (all of these cases would require reading the Japanese to determine, and rising sun runes aren't in my capacities obviously, I envy that they are for you), I'm unable to detect anything else that really stands out. If there are and someone else can point them out, good, but I cannot. And as you should be aware, Vestaria Saga is expected to have an officially translated version come out this summer. We know nothing about who is translating it, and whether it'll be a machine translated typo terror that turns the end of the world into a marsupial, or whether it'll be a slow cooked masterpiece. It should be wordy though, apparently there was this Chapter 12x in the game, no battle, just reams upon reams of dialogue. If we see anything of interest, can we bring it to your attention?
  18. Sounds like the FE4 dismounting Seliph glitch. This isn't the right way to include it IS, wait until Legendary/Seasonal/ExaltedMeisterBlessedAnamnesisBowHinokaZelgius Seliph! Make it what, a B skill called Four Directions? Can warp to any of the map's corners at any time? Probably would be best on a winged Seliph. So Seasonal then.
  19. I'm fine either way, though Fates's system did need rebalancing- who thought it was okay to let Xander and Ryoma have no-drawbacks superweapons from the moment they joined? I never forged, so Iron outdoing the other types wasn't a huge issue for me. Silver was mostly untouched, save for Bow users, since they can hit things often without fear of counterattack and -2 Str/Skl isn't a big issue when you've exhausted your one action that turn and will likely have no enemy phase, reducing the Atk loss to -1, next to nothing. Thus you can use Silver almost all time with Bow units, and if they only need to use it every other turn, it's effects are very minimal, while the higher Mt is very helpful against fliers. I guess you could make the same case for Tome users, but why use Silver there when you have Lightning, which has the same debuff effect, but potential quad hitting? Durability- I do hoard rare stuff and I like not having to in Fates (but I still do with stat boosters). Normal weapons breaking is rarely such an issue, since you can always see exactly how much durability a weapon has left, most games give a good deal of money, and ever since FE8, access to a shop to buy more is a constant all the time. For prior games and SD/NM, once you've played though once, you know where all the shops will be and where to load up in advance. Although if you don't, you can I admit easily be hurting for weapons in FE7, that long stretch between FFO and Battle Preparations can burn through your Javelin/Hand Axes supplies real fast. The most annoying thing about limited durability besides weapons being hoarded, was ending battles with near empty weapons that'll break in two seconds into the next fight wasting inventory space, but SD fixed this with weapon merging. Money? Nope, I don't see that, with Revelations at least. BR and CQ give basically the same amount of liquid assets, Rev on the other hand with the stealth money gives a mere 60000 gold I determined a while back, which is very tight. All those free weapons are there to compensate for the lack of actual funds you get. Skirmishes need time or chapter progression to spawn for free, otherwise they cost money (unless they too can spawn via MyCastle visiting).
  20. Nope, the stripper stuff had nothing to do with the books we'd read at all! Catch 22, Fahrenheit 451, Hamlet, The Metamorphosis, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, The Stranger, some short stories as well, I believe "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" was among them. Mostly it had to relate to the literary-philosophical concept of the Absurd. There is an Italian prostitute chasing after the main character with a steak knife in Catch 22 near the end, and of course some other low brow sex stuff there too, the book was intended to be funny. The teacher explained the prostitute symbolized the main character's conscience, since without your conscience, you're just a prostitute. The prostitute only appears when you're in danger of betraying your conscience, and will appear even if you dropped them out of a bomber earlier or something else that'd you'd think would get rid of them. The only time the main character gets knifed is when he does at one point sell out his conscience, but afterwards he learns his lesson at the book's very end, though the prostitute remains on the hunt, he just jumps in time. ...I'll never forget that splendid metaphor. Or how good Hamlet is, the lesson I take away from that is procrastinate and everybody dies. Just kill your uncle for vengeance or ignore your dead father's ghost, staging a play to confirm your uncle's guilt does nothing but waste your time and you'll regret it. Of course the fact the stripping had nothing to do with the class threatened, so the teacher said, them ever being able to do the annual class party ever again. Since I'm sure the administration didn't love hearing about what happened. And this teacher mind you already had issues with the administration, she had a little breakdown in class once just releasing all her misery in her job to us. It was cool. I loved the class, but my record there could be hit or miss depending on the day. I was something of a mercurial, unrestrained but good student. Probably the worst thing about that class was having to watch The Graduate, ugh! I do not like a movie about an old housewife forcefully seducing a naive ideal male fresh out of college graduate at all, and yet I was only one of two students to complain! Having watched in college Dr. Strangelove, I think that would have been just as appropriate but better. Said teacher was also friends with the science teacher who ran the school greenhouse, and since I was in AP Bio too which she taught, I got to go in there a few times. It was warm and nice, complete with a banana tree (and that is unusual where I live), makes me wish I had one, if not for growing stuff, for having the perfect place to read and nap year round. I was friendless in high school, I've always been friendless, but I enjoyed being a teacher's pet in most classes, if owing to my Asperger's a bit wild and socially unaware. Still am socially awkward and distinct in the classroom, but I hope I've made some improvements since then.
  21. I recall this one instance where towards the end of the school year, this AP Literature class I was in held a little party in the library. It was filled with people dressing up wacky referencing the books we'd read that semester and doing various presentations (no grades, just for fun). I just wrote meh some jokes centered on drinking more vodka that someone else read because I wasn't willing to present them (and my ability to tell them would be poor). Eventually it got to this one point where the teacher sat in the middle of the room, the lights were turned down, and several male students turned on the music and turned into strippers (undressing not all the way of course- just to their matching underwear). The librarian from what I remember hearing was physically aghast by it, and the teacher obviously was too, but she was caught up in the blur of the moment.
  22. There is still the issue of being able to mix subs and non-subs. Writing Arthur and Amid identically might work, but not Ulster and Dalvin. And you're definitely going to have to write a hypothetical LanaxFebail support differently than a MuirnexAsaello, and you'll likely have to write LanaxAsaello and MuirnexFebail differently as well.
  23. I'm pretty sure they do in Star Fox Command world no. 3. Or however you count the endings.
  24. ...Skipping to the JuliusxReinhardt S rank. (The B is a continuation of the C, with Rein beginning to show strain from the weight of it all, and Julius just assigning ever the more work and being amused by Reinhardt's ability to carry it all out. The A begins with Julius assigning another round of tasks, but then becomes him critiquing Reinhardt, including admitting to wanting him dead and deriving pleasure from watching him be humiliated, with Reinhardt cracking and breaking into tears.)
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