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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but has slow but powerful and resistant been the fate of many an infantry mage lately? If so, whatever happened to all the swift sages?
  2. Fair enough points, and the trichotomy interpretation is neat. She does slightly in practice lean towards female if not that in principle- chalk it up to creating a perfectly visually androgynous character difficult. Doesn't help her name Limstella has what is in English a female's name in it, one ending in the more commonly feminine letter of "a" (although exceptions exist, like Joshua). Well gameplay-wise he has Luna and exclusive access to all other Dark Magic in FE7- but I consider that a bit overrated. He is comparable to Lucius and Erk, but not really any better. Personality-wise, Canas is a nerd, and I guess people, including myself like his scholastic nature. Compared to say Miriel, he can actually hold a perfectly regular conversation, and he is kind and humble, if slightly quirky and out of it. His Pent support is a wonderful nerdgasm, his Renault support has him delve his curiosity into some interesting talk of morphs. His Nino support implies the two are niece and uncle and they choose to be that at the end of it anyhow. The Nino does speak of magic, but it delves more into his family side, which is sweet and fleshes him out more. The Bartre support is funny for some. But the Vaida just doesn't exist and if it did she is wholly to blame for why it goes wrong. He is also the first character in FE to give a real positive lore-spin on Dark Magic, as opposed to it being evil in Archanea-Valentia-Jugdral, or rather unexplained in FE6 despite being a perfectly good force. It helps Binding Blade has his son and mother playable, so his family, which preceded him, is actually existent and felt. Not every character will appeal to everyone, so I can understand if you don't find him fascinating, but for me he is comfort food.
  3. Shouldn't Izana come with it? Izana is a solid staffbot and sometime magic chipper.
  4. Limstella is female, her class is a special female version of Sage in FE7 just for her, with its Def and Res caps increased. It's supposed to probably represent Nergal making her extra powerful, to the point she will expire the next day. Gender is not the same as sex. Sex is biological, and Limstella, maybe she has been crafted with a birth canal and exterior female genitals, but she certainly must lack the actual reproductive organs, is sexless. Gender is not so biological, it is how a person wishes to be treated and or is perceived by others to be, although one's sex can match their gender. Limstella, although I don't think she is never addressed not by name or genderless words, certainly has an appearance typical of the female gender, and Nergal considers her the most beautiful of his morphs, and beauty is more associated with females than not. Furthermore, compare her attire with Ephidel's, and Ephidel is certainly of the male gender. Ultimately though, Limstella, being a perfectly heartless and loyal morph, has not a single care whether she is masculine, feminine, or a countertop rotisserie. I'm not saying she is wholly irredeemable, the Heath and Harken work well and the Wallace is okay. The general character idea that exists outside of supports works for me. They just could have written all her other supports much much better.
  5. I'm going to pretend that both Sonya and Deen were recruited, even though that is not possible in the actual game. I'd assume the same of Karel/Harken and Samson/Arran.
  6. This reminds me, when the TT releases, we should know how to pronounce Canas right? Is it Can-us? Can-nas? Cane-us? Cane-nas? Not too many choices, but it still bothers me. I've primarily used Can-nas, but the other pronunciations have snuck in from time to time.
  7. If you read all of her supports, you can see they're consistently bad. She gets 7, which is the most any character in FE7 gets, but their general level of quality is the same as cleaning alcohol's as a beverage. The issue is Vaida is just too egotistical and antagonistic, she continually harasses and expresses only antipathy to her support partners. The Canas, Merlinus, and Karla are all atrocities that match this description. For a sample of how terrible it can get, let us see her Canas: The Wallace is no better than average, owing to Wallace willing to be confrontational back to her. The Heath and Harken supports are her saving graces, these alone puts her in a very long stay in Purgatory instead of an eternal trip to Beelzebub. Why? She actually develops and stops being hostile to her partner here. The Dorcas? Remember that NoA Saizo-Beruka? This might have inspired it: That is the epitome of bad and gimmicky- in no way a good support. In short, of 7 supports, Vaida has 2 good, 1 neutral, and 4 really bad. Which overall is a very bad record. Although Ilyana has it worse actually- 5/5 awful ones, the bits of humor do so little. Disembodied Fire Dragon glitch Fae. Need more dragon emblem. Do not expect Sue, Sin, or Dayan by the way, Lyn is the only Sacaen to ever learn how to ride a horse and shoot a bow. In fact, nobody in FE has ever learned that technique outside of Heroes. On that note, anyone want to speculate who would be on a FE6 banner? Lugh for the love of Elimine please! On the topic of family reunions, since Shanna won a VG, Thite might happen (Juno is too old to be popular). Since we have a severe shortage of sword infantry, Dieck or Rutoga would be amazing. Can't think of a TT pick. For GHB, will we get the Maiden of Darkness: Idunn? Brunnya? Murdock? Galle? I doubt Yuan. Who from FE6 ranked the highest on CYL2 by the way? Was Melady at all popular?
  8. Just because a character was broken in their base game, doesn't mean they'll be broken in FEH. The Rule of Cool for people like the BK and needing to make characters worth summoning does sometimes make characters really good, but that is separate from their base game performance. Kent could have the Atk of a toasted marshmallow when he gets in for all we know. Robin sans Grimahood certainly doesn't threaten the Heroes metagame at all, whereas they broke Awakening like toothpick. I think SoV has a larger percentage of its roster in Heroes so far, and maybe SS too, although this is apart from usefulness. Blazing does have a rather small-ish PC roster though, with 44 characters counting Nils and Ninian separately and including Merlinus. And excluding Bartre as being his FE6 self, we have 19 of them in FEH factoring in the latest banner, leaving 25 characters, just 3 over half the roster, left to add. Maybe for August still? They put only one New Heroes between Thracia and Gen 2 Genealogy, despite the fact those games are in the same world.
  9. Except Fates nerfed the crit evade formula to 1/2 Luck. And starting with SD, Luck's hit and evade role was halved as well. Why do we still lack calculations pages for Fates and SoV?
  10. I'm in a comical mood and this suits me well. Thank you. Of protagonist parent/relative deaths in FE, well Marth's losses are too much in the background and unfelt. Sigurd you can feel, but I haven't played his game and what does Seliph really feel of the loss? Same for Leif and his mom and dad. Fado exists for two seconds, less than Emm and Himiko (I still can't recall her name). Elbert though was well done, although it is strange that Nergal could have opened the Dragon's Gate by just offering up his quintessence and didn't need the Civil War in Lycia he sought after all- he could have kept HEL from mucking up his plans had he done that. Points for Elbert for temporarily crippling Nergal post-drain with a pocket knife though. Greil's death was also well-done, cool battle scene, plenty of screentime beforehand and still plenty of relevance postmortem.
  11. I'm aware of that. The guy Ice Dragon said long ago should be using twin pillars of ice as daggers as a legendary hero, and sired or so we think Born to Be Blue and the Blonde Who?
  12. So what happens then? We're introduced to a new character who is a king who then dies right away? From the people who brought you whats-her-name in Fates.... Or does somebody die who then Surtr suddenly bursts into tears over? Or does Surtr reveal he just the incarnation of the hatred of some bad dude from before him, and then summons said bad dude as a giant worm?
  13. For Fates, slanted towards CQ specifically: Rally Defense- comes on a great class and extra concrete durability is awesome. Rally Strength- concrete offense for the majority of units you'll likely be using. The only issue is you need to hope into a so-so class to get it. Rally Resistance- the other concrete durability buff, which makes it inherently good. On CQ, you will almost certainly be making Elise into one, thereby guaranteeing a source of it. Rally Speed- stuck in Hoshido for the most part, despite Nohr needing it and Hoshido not really at all. Still, it's on a class that you will probably use, and being able to suddenly double is a major boon. Rally Skill- it can assure hits will hit in a game where the RNG isn't quite as weighed in your favor as prior games, and is on a class you likely will be using on CQ. Rally Magic- The issue is that for most teams I believe, the majority of your offense will be physical, and the class that gets RM is magical. So in practice, at most I can only see it buffing up to three other units on your team, despite the fact the RM user wishes they themselves could receive the buff. Rally Luck- the only rally to come on an unpromoted unit. +4 Crit Evade/Hit/Avoid is okay, but nothing truly significant. The remaining two Rallies- Spectrum and Movement, are DLC only, and I don't have access to Landmaster. I do have the two path bonus Ebon Wings though. Rally Movement has some niche uses I can imagine, but it isn't as readily good as other ones. Probably above Magic but below Skill for me.
  14. Well if they do use CoD, they could throw him a Light Brand and reference HHM CoD with its radical change from ENM/EHM/HNM's 95% physical units to 95% magical units, including some annoying status staffs and legions of swift Valkyrie reinforcements should you not understand how reinforcements work in that chapter. The issue with using CoD, is that they would probably not want to take too much from the throne area, since that area is shared with Murdock's and Gale's infamous map in FE6, and they might want to use that later. I do enjoy the map design of Linus FFO for some reason, I'd be perfectly fine with them referencing it.
  15. You know, a Blazing Banner should get me in, but I'm just not feeling it. The Nino alt revelation killed my mood. Legault is worth hopping in for, just not by himself. Karla is a mediocre character, she doesn't counteract the overwhelming sourness of Nino at all. As for Canas? I love Canas! But he isn't being summoned here, so why bother hopping in? Since I can't clear TTs using just the absolute minimum characters the game gives me, and I have zero desire to summon without a good banner to use it on. Canas will eventually return, it may take months, but I won't mind. Who knows, maybe the next time he comes around he'll be able to refine his base weapon into Gespenst complete with chest beam and kicking action- he looks like he could be an older Gilliam? I remain sidelined. Now I just wait to see when the next calendar releases and when the next New Heroes come, *yawn* I grow very bored with waiting.
  16. Whatever is the issue here? Other than separating Pokes from evolutions and pre-evolutions obtained in later games? Admittedly, the series doesn't give a rhyme nor reason why Bulbasaur is no. 1 and no. 333 is Swablu, or any other Pokemon given any other number.
  17. So this is what I wake up to. Linus completes the Reed brothers and the Four Fangs, good. Canas, I am fond of him for sure. Legault, certainly unexpected, he in no way seems popular being so old. But I do think he is a good character. In gameplay, yes she definitely is terrible in FE7. One heck of a recruitment, joins extremely late, underleveled, in a class that isn't very good, and doesn't even have Est-like growths. What were they thinking? She should have joined back in the Hector Mode exclusive chapter with Farina where she first appears in a village. But as a character? I wanted to say Karla wasn't bad, but reading her supports has convinced me otherwise. Her Karel support- he is just too edgy there in his comical FE7 overly edgy style, and she is there only to be the soft, compassionate calming voice to his sword demon-ness. The Bartre isn't very good I think, mostly because Bartre, but unlike the Karel, it does show she takes herself seriously as a warrior and likes battle. Vaida- it's a Vaida support, they are by definition awful, Vaida herself being the reason why. The Farina like the Vaida, shows Karla to be mostly calm and apathetic to things, and I don't think the support really has her develop at all, it ends more with confirming her obsession with finding Karel. I would like to say Karla just got stuck with mostly bad support partners, but to be honest, she is partly to blame for the flops. So why is Karla in FEH? Simple, she is a sword chick, they're beautiful and cause the Orbs of oxen to emit musk which drives them to buy Orbs. That, and the less cynical other reason is that she completes the Bartre-Fir-Karel-Karla family. Although the Nino-Canas-Hugh-Niime family is still missing half its members. To ALL FEH players, for anyone from FE6-9, if they should up on a new banner, I recommend reading over their supports. They won't have so many that it won't take that long, and SF has them all listed. See if you remember your like/dislike for that character rightly, and if not, well it'll be a good chance to reexamine and evaluate them. Oh yes, Legault, here is the dialogue in question: Will you ever resort to Tide Pods? Or are you rebranding Orbs that? Would a better translation be Glyphcalibur? Ironically, they got it right, once. C Support Vaida: So, you are the famed Sword Princess, are you not?
  18. They also thought that they needed an Eirika alt with L'Arachel and Myrrh- two units who by themselves could have sold that banner. IS is just too fearful nobody already popular being on board will keep a banner from not being popular enough to bring in the money. I get this sorta with T776, since it is obscure (releasing two years before the Gamecube does that to you), but internationally released games need this not. Reading all supports of his quickly, just as a refresher (and I've linked them, it's only 3 so you can get through them in 5 mins), I think that they did overuse the ellipses with him a bit. You don't need quite as many to get stoicism across. This said, the prophecy explanation of why he had to leave, at the all too young age of four, is explicable since FE7 in other ways does make a point prophetic abilities exist in Elibe. Of the supports, the Lyn is fine and does the most to justify Rath's personality. The Wil I actually consider my favorite of the three supports, and Rath himself grows during it. And the Guy is the worst, since it doesn't really go anywhere. ...And it is just dawning on me, this isn't a TMS banner. Yet another missed chance to sweep it all out into the open.
  19. He comes one chapter past the halfway marker in FE7 excluding Lyn Mode, not really that late. That and enemies in FE7 are really weak so him being underleveled doesn't mean too much. I'd critique Isadora's gameplay potential, but somebody rebuked me with reason on her today. As a character, Rath is admittedly stoic, but I'm fine with him, I accept FE will have stoics, at least he's not edgy. Isadora is admittedly a good character though, Midia except with detail, the Mathilda before Mathilda with a husband who can actually fight. I'd use Rath, solely on the grounds he is a bow horsie in his own actual game. And I like using him in FE7. There are a number of Ike dislikers on SF, see Glaceon for another. Surprisingly, Silver-Haired Maiden I don't think is one, despite being a Micaiah fan, whose limelight is partly stolen by Ike, her venom lay with Soren. Then again, maybe she bifurcated Ike into PoR like and RD disike, not sure. I'd love Renault, but I doubt 70% of people are familiar with his great backstory (partly because you have to sit in front of a giant fire breathing dragon for 40 turns to see the last bits of it).
  20. The Atlus Tax is dead, Sega abolished it I believe. But now IS has picked up the slack and gives us the Alt Tax. Sega buy IS please heavens no!. You know Nino, I shouldn't blame you, it's the mean people at IS to blame, but I'm starting to not regret the 2-3 times I accidentally (blame FoW) let Ursula Bolting you to death in Battle Before Dawn. The Florina support is indeed the only remote justification for it. Although by this token, I should be able to have Dancer Hawkeye- where it is IS? And having just read the Florino support, never does Nino fly on Huey, nor does she ever express the desire to. ARE YOU CALLING NILS A CLONE OF NINIAN?! HOW DARE YOU! PLEASE, SHE IS THE ALT! Ninian should have stayed dead, she didn't need her deus ex machina. I chill later, but Ninian does not deserve Eliwood FYI. Then I turn into this: And what you say is what Brave Heroes are, although those are agreed upon by a large number of players, and hence not the same.
  21. Prepare for disappointment! I am starting to. Just as a precaution. *Think they'll choose the worst possible trio.Think they'll choose the worst possible trio.Think they'll choose the worst possible trio.Think they'll choose the worst possible trio.Think they'll choose the worst possible trio.* *Takes a deep breath* I say "trio", assuming a GHB or TT will run with this, since Florino is already a write off into the lake of sacrifices, should I surface from Xibalba for this due to the others, and Nino then stroll my way despite my warning.
  22. He would be good, but why not Nergal? Mr. Big Bad of Blazing still isn't here. Although we did just get Julius, and we have Lyon as well in the Red Tome Infantry GHB department. Sonia wouldn't be bad either. Elibe doesn't have tome fliers at all- IS is fabricating her completely here. Unless they're implying NinoxFlorina is canon. Eat that HectorxFlorina or LynxFlorina shippers! (And you disgust me Flector fans anyhow- how does their support remotely approach a prelude to marriage?) The mere presence of the alt turns you off from the entire banner, not open to the possibility the other two might be desirable? I do share your distaste for alts though.
  23. Wonder what Blazing Sword excuse they'll give to justify El Nino? Popularity? Okay okay, Nino is decently deep and cute character, there I said it. And she's more an Est than Est is in some of her appearances. And yet they didn't give us the one Blazing alt we need, the only Alt not made of iron I'll take is Blue Tome!Lucius- fix the injustice IS! And really, this board is turning into an El Nino-backed hurricane (so Legault when?).
  24. What? Blazing Banner alert featuring Nino variant? TELL ME MORE! NOT BECAUSE NINO, YOU CAN HAVE HER, WHO ELSE DO YA SEE?!
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