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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Just want to ask this question, the latest SF update on the main page says you've translated ~2/3rds of the game. But Chapter 5 is only one-third of the way through the plot, although the later chapters do lack as many if any sidequests to go with them, and you said you've haven't done the Ex missions either. Is this owing wholly to menus, items, between battles dialogue in the town? Or is the earlier part of the story also more text heavy than the later part even without the side missions factored in?
  2. Ah gardening! Working the land, even in a minor measure, is a noble pursuit. I've got not a lot growing. Just four tomato plants, a red bell pepper, a green bell pepper, a zucchini, something else which I forget, and a basil and a parsley, all in planters. I don't get why I try the zucchini though, it turns yellow, dries up, and dies every year. Nor have I ever gotten a bell pepper. The eggplant I tried once only gave one really big one and that was it. The tomatoes and the herbs to be the only things that ever grow well, despite zucchini supposedly being very prolific. Unlike your situation though, I have enough room for a greenhouse if I really wanted one, and still room left over for the dogs to run around and a deck. The issue is just that I lack horticultural knowhow, if I had it and was willing to invest the time, money and effort managing everything, all I do after planting is watering once a day, I'd be able turn out a good deal of produce.
  3. What storyline? I kid. I too am interested in seeing how things go. Although I'm not they'd start with Elma and the White Whale, a sidequest featuring Lara Nara (or Lara Mara, I forget which identical Japanese gay stereotype guy it was) mentions they might have picked up communications in Japanese or some other Earth language as the White Whale was crashing into Mira. Which would indicate another ark of humanity is still out there possibly. Since you can't loop around the planet in X as you can in many games which encompass an entire planet, and I think another tiny bit of NPC talk mention the detection of more continents, then it is possible that they could set X2 on this other, let us say half, of Mira playing as the crew of the second surviving ark. This would make things easier to get into for new players than just picking up with Elma where X left off. But if you aren't the avatar of X, then how to treat them when getting back to Elma and the White Whale? Sudden heroic sacrifice before you meet up with Elma? I do want X2 more story-driven, since it has potential that shouldn't go to waste, but at the same time I like the open world and don't want to lose that. The MMO aspect can also be furthered, but I would like a bit less postgame grinding and more variety. The proper thing is to dress all the way down and let E3 into flow into every pore of your being, let the hype become your body. When Nintendo gets to the FE16 trailer, I might just jump off at that point and wait two minutes before watching the presentation again. My heart wouldn't be able to handle the ride, just shove the game into hands and let me try it. I'll be staying away from all SF FE16 talk too, if I can.
  4. No matter. Although I don't think I'll ever get a chance to try lamb actually, since someone in the family happens to be opposed to it for some reason. I can only guess it's for the same reason they oppose anyone ordering veal at a restaurant- it's baaaad to eat young animals. Although I doubt a store bought chicken is older than like a year at the slaughterhouse. Oh well. I'll just have to have a gyro with lamb in it without them think it features lamb (since they can be made with beef and pork as well) the next time I go go to an outdoor event offering them or something, I need to try one. Just to clarify, is that the name of an East Asian beer right? Because a name like that just screams East Asian to me. Should be good though, don't see why in this day and age brewers across the world can't compete at the same level. To the art! And whatever it is, probably better than this baijiu stuff China has that I've heard of. Apparently the spirit is very strong. Would be fun watching somebody down their first shot of it though, just to see the reaction.
  5. I explicitly said "all major non-vegetarian religions". So Hinduism is still a no for it, although a mystical Hindu sect consisting of holy men who esoterically embrace taboos including meat consumption does exist I believe. However, it is just a small group, the majority of Hindus do not consume meat. Although for Indian McDonalds, chicken is in some cases used instead of veggie patties IIRC. Beef is a no since cows are sacred to Hinduism, and pigs are haram (trans. "forbidden") to Muslims, more of whom live in South and East Asias (India is part of South Asia) than the actual Middle East. Just into Korean BBQ and fish cakes? Or is it family ties? Since fish cakes seem like a rather unusual thing for an American to develop a taste for. Still, it's meat, I'd be willing to try. It's protein-less side of things where I'm too shut off.
  6. Just the normal grilled stuff, nothing special. Want to try doing grilled corn once, but last time I had it on the cob, well my gums bled a little (although to be fair, I had just gone to the dentist that day- not the best of ideas). Grilling pizza would also be a great thing to try as well, and maybe I could expand into another protein with the one meat permitted by all major non-vegetarian religions (or so I hear)- lamb. I really need to experiment more. Fortunately, I have a good place for real BBQ (to be technical for a moment, grilled = hot and fast, barbecued = low and slow) goodness within like a 10 mins drive. I think I'm more beef brisket over pork; in sandwich form of course, ribs are just a needlessly more complicated way of getting at the same meat. Although I do love chicken wings, since I enjoy popping the joints and ripping the tendons and ligaments apart and devouring it all in a playful primal way. Odd since I'm normally not that savage.
  7. I have no intentions of being mean or dictatorial at all! Only cautious! More the oppressed trying to tell other oppressed to monitor their behavior lest they be punished for it. Not at all to call SF in any way an oppressor, it is very chill and fair and certainly a good website. And I do sincerely mean that. Do you see the obscene amount I post and visit this site? ...Let's try to find another topic to discuss, but alas, I am without such creative initiative.
  8. You wish to know? The locked topic I meant is this one. And there was a different topic where I did participated in criticizing a website, I forget if the topic got locked or not, but @eclipse did have some words against it IIRC. By the way, oh mod whose word I shalt not challenge for I loveth the forest and wish not an exile right now, could you clarify what is acceptable and what is not in this matter? As for charges of minimodding, well I like this topic, and don't want it to be locked. The intended tone of that message was not a strict one, only a suggesting of some caution about what is said.
  9. *Slaps Silencing-Hexing-Inevitable End Enfeebling-Freezing-Stunning-Sleeping-Stoning Handcuffs on her* The rules of privacy are to be respected! To jail with her and Peri as the warden! (Seriously, that scene makes me regret 100% buying the Bonds DLC in Awakening- I hate what Awakening did to you Anna!) He does appear in plainclothes in his first scene in RD. White tee nasty! He has five sons and three daughters, eight kids total. So you know he has experience. Oh for the love of Ashera, am I actually self-deluding myself into DILFing Brom?! *Tries scrubbing brain clean* But being he's fat, it means I'm getting over the notion sexy is only applicable to those of idealized human forms and standards? Uhh... yay?
  10. I believe criticizing other websites here on SF is worthy of mod intervention. Regardless of the epistemological validity of these criticisms, badmouthing other sites at all unless they actually engaged in real crimes, is verboten. I believe there was a topic about websites that have declined within the past few months, and it was locked, it wasn't outrageously negative, but it was impolite enough to apparently warrant a modding. I can understand why the forum rules are such, but at the same time, I think we can generally agree some websites are better than others according to roughly objective criteria. And I can think of one other website featuring FE that vis a vis SF handles discussion of it much more poorly (although some other games are handled well there). But I'm bound from going into any more detail.
  11. Not quite an old man this Zeus, not that I'm familiar with many popular depictions of him. Looks fun.
  12. I was aware of that on the mythological references page SF has. Though until you pointed it out again, I didn't notice that Arion and Altena are a hunter/ress of myth with a war god/dess, that is a rather cool combo. And it means we can keep using old mythological references for names, IS just needs to splice some together. And here is an idea for the plot of Book 3, and beyond...
  13. Either the next time Neko Sakura paws around, or with the addition of Lethe and Lyre. They should bring bell collars with them, just in case you need to own someone. Also, putting cat ears on a character with cause them to start ending all their sentences in "nya". So be careful about that. You better believe mew about that.
  14. Two games later? I can't think of anyone really like him SS. Caellach is a greedy mercenary who never shows himself truly incompetent and gets in hot water for it. Valter is defined as a psychopath, his fighting skills are never questioned. Riev is a terrible Gharnef. Selena is a Camus. Glen just dies. Can't be Lyon either. Now Petrine in PoR, yes, that is Narcian's copy, bluster with no bite, they even share in use of a magic weapon.
  15. Simple answer, she flies high enough that she looks like an inconspicuous dot in the air to a person on the ground below. Yet her ability to identify the target, symbolized by her high Skl stat, allows her to drop a Hand Axe on a target with pinpoint precision from those very heights. This also explains her Opportunist personal skill in Fates, nobody could possible counter her axe drop. So if you see someone's skull randomly be split down the center by a falling axe, know Beruka is in the vicinity.
  16. Lv 20/20 HP 46.7 Mag 23.95 Skl 21.4 Spd 21.85 Lck 14.75 Def 14.75 Res 23.95 Yep, he is balanced.
  17. Did anyone notice you can select multiple people? I did, and took plenty advantage of it. FE has plenty of perfectionist lords, so it isn't at all arguable any of them would be bad. Still, didn't vote for Marth, or Chrom, or Robin, or Eliwood, or Roy, or Seliph, or Corrin. I did throw a vote to Minerva, out of pity. And almost all of Tellius, barring Ashnard, Ramon, Skrimir (love the guy, but he hasn't had any monarch experience yet), and Tibarn, although I did toss a vote to Hector, Tibarn isn't bad, I just prefer Naesala. And Vigarde and Lyon 'cause why not? Arvis doesn't seem like he'd be the worse conqueror to be subjected to IRL. I would hazard a guess that while being occupied and oppressed for years was certainly bad for Archanea, that it didn't end up being creamed in battle after battle during the War of the Shadows, gave it the ability to bounce back faster than Grust and Macedon. Archanea still had plenty of young men and husbands, who in Macedon and Grust probably were dead and left a big gaping demographic hole (who did Roger not find a woman when he may have been one of the few datable guys left?). And isn't the War of the Heroes only a year after the War of the Shadows? Well maybe two-three, depends on how late in 605 the WotS ends and when in 607 the WotH begins. Not exactly, Hector is a brute, but he partly lets his reputation be exaggerated as this. In practice, he is more intelligent than this in FE7. He also perceptive in Chapter 14, noticing the trap of Laus/Erik before Eliwood did. Although Crazed Beast is a chapter wholly caused by his folly (the chapter is plot-filler though).
  18. Should have commented on this sooner, but I'm getting a little tired of poor resources villain nations. First Fates, then SoV, now FEH. To be fair, SoV is a remake of a game whose barebones plot did say Rigel was scarce, so they had to abide by that. So really, it has only been two new games in a row, but if FE16 has a poor resource foe and it isn't written well, then the idea is officially overused in FE. Nor shall I ignore that the Kingdom of Thracia exists in Jugdral, Ilia's frozen soils demand mercenary work, Jehanna does too but for reasons of sand, and Daein isn't the most hospitable of countries either. However! There is a difference with the not-Thracia other instances. Ilia and Jehanna are never primary villains, so they are a little more low-key about its dearth of food, they don't hog the plot. Daein for whatever issues it may have due to clime and terrain, is never characterized solely as being a wasteland of struggle, it might not be as warm and cozy as Crimea or as big and diverse as Begnion, but it isn't that a terrible place to live. Micaiah is never heard speaking of how her army or people are on the verge of starvation. As for PoR Daein invasion- it happens over the course of the winter in a nation where presumably a lot of the grain is going to the war effort, starvation there is expectable. And I would argue the food issues there exist less to make a point about Daein life, as it is to humanize the enemy of PoR. Ashnard wasn't directly motivated by poverty to commence his Social Darwinistic schemes anyhow (at most, being raised in the culture of Daein would have indirectly leaned him that way- but we see plenty of ordinary Daeinians from across society who seem not to be at all like that). If there is any country in Tellius that is resource poor, it would be Goldoa, described in the Recollections as desert. Yet Goldoa being at very most a couple thousand rugged dragons who can live for centuries, it should be within its comfortable carrying capacity. Goldoa is akin to Dolhr in Archanea, also described as being poor lands, but a Manakete population presumably even if forced onto such lands don't require the same resource consumption as humans owing to fewer numbers and greater natural resiliency. You don't even need resource dearth for a mercenary nation. Kilvas is a mercenary nation, but its lands according to the Recollections are fertile; although the Bird Tribe doesn't engage in agriculture, just hunter-gather living. King Kilvas's ambitions according to PoR (before the Backstab Pact), are driven simply by a desire to expand his tiny island nation. By this point, the series has overused them in unimaginative ways recently. Duma and Mila were better left as gods. And honestly, turning Naga into what FE13 did with her is starting to attract my distaste. Jugdral is cool since the dragons are only there in the remote background- all that exists of them as being presently is the soul-tomes of Forseti and Loptous- and the conflict is rather human beyond that. Goldoa of course has the best integrated group of dragons in all of FE, since the pedestal they stand on is palpably lower than in previous games. They're the only still living dragon civilization we ever see at all. Indeed she is, she is the number one source of employment for veterans of the War of the Heroes. Lena's Convent Orphanageâ„¢ employs herself, Julian (who is never officially said to marry her in his ending- what?), Minerva, Maria, and probably half of the rest of the Archanean cast either work part-time for it or volunteer. By the time of Grima's coming out party, the megacharity has been corrupted into a giant fraud where your money is used by a cult to unlock the Dragon's Table so Grima can munch on Medeus and his fellow Earthies locked away underneath.
  19. Not at all. There some TMS and Warriors fans here of course. I include myself in the former. In case my sig doesn't make that clear enough. And no need to be aggressive about it, SF is chill about the two spin offs. However, last year, one of the FEH developers said TMS was not suited for the world of FEH in an interview, or something like that. They said that whilst behind their back planning the Spring Seasonal banner, with the New Year's and Christmas ones already prepped and ready to go as well, and the Summer Seasonals were also likely planned at that point to. So the argument makes little sense, the only one that does is the issue of rights to the games, since Nintendo made them with the assistance of outside companies. But I think these could easily be handled, Nintendo is on good relations with Atlus and Koei Tecmo I would imagine. And the thorny issue of the Jpop songs could be worked around, because there is no need to include them in FEH. As for my character wishlist, I can't really narrow it down. This will be a long list, not in any particular order for the most part:
  20. Nope. For all that is known, the next FE could be shown at E3 via interpretive snake charming, if at all.
  21. What do you have against daggers? I'm sure for CYL2 it'd be an awesome one. A dagger is just a mini sword. And you have no standards regarding what Veronica gets? Why?
  22. ...I'm getting the sense from this moment that FEH needs Trick Room. Well at least the fact BSTs have a limit should eventually bring things to a halt, right? I mean how much can one cannibalize the HP, Def, and Res stats before it undermines a unit?
  23. And you would be right: Although Nergal is nowhere in sight. Safety Dance sounds like some lame unfun edutainment thing a kid is taught in the first grade while watching a video on household dangers. Stick to the classical elements.
  24. Well if they wanted to reference the game of origin regarding his stats, Linus has these to work with So he is consistently not so Resistant, and also on the slower side of a Hero.
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