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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Too many characters, unless they revive the RD two-four lines support system. That might actually be a good idea here. What about this castle/city development stuff I've heard they been alluding to? Have they given any details so far? Sounds like it could be a fun little cosmetic distraction. I sort of like this stuff. Fates needed more My Castle customization. But they have to keep it in check then for Seasonals' sakes. No bunny ears- b/c Easter needs them. No pumpkin heads for Halloween. No towels because For Onsen Your Life Banner will be a reality sooner or later. Accessories be a little boring then.
  2. Tanith could pack the Sonic Sword/Storm Sword- yay new Sword Flier! I'd also throw her a -Flier buff to reference Reinforce loosely. If she can't summon 4 Pegs and 2 Falcoes, the Falcoes having better stats than her, every single fight, she should at least make her flying friends fight a little better. Does anyone have a pic of those Falcoknights on Maniac? I know those stats are broken, but I don't remember exactly.
  3. What is wrong with robots wearing underwear if they wanted to? Sure it does not serve the original utilities of reproductive protection and modesty, but it is still fashion, which is ultimately more frivolous than useful. I wouldn't quite condemn a guy who wanted to put maxipads in his underwear. Stare with bewilderment, and ask "Why?!" but not ostracize him completely.
  4. I licked a zombie for good luck. ...Shouldn't that be bad luck? Or am I lucky for having gotten so close to a zombie I could lick them without getting bitten and infected in return?
  5. I like Brigid and Eyvel, and I consider Eyvel to be the inspiration for Titania- the team mom who isn't actually related to anyone she "mothers" and is a Jagen. I like Titania, ergo I like Eyvel. The two should dye each other's hair once to see what it's like, but not now. (Yet the Brigid connection, particularly without an explanation of how this Gesh pact came to be, is a little unnecessary for Eyvel.) And for some reason I don't know why, Pattycakes is cute to me. More so with pants like in Treasure than in her original short skirt Super Tactics official art. The TCG Febail looks like a tough cute for his ingame head sprite, but he is Frankenstein in Treasure, generic bad in Super Tactics, and TCG versions are only okay with European blonde on an anime head. And Dew is adorable no matter what. BrigidxDew is definitely headcanon for me. Mature rough lady pirate + young soft boy thief is a good combo, and it child class matches too. Daisycakes and Asaello aren't quite the same, Asaello often better than Febail visually, Daisycakes not so much.
  6. Marcia needs just the right VA for "Crackers!" they mustn't fail her peppy but rational dialogue. Any ideas who?
  7. Then we need Shigure and every other kid in Fates as a Manakete. And while we're at it, Sophia as a dragon, and then Soren. And then Micaiah with black feathered wings and Zelgius and Stefan as a literal beasts just because, and Amy and Petrine as whatever they are. And maybe every Major Blood in Jugdral plus the Fates Royal Families and Chrom's family as dragons. Shapeshifters for all!
  8. A phoenix would be cool, but sadly FE would probably dragonize it, IS has to resist that urge. And to not include any deaths that expectably get undone by the phoenix. I call Thoth! Not that that means anything. But I like wisdom gods. The MC would probably be associated with Horus- being in myth the son of the God of the Dead who got vengeance on the murderous Seth. That sounds like a perfect little thing to build the core plot of a game around- a father murder and the quest for revenge. I'm liking all these side chats while we wait for fresh translations. What I in particular am waiting to know is if the Forest Village has royal Zofian ancestry b/c Delthea's Ragnarok. And I just want to get this out of the way, but did IS have to give both Mila and Duma light green hair? Xane is so far the only Archanean dragon who isn't old without green hair. I'd like a little more variety.
  9. Counting time, fun! Number of non-Laguz PC dragons: As for the highlighted part, we need characters who are actually bow cavs in their base games. I don't care who, just someone.
  10. I'm actually a Mac user, and managed to find an emulator that I could run on it. The furthest I got was getting the rom on it and getting the rom to play untranslated- I saw the screen itself with some message in Japanese, probably asking me about memory cards I guess. But then I tried applying the translation patch, following the instructions of course. It never worked. And even untranslated I for some reason couldn't get it to play again. I played around with little code fixes that were suggested to make the game actually run, but they did nothing and might have made things worse for all I know. I tried deleting the emulator and rom and patch and redownloading it all, but it never accepted any game I tried to put on it I think, and seemed to somehow always "remember" that I had downloaded it before I thought. Thus, I gave up, and am waiting for a PC that I can play FE 3-6 + 12 & TRS, and BS when full translation comes, and although it won't need a rom or anything thankfully, Vestaria Saga (there hasn't been any update this year on it leaving Japan yet, right?). A PC should be less of a hassle I imagine to do this whole process.
  11. *Sigh* I really want to find a spare PC I can freely emulate on without worries at this moment. I did join SF originally because I came this close to getting TRS to work on my computer and was begging for how to get it to work. Never did manage to get it to work, but here I am. Still, some day. And I have a little reminder of this with Czene as my badge character, have you seen her artwork? I think if I had to pick any one FE3/12 Cavalier to use, it'd be Cecil- Luke and Rody look more generic, Cecil is our first playable female Cav (Midia and Mathilda are Pallies). But why stop at one? Being polycavalry is generally a good thing. And in the Whitewings, I'm a Palla fan myself- not having actually read any of her supports in a while though. I'm also a Juno-Farina-Syrene fan. I can't make a Tellius Peg choice, since Sigrun has no supports, and Elincia has the resources of being an MC in both games, which is unfair. Sumia vs. Cordelia vs. Cynthia? Phila. But Cordelia >>> Sumia. No opinion on the four Pegs of Fates, other than Subaki was terribly botched in gameplay.
  12. Well it is a little more complicated than that. Racial strife got so out of hand a goddess split herself in two and flooded the world because she was so frustrated by it. Then to make the goddess whole again, four people promise racism won't ever get out of hand again. Otherwise half the goddess will nuke the world. Then they invent racism against mixed race children to avoid worsening racism by the first two races against each other. Then the continent splits from 2 countries to 7, mostly over racism. And then a political with racist undertones murder accompanied by a racial annihilation drives someone to want the goddess to nuke the world because racism is hopelessly impossible to get rid of. Tellius- solving racism is possible... but who are we kidding? Expect it to take hundreds of years and plenty of awful stuff along the way. Not to say it was handled perfectly, it wasn't.
  13. Maybe they're waiting for when the time is right to add Zeke or Sirius as dramatic effect? For FtPs, have a free Crapmus. For those with luck and or money, have this new and improved luxury model.
  14. Oh, I guess the Entombed are made with poor-quality/degrading corpses. They were the ones I was thinking that had a semi-amorphous form. The DLC Deadlords are indeed the only ones that speak in the series, and actively retain their memories and will. I guess they felt that was cooler for explaining the DLC than an Anna saying "These ruins are filled with ancient treasures but are guarded by powerful guardians".
  15. Well she won't be dead last, cute sword infantry girl (who quite uniquely could be ala Raven an axe infantry- it'd keep a whole bunch of other girls from overshadowing her) are appealing, but yeah, it'll be a long time. Yup. For some reason I liked seeing her whenever I strolled inside a Maku Tree as a kid. I love the Oracle games too, and wish we got an Oracle of Secrets game and generous FEW representation some day. I'll be watching the little 4 minute Etrian Odyssey announcement tonight at the same time I believe- noon Japan Standard Time, then tomorrow I'll let SF tell me everything new about FEH.
  16. Morphs are made with pure quintessence, Jugdrali deadlords are made with bodies, Risen are made with.... I don't know. Risen look kinda gooey IIRC, which would suggest no real body to them. The Infinite Regalia Deadlords seem to be Jugdralian in that they use somebody's body/are somebody who just died tragically. The ingame Chapter 22 group never speak, so we don't know how they were made. But I think the IR ones might only be as they are due to cost-savings on appearances- no need to make them look different. Morphs being more in common with Deadlords would apply to maybe a handful of Morphs- Kishuna being based on Renault's friend, the Final Chapter ones being based on all the dead characters they appear to be. We don't know if they have anything of their old personalities or memories though, since none speak, only quietly welcoming death. Ephidel, Limstella, Sonia, I'm not sure if they're based on anyone, and the legions of goons including Denning are certainly not. They're made with the essence of life, but are molded with whoever's and into whatever shape. Athos does say in Sands of Time that Nergal first started collecting quintessence from small non-human creatures, and I don't think he ever made a butterfly, dog or lizard Morph unless all Laguz are Morphs, to take an extreme instance of deviating from the source.
  17. I think he is the only playable character in FE history to have 0 base Spd (but gets 6 on promotion), min-max distribution potential?
  18. And of course, the right to let one make their own decisions with their consent. Nobody makes their decisions in a vacuum, everyone has influences that weigh on their decisions, but, humans should be as free as they reasonably can. A quick lookup and it seems like something edible and possibly delightful healthy desert. Unfortunately I never grew out of childhood habits when it comes to my palette, limiting its intake of healthy stuff. A slight Japanophilia wants me to try to like that red bean paste common to Japanese deserts though- not that I really have any normal chances to try it. I'd like to try going cold turkey and going ascetic on my diet some day. Nix the meat entirely and overhaul the rest, forcing myself to eat nothing but healthy day in and day out should do me good.
  19. I went through a brief Yugi-oh fad, shorter than it was for Pokemon cards. Never played the actual card games, had no interest in that, only collected them in both cases.
  20. Calendars are not binary, they start with a year 1. Though it may seem odd according to standard basic math, year -1 and year 1 are only one year apart, not two, no zero between them. To bring in the global BC/BCE AD/CE calendar, you have before the birth of Christ/the Common Era, and you have after the birth of Christ/the start of the Common Era. The moment of transition from old to new is itself new.
  21. She gets, alongside her father, Astra AND Luna. Regnal Astra will not do! She needs +150% damage and -50% enemy Def at 5 cooldown. Moonlit Astra? Axes need more love, so Osian or Marty or even Dagdar. But I do like Asbel, enough that if he were summonable I'd hop in- but that is just the Merric archetype fan inside me speaking. Save him though, not like we have that many more wind boys.
  22. *Rechecks the script* You're right, for the ingame half of things. I'm pretty sure Kirokan's translation of the Recollection shows it is at odds with its "she made them in her image" assertion compared to the ingame claim.
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