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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. All of this is so cool. So in exchange for locking Falchion to Rigel and thus Alm, they semi-lock Ragnarok to Zofia/Celica. I like this. Maybe the Forest Village was founded by a descendant of the heroine Zofia? That could explain Delthea. We'll have to see if they say something about this. If it weren't for Pirates promoting in most games to Berserkers with really high attack and crit, I wouldn't mind seeing some of these pirates so strong you need legendary heroes to defeat them. Now we know how Jedah came to power, Duma picked him as his brain cells began dying off. He probably was doing his god's bidding then, his god's bidding in his madness that is. Although Jedah if he was inherently corrupt, was probably doing double duty desiring whatever he wanted, including abuse of his god for personal benefit. The Sluice Gate notes are interesting. Even with dragon god power it took 100 years to make, amazing, and explicable by the fact it runs right through the middle of a continent. That Rigel benefitted more than Zofia from the Gate is understandable. Rigel is lacking in food as in, any improvement would keep people from starving, while Zofia would possibly more have to worry about the obesity rate going up than hunger (not that the former was an actual issue in the pre-contemporary world outside of the richest of people). I like the Archanean parallel timeline part- aligns the different calendars neatly, saves me from having to do the minor math. And the lore additions here are splendidly unexpected. Neat that the Macedonian Vikings (my favorite sports team by the way) are possibly where the big piracy issue came from. Now if only all those pirates could fly wyverns, that'd be a good fight in SoV. And it'd be silly if they suddenly rode Pegasus and could Triangle Attack us. And I guess when the founder of the Kingdom of Archanea raided the Fane of Raman he stole the Regalia in addition to the Fire Emblem? How'd he miss the Falchion though? It is good to have the origins of the Regalia known though. Dragon-crafted implements, presumably without a blood component, and with less canonical power. Not sure what they mean when they say the Fane might have a Valentian connection. Maybe some of the treasures of it, many if not all presumably of the Divine Dragons, once belonged to Mila and Duma? Could the Gradivus have been Duma's toothpick? Thanks for the enlightening correction. 5000 years old if ~1000 = ~5 would put Naga at ~25 at death, with premature aging due to war wounds and stress, I could see like 45 at most. I can see Nagi/Awakening Then again, that 5000 number comes from long before Awakening was ever conceived of, which might have to expand the lifespan of dragons owing to Tiki reappearing and the decision to make it 2000 years after Mystery. I think they could have cut a thousand off that and set the First Exalt 600-500 years after Marth and then Chrom 400-500 years after that, but it doesn't really matter much. You'd be correct. Genealogy's Crusaders and their Holy Weapons were the original dragon blood pact weapons. They fell out of favor after Thracia 776 due to the end of all games being in one world with Elibe, but then Awakening brings the concept back and it's now alive again. The question is whether the next brand new FE will make use of them, or use its own magic logic in its own world. Sorry for posting and commenting so much and not being an actual translator or contributing anything truly meaningful. I just really love world building and loved the Tellius Recollections every step of the way when they were translated here, maybe because I'm studying History academically.
  2. Fair enough on the stats spread point. And I wasn't being overly serious about giving Lewyn and Homer Sing. Forseti, assuming they don't make it holy bloody trash and keep a few of Lewyn's stat points outside of his Speed, should be enough for him to be competent to the game's death after you toss on whatever skills they have in mind that day. And if it isn't the powers of weapon refinement and SI fix that. Forseti!Sing!Lewyn was just a little creative thought, and Homer just so happened to share Lewyn's class. They can give Homer - Tome Experience/Valor, and you get a free Stamina Potion every time you summon him if they wanted to make a little reference to his starting inventory in T776.
  3. Forgot that. Unless they invent a Regen Waltz- a heal and another turn. A strictly better Sing/Dance, but worse as a healing skill if a characters needs a patch up before they attack. It's only a weapon, not a horse and bow. And Elffin has no weapon as is, inventing a Harp category just for him would be absurd. But he needs a weapon in FEH, so what should he get? A Sword is boring, he is physically frail so I'd rule out Lances and Axes, so Daggers or Bows, or Staffs, or Tomes, and Tomes has a basis in something in FE as a whole, which is better than nothing. The Lewyn suggestion was mostly intended of finding away to not make Lewyn obsoleted by Ced, assuming he comes later and stronger. Or, they could remedy that by making a second Gen 2 Forseti-possessed Lewyn to powercreep Ced. Homer just got tossed in there. And specifically on the Ranger issue. Not that you expressly say the two Rangers have the same name in all languages, but just to clarify: Horseless Ranger The Ranger class in The Sacred Stones was called “Forrest Knight” in the Japanese version (the same class that appeared in Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776), so the Ranger class in this game is thus a new class. A similar argument applies to this game’s Cleric and Valkyrie classes (the ones in previous games were called “Sister” and “Valkyria” in the Japanese version). Ranger (フォレストナイト Foresuto naito) Ranger (レンジャー Renjā)
  4. Deidre must come from a world where somebody was going for an A rank, and hacked in Naga to make it much easier. A very specific playstyle. Which is to say Bows and Staffs either don't need stats so much, or have a lower baseline for what is good? Makes sense for Staffs, they haven't had anyone new in nearly a year- they're the only category I guess that means to not have been powercreeped. Until Nanna maybe. When I first read this, I thought you said she thinks she is a lance. I was going to say I'm fine with characters weaponizing themselves.
  5. Well our options for normal dancers are: Phina- the original Dancer, and Olivia's mother-clone. Silvia- they could change her from Sword to Staff b/c Minor Bragi Blood. Lene- same comments as Silvia. Laylea- she has nothing to her, other than being the only way to obtain the Barrier Sword, and Charisma. Lara- a Dagger Dancer b/c she starts a Thief and class changes to Dancer. Larum- has no weapon in FE6, so she could get anything. Elffin- could use a Tome in reference to Jugdrali Bards (which opens the possibility of doing the opposite and making Lewyn and Homer Sing units). Nils!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want him. Another Blue Breath unit to boot. Tethys- has no weapon nor anything really unique to her. She could use a Red Tome in reference to the SS glitch, but Gleipnirika used up that reference already. Reyson- a flying dancer, with a pretty nice personality and some plot importance. But he can't get in until they invent a weapon type for Laguz, not so much for him, he can get Blue Tome or Staff, but because once you let a Heron or Dragon Laguz in, people will be asking for the Beasts and Birds. Leanne- just like her brother. Rafiel- can't fly like siblings/10. Besides the aforementioned turning of Lewyn into a Forseti Singer, and Homer into a Lightning Singer, they could do something with TMS. Everyone playable in that game sings at some point, though not so much Touma since he doesn't outside of the Opera of Light Fire Emblem, which everyone joins in on. Eleonora like Touma is more an actor than a singer, but she does have the Dream Catcher number with Tsubasa. Kiria, Tsubasa, Yashiro, Mamori and Tiki can all sing notably well. Itsuki isn't special at singing, but his Strike A Pose skill, which gives everyone a second action on their turn for one turn, is as close as TMS has to a traditional FE refresher. Itsuki could be a Falchion refresher, which doesn't sound like a terrible combo.
  6. There is an expression in Japanese- "Fall of the Arts"- so this is actually aligned directly with a season. But yeah it does with stuff like Exalted Chrom and Zelgius seem like it'd now be capable of retconning to a normal banner. Not that they would ever actually do this. Japan has Children's Day in May. Say hello to a new Nowi variant. (Or Gen 2 Genealogy Banner.) And also a Greenery Day, so meet FEH's new gardener- Green Thumb: Frederick. Or they could do Hanami- the Japanese March-May festival of flower-viewing, in particular cherry blossoms. So four variants of Sakura for this one. The US has Mother's Day, but the rest of the world has this at a different times of year and Japan doesn't have it at all, so I doubt they'd do this. Or they could get a jumpstart on June and begin Bridal Blessings 2 early, if they wanted to give us some new Brides, or some Grooms.
  7. Wait, the timeline is eight parts long? How much information does it have? It doesn't seem like it should be that long. And now we can synch the Valentian timeline with Archanea's! 606 is the Archanean year that aligns with Valentia 402. 606 - ~3000 = ~ -2394! This is the Archanean year of Mila and Duma's arrival and long before the dragon degeneration began in -1000 AC. It also means Naga is really really old, but Tiki as of Awakening shouldn't surprise us that she could live that long. The Golden Age of Dragonkind began in ~-4000 AC. It also says "The gods' strength began to wane." at year 1 VC (or close to it)/205 AC. Degeneration took forever to happen for Mila and Duma, long after it began elsewhere, despite them using their power so much. But who is to say degeneration wasn't slow elsewhere? We never get to see the process happen in real time, only the end results and hear of the arguing over the issue when degeneration first becomes apparent. And Berber? That is the name of the majority of North African ethnicity outside of Egypt (some Arabs live in North Africa, and the Berbers have for centuries been Arabized culturally). I coincidentally used the name for desert Valentians in my fanfict history. Way to be a downer though on saying their sea god didn't exist. Yet it clarifies things about religion by getting rid of the idea of lesser "pagan-ish" gods existing in FE, which you're always left wondering about what they are doing in the FE world when everything big is happening and why we never see them. However, we still have room for less intelligent and human-like Telliusian Spirits to exist in Archanea. But! I guess Medusa existing leaves room for the "pagan-ish" deities existing after all. As for human civilization, the "small pockets" which would continually disappear, do they mean human societies independent of the gods? Or was making scaleless Manaketes learn how to be civilized an arduous process that took up to three thousand years for Mila and Duma? Also, use of the phrase "Exalted Falchion" to describe the weapon Duma carried, I'd guess this is meant to say just a full power Falchion, and not of course the curvy dragon tooth Chrom would poke Grima with later. It is never said when Naga made the Anri Falchion by the way, the Archanean timeline only says it and the Binding Shield were sealed in the Fane of Raman in -500. Perhaps Naga died not in the sacrifice of making the blade and shield as I thought, but of old age or something else? I wonder how long a dragon can live for. Tiki is ~1100 in SD, and would you say she looks like 5-8? Fast forward 2000 years and she looks ~18? So if we used a rough estimate of 1000 for a dragon = 5 in human aging. Then assuming a 60-80-100 human years lifespan, a dragon should be able to live up to 12000-16000-20000 years. Lastly for this analytical post, the Divine Accord seems to me to provide the naming of this artbook. The Divine Accord- the creation of Valentia as it is known, of two halves each with a god. And I'm slow to this, but clearly the renaming of the continent prior to Awakening was a compromise. Valentia + Alm = Valm. Sadly somebody was forgotten when they didn't choose to rename it Valmica.
  8. Hmm... Seliph, son of Sigurd, is actually the Hero of Renais, who wielded a sword and lance, presumably on a horse. Ephraim is the hero of Valentian yore Rigel. Alm is Roland of Lycia (okay the hair doesn't match color perfectly), whose wife is Celica. Lilina, descendant of Roland and his wife like Roy, and also descendant of Hector and Lyn, is Elena wife of Greil. Ike, the son of Elena, is Anri. Marth, descendant of Anri of Altea, is ancestor of Chrom and Lucina. Lucina left for her own time at the end of Awakening, and found a land untouched by Grima's darkness there where she became the ancestor of Corrin and Azura. Male Corrin is Baldur, Crusader and founder of Chalphy. There! Perfect time loop that unifies the series! Now everything makes sense for once. Until FE16 is finally revealed. Except for TMS, Heroes, and Warriors. But I'm burnt from this mental exercise. Odin can be the ancestor of Rowan and Lianna, the Askr royals by Eirika, and TMS can be explained as a Archanea/Ylisse timespace crunch that happens after Lucina leaves, thus having the real Marth as its Marth. The thing is, if Thabes was left in ruin after this Duma-Naga incident, then why did Naga later seemingly choose to die there after sacrifice her final fangs? But this is what happens when you try to connect a timeline from 1994-1996 with one from two decades later.
  9. PoR. And I do recall loving that feature back in the day and just looking at everyone. I'm not sure what they thinking giving only Ephraim, Eirika, Joshua, L'Arachel, Saleh, Seth, Myrrh, Ross, Amelia, Ewan and most strangely Tethys of all people official artwork for SS originally. Maybe they didn't have the budget to do more right away? SS was a side project compared to PoR.
  10. If keeping Saizo alive gave a Secret Book instead of Speedwing, I'd just let him die 80% of the time and be able play it worry free if slowly. IS knew well what the best permanent stat booster generally is considered to be, and so they gave it to Saizo. And the chapter did suit the theme of a ninja den very well- underhanded tactics and unorthodox fighting is the ninja way. Making a map that plays to the enemy's strengths would indicate the enemies are actually smart about their geographical picks for battle. And while I don't like the Wind Tribe battle very much, I did smile once on the most recent time I did it. On Lunatic three Falcoes guard Hayato, who has a Hexing Rod and you should try to kill him in one turn because of it. Using a Dragon Vein allowed me to whisk away those Falcoes and safely get either Camilla or Dark Flier Leo (his best class I think if you have DLC +6 Spd and flight are so good) to ORKO him without the Hexing ever cast. I liked being strategic. And between Siegbert, Camilla, Xander, Percy and Leo, when I get to doing Hinoka's second battle on CQ, I'll have enough fliers to really have some flexibility concerning DV usage there, which will be interesting.
  11. Well apparently some of the Faceless learned how to pick locks in that fight, wouldn't expect dexterity from those things. Although Birthright does have a severely underpowered and boring mid-lategame. It starts around Chapter 14 you could say, but 17-21 is certainly the worst of it. An Ice Tribe you don't actually have to fight much of, Leo's pathetic swamp, the Sevenfold strange stats Sanctuary, Fort Easy, and then the tedious Demon's Falls. It takes until 22 for fights to become fun and challenging again, except things quickly spiral into the game just throwing hordes of strong enemies at you with little tactics involved. Honestly, early-mid BR was fun, it's the latter half that is a bit more of a slog. 17-21 is coincidentally Mokushu to Eternal Stairway on CQ, which is also possibly the nastiest and most disliked bunch of chapters of that route.
  12. Didn't CYL have their names as Melady and Dieck? That is as official as it gets. The Name Chart on SF's FE section says that. We did have Deke and Rutoga in Brawl, and for a time on CYL Niime was Nimue, but the former is not canon and I don't think was a serious translation, while the latter was fixed- indicating they wanted something not crude and actually official. Even though they left some names like odd names Hicks and Lifis to exist (eh, eventually you'll run out of normal ones).
  13. Back in the day, before I knew my Archanean lore, I actually heard and believed this theory. Since Ike is a blue-haired commoner like Anri, and Falchion, since again I didn't really know Naga forged it, had infinite uses, like Ike's trusty Ragnell. So Falchion = Ragnell, and both are golden blades. Although even I, someone who does not hate Ike like some do, would find Ike as the progenitor of Marth, and presumably Chrom, and Lucina, a bit too much. Obviously Marth would NOT have taken after Anri then in his mannerisms, unless Ike learned to behave himself aboard. Aimee must have followed him to Archanea and began her own line of Anna-like daughters. Well my mistake then. Fortunately there is a window between ~-1000 and -740 for Mila and Duma to have an awareness of degeneration, but not get caught up in the infighting. I guess the Dragon Tribes were already consider sharp euthanasia of the mad during that timespan. Either that, or Naga was clairvoyant and saw degeneration would come long before it began, allowing for Mila and Duma to be exiled pre -1000 AC. She has all sorts of amazing magical powers after all.
  14. That would be a little something of a trolling move. "Thracia is coming in April... after the 23rd, so it's really more of a April-May banner." But yes, Binding Blade is in need of an exclusive banner, so one of those coming up would plausible. As would Gen 2 Genealogy, Gen 1 Fates, and Gen 1 Awakening.
  15. It doesn't expressly say "in case of degeneration" here, nothing like that is mentioned. Sounds like more a symbolic gift of goodwill and coincidentally ultimate power to me. That Duma could have used it on Mila but didn't as Chapter 30 suggests and states, would indicate it was given with no hint of degeneration, since Mila could not have degenerated at this point. That the Kingsfang Falchion retroactively needs dragon blood seems to be putting pressure on the Anri Falchion to be dragon blood-locked as well, adding in the Exalted Falchion is dragon blood-locked. Anri's Falchion doesn't need a db lock, it is its own thing, but there is lore pressure on it now. The issue here is that Naga died after making that Falchion and still needed time to reincarnate by the time of Anri. How could Anri have gotten the blood?
  16. My annotations, interpretations, and comments to the Book of Valentian Revelations: So this must be who speaks to you at Mila Shrines. Being made from their masters, but not part of them, perhaps this gives them immunity to degeneration? They are described as "ephemeral forms" in their class descriptions- spirit without much if any body? Given Loptyr seems to have escaped degeneration via possessing Jugdralians instead of living in his own flesh, this seems plausible. They admit to being dragons right away? I don't think the humans of Jugdral knew the same of their gods. But then again, a dragon is certainly worthy of worship regardless. And the Valentians might not have known about degeneration, or Mila or Duma even about that, they might have left before the degeneration began. And how many people had access to the Book of Valentian revelations anyhow? "protected the dragons' ruler?" Must be Naga, or maybe other Dragon Tribe leaders. So they seem to have been prominent Divine Dragons and not just nobodies. Good to know. So all the basics of civilized existence? IRL, humans invented fire even before Sapiens came into being, 1.7 to .2 million years ago. Long before agriculture, so they must have been really primitive in Valentia. Wait, are the New Folk here Valentians or Archaneans? Thabes is in Archanea! Did Naga actually approve of giving humanity stuff without going as far Mila and Duma would? Verse (or Chapter, but Chapter seems too long in connotation for me here) 10 suggests to me that Duma wasn't originally big on humanity at all, closer to Medeus and Loptyr. His human loving came later. Naga here seems to be the human lover going by Verse 13. I could have sworn Thabes was dragon-built, but a check of FE3 and SD says it was only advanced- not who built it. Mila and Duma hurt Naga? Obviously she couldn't have died and was clearly capable of overpowering them. Naga did live presumably long beyond these events, up until her death, in Thabes of all places, much later. No mention of the Dragon Civil War is made here, and those 9 days can't be the Dragon Civil War, that lasted from -740 to -500 Archanean Count, two hundred and forty years! It does possibly suggest how Naga could make two Falchions and a Fire Emblem from her fangs, she might be able to regrow them, because losing "fangs" plural, unless she was able to craft the broken fangs, would if she only had 4 great ones, would mean she lost at least 2 and needs at least 3 to make her legendary artifacts I assume. To me, this would suggest that the New Folk are Archanean humans and not at all Valentians. Otherwise, wouldn't the Dragon Tribes be living in Valentia as well and have to banish Mila and Duma somewhere else outside of their control? Does this mean Naga's Brand is on Alm? But wouldn't he only have Duma Blood? How did Duma get Naga Blood? It doesn't say anything about this or Mila and Duma somehow being Naga's bastard children. Unless "her mark" is just meant to mean Major Divine Dragon Blood in general. So Alm as a Major Duma can use Falchion, but Berkut, as the nephew of Rudolf who should also have dragon blood, is a Minor Duma? But then why can't Celica use Falchion outside of that one Sacred Stones super-hard hack? So it takes 7 days to cross the Long Sea/Archanean Seaway? Although this is just two super dragons we're talking about with probably little idea of where to go. Not wooden ships filled with humans, it'd possibly take much longer for them. It gives us an idea of the distance between Archanea and Valentia, but not a perfect one. Anyone know how long it takes to cross the Atlantic from North America to Africa/Europe in a large sailing vessel? So Duma Tower's reason for existing is "screw you!" to Naga. Maybe he dreamed of attacking her one day? Duma seems more like an Earth Dragon than a Divine. But hey, I like dissent within a Dragon Tribe as opposed to monolithic Heaven vs. Earth. Medeus did betray his kind originally after all. So Duma was too ornery about not being able to fight Naga and get revenge, so he fought his own sister and her people? Taking out revenge on people who have little to do with your original target of ire- sounds like Loptyr with his abuse of Jugdralian humans when Naga and Archanean humans were his original enemy. So Duma had some compassion and kindness, just not really that much given all of the above. Sounds like it would have been a good path for Alm to follow at first as human Duma incarnate. Who are these "interlopers"? Archaneans? Thabesians in particular? Jugdralians? What about "the hero Zofia", was Zofia a man? Japanese is rather gender-neutral right? Is it gender-neutral here? Because Lord Rion says in the game: Lord Rion: I am the eldest son of the Rion family, one of Zofia’s oldest houses. But that dog Desaix demanded we give him our greatest heirloom—a shield. The Rion Shield was a gift from Queen Zofia I, passed down ever since. Unless Queen Zofia I is a separate person for some reason. I'd think Mila would possibly choose a heroine being herself female. When was this written? And why didn't these Servants tell Mila and Duma about the degeneration if the Servants knew it would happen? Aren't the Servants in communication with their masters? Unless their masters were much too stubborn sane to heed all the pleas. And by the time they started to degenerate, which you might not notice until symptoms are well underway, you couldn't convince insane dragons with earth-splitting, sea-parting, and heavens-tumbling powers to calm their dragon power use and seal it away. No straightjacket could be slapped around them and then shipped off to a mental health institution.
  17. I too vouch for the PLC trio. Canas I think would make the better TT reward since he isn't a graceful woman or her handsome husband and hence less likely for someone to pull for. But that might deny him a unique Dark tome, given TT units as freebies that aren't too strong to encourage more summoning, which some may want. I mean Luna isn't actually magically locked to Canas in FE7, he just happens to be the only Dark user you get prior to Athos in the final battle. Still, given this game is willing to play to memes and things like that, there might be some awareness of all the talk of Canas as being good because he has Luna (which I find overrated, but that is besides the point). I don't want too many personal weapons added, but it could be an option for him, or more likely Gespenst, which they are free to invent any effect they want to give it since it lacks any in FE7. I'd be disappointed if Gespenst did anything other than summon a punch-kick-blaster-ripper mecha though.
  18. Where does it say that Seliph needed to pass through Thracia to get to Miletos (assuming they had already chosen that as their next destination?)? Looking at the map, it appears they could have just crossed from Melgen. The ingame map of Chapter 7 doesn't align too well with this, and conveniently leaves the Miletos border off the edge and unseen. The liberation army mind you already passed through Yied Desert, and Thracia is no rolling Aurelian/Sacaean/Crimean plains by any stretch of the lore- that is more Manster District. So unless the Miletos-Manster border was really really really bad terrain, Seliph should just shifted back to the west, leaving a force to defend Manster after concluding a peace agreement with Thracia, and then invaded Miletos from Manster. The only reason why Thracia has to be passed through, is because FE4 wants to show you every country in the world. FE6 wanted to do the same, with the result being the rather filler Western Isles journey (which might have originally ended with Roy becoming King of the Western Isles), and the Sacae-Ilia split- which makes no sense that you can conquer Ilia without Sacae and still get to Bern. Radiant Dawn was also ambitious with Part 3, but it kept the conflict in Crimea, Daein, and Begnion, with only a brief peaceful moment in Gallia and Goldoa (although I could have liked some fighting in Gallia and not just at the Crimean-Gallian border). Never do you visit Phoenicis or Kilvas at all either. This is largely a logical decision. His lines are: Grannvale and Thracia weren't exactly friendly to each other, particularly when one of them has conquered most of the known world. But was the relationship more neutrality or friendly alliance? Thracia could not turn down Grannvalian "diplomats" given the Empire's greater strength. Could it be neutrality turned to something else once Manster began to fall? It seems there was a NATO-like "an attack on one is an attack on all" clause in the alliance, but Grannvale didn't feel the need to activate it until they saw they were losing in Manster. Also, what is the title of Chapter 9? For Whose Sake. The game appears to be questioning Arion's judgement call right from the start. I think another thing FE4 could have ran with for Arion and Travant, is that Seliph supports the restoration of Manster, under a son of Quan. Leif is also Seliph's first cousin, which for a Medieval world would suggests Seliph, the future leader of a liberated Grannvale being the son of Empress Deidre and the talented Liberation Army leader, would lean on Manster's side in peninsular disputes. Although the present empire has frustrated Travant's ambitions to unite the peninsula, perhaps it has been friendlier on the whole than an independent Manster District ever was. Verdane appears to have escaped Grannvalian rule- maybe the barren mountains of Thracia would have also been too unappealing to conquer? So, Travant and Arion would demand that Seliph hand over Leif or swear by complete neutrality in all peninsular disputes. Seliph would be unable to answer these remarks satisfactorily, partly because Leif refuses to abide by them and eggs on Seliph to invade or ask for better terms of peace. Time enough passes that Travant attacks or Seliph preemptively strikes, Travant dies, and Arion has a logical explanation to continue fighting- letting Leif reign in Manster will only continue Thracia's suffering. But this would mean undermining the Seliph And Lewyn Show that the plot of Gen 2 is in the hero camp by adding, egads, Leif as a co-protagonist from 7-9. Leif already has this in Chapter 9 to build on:
  19. Leo's lines in Gaiden consist of that aforementioned death quote and: * (Recruiting Leo) Leo: If my bro Valbo’s going, then I’m going too. I’ve got a bit of confidence in my skill with a bow, y’see. ~ Archer Leo joins the party ~ This being a fan translation, I am led to believe the line is more casually written in English than the Japanese is or an official English translation would be. But yes, that is it. Just his recruitment quip, a death quote, and a character ending. Not unusual for NES Gaiden, nor NES FE1, nor pretty much any FE until FE6 adds Supports for the first time. Although the situation did get gradually better in the SNES era, you still had characters like Dalsin and Ralph who had introduction and recruitment text and that is it. Even Asbel, Leif's Merric/Soren, a minor character you'd think would get some good dialogue being not totally irrelevant, doesn't really have any outside of his recruitment chapter and character ending. And Hardin, despite being the man who is set up as being Marth's friend who tragically he must fight in the War of the Heroes, never got much in FE3 Book 1, and all Shadow Dragon did was add one conversation between Blue and Turban- something for their relationship, but not really enough. As for gay characters in FE, well Heather and Kyza were also thrown into a game without any fellow same-sex LGBTQ around. Well, Danved/Devdan is in the Japanese... gay? Not sure what he is stereotypically exactly, other than being described as speaking like a coy woman. They could also write characters with loved ones who weren't onscreen, gay or straight. Not everyone in an army is going to date a fellow warrior. They've already done a bunch with Dalsin, Canas, Dorcas, Caesar seems to have a mystery beloved, Zihark once loved a Laguz girl and we get a good bit on her. The key with this method is to not make the character too much just expose of their love for their beloved and what the beloved was like, and I think Zihark and Dorcas did this well enough, perhaps Canas too. I do have this hypothetical gay character with a background lover- it's a messy wall of text though: The key would be to take these details, reduce them to one sentence blurbs apiece, and still leave the character room to be themselves beyond the romance in their supports. This is likely too much for that, so some less important stuff would have to be left more vague for player to imagine and fill in by themselves.
  20. Oh. Does this mean Duma was a frat boy? And Mila got into wet t-shirt contests? No wonder Naga exiled them, them young ones can't stop getting drunk 'till they're blacked out. But that makes me wonder- was the entire Archanean Dragon Civil War a drunken brawl that got out of hand? And this does explain why libations restore Turnwheel uses, even from beyond the pale of death/being sealed in the Falchion, Mila will do anything even a half drunk bottle of cheap Ale. Still, nice to see them say what dragonkind bestow on humanity. But if the Valentians couldn't even make booze on their own, and some say beer predates bread historically IRL, and both came not too far long after humans learned the art of agriculture, then maybe the Valentians were just hunter-gatherers before the gods taught them to farm? Although they could just have been in the early phases of learning how to farm on their own, and then the Super Mila Siblings arrived and helped things along.
  21. Assuming Anna believes in inheritance. She might, but on the other hand she might be a mother who is against any form of handout and will force you to learn the way of bareknuckle business, economics, and finance from scratch. She'll get you to open a lemonade stand at age 4, tell you to expand it to ten locations in the next six months, and using some of her vast accumulated capital, and form a rival lemonade company to try to put you out of business.
  22. Faye Delthea Mathilda Mae Possibly Genny? Catria Est That is a lot. Maybe they slurped too much Cold Soup and can't find the nearest Sacred Spring?
  23. You don't have to do that. I was just musing it seems odd one would only make fancy artwork for half of a god duo.
  24. No predictions are best predictions. FE: High School Harem Drama Edition and FE: Dark Side of the Genealogy of Thracia, I will expect nothing and everything. You mean the girl who got sidelined by a girl with a sword, and then kicked off a cliff by a blue blade boy? To be fair, FE gameplay is not the most exciting to watch. Unlike Mario where you can show off flashy exploring and platforming action, FE is turn-based movements. Plot is free of this dullness. It's all in the execution. Path of Radiance when praised gets praised for execution, when critiqued, it is for lacking ambition. Radiant Dawn and Fates have the ambition, but not the execution of the idea found in the ambition. Awakening- well it was somewhere between overly-safe and very ambitious, ambition being shoving in the Valm Arc and making the Avatar so important, lack of ambition being found in the Gemstones and a Dark Dragon with an Evil Cult and a Mad King.
  25. Hector: Why are you so glum my friend? Eliwood: Because I was on a date that went really well and got Eli-wood thinking I'd get some. But then Lyn-dissed me! Lyn: Can you believe he got on with Fiora out of wedlock while his best friend is still a virgin despite trying so hard? Florina: I Kent believe that! This is in-Sain! Dayan: How dare you accuse me of sexual misconduct! I will Sue you for libel and you will feel my Rath! I have committed no Sins!
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