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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. To count the number of times you fight each nation, off the top of my head (because I fanfict rewrote SD a little so I remember this), excluding the SD gaiden chapters: So in total I count: Gra: 1, 2 with SD Prologue Grust: 7-8 (depending on how much you count C2) Macedon: 6 Khadein: 2-3 (counting C19) Dolhr: 4 Bandits/Pyrathi: 4 These are understandable numbers. Gra is in lore the weakest of them all, it doesn't have many to spare (now why is Gra so weak when Altea is supposed to be decently strong and even a little bigger? Is it just because Falchion? Or is Gra geographically less habitable? They don't explain.). Khadein is a land of mages- not legions of warriors, and Gharnef has magical powers so he doesn't need them. Dolhr is a rather infertile Manakete kingdom set up in barren lands after a dragon civil war likely slashed their numbers. How could they have conquered the world? Well... we don't fight many Manaketes- mostly humans under the Dolhr banner, presumably because Manaketes are so strong they didn't want to overwhelm the player with them in FE1. But it does leave you wondering why does Dolhr have humans in the first place. Only Chapters 24 and Final, the ending and therefore can be as hard as anything battles and Medeus's last line of defense being his own country, have significant numbers of Manaketes in them. To explain the Dolhrian world conquest, well Jiol is weak, so was Ludvik of Grust, Michalis usurped for reasons, and Gharnef just so happened to go Darksphere corrupt at just the right time. That, and who knows, maybe Dolhr actually brought all its Manaketes to the battlefield outside the country originally? But the impression is that Dolhr didn't outside of Archanea and Altea conquer the world by force at all. Grust having the most appearances makes sense, being the strongest of all in Archanea. Macedon however comes in a somewhat surprisingly close second place. New Mystery, assuming Hardin doesn't conscript mass numbers from occupied Grust or place Aurelians under the Archanean banner, in a way reflects on the results of SD's constant warfare. Macedon appears only in two fights, and Grust, outside of Lorenz's Chapter 1 rebellion, fields no enemy troops at all. Grust was drained of its fighting men, Macedon likely much the same, and Gra didn't have many in the first place. Archanea on the other hand, having had several years of no fighting and despite occupation, is able to fight quite vigorously (and of course DEH demanded it). Aurelis only appears in one fight, so I guess the vast plains are plainly infertile, or just not extraordinarily fertile- which is expectable IRL and Crimea was actually stated to be the same in the Recollections. I will echo the sentiment that too many enemy nations can create issues- the Valm Arc being something of this. Not to say Atheist Humanist Conquerer & Plegia & Grimleal were too much in itself, three enemies are not too many, and the latter two are interconnected, but the way they went about treating them, Valm being an island from the other two, was a poor move. The more enemies there are, the more ambition there is and the more you have to execute carefully, which is a challenge in gaming plots- it can be difficult enough fleshing out a full set of notable commanders within a single enemy country (I don't think you can balance multiple developed generals in each country with multiple enemy countries, there isn't enough room I think for both- pick one or the other). And we should not speak of potential-enemies-potential-friends, going grey needs good execution as well. Having one enemy nation can be uninteresting as well, the Black Fang in the vigilante past is interesting from what we hear, but in the present is a bit boring. You could likely say the same of Bern, but I haven't played FE6 yet. RD Begnion, despite some Senators being a bit generic, was a mono-enemy done fairly well. It was a continental superpower whose superpower status was felt and the dynamics of RD and world-building of Tellius made it a fine foe.
  2. Particularly when you consider the Eirika debacle in Heroes of Yore 1. "Oh I'll believe you. Wait, you just called me naive? Die!" The Einherjar are insane. I did like the Lewyn-Libra convo in Lost Bloodlines 2 though. Wouldn't mind the Einherjar dealt with a little more because of it. This makes little sense when you think about it. One, Robin is likely alive in the dimension SOL came from, as are GCT. Of course, you could argue another world's Robin is dead and that one is being reincarnated. But then how do souls transmigrate across a multiverse? Or did Robin exist in the past/will exist in the future of Fateslandia? Is Fateslandia in the same world as Ylisse and Valm? (Don't tell me Xander is Camus reborn, or worse Leo is Soren in some rectalgrab that shoves Tellius into the same world.)
  3. In retrospect I realized I confused the two places. I tend to do that since PoR says "Nados and Pinell are the last line of defense for Melior and both must fall". Bertram defends Pinell, and the BK Nados. Perhaps its because you just storm into Nados while Pinell you fight entirely outside of it that contributes. SF has most of PoR's script, and looking over the dialogue of 27-2 (the duel) and 28, the chapter thereafter, I notice Ike doesn't get hung up on failing to kill the BK. If he wins, he says these things (with some extraneous lines I've removed): If he loses he Nasir sacrifices himself and everything from Titania's "Ike! Mist!" on down is said. No lines about him griping about losing to the BK. It appears Ike doesn't really mourn defeat (although the "I can't do anything else today" could be filled with an exhausted, despairing tone in this version), he moves from the BK to address the final concerns of PoR. A sense of guilt over letting Nasir die seems to fill Ike's mind when he loses, and this could be contributed directly to his failure to defeat the BK. The next chapter's opening varies depending on whether Nasir lives or not, which seems to support the idea Ike feels guilty, even if he doesn't say "I'm sorry" to Ena ever. The Black Knight, cold-blooded murderer of Ike's father, has disappeared within the collapsed castle. However, Nasir has been lost with him. In the end, he did not reveal the contents of his heart, but instead left another mystery with his enigmatic parting words. What was he trying to tell Ike? What did he hope to gain in this war? What was he searching for? With yet another memory to shoulder, Ike must fight on. The BK victory version opens with this: Ike has avenged his father by defeating the Black Knight in single combat. That night, he sleeps until well past dawn. It is the first time since Greil's death that he has done so. If Ike retreats from the duel, just to mention this he says this: Black KnightWill you flee? How appropriate. Tuck tail and run, child of Gawain! It is what dogs do best, after all. I like how you tremble with fear at the realization that you are no match for me. It suits you.IkeFoul villain! I do not flee. I will never turn my back on you and run away! A little strange, but I guess Ike doesn't want to admit he is too weak, even though he knows better than to fight the BK? His death quote specifically for this fight is a little short and dull, I'd expect some words from the BK to follow: Ike: Urgh… Not…here… Father…forgive…
  4. Well I'm going to gone from tomorrow until.... I was gonna say the 10th, a day before Leif Faris Claus arrives. But instead, I'll pop in for April 1st, gotta see if Nintendo does anything for April Fools for FE. Like Xane in FEH. Just a one day appearance. April 1st is also Easter for non-Orthodox this year. Think IS could give us numbers on Most Sacrificed Units in FEH honor of this? Or perhaps a Newly Arisen Banner? Ninian, Celica, and... Robin? (the Grima sacrifice survival?). I'll leave after the 1st of April until the 10th, then I will stay for two days (by the way, they haven't announced the hopefully inevitable T776 TT and GHB), and then I will leave until at least the 26th. I just hope the following new banner has nothing I would want to summon for once, since I'm not going to be able to start it until the 1st of May (which should be plenty of time right?). Still, if it is a good banner for me, then I'll appear for a day on here and then get gone again. I just do this for my own sake. It keeps me from hopping on SF when I shouldn't, knowing I've put it out there. And if the VG turns out to be Easter vs. Easter (I will happily ignore this). Remember- losers have their feet chopped off and sold as knockoff lucky rabbits' feet. And a more important reminder, Fire Emblem canonically has a Bunny Armor:
  5. This isn't quite 1 change, well it is 1 change, it's just domino effect that results from it. But I can't help myself here... Alm and Celica reunite at the end of Act 2 atop Zofia Castle, as they converse, a shot of Seraphim sends Celica flying off the roof. Her body hits the ground with a splat and when Alm goes to look, he sees her blood and body scattered everywhere, she is dead. Then, Faye comes out of hiding shouting "That fiend has met her fate!". She runs over to embrace Alm and love him. When Faye saw Celica had arrived in Zofia Castle, she followed her in secrecy, and when she saw Alm and Celica were talking together, she just had to eliminate her competition for Alm's heart. However, when Faye reveals herself, Alm, who is overwhelmed with grief with Celica's death, finds his grief suddenly turned to rage and he grabs his sword and chops down Faye on the spot. Silque then pops out of the shadows, trying to explain she had followed Faye to keep an eye on her fearing what she might do and finding spying on Alm and Celica a bad thing. But Silque cannot explain most of this, as Alm upon seeing Silque shouts "YOU DID NOTHING!" and immediately chops her head off. Silque's head rolls down the stairs and Mycen, about to take his private stealth fighter back to Rigel, realizes something has gone wrong and heads up the stairs to see an Alm covered in blood on his knees with his sword drawn, tears in his eyes, ready to commit suicide now that Celica is dead. Mycen asks what happened and Alm shouts Faye murdered Celica. Mycen then says dispassionately "Tough it up". Alm calls his grandpapa a heartless monster and runs at him with sword drawn and ready to kill. Mycen stops Alm by delivering a strong punch right in his abdomen. Alm falls to the ground KOed but alive. However, Mycen punched too hard and ruptured Alm's appendix, which causes a severe internal infection that goes septic. For the next week, Alm lingers in agony between life and death, Mycen keeps him alive despite Alm's desire to die. Until Mycen realizes that Alm is better dead than alive, because once dead, he can be resurrected at a Sacred Spring and brought back to life with Celica and Rudolf's plan can proceed again. Mycen then visits Alm and slits his throat, killing him. Taking Alm's body and Celica's remains, Mycen visits the Dragon Shrine and revives both of them. In the meanwhile Conrad, upon hearing of his half-sister's death, refuses to accept it as truth in his grief. Unable to speak with Mycen, Conrad encounters Jedah, who says he knows how to resurrect Celica. Conrad agrees to do whatever it takes, and sells his soul to Jedah, becoming the soulless Sanguine Knight. Conrad's memories of how to get to the Sage's Hamlet enables Jedah to invade it, which he does and thus he kills Halycon and ruins the entire village. With Alm dead, the Deliverance suffers a great morale loss, and Berkut takes advantage of the situation to invade Zofia, defying his Uncle's demands not to. Although Rudolf is utterly flabbergasted by Alm's and Celica's deaths thinking it could never happen, he assigns Zeke to Berkut's side, just in case Mycen's resurrection plans fail. Clive retakes leadership of the Deliverance, and then tries to install Gray as a substitute Alm. But Gray is no Alm, and as Tobin is shellshocked by Alm's death, proves utterly incompetent. The Deliverance is shoved back by Berkut and Zeke, who recalls his prior godliness as a general and warrior but not his old identity. When the Southern Outpost is on the verge of defeat, Kliff betrays his friends finding further struggle futile and a waste of Zofian lives- surrendering to Rigel is the best logical outcome he believes. Kliff is rewarded by Berkut with the title Governor of South Zofia. Kliff offers his old friends a chance to surrender with honor, but Gray, Clive, Python, Clair, and Forsyth refuse- Kliff with Rigel's backing then defeats them. Gray dying in battle, Clive is executed, Python flees to become a common bandit, Forsyth is executed. Tobin in anguish refuses to side with Kliff or Gray, and abandons his old identity to live a new life as a sorrowful bard, half mad. Clair flees by Gray's wishes and becomes a cleric sworn to chastity in the convent on Novis Isle. Saber is disheartened by the death of Celica, but then turns to fighting Rigel with Celica's other former friends. They defend Zofia Harbor, but fail and flee from the mainland. Saber, Mae, Boey, Genny, Valbar, Leon, and Kamui all then flee into the isles off the coast of Zofia. There they become heroic pirates, intent on protecting the Priory on Novis Celica loved and keeping Zofian hopes alive. Kamui finds the business of piracy not profitable enough and leaves to join Rigel, thus leading to the loss of the Pirate's Throne for the remaining resistors. Valbar sacrifices himself in the losing battle on Pirate's Throne and Leon falls into deep sorrow, which drives him mad with grief and careless with his life, thus leading to his death on the battlefield later. Saber and the Novisians alone survive, and on Novis for many years to come they fight on. Mae eventually dies in childbirth, on her 12th child, her and Boey insistent on producing as many freedom fighters as they possibly can. Genny writes countless poems, short and full-length stories, personal accounts, and even songs of their sorrows and of the hope needed to keep the resistance alive. Saber never has a chance to retire as a pirate, he dies as one, liberation unachieved. Desaix in the meanwhile is stripped of his Rigelian support by Rudolf, who by Zeke's word appoints Kliff the new Chancellor of Zofia. Desaix cannot accept this and then as a scapegoat orders the death of Mathilda. Delthea becomes a full Witch with her soul sold beyond return to Duma. Luthier remains utterly ignorant of the outside world, but sheds a few tears at never seeing his sister again. During the Battle of Zofia Harbor, Palla and Catria out of their inner sense of justice come to Zofia's side, but once the port is lost they abandon Saber and instead go off in search of Est. They never find Est, they never find out she was made a slave of bandits, raped and abused, and heartbroken committed suicide to escape it all. Nonetheless, in the searching for Est, Palla dies to bandits and Catria gives up hope of ever finding Est, returning to Macedon, where with the loss of two of the most prestigious Whitewings, Minerva disbands them, but Catria remains by her side. Jesse dies in captivity, never seeing Silque again. Atlas lives a normal life, albeit without his siblings, until constant Terror and Bandit attacks cause the Mountain Village to be devastated and he dies. Tatiana is sacrificed by Nuibaba to maintain her beauty. Rudolf apologizes to Zeke that he could do nothing to stop it. Zeke accepts her death and moves on to continue helping convert Berkut into a potential Alm replacement for the deicide plan. Zeke never regains his old memories as Camus being as busy as he is, thus he never returns to Archanea. Without him, Ogma, Jubelo, and Yuliya all die to vikings. And without Camus, nobody can reach out to Nyna when Marth fights Medeus again, so Nyna dies. Back to Mycen and the newly resurrected Alm and Celica. Mycen explains Rudolf's plan to them this time, and Alm and Celica agree to go along with it. They stumble upon Nomah, who was looking for Mycen when he heard he was here. Together, they decide to bring Alm and Celica to Novis to reignite the resistance effort and bring forth the Twilight of the Gods. However, Jedah finds out that Alm and Celica are alive again. And as the quartet above try to make it to Novis, Jedah intercepts them with the Sanguine Knight Conrad and Berkut, whom Jedah told that Alm was alive again and that Alm is the true heir to Rigel. This incensed Berkut to abandon his uncle and Zeke and he headed off to kill his competition for the throne. Celica cannot imagine killing Conrad, and Alm newly revived is no match for Berkut. Nomah and Mycen die while Alm and Celica undergo soul extraction. Berkut then storms Rigel Castle telling Rudolf that Alm is gone for good and to hand over the throne. Rudolf refuses and with Zeke defeat Berkut, who then turns to Jedah for help. Berkut sells his soul and soulless Berkut plus the Sanguine Knight and Jedah kill Rudolf and Zeke, it is too much for them. Kliff is later poisoned by the Duma Faithful, allowing chaos to spread through Zofia. Within 3 years of Saber's death, Novis is successfully invaded by the Duma Faithful and the island falls. Genny, Clair and Boey die. During the reign of Marth's grandson in Archanea much later, the continent is suddenly attacked by the mysterious Duma Empire to the west. It is lead by God Emperor Pontifex Jedah. So thanks a lot Faye- your unrestrained Alm obsession let Jedah take over the world and put Archanea in danger. No wonder Alm refused to let Mycen revive her. Silque? Alm kinda forgot about her, and Mycen didn't care, so she was never revived. At least Luthier lived? And Catria. Kamui too I think, not sure.
  6. I meant that purely in deep platonic friendship terms! However... Khadein's academy is an overwhelmingly male boarding school with few women young and old in the oasis. The young Clerics often living a life of chastity and eternal virginity. Young men there tend to get the "Khadein Itch" due to this, and some turn to each other relieve it. The professors look the other way, at least 10% of them having scratched that same inch in their youthful days I've estimated. I won't say much more, other than the tension between Arlen and Merric in Mystery being more than just the former's envy over Excalibur. And in world of abject suffering and loss, if Marth and Merric both so very miserable must share a bed as night falls on the frontline in Aurelis against Medeus's 19th Wyvern Legion to keep their bodies warm and their dying spirits alive, who would criticize them?
  7. Thank you! The full body artwork available feels a little.... stubby? Like it was compacted it a bit too much or something. Leo is bad case of what I mean. The females seem to largely escape this issue, particularly Azura (who needs more underwear), with more dynamic poses. Some facial expressions are also a bit dull or just off in some way to me. Felicia escapes this, Hinoka does, Elise too, but Xander, Takumi, Sakura and Camilla do have this problem. Still, I won't cast a judgement on all the artwork from just these handfuls of character. I'll have to see the whole museum first, whenever the paintings needed to finish Gallerie Moirae arrive.
  8. Alternate dimension self I would like to see- King of Sorrows Marth. Comes from an Archanea where he didn't complete the Binding Shield and thus got the Bad Ending. Just when Marth thought peace had returned, he had to fight a Medeus at full strength as a Shadow Dragon, one able to roam the world with legions of Earth Dragons and not trapped in shrine with them. In the process, Marth's sister Elice, as well as Lena, Maria, Nyna, and also Michalis all died. Tiki's mind also degenerated too severely in this time and she had to put to eternal sleep. Kris sacrificed themselves, as their Bad Character Ending suggests might have happened, and Marth lost many other comrades besides these. Eventually, Marth did slay Medeus with the Falchion, brought a final end to Gharnef, and when it was all done, Marth finally reassembled the Binding Shield. But by this point, he no longer knew joy, nor could feel it ever again, not even Caeda or Merric, if they had lived, could ease his weary soul. Marth ruled a devastated Archanea selflessly, wasting his hollowed self on efforts to salvage a continent razed to the ground and deluged in blood by Medeus and his feral dragons. It would be centuries before Archanea would fully recover.
  9. I never actually looked at the official art of anyone from Awakening, Fates, or SoV that wasn't plastered on a game cover since SF I don't think has it in a gallery. I'd be open to it though. I'm fine with official artwork for mainline games (despite whatever gripes I may have towards FEH artwork). I'd like to see full body versions of Super Ninja Bros., but this will do for now. Saizo's pose from what we can see reminds me a bit of Chrom's official artwork pose though (although shuriken instead of a sword make it different); and Kozaki later reused Chrom's pose for a Rare Blade in XC2 apparently. Is he using it again? Well there are only so many ways you can realistically contort the human form.
  10. If life is better when you have more money to spend, is life itself pay to win?
  11. Alphonse sounds classier. And reminds me of the okayish character Alphonse Zona Meridia from Arc Rise Fantasia. Oh well, someone else in FE can take Alphonse, and then we can get Alf and Alph. We can call them the Al-fpha Numbers. Which reminds me of Alphonse's much better big half-brother Weiss, I liked him a lot. But this is neither here nor there. But comics were not and hence we need a full team of characters that look like Farthur. (Garthur will be Gen 2 Genealogy's designation until further notice.)
  12. There was a poll within the past couple years where Ike surprising took no. 1 that was Japan only. The only non-lord to appear in the top 10 I think was Finn, something to be said for a veteran of three wars. But while Vanguard Ike eventually would have been an expectable and good addition, Brave Ike was still recent enough to me that Ike didn't need a new self until late Summer at the very earliest if you ask me. Introducing Legendary Ephraim 2! The difference? Ummm.... *insert BS excuse here*. I don't want rehashes! If you're going to give me hash, make it hash browns! I'd rather have and . And Altina, and Soane, and Ordwin and Iote and every single Crusader!
  13. They could believe you if we ran the math. Normal has 182 HP, Hard 200, both have 20 Def. Falchion is 10 Mt. Alm can have up to 41 Atk, setting it lower would be more realistic, but you can feed Alm 3 Sacred Spring boosts and 3 Ambrosias (2 from side quest, one from Celica). 10 + 41 = 51 Atk - 20 Def = is 31 damage. Duma has 10 Spd and 0 Luck so Alm is guaranteed to double and has no issuing critting him. Assuming Alm has 25 Skl and 15 Lck, that is a 20% chance of critting assuming the old FE2 formula of (Luck + Skill)/2 is still being used. 30 + 30x3 = 120. Not enough to kill Duma. But 31x3 + 31x3 = 186, which is just enough to ORKO Normal Duma. So with massive RNG blessings and or favoritism, Alm can ORKO Duma on Normal with maxed Atk, but never on Hard. I learned the exact same lesson vs. Duma first time through SoV. Didn't know Faye was best as a Cleric b/c she had Rescue (she went Peg thanks to me overrating the class- apparently it was better in OC Gaiden) and Tobin ended up being my bleh Dread Fighter. So how did I handle the challenges of Act 4? Grind Silque to level 18 and spam the Dread Fighters! My battle with Nuibaba was simple- Dread Illusion forward march up the cliff! Gray and Python the Snipers did some sniping from below, but otherwise it was all Dread Invoke spam, healing Silque with Kliff when needed. It was a war of attrition with Nuibaba's forces screwing up in the prolonged battle. It felt like a page of out Advance Wars- that braindead but often effective agains the CPU strat of Mech Rush- bazookas (now swords) swarming my foes to their deaths. Dread Fighters were just as heavily relied on vs. Duma- they probably did like 50 or more battles with him. Silque's Invoke takes forever to get, but it's game breakingly strong until Thabes. Genny's Soldiers are very useful at the beginning of SoV and still has use as a decoy machine later. Tatiana's Pegs are unfortunately too late to come and very underpowered to be of any use I discovered, if only they were Falcoknights.
  14. I've been thinking on this for a bit. The Black Knight battle in Path of Radiance, Chapter 27, is the fight and "death" of the Black Knight in Path of Radiance good writing? Ideally and canonically Ike defeats the Black Knight. But the Black Knight does not die onscreen, which would be the most satisfying resolution for Ike and the player. This is for me, where the potential problems appear in the writing for the highly important moment in PoR. Instead what happens is that Fort Pinell collapses by a generic soldier's command. And the Black Knight, presumably but with no confirmation, dies offscreen between the collapsing castle and the injuries Ike dealt to the BK. The first issue- why can the fort collapse in on itself on command? This is no evil villain's lair in a modern day action movie. How does it self-destruct? Why would someone install this? And why only use it after the BK loses when the rest of the fort was lost? Why not use it as soon as its realized the Crimeans are winning or after they've won with a Daein insider blowing it up once Elincia and Ike are inside and can't get out in time? The second issue- why did the Black Knight lose yet live? The Japanese of RD says a Warp Powder malfunction kept the BK's armor, sword, and soul in the castle, but not his body. There are two issues here: First, how does a soul manipulate armor and weapons? Second, when did the BK warp to Pinell and why didn't he get the malfunction addressed right away- losing your body is a pretty serious problem if you ask me! The International version says the BK was holding back because he found out that Greil had crippled himself and he wanted Ike to become the new Gawain at full strength so he could get that fight he craved for over two decades. This is much better an answer, but why does he sound like he actually lost in PoR? Admittedly that doesn't sound exactly like death, but the ellipses sound fatal. How did the BK survive the fort collapse- apparently the collapsing castle scarred the blessed armor and destroyed those blessings. Given Nasir can damage the BK, the armor isn't blessed to the point of invincibility except for blessed weapons like Dheginsea is. Plus he likely used some Warp Powder after the collapse to escape. These are reasonable things. But there is still the point, why end the BK's life in PoR like this with a fort collapse? It denies Ike a full satisfying sense of vengeance fulfilled (though isn't revenge totally fulfilling, or so they say). There are three reasons for this as far as I can tell: One, what if Ike fails to kill the BK? the nature of the duel in gameplay ensures there is a good chance Ike won't win even when fully trained. Two, this is related to point one, except in plot instead of gameplay. The collapsing fort is needed then to kill the BK to get him out of the way so his survival doesn't force IS to rewrite the last two chapters of PoR. And it lets Ike get a modicum of satisfaction, knowing the BK is dead even if he failed to kill him himself. Three, PoR was made with a sequel in the background in the planning phase the entire time. And, IS decided the BK would return in RD in advance and that his full identity would not be revealed until RD. It also provides Ike with a personal reason for being prominent in RD- pursuing his father's murderer again. The combination of these three factors- gameplay, PoR plot, and RD plot, combined to force the BK to "die" offscreen, and the chosen method happened to be a fort collapse. If the BK died onscreen, then it'd be harder to explain how he survived in RD, and it'd be harder to hide the truth about him, since Ike could remove the BK's helmet after he passes on and see it was Zelgius (who plays a major public role in RD). Would it have been better to just behead the BK in PoR and get a more satisfying resolution in that game instead of bringing him back in RD? Because as is, I can see the BK's demise in PoR as unfulfilling for the player, as mysterious, contrived, and not quite the moment of fate they were hoping for. I mean when I played PoR in my childhood it was enjoyable, but thinking on the Fort Ex Machina, it might not be so good after all. And then there are those who say the BK's existence in RD doesn't do much. Admittedly, the BK has been tarnished in RD due to his "death" and prior association with Ashnard, so he isn't so free to do as he wishes, he has to be more secretive and in the shadows because people would be more likely to interrogate him given his past profile of actions.
  15. I would love this as DLC like the Rise of the Deliverance or Hidden Truths. It'd flesh out a lot of characters, Kurth, Byron, Ring, Lombard, Reptor, Andrei, and Mariccle on the Issachan side (maybe Manaan, Ayra and Shannan can make a quick appearance in the first fight). You'd control a lot of fixed stat generic NPCs for this though, not that I'd mind. Battle 1- The Crossing of Yied Desert. (All fights are played from the Grannvalian side b/c more named characters.) Setting out from Velthomer, Edda, or Darna, the Grannvalian Army must cross the Yied Desert to reach Issach. Knowing Grannvale will be nearly unstoppable once it arrives in Issach, Marricle intends to assault and harass them as much as he can while the massive force is slogged down in the desert sands. All in hopes whittling down the Grannvalian force significantly and ideally send them retreating before they reach Issach. Grannvale must beware, Issach has hired Silessan and Thracian mercenaries to strike from the skies unimpeded! Defend and escort the convoy/certain NPCs! Battle 2- Taking Issach. While Lord Ring and his son Andrey are sent against Tirnanog to Issach's north, the main force consisting of everyone else approach Castle Rivough. Mariccle orders the castle to hold, while sending a pincer attack from Sophara and Castle Issach. Take Rivough quickly, defend it, and then take one of Sophara and Issach. Battle 3- The Fall of Issach Grannvale having seized Sophara or Castle Issach, and Tirnanog offscreen, Mariccle chooses to hold out in Ganeishire and fight to the end. Duke Byron's candid proposals for a just surrender for Mariccle, whom he finds a noble soul, having been deflected by Reptor and Lombard, who stole Prince Kurth's opinion for that moment. Brandishing Balmung Marricle fights like a man with nothing to lose, slay him and end Issach's resistance to Grannvalian will and power! Battle 4- Calamity in Issach Byron is saddened by the death of Prince Mariccle, but finds solace in this terrible campaign having reached its end. As Prince Kurth prepares to leave Issach, with Byron, entrusted with the temporary occupation and reestablishment of authority in Issach, saying his farewells to the Prince, the unthinkable happens. Prince Kurth is assassinated, Duke Byron finds himself blamed for the act that very morning after the murder! Lombard and Reptor, as if by planning, move in to arrest Byron by force. But Byron will not let himself be caught! Byron decides to flee to Tirnanog, where Duke Ring his dear friend is, he will believe him and stand by him against these false charges. But alas! Ring is then murdered by Andrey his son as he notices what is happening to Byron. Nonetheless, Byron fights on and plows his way to Tirnanog knowing Grannvalian forces are fewest there. Retreat to Tirnanog and defeat all that stands in your way! Along the way and at the destination, the Issachans soldiers who survived Marricle's defeat come to Byron's side, having heard as Byron has that Sigurd son of Byron protects the heir to Issach Prince Shannan and his aunt Princess Ayra to Behalla's dismay. Thus, the Issach people agree to defend Byron and shelter him at all costs until at last he can reunite with his son and then hopefully restore Issach to its proper glory.
  16. Weapon is the Really Deviled Egg. Good for you ye who art a cat with laser eyes capable of annihilating cities and paws that could rend a mountain range! Even though it hurts your hopes of Sharena Emblem anytime soon. I will follow the same when temptation should arise. Are you sure you aren't the one late to the party? Jerome is already here. Although they messed up and made Robin the senior in the relationship. ...Why do they never use Robin's younger or elder physical variants in stuff outside Awakening? Or the younger Corrins (default hair and facial features of course)? I see some calcium and lactose-laden white substance here just waiting to be tugged at!
  17. Actually, there is this old nugget from FE3: Classes The Guardian looks very similar to a General, but I don’t believe it is programmed to use any weapons. The Dark Knight is basically like a Social Knight or Paladin (it has a Social Knight battle sprite). Perhaps it was meant to be a custom class for Camus. Finally we have the Sea Dragon, which has the ability to move freely on water just like Pirates; it uses a Fire Dragon battle sprite, which is disappointing. All three classes have a glitchy inactive map sprite (since chapters are restricted to a finite number of class sprites). Well for living wyverns in Valm, ever heard about horses? A horse evolutionary ancestor existed in North America during the last Ice Age. The extinctions killed off the horse in North America, only those that fled to Asia across the Bering Land Bridge survived to become the modern species. Getting to the more relevant part of this horse story, later Spanish conquistadors bring horses with them to North America, a few escape captivity and before you know it North America is covered in wild stallions like they lived there the entire time and the Native Americans of the Great Plains embraced them (radically altering GP NA lifestyles). This happened in a couple hundred years, Valentia has 2000 to develop Wyvern Valley, it could happen with time to spare. SoV features no Wyverns whatsoever, and only Clair and the Whitewings have steeds canonically, we never see a generic Pegasus or Falcoknight. To me, this indicates that any Pegs Valentia has are imported in small numbers from Macedon, which only the wealthy like Clair's family can afford. Breeding efforts in Valentia of Pegs might not have produced any successful foals yet. Or, Macedon is cautious in how many Pegasus they sell and giving away the breeding and maintenance techniques. Why? Macedon's one big military advantage is its monopoly on flying troops in Archanea, both Pegasus, and Wyvern, which you don't see at all in Valentia, possibly because Wyverns are deemed more valuable than Pegasus. Sell too many Pegs or worse Wyverns, and besides ending a lucrative trade for Macedon since they can set the prices at whatever they want if there is no competition, it undermines its geopolitical power. But eventually, by choice or by cunning trade entrepreneurs and thieves who subvert the strict commerce regulations, Macedon loses its flight monopoly and a few Wyverns escape into the wilds of Valentia, which then congregate to places where they would flourish in nature to survive. Viola, your Wyvern Valley. For me, Valentia seems too small to be a continent; Magvel seems better in this regard, although maybe its only because walking speed on the map is slower there and there are more countries. Elibe, Archanea, Jugdral, and Tellius all feel like continents though. Yet Elibe and Tellius have this weird thing where north and east of Daein, east of Begnion, and east of Sacae are land that goes off the map. Why hasn't anyone explored any of these? Sacae is pure plains, Daein might have the Desert of Death, but east of Lake Semper (the Persis-Culbert region) does not appear to have challenging geography. And does Hatari border the sea on all sides not the DoD? As is, Tellius looks a little like the Iberian Peninsula. And the idea there is a huge amount of land connected to Tellius to the north and east undermines the idea Ashunera-Yune sunk everywhere but Tellius (although I can see the deluge eventually receding everywhere else and life beginning anew there- albeit cleansed of most lifeforms including all intelligent ones).
  18. They've had plenty of time for fan feedback though. Assuming their fixing of Pair Up in Fates wasn't coincidental and the result of fan feedback, then they certainly could have changed course on certain things. Maybe they were going to go with sibling marriage and now its been axed? Maybe they aborted the kids idea? Maybe they've written a good protag and good villains? Maybe no Camillaservice? No characters from a past game in another dimension showing up for silly reasons. We'll see if they've been listening to the world or busy in Corrin's fortress of secrecy and isolation soon enough.
  19. Why do I think this will be to some extent a predictable thing for modern gaming? Perhaps it is because video games nowadays take a lot of resources to make, and thus via reuse of old assets both digital and in terms of character and plot ("writing" resources), so companies want to get as much bang for their buck if possible with a grandiose game they invested a lot of time, effort, and money in. Is FFXV the same? I would say that is because haters hate all the attention he will be getting and are predicting the worst they can imagine. They're rumors of loathing, not of love. I'll pay slight attention to PQ2, but I hope it doesn't delay this Etrian Odyssey "celebration" Atlus has said is in the works or an EO3U for Switch.
  20. Bumping this for when the BAs of Awakening get added. Could they be posted here? (And it isn't necroposting until tomorrow I think.) For more substance to this post, here are my assorted thoughts on the all the guys' BAs so far (not going to deal with the girls'): Rowan looks fairly plain and simple in his underwear. His tank top is solid gold at the very top and sides with a solid white middle, save for a small white perforation at in the top section of gold, to add the smallest degree of detail. Simple blue shorts with a little white print as trim for a touch of detail. Wear he excels in in his gold toed socks, wears the socks are forgettable on most men, Rowan clearly fetishes in being a fashionista of the foot. Corrin's Hoshido underwear is not overly Hoshidan. The white-black loincloth over the underwear, between the white and the fact is a loincloth, which is certainly not found in Nohrian undergarments, is are what makes it Hoshidan. The black of the loincloth and the debatable choice of making the underwear beneath an asymmetrical half black and half blue clearly must suggest a Corrin's mixed heritage. He was raised at first in Hoshido of white, but was then raised in Nohr of black, and he is still in both worlds in this underwear, albeit with the Hoshidan covering the Nohrian past he has left behind. Also, while Corrin hates footwear as always (nothing wrong with that), those ankle-guards are a genuinely unique touch that keeps his lower extremities interesting. Corrin's Nohr underwear is so much different from the Hoshidan he has. For one, he covers much more skin, the Hoshidan looks naked by comparison- another contrast between the two nations! A dull tannish grey with perhaps a few molecules of gold through an elaborate symmetrical print involving both sharp diagonals and smooth curved lines, with a big bold belt of the color right in the middle from hip to hip. A spot of Hoshidan white keeps their mixed existence alive, this time in favor of Nohr. The ankle-guards aren't as prominent now that there is fabric connecting them to the rest of the attire, but still they nicely support it. All in all, it's a leotard and Corrin wants you to join him in as he dances to the steel of his Yato and the beat of his dragon heart. Wonderful; and as we'll see more than any actual Nohrian male wears. Ryoma is wearing Hoshidan pride on his groin! Pure white underwear with golden string and trim. And an unforgettable very traditional Hoshidan lioncloth in bold red and white with the Hoshidan symbol on it placed over the groin. When he converses with his wife in pillowtalk, does he ask her to call him Hoshido? Pure white socks would normally be a little dull and ordinary, but they're work within the Hoshidan theme here. Takumi's standard underwear is rather colorful, not Hoshidan white but a lovely bold shade of blue with a hint of Hoshido red, black, a tannish grey, some flowers and a wavy print. Oboro must have designed it for him because they're so inspired. She might have needed to take his measurements for comfort's sake, but hopefully not his measurements. The blue in the socks goes well with the blue of underwear, if a little lighter in color, and the white, besides being Hoshidan, adds more color and contrast, and pure blue socks just wouldn't work here. Takumi's Butler underwear is different being so very long compared to what guys normally wear. The asymmetric prints and various shades of purple are a real Nohrian flair lacking in both Xander's and Leo's underwear, despite them being the of the First Family of Nohr and hence Nohr's First in Underwear. Either Oboro stomached Nohrian fashion, Forrest helped after Kiragi befriended him, or Takumi got a A+ support with Jakob. Bare feet? Must have come to like Corrin after all and taken after them. Leo's underwear appears to be reinforced in the crouch area, which is a good idea. Even with a saddle, riding on horse without adequate protect might make making Forrest impossible. Interesting he chooses to go shirtless, I'd expect a silken black tee for him or so it was on that cold winter's night that Odin offer to keep him warm, he doesn't seem like the type to go shirtless. The dull brown and black aren't very stylish, the gold trim pattern being so limited, but I guess he has bigger concerns. Xander on the other hand appears to have no such reinforcement despite being even more vigorous on horseback. RIP Siegbert, if you're born at all, you'll probably be a lonely child. What are you thinking Xander, you're the heir to Nohr! One son does not guaranteed at all the direct line will continue. And remember, it's you thats the problem, not the wife, and no amount of mistresses can solve that. On the plus side, he is more fashionable and profuse with the golden on black than Leo is. Both are forgettable in the sock department in spite of the gold patterns, having their feet in stirrups. Him being shirtless I can totally see, as it projects the strength and vitality of a King of Nohr and wielder of the Siegfried. Niles is not very risque, Leo and Xander are for some reason flaunt it more than he does. As with Hoshido's bow-toting male Takumi, Niles has a vibrant kaleidoscope of colors and design elements in his underdressed attire. Gold, white, black, and blue; dots, diagonals and straight lines oh my! Everything article something, the tank top, shorts, and socks all alike. Niles might make you uncomfortable, but he will Capture your inner fashionsta's eye with the full array of Nohrian textile techniques on display! Marth's standard underwear is true to be blue in all hues and I love you for it. It's primarily big blue prints of distinct tones, each separated by a gold trim, with a grey tipped socks, some brown belts across the waist, and black at the top of the tank, a very good near-monochromatic costume. To be blue is be the essence of lordly in FE, and the gold is appropriately regal for the Hero King of yore. Very tasteful, which I expect for a man of Marth's high status, noble and restrained nature, and what others would expect of him. Yet with his shoulders on display, Marth shows that though he may be no Xander or Ryoma on the battlefield, he is no slouch either. Marth's marital underwear is largely appropriate for the happy day of union. The white and gold undershirt would be perfect under the tuxedo. The gold filigree is elegant. White and blue alike on the bottoms is unexpected, rendering them very busy when you add in the gold buttons and filigree. Marth went the extra step here, I though he would go with something simpler to cover his rear, but no, Marth is the paragon of hard work and perfection, he would not skimp even here. But why no socks? Is the wedding going to be on an Altea beach and you'll be wearing sandals? Regardless, Caeda should like the final layer of wrapping paper before she gets to the present underneath on that joyous night. Navarre is suave in when forced into a state of partial undress. Brown and dark brown are dull colors, but why should he care about that? He is simply a warrior, longer socks and undershorts are more practical, and patterns and design are frivolous. The notes of light blue and red with a hint of black add some subdued pop. The prints aren't fancy, but why should he care? No undershirt? He should care, but he is clearly such a strong warrior that nobody should be able to touch his bare chest with any attack, and if they do, expect a killer counterblow.
  21. Actually the loincloth is covering a hole in the fabric, placed there so he doesn't have to let liquid bowel movements get in the way of fighting. Navarre is a warrior at heart with no care as to what others think of him, Marth being princely can't be doing that. Hiding the bulge is just a bonus (and to hide the fact IS/KT like practically every VG company not working for the M rating doesn't take the unnecessary step of designing their characters with physical manhood and womanhood beneath their underwear). I have seen male lions fight in some nature documentaries, and during their brawls they sometimes let the urea fly out in the frenzy. If they're really in a savage mood, they'll actually try to mutilate the other's danglies to kick their rivals out of the competition to reproduce. It ain't pretty being a lion. And apparently it's the lionesses who rule the prides. Ya know I normally don't like Chrom that much, but I'll look forward to his BA and Frederick's and Owain's. Even having said what I said before of them mostly being the same, the choice of undergarments and the character's face and overall attitude make a notable appreciable difference. The question is what can they do for Tharja? Just remove the black silken bodysuit? I'd call it Tharja Blanche (French for white- like her skin), and her normally clothed self will be henceforth called Tharja Noire.
  22. Well the same chapter as the Metis's Tome is the Hoplon Guard, just steal or raid Caellach's corpse (stealing it lets Joshua crit/Silencer Caellach for poetic justice, so sometimes I do that). Nobody else that I can think of wants the Hoplon Guard outside of rare special circumstances, so Knoll can have it. He averages 46-45 HP, 6-7 Def, and 25-26.5 Res at 20/20 normally, and Nosferatu inflicts 7-6 AS loss on unit who averages 27 Magic and 21.5 Speed at 20/20. At 20/10, he is 18 Spd or 12 AS, which is actually enough to avoid being doubled by nearly everything not a Gwyllgi, SM, or Hero I think. And with a Speedwing 14 AS is enough to actually double some stuff in return IIRC. Nosferatu is also buyable in the Chapter 17 in-battle Shop (not afterwards on the map of the same chapter though), and Knoll joins with a Nosferatu tome as well. Overall, I think there is enough here for Knoll to actually Nostank... albeit only for Chapters 19, 20, Final and the postgame Creature Campaign. And you have to grind him up to par first. SS might have nerfed the heck out of Luna, and Gleipnir might weigh so much holding it will cause the land around you to sink in and send you straight to the underworld, but a hope of Nostank is kept alive. And thinking on it, while Summoner is a relatively unique class in SS's repertoire of classes, Knoll "canonically" speaking, feels a little more Druid to me. Why? He criticized Lyon for resurrecting Vigarde. Then again... Knoll did beforehand agree to help Lyon resurrect Vigarde, it was the smashing of the SS of Grado that Knoll didn't like. So Knoll could actually go either way in canon. Unlike Ewan who "canonically" most likely goes Mage into Sage, he never talks of experimenting with Dark Magic ever, or Pupil 3. Lastly, turning to Canas a Nostank for comparison (I already know the FE6 Shamans can do it well), well he shares the same HP, Speed, Con, and Nosferatu stats as Knoll. However Canas has less Magic (23.95 at 20/20), more Def and Luck (14.75 in both stats, Knoll has 6 Luck at 20/20), and a trivially smaller amount of Res (given both have plenty as is). No Nosferatu is buyable in FE7, but each difficulty has 3 available (and a fourth dropped in the penultimate battle), the first coming in C18E/19H, the Dragon's Gate. Given Hammerne doesn't have many good things to use it on in FE7 and Canas's far superior availability with the Def lead, I think he has the potential to Nostank as well. But enough of this theorycrafting. My appreciation of GBA Dark Magic lore and characters has gotten the better of me.
  23. Well that is strange. Fates bias? Besides Tharja, I'll expect Robin-Olivia for some reason, but I don't know about Owain. Hopefully Olivia will get a Navarre support, since Olivia is a visual and gameplay carbon copy of (Phina) Whom Navarre joins with in Mystery. Olivia-Chrom would be nice too, since their support is different in Awakening from the usual since there is an S, but the C-A have nothing to do with it. Azura-Olivia should be done on the grounds of refresher rapport. Olivia will likely be with Tharja as well since they're in the same DLC pack and the two have radically different personalities. Owain is obviously going to go with Niles, but the rest is less certain. Lucina is the only other kiddo around, so I'd expect that. Lissa is his mommy. Chrom- well Awakening could have had a nice uncle-nephew support, but unless you're their parent, Gen 2 and Gen 1 don't interact at all (Lucina must have been very lonely on all the runs I skipped every other kid), hopefully FEW corrects this. Owain-Rowan sounds feasible as well. Could he get a SD char? Maybe Tiki or Navarre? Owain could get Olivia or Tharja too, since he only has one mommy, Lissa can't canonically be a lesbian and hence no parentage issues, which could happen if he got to talk to Frederick. Tharja-Cordelia, they did have a Summer chat together (as did Tharja-Olivia), even if they lacked a Support together in the base game. Both can talk about obsession with someone else. Tharja-Tiki can reference her Nowi support. Tharja-Olivia can be a thing. Odin delves into darkness, so Tharja-Owain sounds feasible and he's on the same DLC pack. I wouldn't mind Chrom for her, since Chrom and not Robin has to recruit her in Awakening and the two can't wed. Maybe she can talk with Leo or corrupt Sakura/Elise? Toy with Takumi's possession-sensitive mind? Tharja-Camilla? BY NAGA AND ANANKOS IT'S HAPPENING SAYS SOMEBODY AT IS/KT!
  24. I tend to irrationally horde my stat boosters. I use the Robe and Ring on Florina in Lyn Mode, but that is about it. And if I feel like playing FE7 with Funds in mind, well that more or less prevents you from using stat boosters when they cost you 8k each. I want to break out of the horde mindset, but I just haven't. Afa's Drops goes to Heath, Rath, Farina, or Nino, all characters who come late and rather low leveled unpromoted. Or someone else if I'm not using one of them. Metis's Tome comes too late for pretty much anyone to use in SS.
  25. Alfunny Share Kagerobbit Didn't really think of one for Catria. Cattontail? Catring? Eastria? Rabbitria? Care? I've got nothing good.
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