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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. You forgot Mordecai: Which reminds me of this bit from his Mist support. Mordecai: Is that so? It does not matter. I am fond of Ike. Mist… I do not want you to laugh, but I would like to tell you something.Mist: What’s that?Mordecai: When I returned your scarf, my hand was shaking with fear.Mist: You? Were scared?Mordecai: Yes. I was afraid that I made you afraid. I was afraid that you would run. I…was afraid.Mist: Wow… I didn’t know that. Tee hee. It IS kind of funny. You and I have a lot in common, don’t you think?Mordecai: Yes. We share much between us. I guess this makes Mordecai an honorary little sister/princess/young woman? He and Mist share the Water Affinity. Point for the "despair" column. And the addition of forging made one of Saber's 5 star lockable justification at the time- the Slaying Edge- much easier to get. Correct? One of the things I'm waittttting on before I go from login sloth to actual player is a mass demotion! Or at least they could phase demotions in the way they do weapon refines, so Mist today, Saber next month. I don't want to waste Orbs on a crappy limited pool! Although Nils, Canas, Pent and Louise all ranked as the highest of the Blazing characters on CYL2, correct? Blazing, although it did just get the Seasonal LA and: Binding, Awakening Gen 1, Fates Gen 1 (I don't think it ever got a dedicated banner), and Genealogy Gen 2 are all worse off on the dedicated banner front, it hasn't had a standard banner in almost a year. I could see it getting one sometime between June and December (assuming June is when CYL2 starts coming into play with 4 months past since the poll). If so, and any of those four were on it, I'd have to jump in. And I severely doubt Child of Destiny Nils would be the TT character, since Breath Refresher sounds too good for that, he'll be 5 Star for sure and hence it'll be my only chance to get him. Nils will powercreep Ninian perhaps, which is a little odd for FE7 lore because she is supposed to be stronger magically, but more fragile as well. A special Resurrected Maiden or Nergal's Pawn (he does possess her for two minutes in E19/H20- that was enough for Celica), would fix this "injustice" (I'm a bit critical of Ninian) for her admirers though.
  2. My hype for Smash died after following Brawl very closely, the game was good, I just spent my much of my life's supply of hypeability with that game. I kept low key with Smash 4, I even seriously considered skipping it for a while, a bitterness I can't quite find a reason for existed in me. Seems a little soon for a brand new Smash if it is really meant to release this year, unless they've been secretly at work on it for a while. How many new worthy additions have reasonably been conceived of since S4? Not many. And S4 relied in its DLC on a good number of 3rd Party characters, which are a bit more challenging to get because licensing. Any chance the unknown protagonist of FE Switch will be made DLC later on? A new Smash, a new Fire Emblem character. The fate of the series is tied to Smash more than any other franchise. -! What if Smash Switch has FES's main character in the base roster?! Even if Swash releases after FES, it'll still be a good advertising move. Please be no sword user please no sword please no sword please no sword!
  3. The producer from this game apparently worked on the Bravely games. And Square Enix had done item mixing characters before that, like Rikku in FF10. Salve Maker the BD class was really good by the way. Apothecary in FFV was underpowered, possibly due to the skill system there preventing you from arming an Apo with its full loadout. But Salve Maker with Norende and some pg can do almost anything. Decent heals, buffs, debuffs, damage even. I made Tiz a Perfomer-Salve Maker, inflicting a Dark weakness on the enemy for Edea as a Dark Knight to destroy with 9999 Dark Nebulas/Rages. I'm having issues connecting my Switch to WiFi, so I can't play the demo, but I do hope this game is good and plan to pick it up once it releases.
  4. I know that no one has one there, I was just thinking out loud that I could see it being a tramp stamp, even if it isn't presently. Perhaps if you used a Fell Brand on Niles. That did happen in Jugdral with the Hezul lineage. Assuming Exalt and Fell Blood function like the Holy Blood, it might be an apt case. Apparently a princess of Agustria inherited the Brand, but it didn't show itself until after she was married off to the vassal kingdom within Agustria of Nordion. This created a political mess within Agustria, the Agustrian royal family continued to be called Hezul's true descendants and rule the country, but the actual Major Blood line and the Mystletainn passed onto Nordion, which was subservient to the Augustrian king.
  5. Possibly a speculative reason why being revived by Forseti comes at cost of having to abandon your old life, and why Ethlyn lost her memories. The Archanean dragons see contradicting the nature cycle of life and death as taboo, die when you die, live while you live, don't try to alter the course too much. An implosion, cool. Unless Grima survives turns into Evil Kirby as a result. I don't think Marth has to be anywhere near a war god. Letting Ike be the combat king is fine, Marth has other qualities, like regality. It isn't like in a war of thousands Marth, or Roy, needs to fight, you need people commanding from the back of the battlefield. And I guess Eliwood can find a job with Elincia in the wartime diplomacy department- forging strong alliances can help out. I really shouldn't have opened the door for the possibility of letting villains in. Since the Archanean dragon stuff being brought up is I think partly owed to the fact that if Medeus helped Archanea, he'd bring the ferals with him. And perhaps this dragon discussion is a little meaningless. By that I mean does it really matter how strong the dragons are vis a vis each other? The Goldoans can wipe out a continent, the Archaneans can wipe out a continent. The difference is between an arsenal of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles with 3 nuclear warheads and an arsenal with 7 nuclear warheads. Either way, the ICBMs will reduce everything to ruin, one will let a half a ruined wall stand, the other will reduce said half of wall to ashes. But I guess this might matter in a intercontinental war of supremacy where all sides are willing to go all the way to be lord of the cockroaches when everything is said and done.
  6. The Brand in Jugdral has a similar issue. Outside of maybe Julius with his forehead, none of the canonical Major Bloods show Brands on their bodies. Although to be fair, most Jugdralians dress very conservatively. Which means only one thing- they need to wear less in the remakes! Women and men alike! Cmon Claud, I wedded you you to Silvia, put on the dancing costume! Show me the Brand of Bragi! As is, the only, purely speculative, idea as to what Major Holy Blood brands look like are the images on the Crusader Scrolls in Thracia 776. Grima's Fell Brand looks like a tramp stamp by the way. I think because I remember having heard eyes above your rear as a prison tattoo means your of some low status in the prison hierarchy.
  7. I think we all have our fears about the game not getting anything revealed yet about it, but apparently a small window of showing before release is normal for modern FE. Hopefully they'll give us something by E3 and then give an early September or even October release for the game. Which for me means no touching it until Christmas! I'll be so jealous. If they can release it in mid August, I'll have just enough time to finish it before its reading all day for the remaining days of the year. Unless they've somehow open world'ed FE, I think I can complete a new FE blind in two weeks of intense playing. If there were to be a delay, well I'll select the logic that says a delayed game is eventually good (but I have a mighty nomber of reasons to question that), unless it goes into development hell- but Nintendo games can't go there I think. That is the realm of much smaller titles by smaller companies.
  8. I guess Ninty will be dropping FES info on a totally random day or occasion, no rhyme nor reason or notice it'll be happening.
  9. I'm pretty sure I'm remembering them right. Suikoden I is just a rock paper scissors system for its battles featuring your entire army, not bad, but nothing special and really easy once you get Ninjas to figure out what the enemy will do next. Suikoden II makes them into SRPG battles, but again, you have little control over them. A lot end in your guys having to retreat for some reason, and when you do get to fight all out, which is very rarely, it's a little luck based and slow. I liked the idea and wish it worked, and I've only played I & II, but they didn't do much really for either game. Suikoden II itself is, retrospectively, I never played it at release, not so amazing as some would say it is. Luca Blight is great, but I find much of the rest falters. Of course, FE could try the idea and do it much much much much better all these years later.
  10. No. She'll have her breasts giggling put into a gif ten minutes after the trailer releases. The War Battles? By Naga Heim Elimine Latona Ashunera they were bad! FE could do it much better though. Suikoden II's were 80% of the time totally scripted. The War Battles were an idea that shouldn't have been a reality due to how poorly they played out, and I hear it's the same deal in III. No expectations is best expectations. Assume nothing, be disappointed by nothing and amazed by all.
  11. Although thankfully somehow despite being so powerful, they don't seem to wander much from the "northern wastes" (everything north of Khadein and Aurelis). It isn't total wastes according to SoV, but you kinda wonder why human civilization generally doesn't go into those regions from what we normally see in Archanea. White Dragons seem to be close-ish to Divines and Mage Dragons, being light-based and targeting Res, and have very high Res though not immunity to Magic as well. Reds don't breathe fire, but seem Fire Dragon-like. Blacks breathe something black, but it doesn't seem to be darkness. Some kind of pure energy is what Goldoans use, they don't say exactly what it is. Archanean Dragons do have more variety I admit though.
  12. WInd magic in the former of Shaver and Excalibur takes out the Wyverns, and the Wyrmslayer and Dragonpike also work. FE3 also gives Fire, Elfire, and Bolganone effectiveness on Ice Dragons and Blizza effectiveness on Fire Dragons. Don't know why they got rid of it in later games. You're right about lifespans, though in the context of a war of the continents, I don't see this being relevant, a war would end long before the super lifespans came into play. But that also makes them stupid. And you can't hit anything with a rage-filled fist. Well you can, but if your foe is calm and wise, everything will miss. It is the flaw of degeneracy. A Dragon Laguz would know when to use its limited and valuable strength. You need someone to tame the dragons and tell them what to do for Archanea's degenerates, otherwise they could run headlong into a trap and easily die. Trick a Fire Dragon into plummeting into a canyon and if it smashes a leg or two from the fall and becomes immobilized, you can shoot it with arrows, javelins and spells in relative safety. A Dragon Laguz would be too smart for that. Brains vs. brawns here.
  13. Happy International Women's Day! I prefer this over Mother's Day, since that shoehorns women into the mother role. But Mother's Day is okay, still worth celebrating. The Soviet Union actually didn't actually like Mother's Day I heard and preferred IWD instead, but in practice Soviet equality of the sexes didn't go very far.
  14. Well the ability to spawn endless demon legions is my logic for the boost. Jugdral doesn't get a source of endless fodder and numbers can matter. It is one of the issues of letting villains in. I didn't count Goldoa as villains, but I'm probably underplaying them. I put Jugdral on top partly not wanting to be called a biased Tellius fan, but I guess it is only fair if it is the strongest. Which it sure seems to be. Ranulf says this in 3-13: Ranulf: “Ten thousand? They aren’t really going to try to fight us with only ten thousand men, are they?” Skrimir: “What are they thinking? It’d be suicide! Even if they matched our numbers, the difference in fighting ability is as clear as day. Laguz and Beorc fighting one on one… I don’t need to tell you who’s going to win.” and Ike in the Japan only Extended Script says this in the same chapter: Ike: “Elincia… We’ve almost exhausted the 5000 soldiers we borrowed from Crimea… I’m sorry.” Micaiah's Daein is restricted by the fact it really should still be in the recovery process from 3 years of occupied peace after bloody defeat in the Mad King's War, but after some clashing with the Laguz Alliance, is still able to muster 10000, a number Ranulf calls small. So Daein must be capable of drawing up much more than that. Also, this happens after the Begnion forces of the Laguz Alliance and Elincia's loan had been wrecked by the oil ambush in 3-12, so the Laguz Alliance must have had a lot more. I think it is said that about half of the Begnion Central Army defects to Sanaki's side, which should be big, and which we don't actually get hard numbers on I think unless they're in the Japanese (we need all of the Extended Script translated). At the present moment of 3-13, the Laguz Alliance is more than 10000 Laguz strong. For Elincia's army. This "borrowing" was obviously not all of Crimea's might, not a token force, but not a Crimean Grande Armée. Considering this and adding in Daein's potential output and Begnions, which given its superpower reputation should be able to at least equal Crimea's and Daein's combined outputs, maybe in an ideal year the Beorc of Tellius could muster 15000-200000 troops at maximum? We don't know enough to say. But that'd still be no more than a fifth of Valm's total, and that is excluding Ylisse support. I haven't played Mystery in any capacity yet, but looking at Archanea's fighting of dragons. We have 1 in Chapter 7 Mystery, hordes in Anri's Way- but those dragons weren't really being used for war then and there, nor was Marth's crew intentionally wanting to fight them. Chapter 20 has one Earth Dragon, the finale is cock full of dragons you have to foght, but that is the end of things in the War of the Heroes. The War of the Shadows features King Mannu, the boss of Linde's chapter, a couple defending Castle Altea, and then a bunch in the penultimate and ultimate battles. More than the Tellius battles against dragons excluding Anri's Way, but not that much more, and almost always at the end, when the heroes are at the top of their game. You also ignore degeneracy making dragons a little braindead and the fact that when Laguz get caught up in the heat of battle, they're really monstrous, Dragon Laguz included. Ranulf says he might not be able to reign in his men if they see Micaiah at one point. And Nasir says the Dragon Laguz in their entire can destroy Tellius, they'd be practically speaking, feral, and you can drug them too. The degenerating Archanean dragons on the other hand would have a harder time making rational decisions on the battlefield, Goldoans have the option of going mad- do the Archaneans? You also ignored Dheginsea having very powerful Ashera blessings which likely applied to all of Goldoa's forces in 4-3 to a lesser extent, counterbalancing Yune's blessings on the heroes. And lastly, one of the issues of Archanean dragon decline was a declining birthrate. I don't think there are that many sane Manaketes left by the time of Shadow Dragon. If Medeus had larger Manakete forces, why didn't he roll them out sooner? If the "humans" fought in a small handful of SD fights with the label Dolhr (I there is C12, 17, 24 and Final I think- the first two fights only happen because Grust failed to protect the castles on the outside) were Manaketes without stones, well why did the proud Medeus have them abandon them? The Dragon Laguz and Manaketes of other games seem to be just as powerful. They seem to lack the magical knowhow of Naga, but that is what Ashunera and the Herons are for. Except these southern dynasts we never see did defect after Walhart's first battle defeat- no true loyalty there. And we're never told in the Character Endings what happened to Valm after the war, whether it remained united or not. Walhart did bring everyone together via force, which sometimes pans out. Shi Huangdi's short-lived Qin Dynasty created a single China- but perhaps only because the more peaceful and less mercurial Han Dynasty ruled for 400 years afterwards. Nobunaga's effort to reunite Japan paid off, after Hideyoshi picked up the pieces and then Ieyasu stole it from his newborn son. And Japan had a long history of being one beforehand and still one in theory, which Valm sort of has with Alm and Celica's 1000 years dead One Kingdom. Now Walhart's real ancestor Walexander the Great on the other hand had his empire fall apart after he died. The Roman Empire, which lasted far far longer than AtG's and the Qin, never truly existed again once it fell to pieces. Nor did the USSR hold together, nor the British Empire, nor the classical Mauryas and Guptas of India's history. Walhart's Valmese Empire has existed for how long? I wouldn't say more than 20 or 30 at most years. Did Walhart do enough to keep things together with his death? You'd need to do a whole lot for that to happen. And given the southern dynasts if Say'ri and Yen'fay are anything to go by seem Korean(?) to Walhart's and Virion's European, Valm's cultures must be very distinct, and I would hence find it difficult to integrate them as one nation. Who loves inappropriate touching. (Seriously who thought to write that line and put it in the script without anyone objecting to it? Halfway into an FE game is not the ideal place to teach good touch bad touch.) Beautiful images I'm getting out of this. Including Cervantes biting Walhart's leg as Ranulf did after 3-2 to stop Skrimir. In agreement here, he doesn't even really try to stop Chrom, the forces in the port just so happen to be there for Say'ri it seems. I mean I can understand the appeal of him wanting to rout every last Ylissean and Feroxi in open battle instead of chipping away at them on the coasts, and he almost succeeded after Fort Steiger, but the most logical choice is a coastal defense. I believe the undoing of Jiang Wei and Shu in China's Three Kingdom period was his decision to abandon the border mountains because he wanted to fight Wei in an open space for a decisive win, because mountain battles keep your casualties to a minimum, but also minimize the damage you can dish out to your foes. Unfortunately for Jiang Wei, Wei hopped over the mountains before he could prep his forces for the fight in the open, which Wei with much greater resources therefore won. I did forget political unity. And it isn't just political unity that is an issue. Organizational unity is another and related one. If Laus or Freege is bickering for more resources than Ostia or Chalphy and refuse to cooperate with them on battlefield objectives, that disunited military structure can undermine operations. And for Etruria, we do have a whole section of the game dealing with corrupt nobles. Even it isn't fully united. This seems to be a problem with all dragons. Tiki is 1100+ in the time of Marth apparently and still a child. Kurthnaga would be dead by that point, for he is ~100 after a 20+ year gestation period, and yet looks older than Archanea Tiki. Another 2000 years later and she is still not even looking like she's 20. Dragons are really really really powerful, but kill just one, and you've killed one of something that takes centuries to prepare for war. While humans need 20 years to make a soldier. If Archanean dragons fought Archanean humans, the result would likely be the same as with Elibe. Naga, the most powerful dragon of all, needed about 1100 years to reincarnate on her own without help, and even then it was incomplete. Medeus came back faster and still needed 100 years to return. He needed Gharnef's help to return in the next year.
  15. Well I meant all games but Heroes of course. Refinement for PoR Ike (Vanguard should be good for a while) and the complaint problem is solved. Albeit PoR Ike likely wouldn't get that refinement right away, otherwise why pull Priam? So we would still have complaints in the meantime. Aren't dragons currently working to erode the hyperoffensive metagame? Perhaps IS should expand this to non-Breath units and putting a defensive skill on a DC weapon could contribute to this? Xander I've heard could potentially use a stronger Siegfried with his current stats being a little lacking from being from the very beginning of the game- albeit's he's a GHB and they can't make them that much better than pullables to encourage Orb buys. The Amatsu has no special effects beyond 1-2 range to it. Nor does Wolf Berg (but a DC axe is much rarer), but this is where IS can step in and invent some Heroes-metagame-centric skill and tack it onto the weapon to compensate. And since Walhart will get the Wolf Berg, I wonder who would get the Awakening exclusive Sol sword? Say'ri? Lon'qu? Gregor? Severa? Inigo?
  16. +5 Def in all games too. And PoR gave it non-Wrath critical negation. Put a defensive skill into it.
  17. So does that mean they'll have to say "You have a .04% chance of obtaining a specific 5 Star Blue outside of a banner, if you want a specific nature on this character the chance is .005%" or something?
  18. They're all here in the Forest. And it really isn't a conversation, just two lines like the rest, but Oliver gets a lot of unique ones: Micaiah (just her A addressing line- responses are much more generic): Type 4: Duke Tanas… I know everybody thinks you’re horrible because of what you’ve done in the past. But not me! I think you just need different hobbies! I’d be glad to model for a sculpture when this is all over. And here are some good ones from Haar and Shinon: Haar: Duke Tanas, if I die here… I want you to know I never liked you. Doesn’t mean I won’t help you, though. Type 4: Duke Tanas, have you showered lately? You know, stink won’t fight ’em off altogether. Let’s team up. Type 4: Duke Tanas, hey, you’re not so bad. Seriously, I’ll bet there’s someone out there who likes you. Try to live. Shinon: Type 3: Duke Tanas, I hope you’re OK, aside from your normal litany of complaints. Type 3: Duke, it’s like you’ve never held a tome before. Seriously…where did you learn to fight? Just…let me handle this. Type 3: You know, I really don’t care who lives and who dies. But, Duke Tanas, I’m thinkin’ you should live. You may be a big, puffy cheeseball, but at least you’re not boring, like everyone else here.
  19. The good thing about RD's map design is that it often nails the story thematics going on, but it does have serious gameplay issues at times. Part 1 is generally very good, some of RD's best and great by any FE's standards. Except 1-9, One Survives is really bad. Part 2, yes Geoffrey's Charge is a little boring, Lucia's chapter isn't great, and 2-1 is bad. But I think Elincia's Gambit is good and 2-P is a novel idea at least. Part 3 has its moments, like 3-3 and 3-13, but overall compared to Part 1 it isn't as good. Not great, but not bad. Part 4, all the battles prior to the Tower of Guidance are poorly designed routs save Izuka's fight. And there isn't much story to compensate this for. In the Tower, well the maps aren't that good, but they're a little better. Distortions, the desert chapter, is particularly offensive. I didn't mind the plentiful NPCs that much. They add something to the thematics having them around.
  20. I get the sense some people want to discuss this, so I'll make a topic for it. It interests me as well. So, assuming each continent/world (as in Ylisse and Valm- every other game focuses on one continent) is at full power, totally unified and ready to fight for years on end against all the other continents. Which world would emerge supreme? Villains- let us just imagine they somehow agreed to fight for their continent with the heroes, makes no sense Loptyr would join Seliph, but let us just assume he did. If he betrayed, well what would stop Nergal from then joining Jugdral and betraying Elibe? It'd all even out. Then again, maybe don't count the villains, because they can be ridiculous in terms of the tools they bring to the table and it might overwhelm everything else. Assume any great persons not of yore are all still alive. So Greil, Eldigan, Reinhardt, Sumeragi, and Sigurd are alive, as is Byron and Cornelius- but they don't add much though since we know so little of them. Athos and Dheginsea are, but no Anri, Heim, Harmut, or Altina. Geography, I'm not going too make much of it since one continent conquering all the others is impossible, it'd all come down to dealing decisive blows. But geography does matter in war. Russia didn't go the way of France in WWII partly because Germany's blitzkrieg was exhausted by the sheer distance it had to cover. My predictions: So in the end, I'd say things would end up like this without villains: Jugdral Tellius Ylisse and Valm Elibe Fateslanda Archanea Valentia Magvel Add villains, and things change: Tellius Fateslandia Ylisse and Valm Elibe Magvel Valentia Jugdral Archanea
  21. To bring up some bad supports- anything with Vaida outside of Heath counts, but the worst has to be Canas-Vaida- her talking with Canas is worse than her not talking at all with Dorcas. GeitzxKarel is bad. LutexKnoll is bad. Haar-Makalov. Devdan-Largo is bizarre, just bizarre. To bring up some good ones not mentioned here, Zihark-Muarim is fairly good. Tormod-Calill is nice, Astrid-Sothe too. Bastian-Makalov is clever. Gerik-Tethys is solid. Isadora-Legault. Hector-Serra ends well. For a Binding Blade support, Igrene-Astholfo is good. The ending of it is good, and Calill meant it out of good intentions. Devdan-Nephenee is worse, Devdan also does but being a creep makes it worse.
  22. Well I've been out of the loop for nearly two weeks, only caught up last night. Still, the game is progressing nicely. I have a bone to pick Soren's new weapon isn't named Tornado, but that aside, IS is making this game purr sweetly. Not perfect by any stretch, but I am presently optimistic for it. Maybe a round of 5 to 4 demotions isn't a pipe dream. I know a man who might be able to help you with that. Just don't fall for his genetic knockoff of them if he tries to pass her off on you, what she can use ain't Naga.
  23. You say this them having given us Grima and Dark Emperor Hardin as GHBs. Perhaps they should abandon the villains only rule for GHBs and let them commingle with nice heroes in the normal banners in exchange. How hard could they make a Wellspring of Truth battle? The issue with cloning your team would be hyperoffensive teams as long as they can get the first strike would have no issues killing their shadow selves in likelihood. Unless they took measures to stop that. And the Martyr skill. The Gravity Staff would be renamed Impact for her, and would change its animation to wear she magically goes soaring high into the air and then body slams like a belly flop on her opponent two seconds later. ...Now I want Olympic Diver Emmeryn. But only if a cute guy joins her in on the theme. Men with a falling problem... another Takumi (he does jump off a wall right?)?
  24. Finally the last of the lords will come. This and the new Awakening banner means we need only add a Gen 2 Genealogy and Binding Blade banners for each game to have dedicate banner representation except TMS. Possibly in the Tempest Trial that might happen. Then again, sword girl sounds too popular to not put in the next pullable Thracia one. Any bets on who could get the TT? An Earth Staff hybrid weapon would work well for Nanna, since two Swords on one banner would be a bit much and new regular staffs haven't been added in nearly a year. Perhaps give her low Atk to balance the super Absorb effect? She has dirt Magic in Thracia anyhow. Make her fast and abnormally bulky for what you'd expect of her. Finn needs the Brave Lance, with a nuclear-powered rocket engine attached to it. Finn is the Brave Lance, anything else would sully him.
  25. Another rehash of a character already in the game, in a regular banner this time. *Yawn* Hopefully, this tendency will end with CYL2 influenced banners coming in a few months. They can use that data to add who they know is recently popular. I'm rationalizing everything in the New Years-CYL2's end gap as being IS playing it safe because they didn't really know who the fans currently wanted. In principle, this banner is good because Awakening hasn't had a non-Seasonal dedicated one. But why double Morgans? I know they're different, but why them plus Chrom? Why not give one now with some other kids, and other kids with the other Morgan later? Jerome is an oddity, I thought Wonder Wyvern was one of the least popular Awakening kids? But if he is unpopular, it is good he got in to counter the tendency to add only the popular ones nowadays. He deserved it. *Takes his book, suffocates him with it, and then kicks him off a cliff onto sharp rocks below*
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