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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. IRL yes, but pair Lissa with anyone and all of Owain's supports will keep his bombast the same. I think it is more Vaike and Henry coincidentally align personality-wise that way that they add that ending line. It's a bit of chicken before the egg situation here. Making everyone have personalities dependent to a degree on their other parent would be a lot of work, so they didn't and left the personalities completely fixed. So then then went back and invented justification for Vaike/Henry as the father of Owain in those ending lines, even though they didn't have to do that.
  2. She isn't the only one who doesn't make sense: Which leads me to believe FE has invented magical "invisiwear" in FEW. With clothes placed atop them, they vanish to the naked eye and it feels like they aren't there. When clothing atop is removed, they rematerialize in free and in appearance. Great for those who like to look naughty and seductive without actually being nude. And for those who like the feel of going commando, but don't want to walk into a random modeling session only to be asked to strip to their underwear, and suddenly be the only naked person in the room. Or should a wardrobe mishap happen to said commando lover.
  3. Well in that case, if I could invent a good word for Oliver and Bastian, it is that they aren't functionally that much inferior to their magical counterparts. Neither is doubling Dheg, much less Auras. However, only Sanaki with massive Str blessings to avoid Rexflame AS loss, and Calill (who must be trained up) and Tormod (need I say anything his badness outside of P1?) can double Dheg or the Auras. What the other magical units will be doing in the Tower is maybe doubling the slow stuff in the first two fights, doubling everything like everyone else in the next. However with Cover and near maxed HP and Def, Red Dragons and Dheg are off limits to being directly attacked by magical units. However, the siege tomes can fix this and aren't terribly weaker than SS weapons, and only mages can do this, so you might as well bless sieges instead of any Rex but Flame (unless L plans to borrow a tome to smack Ashera Ketchum). For the last two fights, Saints/Ily/Pel can't double anything, but Soren and Mic can double Thunder Spirits optimally, San, Cal and Tor can handle under optimal conditions everything. Bastian has Oliver beat as a combatant, averaging a near-capped 38 Mag and access to Thunder for the Dragons (but you'd need to steal a Bolting then- no easy feat). But Oliver can use Fortify and Bastian is stuck with Physics, so he is a better healer (although Oliver needs an Arms Scroll to hit S- which shouldn't be too big an issue). Micaiah gets auto S Staffs on promotion, but Oliver's base stats are in practice not really much worse than Miccy's 20/20/1 stats. Oliver's non-Mic Fortify competition are Laura and Rhys, chores to raise, Mist isn't that durable or strong (25 Str cap as Valkyrie), if potentially better than Oliver or the other Saints. And Elincia to be more than a Staffbot and actually fight well with Amiti, needs to be fed EXP in 4-2 and 4-5, because her bases are poor for being 3rd Tier and her amazing growths need to kick in. I rest my case. Oliver is as good a healbot as any, and he and Bastian only lose notably to fully trained Fire Archsages, Sanaki, and Elincia.
  4. Seems like there will be some ornery responses no matter how they integrate the Laguz. And Myrrh breathes fire by default in FEH and is the only thing she can breathe in SS, but is Green. Why? Myrrh is argument against what you just said, while also being an argument for Nasir as Red, since they divorced the normally associated element from its matching color with her. Nasir could be Red and still have White (clearly light-based, which should mean Blue) Breath. But wouldn't, if Strikes could be inherited across colors like Breaths, it be possible to arm Rafiel with lion fangs? And the Galdrars would have to be physical damage by the same token. Remember how Reyson punched Oliver, and despite him being 90% squishy lipids, ended up breaking every bone in his fist? Unless IS specifically prevented cross-color Strike inheritance and made Colorless Strikes count as magical, which in theory they could do, we just don't know if they would. They could by a similar token make Rafiel physically tankier than the tankiest thing presently around. If they made Strikes only inheritable within a color, well there wouldn't be that much weapon variety I'd think, not that it necessarily need to be. And they could always add Seasonal Strike units, like Black Cat Sonya.
  5. Actually, he is pretty darn amazing. No natural skills other than Astra, but that is no big deal. HP 53 Str 27 Mag 7 Skl 37 Spd 36 Lck 20 Def 21 Res 16 All he really needs is to proc three Spd to double Auras without White Pool, which he gets 4 fights to get. And you can use whatever remaining BEXP you have left, which with a 60% Spd growth being tied for his highest with Skl, he is good for getting. He is 2 below the HP cap, 5 in Str and Def (which he'll both cap on average), and 8 in Res (he ends up 2 below here). His growths are very good, with only Mag and Lck (which this time he starts with plenty of) being bad, and once HP is capped it makes BEXP is as good as normal levelups for him. You get 2 SS swords, Ike is stuck with his own weapon, Makalov, Renning and Meg have sub-34 Spd, and Elincia has Amiti, leaving only Mist and the other Trueblades to compete for optimal use of the SS swords. And since Stefan starts so strong, you might as well only raise one Trueblade if you have better things to put your EXP in, since one of the SS sword comes with Stefan and he needs very little investment. You could do worse, like Bastian or Oliver- now they are the bad Part 4 units- 20 base Spd Oliver? Really? Bastian is only 4 faster.
  6. I made up the person's name and existence. I chose that specifically because The Joseon dynasty (also transcribed as Chosŏn or Chosun, Korean: 조선; also known as Joseon of the House of Yi, Korean: 리조조선; officially the Kingdom of Great Joseon, Korean: 대조선국) was a Korean dynastic kingdom that lasted for approximately five centuries. The naming scheme and aesthetics of Chon'sin doesn't seem Japanese to me. And given Choson/Chosun and Chon'sin look very similar, I think it must be Korean. We can't be absolutely sure, since Awakening never shows us what Chon'sin is like besides a tomb and two characters, we don't even know its exact location/boundaries, only that it is somewhere in the deep south. Which is more than we can say of Roseanne though (I'd guess that'd be in the east).
  7. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is too much! The power of rich world-building and characterization! I, I, I can't comment in detail on all of it at this time! But, I WILL say that I am CERTAIN FE Switch has the POTENTIAL to do AMAZING in the world-building department now. However, they should really really try to put in the actual game instead so people will pick up on it while playing. Instead of just a handful of devotees finding out later, with the masses stuck in their impressions without it. And I'll add that this "snow in warm places thing" smells like somebody wanted to reference the Ending Winter to me. Massive change in draconic power in world induces snow where snow shouldn't be. Not saying the events are the same event, they obviously aren't, only that the SoV writers might have drawn inspiration from it. I'm disappointed they don't explain exactly what happened to Valentia pre-Walhart though. Could they have said: "Grima rises and the One Kingdom, long on the internal decline, finally fragments into countless pieces in the chaos. The Kingsfang Falchion is lost, OR, it is fused by Naga with the Anri Falchion into a single blade- the Exalted Falchion. When the Gemstones it is decided are to be scattered, Jos'eon, a close friend of First Exalt and a fellow soldier, is entrusted Vert and goes on to found Chon'sin." But how did Dark Emperor Hardin then get it? Thank the writers at IS, and thank you Kirokan and Vincent for your translation work. This does so much for Valentia and makes me and fellow FE fans so happy.
  8. Historically speaking, it goes back to World War II. "Jap" was used purely as shorthand then, but the issue is that the US was so vehemently racist towards the Japanese who they were fighting. Decades later, the shorthand became seen as racist owing to its heavy use during WWII. It isn't quite the same as the N word, which was always racist, but only because the symbol of racism later. Abbreviating to JAP or Jap might make sense on business documents when referring to Japan if you need a three-letter shorthand (although Jpn works for this just as well), but not so much when referring to the Japanese.
  9. Well I see the eShop has Etrian Odyssey V on sale for $23.99, cheaper than Gamestop used. I don't need the game right now, and who knows if months from now it'll be going for $15-10? Still, I think I'll buy it. I should be rational with my purchases, but I don't need to be that stingy. I bring this up looking at that bunny avi. It reminds me too much of these: 223
  10. Well there are only so many options for people who are both interdimensional and observers, so I have to bend a little on at least one point. And she does seemingly exist in both Holodrum and Labrynna at the same time- I don't get how the sending Secrets back to the game you completed thing can work until Link completes his second adventure (why would he trek all the way back to the one he has saved when he is in the middle of saving the other?), and how Farore follows him back to whichever land he is visiting. I'm overthinking things, but I'll just imagine the Hall of Secrets exists in a pocket dimension accessible from both Maku Trees. I wish you good luck with the Oracle games. And if you lack rhythm, there is nothing wrong with abusing Restore Points to complete the Goron Dancing minigame in Ages. I can handle the Subrosian Dancing in Seasons (which you can actually skip despite the game nudging you towards it), but not the Goron version. Also, well I'm fine with Ricky as my animal companion in OoS, I take issue with Moosh being the default companion in OoA, because he requires button-mashing to use. Admittedly you don't need to use Moosh for long, nor any of the animal companions, only for the one mandatory segment with each in both games, and another segment where you can choose which partner you get to complete it with. Explanation. My favorite animal partner is actually Dimitri. Ricky gets the silver. Again, I see the Strange Flute as having potential as a weapon in HW, able to summon all three animal companions to attack. Since WW Link is cel-shaded, standard Link is too grown, and a Oracle Link would give us a 4, which is one too many Links, I'd just give the Strange Flute to Young Link. The animal companions are cute and so is Young Link who isn't cel-shaded like they aren't, they work together. 221
  11. Awakening/Fates isn't big on canon pairings, since it'd upset people. Although I kinda wish Eliwood didn't have a canon-ish pairing with Ninian, since I prefer Lyn with him and Hector not with her. Well of men she can marry, Lissa does have a faster support growth with Vaike than any other (her second fastest is Frederick- the rest are equally slow). For Cordelia, it is Libra who is her fastest, followed by Gaius. And for Olivia, it is Henry followed by Gregor. These are the closest we have to canon pairings in the gameplay mechanics, if not in their support dialogue chemistry. Ninjas have to master special footwork for their jobs, sort of a like Dancer, which Inigow can't be.
  12. I have the actual numbers of all the games here: Sacred Stones felt too small for me, and you have some variety issues in the roster, like only one default Dark user, one Knight, one (mediocre) Berserker, one Mercenary, one Wyvern Rider. Gaiden/SoV doesn't have this issue so much given much less class variety in those games. Berwick- well to me it looks like from a distance they may have gone overboard with the number of horsies, and they gave you only one (very good apparently) flier and one awful armor unit. FE12 went overboard, and RD only worked at all with so many because of all the team switching. And even then, characterization issues emerged. FE4 Gen 2 has characterization issues owing to way too much variability. If I had to pick out a game with what I think would be the least amount of filler characters/the most characterization and a size with sufficient unit variety, I'd pin it as being either PoR or Blazing. So I'll say 45 is the approximate magic number. FE was founded to be played ironman style, but players generally rarely have. And the addition of Casual, DLC grinding maps, and easy-peasy Normal difficulties, have all undermined the need for too many of a single unit type. Because with Casual, they won't die, with DLC they'll stay strong, and with Normal, enemies won't be able to kill them if you've any strategic understanding. And on the highest difficulties, like FE12 Lunatic on Classic, if I lose Palla and or Catria twelve chapters in, will any new unit be able to replace them and I'll be able to survive just fine? Probably not and I'll reset (although I'm sure somebody has ironmanned 12 Lunatic+). These difficulties are made with Classic resetting in mind- most of FE is. Therefore, the need for a roster exceeding 50 is generally unneeded, but I find ~30 to be too low as I said before, even though with the assumption of everyone always alive 30 is viable. Having ~40 works better against RNG screwage as well, which can happen in any FE to any unit.
  13. The fact you can only have a single Phantom out any time and that they don't have quite the insane enemy AI priority SoV Invokes do IRRC keeps them from being too good. For some reason, I do recall having some very dodgy Phantoms with Knoll, they apparently average 20 Lck and 13-14 AS at 20, but given they die so easy and can be replaced every turn, I'm sure those dodgy ones were just lucky spawns. If we had to enhance the Summoner, maybe give Phantoms some Def and Res (capping at like 10-15) and about 15-20 HP, perhaps with the Summoner now losing HP when summoning. Some durability, but not too much for the Phantoms, enough to survive a round in some cases, but still low enough to manipulate the enemy into attacking them. No ability to target the Phantoms with heals perhaps. Or, they can allow you to make both one Great Phantom (the upgrades I just described), and one or several regular Phantoms (the kind currently in game). Ewan's Phantoms, for all the work you have to put in to get them, need better stats. All they have is lots of Str. Druids need much better stats or a Crit bonus or something to make them usable over Summoners, since Anima is nice, but doesn't do much and the stat boosts are too small to matter as is outside of Link Arena. A Dark Knight would be fair replacement, but then comes the issue of enemy Dark Magic users having to be either mounted, or foot soldiers with summoning powers if they don't want to keep Druid as an enemy only class.
  14. Actually, you're right. I'm Farore, the Oracle of Secrets. She appears in the Hall of Secrets right inside the Maku Tree of both Oracle games, standing there being useless, until you complete a game that is. Farore's use is that she has a book called the Book of Secrets, also known as Farore's Memory, which records all the Secrets (passwords) you have obtained in a Linked Game. If you don't have two GBCs/GBAs and a Link Cable, those Secrets are the only way to begin and get the various bonuses of a Linked Game. In the completed file you can then, upon you obtaining the Secret obtained after telling a non-Farore NPC the Secret they want, use the former Secret in this sentence to obtain that same bonus from Farore. So if you obtain in Ages the Secret for a obtaining a Heart Container in a Linked Seasons file, you can tell the Secret gained after getting that Heart Container to Farore in the original Ages file and she'll give you the same Heart Container (not that it'll have much use since that file is already completed). Originally, Farore was going to have her own game like Din and Farore- Mystical Seed of Courage (the old name for OoA was MS of Wisdom, and OoS MS of Power). But Capcom realized it'd be too complicated interconnecting three games, so they cut Farore's and she got relegated to a minor role in the Oracle duology. Because she exists in both Holodrum and Labrynna, and because she "links" the two together, while actively doing little in both games, I could consider her an "Interland Observer", which is close enough to dimensions to me. And, I for some reason found her charming back in the day. The Oracles are some of my favorite Zeldas of all time, and I really wish Farore all these years later finally got her own game. Given A Link to the Past got a sequel of sorts in A Link Between Worlds, I have a little hope. And hope that she, Din, Nayru, Onyx, Veran, and maybe even Rosa and Ralph could end up in Hyrule Warriors. I even thought of a moveset for Farore, an "everything and the kitchen sink" one, where she magically pulls out from her Book of Secrets: a bag of all 5 Mystical Seeds, Gasha Seeds, a Seed Shooter, a Hyper Slingshot, Bombchus, and a Biggoron Sword, plus summoning both Maku Trees. For more on the development process of the Oracle games, see Zelda Wiki. 218
  15. I was thinking of changing my avi, it has been over a year with it, and it is getting a little boring. But then again I'm a little stubborn and like the idea of keeping the same for forever. Eh, I can always bring the AO out again later if I want, I guess I'll change it up. But I am going to try to keep a theme of sorts going aligning with my name in some way. 200!
  16. Well having Naga's will in it is significant and it apparently altered Heim's personality. Plus this is the game where all Holy Weapons give at least +20 in total stat boosts, it has to compete with them. You could conceive of gameplay reasons why Naga is so strong and Falchion isn't, but they don't pan out since the alternatives to Falchion are capped Str units with Regalia- which aren't by any means guaranteed. You could say lore- except Falchion is hammered as much as Naga as being the only way to defeat Medeus/Loptyr. Perhaps there is a narrative reason. In FE3, the dragons are present and fought, and in fighting them you feel their sheer power. In FE4 however, the dragons are on a distant continent, so to feel their power at comparable levels, it must be done indirectly and the chosen indirect method is was the Holy Weapons with their broken stats. There is no real reason unless Loptyr was truly that deadly that Tyrfing should outdo the Falchion. This might be something of an issue of the era, like the Legend of Zelda, Castlevania, and Dragon Quest isn't overly dragon-centric in every game after the first.
  17. I would counter with Pantsless Marth contradicting this, but "Pantless" Marth is might just be "Skirt/Long Tunic" Marth, which leaves room for underwear: Though the sprite suggests he might underwear-free in contradiction to the artwork. Note Mystery Linde, whose artwork matches the spritework of FE1 and 2: And then you have plenty of cases where you have some imagination, but not that much. Things did get worse with Fates though, that I cannot deny. Fire Emblem Warriors might do the underwear thing, but it embraces it and puts effort in the undergarments making them look like aesthetically good, as oppose to just covering somebody's reproduction and excreting areas to keep the rating below M. Everyone has personalized underwear, and in many cases it becomes as much a part of their design as their head, class, personality and everything else about them. Plus seeing them on anyone who isn't one of most of the Fates/Awakening females is totally optional and doesn't appear in official artwork.
  18. I'm already a boss in a game with gameplay that is a little like FE: But let us assume a world where my avi replaces Polaris as ruler of a multiverse. In this case, my foe must be someone who does not believe humans should be allowed to fully explore their existential freedom and potential- what kind of "hero" hates freedom? Don't tell me they're just blindly following some madman's orders.... I will have to correct that beforehand. Presumably the Anguished One would have all the powers Polaris did, so it'd be even stronger than the above. FE, prepare for a final boss battle with at least three phases. And minions including a butler, a snake-thingy, and the adorably demonic Black Frost.
  19. A very sleepy man has dreams of a bishonen, his girlfriend who keeps dying, a girl who takes forever to die and actually doesn't, and Ike of FE with an even bigger sword and few more years on him, plus a couple others. They defeat a vain pop idol boy who likes people abusing crushed rocks as a drug through a long journey over the course of just one night IRL. All in a entire bright and happy kid-friendly world filled with musical terms- much of which like the aesthetics would be inconceivable in 1849 France.
  20. Pretend that Nintendo is willing to make a followup to TMS, ignoring that the first wasn't that profitable. What would you want from it? My desires: The franchise is big enough at this point that I think they might be best picking three games to represent via Mirages- one Japanocentric, one Internationalist, and one that is recent. Unless 3-6 are internationalized by that point, then two games will work. Setting: Keep it in the same human world as TMS at about the same, set at about the same time, maybe a few years before or after. The location however would be outside of Tokyo- either somewhere else in Japan, or aboard in Europe or North America. Japanese male foreign exchange student to serve as the rather quiet MC works for me if they just have to do that. The Mirage world that invades the human world this time is different though. I was thinking Jugdral-Fates for a European setting, and Elibe-Tellius for a USA set game, but this could very easily change as new games get released. Keep the focus on the arts, the popular entertainment industry is fine, but they can add the other arts as well if they want. And they can keep the plot rather lighthearted, but do cut down on the bit of meaninglessness that happens after Chapter 1 of TMS until Yashiro joins post C4 and the plot starts going places again. Perhaps make all or some of the dungeons a blend of the real world location and an FE country. So you have a shopping mall with the sands and oases of Nabata inside it. Do keep that TMS style and flair- that is essential to the spirit of the game, and I rarely say that of aesthetics in JRPGs. Gameplay: The size of the Cast in battles can be kept to 3, and the turn-free character swapping midbattle is also very good. However, do not lock the Lord/MC character into every single battle, that was annoying and limiting when I could only field three characters in the first place. For playable characters, 7 works well in gameplay and for narrative's sake, but they need to be spiced up a little more. We could benefit from a dedicated supporter based on the Singer/Dancer FE classes. A playable dragonstone user would be nice. And if Tellius was one of the repped games, well I would want a Beast/Bird Laguz Mirage! I could see up to 9 PCs, but they can stop there, any more is too much. Atlus knows how to make balanced large casts of playables- well their Etrian Odyssey department does. Include the ability to accelerate/cut to the damage dealt on Sessions- that'd be a great quality of life improvement. Make it so Spirit and Body Skills that deal damage can trigger Sessions so they're better elements to use. Lullaby Song will not trigger a Session, which would end the Sleep inflicted, because it doesn't deal damage. On that, Duo Arts could keep their randomness, or they could get their own SP-like gauge for more consistency. Or, Duo Arts become a type of Special Performance, and some then become usable outside of a Session, while some are usable only during a Session. Some Special Performances would then become capable of being used only during a Session- basically collapsing the two concepts into one with the difference being how many characters are involved, an SP is a solo, a Duo Art (or even Trio Art) is more than one person involved. To compensate, SP becomes easier to generate to be able to use them more, with a balancing nerf to Duo Art power. Maybe make it so certain class changes alter the class attributes of the character? Like for a Seliph Mirage, you have the choice between Knight Lord, which makes him a Horse unit, gains more Str and Def, Lance techniques only usable as a Knight Lord, and loses the Lance weakness in exchange for gaining a second elemental weakness. Or, you can go "Crusader Lord", which gives more Magic, Res, and Spirit/Almighty techniques (the idea being based on Seliph's Minor Naga Blood), and which keeps Seliph as an Infantry unit. A hypothetical Altena could be able to class change to Wyvern Lord or to the Horse-riding Duchess Knight. Not all characters need class-attributes to alter with one of their class changes, but it would make representing all FE unit types a little easier and more plentifully. Some games do this, although not many I play, and it could complicate things too much, but maybe add a gird to battles? Or if not a gird, hexes or circles? Just to make positioning matter, since FE is a Strategy RPG. Play around with what classes get what weapons. Although it can largely be fixed for the player to maintain consistent weakness on everyone, consider making enemy Mirages capable of coming in Armor Axe or Armor Lance, instead of always giving Itsuki and Yashiro an advantage on Armor units.
  21. I could see Anna maybe being a Carnegie, especially in her earlier incarnations. Though she's a ways out from outright millionaire philanthropy, funding libraries and the like. But I definitely think she'd probably prefer to use the money herself before she passes on and not let her family just be handed her wealth. And maybe in time she'll see the value in giving a little back to the public. Earlier incarnations Anna, sure, I can see a Carnegie attitude. That Secret Shop as Jake points out in FE12 doesn't bring in the money what with it being secret, and I think the Member Card is the only one out there. Explains such high prices and need for an exotic item selection- that one customer must be tempted to buy or there is literally no revenue coming in. Not to mention earlier Annas did various things for free, like teaching beginners how to war in Tellius. Earlier Anna liked a little money, but they just generally liked being a little mischievous and everywhere but the backwater of Valentia. Charity can certainly be in their nature. FE13 and beyond Anna? Anna:I understand you're a job-killing socialist... And they would have to fear their dad would meet an innuendo-loving man who loves making people uncomfortable, has one eye, swings both ways, and possibly a Cupid Bow and or their personal bow that lets them hurt but never kill. This man would possibly capture their dad, after which they would be tortured by anyone from tendrils with a girl to cotton candy that loves kebobing servants. Or they would be bribed with food and precious metals and gems and coral. Either way, they would be forced to turn their rallies to helping the Celtic foe without the ability to ever run away, despite the next two battles offering okay chances of being able to do so.
  22. This will take some effort, I need to feel it to get things going. Hmm...... Be warned, if you are into JRPGs at all, you may not want to read this! Since it is a lot of details, including significant spoilers, and while I tried to be vague, you might see through it if you play the game. My only hint is that it was released in the first decade of the 2000s. Although it may ruin the mystery, if you want to make sure you won't be spoiled by this, go ahead and read the source game's name first, and then decide whether you can/want to read the out of context description. Hence I'm tossing it in spoilers: The source? SPOILERS if you read the long poor/out of context description! I'll see about coming up with more later. That might not be the best I can do.
  23. However, in the case of Jugdrali blood contracts between dragons and humans, all with Major Blood have a Brand. If the Valentian contracts also have the Major-Minor setup and Brands, then it makes perfect sense that Rudolf as father of Alm who has a Brand, would also have one. And he can use the Falchion, which now as we've seem to have discovered requires sufficient dragon blood. One is coming on the way? When is that? I've never paid attention to Fates' plot, but I'll soak up the artbook details. If there are any. I get the sense that they were laissez-faire in their rule. The Mila and Duma Faithfuls had free-reign of their halves of the continent, but neither Mila nor Duma made themselves the day-to-day monarch. A bit like an idealized Medieval papacy. A Faithful member can roam the various polities and be respected and exercise religious and social authority even in the midst of a war between city-states. If Pope Mila or Pope Duma wanted to, they could call it out a polity or individual politician and praise and reward them well, or criticize and punish them into oblivion. These are dragons that can live for thousands of years, why would they want to get caught up in the short-term daily business of race that lives for 100 years at most? They can focus on the long term of humanity, humans can be largely left to the small stuff. Duma I can get, but why would Mila let her people run around freely and disunited? You'd think her spoiling would unify the kingdom under her direct day-to-day rule.
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