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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. *Has Brave Lyn shoot her out of the sky and pass it to Old Eliwood* Though there is no reason why we can't give multiple characters the same legendary. Of course the legendary weapon effect on one character might not be suited for another, in which case, we make variants of the same legendary by tacking different adjectives in front. And I'd rather give Farina the Rex Hasta, but that is just me. Tornado!!!!!! The real A Rank Wind! We even have the RD ending movie for Part 2 to justify it.
  2. Rather cute story. Thank you for sharing it. I don't really peer much into the lives of others, so seeing their daily joys and just life in general is in a way refreshing for me. And lucky you for a Valentine's Day birthday. Mine, although I won't say when it is, ends up being at a time on year that, while appropriate for what I like, isn't so fun to celebrate around.
  3. There is very little dialogue in Gaiden, but from what we do have, we have these lines: Alm: That’s no good. You can’t just tell the people of Sofia to go live under the barbarous rule of Rigel. Seeing as how Rigel aided Dozer in ravaging the lands of Sofia, we’ve got no choice but to fight. Alm: What! That’s mean, Cellica. I don’t have those kinds of ambitions. I just want to protect the people of Sofia, that’s all. Besides, it seems that the royal family of Sofia’s only remaining princess is still alive, so I’m planning to search for her. As soon as I find that princess, I’m returning to the village. Alm: Ah, Gramps — what in the world is going on!? How could such a despicable man as Emperor Rudolf be my father!!! That’s awful. Did you know nothing of this, Gramps!? Mycen: Alm. Your shock is understandable… It’s true that you are Emperor Rudolf’s only son. And now you have also become the only remaining heir of the royal family of Rigel. Alm: But why did something like this… Why could I not avoid fighting against my own father? Mycen: Don’t cry, Alm… Rudolf:I see, so you’ve come at last…Whatever happens now is inevitable. Shall I not witness this final battle as one of the glorious knights of Rigel?Brave soldiers of Rigel! How admirably you have fought for me until now!However… The time has already grown late. The fate of the Rigelian Empire has drawn to an end.Hear me, all of you!!! This is my final request.If I should fall, you must not interfere.Those of you who remain should surrender like the courageous men you are.I hear that Sofia’s young general is a man of compassion. Alm: Ah, it’ll be okay now. I’ll crush these bastards for you. So to use these, only the bastard line is at all really aggressive. The rest makes Alm out to be no different from Marth, and the future Seliph, Roy, Eliwood, Chrom, and Corrin. A kind young man wanting to save the world. BORING! I say. The Awakening Einherjar had a nice idea behind it, but is unfortunately not the true original Alm.
  4. Well it is pretty obvious the Azura and Corrin BHB is supposed to be the defining chapter of Fates: Chapter 6- The Path is Yours. To be precise, it's the Revelation version, since Corrin and Azura are on the "island" in the middle of the river and are being flanked on both sides- the Rev. map formation. And of course, the BHB itself is named "Into the Ground", the same as the Revelation version of Chapter 6. "In the White Light" and "Embrace the Dark" being the names of the BR and CQ versions.
  5. That reminds me of the Binding Blade section of Making of Fire Emblem book: The developers open by describing Binding Blade’s story as a “monomyth”, which is a form of story where a young hero travels to another land to overcome an ordeal and eventually returns as a great man. In order to express this theme, the story was divided into two distinct parts; Chapters 1-12 focused on the hero’s “adversity”, while Chapters 13-24 moved towards the “counter-offensive”. Within these two parts were multiple sub-phases. Chapters 1-3 were the “introduction” phase, where the hero escapes captivity and crosses the national border only to find his hometown in ruins. Chapters 4-8 detailed a “life on the run”, with the hero attempting to gather support for his cause, eventually culminating in Chapter 8 where he has a fateful reunion with his allies. The hero finally overcame the “adversity” in Chapters 9-12, the “search for a new home”. In this phase, it seems the hero travels to new lands and, after many battles, becomes crowned king. And if Roy, a boy very much not like Ike, also classifies, then I think this could be said of a lot if not all of FE.
  6. I'm the same way I think, listening to characters speak in say Bravely Default or Tales takes much longer than just reading it. The only advantage is a voiceover makes sure I'm not misreading any line by forcing me to take it slowly and have some time to process it. I actually turned off the VAs in Fates and SoV. And I think I'd turn them off in Awakening if I ever got to playing it again. Critical and victory quips lose their luster on utterance 278. I'm okay with VAs in other games, and if you want them, you can have them, but I'm just not so big on them in FE. I didn't like them in Breath of the Wild either- which doesn't give me a VA off option.
  7. Shame about the old topic's destruction, so much good stuff in it and so many requests left unfulfilled. Were the swimsuit Ryoma and Takumi saved? If we need a new topic, although redundancy is generally discouraged on forums, having a second copy of the topic in the old Sprites Creative Works forum might be good?
  8. What would a Smash 4S look like exactly? Obviously it should be the entire Smash 4 roster with all DLC included by default. Maybe not the Mii Fighters costumes, but if included they could be made randomly obtainable like some of the garb. The one character I would have issues seeing again would be Cloud, assuming SE is miserly with him. New characters? Well Smash games are running out of new franchises and new games to add without going to 3rd Parties. Who beyond Inkling could be added from Ninty itself that would represent something totally new? Perhaps bring back Ice Climbers or Wolf for nostalgia's sake? New music and stages would be easier to add though. 8 player Smash would possibly have to go. Smash Tour might too, but maybe keep Smash Run?
  9. I know this is a little belated, but thank you for the information. I finally tried to open the app for the first time, if nominally since I probably am going to wait a few days to start really playing, since a better chance at the Winged Boss-slayer of SD and Mr. "I have no Hector support, even though I want revenge against him" sounds good. "Tried" being the key word. It took me about 10 minutes just to enter my Nintendo ID without the webpage reseting itself again and again. Then comes the next step, getting past "Start", but this never happened. My living quarters has weak WiFi (which my Switch strangely can't recognize), but even being in the same room as the router doesn't do anything. I was aware this tablet from a family member happens to sometimes kick you out of stuff, but it never happened on me before, nor so terribly. Maybe it's because FFV, SMTI, and SoM have no need for an Internet connection at all after the initial DL, while this game does. And with this, there goes my initial attempt to overcome my dislike of this game (I love reading the chat about it, but visually speaking, it turns me off as superficial as that is) by actually playing it. I could DL it on the new tablet, but I don't want to "pollute" it with a gaming app yet, even though this will end up being the likely way I play it. I could try hacking it onto my computer, but this being my only one and in school in need of writing papers, I don't want any chance of suddenly having it junked. My smartphone? I don't actually have one, as odd as it may seem in this day and age.
  10. They should have given him an Iron Sword. Seeing how that is all he needed (and a critical) to give the young and strong heir to Gallia a pretty bad injury. Not immediately deadly, but he did say that Skrimir would live if his wounds were treated immediately, implying he would die if they weren't, and Skrimir and Ranulf talk about the injury maybe a few weeks afterwards. This actually makes me wish they did "Shackled Hero Battles". Instead of a hunky-dory duo, you get antagonistic ones.
  11. Oh sweet irony when you consider every non-spinoff FE. Not to mention Luck is doing something it normally wouldn't do in the first place. Although I think this isn't totally unusual for a Warriors game. IRRC Warriors Orochi 3 has a skill that always activated elemental skills, which were very useful. This begs the question, will Tharja go the opposite direction and get a Dark emphasis? Or will she end up being Tharobin? Hopefully the former. True queen of the year. Although only the year. For some reason she's awful at the job and just passes Macedon to Marth at the end of Mystery. I don't think I like that. Jubelo and Yuliya giving up Grust, Nyna Archanea, and even Sheema Gra, I can see these, but why Minerva Macedon? Why must she be inferior to edgelord brother? Although I will give Michalis his Starlight steal life sacrifice- that was very noble. But that isn't really relevant here.
  12. Freezing rain on the parade, or more of mix probably if it is just above freezing. It is unseasonably warm, the low 60s, where I am today. 19
  13. Reminds me of the Rolf-Mist, which actually kinda addressed the same issue: Very well might I add.
  14. I made a post at the start of the Breath of Destiny TT topic pointing out how the map there might be based on Sands of Time (the Ostia throne room)- Chapter 29 Eliwood/31 Hector. I'd be inclined to say the Navarre Warriors Special Map is based on A Brush in the Teeth Chapter 3 of FE1/3B1/11. This is Navarre's first ever appearance and recruitment chapter. Here is the NES and SD versions of it: Small, but if you look them up and see them zoomed in, you'll see what I mean. There are a lot of mountains, several forts, including two in the northeast flat area where Navarre starts. Navarre also starts in the northeast on the Special Map. The west fort might be representing the castle you have to seize.
  15. There is no singular anime aesthetic, they are many and vary over time. If to criticize Tellius for instance you look to eyes the size of dinner plates on certain characters, the handful of bad armor designs of Awakening and Fates can also be criticized on anime grounds. The ridiculous hairdos of FE4 are also period anime-ness. I think I've heard her big issue is IS was trying manufacture the second Lucina, but failed. She is mysterious for the sake of being mysterious, not for a good reason, she is often emotionless. And of course for no good reason avoids mentioning Valla and Anankos on Birthright and Conquest, even though killing Anankos is the best thing to do, and she suggest the throne gambit in Conquest. Her outfit gets some minor dislikes as well. Also, don't mean to shove it at you, but did you happen to notice my little historical hunting numbers on the prior page? Not to say they justify Kiragi (I have no attachment to him), only to provide a little historical context.
  16. Dheginsea isn't RAWR! though, he is actually much different from any other dragon boss in FE, quite well written. Morva exists for two minutes, rather poorly worked into the plot, despite having been this Great Dragon that helped the five heroes of yore defeat the Demon King. If you happen to mean the heroes feel his presence on the grounds he broke a dragon, they thought Ashnard's mount was a common wyvern until he's dead. Although Rajaion looks not too much like a normal dragon, and it still says something about Ashnard's strength that he was able to tame a drugged feral Black Dragon. He literally sits atop them.
  17. Banality in crossovers, and the fact that FE has had a sword lord in every single game when there are are at least 4 other equally important weapon types in FE, are the two biggest issues. The "Swords are weak" argument is only relevant to FE7 and beyond. FE6 seems to be the game where they are roughly equal to the others, better in the Western Isles, worse for the rest. Everything pre-6, and Swords are more or less the best, so there is no issue about being locked to them then.
  18. Well fortunately, time travel is contained to the Awakening world in the story, with only two major timelines. The future Lucina and friends came from which you never visit as is, and the world where Chrom and co. live, about 18 years in the past. The Future Past DLC takes place in Lucina's future, but before she had to flee it. Or rather, if Awakening assumes it is impossible to return to your exact world of origin once you've left it, it is a world practically identical to the one Lucina left before she left it. Future Past is irrelevant to the main plot of Awakening though, it's a three battle-long mini plot focusing on the children characters. Morgan, the child of Robin, might come from a different world, but it only really affects Morgan, who isn't important in the slightest in the plot. None of the non-Lucina children characters matter at all in the story of Awakening. Another character also came from another dimension, but we don't know which. Fates summons Severa, Owain, and Inigo from across dimensions but this is the only main plot dimension travel, and it doesn't matter really since none of the three actually do anything in the main story. The My Castle feature of Fates- a customizable castle, is stored in a pocket dimension, and you can visit other peoples My Castles in like dimensions from it. The 2nd Generation of Fates is placed in Deeprealms to protect them from harm, but time moves faster in the Deeprealms, so after a few months of leaving the kids in there, they end up being young adults. Heirs of Fates, the paid DLC 2nd Generation-focused story told in 6 battles, does deal with more dimensional stuff, but not in the same way Future Past does in Awakening. For everything else, Awakening is supposed to take place in the same world as Archanea, Valentia, and Jugdral, just 2000 years after Mystery and Gaiden take place. The continents of Valm and Ylisse thus look similar to Valentia and Archanea. Elibe, Tellius, Magvel and the Fates world all exist in their own separate dimensions for all we know at the moment. The paid DLC of Awakening does not feature actual heroes from past games, only Einherjar- cards that can summon a magical illusion able to serve, fight, and have a personality based on the character portrayed. So the Eirika Einherjar in Awakening is supposed to be friendly, like the real Eirika, but it lacks a true sense of self, has no real memories of the past even if they know they're the Princess of Renais and has a brother named Ephraim, and does not actually reflect on the real Eirika's strength. Awakening's DLC is supposed to take place in various Outrealms, with some battlefields looking familiar (the Heros of Yore battlefield is Chapter 1 of Shadow Dragon), but never is it confirmed that Chrom and co. have gone to that actual continent matching the battlefield. I believe the same is true of certain Fates DLC, although you do encounter the real Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick in Ylisse in the free DLC battle where they're NPCs in Fates. And Annas exist in every single dimension, a nigh infinite number of identical sisters across a nigh infinite number of worlds.
  19. Sounds like Capcom is being greedy. And potentially stupid, since X1-3 are typically praised, while X4 is solid, X5 depends on how you ask, X6 seems to be 60% or more dislike, X7 is 95% dislike, and X8 is kinda forgotten following the terrible X7. Where the Collections divide will determine whether Collection 2 is ignorable, or saved by X4 and maybe X5's addition(s). Other frills like Command Mission, Maverick Hunter X, and Xtreme and Xtreme 2 might help Collection 2 were it to get them.
  20. Rhajat is part of a case of nonsexual fanservice. Awakening was so popular that IS decided to take six characters from Awakening, the most popular ones not Lucina, Chrom and Robin according to a particular poll, and brought them into Fates. Severa, Owain, and Inigo of Awakening's 2nd Generation were made into renamed 1st Generation Conquest units (Selena, Owain, Laslow) via dimension hopping (explained in Fates's Hidden Truths paid DLC), something Awakening declared to be possible with the concept of Outrealms, Outrealm Gates, and parallel dimensions and time travel. Tharja, Gaius, and Cordelia of Awakening's 1st Generation were made into 2nd Generation Birthright units (Rhajat, Asugi, Caeldori). The explanation here is that they might be reincarnations of their Awakening selves. But given Fates and Awakening don't take place in the same world, this would have to mean transdimensional reincarnation, which is a really funky idea that while on paper sounds possible, is just really out there and a thin excuse to include the Awakening characters again. It is also weird, because if you marry Selena to Subaki on Revelation, then it makes Selena the mother of a reincarnation of her mother Cordelia.
  21. I'm actually at my weakest closest to the modern day, I didn't go in and really do much to describe the reign of Lima IV, but I could work on something with this. I really need to flesh out his reign, since all I basically say of it so far is that it was awful. My Rudolf II coverage is a bit better. As is, I did make room for banditry, and my answer for Grieth is found in my latest addition in the final section on my fictional Saelian Civilization. Basically there used to be a kingdom in the desert, but three-two kings prior to Lima IV, Zofia destroyed the declining Namor Kingdom to rid themselves of this sometime enemy within the borders allotted to Zofia. In destroying the Namor Kingdom, civilization in the desert collapsed, and in these chaotic conditions, combined with a Zofian military withdrawal from the desert, it was left to fester as an open wound and thus became a bandit haven. Grieth, I didn't go into detail at all with him, but he basically climbed to the top in this chaos. I'm better at worlds than characters I'd admit. But I still have some fanficting energies left. Well after playing SoV, I had a creative burst for a while and wrote a ton of fanfiction on it, in the style of what I, a historian-to-be, knows best. I'm not highly versed in any one particular historical field or topic, so it tends to be generalized, but I try to cover all aspects of life and delve into a little detail in some places. As for Duma Tower, I didn't like that SoV just calls its construction a mystery, I wanted to correct that in some way. Think of the Tower as Duma's East Rigel abode that he goes to whenever he wants to be in the east or aloof from the monarchy and government. The Temple is where he goes when he does want to be in the west or consult with the monarch. I also wanted to make Duma not so bad, a little strict yes, but I didn't want him to be just evil. This is an issue some would say SoV struggles with, Mila gets compassion and love and kindness in a nice land, while Duma is stuck with struggle and things that can be easily misconstrued as harsh and bad in a bad land. The strength blessings were part of this, and if Duma wasn't using his power in some way but Mila was, why did he degenerate? It was also done to help explain how Zofia can defeat Rigel in the games, the blessings of Duma are defunct by the Twilight of the Gods, and not being superhuman anymore, Rigel can lose. I just hope my attempt to make Duma and Rigel have a positive side didn't send me too far into the Rigelphile camp. I tried to put in some nice words about Zofia, but I found writing about Zofia more boring. The land of luxury and stable inheritance isn't as dramatic as the land of toil and unstable merit-based rule.
  22. I think he overcompensates, and what is with that tattoo? slim is sometimes in.
  23. GoT doesn't sound bad with all the political intrigue, drama, and fantasy elements. And I don't mind dark things like torture, murder and incest. But besides lacking HBO, I can't quite stomach the gore and sex and other graphic R-rated visuals. If they had a "clean" version, I'd consider watching it. But a clean version would be how many minutes long per episode? 10? Of course I guess I could read the books since I don't have visuals with that, but aren't they 500 page monsters apiece?
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