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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Forgot the Grandmaster, which does make sense for an Avatar unit, even if Swords are still the worst physical type not Bows by a longshot. If Robin started with Lances and Tomes instead, maybe I would be inclined to go physical for once. While we would have had Pegasus and Wyverns, Myrmidons and Mercenaries, Mages and Dark Mages; and maybe Soldiers instead of Spear Fighters and Bandits/Barbarians over Oni Savages, I think the core issue may be FE14 had to invent two countries' worth of classes. Some things, like Outlaw instead of the typical Thief to counter the absence of Archers in Nohr, and Ninjas to provide a class that used the new Daggers/Shuriken weapon type, worked out well, but others clearly did not. Not even Fates can remember it has the Blacksmith class; it's fought... twice? (I thought it looked cool and wish Hinata was good as one, but it's just a Hero clone.) And I don't quite put Staff-Physical units in the same category as Physical-Magic hybrids. Staffs heal and do other supportive things which don't necessarily require a lot of Magic (hence Ethlyn and Nanna having poor Magic but still being useful). Nanna might have crap Magic, but with a Mend she can still heal 20+ HP, which is works most of the time, even if I'd leave my status Staff use to Saphy with her higher Magic. Tomes and physical weaponry are both used to attack- the same job, and I can only equip one or the other at a given time; never outside of Ignis do the two stats combine for attacking. You need a high stat in either for dealing good damage in the first place as well, so you need the stats to be comparable and strong for true hybrid offensive potential, or for one of enemy Def/Res to be lower than the other without it being overpoweringly so in the favor of one of the two weapon choices. And the weapon types themselves need to be about equal in relevant statistics. Balancing all these things just so is much harder.
  2. I prefer physical. I'm on electronics enough that a good real paperback book is a great chance to rest my eyes. There is also something more tangible and less of hassle in having physical pages compared to sometimes finicky digital ones.
  3. Like with things such as Dagger units in general, and weird combinations like Bow Flier and Tome Armor, I expect IS to do whatever with unit typings for Seasonals, since FE doesn't have quite the unit variety as it could have for this game. More Armor, even if lazy, is appreciable when you consider most Armors are stuck with personalities that won't exactly be popular. Roger is over and out of my mind with the ending of this sentence. Dolph? Who is this? Macellan? Who is this? Lorenz- too old. Horace Lang. Emperor Hardin. He'd be very cool, one of the few exceptions and likely a GHB. Valbar- maybe some popularity and familiarity? But not a lot I think. Forsythe- about the same as Valbar, and he might be just made into standard Lance Infantry and not Armor. Hannibal- too old. Emperor Arvis? Dalsin- forgettable. Xavier- too old, but I want the recruit from hell and I want him to be GOOD! Bors- blah! Barth- blah! Murdoch. Douglas MacArthur- old! (I need to go and actually read his and Bors's and Barth's supports, but they won't help too much.) Wallace might have meme potential or something, but is otherwise a bit dull and old. OsW1N is dull and old. Gilliam is too silent and old. Fado. Vigarde. Gatrie is flamboyant and gullible, which can sell orbs, but not so well known and overshadowed by better characters. The person who is friends with Nephenee. Tauroneo- really cool, but so old! Bryce. Meg- one of two Armor girls left, and somehow one of the more popular RD characters. I hope they save her for later, we don't need anymore Sword Armors at the moment thanks to Zelgius. Kellam is memes. Kjelle? Does she jelle with anyone? On that note, Ignatius is the least popular Fates kid I think. Though I do hope Benny comes in with a great mixed wall stat spread. But will people get past his outer appearance? If I'm sounding superficial, it's because Heroes is. Lyn's involvement outside her Mode is rather forced. Why did Laus need to attack Caelin again? Kinda seems odd if Darin just plans to run to Dread Isle, and I don't think it really helped his plans to start a war in Lycia (that as far as my memory goes collapsed with Erik's defeat in Laus). If you look at a map, unless no good roads run from Laus to Badon, going to Caelin would extend the trip. Her footprint tracking in Pale Flower of Darkness doesn't do a whole lot either other than just be there, nor does her five seconds as a hostage of Uhai (though having a Sacaean Black Fang member is cool and I'm not sure we'd had gotten one without Lyn). Her filler "I'm here" dialogue is not bad for the whole of the story, you could just write things without her and they wouldn't change much on E & H Modes, other than it being more of a bratwurst festival with Ninian the only girl around. As for Lucina, her saving Chrom in Chapter 6 seems to have massively altered the course of things according to what she says later. Since Emmeryn doesn't get assassinated, Chrom doesn't get wounded, and the Plegia War ends much faster with Emmeryn's sacrifice and Chrom being in full health. The only reason it failed to do more good was because Validar got Grima'ed back to life. She also tells Basilio Walhart will kill him and hence keeps him alive, which might have been needed for Robin's "fooled you!" trick on Validar later to work as well as it did. This I think is the full extent of what Lucina does with an impact besides her pre-C6 stuff. Now every kid not Lucina, they're all irrelevant in the story yes. Thanks to variable hair color, mothers you might never recruit (Noire) much less pair, and the fact IS wanted to let the player recruit them at their leisure.
  4. No I do not! Fly, fly I say. I can flyyyyyyyyyy! *Jumps off a cliff* . . . . . . *Splat*
  5. Pretty true. The original hybrid- Priestess/Princess, had little reason to use Swords after the beginning of Gaiden due to low Mov and more powerful and safer to use magic, if SoV is anything to go by. And then FE4 adds Mage Knights and Mage Fighters. While not having 1-2 range is pretty fine from what little I know, and even though Swords are the best weapon type besides Wind in FE4, Azel and Tailtiu are not suited to using Swords, nor are Arthur and Tine or their subs, unless the Tordo twins get a physical dad, which causes them to need Swords to avoid the bench. Leif and Lachesis have terrible Magic, so them going hybrid offense on promotion isn't great from what I'm aware, other than having heard some use for Tornado!Leif (since no one else wants it unless Tine has Lewyn as a dad). Illios might be the one good hybrid unit in FE5, unless Amalda with a magic sword counts, Olwen and Miranda have not enough Str. Skip to FE9, and however though that giving pathetically weak Knives as a promotion option for Sages just wanted to gimp Calill and Bastian by keeping them from Staffs, or they wanted to make unfunny emo Soren/cannibal Ilyana jokes. FE13- We have three hybrid classes: Dread Fighter, Dark Flier, and Dark Knight. Dread Fighter leans towards physical in caps, and Axes are nearly as viable as Tomes given easily buyable 1-2 range. Dark Flier can use Javelins, but with caps leaning towards magical, just stick with Tomes. Dark Knight- Swords are pained in FE13 by the absence of an infinitely buyable physical variant, so unless you have Ragnells and Armsthrift, your DK is best sticking to Tomes because 13 is so Enemy Phase heavy that 1-2 range unless on a full GF team is a sine qua non.
  6. Scathing, but not totally untrue. Personally, I'm not a big Lyn fan. However, one of Lyn's versions was Brave, which is a little different from Seasonal. This said, this should be where IS draws the line on Lyn for now. Any more, and I think, hope, people will scream then. It helps Lyn's cause she doesn't attract the criticism of being blatantly fanservicey, even if she has nice legs and people will independently of whatever IS does ravish her with that infamous Engrish five letter title. She is the cute charming kind Tutorial Bot of the game many fans first bit their teeth on and which introduced FE to the international world. Of course Lucina isn't in the slightest sexualized by IS either, comes the game that introduced the younger generation of FE fans, and unlike Lyn, actually has real story relevance for most of the game. So touche. Hector, he I rather like, and we'll be expecting a third version soon since CYL2 was his. We just have to hope that it stops here for the year and sometime thereafter. He will have enough versions for now. Roy won't be getting fourth insofar as we know for any time in the future, and let us hope that is a long time away, enough not to be able to justify complaining about it. March is next month and they've already used up Easter. Unless they choose to invent new bunny costumes and rerun the Easter them again, what will they do? Maybe just a generic celebration of everything Spring sans bunnies? So Nino throwing newly sprung up flowers at people? Though the New Years' celebration was distinctly Japanese in flavor, and Easter is more of a Western thing, so maybe they'll do a less than universal holiday? Leprechaun Nino? Crucified Nino? Would they go ahead and do another menagerie Seasonal like Bridal? Or will they follow suit in the vein of this Elibe one and do all from one-two related non-3DS games? Or will they go back to full AF Seasonals, or go back to Bridal and do half AF and half not? I should go and ask Micaiah what she predicts.
  7. If you want an idea of Tellius, here are what the Recollections say. Take some of the apparent ages with a grain of salt, since Bastian is way too young at 24 and Tibarn looks bad for 30. PoR: RD: I ran some educated guesstimations, and I think Micaiah should be between 24-28 in terms of her real age. Zelgius should be about ~41. Soren should be ~20 in RD. By the way, the SF Character Ages page, the Thracia section has solid numbers for almost everyone, but what is the source of these? I don't see it listed.
  8. The random is referring to the timing, not the pairing. The pairing makes perfect sense (but how much does Azura trust Corrin on BR and CQ, if even when married she hides the existence of Valley and Ananarchy?). They have to do CorrinxAzura because the plot sends it this way, and because doing something else, even something that might have a measure of ingame backing, like CorrinxXander, Jakob, Felicia or Silas, would be too biased and upset ardent shippers. Though BHBs seem to be more filler to keep a game's representation slightly alive than anything else. Has any of them coincided with some form of greater representation of the same game? Is incest really incest if its consensual and between two individuals of the same sex so there is no reproduction worry? In this way ForrinxAzura is better than MorrinxAzura. As for Yato, if they wanted to stretch things out, IS has 6 forms of Yato to draw on. The Noble/Grim/Alpha are too transitory to include I think, but I'm hoping Corrin gets all 3 final forms. Make each oriented towards something different, Blazing is offense, Shadow is defensive, Omega is in-between or something else.
  9. I'll agree here that namedropping, but not explaining absolutely everything about Quintessence, like with every aspect of magical-ish lore (including unrealistic things like how Pegasus fly), is for the best. If you explain Quintessence in full, then when the next game rolls around and it doesn't abide by the laws of Quintessence set by prior games 100% then one of three things must happen: You have to explain the exception as a natural exception to the laws (or to be more scientific I should say theories) in a logical way. According to StarTalk episode I watched, scientists liked using the term "Law" a lot, until the early 1900s when they realized there were a lot of exceptions to most Laws of Science, hence they converted to the use of the less powerful and absolute term "Theory" for most of their vigorously tested explanations ("Hypothesis" being what you use for an untested guess). I only say this to explain how exceptions to the Laws of anything magical in FE could be realistic in the sense of not being a donkeypull, since real science itself makes a lot of exceptions for its core principles. You say or imply the new world does not abide by the same theories, even if they might be similar. The issue here is that it negates all or some effort to establish universal principles of magic and whatnot across the series. This excuse is also harder to use in games set in the same world, but not impossible. Or you say nothing as to why things don't line up and just forget the theories ever existed.
  10. I've heard Vector being thrown around- Valentine Hector. Which makes him sound like a virus. I believe a vector is what you call a host for a virus who spreads it to victims, but cannot actually get sick with it. Like rats and fleas carrying bubonic plague or mosquitos malaria.
  11. 166 The current book I'm reading is telling me the Japanese leadership was a victim of months upon years of groupthink and really had every idea they'd lose a war with the US and they wanted to avoid it, but somehow went along with the hardline nationalists and military official and attacked Pearl Harbor anyhow. Land of the Rising WHAT!?!
  12. True true true. The TT Masked Marth and her Brave variant, a reward for being popular, clouded my judgement. And Chrom does work for Awakening better, so I should have chosen him instead. Another error of mine. Twice bitten, now shy and now won't make such posts again. And Lyn? You certainly have a point here. Another variant in the near future and I think Tutorial Girl might start being complained about. So what you're telling me is that Lyn didn't have a threesome with Hector and Eliwood on the throne of Ostia? And, by a MASSIVE freak of nature, albeit a feasible one in theory I think, Lyn had two fertile eggs at once and Eliwood and Hector just so happen to give a gamete to one each? Thus resulting in Roy and Lilina being "twins" but only half-related?
  13. Incest! Kinda random too. This you'd think they'd have done back when FEH released. Why now? Foreshadowing Blazing/Shadow/Omega forges for Yato?
  14. I really shouldn't have made that comment. I resisted the urge when I saw a like comment made by you days or a week+ ago, but I gave in this time because it just rubbed me as too petty and the heat of a new banner release can bring out the worst. Admittedly my own logic about Roy could easily be turned against me, since while you are a Lucina fan, not all Awakenites do and hence may be sick and tired of seeing her in Seasonals, or any particular other Awakening character rehashed at all. And Seasonal =/ regular pool addition/new representation. Thus I apologize, even if I still have something of a point I believe. And Astrid! (Though Rath does look cooler.) To be precise... Wolf Sedgar Midir Lester Deimne Selphina Roberto Sue Shin Dayan Rath Uhai Hayden Astrid And possibly: Castor Warren Beck Kliff Atlas Python Neimi Gerik Selena of Ylisse Nina Anyone I missed?
  15. ....It will be like everything else. Which is fine, since it's just yet another game. If it can't get used to showing up no longer on a monthly/bimonthly basis, it is a little petty. Just be patient. Fates got a 2nd Gen banner a few months ago, with one Awakening reincarnation on it. Awakening will probably get a 2nd Gen banner this year. Think of it like this, the 3 Thracia fans that exist have greater reasons to complain. And the Gen 2 Genealogy fans can complain about as much as Awakening fans I would say. FE6 fans also have reason to complain if Roy is not their forte- which is perfectly reasonable. And reminder people, there is the Ignore function on SF. If there are posters that consistently unnerve you and you can't help responding in spite of how futile it is (which you should eventually learn with some people), consider putting the problematic poster on your Ignore List. If you're really want to know what they've posted, you can always temporarily turn it off the Ignore. They won't even know you're Ignoring them. This said, I highly recommend not abusing the Ignore function. Ignoring too many opinions you don't agree with in your life and turning it into an echo chamber is how far-right radicals (and probably radical leftists too) get made. Ignoring too many opinions about Fire Emblem won't turn you into a threat to humanity (I hope), but just as a lesson for your life, restrain your want to block. Use it wisely.
  16. You mean the upper left on this? I can see some loose resemblance. Scratch that, pretty close resemblance.
  17. So Raven can be Dead or Alive to the Extreme? And I find the idea that a Camus could go super furious berserker strange, since one of their defining personal issues are an inner struggle, not singular mindless rampage. However, Hezul and the Mystletainn seem to the be the dark-oriented of the sword Crusaders to the light-orientation of Baldur and the Tyrfing, and the Eastern/neutrality of Hodr and the Balmung. Fury makes sense in this context. I'm guessing the idea is that he is supposed to be less of a warrior type and more a something else (strategist? ruler?)? Chrom and Lucina aren't so lore-wise explicable. And I don't see either as falling squarely into a particular category that they're strongest at, like Ike in war and Eliwood in peaceful matters. Alm getting Double Lion is cool though. Scendscale will have to be saved in some capacity for the Royal Sword variant.
  18. Uh, yay? Yay? Yay?! I'm supposed to be happy about But I'm not really feeling it. Could it be I've come to like bashing things and want them to stay bad so I can continue to bash them? That is not good. Or maybe this just isn't something that is natural I wouldn't feel that happy about. I don't really know. Even though I like one of the characters in the banner, I don't find them appealing, nor anything of them at all. Neither the mere notion of them being in it, nor their aesthetics. Perhaps I'm just not really ever going to be suited for Heroes.? The classy romance appearances unfortunately kills one joke I was planning making. I was going to invoke a certain Titantiac forum member and ask them to make sure everyone in the sultry banner was "clean". But I can't do that now. And it'd be really really really awkward to ask that given aren't quite appropriate to ask that about! Even though the former has a lover in every country. And the latter enjoys chatting to a couple of individuals from low and immoral backgrounds. On the bright side, it is good that the fanservice is curtailed. The passions may run wild on Valentine's Day, but the amor for this one will be sans carnality, at least for our eyes, if not for some of our minds. May this restrained eros teach our hearts there is a higher state of love than that of the flesh. And may one day with we learn to cherish a Ascetic Banner. I'm waxing unfunny/poetically here.
  19. Hoping won't make it true! No matter how much you do! Nonetheless, I pray in futility. Well it could still be Seasonal but not Valentine's. Where did they pull Performing Arts from? What day is that supposed to represent? Does Japan have an Official Kabuki/Noh Day that I'm not aware of? Although you do have point that it could be something completely different. There are no hard and fast rules to how IS does Heroes. I'm aware of White Day. All due to the businessman who brought VDay to Japan screwing up in the explaining of it, and Japanese misogyny going along with the idea that women deserve nothing and should give everything. But then we have a new issue. If they give us all female VDay, will they irrevocably guarantee an all-male White Day later? Or will it turn out someone's dreams of Inigo sitting suggestively on a giant puffy white marshmallow in just pure white boxers turn out to be all air? (Marshmallows are white and sweet, and thus appropriate for White Day I hear.) I have issues trusting IS for now.
  20. Fair enough, you don't need to train both Cavaliers to their greater potential by leaving them unpromoted for a while, one will suffice. And there is always Lowen for a backup second full potential Cav, although 30/30/30 for offensive growths are lackluster. And agreed Wallace is a useless waste of the Crest, unless you get Lloyd FFO and want 100% recruitment (can he survive for long unpromoted there?). Or happen to be a super Wallace fan who doesn't want to promote him, and yet recruit him later and get him to 20/20, but that is pretty darn extreme.
  21. The Robe and Ring aren't worth playing LM for? Even if the best choice for them is of course always Florina, or maybe Kent. Lyn and Erk have inferior cases for them too. Sain would consider the Robe as much as Kent. Rath might like the Ring then. You only get 1 Ring on E/H Modes, and another Robe is never bad. The White Gem only matters if you care about Ranking. I can understand in an LTC format or something else super elite an early Cresting working. But otherwise the +1 Move and access to Axes isn't that killer. I know the majesty of the Marcus, I've used him generously on my Hard and even Normal runs (and I think I nailed a 5 Tactics on the Hards- I need to check this) because he is very useful and Hard is too mean with limited deployment slots. I felt one Marcus was enough though, let Sain and Kent grow a little more. How many battles have the need for multiple Marcuses in multiple directions (assuming what defines Marcus is godly 1RKOing EP)? Noble Lady would argue for a second Marcus, were it not for Florina ferrying. Whereabouts is a 1 Marcus hallway plunge. Badon, I don't think so. The Pirate Ship? Well the Move isn't doing anything big here. Uhai? Unless ye want the Torch Staff, I think not really, although the front is from two directions- the island and the southern forests. Imprisoner, no. Dragon's Gate? Still one main direction, despite the offshoot paths. New Resolve, one direction. Kinship, multiple fronts, but you don't need much Move because it's a Defend. Living Legend- too sandy? Genesis- finally a need for two Marcuses! And I think I'll stop here, since by now, Kent or Sain should have been able to hit 20 and promote naturally. EXP gain slows significantly on promotion for quite a while, and the promotion bonuses aren't Thracian Sage crazy: just +1 to everything not HP/Def/Con (which get +2), very mild. The Con is good for Javelin throwing though. I know you weren't exactly arguing for this, just felt like further explaining why it isn't really the best of ideas unless you really know what you're doing.
  22. Reminds me of this: I'm preparing for the worse for the Valentine's Day Banner if that is what it is. As in all female. Nonetheless, I can't banish all hopes of there being some males on it. Or there be non-Afatening characters. Or both. If Ike is really that popular, he should be able to sell some Seasonal orbs. Maybe not Valentine's Day though. I can't think of a single seasonal event Ike would sell. He is just too serious and stoic for me to imagine him ever being silly. The closest he ever comes is with asking Reyson about how it felt to punch Oliver, that and Ike just being around Ranulf, for some reason he brings out the fun in Ike. Fine, if Ike can't go Seasonal, well they can try throwing Mia or Nephenee or even Sigurd on. It'll be a bit of progress.
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