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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Weak to redheads. I get it. And I guess most greenheads are in nonsexual ways cute? (I agree on Lugh and Raigh, also Tormod while on the topic.) No, class can have its appeal over showing a lot of ass. Tastefulness and real emotional and normal bonding and appearances can make intimacy more sacred, and the moments of undress more meaningful too, insofar as they are actually necessary. And then there is the liking to sometimes to just leave stuff to the imagination. I try not to ruin things for myself with too much looking at too much skin too much of the time. It's why I had a bit of an issue here on the Heroes board when someone went around with a swimsuit!Ryoma as their avi. I wanted to preserve the specialness of it and not glance at it too much, but I didn't want to impose on the avi possessor by saying anything at all. And thats why I'm holding off on a swimsuit!Touma request until June 21st. I actually once saw something on "History" Channel suggesting a square jaw = strength and leadership and good things. And hence George Washington stuffed his mouth with cotton and those evil false teeth when posing for paintings. I think it was the death masks show.
  2. The best they could do on top of shirt removal would be to show off some posterior, a codpiece as suggestive and large as anything, and plenty of suggestive symbols that aren't the things they're supposed to be all over the outfit. So loads of giant swords and spear images.
  3. I'm rather fond of Lucius as our first, and only one of two Monks. Locking Light Magic to promoted Priests/Clerics in FE6 was a bad idea even not having played it. Not because Light is great, it is inferior to Anima, but because it just doesn't sound right hiding a weapon type like that. Lucius might be peaceful, but whatever happened to self-defense? To defending the poor and the innocent? You don't need to do it with Arthurian gusto. And I like L'Arachel as Troubadour, because it makes her even more ridiculous. The defender of justice goes charging into fog-shrouded hordes of evil with only a staff, not even a weapon. Accompanied by only a Berserker who is just as silly and a Rogue who- oh wait she didn't notice he left forever ago and doesn't seem to be too worried.
  4. Are you trying to be a homewrecker? -Said the person who'd want to break Tiz from Agnes in the Bravely games. And I'd consider Pent from Louise- except I like Louise enough not to. Dorcas is who you're in it for the long haul with, not the quick passion. His homespun loyalty and devotion can be sexy in the right light though.
  5. Well when they do a Nergal GHB, should we expect a new Eliwood? Actually, that wouldn't be terrible given Eli isn't the best, but would it really be needed? Is the Blazing Durandal refinement enough for him? Pokemon adds new Pokes that will never have a chance at being remotely competitive with every Generation, and I'm not talking just not fully evolved ones. Luvdisc anyone? Wormadam? Swoobat? Why should Heroes not do this? I think tanks might actually employ some form of armor nowadays that explodes upon impact. Think of it like an airbag, the explosion sends out its own force that weakens the force of the impact with the object in question. What is it called though? Let's just call it Shell Armor for lack of me knowing the real name. Actually, let us make it a male exclusive skill! Woah there! Perceval is one sexy Knight General of Etruria. Percy is a cute little luchador that will send you to the prison of your worse nightmares if you think of him like that. I don't mean to discredit your point or anything. But sadly, we have no way of effectively polling everyone who "likes" Camilla/Loki/Tharja on what grounds they do. Cynics will put the percentage of just looks higher, likers like you will put it lower.
  6. More or less the same here. The BK and Micaiah had hardly any time together. Micaiah and her Knight in Shining Black Armor sounds like a classic cliche, but it isn't done in so cliched a way, for the BK is inherently no hero. The two also share in being Branded- not that Micaiah learns, insofar as we are told, until 4-F-2 after he dies. Micaiah never knew the BK's true self, including his bad side, which would have complicated the relationship somewhat. It still could have worked, just not without a few bumps. There happens to be a romantic pairing in another game which is similar. A character is helped by another and only sees their good, never seeing the questionable and far less good side of them at all. I really liked the two together. Actually they do get a 3-F battle convo together: It isn't romantic, nor were they in FE9 either, but perhaps that is nice since it means they're just opposite sex friends. Agreed! And Ike wrapped his rugged hands around Sothe's tight waist, speaking in his plain tongue.............. Although the truth of the matter is Ike was so popular at the end of RD, that almost everyone on the continent wanted a child or three of his to raise, even Laguz women (through surrogate Beorc mothers). That is why he left Tellius. Ike in his honorable mercenary-like willingness turned down no paying or really desperate customer, and he charged but a modest fee and asked for minimal food and housing from each host. Yet even he found granting children to hundreds got very tiring, and after a few years decided enough was enough, and left the continent; his progeny able to be found even in the smallest of villages. Back to Micaiah. Pelleas would work with her certainly. Their relationship is friends and lord and servant, but I could see a transition to romance. The Dawn Brigade boys and Volug (she'd be one lucky bastard), well she doesn't get enough conversation with them due to no true Supports (although she has more with Volug the untalkative than any of the DBBs).
  7. Which is exactly why they could have thrown Knoll or Gerik or Cormag or anyone from SS into the most recent banner instead of inventing a new Eirika. L'Arachel and Myrrh have enough of the looks and the personalities to get people to pull and to buy Orbs, an unpopular male could reasonably sneak into the game under their dresses so to speak. A totally new Eirika should have been saved for a banner of Moulder and Gilliam, two of the dullest PCs in FE8.
  8. Gimme gimme gimme! With Athos! No, Bramimond! But yeah, having to work with smartphones being the intended play device (I'd use a tablet when the day finally comes- I'm the anti-Ike, I don't leave once all is good, I come once all is good), is what restricts the size of battle maps. Well pick and play in short bursts being the intended play format as well, but that can be worked around and expanding map size wouldn't make battles way too much longer. Plus the game could always quicksave after every move in a fight, like it does normally in FE, and is very common with iOS games.
  9. One thing that wasn't so much a stupid mistake, and which I made over a decade after I started playing, was misreading "Wary Fighter" in Fates as "Wavy Fighter". When I was an actual newbie- I do not remember in the slightest what stupid things I did. But I do know I somehow and can't believe I ever made this mistake in the years since, had a painfully hard time recruiting Erk with Serra outside of Lyn Mode. She even died once shortly after the act I think and didn't reset. I was afraid she would haunt me.
  10. Unless they did a tag team format, that would be overpowering. I'd propose restricting effective bonuses to certain attacks. So Rapier Marth doing 75% of his usual moves would deal normal damage to an Armor or Cav, but if he uses one of the remaining 25% extra damage will be dealt. So Camus wouldn't be guaranteed to die to Marth, he'd just have to work to avoid falling for Marth's anti-Cav moves, which a remotely skilled player should learn to identify. Though being able to identify attacks is meaningless if you can't properly block or dodge them or attacks that would then flow into the effective ones. Interesting. I don't pay attention to comic book heroes in any capacity, so that is interesting. I don't mind sexualized characters if they have sufficient justification, which sadly they often don't. Well I brought up Camilla, but I had in the back of my mind a real weak/traumatized woman who was through her life sexualized. I saw one episode in a documentary series called "Million Dollar American Princesses"- American girls and women who at one point in their lives married into European nobility (not bad). The actress Rita Hayworth was apparently kept from living a normal life by her father, forced to dance in sleazy nightclubs and bars inappropriate for a girl from a young age, where he called her his wife (so a little incestuous), and he probably abused her as well. Later Rita is removed from her father's control when Hollywood discovers her, and there she becomes a sex symbol. But according to the documentary, casting her in a sad light, she was always surrounded by domineering men, never having a chance to learn how to become independent, and always sought to have a man in her life who appreciated her beauty- the one thing she had worth anything.
  11. I took a look to see more of the SC cast beyond Ivy, just to see how pervasively bad it is after the prior comment I made in the FE fighting game topic. Taki has from day one been a highly dysfunctional ninja with such large unbound cleavage. Talim looks like her innocence spared her of being fanserviced, but youth hasn't spared Cassandra from day one. Then you get someone like Sophitia, who starts rather modest in SE and SC, then gets a cleavage window in SCII, which by SCIV devolves in complete abhorrence that is even worse than Ivy, because Sophitia was defiled by the pervy designers while Ivy always was sexualized. I skipped every scene in Fates, but one thing I couldn't skip through fast enough to avoid was the opening of the opening cutscene in Elise's joining chapter in Rev., which starts with a panty shot. Really? What is this, Final Fantasy X-2? Senran Kagura? I ran the calculations on females as a percentage of the playable cast in pretty much every Fire Emblem game other than the Fates individually, PoR, and Mystery/New Mystery and the Sagas (so villains aren't included- but they tend to overwhelmingly be men anyhow). For Shadow Dragon 23.7% is female, the lowest percentage. Awakening and Fates as whole are almost perfectly equal, at 46.94% and 47.82%. The rest of the games fall in between, consistently with a percentage in the 30s, or about a third, being female. What FE should do is find a scientific reliable source on the standard distribution of mature female breast sizes in a given country. Then, they should strictly limit themselves so that the percentage of mature female breasts in the cast of a certain size, strictly aligns with the percentage of mature female breasts of that same size in the given country whose data is being used. That way, FE would be perfectly realistic and yet still have full mature female breast size diversity.
  12. Micaiah had no issues motivating Daein to fight for her. Daein was not short on morale in the slightest after the liberation, what they were short on was experience, manpower and probably all the other forms of logistics vis a vis the massive foe they were facing. For some reason SF lacks the narrations to all of RD's chapters. But looking it up in an LP the narration of 3-13 says: "Micaiah, unable to explain her mission to her soldiers, keeps Daein's army together through sheer force of will." That does not sound good at all! Micaiah rose up a charismatic prophet leader, and she isn't at all a selfish cultist monster like some of them were. Yet not exactly winning battles and being forced to expend her recovering country's limited resources and lives, seems to have dealt a blow, not a fatal one, but one still, to her charismatic leadership. The "Cult of the Priestess of Dawn" isn't dead yet, but Micaiah, stripped of her powers and good successes, has to rely on her remaining very human skills, her present reputation accrued in the past, the dire situation Daein faces, and Pelleas's backing to keep things afloat. This is not to say Micaiah could use more propaganda after 3-12, I'm not sure if that would be able to rebuild morale, has that ever in reality? It certainly wouldn't after 3-13 which is just another disaster for her (and if Pelleas is dead- well Daein having no more king ought to be a serious morale issue). Victories alone would likely be able to salvage the fighting spirit of Daein. And from all 3-F can suggest, that fight had it not been for the sweet mercy of judgment, would have ended in catastrophic defeat with Micaiah's forces possibly completely eradicated and her unable to wage war any longer at all.
  13. Why does pizza have to stick with the old Italian and traditional American lineup of toppings? I for one believe that cultural items should be allowed to adapt to local circumstances. While timeless internationalism has an appeal, I like seeing local variations on something they've adopted or was forced upon them, be it Christianity or pizza. So as long as the adapting doesn't integrate the bad of a society into the object of adaptation, or include the bad from the adapted item- just to throw in a statement designed by my PR team. I think you could argue deep dish is more an atrocity to pizza than pineapple. Since it certainly takes greater liberties than just tossing rings of gold on top. Why not lampoon "dessert pizza" on a fork? Because it is being openly sillier? How about that Pizza Hut idea of putting cheeseburgers into the rim of the crust? So I don't mind the idea of pineapple on pizza, though I myself do not care for pineapple. Limited palette and all.
  14. Corrin has quite some potential with Yato refinements. A Blazing offense, a Shadow defense, and a balanced or different Omega upgrade. Could be quite versatile. Which is pretty easy and I've done it before, just quit using Swords on promotion. Since you can't gain a full rank up on promotion for a preexisting weapon type, only some WEXP, and if you hit A unpromoted, you won't accrue WEXP towards the S. Throw Raven some Iron and Hand Axes for normal combat, which are no issue for him since he'll still be dodgy even against enemy axe users as well as accurate. Hands also give him highly useful 1-2 range Swords cannot. Burn a few of those 20 Devil Axe uses when it is safe to do so for 8 WEXP a pop, 16 on a fatal hit. A Steel Axe can be snuck in for slightly more WEXP when he isn't worrying about being hit since those do weigh him noticeably. It takes 250 WEXP to hit S, so you don't even need to consume the entire Devil Axe just to get that if all the hits you deal with it are fatal. Corrected for the best Pegasus sister of FE7. Everyone else is too poor to deserve to own it. Farina can buy it (15000) with her upfront payment from Hector alone (20000), and still afford a Killing Edge (1300), a Javelin (800), and an Elixir (3000). The Falchion personalized upgrades is very nice since you can always lock a new upgrade to a certain character. Athos being the only one with Legendary Forblaze while Hugh can still get plain old Forblaze can stop oldies from besting newbies while not giving the newbies a better stat spread. And random-ish thought. But I've heard people say Ivaldi and Gleipnir are underwhelming in terms of effects. Given IS has to make sure there are always uses for Dew other than carbonating it into the signature soft drink of FEH, could they have possibly underpowered the tomes for later refinement?
  15. I decided to look for you at the Marcus FE6 supports. To run it off quickly: And I think you overestimate the amount of FE6 references in FE7 Marcus's supports. The Eliwood only goes into that in the A (although the "you need a wife!" is a bit like Marcus telling Lilina she needs to marry Roy). And he never says he'll defend Merlinus for years to come at all in that one (although Merlinus does ask if it is okay to leave all strategy discussions to LEH- possibly alluding to him advising Roy flak FE6). The Lowen, well Marcus is a harsh trainer, which the FE6 Roy kinda alludes to (but the Alen sort of contradicts), but otherwise includes no mention of FE6 at all. The Isadora and Harken are dull (but like with the Lance, the Harken leaves you wanting to know more), but no allusions to FE6 are ever made. I'd say FE7 Marcus has better supports, but in neither case is Marcus a great conversationalist, with no supports of the higher tiers to be found in either version. In stat spread, Lex would be expected to have high Def given that is what Neir Blood gives him in FE4. His Atk would likely be good, but I'd not think super high. For Heroes, he'd possibly be better inheriting something other than a Brave Axe so you could use his big Def for tanking on the enemy phase. If that was possible, you'd think that would be brought up in conversations about holy blood. But this is the first time I've heard of it, so I'm guessing you heard wrong. If it was true, it'd throw a giant wrench in the understanding of how Holy Blood and Holy Weapons are supposed to work. In which case, I'd ask myself why is Seliph hogging the Tyrfing, tell the little Knight Lord keep the bench warm and pass it over to his cousin Leif the indomitable Master Knight.
  16. Again, that was supposed to be a joke. Ike leaves Ragnell in Begnion, leaves the continent and in his travels stumbles on Archanea. And blending in on Altea, his origins as Telliusian fade away and he takes a new name. I don't see the parallel with AAC. Geoffrey is Finn, Elincia is original with Jugdralian Pegasus Knight cosmetics, and Ike is pretty original too. Not to mention there is no curse, Japanese PoR Ike has no romance in his language with Elincia, and Geoffrey certainly is no Cartas in terms of ability insofar as we know of his reputation pre-Daein invasion, Renning if anyone would be Cartas. I always hear this, and I do recall a line where it says the seals if broken on blood locked weapons weakens them. But I forget if there is any interview or developer note that outright says the bloodlines fade. None of the three SF links in for Genealogy in the Developer's Notes section says it.
  17. I assumed it had to be Seliph who went to Archanea, which would be.... -600-ish on the Archanean calendar. But a random unnamed descendant works too. But then that means Ike can't be Anri! And I refuse to have that! Or does it? I'm joking.
  18. Whattttt?????? How would a newborn power-loaded Tiki somehow remembering seeing Seliph? No- what I should be asking is why Seliph or Julia would be in Archanea during or after the wars between Naga and co. vs. the Earths and co.. I'll buy fate as the excuse as to how Anri their descendant of all people got to the Falchion, but what were they doing there at all? Doesn't Seliph have a kingdom to run? What would he be doing in the savage lands of Archanea? This isn't the modern day where you can break out your iPhone and send emails back and forth on what to do about national policy. Seliph has to be at home to actually rule anything.
  19. I never explicitly argued M & D weren't dragons, only that the door is open to them not being them because it isn't definitely said and non-dragon gods are said to exist. Your only evidence from Gaiden for them being dragons is Duma's sprite, which is hardly irrefutable proof, even if it offers some evidence for the dragon argument. I won't deny that. But this Q&A came after Mystery's release, so after Gaiden and hence relevant to it until SoV. But SoV changes nothing about Gaiden itself, it doesn't make Gaiden Leon gay, nor does it stop making Gaiden M&D exist in a limbo where they might be dragon or might not be. SoV Leon is a remade Gaiden Leon, but is at the same time not Gaiden Leon himself- call it an altered/enhanced clone of Leon in an equally clone world (though CYL has every right to list them as one). And it doesn't say the Falchion is the same as Aura and Excalibur in where it gets its power from, only that it has the same kind of protection to limit its use. And Aura like Falchion, was passed on from one generation to another with the seal intact and only the descendant able to use it (ignore the DS retcon of who can use it). Gotoh, the one who first put seals on powerful magics, gave the Falchion to Anri, and since Naga was long dead by the time Anri came to be, he had to be the one to bind it to Anri's line.
  20. I'm liking the refining things. Personalizing the Falchions is a very cool move, just what they plan to do with each is the question. I wouldn't mind if Lucina actually got her own, although I understand why hers is the same as Chrom's. And I'd want an Illusory Falchion for a certain somebody else whose chances are but a mirage. Giving non MC characters new customs is great as well, can't let a handful of super plot important characters hog all the upgrades. Caeda I'd prefer with the actual Wing Spear, but retrofitting the dual effective bonus on a sword will have to suffice. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Blue and Red Armors and Cavs a bigger threat than Green in the current metagame? A Wing Spear would therefore significantly outdo a Wing Sword? Well Linus had a Silver Blade and Hand Axe in FFO, a Light Brand (Runesword in Japan) in CoD, and his Light replica had a Brave Sword and Tomahawk. The CoD version also had a crit negating Iron Rune. Since Combat Arts cost HP in SoV, maybe give it a significant HP cost for every round of combat initiated like Fury (but bigger)? The class is called Spear Fighter, but the weapons Hoshido uses are called Naginatas, so why isn't it Naginata Fighter? Honestly, IS screwed up naming Lances Lances and not Spears long ago. Lance I believe refers specifically to the Medieval jousting weapon, which is far from being what all Spears historically have looked like. Berwick Saga actually corrected this and called Lances Spears, while making real Lances a subtype of Spears usable by three characters while mounted. For the end of Book 2, the current weapons of Folkvangr, Fensalir, and Noatun will be upgrade once, gaining adjectives in Norse attached to them. However, after Surtr is dead and the new villain, who it turns out Surtr was just the manipulated pawn of all along, emerges in Book 3, the weapons will narratively be shattered (don't worry, they'll still be usable ingame). A new PC will then go around and help the heroes obtain new, even stronger weapons necessary for this new villain. Let me think on SRW for a moment for how much you can upgrade a single character's gear, well OG, that being the only subset of SRW I know. "Bullet" Brooklyn Luckfield: Starts OG1 with a Gespenst Mk. II TT- a mass production unit modified for one with psychic powers. About a third of the way in, gets it replaced by new Huckebein Mk. II, which he uses for the rest of OG1 and about half of OG2. The Huckbein Mk. II is replaced by a Grungust Type III copiloted by Kushua for one minute in Original Generations 2, and then Bullet gets the Koryuoh. According to the Alpha series where Bullet originally came from the Koryuoh is due for a power up eventually. Ibis: Five minutes Calion, one game in Astelion, slight upgrade for one full game in Astelion DX, upgrade to Altairlion with merge into Hyperion coming later in said game. Sanger: Grungust Type 0 for all of OG1, five minutes in Grungust Type 3 with liquid crystal Colossal Blade in OG2, upgrade to Dynamic General Guardian Unit 1 in the same game and has stuck with it since (except now with customizability between DGG1's base moveset and the retrofitted Type 3 Colossal Blade one). Of course SRW has no metagame or stat limitations to worry about. Gunter was bad, they just tried to nerf the record of overpowered Jagens far far too much with him. Although I have heard some point to his Felicia-Jakob skill learning style and his ability to get 5 class lines: Cavalier, Mercenary, Wyvern Rider, Troubadour from A+ Jakob, and whatever you want from S Forrin. As proof that with investment and so many skills, many good, available to him, that Gunter can overcome his statistical weakness via them and become rather good. But it is a heavy investment. And on CQ more than Rev, his Personal Skill and access to some nice classes can make him a great DS bot for Corrin. I'd rather get Kieran for a new Axe Cav. Or they could take advantage of the GBA Pallies using all three WT weapon types and toss any of them anything. Kent with an Axe would be more unexpected, and perhaps better? Than Lowen getting stuck with it and Kent the Sword.
  21. Uther did have data in FE7: I'd rather have Elice with Aum than Marth. That and Marth in a dress/priest robe would be unappealing. If you had to ask me who of that sort I wanted, well it'd be the useless staffbot of the 2nd Gen of Jugdral. Or my fav' of Tellius, but Creiddylad exists and I'd like that more. A Staff would suit Marth though. An interesting couple. The mild Silver Knight and the outgoing Princess of Rausten. Once Eirika began developed her relationship with Forde, she no longer needed Seth, and lent him with Ephraim's consent to her BFF, they soon developed amor.
  22. That is probably a good thing. If she truly is psychologically scarred, it is better to entrust the throne to someone who isn't non compos mentis. Insane monarchs tend to be bad reigns in history. I remember a king of a Spain who had a desperate need for sex, but only with his wife since he was so Catholic he refused to break with monogamy. Said craze for sex made him feel very sinful and had him running to confession. It also made it very easy for his wife to persuade him- just a "not tonight" and he'd bend. He also slept in the day, was awake at night, and for some time forced a castrato Italian opera singer (a male who was castrated before puberty to avoid voice breaking) to sing for him every night. Spain was on the decline during said rule with the sane wife and her advisors running things. Although Camilla in Garon's robes wouldn't be a totally out of there addition to her ever growing closet. I'd rather see them on Leo though. The warriors OCs aren't anything special, but then again, who is? They should've thrown them in. And you should know where I stand on the TMS group. Well you are the Ice Dragon, also known as "Durandal's Scabbard".
  23. The all-knowing developer opens this with "Originally primitive deities existed at Archanea", which given the developer knows all and isn't trying to hide things here, would mean these truly were deities. But that is just me.
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