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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Honestly, I don't know which Laguz I would want in first, I can't pick one! Ranulf- how could anyone hate him? Serious and levelheaded when it calls for it, relaxed and fun when he can be. He's a friend to everyone, and willing to almost sacrifice himself on several occasions. Skrimir- that rich deep voice, that beautiful red shaggy hair. But much more importantly, that juicy character development he gets in RD, sweeter than any fruit, more brilliant than any ruby. Naesala- your Path of Radiance self is so grey and complex! The Dawn of why downgrades this a little, but even so, and getting past your slightly 1950s American rebel appearance, On Black Wings I wish to fly. This Wheeling Corby steals my attention and I bid away my all my good fortune for your presence. Reyson- a beautiful face on an steel soul, as refreshing and natural as the air of the Serenes Forest itself! Wonderfully developed, he sings a song that heals my battered heart. Caineghis- a good king of old tradition, and yet with is boundless strength taketh this trope and do it well, a minor supporting actor noteworthy! Tibarn- oh Brave King oh Brave General in the attire of a pirate yet without a ship and so he befell Begnion's pride! Who commands the blue abyss above as the honest, simple and righteous King of the Sky. Nailah- of so little we know, and so is true of thy realm across the sands. However for what time we have to Glare at you, ye still make an impression as memorable as stone is hard! Muarim- without pride for yourself you be, humbleness that belie your true value. Once forced a slave to a harsh master, now a servant by the heart's volition to your cherished Little One. Nasir- whitish-blue flowing locks upon a tanned countenance, an expression sharp with grim concern. Sailor of the world's seas who knows all its waves, worm and dissenter turned confidant to the most pained king and greatest secrets, and a loving grandfather all the same. Dheginsea- Black Dragon King and hero of ancient yore! Before whom even the Goddess that thou resolutely serve would tremble! A living stubborn fossil you are called, stubborn and prideful! For a thousand years you were willing to bear all backhanded insults, for a thousand years you would bear the guilt of your errors and the world's aching! Not even the torture of your son and heir would move you to rage! All borne, for the deepest love stored beneath that scaly hide, for the world and all therein. And cease it does for now, the voice that I hear and recite! By Lehran I am no Apostle! And yet to me cometh and goeth a Goddess's voice.
  2. "Good Enough. *Ex. Frigid Queen's Festival* He! Ya! Agh! Icefan! Sigil Cry! Crowd! Look to the sky!" "You win!" 252
  3. A 21 year old woman who having just given birth leaves her newborn children in an orphanage ran by the womanliest man around and then goes off to search for her missing beloved Jaffar?
  4. I don't play the game, but I actually was thinking of this. The irony is that Lance Armor is the most common of armor types by a landslide in mainline FE. Instead, we have Draug, Zephiel, BK, Arden, and now Zelgius- isn't this a little too much Sword Armor all at once? Nino's Coloring/Picture Book, because she can't actually read in FE7. Or Forblaze- but I'd be infuriated if she got this before Athos.
  5. Maybe see him in Calvin Kleins. Nephenee isn't terrible I think, but Brom is the better written of the two Crimean country bumpkins for me. The Boyd support is fairly good, and the rest of his dialogue is better than Nephenee's. Just being a cute young girl gives her the massive popularity edge, that and she is the first playable Soldier ever, with Wrath too.
  6. He has a Master Sword: like a Brave but A rank instead of B, sllghtly heavier, less accurate, slightly weaker, and has some Crit; when fought in T776. And gives Olwen a Blessed Sword: personal weapon with anti-horse, the Brave effect, +10 Mag- which doubles as Res in 776-, the Miracle Skill, and has high power and critical. Either of these on a horse could work. Or they could reference dismounting and make him a footie.
  7. I'd be fine with making Lyon a tank mage, all of the evil sorcerer villains tend to have high physical bulk, precisely because you'll be fighting them with mostly physical characters in all likelihood. Could he have an exclusive Skill called Dark Stone please? For he carries that with him everywhere in SS (or rather it carries him around). Strangely, perhaps owing to being obtainable in Creature Campaign, Naglfar isn't personally locked to Lyon, it is just S Rank Dark, although the same could be said of Audhulma and Gradivus, and look at how they turned out.
  8. It happens to be a holdover from Fates. I heard the plot was garbage for a long time, so when I started playing I mashed Start through the story and never saw it, and I did the same with supports, and I turned off the voices and most of the time the animations, besides never visiting the Private Quarters or Hot Springs. I didn't want it to spread to SoV, but I didn't fight the instinct and I skipped the plot and characters there too. I think it is starting to infect me in non-FE too, I haven't bothered to pay attention to the plot of Breath of the Wild at all. Awakening was before this happened. But with Awakening, I never bothered with the kids save Lucina until my very last run of it when I recruited only 2 of them (Project: Make Noire a Competent Ingame Hard Classic No Grind Bow User, was a failure). I would get characters to A Support, but other than Chrom I would never go to S (I might have gotten S but not recruited the kids once). I did monosex playthroughs where I saw the same-sex supports, but none of the opposite. I even cleared Future Past having never made anyone but Lucina (and an unrecruited Morgan) on the ladies only run. This itself may stem from a Rune Factory commitment issue of mine, where I just picked Mana to get over to the 2nd Gen of RF2, and never married in RF3 despite it being needed to advance the plot, and even in RF1, F, and ToD never married either. And since Fates, I've for some reason been wanting to forget Awakening's cast, even if I can't completely or mean them no malice. The benefit of not engaging with the characters is I can stay aloof and unaffected in things like Camilla and Nowi debacles, nor do I get too enraptured in bile spewing towards Fates, since I have no right to do so. I also can't be burned by witnessing bad characters if I choose not to know anyone at all, even if this keeps me from knowing the good at the same time. I might even like certain characters more not knowing them than by knowing them. Would I superficially like Niles anymore if I actually read his dialogue, which I hear is laced with innuendo all the time? Tis' like me and alcohol, I don't drink, but appreciate the arts of brewing, winemaking, and distilling. Would I still have this if I actually tasted an artisanal microbrew or a fine cognac or a single malt whiskey steeped in peat and went "Bleck! This is horrible!"? ....But this isn't the place for this. As for Bertram. The issue is his presence as a Four Rider- he doesn't have any until the chapter you fight him in. This is not good for a supposedly powerful foe who has a fancy title. Yen'fay had a similar issue in Awakening. He is supposed to be a very powerful foe, but we see nothing of him as a general until the chapter he gets killed in. Petrine and the Black Knight appear plentifully beforehand, the BK on the battlefield, and Petrine not, to show off their military competency. What would have helped Bertram is if we saw him more often. Perhaps if he made a quick appearance in Blood Runs Red, the boss of that chapter could be his lackey who he talks to and commands to stay there while he looks for the escaped prisoners elsewhere, his sword unable to remain still in such a peaceful place. And another appearance in Battle Reunion, similar scenario to the former, perhaps the 15 turn limit would be explicable as Bertram trying to secretly flank Geoffrey's position and after 15 turns, he succeeds and kills Geoffrey (this would require making Geoffrey dying a defeat condition- but I don't think that would ever be at any risk of happening below Maniac difficulty). Ashnard would be using him to clean up Crimean knights in hiding, making Bertram into an actual Four Rider as in the Biblical sense- a horseman who foretells the coming of the Apocalypse and death and destruction. Bertram is less a human and more the Specter of Death itself in his relentless sweeping across the Crimean landscape, his sword cutting down the slightest resistance with the least resistance.
  9. Depends. In the colder weather, it's either bare feet in Uggs or in socks to keep warm. In warmer weather, bare feet or flip flops- let the feet be free of the tyranny of shoes!
  10. I remember hearing Azura was being pushed as the second Lucina, but I thought she flopped in popularity when Fates was released? Manufacturing a character who is designed to be popular doesn't always turn out that way. I know she isn't hated, and being a main character forces some popularity on her. Plus a few of her supports if we want to get into the nitty gritty, the Arthur, the Kaden, the Laslow, the Takumi, are well liked I've heard. And her singing has its fans (I'd rather Silence Lost in Thoughts), while her appearance isn't too ridiculous or anything. But on the negative side, the handful of close critics blame her on letting Birthright and Conquest happen for no reason, and she is rather emotionless. I'm not taking a side here- for I choose not to know the characters of Fates and SoV, and am trying to forget that of Awakening. Bryce, as well Bertram and Lanvega all needed more. Petrine and the Black Knight get plenty of time as Ashnard's Riders, and Tauroneo and Greil have plenty as Steadfasts, but the remaining three are undercooked. I think it is retroactively saying something that Ashnard never converses with Bryce in "Stratagem in Black Armour" scenes (those set in "Daein Keep"- really Castle Crimea). Ashnard doesn't kill off or remove Bryce probably because he has remarkable fighting skills and isn't actively opposing or hindering him, but at the same time sidelines him from all major discussions because he is so conservatively old-fashioned in his ways. Not until the very final battle recognizing that Ashnard is not a typical king in the slightest, when you'd think the choice to abandon Daein would have set off a red alarm. The plus of adding Bryce would be the Wishblade. Only Levail (who shares in being blind to the greater happenings) otherwise has a first class claim to it. I'm a little amazed that Nephenee, out of blatant favoritism, didn't bring it with her.
  11. You are aware that you'll need to complete all the sidequests (or at least a bunch- I don't know about the superboss) to unlock an extra scene in the ending, right? I don't think you need to get any of the bad endings though for that bonus scene; some of the bad endings are rather interesting for one reason or another, and they don't take much additional effort to view. So if you haven't checked them out, try it. 222.
  12. Well that is interesting. I already heard Lu Bu was all bark and little bite, (and Xiahou Dun wasn't most notable as a fighter, and Guan Yu was blunderbuss and egotism, and Zhang Fe was a slavedriver, and Liu Bei wasn't so sweet) but Dong Zhuo being competent is new to me. Not hard to see why they would change this though, moral corruption equaling wretchedness elsewhere is from a literary perspective not unusual at all. Dynasty Warriors does seem to try to maintain some measure of historical authenticity though, since DW9 is trying to give the outfits a semblance of accuracy. But fanservice, epic coolness, the Romance flair, and just some crazy/simplified exaggeration all undercut it. I'll agree it partly depends on the audience being targeted, and also the direction the developer wants to take the game in. I'd prefer at least the trappings of historicism, but more is better, particularly for world building.
  13. Well they reduced the need for it by making Freeze and Silence a 1 turn deal instead 5 turn nightmare of the older games (or permanent for the whole battle like in T776). The staffs are still useful/annoying, but not longer so crippling that you need a Restore immediately. Although I really wish they had included a staff able to wick away stat debuffs. That the only way to get rid of them faster is a skill on a DLC class is a bit too annoying. Also Hexing, why did they have to make that last an entire battle? Cruel, even if I can sort of understand why it lasts so long.
  14. I almost feel like making a topic about this. Blaming the writing as a whole, an abstract collective all-pervasive thing, is very reasonable and I buy it. But at the same time, don't individual things make up the writing? If we say Corrin wasn't bad it was the writing, Camilla wasn't bad, Garon wasn't bad, Xander wasn't bad, Valla wasn't bad.... what is left in the writing to blame? When one says someone isn't to blame, perhaps they mean the idea of X isn't to blame, only the execution and some particular unnecessary details that got attached to them. The idea of Corrin as a naive young hostage raised in a bomb shelter and forced to choose between two families and two nations is good, but the plot distortionism and the fact they aren't really related to the Hoshidans are terrible execution and an unnecessary detail respectively. And I'll echo that Micaiah is far from perfect. Maybe the whole "I'm the True Apostle" thing would be an issue since her being it comes out of nowhere and has the effect of making one question why Sanaki came so much later, but this is not actually formally brought up until the ending. Part 3 should put a huge damper on the idea she is perfect or even hogs up the plot.
  15. "Barely put a dent" might be understating it. Assuming the BK had the same quality of blessed armor as that he gave to Ashnard, and that the BK and Ashnard are of comparable strength (we never find out who is stronger), then we have a little line from Chapter 7 PoR. Black Knight: “You will not continue? Then I will finish…” Black Knight: “…So close.Now is not the time for me to deal with him. Hmph. You get to keep your head today, boy.” What the script here on SF doesn't indicate is that there was a roar between these two lines. Said roar is later admitted by Caineghis to have been his. So rather than kill Ike and Greil, the BK fled from Caineghis. He suggests Caineghis would have been a nuisance he could have killed easily, but let us be honest, if Caine was only that, the BK would have stayed there. He left because the Red Lion King most likely was strong enough to threaten his life. The whole reason the BK later waits to capture Leanne, is because he doesn't want to fight Tibarn. Well partly this is because of the warp powder strength drain, but I'd also think Tibarn even if the BK was at full power would be too much his equal to try a kidnapping with him present. Getting back to comparing dragons, the one issue with Dheginsea is that unlike Naga, Grima, and Anankos, he displays no magical powers beyond that little AoE attack. Naga can bless and craft weaponry and travel through time, Grima can make undead legions, Anankos can defecate new abilities with every passing day. Dheg has just raw strength, which both Grima and Anankos have as well. Naga... well we never actually see her in battle mode, the closest we get is the incomplete resurrection that is Nagi (who statistically if Tiki is trained ends up being inferior, for whatever this is worth in lore) and the Naga tome.
  16. You have a point. Everyone comments that Ashera cleared the air of chaos, to the point that Reyson could save Renning without help. And even factoring in the chaos created by fighting the Disciples of Order, Yune would have had very little chaos to use for promoting Ike, Sothe, Micaiah, and then blessing everyone inside the Tower of Guidance, before lending all her strength to Ike to subdue Ashera. Being able to generate her own, and she constantly complains of just having awakened (Ashera just awoke too, but presumably she slept with a much greater store of power), would explain how she can do what she does. It is possible the blessing on the BK armor and Ashnard's are weaker than that bestowed by Ashera on herself and her highest servants. Either Sephiran made the blessings on the armor, or they are blessings from ~800 years ago placed on the armor of those who fought for Yune (she did bless soldiers according to the Japanese script). Assuming Yune went for the "quantity over quality" approach as Ashera does with the Disciples, and factoring in 800 years of decay, this could explain the relative weakness of the Ashnard and BK armor.
  17. Since Naga in FE4 summons a visage of Naga, and Loptyr summons a visage of Loptyr, perhaps Julius would be Green Tome Infantry. It'd help to keep us from having too many Red Tome Infantry villains.
  18. From 4-1: Ike: “Amazing. We’ve been traveling for miles now, and there hasn’t been a single moving person.” Nailah: “And yet the other plants and animals seem completely unaffected. The only creatures turned to stone were laguz and beorc… A miracle of the goddess, indeed.” Therefore I am inclined to think Ashera's judgement was done with pinpoint accuracy. The second judgement, that she was preparing to do prior to being slain by Ike, might not have spared the Branded now that she probably knew that they existed since they weren't petrified, even if she did not understand the details behind them. But we don't know for certain since Flash Stopper Round 2 never happens. Ashera didn't create the Beorc or Laguz, either Ashunera made the creatures that became the Zunanma, or Ashunera created the Zunanma, RD itself says the former, the artbooks say the latter. Either way, they agree the Beorc and Laguz evolved independently of divine will from the Zunanma. If Ashunera had controlled their evolution, they would have never gotten out of hand I would think, and thus she would never have split in two, since the ultimate cause of that was Beorc-Laguz fighting. (It says something how screwed up the B&L are that a goddess can't peacefully stop their fighting and ends up tearing herself apart over it.) Probably just a contest of raw power vs. raw power. I'm sure those AoE attacks of her's would hurt you regardless of where you came from. I don't think her powers would suddenly stop working on people from other dimensions, big light explosions are painful. And assuming Order and Chaos are fundamental elements of any world, which is fairly reasonable, if Ashera hitched a ride to Ylisse and Valm, what is to say she couldn't soak in some peace there and add it to her present power? Grima of course could usurp stuff from Tellius by the same token- maybe steal Yune and integrate her into its being? The artbooks seem to suggest a complex picture of things, which I don't feel I completely grasp even though I may. First, the Laguz and Beorc, before getting those names from Ashunera, start fighting. Then Ashunera fails to peacefully resolve this, and begins to undergo an inner psychological divide. Ashera and Yune form, with Ashera maintaining control of the one body. A combination of desire to end the suffering caused by Laguz-Beorc conflict and Yune's loneliness from being shoved aside internally by Ashera, then causes the Great Flood. The one body of Ashunera caused it, but only the Yune half willed it, if still using the power of both halves. After the Great Flood, Ashera finally banishes Yune from their one body and Ashunera is officially no more at all. There is this one line from 4-Final-5 which might mean Ashera took her name before the physical split: Ashunera, the Dawn Goddess… The name your ancestors gave me so long ago. I should like to hear it again.” Yet there is a 24 year gap between the Great Flood and formation of the Kingdom of Begnion, which presumably happened in the same year of Yune's defeat and the creation of the Covenant just before which this line was spoken. So it is possible that it is just referring to people having stopped calling Ashera Ashunera 24 years ago, and not any further back. This is also assuming the "innocent, but devastating emotional outburst with her divine power, leading to many losing their lives" is the Great Flood. I'm pretty sure it is, but that they don't direct word it that way leaves a little bit of annoying ambiguity. Sources: http://i.imgur.com/EC8EV7F.png http://i.imgur.com/Emxafod.png?1 I do agree with you the power to create from nothing/primordial chaos, which Ashunera does, is among the greatest and most powerful powers a deity can have. It is why I put the Golden Goddesses of Hyrule over Hylia in my mythological hierarchy of the Legend of Zelda series. It's just timespace trickery across multiple worlds is very powerful as well. But who is to say Ashunera couldn't try her hand at this? We just don't know. Ashera (or Sephiran) did say she would start over, as in create new life presumably, once the judgement was complete. And remembering things better, she can make equivalents to the Vallites and Risen. She does this to busy the characters you don't bring in the Tower of Guidance; she just used up the living Begnionites before this and then had the last of them, on top of Spirits and Dragon Laguz, defend her inside it. I was underestimating her here. I reiterate that Yune's very being is Chaos, and that is why she is able to penetrate Ashera's Orderly blessings. Assuming one not Yune could harvest Chaotic energies and weaponize them, there is little reason for me to think that it would be impossible for them to damage Ashera. Obviously Yune would know how to do this best, but I think Grima or Loptyr could learn how to do this. Medeus, and Loptyr's final words if killed by Seliph, both say that they will return as long as greed exists in the hearts of men. Not sure how much to trust these cases given the context of being uttered by dying vengeful Shadow Dragons, but it sounds like M&L can use negative emotions for power, which isn't that far removed from being able to utilize Chaos. The sense I got from Future Past was much the same- Grima seems to have worked to kill off nearly the entire world, very few sounding to be left among the living. I don't think Grima wants to rule over people, they like exerting their superiority, but they prefer destruction. You could effectively kill Naga by killing all the Manaketes, and by killing everyone who would serve her. So unless she found a niche in the world of darkness to hide, accrue power, and begin good life anew to fight for her, Grima killing everyone but her would have the same result for the world- a world of the dark, dead, and without hope of better. You know, while I do not contest what Future Past did and I acknowledge it as canon, I wonder if it is what the developers originally intended regarding the way the multiverse and the effects of time travel play out. IIRC, the Wave 2 of Awakening DLC, which FP is a part of, was not originally intended for Awakening. It only happened because the 1st Wave sold very well. If so, and Future Past wasn't on the writing table before they realized they could do a Wave 2 and it would be profitable, then it is possible this delay of several months (six between the Japanese April release of Awakening and October when FP released) meant there could be a disconnect in the writing between FP and the main story of Awakening written months or more beforehand. But I don't know, and I'm not sure if there is evidence for or against what FP suggests in the main game. For a case of what I mean about a delay leading to writing disconnect, I noticed there is a disconnect in Devil Survivor Overclocked's general tone, style, and portrayals between everything not 8th Day and the 8th Days. There is little to suggest the Shomonkai Founder was anything but a crazed cultist outside of Yuzu's 8th Day, which casts him in a more noble portrayal. The 8th Days were added as part of the 3DS port of the game 2 years later. Lucina going back in time, while not senseless, is a little more meaningful if she was truly able to change her own world by going back in time, instead of just saving Chrom's. FP would also make her failure in her world even more tragic. But we should get back to big scary dragons....
  19. The same there is no evidence something other than Starlight can penetrate Imhullu, or anything other than the Lightsphere that can penetrate the Darksphere, or the only thing that can negate the Loptyr tome's Atk halving effect is the Book of Naga, or.... . I've made a point that FE has done a "nothing but X can harm Y" thing before, and this is done without regard for the idea of a multiverse where people can fight each other. These statements are made considering the circumstances, but I wouldn't call them perfectly unbreakable. Given enough time, Gotoh could have made a Starlight replacement with the research and resources- but that would decades or centuries when they need Starlight NOW! And while I'd like to put Ashera/Yune/Ashunera at the top of the power pyramid (admittedly we never see just what Ashunera can do- but Yune at the moment of complete divorce from Ashera managed to flood the entire world- which is very powerful), owing to a lack of timey-wimey tricks on their part, I'm not sure we can truly say this right now. Although I thank Ashera she didn't resort to timespace silliness, for this hurts Anankos from a writing perspective (or rather is part of his writing problem rather than just causing it), if being perfectly fine for Grima, since all he did was travel back one time. I'm guessing I accidentally took your paragraph from Omega's citing of it by mistake, my bad.
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