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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Only that Naga and the 11 who descended on Darna were dragons and not gods. Only these. And note this from the old Mysteries of FE- Archanea's Story here on SF. The translator admitted their Japanese skills weren't good, but if you wish to contest the translation, a link to the original Japanese is provided so we could have someone here on SF check it. Q3: What is magic in the world of Fire Emblem? Comment: Originally primitive deities existed at Akaneia and people believed these deities existed in all things. To lead mankind, Gotoh utilised the power of these deities. Magic (both offensive and recovery) is about as advanced as the dragon race’s technology, but it was difficult and dangerous for humans to use. Gotoh convinced humans to borrow the deities’ powers and warned them at the same time. So fire magic comes from the deity of fire, wind magic is borrowed from the deity of wind and etc. Magic is thus the technology where one harnesses energy that exists naturally. Spell books and staves can be thought of as vessels that store this energy. To release this energy requires a certain amount of skill, such as by chanting keywords or through mental control techniques. In order to acquire a sufficient skill level, one must undergo self-training. Prayers to the deities seems to reveal the keywords, while it also raises one’s mental capacity. Meanwhile, to protect the most powerful spells, like Aura or Excalibur, Gotoh attached a contract to them so that only the user could wield them. The same kind of protection was also placed on the Falchion. So I'd take the parts I bolded to mean that just because Naga, Forseti, and Loptyr aren't gods, that doesn't mean true gods don't exist. They do. And, because we have no spoken or written confirmation of Duma or Mila being dragons or being gods in OG Gaiden, there is the possibility of them being either.
  2. That would possibly look awkward on the artwork. Or they could be really cruel and randomize which hair color you get, and if you don't like it, just keep pulling! Add Natures to things, and good luck getting a Crimson-haired +Spd -Def Morgan if you care about both visuals and usability! Hmm? Afraid people are going to Lucina-bash because she's featured, if not obtainable, in another TT? While IS is almost under contract to give four CYL2 Braves, and will likely do a Farfetched 2. Let us not forget that they'll be doing normal banners along the way. They've already exclusively repped every game but T766, Gen 2 Awakening, and Gen 2 Genealogy (but I hear no one complain of this one) in at least one banner. So once they've tackled these three, they will be free to do add as they wish, likely according to popularity. So don't worry about sub-top 2 popularities too much.
  3. In particular, Ivy. I think some people were okay with her SCII design, finding it (and her weapon being a whip sword, and having a sadomaschist laugh) balanced by being a strong female character (although being a weak, as in traumatized, female character can work according to some- see Camilla). Then came SCIV, and the redesign sent her into pure condemnation for being just plain absurdly fanservicey. The problem with any FE fighting game roster, would be trying to represent the entire series, and focusing on main characters, which would overload it with swords. That isn't an issue in a fighting game, but traditional FE fans obsessed with the Weapon Triangle would whine about. Perhaps the best thing to do would be to brand it like Persona does its Arena spinoffs- make it clear that you're not talking about repping the entire franchise. That way, fans of ignored games wouldn't be as ornery during the development because it is upfront in its exclusiveness, and it'd let the game be something other than hermaphroditic sea slugs fencing to see who isn't stuck being the mother (aka sword-fest).
  4. Harken = gameplay god. Harken backstory: the lone survivor of the Knights of Pherae who seeks revenge against Nergal by hiding within the Black Fang (and possibly gives the heroes a Silence Staff from a village in Four Fanged Offense) and waiting for his chance to strike. All while harboring a heavy heart of guilt because he failed to protect his Lord Elbert = awesome. Harken in his Supports, well when I read them last, he was much too much a ghost of a former human being in them, being so wracked with guilt. So Harken is unfortunately pretty bad on this front. Yeah, it helps Ephraim to have one screw up moment, but when you consider it in the context of the rest of the plot. 1 brief moment in 22 chapters (less when you factor out the Eirika 9 from the beginning), which isn't totally terrible since Rausten still has an SS, isn't enough when you look at the big picture. As for Ephraim and his father, there is this bit I remember: I wouldn't have minded if they ran with making Ephraim a little more openly heartless towards dear old dad at the beginning. Tone up the reckless glory warmongering edge even more, that way by starting with a higher extreme, we can see him change more easily. It is interesting here as I just noticed that he admits his Chapter 5x escapade, well not it exactly, but the stuff presumably like it which was happening before and during the Prologue, was a mistake. Curiously SoV is built partly around the idea of sword vs. compassion, an idea which, in the scant text it had, goes back to SRT: OG Gaiden. SS in a sense perhaps came very close to capturing this need for balance between the two. If you read my further extrapolations from Eclipse's explanation: I think you could say Eirika the pacifist learns the necessity of the sword, and Ephraim the warrior the necessity of compassion. I say almost captures the need for balance, since Ephraim already was compassionate, he just didn't bring it to bear on Lyon. If he wasn't at all compassionate towards Lyon, if they weren't friends and Ephraim only wanted to kill him initially because the Demon King was in him and the DK is evil and killing him will be a test of strength and glory, it would arguably be better. Eirika on the other hand, you could argue was not already bellicose in any measure. Although you could argue otherwise, since she is forced to learn to fight through the whole of SS, and in a flashback had Ephraim teach her how to fight of her own choosing. My opinion on Marth is dropping a little, or rather that of people who like him. I get he needs alts and all and that he isn't a bad character. But hammering away he that he was first and that means the universe! Is a poor argument. I dislike both firstism and latestism. Should someone shout endlessly "Fire deserves to win it was humanity's first and most fundamental invention!" I would loathe them just as much as if they said ad nauseam "The iPhone deserves to win it is the latest and greatest invention!". Marth might be the original FE lord, and in EO2U I even picked a blue-haired male Sovereign (but I refused to give it an FE name), but it is FE1 which is fundamental and impactful. Marth, dare I say, is nothing but a blip in FE1 itself, as meaningful as Dolph. (I'm being dramatic here for the moment.)
  5. Well Severa is very well liked, yes? Severa is snappy at people at times yes? Lethe snaps at people at times yes? So Lethe is like Severa yes? And Lethe is a Cat Laguz yes? So people who like the very popular Severa would like the Cat Laguz Lethe yes? So Lethe would be a very popular character to add and a shapeshifter yes? And other Laguz are like Lethe in gameplay yes? THEN START CRANKING OUT 54 VERSIONS OF LETHE INCLUDING SEVERA COSPLAYS IF THAT IS NEEDED TO GET ALL THE OTHER LAGUZ IN! Five versions? Fates, Awakening, Heroes- what are the other two? She appears in Jugdral, Elibe, Archanea, Magvel, and Tellius, so just which of these if any classify as the other two? I'd be okay with a retro Anna, a simpler one devoid of her modern avarice.
  6. You do have quite the point here! It is a little sad to see Ephraim devastated, anyone who can pity should when the good are wronged. But this is necessary for Ephraim's character- and he is fictional so this is fine, just like being morally ambiguous (bad in reality, good in writing). And by reducing him to a pitiful status, it offers a chance for people to sympathize with him more through said pity. Reading the C19 dialogues, I almost feel they got assigned to the wrong routes. Ephraim is naive and emotional, wanting to believe Lyon is his friend forever, but fearing he won't and then applying to his friendship with Tana. Eirika on the other hand isn't so mopey and takes the more proactive position of wanting to help. I'm guessing part of this might have to do with how Lyon showed himself prior to the end of Chapter 18, and how Ephraim and Eirika saw him during the same period. Ephraim was convinced Lyon was entirely lost to the Demon King and was prepared to kill the Demon King. But surprise! Ephraim wasn't prepared to kill Lyon, who in C18 states the Demon King possession was an elaborate act and he was in charge all along. With the possibility, nay certainty as much as he abhors it, that Lyon is still alive, Ephraim, who treasures Lyon as much as Eirika, can't bring himself to mutilate his living friend. Eirika by comparison was convinced Lyon still had a chance of escaping the Demon King's control. So when the Demon King successfully tricks her into letting him smash the SS, she is heartbroken because her hope was totally misplaced. However, because it is then clear Lyon is truly lost to her, she is no longer fearful of destroying his body, because the body is already terminally ill. A little Sieglinde euthanasia will bring Lyon's suffering to an end. You addressed the serious matter in an introductory sentence and one paragraph. Concise, but very explanatory and powerfully persuasive. Had you exhausted ten thousand words on the topic, I might not have read it in full. Since besides length, I'd take it as over-analyzing by a devoted fan and regard it for whatever its merits with a grain of salt. And since I know you're fairly muted in your preferences as befits a mod, and that SS isn't your favorite, I'm willing to assign a greater measure of objectivity in your interpretation.
  7. While everyone generally points to Eirika's naïveté being on full display as making her terribly flawed in her version of the same chapter, does anyone normally use Ephraim's version for pointing out his recklessness? No. Though Eirika is still more flaws and Ephraim still more perfect, since Eirika falls into C8's trap and Ephraim, who she was supposed to rescue, but who wasn't there because he is perfect, ends up rescuing her. Scorched Sands (the only likable FE desert map), later has Eirika in dire straits again and Ephraim has to save her. Back to the Renais SS smashing. I noticed Ephraim never says after the smashing or in the next chapter "Damn I was too brash, how stupid of me!". However, Eirika never says "Oh, I was too trusting in Lyon, I must steel myself." either. Nobody criticizes either for said faults in the same time period either. Hopefully in their silence, both lords realize what they did that was wrong, but I'd like to hear at least a few words of their deep guilt. Seth does call him out true. But does it matter when despite those warnings, Ephraim succeeds by doing as he always has? Are flaws really flaws if nothing bad happens because of the flaws? Isn't the reason flaws are bad is because they lead to bad things happening? And that is why people should work to overcome their flaws? Badassery. Well sometimes people like that and use it as justification for a character. Other times they view it as something shallow- much like oversexualized looks. Why, could it be almost a masculine equivalent? I don't mean to be wholly critical of the term, since I do like some characters for being powerful, the Laguz Royals of course for instance. Though never just for badassery, Naesala is rather complex for example.
  8. It's one I can get behind too. *Readies dagger* Then again... not worth it. Might as well get rid of that page I ripped out of Rexbolt as a backup. *Throws it in the air, accidentally firing off the spell* And then you have the irony of the PoR difficulty issue. PoR: This game will be too hard for foreigners, let's drop Maniac and add Easy. RD: Normal? Pffffff this going to be Easy for foreigners! They're so good Hard will feel like it should be the Normal to them, and Maniac won't be hair-pulling, just Hard. He served as a foundation of the series, but is a little dull. And his games have the presence of a gnat outside of Japan, where Mystery is beloved, I'm guessing it'd be the Link to the Past of FE over there (which I could understand). Smash and him being FE Unit No. 0001 have done more for him abroad than Shadow Dragon probably has by a thousandfold. There would be the odd thing of it either prematurely forcing them to make her good in the plot. Or they could BS an excuse. Like a fragment of Veronica's inner goodness escaped from her cursed self and took physical form. Well fragments as in multiple pieces, to explain ghd multiple copies. I would nickname her Lanica, in reference to Hyrule Warriors. He is just too perfect. He never loses any battles, he just charges ahead and always wins. For he is never faced with real adversity, he never has to develop as a character. Aesthetically he can be likable. His supports aren't without some good ones. And he is very unique in being the only Lance using lord at base. Girls are appreciated for development, although some are preferred when they get absolutely none at all. You find a mixture of both on the top 20 so far. Although middling development is taking the no. 1. And can I say Alfonse looks a little cute? Cliched blue-haired male FE lord sure, but he's cute at least. Sharena I will concede greater visual originality to.
  9. The use of "dangerous" isn't problematic here, since Soren is describing Micaiah's potential against the Laguz Alliance, there is no need to sugarcoat how much carnage a machine gun could inflict on a human body. The Laguz Alliance needs accurate information about how big potential threats are. Soren does qualify his mention of the miracles with "Personally", so he makes it clear this is just his opinion whether they are true or not. I forget how the rest of that conversation goes, but I remember either Ike or Soren comparing it to how Tanith and Sigrun act regarding Sanaki (lovely bit of foreshadowing here). And if Soren said it, well he'd be insulting the Apostle too by calling the Holy Guard fanatics, so if he made the comparison, I think he meant it without an opinion on Micaiah's nature as a person. It is worth including mention that the boss of 3-11 and plenty of other scenes make it clear that Daein citizens do hold Micaiah in very very high regard. Soren is not without a basis in truth concerning the fanatic statement. So overall, Soren was neither indicting Micaiah as a cult leader, nor casting her as a saint. Just that she was a major threat to the Laguz Alliance and co..
  10. I thought you could make the case for Archanean Tiki, but would you put her a few years above kindergarten age? I only hope the allegations of why that was are false. Let me guess, it's pronounced exactly like Sheeda/Shiida? If so, I certainly won't be surprised if Ced is exactly like Sety.
  11. Lords lords lords and other main characters on the male. The ladies are more varied, but not quite amazing either. Sex, appearances sans sex, and a few with depth. Not my top 20, but that what difference does it make in the vast scheme of life? Eh. Celebrate ye who must. I'm going to sit in a corner and rust. Main characters are passe to me. The filler and totally obscure aren't any special either. I guess any joy to be found is in the middle ground.
  12. Unlike Ewan he is from Grado. Lyon has Naglfar already, which while we don't know how it came to be or what it is, it is stronger in gameplay, and if I hazarded a guess, resulted from his Dark Stone use. So why does he need Gleipnir? Also, when Ephraim goes to the reliquary to retrieve the Sacred Twins of Grado, Knoll is the one there informing Ephraim of them. He and Duessel, a Gemstone and a personal servant of the imperial prince, are as close to royalty as we get for Grado that is playable. And this isn't the only Sacred Twin without a royal, since Excalibur can't be used by Joshua and no one else is Jehannan royalty. Either Ewan (Jehannan by birth), or Saleh, who is exclusive to Eirika during the route split, the route that deals more with Jehanna, and is loosely part of Gerik's Mercenaries. (I'd prefer Saleh, Ewan is already going to have trainee BST and that is good enough for him.) Lastly, making Vigarde use Garm in battle would mean having to alter it to 1-2 range or he'd have to keep the Spear he already has too. Otherwise he'd be sniped. There is also this little part of the exchange with Knoll over the Grado Sacred Twins. Seth: “Prince Ephraim. Here… I’ve found the Sacred Twin relics.” Ephraim: “And here they are… Yet I don’t understand. The Sacred Stone was destroyed, but these were left untouched? Why?” Knoll: “I know not… Perhaps… No, never mind. It’s an idle thought. Prince Ephraim, please take these relics with you.” Ephraim: “Is that all right?” Knoll: “Yes. I want you to have them. And maybe… Maybe someone else wanted you to have them as well.” What Knoll speculates, but doesn't fully say, I think, is that Lyon intentionally left the Sacred Twins alone for someone like Ephraim to stop him. Like Arvis signing his own death warrant by passing Tyrfing to Seliph.
  13. I love the bad endings in that game! This reminds me of Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross.
  14. I don't think Knoll is that inherently appealing. He is a little too muted for popular tastes, with a side of depressiveness too. See my little character analysis accompanied by a little commentary by our favorite mod for why this would be. Memes can help, but it is unusual and exceptional when they bring a character to the top. People including myself were less angry at Eirika for denying Knoll himself's place, and more for denying what Knoll represents. Knoll is male, not really handsome, subdued in personality, not a main character, and not from Awakening/Fates. He meets most if not all of the criteria for belonging to the collective mass of "unpopular" characters, but who are nonetheless citizens of the Fire Emblem universe, each with at least a few fans if not as many as the Populars, and have the right to be represented in Heroes just as much as anyone else.
  15. I saw someone point this out in the CYL topic. "There are 8 Heroes that appear on the homepage of the new CYL site that aren't in the game yet: Aversa, Inigo, Owain, Leif, Nanna, Myrrh, Marisa, and Valbar. I think IS is dropping hints as to who will be appearing next in the game, Aversa as a GHB alongside an Awakening children banner with Owain and Inigo, Marisa and Myrrh on the upcoming new heroes banner, and Leif and Nanna as a FE5 banner. The only hero that doesn't really fit in is Valbar, but maybe we will get more Echoes heroes or he will be a one off TT reward? Just pure speculation here." Marisa and Myrrh are in now, so they might truly be foreshadowing the others, and perhaps their coming unseen comrades too. How else would Valbar get in? Unless we're getting a mixed game possibly Farfetched 2 banner, or just another SoV TT without anything around it that is SoV. Leif and Nanna will give us the bare minimum of lord and his beloved. Nanna by the way someone said would be the first new PC Staff unit since June if counting Seasonals, April if not, assuming she doesn't run the Runesword. I'd guess the new Breath targeting of the lesser durability stat would be used for the Light Brand if Leif got that over the Bragi Sword. The third slot- well Finn would be ideal. However, Tailtiu and Oscar mean we could get someone random, like Sara. Or we could be getting Master Axe Reinhardt thanks to the recent Eirika addition for all we know. Said alternative Reinhardt could be saved for a GHB though- what is stopping them? He was a pure antagonist in T776, and his competition isn't great- Saias is the only likable alternative (Raydrik and Birdo are hardly cool characters). Given the love for myrmidon girls, Mareeta might sneak in, she will be used up much sooner than later; heck Machyua might get in before Galzus, a more worthy Sword (or Axe for either him or Machyua- since both are Heroes) infantry unit.
  16. I only played SCII on the Gamecube b/c Link, but
  17. Micaiah and Sothe- I'm in the camp that emphasizes their brother-sister relations being more in the forefront and the romantic relations being too underplayed and thus making their marriage weird. Haar and Jill? Haar was probably finishing puberty around the same time Jill became a zygote. Their PoR Support and everything else in PoR and RD suggests nothing of romance between the two. Just two individuals sharing in an adoration of Shiharam Fizzart. I don't think it had to end romantically between the two of them, and it comes off as forced because the two just so happen to be the opposite sex and close to each other and Jill had no other options looking at PoR. As for a V Day banner. What the They Who Lusts wants: Plenty of fanservicey males, or classy ones- leaving more to the imagination works for me. What the Idealist wants: Two males and two females, with representation of non-Awakening/Fates games. Attire would be a little on the risque side, but still classy enough. What the Cynic fears: All or 3/4s female, all Awakening/Fates, all in fanservicey attire. Men will not receive a White Day banner to compensate. Some critics will sneer it as VDay. Titania loved Commander Greil, Ike's and Mist's father, both romantically and in adoration of him as a person. Even with Elena's death, she did not marry him, nor do we get any idea of their relationship being anything but strictly professional. Well besides Titania being something of a mother figure to Ike, Mist, Boyd, and Rolf (though we don't hear of it in Rolf's case, he is the youngest of the GMs). Ganondorf would run in fear of the reaction by some of us who would shout "So not only are the unpopular characters forced to wait forever to get in due to the more popular and females ones they keep rehashing, but now they get shoved aside by characters that aren't even from FE? KILL THEM!" Link would foolhardily stand in opposition, and die a violent death. Zelda's would be less gruesome, but still sad, and Impa would vanish into the shadows before she gets mauled. I'd agree actual couples from varying FEs and not just Awakening/Fates would be quaint, but quaint is the word you use for the downsized house you move to in your 50s after the kids are gone. Quaint is not a word you'd use for selling Orbs; hot, cool, badass, fun, silly, sexy, epic, awesome, and cute! are all words you'd use, and the opposite of quaint.
  18. To be fair, it was the only one of her two good stats in Fates, the other being Skl. Her Str rested on Wyvern Rider's good graces, and her Speed was terrible (average at best with a Fighter reclass).
  19. So there is an artist specializing in pretty lavender boys with similar names? Now if only Leo got his hair dyed.
  20. Unless Macellan undergoes the operation to Macelle, it isn't correcting a gender imbalance. It is just choosing to represent the genders absolutely equally, which is not the same as relatively equally. In Shadow Dragon's case, we have 59 playables. 14 of whom are female. For 23.7% of the roster. So for relatively equal representation, we should get for every 1 female, 3 males. Admittedly, in Archanea, if there are "filler" characters, I'd say they would more often than not be male, since having fewer females gives each greater plot/world significance in Archanea's case. But this is less so with a later game like Blazing (you could say this of Binding though- did we need 4 Cavaliers and 2 Jagens? Although Wendy O Koopa is filler too, and Zealot isn't a bad character). Next, how about we apply this to FE4? We have 24 characters in the First Generation, and in the second, 24 original characters excluding subs (and excluding Finn). In the 1st Gen, we have 9 females to 15 males, and 8 females to 14 males. So 37.5% is female in the 1st and 33.33% in the 2nd, so for every one 1 female, we should expect roughly 2 males, slightly with one or two exceptions. FE6: 54 PCs without the trial map characters, of whom 19 are female, or 35.19%. FE7: 13 females in a playable roster of 44 counting Ninian and Nils separately. 29.55% is female. Let us see what the ratio would be for SS, which with Creature Campaign has 43 playables. Of whom, 14 are female (if I counted right)- the same as SD. But having a significantly smaller cast relative equal representation would be about 2 males for every 1 female (32.55% of the roster). Removing the CC characters, we have 33 playables, of whom 12 or 36.36% are female. RD, just to get both it and PoR done together. 74 including the Black Knight, and tossing in Largo from PoR just to get him out of the way. Of this, 25 are female, or 33.78%. For SoV, there are 34 characters, of whom 13 are female, or 38.23%. So we should get a little less than 2 men for every 1 woman. The ratio for Awakening is next. 49 characters between Spotpass and the main game excluding Einherjar. 23 of whom are female, well 24 with Robin or Morgan, one of whom will be female if the other isn't. So 46.94% of the playable roster is female here. Here, absolute equality is virtually the same as true equality, so it works here, and I'd expect the same of Fates by virtue of modernity and modern baby making. I know this is a little late, but I'm slow and meticulous in my number crunching. Edit: As needed to add more crunched numbers.
  21. If it were to happen, it'd have to be early game weapons- so no legendaries unless they don't have to be earned like the royal brothers' in Fates. A rapier or rapier-esque weapon might therefore have to fill in. The selected characters would obviously have to be taken from the earlier part of the game, including the villain if a GHB was planned, so it wouldn't likely be the ultimate villain. The character quotes would be forbidden from delving into anything spoilerish about the characters themselves, so no signs of their later development and events- only from what they are at the beginning of the game. A later rendition, ideally at least 6 months after the release, would have to fill in the endgame villains and bring the legendaries and experienced MC later. So, it would be possible, and workable for FEH to feature FE16 before its official release. But could IS restrain itself here? Or would we learn that Prince Amarden is secretly a Macalor and can use the Verisig?
  22. I was waiting for a handy or bidet sophisticate to show up. Bring oneself or more modern technology to the battlegrounds. I think the Romans in their sophisticated plumbing system would use a bit of sponge on a stick dip it in running water, and then apply to the proper regions. The bathroom floor, probably one of the cleanest places in the world. Not that it has to be clean for the function it is used.
  23. Fair enough all your criticisms, I likely invested myself into that a little too happily and uncritically and thus was a little too optimistic in my spin. The "pretentious" with Ephraim might just be him having given up on all hope and just wanting his boring life in a prison awaiting death to end sooner. You could be right on the Duessel line; how nice it'd be to have voice acting to determine his exact tone there (yet I don't think there would be enough variation in his voice to tell precisely what how he meant it). No matter how you look at him, Knoll is a bit of downer, even past his looks and gameplay performance, I can see why people wouldn't like him. And I do think Legault worked out better as a minor character from the evil side back in the good old days, or "relatively better" for Knoll, since predicting catastrophes can't be all that enjoyable. The Isadora was the standout there from what I remember.
  24. On promotion she has 7 Con. Gleipnir has 20 WT, so -13 AS. If we assume 20/20 averages, she will have 21 (max of 24) Str and 30 Spd. With Gleipnir, it's 44 Atk and 17 AS. Due to the fact most monsters have laughable stats, this should double everything but Gwyllgis probably. On humans, well it should still double most, but I'd think some of the faster promoted enemies she won't. Now if she isn't going to enemy phase tank on some monsters, her Sieglinde would offer her 58 Atk, which should let her deal more damage than with Gleipnir since the Def-Res gap is never this big. Making it the better weapon. Although being able to resort to Gleipnir for the enemy phase or just instead of Sieglinde because both are very powerful, is nice. Ingame, Eirika's higher move will mean more than a Berserker higher Str and Crit, the second shared with Swordmasters. In the Link Arena, where Gleipnir might find use due to buyable Body Rings mitigating its big flaw, and its high Mt and 1-2 range, it would be better on one of said two classes than Eirika. Overall, I'd call your claim true. If not very practical- that is true of glitching anyone to S Dark instead of just using Evil/Crimson Eye/Demon Surge.
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