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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I wouldn't say you need Yune's blessings or bust to defeat Dheginsea, or Ashera who is powering him. Yune can penetrate Ashera's blessings because she is pure Chaos, the opposite of Ashera who is pure Order. If one was able to accrue sufficient Chaos in another way, they should in theory be able to break through Ashera's blessings. I can't find that one line I'm certain exists saying something akin to Ashera being impressed by Dheg's power/him being possibly even stronger than her. Still, I'd consider him the weakest of the dragon enemies, for he lacks timespace shenanigans and a horde of ugly minions and whatnot. No denying that he is by far the best written though. He tramples on Anankos though he were a gnat in this regard. He didn't actually devour the clerics, just somehow siphon energy off them or something- only if you kill him without recruiting the maidens first does he eat his Bluefin, Yellowtail, Red Snapper, and... Salmon? There is no explanation why the clerics are special though. That was mine, but I wouldn't call it that good. It was just a guess, and I didn't back it with a search for textual evidence. Well it depends, what does his full body look like? I only know his head image that pops up when the tome is used. If the body to which said head is attached is your standard quadrupedal one, then him being able to fly I'd doubt. If however his body is purely serpentine, then he could be like an East Asian dragon, which fly without needing wings- they're magical like that. Well Dheginsea also did the same thing by taking the Dragon Laguz to Goldoa (the artbooks state this). In his case, his people are extremely powerful and live extremely long lives vis a vis the Beorc and the rest of the Laguz. However, they number incredibly few and reproduce at a glacial pace comparatively. The dragons are so powerful, they could crush everyone in an instant, and the stats prove this in both Tellius games. Nasir should be taken at his word when he says they'd have razed Tellius to the ground if Dheg had gotten involved in the Mad King's War. So keeping them away is fairer and safer for everyone else. However, the Dragon Laguz are also very fragile! For Goldoa has such a tiny population, if you can fit most of it inside part of a giant tower, you know you are a small group. This is a group that also takes more than ~20 years to make a baby (thanks for the lesson Ena), versus the 9 months for a Beorc and probably not far too much longer for the other Laguz. Therefore, the death of 1 Dragon, is far far greater a population decline percentage-wise than the death of 1 of anything else. Now mix the Dragon Laguz with ordinary people from other races. If one Dragon dies in a stupid angry drunken bar fight each year, that would be very bad. And if a Dragon won said bar fight, there would be no bar, nor owner and patrons left. Now if Dragons desired power or got in a war, they'd win easily and everyone would tremble in fear. If people started persecuting Dragons, it'd require very little effort to commit a genocide if the Dragons refused to fight back (or if they targeted the vulnerable- the elderly and the children). Now in Dheg's case, not only does he have to worry about all this, but if he doesn't have full control over his people, they might fight and them fighting would contribute significantly to potentially awakening Ashera- a death sentence for the world. So why did I go over all this? Because Archanean Dragons share practically the same set of issues, except replace the judgement with feral decline as its unique issue. Therefore, I would say Naga has grounds for her liking of humans (Dheg loved everyone not just his own people), whilst still finding it in the best interest of all to keep them and her kind apart.
  2. I'm guessing that's a flub attributed to not paying close attention to Telliusian world details. Tellius even renamed Goddess Icons "Ashera Icons" due to her dominance of Telliusian religion. Since Awakening started with the use of "gods" (of which we know none save Naga), the translators may just be running with that again. Although Ike does tell Ashera right before the final battle "Make peace with whatever the gods worship." and Yune seems to imply the very real possibility of other deities in the world when talking with Sanaki in the desert, so it is possible there are other ones acknowledged by Telliusians (but not so important) or existing in the Tellius world. Even so, "the goddess" would be much more proper, particularly for a Senator whose claim to power lay in a supposed divine right to rule granted by Ashera.
  3. I wouldn't say FE3 from what I'm aware has a gameplay Abel and gameplay Cain, with the visual ones only being the originals. Luke is better bases and Rody is better growths, no stat favoring among them. Gaiden lacks a version of the duo as well, and I'd be inclined to say FE5 doesn't either, nor Fates Nohr. Cecille is just there. In name and personality, probably so. In gameplay, that is the question. Merric in FE3 Book 2 has the same issue- he is a green haired male close to the MC with a Wind Magic affinity, but lacks the early availability required to be a 100% Merric.
  4. I can no longer edit the above post because I made it so big, but ignore that part about using Phantoms since its and just read the spoilered stuff for those who want an explanation of the trick. I was stupid for not just doing that. I thought so, since I used the trick once myself. It's good if you want to grind in Valni without wasting Gold doing so. Beyond Tethys (just turn off her animations and that'll be fixed), the trick does little to no harm. Although I do recall bringing Stone to the Link Arena once, and after getting Stone and killed or something, Gilliam said his death quote, which is weird since characters don't do that in Link Arena battles normally, but I don't remember much else from the one time that happened. And Nils would be adorable with Excalibur since you've put the thought in my head. And Ninian obviously deserves Fimbulvetr.
  5. The wrongly named "Mine Trick"- after the control enemies glitch using a Mine item in FE7. Put a Phantom on a former broken wall or snag tile and let them die. As they die, reset the game. When you start up again, you'll be able to control the enemies. Anyone can use the monster exclusive Dark Magics like Evil Eye since it has no weapon rank associated. Stone, obtainable from Gorgons and Gorgon Eggs in Neleras Peak, give WEXP, which means if a PC uses two Stone tomes in full, they'll gain a Dark Magic rank and can use Flux and the rest of the human stuff. Animations for a non-magic user won't work if they attack with glitched magic though, and with Tethys animations might freeze the game from what I remember. Myrrh can use monster weapons like Hellfang, Sharp Talons, and even Wretched Air too. Explanation here:
  6. They are doing that right now with Micaiah and her bodyguards. The female pool of additions is smaller than the male, so outside of seasonals, factoring in their overuse of females so far, male slanted banners might be getting more common. Also, I'm not big on Marisa. I'd attribute much of her popularity to being a cute looking female with a sword. Change her sex, and she'd sink like a rock. I just minutes ago reread her supports after eons, and my bile for her has been tempered. I wouldn't say she is Mia bad, and I'm willing to forgive a stoic character for being stoic more than a perky one for being monotone (aka I don't forgive Mia), but personally she isn't amazing. She was raised by a hard-knock father who only trained her to fight and nothing else, so she is stoic, though not actively hating others. Her supports were better than I remembered, but not particularly amazing, just average-ish overall. Of course not everyone need appreciate everyone deeply, not even I do, having shallow loves is fine, and so is thinking characters are deeper than others would say they are. Anyone can use Dark Magic in FE8, if Tethys gets it, then I demand a Demon Surge Eirika. And a Demon Light Amelia. Just who oh who is the reward going to be? Eirika and Lyon already exist. I'm at a loss as to who. But I don't think they'll pick anyone bad. "Um, could I borrow all your Orbs for a minute? Please? I'm not going to do anything to them, I just have this one disease, and Orbs are the only thing that will treat it." Options: Give all your Orbs. Give all your Orbs. You are too sweet to choose otherwise. Well "I will multiply you" is quite funny a mistake so at least you succeeded in failure. Made me think of Gaiden Mogalls (fun memories), and procreation.
  7. Not correct. Dragonskin halves damage. The Book of Loptyr halves Attack. If I have 50 Attack and the enemy has 30 Defense and the enemy has Dragonskin, I'm dealing (50-30)/2 damage, or 10. If I'm fighting the same enemy with the Book of Loptyr, its 50/2 -30, which equals 0 since 50/2 is 25. The Loptyr effect is much stronger than Dragonskin, but I think the reason they abandoned Attack halving is because it is too strong and makes the player too reliant on the special weapon to kill the final boss. Medeus in FE3 also had Atk halving.
  8. Camus's nickname is Black Knight (or Dark Knight- either works). The fan translation here on SF for Mystery calls Camus this. Now for Shadow Dragon, since Tellius was just past, they presumably didn't want in the English version to use the same nickname twice, so they changed it to "Camus the Sable" or Sable Knight Camus. Sable is a shade of black, so the meaning is the same, the wording is just a little different. Camus is thus the original Black Knight. Ares also bears the title Black Knight- he even calls himself this when you converse with his Einherjar on Awakening's world map if you summon him. The FE4 Ares profile sprite is almost identical to his father Eldigan's, so I was joking with saying Ares deserves to power creep himself, because he and his father look like the same person (and thus that Ares deserves to be much better than Eldigan). And it is because Jugdral has a Black Knight that we likely got a Telliusian Black Knight. Since Jugdral is the ancestor PoR was channeling, just as Magvel channeled Gaiden and Elibe Archanea. Well Dark Emperor Hardin will give us an Armor Gradivus at least. And they could always put Renewal in a Gradivus! A sweet little cherry on top it would be.
  9. Like Raven before him, once Gerik promotes in SS, he actually ends up being an Axe user first and foremost, for 1-2 with Hand Axes mostly. Gerik actually gained two Con in the international version, so with the additional +2 of Hero gives him 15! That can handle a Steel Axe without AS loss. His bases are very solid, and his growths keep him awesome with no issues anywhere (60 HP, 25 Str, 26-27 Skl, 23-24 Spd, 16-17 Lck, 22 Def, 13 Res on average at 20/20- flawless, absolutely flawless). Yeah, Gerik is one of my SS favorites as well. L'Arachel is good too, and if I had to pick a third, well Myrrh for gameplay would be good. But I'd be fine with a lot of SS's cast for that slot.
  10. If the most recent incarnation of a Black Knight power creeped himself, then the original BK deserves the same, it is only fitting. Which begs the question- when is Ares coming? I rest my case.
  11. Please oh please oh please oh please do not contaminate Tellius with the filthy world of Fates! That. Is. It! Caineghis, summon the your nephew at once! Elincia send Geoffrey to lead the vanguard NOW! Micaiah, start predicting! Tibarn rain down upon the Nohrians! Naesala, work your way into Hoshido and destroy it with treachery! The Begnion Central Army will follow all of you led by Zelgius! Ike and the GMs will bring me Corrin's ugly head! Ashunera- neutralize Anankos and make statues out of everyone else! Ahistorical people and places have no true right to the world of living! They shall all be annihilated and their remnants left to the historical and real! *Cough, cough, cough* Sorry, the idea of the poorly built world of Fates, and quite possibly the very best built world coexisting in the same, is a little irksome to me. I in no way cast judgement upon the people of Nohr or Hoshido. Whatever the next FE is, I'm probably going to skip watching any trailer and just buy the game when it releases, no hype is better for me.
  12. I get what you're saying here. Insofar I learned her, all of her C2-C5 can each flow into her C1 triple hit "Giant Butterfly Regular String Combo" once the foe is airborne, which you then frequently will follow up with a Strong Attack butterfly slam since the timer on the butterfly will be nearing empty after one full combo. This is the heart of Agitha's play style. The C2 takes the shortest time to use, but is the trickiest to C1 off of; it is also great for Officer juggling and I think it's a near/true infinite. The C3 is okay crowd clearing, takes not too long to perform, and packs a good bit of damage. The C4 is the easiest to follow with the Butterfly, but take a little longer to execute and lacks any use outside of the Butterfly. The C5 has power, okay crowd clearing, and is possibly easier to Butterfly off of than the C3, but takes the longest to execute. Agitha is a bit slow, her attacks aren't therefore the safest. Her crowd clearing isn't that great, and her Giant Boss potential is average. Though on crowds, Agitha massively benefits if an Officer easy to WPS off of is present amid the peons, because she gets one of the best WPSs in the game, with gigantic crowd wiping and solid power. And I think Agitha is easier to learn than the Dominion Rod, as any moveset that requires consciously managing a second object- Rosalina and Ice Climbers in Smash for instance- probably has a naturally high learning curve.
  13. Vigarde had Spear as his weapon in SS, with an S Lance rank. But being that the Sacred Twins are called what they are, if Lyon got Gleipnir, then him getting Garm is likely. Whenever Vigarde comes, who will be retroactively brought from pre-death to make him actually have a personality and not just a puppet, I'd look forward to it. As a boss Vigarde is actually rather intimidating in SS, yes that is highly handicapped by him not moving, but 14 Crit and good stats make Ephraim alone 100% safe on him. Hope he'd get a good spread. Also, Vigarde is sexy. I don't mean to be necrophilic, but that flowing light lavender hair with that beautiful facial hair on a stern but not angry face- it's perfect! He's a DDILF. Like father like son, the hair and face are magnificent, and their attires, are subdued but beautiful. Why couldn't SoV Rudolph learn from him? He's an anti-DILF.
  14. She was a fairly good character. And Radiant Historia was a fairly good game. Could've had more (I'd want more Diaz and his companion whose name I forget), but overall in spite of whatever faults it's a good game, one of the best original DS JRPGs. I did love the double narratives since Standard and Alternate History had different foes and different feels to them. I wonder what that 3DS port is adding, besides questionable new artwork. 175
  15. Ya know I've been hopelessly wishing for them to give the choice between OC art and the freelance new stuff, except now I see how out of place that would be. Given my love of SMT, I would have thought it'd work out better. Maybe I'd get used to it. Worry not, Lord Iceifer (do not call them Lucifroz!) is a lenient master.
  16. The Kingdom of Naga belongs only to the chaste, you shall suffer for eternity for your indulgence of such base desire.
  17. Not a big fan of it. Robin was mixed in Awakening. But Smash RUINED it because sword lordism plagued the rest of the FE Smash cast. Ignore the capitalization there, just a little annoyed about the Levin Sword, since it forgets that Robin was originally mixed, even if the movie clips emphasized magic (which I think it did partly out of it being easier to make it look good in first person, which is important because of Robin's face malleability). And I shall admit I pretty much ignored the Bronze Sword and sent Robin on a Magic binge throughout Awakening, since tomes rule and swords drool more than anything else but bows. She's like a 4 year old, she'll just throw a tantrum and refuse to get dressed. I won't vote.
  18. And ain't that a problem!? Even Walhart has noble on paper atheistic free humanity from the tyranny of the gods at heart. SoV must have decided to regurgitate him, besides it being an anti-gods game in the first place. Also, Ashnard gets Mad King as a nickname, but whether he was truly mad or not- that is debatable. Does mad = evil, then yes. If mad =/ evil, than no, i'd say he was rational. The same for Caellach and the Senators.
  19. And the good-to-nanomaterial slim prospects for future GHBs: Archanea- Hardin, Medeus, Gharnef, Eremiya, Jiol, Lang. Valentia: Rudolph, Jedah, Nuibaba, Rinea, Ferdinand, Desaix, Slayde, Deen, Duma. Awful lot must I say. Berkut alone was appealing. Jugdral: Chagal, Ishtar, Emperor Arvis, Reptor, Langobalt, Blume, Hilda, Julius, Manfroy, Travant, Arion, Hannibal, Kempf, Raydrik, Veld, Galzus, Saias, Shiva, Perne. The 1st Gen really lacks that many good choices. Elibe: Brunya, Murdock, Gale, Jahn, Idunn. Nergal, Sonia, Limstella, Ephidel, Linus, Uhai, Darin, Kishuna (yeah good luck making him work), Kenneth, Jerme. Magvel: Glen, Selena Fluorspar, Riev, Caellach, Formortiis, Vigarde, Morva, Carlyle, Pablo. The Gemstones are all okay, the rest are me just running things on. Tellius: Ashnard, Petrine, Bertram, Bryce, Naesala, Ena, Sephiran, Dheginsea, Lekain (the other Senators can be skipped), Jarod, Ludveck, Ashera, maybe Begnion Central Army Commander Zelgius to give him the duel he has twice been denied. Awakening: Gangrel, Aversa, Walhart, Cervantes, Pedophile, Yen'fay, Validar, more openly Grima Robin, possibly Priam. Fates: Garon, Anankos, Iago, Hans, Mikoto, Sumeragi, Zola, Possessed Takumi. Pretty awful lot I would say. As for Lyon- well nice to have him in. I'm expecting his personality is going to be neither his Eirika nor Ephraim self, rather a generic one that does not draw specifically from one or the other. And since Naglfar is assumed for him, Knoll can later go for a stroll with Gleipnir- aka one of the absolute worst legendary weapons ever. 20 WT, +5 Skill, and no effective bonus on monsters like the rest of the Sacred Twins is terrible. But, RD's SS tomes are scarcely better than Gleipnir I must admit, since they've such low Mt and enemies so much Res, doubling alone makes them better.
  20. And I never even played the game yet despite having it. Was this a glitch? What warranted the update? My Switch isn't connected to the Internet yet, for some reason it fails to recognize the wifi. So I guess I'd still have this?
  21. I rarely heard of Ghirahim doing poorly. Ruto, the Baton and Agatha, yes to all of them being bad. But on a hypothetical tier list, well for the Wii U original, even after a bunch of updates Ghirahim was Upper Mid on GFAQs. His C5 has crowd clearing, it isn't the best, but it's very serviceable- better than non-Legends Fi's Officer and Giant Boss WPSing was for sure. The C2 is for juggling/Officer WPSing. A C1-C3 puts the hurt on lone officers. A C4 dodge canceled after the spikes appear is good for Giant Boss WPS. And C1 dagger spam deals okay chip for what little that is worth. Did Legends somehow nerf him? I can see how character swapping would permit singularly flawed characters to be less bad, but if there are any solo challenges those flaws would still sting. Furthermore, being able to do everything well is still better, in worthless theory at least, than not being able to.
  22. Sounds wonderful- and if you can handle the Japanese, then the ability to shop other regions eShops would make this easy. But has SRW ever gone on VC or anything of the sort? I'd think licensing would be a hindrance to this. Although I think SRW64 is a little more in legal issues since so far, OG hasn't included them at all, that its originals are the predecessors to the Advance mecha of Soulgain, Angelg, Vysaga, Ash Saber, and I think Zweizergain even, shouldn't be too big a deal. Since if the original Hucky is capable of standing tall alongside the Mk III (although the Mk II isn't), no reason the Earthgain can't compete with Axel's. Or maybe Banpresto just dislikes 64, since the Irm and Ring alternatives from the Classic series have been ignored and they don't presumably have the same issues.
  23. Shouldn't have said all then- absolutes are bound to lead to getting shot at, I should know better and never use them (and that is the one time you should). Admittedly I had in the back of my mind the badness of Fi when writing that, and the Great Fairy is even worse, just totally optional the vast majority of the time since Link has so many better choices. Then I have my distaste for the Rapier as grossly underpowered, there is the RNG element of the Summoning Gate, and Zelda's and Lana's other options each being problematic in their own way. I wish the ability to update the game allowed the developers to boost these movesets and others (I heard Tetra is also underpowered), a bit, since they did that with Zant and the Great Swords. But those were mostly just invincibility frame and dodge canceling modifications, and the above movesets need more than that. Rapier needs either to double up on the single target effectiveness without light orbs, or have much more/quicker crowd clearing with them, or both. Fi needs, I don't know, maybe sword lasers on every attack after using the C1? Summoning Gate should rotate the summons in a fixed order to make it more predictable. I know that even mainline Warriors has had some duds and underpowered characters- Gracia, and that Throwing Knife moveset in DW7, and Sangzhang (that shirt sleeves girl in WO3) being instances from what I can tell. But I'm not even going to pretend to have any real idea of the ratio of good to bad in the mainline. Whoops and I forgot. The Cucco is back? Ganon was okay, repetitive and they shouldn't have had leveling in that mode (since it just pads it out), but the Cucco is an atrocity of clucking and button mashing with a weakling. They best fix it or deny it any role in 100% the game, otherwise some people will have some unpleasant stuff to do on hand.
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