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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Yeowch that hurts. RIP Wii U. What went wrong? Advertising failures? Does Nintendo always have to do the innovative thing from here on out? As an owner of a Wii U, I pity its life was cut short. A 158 gun salute for the glorious Gamepad.
  2. I wouldn't call HW bad, and if you like Zelda, the game is quite enjoyable, all the characters having fun movesets. Admittedly, the giant bosses are a pace-breaker and they're never really hard- just defend/dodge and wait for them to expose their spot and then use the appropriate item. Likewise, the use of items to move forward or reveal rewards on the various adventure maps sometimes pads out the maps by forcing you to grind for additional Compasses, Bombs and the ilk. Being able to only heal Officers when their HP falls below half and typically being not so useful as allies hurts too. When it comes to dealing damage to enemy Officers, unless you're sufficiently leveled and or have a strong weapon or of the right element for a given situation, Officers take too little damage I'd say, and you rely on waiting for chances to Weak Point Smash them. That should get most of the criticisms out of the way. The WPSes, the Giant Bosses, the item use on the Adventure Maps- all little nods to the Zelda franchise, so they were meant in good faith. FEW being based on a Strategy RPG series integrates more elements of strategy, and if it does improve on HW's gameplay (I don't have it so I can't say), good for it. I wouldn't wholly pass up HW, but I get it that you'd have priorities, better that than poor or faced with a glut you can't reasonably get through at the moment and hence there was no rush to buy in the first place.
  3. But does the main bad guy need to manipulate absolutely everything? A little freedom of choice on the part of other villains can be appreciated. Aversa losing her agency wasn't for the best either. It gives justification for letting her join, but anything else? But I don't want to make a dragged out argument out of this. So I'll end it here.
  4. I forgot about that part of Future Past. Not sure if I like it, since it takes agency away from the Robin of what would then become Lucina's doomed world. Won't fight it though. True, the Feroxi port battle was good enough evidence of what Walhart was capable of (or rather a prelude to what he was really capable of). And being the leader of the primary religious organization of Plegia helped Validar obviously. Walhart seems to have accidentally backfired- the militant atheist who would have behead Validar if given the chance, ended up being a distraction that sent Chrom on a foreign escapade, allowing Validar to process with preparations for Grima's full return. And my fictional FeroxI-Ylisse Occupation Army really couldn't continue to be once Walhart appeared- albeit that was a year after the Plegia war ended, so it still could have existed at least for a time. And to remain on topic, I'm trying to remember how FP3 played out. From what I recall, the only time I ever attempted it was on a Females Only run. With no kids save Lucina (Chrom married Robin) produced, the three other kids save Lucina I had to keep alive had just their bare minimum bases. Because of this, i had to GF and Rescue a 1 turn victory against the boss. But if I had even made pairings for the kids, would it have let me do anything else? From what I remember, the map was just scattered hordes of foes in an area somewhat open, somewhat closed by castle debris. I think even if raised the kids would have had a decent chance of being killed on the first enemy phase. So I guess from what I recall, FP3 is just a little better in gameplay that the main story's final battle. Which isn't saying much.
  5. I'm a little too empathetic to get so vociferously polemical most of the time. Nonetheless I do enjoy it when certain other posters take a razor blade to FE, you being one of those here whose opinion I hold in general high regard on SF. Admittedly my alternative explanation for OSL appearing deserved to get stomped on since having come up with the idea, I had a certain sense of egotistical liking towards it. Thank you. And that is in no way sarcastic. I mean it. Take what Chrom says with a grain of salt. Since he shouldn't know of Tellius or Elibe or Magvel, or even Jugdral really. But he does, and this is wholly to give a little information to the player, who might not have played the older games, about said characters. Fates just kept up the act, and it's fairly inoffensive, people shouldn't take it for serious truth though.
  6. I would like to add that while I hate Valibarf (hence the moniker- except now that I think about it, it might accidentally sound like I'm a Valbar hater), and I criticize him heavily for being so incompetent he couldn't conquer a kindergarten's playground, he did succeed in Lucina World. Admittedly his success in the end was only because Robin chose Grimahood (where is he and Aversa in FP by the way?) while Chrom World Robin didn't. Yet he did kill Emmeryn and severely injured Chrom (was there a Fire Emblem steal too? I forget). The only reason he doesn't do this in Chrom World, is because Lucina prevents it, Chrom otherwise would have suffered the same fate as his Lucina World self and Emmeryn probably the same too. I give him no credit for neutralizing Walhart in Chrom World via money and ship giving though, since Chrom is pretty idiotic for trusting a guy this blatantly evil. Where was the Feroxi-Ylissean Occupation Army? How'd they think Plegia would choose a friendly ruler after being regicided by Ylisse and Regna Ferox? Emmeryn's words of peace would have persuaded them to? Obviously Emmeryn wasn't the only thing to fall that day, while everyone paid attention to her, they didn't notice the brain matter slipping out their ears! Excuse me for that second paragraph, I'm a little like this, but it is this guy who is inside me.
  7. Hence the italicized "slightly", it is far from excusing it entirely. And, partly, the recycling could be seen also as saving on creativity, which Fates might have needed when you have 2 separate games worth of characters (Nohrian and Hoshidans) being made at the same time for a cast that minus the 6 Awakenities still totals over 70 I think. If the alternative to Owain again was something worse than or equal to Yaoi Fangirl and Stunted Lesbian (but weren't the kids of Fates late additions according to game data and rough cut ins?), well, I'd take Owain. DLC making their appearance in Fateslandia a serious thing might also be a problem, since their DLC story is never tied into the main plot. If it had been something more lighthearted like "Well all the Awakening kids decided to leave PC Chrom's world for their own/a new one, and during the jump the three ended up being accidentally separated, ended up In Fateslandia and decide to chill there a little before trying to find their friends", would it be quite as criticized? Criticized still on grounds of fanservice for sure, but it'd pull a little of its reprehensibility away. And painful for Nyna to see him again as well. Ending up falling for another girl while an amnesiac also complicates things and ultimately, Camus chose Tatiana over Nyna. Partly because Camus was presumed dead to Nyna, and could thus move on from him (well not completely...), while he never died to Tatiana. Let's assume he nearly died first and fell into a river and was washed downstream a bit first where he got some immediate wounds treatment. Since I don't think Camus would consciously run away even on death's door, a KO'ed body can't walk but can be washed away, and if others saw his heavily injured unconscious body, they'd probably try to take it for healing or burial.
  8. I haven't played any Dissidia, and probably won't since I don't have a PS4 (maybe I'll grab one at the end of its lifespan for cheap with Berseria and an import of SRT:MD) but I have a general knowledge of who is in and who isn't. If all we have for FFVI is Terra and Kefka, then plot-wise, the next most important would most be Celes. But if sword-centricism is a problem, which it might be for all I know, but can't be at all to the same degree it was in FEW due to FF not being strategic and lacking a weapon triangle, Celes would be blah. I guess she could load up on Ice the element she naturally learns and maybe do something with Runic? If not Celes, then Locke due to his early plot importance would be my next guess, and as a thief type, he'd be different. But isn't Zidane thiefish (I still haven't gotten to IX)? If we forgo plot importance, well I think I'd like Edgar, since his Tools option might have some pizazz? Setzer wouldn't be bad either, but didn't KH or something really mutilate him? I don't think there are any bareknuckle fighters outside of Tifa, so Sabin would be neat as well (although I do like Zell). I wouldn't mind a non-FF DLC trio. Magus, Tiz or Edea, and someone else?
  9. I'm slightly willing to forgive the Awakening 2nd Gen now 1st trio. Why? FE1-2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 9-10, what point am I trying to make? Well all of the aforementioned linked games share at least a few PCs, very few in 1-2, the entire/vast majority of the cast in 9-10 and 1-3. Now how it was handled in Fates wasn't the best, but in the spirit of Fates being a sequel to Awakening, it was bearable. FE Switch however should not be considered part of the same "subset" as Awakening and Fates, and therefore have zero Fates/Awakening/anything old characters outside of Einherjar like DLC.
  10. This was the post with that beautiful Koopa and Dry Bones image. It perfectly summarizes the fear of my own mortality that sometimes strikes. It's also why I can't watch too many science documentaries on space and such, contemplation of the universe shows myself insignificant in the vastness of it all, it consumes me with a sense of emptiness and fear. 107
  11. I'm going to pass on this. I bought the Wii U version with all the non-Legends DLC, never even finished all of Termina and TP, close, but still missing some costumes and plenty of the retro weapons. That 255 level cap was rather unnecessary and I will never hit it as well. Warriors is a series I think I can oversaturate myself on very easily. Hence I choose to space out my purchases fairly widely, and will hold off until an actual HW2. Ideally with Oracle additions (Din, Nayru, Onyx and Veran could easily be turned into PCs), but that's if Capcom doesn't shoot that idea down.
  12. Exactly how good? I thought I heard he was usable in FE1, but I've never played it so I don't know how enemy Atk values are. He has a pretty Knightly 15 Def with his infinite use Fire Dragonstone, but only 18 HP and guaranteed to be doubled- how durable is he really? And what are his FE3 transformed stats? SF doesn't make this clear.
  13. Do they make you feel like this ? That would be bad now, wouldn't it? No you are not. would recognize you if you were.
  14. Sounds fairly good outside of the AoE Special (does anyone ever use those?). Stat spread wise, all the Laguz Royals are bulky physical machines, but Naesala has the highest possible Res of them all. So if he had natural DC and they chose to make him different from the other Royals by emphasizing a good Res stat, I'd guess he'd have the potential to be a good flying mage killer. Tibarn could be the physical bulky flier. Caineghis and Giffca, nearly identical stat spreads but with different Skills. Nailah would be whatever (maybe a glass cannon just because it'd be different?). But who knows what they'll do?
  15. If they plan to do Laguz GHBs, he and Dheginsea are our only options. Raven King Naesala sounds too good to pass up. They could use Chapter 19 Entrusted from PoR, the one fight where he appears as a boss (although ideally unless you're really prepared for him it's better to just get that Knight Ring with Reyson) for the map of inspiration. Skill wise, Maelstrom, Tear, Formshift, Vantage- they're all nice, but I'd be most interested in see him with an overhauled PoR Vortex skill (a command skill that casts Elwind that only Naesala- fairly useless, but unique). Also, Naesala has a need for massive Speed. Having a maddening 50 Spd cap shifted in RD, the highest in the game, deserves it.
  16. The big question- how to count RD's Final. Just the final final battle? Or the whole gamut? Although if we pick the gamut, then things like Light can also be considered. Most the pre-final final battles of this sort tend to be nothing spectacular though. To count just the final final battle of RD, well it and Revelation are comparable to me in terms of design. Some tradeoffs in each, with Rev's on the whole a little harder, but not really much better designed. The CQ final battle, only played it once, miraculously cleared it on my first run of it on my first CQ (Hard Classic) run. Pretty fairly designed and challenging. SoV's final fight, not a big fan of it. Mogall spam is annoying, and Duma moving, whilst making him a threat, at the same time makes for a rather conservative and slow playstyle combined with the Mogall horde and Medusa man. Bows and Mages snipe, Illusions decoy, pretty much everyone stays out of Duma's range tanking Mogalls if needed, save Alm and maybe some Dread Fighters. You try to take out Jedah quickly and the Witches almost as fast. Tatiana better be brought and have Fortify or you have to go slower. Just restrict it to a GHB "Anankos's Envy Takumi", to give his evil self a name. The price of Skadi poetically put would be his soul. While we're at it, give him Bold Stance as a skill which would add half of an adjacent ally's Atk/Def to triggered Special damage/damage reduction or something.
  17. Unfixing fathers also creates 2nd Gen characterization issues. As its harder to have a fixed identity, when part of your identity is your parentage. Admittedly this isn't the biggest issue facing 2nd Gen characterization (and Awakening and Fates seem to bear with this well), since most children never even get to see mom and dad (Caipre and Lynn being probably the worst of it since they weren't raised knowing who they are). The bigger issue I think is the Subs, since Febail and Lana would have an obviously different conversation than Febail and Mana and both would be different from Asaello and Mana. Then again, maybe the 2nd Gen just got the short end of FE4's characterization and in a remake the two issues I just stated wouldn't even be real issues. Just to post it because it's relevant to this tangental discussion: Lachesis with Beowulf Lachesis: “Beowulf…” Beowulf: “Lachesis, if anything were to happen to me, I want you to go to Lenster. Fin is there with Cuan’s children. Give him a hand, okay?” Lachesis: “How could you say that? When we go, we’ll go together!” Beowulf: “Lachesis, I’ve got a confession to make.” Lachesis: “Hm?” Beowulf: “I’ve known your true feelings all along.” Lachesis: “What…!” Beowulf: “Take good care of yourself. It was mighty nice while it lasted.” Lachesis: “Wait! Beowolf!” That does sound pretty deadbeat if Beo doesn't have a case of "Chapter 5 Badfeelingitis" and is speaking of the Specter of Black coming in a flurry of Red. Maybe just maybe he's just hiding some real good noble reason why he can't stay with her. Or maybe he thinks her true feelings isn't that she truly loves him and hence he's leaving her to free her up ergo she ruined the relationship!. But the first gut impression on a quick read is his love was a sexual passion. If so, Makalov, it turns out you being the vagabond sword knight wasn't exactly original. And this plus the C8 conversation from earlier mentioned, I guess things really didn't come out of nowhere. Well if you get him to max Luck, with the Brave Lance you have a 90% of Miracle activation. And I think in this game it's a dodge not hit survived with 1 HP that happens. So you can proc Miracle multiple times in a row without any healing in between. If you can get Finn's Luck that high, this might be useful on the early turns (when a reset in case that 10% happened wouldn't be so horrendous) on a outdoor map. But this is purely on paper.
  18. Well I admit to being a little harsh, I wasn't quite my usual, hopefully neutral-ish self. My fault.
  19. They already did the Sage one. It's called the RD non-fatal Sage/Archsage crit. The Swordmaster crit has already been done as well, since it's just Astra. I think Ike's Aether is heavily inspired by the Mercenary/Hero crit as well- throws weapon in air and then catches it slamming down on the foe. The Reaver class's Colossus is somewhat like the Warrior critical, though the can opener hit is toned down, and the spinning actually hits the enemy. A hint of all the twirling of the Generals/Snipers can be found in the Marshals/Marksmens' crits. Nothing akin to the Nomad Trooper critical though, or Druid, Bishop, Berserker, or Thief and Assassin though.
  20. You're serious in your devotion to SS, that I can clearly tell. Perhaps a little too serious, but be as you will, there is nothing really wrong with that. Many would disagree with your assessment and say you're reading too much into things that IS never really intended. But try to bear the difference of opinion with calm instead of writing essays for responses. It's better that way, including for yourself because you don't really want to burn yourself out on this kind of thing.
  21. The biology of it is simple. What isn't, and probably what you mean, is why did Beowolf abandon Lachesis and why did Finn fill in? I think this could be blamed on FE4, since it doesn't allow for such offspring situations to exist, anyone can marry anyone, Finn has no convos with Beowolf, and we don't get much of the Beo's character in the first place. Doesn't developer notes or something say Lachesis left before Chapter 5 to search for Ares and Grahnye as well? That is not true at all in FE4. Might trying to develop an underdeveloped very open void might be how best to summarize what happened when FE5 tried to handling Lachesis?
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