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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Yeah, Micaiah doesn't even get a chance to say "Hey break it up you two! Ike, do you really have to do this? Zelgius, do you really need to do this?". She'd be forced aside even if she did that, two men in the heat of battle aren't exactly stoppable. But if Sephiran got a chance to live, Ike seeing Micaiah's care for Zelgius and thus letting him live their debts settled, wouldn't be impossible. Of course this would require a willingness on Zelgius's part to defy Sephiran, and would he? Well given Micaiah is his master's descendant, maybe. And then there was this line the English version forgot to insert, but had actually translated: Yune: “Micaiah. You’re sad, too, aren’t you? That knight treated you warmly. You wished that he could have stayed by your side.” Well they tried to fit her in with Valtome's passing through Crimea, and then making her co-leader of the Hawk Army. But yeah, it was an unnecessary thing to do, and the Hawk Army is rather superfluous, even if I found it the most enjoyable of the three Armies. Although they needed to include Elincia in some way if they wanted a world-spanning conflict, you can't leave out Crimea. PoR cast her only as a damsel whose kingdom needs rescuing, which might have left the writers at loss as to how to portray her in RD since they never had to show Nyna or Guinevere as a monarch. So lacking any real development in PoR, the writers ended up giving it to her in RD so she could come off as a competent ruler. Thankfully they went that way instead of making her flounder in everything and needing Geoffrey/Bastian/Ike to do anything. I'd add that Part 2 does serve to pivot from P1 to P3, and allows for a passing of time to occur so the two parts don't happen right after each other. But this is a thin excuse for Part 2's existence. Some people do love Elincia and Part 2 to the point they wish she'd gotten more. Some of said people wish Micaiah too had gotten more, and ultimately Ike should have been kicked to the curb and tossed in a ditch. But Sephiran muses at the end of PoR Ike's journey wasn't over, and this I take as inviolable truth Ike had to return and was planned to in some significant role. And I'm no Ike lover. Therefore, the best idea would be to split RD into 3 games. A full game of Micaiah liberating Daein, a short story download only game on Elincia's civil war, and Parts 3 and 4 as their own final game. Of course, like FE would ever have the budget and resources to do this? Particularly pre-Awakening. Well on the one hand, all Beorc countries are ruled by women at the end of RD. Plus, Pelleas stepping down if he lived wasn't a terrible idea, since he knew his claim to the throne- being Ashnard's son- was false, and he was a terrible king for having made the Blood Pact and admitted that kingship wasn't for him. Sure he could have stayed on and tried to improve, but sometimes its better to quit while you're ahead. Without Pelleas, what would become of Daein? Tauroneo is a likely no and lacks heirs (well he has a son, but the wife took him away b/c Daddy was too harsh with him). And the idea of suddenly swapping to a republic, which IS pulled with Grado in SS at the end, would be out of place in a well built world like Tellius. Micaiah was the one individual all of Daein loved, and even as a general she effectively undermined Pelleas's authority to some measure. Putting a random nobody on the throne would seem weird too, since why didn't they ever show up before in the plot if they were capable of being considered for the throne? It just seems hard to imagine how they could have handled this differently. The GMs showing up at the end does little to detract from Part 2. Ultimately Elincia experiences Part 2 without knowing the GMs were there for her and made the most crucial decision- letting Lucia die- thinking she would die and thus showing she wasn't naive any longer. I wouldn't say downhill exactly. Her struggling caught in an awful political and military situation is rare for an FE lord. I like her struggle, for while it doesn't quite develop her since we never get to see her changed in away way, it is nonetheless an overcoming, or attempted overcoming rather, of adversity. I could see it working. A bit mellow, and Micaiah's reverence for Pelleas is from him being king and working hard at being a king, but they'd have a basis for something more. If RD had actual supports, well Nolan is a bit too old for Micaiah visually. But Edward, I could see that as being cute. Leonardo would be eh from what little we get, but who knows if they'd actually have chemistry- I could see the potential for them to be quite good together. If we extended Part 1, I could see Sephiran sneaking a visit into Daein to survey the situation before Tormod's appearance, and then a later visit towards the end of the game to show the Apostle's support for defeating the Begnion Occupation Army. The player would know what Sephiran looked like, but whether Sothe, Zihark, Tauroneo, Jill, and Ilyana laid eyes on him in PoR isn't certain, a quick name and costume change could help as well. Zelgius, well he could appear, but never should he appear in the gameplay if the BK were also to appear in the gameplay. Since that would have the obvious potential to give away them being one and the same. I'd make the BK's appearance a little more phantasm like in such an approach, he comes and goes like a ghost, not actually lingering for very long whenever he shows up. And he'd toy with the idea he is a ghost a little, a ghost returned to see to Daein's liberation. How dare you insult the Laguz with a term worse than sub-human and half-breed combined! Bunnies who got too close to a nuclear reactor are the embarrassment of the shapeshifter community. Even Lyre and the Kitsune spit in their carrot soup and deserve at least ten times the respect.
  2. I remember him as Yukimura-not-Sanada, or rather Yukimura Mori, since he shares a first name with the pretty boy mascot of Samurai Warriors, but in appearance and personality is closer to Motonari Mori in the same series. Doesn't help Yukimura comes only on BR, very late, and has stats that are too balanced but none great outside of Skill. The Mechanist class is kinda crappy, but I like its weapon setup- Shuriken for debuffing, and Yumi for a bit more power and anti-flier abilities. The class is thus rather utility packed. Ignatius is that low? Odd, I never hear anything love or hate about him. But I guess blah male is worse than say controversial woman (Tharja, Camilla, Soleil, Nina) for a popularity poll. Shame about Fuga though. I'd have liked tribe vs. kingdom conflict and warfare in Fates, which doesn't really exist. Fuga's growths might be next to nothing, but a fairly decent class selection, three good weapon ranks, and very solid bases make him incredible filler.
  3. I don't think glasses were common if at all extant in Medieval Europe. Early Modern yes, but Medieval no. Perhaps its owing to Awakening's willingness to modernize that we see them there. Fat people have existed forever though, I think the very medieval William the Conqueror died overweight and he couldn't fit into his coffin. His body fat, combined with gastrointestinal inflammation, and a hot day caused his belly to explode, filling the church with puss and an odor so bad burning incense couldn't cover it. Etzel, the lovechild of Canas and Lucius, too.
  4. He was a Senator of Begnion, the theocratic empire of Tellius and the strongest Beorc (human) country. The Senate is a group of divinely ordained nobles who support the Apostle, Sanaki. Oliver's official noble title was Duke Tanas- Tanas being an area near the Serenes Forest. During the midgame of Path of Radiance, Sanaki hires Ike and company to investigate the Laguz (beast and bird humans) slave trade in Laguz in Begnion. Laguz slavery was outlawed by Sanaki's predecessor Apostle Misaha, but the Senate abuses its high position and keeps slaves in defiance of the edict. Sanaki wants to stop this. When Sanaki receives word of strange activity at Oliver's estate, she sends in Ike to investigate. As the player already knows from scenes they've been shown, the Raven King Naesala sold the Heron Prince Reyson to Oliver after the two had a passing encounter. Oliver being obsessed with the beauty of Reyson, he being one of the only 2 Herons left alive. When Ike discovers a secret room the suspicious acting Oliver didn't show him in the tour of his mansion, Oliver summons his army and Ike has to fight back. Ultimately Reyson shortly after seeing Ike flees and heads into the Serenes Forest. Oliver wants his beautiful white winged Heron back and follows, Ike under Sanaki's order follows both to arrest Oliver and find Reyson. After a four-part battle Oliver is killed. But in RD, it is discovered that the Senate actually saved him on death's doorstep and kept him hidden from Sanaki. He is the boss of 4-4, and can be recruited if he sees Rafiel because of his beauty. His stats are pretty bad in RD and he comes very late, but he can staffbot at least. While Oliver was a fat scumbag in PoR, a slave owner obsessed with his personal greed, RD turned him into a comic relief character. It goes crazy with his love for beauty, and although he remains creepy, it brushes aside the highly immoral him treating other living beings as his personal property. Most characters find him dislikable at first in their supports with him, but most somehow warm up by the A, even Reyson. I will once in a while join in on the joking about him. But otherwise I will render his stomach over a fireplace and use the lard to reduce the friction between plates of armor.
  5. I couldn't think of a Seasonal Banner theme, but I was thinking something royal on the staff armor idea. Full decorative gilded regalia on someone looking like the perfect image of a monarch, commanding their subjects (teammates) to be healed and the enemies to obey.
  6. What, you don't find clanking armor kinky or refreshing? (Although I overheard that the most recent seasonals had some underarmored armors.) Would a Dancer Armor actually have any use as a Dancer?
  7. Same here. I generally use Lucius over Erk or Canas for an early magic user. Canas, well Nostanking would be limited given the number of Nosferatus available and the massive AS loss. Luna isn't bonkers like people say it is in FE7, it kills bosses nicely, and is a Killer with no might but range 2, which makes it a less consistent but potentially stronger Flux (without a crit, the Res negating is forgettable, since how many enemies have 7+ Res?- that being the Might of Flux), nothing more. Erk, well Anima being better than Light is what he has in favor over Lucius, but this only partly mitigates their Mag difference, which at 20/10 is 17.6 vs. 24.6. Thunder is only 2 stronger than Shine, and Lucius is a mere 1-2 points slower at a point where they both double everything. Availability and personal experience aside, Lucius is superior. And this is ignoring Lucius unlike the other two getting a C Staffs instead of E on promotion. That Staff rank is great, auto Restore and potential Physics use are excellent. And Priscilla/Serra are almost never going to promote at 20 if you don't spend for loads of Barrier or Physic or Torch, but I guess you could make an earlier promotion work for them. So really, Lucius has the most utility, Canas the best boss killer, and Erk is the best at nothing, but at least he has a few good supports (yet so do Hips and Monocle). At least this isn't like BR, where Orochi is not so worth it when Izana exists. Pent plus one of the above and maybe Pris/Serra can work quite well.
  8. I need to find a PC for this and TRS by the time this game gets a full fan translation. This game has kept its allure of the exotic for being so different from typical FEs over me for far too long. I want to experience it myself and see how it truly is. I already use Czene in my profile, since I looked through all the official character artwork and she certainly was the best. That I think I heard she's an animal lover too helps. On the male side Kramer looks like one handsome Ogma Jr. too, they're certainly my visual favorites. Silvia also looks very classy. I might try them all out. By the way, SF used to have the BS official artwork, but I can't seem to find it on the site anymore.
  9. I don't think it would be Misaha who gave him peerage. Her assassination I would think came not too long after they met, what Sephiran planned to do after that was return to Goldoa to relay the good hope Misaha would bring to their dreams of a world of peace and tolerance. If Sephiran met Misaha in Sienne, and the flashback shows him able to get to the Serenes Forest on the first click night of the Massacre (I believe it raged for three days), then that would suggest a westward trajectory- aka in the direction of Goldoa. Sephiran is incredibly cunning and good at pretending to be something else, that we know. That he could somehow fabricate a lineage or blend into an existing one is a bit steep, as you'd think the Senators would obsess over genealogical records. We don't actually know when this happened, obviously he had to get it done before his elevation to Prime Minister (yet his class is called Chancellor) in 640. The Massacre and Assassination are in 625, and Sephiran is probably too busy finding Ashnard and giving him the Medallion and Lilia and recruiting Zelgius in 625-626. After this, he has the 14 years to steal/fabricate an identity. Less in practice I'd say since you'd want a few firm years of him in place for the rest of the Senate to notice him enough to hand him the Prime Ministry. Still, if we assume 10 years, it'd be a little fast, but workable that he could somehow fit in. Another reason I'm inclined to say Sephiran became a Senator after the Massacre, is because working within the country with the most powerful military on Tellius and a Senate known to be corrupt would be a great way to bring forth the necessary chaos for Ashera's judgement. I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually pushing for the position of Prime Minister in seemingly innocent ways (displaying a zeal for reform, compassion for the people, a willingness to take on the duties hedonist Senators don't want), since that is the highest and most powerful office in the land that he could lay claim to. Also, we don't know when Sephiran left Goldoa, but given Kurthnaga remembers him singing to him as a baby, and Kurthnaga is something over 100, Sephiran might have left decades ago. Though we don't know if he just stopped showing up in places in Goldoa where Kurthnaga would see him.
  10. Or throw a damper into Hellene's change to good mother after the Eliwood talk. Clearly she was messing him up with her obsession on him as an object to her glory. She tried to reconnect with Desmond, but tensions remained, the return to bliss collapsed, and she went back to seeing Zephiel as her tool. Desmond and Hellene thus resume a war of words over the succession to the Bernese throne, with a growing Zephiel noticing it and soaking in the venom. Now we have two awful parents instead of one, this is more believable. Between Daddy Hates Me and Mommy Uses Me and all their cronies who show up in his daily existence, he becomes convinced that his family is a microcosm of the world as a whole, and thus humanity is garbage. Within this context, Murdoch stubbornly refused to bend to Hellene or Desmond, whilst still exercising sufficient talent and tenacity to keep his high position in place. Brunya, I don't think she gets much if any backstory in FE6 about why she loved Zephiel, so it could be she was a young court mage or something who saw the prince's suffering and gradually worked through the ranks in hopes of serving him some day. But Zephiel doesn't know what he wants to do once he takes the throne of Bern, as evidenced by his rather bored expression the FE7 CG. Given, Zephiel is made out to be something of a learned child in FE7, it wouldn't be hard to add in a FE6 remake that he read a lot, including on the Scouring and dragonkind. Then comes Jahn, who gives his own account of dragonkind, which completely contradicts that of the human written and human-centric texts Zephiel read. Since Zephiel already hates humanity, he uncritically jumps on board with Jahn's account as being Truth, because it is anti-human and from a non-human source. He isn't so much a dragon-lover, as he is a humanity hater and once he saw any alternative to humanity, he ran with it all the way. How to include this? Just relocate some of Jahn's plot dump in C24 to the Gaidens and fill in the removal with new information.
  11. I was thinking the same thing. Technically DDS is a spinoff of mainline SMT, but it the next major traditional gameplay title (well replacing demons with a fixed cast and Mantras) after Nocturne, so I'd say it counts. Plus it has had a reputation as one of the hardest boss fights ever in JRPGs (whether it warrants it nowadays or something like an EO 6th Stratum boss has replaced it, I don't know). I think SMT: If... also featured the SMT I protag and the Law and Chaos Heroes as enemies. And then I heard SMT: IVA has DLC which lets you fight all four prior mainline MCs.
  12. Deirdre didn't know she had male family alive, nor did they know she was alive. This wouldn't give Seliph a strong claim to Granvallian royalty regardless, since as far as he knew, Sigurd married a common woman Deirdre, not a Princess Deirdre, and ultimately the reigning monarch holds the power over the succession. Bastard child might not be the exact choice of words here since the situation is so unreal (I don't think Medieval Europe ever had to deal with lost princesses who were the only living heirs to a kingdom being found later after they had kids and then were mindwiped and forced to remarry with new kids resulting), more "innocent accident". But yes, one quick assassination framed on someone else or branded an "accident/illness" would solve the problem with getting Loptyr!Julia on the throne. Manfroy knows how to manipulate and assassinate in Gen 1, a little more use of the Lithe Loptyr Lethality Legion and suddenly Julius is no more. Or Deidre warps her son away while she dies. Either way Azmur's ideal heir is gone, and there are no more males of Naga blood save that exempted rebel son. Some Medieval European countries were okay with regnant Queens, and if not, Manfroy could take advantage of the male succession crisis and force Julia on the throne. Not that much force if any would really be needed since the Grannvalian nobility was dispatched (Chalphy, Edda, Jungby) and or culled into servitude (Freege, Dozel, Jungby, Velthomer) in the 1st Gen. Of course if Julia and Julius swapped places, what would replace the old Julia-Seliph relationship? Don't tell me gaycest (although it isn't an issue genetically speaking, so it beats heterosexual incest in that regard). Rescuing Julius from a castle if he got KO'ed would be a bit funny. I guess they could take a friendship secretly brotherhood angle. Or we could just get Selipha (I'd accept only if it came with Lewyna; more games need a Body Swap mode). Assuming Arvis realized he married his sister and gave birth to Lady Satan before Little Miss Hell sent her brother to the afterlife. If he doesn't, there goes that idea. Did he realize that with Julius as is? I think I remember GFAQs having something of a topic like this once. But it devolved into someone's personal fanfict and really didn't address this question too much.
  13. 1. Right away in Sacred Stones, after Lyn Mode in Blazing Sword. 2. No, LM features no Supports nor Support growth. 3. I'd say beginning, not that it really matters. To gain any points, the characters must end their turns adjacent to each other and if either is moved elsewhere before the entire turn for the heroes' group is over via Warp, Rescue, or a Song/Dance, you don't any Support points. 4. Nope, only standing adjacent for a turn gives points. 5. In Blazing and SS, you can only gain enough points to cue the next level of a Support in a given battle. I think you can gain a Support level in one chapter and then build points for the next level in the same fight, but you can't initiate the convo for the next level until the next battle. In Binding Blade, you can only make so many Supports in a given chapter: "Points needed for each level of support: 60 points are needed for a C support 120 points is needed for a B support (60 points to go from C to B) 200 points is needed for an A support (80 points to go from B to A) A maximum amount of 120 points can be accumulated for all characters per chapter. For example, in Chapter 20, Roy and Lilina use up 60 points to go from a C support to a B support, leaving 60 points left for other characters. If Roy and Wolt also use 60 points up in the same chapter, no other characters can gain support points in the same chapter." 6. I think the dead person will count. But I'm not so sure on this one.
  14. How is this still on the shelf are all these years? Why hasn't it gone to join E.T. in Landfillia?
  15. If anything, there will be an age gap issue with MicaiahxSothe. Since Sothe will age faster than Micaiah, and possibly go from being her son to brother to father visually. There is a reason why in my random silly fanfictional writings one day I wrote that the marriage was ultimately sexless and became miserable, yet unable to end in divorce since it would give off the impression to the outside world they disliked each other when that wasn't the case at all- they love each other, they just didn't love each other that way, and their marriage was simply them going through with societal expectations. Plus by the time Sothe and Micaiah have the courage to muster the truth to each other of the marriage's problems, they're past the young age when they could learn to date and how to romance. True. Interestingly Micaiah in the Japanese but not the English says Sothe's promoted outfit looks good on him. Which would mean she likes him in an actual bellyshirt (his Rogue outfit is just his PoR Thief one he has outgrown but continues to wear out of thrift/being slummy). Translated Extended Script: Micaiah: “It really suits you. This costume.” Sothe: “Are you sure…?” Micaiah: “Mmm-hmm.”
  16. Agreed on the dislike of SothexMicaiah. Just because they're very close and look like they're roughly the same age, IS felt they had to give them a paired ending, which happens even if you delete their auto A Support. Yet this contradicts all the writing IS did of the Micaiah-Sothe relationship prior to the paired ending. Micaiah starts as a big sister possibly even mother figure, by virtue of the Branded nature of Micaiah they become "siblings" of roughly the same age. In PoR, Sothe tells Tormod in their A Support he has someone who is like what Muarim is to Tormod, reinforced by the talk Micaiah and Muarim have together in RD. Last time I checked, no IS isn't shipping TormodxMuarim. I like the idea of M&S's love being platonic, since how many other cases of close opposite sex individuals end that way in FE? As for Micaiah's age, I deduced this in another topic: Lekain says in the desert chapter Sanaki's older sister was assassinated at the same time as Misaha by the "Herons" aka Senate and he is barely hiding it. We don't know how old Micaiah was at the time, but since she doesn't remember the event, she must have been a baby. 0 years to 4 tops I guess. Given Sanaki was born in ~636 if we turn back the clock on her age, and then look at the assassination as happening in 625, that means Micaiah would be ~11-15 years older than her. So Micaiah is probably somewhere between 24 and 28. This would make her the oldest lord in FE coincidentally. Zelgius? Well unfortunately, the mechanics of Branded aging are never completely explained. But what we do know is that Zelgius says he serves in Daein under General Gawain in his Sephiran's memory scene. Gawain abruptly left Daein in 626, so for Zelgius to be speaking as he does, it has to be before then. Sephiran says he "has a mission to accomplish" in the flashback, which implies he has already leaped off the deep end, which only happened because Misaha died and the Serenes Massacre happened, both in 625. Ergo Zelgius must have been recruited within a very narrow timeframe, between 625 post-Massacre & Assassination, and pre-Gawain departure in 626. But this doesn't tell us how old Zelgius is exactly! But interestingly, when I glimpsed over the Extended Script, where the English says some years ago he noticed he was aging slower, the Extended Script translated from the Japanese says 5 years ago. I don't have the Japanese at hand, so I don't know if the translator just assigned a number to the "some" or whether it literally says 5 in the Japanese. But if we take him at his word of ~5 years ago, we might have something to work on. Now the Recollection artbooks assign different lifespans to different types of Branded (Dragon living longer than Tiger), but let us ignore this and assume they slow aging at roughly the same point. Soren says in his Stefan A Support from PoR he noticed that he stopped aging normally around 3 years ago. Now we need to trace Soren's age. He says he was about 4 when the old woman who raised him handed him to the old sage, who died two years later, so about 6. This sage's death would have to be in the same year as Ike and Mist leaving Gallia due to Elena's accidental death. Next, we have Almedha, who says to Elincia in 4-2 that the last time she saw Ashnard was over twenty years ago. If we say literally 20 years, then that would mean the last time they saw each other was in ~629, since PoR begins in 645, ends a year later and RD is three years after that, we'd be looking at 629. So if we assume Ashnard discarded Almedha immediately after she gave birth and he saw nothing special in their child, then 629 is the year of Soren's birth. So him to be 6 when the old sage died, would be to give Elena's death a year of 635. The Elena's death part probably wasn't relevant, but I wanted that step. Now this would put Soren at ~16 in PoR. So for him to notice his aging was slowing 3 years ago would mean when he was ~13. If Zelgius was just as perceptive as Soren about the aging and also noticed it at ~13, then ~5 years later would put him at ~18 when he speaks to Sephiran. So fast forward to RD in 649, which is 23 years later if Zelgius was recruited in 626. ~18 + 23 = 41. Zelgius is ~41! This would put a ~17-21 year age gap between Micaiah and Zelgius. More than a decade, possibly two, separating them. But I wouldn't consider this a societal problem that makes me go "yick" really, since both are mature adults that look great and Micaiah isn't a gold digger. Them as a couple I would wholly accept, partly because I like the idea of Micaiah and her Knight in Shining (Black) Armor, besides being united by a Brand and Sephiran. Of course, Zelgius never gets to meet with Micaiah as Zelgius, nor Sephiran ever meet with Micaiah until the Tower. Ike on the other hand met with Sephiran twice in PoR, and RD gave him the sealed memories connection, which partly explains (the rest being Micaiah's shoving aside in the Tower) why he in practice got more time with Sephiran and Zelgius in the Tower, he knew them better, had animosity and whatnot. I feel like one of those Bible overanalyzers from centuries ago. Reading every little scrap of text in all the books to determine the exact age of the universe, or figure out some prophecy, or other ridiculous things. Someone better reward me for this. Edit: I miscalculated Zelgius's age by putting ~13 in my calculations when I should have put ~18. Doesn't alter the essence of things though.
  17. Nope. What you need for Tiki is to get all 12 Starsphere fragments. If you miss any you don't get her. They're the items with constellations for names that give small stat boosts. Tiki's joining chapter, is Chapter 14, which is the same chapter that gives the Starsphere if you got all its fragments. You can also use the Warp staff in the same chapter to access a Secret Shop selling a few more Dragonstones for her.
  18. I'm guessing those horse trap things are made to mimic RD's cliffs (which 4-4 has a few of)? They weren't traversable by horse riding units, so they were like the new horse traps a specifically anti-horse and horse alone terrain. Although no part of 4-4 looks like the GHB map. And why couldn't they spring for the red carpet by the way? Oliver doesn't deserve crappy generic dull blue tiling!
  19. I'd guess another nice change would be to give Berkut an early victory. One issue I hear of him is that he is supposed to be a major threat, but loss after loss does not back this up. Perhaps a way to handle this would be to show him at the beginning as a relentless Deliverance destroyer? That could justify his early appearance a while before the string of defeats he suffers begins. A quick line of "I'm sorry Desaix I can't help you defend Zofia Castle today, I have rebels to the north to skewer." could keep him away from actual player fighting in Act 1. Yen'fay in Awakening had a similar issue I keep hammering him for. Say'ri powerful big bro who is supposed to be threat, but whom we never see until the battle he dies in. Thusly, his power is never truly felt and he falls flat as a foe. Bertram had a similar issue in PoR. Zephiel and Walhart alike got a scripted battle where they mauled a hero. The BK murdered a powerhouse father, had two pre-final battle appearances with invincibility and incredible stats, and a scripted battle where he doubles Ranulf, a supposedly speedy cat, in PoR. Then come RD and his return, we get the entirety of 1-9 to watch him destroy everything. The BK is too much for Berkut to replicate, but a Zephiel or a Walhart moment could've worked. Add a quick line or three on the nobility of Rigel as being meritocratic. This might sound a little odd, but there have been imperfect examples of this in history. For instance Peter the Great of Russian redefined Russian noble rankings and any title below a certain point was not inheritable, later the rigorous system would be eased up, but it did exist for a time. Berkut would obviously come from an inheritable title, but would have inherited too this profound work ethic even if it was not absolutely necessary for him to have it. I'm also aware that in part of the Medieval period, particularly in Spain where the constant war against the Muslim threat in Al Andalus meant warriors were constantly needed, that in theory, society was open enough for the miracle of a commoner to rise up and become a noble.
  20. So far I'm liking BotW. I only started a few days ago. Since weapons break and I gain nothing from combat, I've been largely avoiding it. Instead I've been running around trying to find Shrines (and currently in my random exploration, why in Hyrule does northernmost Eldin seem to lack any? Are some invisible? Shrines and Towers being the only warp points is a bad move). Enemy avoidance is super easy the vast majority of the time- I covered 1/3 or so Hyrule's provinces with only 4 hearts- since enemy density is sooo low, only Guardians are a threat most of the time. When I do get into battles, either I sprint and climb away, or I get hit and quickly killed, sometimes one shotted. It was fun trying to find all the Towers though, climbing some of them was real easy, others like the Akkala one and the other covered in that purple black stuff were fun little challenges. The only time I really had to fight my way into a Tower was the one surrounded by water with three Wizzrobes dancing around it, there was no way to get to it without being spotted and put under relentless assault (why no nearby mountains/cliffs?), so I had to use a few Bomb and Flame Arrows to get it done. And I really should've prepped some cold-resistant food for the snowy tower, as is I had to burn through a horde of apples and mushrooms to climb it. I've liked the Shrine puzzles, they're well thought out, but the gyroscope control ones were agony- that Rollgoal inspired one ended with me, after becoming very frustrated and the controls really messed up, noticing that I could turn the board upside down and the ball would roll all over it with no maze hassle. So at that point I just did that and flicked the ball onto the alley to solve the puzzle after a couple more tries. I still haven't met Impa by the way. I ran to Gerudo Desert in intentional defiance of what the game tells me, and then worked in a counterclockwise manner unlocking all the Towers. I intentionally avoided contact with peaceful intelligent lifeforms along the entire journey. Once I find another Shrine near my current location (I'm nearing the forest in the north where I assume the good old MS is), I want to go back to Eventide, since I failed the survival challenge twice and didn't save on the island during it (stupid me!). I really like the challenge, I just got brainless and tried to fight one of the tougher enemies. I probably didn't need to kill it, but I tried and got butchered by it on my second attempt (the first ended with me caught in a Chuchu explosion), perhaps luring it to a cliff edge and letting a bomb send it plunging off would work. The Hinox- I see it has an Orb I need to complete the trial, but I didn't see any surefire kill method. The attempt to roll the boulders on the nearby hill at it ended with the first boulder missing and the second dealing little damage. I didn't explore the island completely, so maybe there is another method available. So the thing in the giant plant visible from the Tower in the northwesternmost province was a Great Fairy after all? Between the way they talked, the look of the arm that came out, the ugly plant, and the demand for Rupees, I assumed it was a monster hoax and thus exercised caution and didn't pay. I wasn't fond of the Great Fairy weapon in HW, since the victory animation looked like Link was being harassed. I get it's a parody of Link constantly bottling fairies, but it went a little too far for me. Can't make a full set of criticisms of BotW yet since I haven't completed the game. But so far I don't like the absence of overworld music as @Armagon points out. The one other open world game I've played, Xenoblade Chronicles X, is much better in this regard (it also is in enemy density). Sure Oblivia's epic sounding day theme may eventually grow into a bother when the thrill wears off, but it still adds life to the game (and that is true of any VG field/battle composition). And Sylvalum has mellow but very atmospheric music too very well suited for the impression given by the landscape. And then of course we have the plain old XC games, which are I guess pseudo-open world in the sense the areas look like it, but the games are more linear than true open world, but have awesome soundtracks (except for the Ether Mines- forget it exists, that and the High Entia Tomb- but at least that is shorter lived). The rain is nasty too. Climbing goes from cake to almost impossible, and sometimes it never stops and or comes at a most inconvenient time (me approaching Akkala Tower). This game might make me rethink my love for the Song of Storms. I get that converting over to an open world format was a radical retooling of the Zelda series. BotW, as the comparison to OoT was made before, isn't wrong in that it invented a new direction for the series, and hence didn't necessarily have the ability to do everything perfectly (OoT Hyrule Field is barebones). The next LoZ should hopefully address the issues at hand and do things beyond our expectations. Although I wouldn't mind them doing a more traditional game on the side, I loved A Link Between Worlds! But yeah I kinda abused this topic for me to discuss my BotW experience.
  21. I think the Mila statues in SoV are everywhere just for the sake of convenience. And on the Mila's imprisonment point- you don't know she is captured until the end of Act 3 Celica. How do you get the power to promote via statues? Probably just a gameplay thing. Or Mila has servant or has endowed some of her power into all of the statues in some unexplained way, and this also explains where the advice voice and fatigue restoration come from. Duma however is bad. The entire cast is Zofians pretty much, who'd never worship Duma (yet the Mountain Village strangely has a Duma worshipper in it).
  22. On the idea of FE6's Divine Weapons having infinite uses- not without serious drawbacks. This is the game that gives you Durandal 9 fights into the game. Sure no one likely has S Swords by that point, but the early availability of the strongest physical legendary this early is a bit too broken were it to have infinite uses. Armads and Forblaze are to lesser extents too available to be infinite.
  23. If you're sufficiently drunk, have the classic Pokemon anime theme playing nonstop in the background, and look at Owain's head from precise the right angle, you can envision him being a Pikachu. If his hand twitches, it comes to your mind as him using Thundershock.
  24. At least the reveal was logical, that is the silver lining. Logic is extraordinarily rare in FE plots. Still, had Ranulf told Ike but the player hadn't seen it, it'd have been the best of both worlds. Haar I'd like. Shiharam? Ashnard: Eh? Who are you talking about? The name is unfamiliar… I don’t think we ever had such a general. Shiharam is a one chapter villain, albeit of some notoriety having famously abandoned Begnion with allies due to the Senate's corruption, and also an ugly man. If he will ever come, it won't come for a long time. I like him and his daughter and loyal soldier, but depth is nothing to Heroes.
  25. I'm late to this, and it took two nanoseconds probably for meme people to realize this. But this news comes just off the heels of Micaiah getting Ash's VA. S Rank Odin and Mic in Heroes? Anyone else in FEH have a VA that doubles in Pokemon? If so, you could make a team out of it.
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