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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. One, that Sanaki thing was something of a trigger for me, I should get over that. My bad. Two, I randomly enjoy doing very verbose analyses. During the Lyon GHB, do not be surprised if in response to old claims I heard of Lyon not appearing enough in the plot, that I suddenly appear dissecting every single appearance Lyon does make in the plot and in what way. Has a Mak(e) A Love(e) ever become a meme? Ideally with some lewd imagery? Makalov is a petty criminal, not deep at all, and RD just had to blindly attach Astrid to him (but it is her choice, so I will respect it), but I like having a few non-moral paragons (and not dramatically so like Jaffar) in the FE armies. It's a little more normal, realistic, and earthy that way. FE5 has even worse (or better depending on your word choice) from what I've heard. Lifis apparently attempts to subtly trick Saphy into making a deal where he gets to have sex with her! Besides just being a lowly thief doing lowly thief raiding of innocent villages.
  2. Was there something wrong in the way the Soldier line in RD uses their shields? I thought they tried parrying attacks? It might be possible that Sothe's shirt is so tight from having been worn for years without ever having taken it off that the circulation to the affected region is weak and he has lost nerve sensitivity there. Or Sothe in learning the ways of a Rogue, gained the ability to momentarily phase his body into another dimension, thus letting solid objects pass through him.
  3. I get that, it's just that particular instance was treated a more seriously than some others seem to suggest. Shades of Evil- it is thanks to that chapter the BK sees Greil, and therefore leads to his death then. Greil probably would have died to the BK eventually regardless, and Ike never comes to realize his brashness beforehand helped lead to Greil's death. Therefore he never truly knew the consequences of his decision nor do others call him out for it. The same way no one including himself calls out Ephraim for his mistake in brashly pursuing Lyon at Neleras Peak and thus getting the Sacred Stone of Renais smashed. We also have the debatable issue of invading Daein Keep in Without A King, and Icelerate would probably say the entire PoR invasion of Daein (I'd disagree). And then there is Battle Reunion, where as is, Lucia and Bastian seem to be hit with the stupid bat just so Ike can do the right thing (if they wanted L&B to have a logical argument, they needed to intensify plot-wise the enemy Geoffrey was facing). Then we have Chapter 2- wasn't that Ike's fault too and Shinon, Gatrie and Titania have to bail him out? And Ike doesn't get killed in three shots of draconic red upon stepping on Goldoan soil simply because Kurthnaga just so happened to be there that one time. Two lucky breaks. A third if we add Shades of Evil where Shinon once again has to save Ike's blue haired behind (and Gatrie and Greil tag along too), no wonder he hates him (but at least Shinon also admits it's a little irrational). Yet another- the BK is about to kill Ike when he wants revenge before his dying father, but RAWR! Caineghis is offscreen just in time and makes himself heard to the BK, who knows the King of Red Lions is a fight he might not win and so he withdraws. Lucky break numero quatro! We obviously can't have the main character die in life or death situations though. So Ike had to live somehow, either he had to be wise and polite, saved by outside forces, receives a lesser punishment, or beloved by those who should be killing him. Maybe there are other options too. Is it a weakness of PoR's writing that Ike gets himself into so many situations where death can happen, particularly to him, and yet he escapes each time. At least it was never in a way that lionizes his abilities (Ephraim at the end of C5x) or involves others bending over backwards in reverence of him. Ike never gets completely over his anti-noble/manners and traditions attitude either, he comes to tolerate being in the presence and to watch his tongue, and he knows there are good ones out there, but his attitude continues to remain a little brash. But this isn't terrible, as he does grow and people are naturally do matter how much you try to change them going to have their likes, dislikes and tics. As for all the Marth discussion. Of the FE characters, he is my favorite in Smash (ideally in the white recolor). While I don't think being the first of something should always give inordinate influence and prominence (Pokemon's First Generation seems to be this way), he does deserve more than he has gotten in Heroes so far. And massively overhauled remakes of his games with much more characterization for all and a more thrilling presented plot (a ladleful of additional world building would be sweet and inclusion of non-game world building information). Simplicity is nice, but Marth needs more than that if he wants to be really popular and relevant globally.
  4. Reminds me of the one time Matthew died before the Dread Isle, Hector says he'll bury Leila with him. She strangely has the (Female) Assassin sprite on the map when she is killed by Aladdin, even though her class is Thief. Her NPC data for the heck of it: Class: Thief (F)Affinity: WindWeapon Ranks: Sword S HP 24 Str 14 Skl 16 Spd 20 Lck 8 Def 12 Res 15 Con 5 HP 80% Str 70% Skl 65% Spd 0% Lck 55% Def 30% Res 40% Matthew loved her for herself and the depths of her being, but her stats are better than his!
  5. But there are some cases where I can't help but feel that being female is their sole claim, or by two billion lightyears, their biggest claim to popularity. This doesn't necessarily have to always be horny pigs who like them, women like cute, friendly, and confident or shy women too, in an amicable way. And there is not necessarily anything wrong with liking a character in a shallow way, or liking a character others call shallow when they think they're deep. I think most or all of us, even those who profess to prefer deeper characters do this. Case and point- Marisa. How many of the voters from the first CYL actually played SS? How many have read Marisa's supports and recruitment dialogue? Or how about Nephenee- people say it is hard to play the Tellius games, so how many people actually voted for Nephenee knowing what she was actually like? If not many did truly know either character, then how other than on first appearances- that most superficial reason, could they have gotten the votes they got? Is there the possibility that some men only get votes based on being fanservicey or hand or very bro or very manly? Maybe. But to the same degree? And on the Nephenee point- well her snubbed male counterpart in Brom is stuck as an Armor when she is more uniquely Lance Infantry. Plus Brom isn't that much deeper if any at all compared to Neph. He doesn't quite escape that situation with a slap on the wrist. Sanaki said in a tense exchange she was on the last of her nerves. She also ended up needing Ike for her investigations into Laguz slavery. Fortunately, the game doesn't cast it like she was begging him for the help and he was being worshipped for it (I'd call the logic of relying on foreign mercenaries for the investigation solid enough, and it sounds like she had already begun it before Ike ever appeared). Script on the infamous outburst against the Apostle: Ike did learn a lesson here. And Sanaki, although sometimes criticized as a spoiled brat (and the earlier stuff gives off this impression), is ultimately not a mercurial heiress. She exercises, quite reasonably, some patience and political correctness, as befitting in a diplomatic exchange; she is in the end a reasoned ruler. Knowing from earlier in the conversation and Sephiran in correspondence that Ike was just a common mercenary, it would be reasonable of her to expect him not be perfectly behaved in the setting of an imperial court. Yet, he learned to control himself in her presence and not continue to defile the situation once harshly commanded to do so, and that was enough. If Sanaki did do worse to Ike like sentencing him to death or sending him to prison, would she be accused of taking an single insult too far by the fanbase? More evidence of the vanity of Begnion? The Elincia stuff for Ike at the end, well maybe that could go unsaid, for it is something of character worship. At least Ike is smart enough to know the praise isn't called for. And I am no Ike lover, just want to make that clear. This isn't the best topic for serious character discussion though.
  6. I don't like to hate on characters, and I'll use him regardless, but I'll agree on Ephraim. I like him having a good knowledge of military matters, but his blind recklessness that always goes unpunished is a massive problem. Him knowing about sieges, him being able to discuss whether to use the reserves for defending the convoy or sending them to the frontlines, that is good. But what is the point to any of that when he just plunges ahead lance first and always comes out on top? Ike, if not beset with problems by his own actions (although Shades of Evil- the chapter after which Greil dies, is Ike's fault), does deal with reversals and losses, and he develops an understanding of tactics, logistics, and organization. And Ike generally just doesn't push ahead like Ephraim, he takes time discuss things with Soren and Titania and others and we see it plentifully. We see Ephraim do this with Seth a little, but not to the same degree or in the same way. Partly this is a difference in writing between Tellius (and even within Tellius between PoR and RD) and SS.
  7. I think I remember hearing Iceland has a museum dedicated specifically to the phallus. Complete with pewter molds cast of several Icelandic athletes' seed delivering protrusions. Said country also invented an app for making sure the person you're about to date isn't closely related to you. And remember to drink plenty of milk! (Skip to 41:19 if the link doesn't go right to it).
  8. Fair enough. I've seen the word levin used in an electric context before SD came out (a special attack called Levinsnake's Rise). Not to mention that Levin is the heir to Forseti and not Mjolnir. I just wish they had thought through the naming of the sword that shoots thunder a little more, if NoA realized the potential of having to deal with Levin the prince-bard of Jugdral much later. They changed Levin to Lewyn presumably to avoid the oddity of people thinking he was named after the sword or the sword after him. It doesn't help that FE4 itself features the Levin Sword. And I don't mind Lewyn that terribly, it is still pronounced the same way as before. But it goes back to the swap from Nina to Nyna- why was the conversion to a y necessary other than for random looks?
  9. What? They left out the sinner whose crimes begat the travails of Tellius? If they are going to include a spot for generic faceless representative of bandit bosses across the series, could they have invented a generic Corrupt Noble? Or Crazed Cultist? The sword forced Levin to be renamed to the mockery that is Lewyn. Silesse is German not Welsh! I therefore trample upon the sword in insulated garb! Although I must admit that the Levin Sword is still better than the Shockstick, whom I indict for the high crime of not being buyable in any mass availability way in Awakening. I hazard a guess the vast supply of them is being used by females, single, or not wanting to put up with the male sex.
  10. Imagine in Heroes had a built in betting system for this. Wager Feathers, Badges, Great Badges, Refining Stones, Arena Medals, Sacred Coins, and Orbs on what rank a character will end up being in at the end! A maximum of X resource (X varying depending on the resource) can be placed on a given character. Your payout is conditional on how close the character you chose to bet on is to the position you guessed. If the character was within A positions up or down, you will keep what you wagered, but earn no more, any further out than A, and your wager is forfeit. If the character was within B (closer than A) positions, it will be M times your wager, within C positions (closer than B) you will earn N times your wager (more than M), and of course if you get the ranking exactly right, you will earn P times your wager (more than N). If a significant quantity of FEHeroes players predict Character Q will end up in Rank V or within U spots of it, the payouts will be reduced appropriately.
  11. I'd be okay with more, but don't make it in your face stereotypical Egyptian. So no pyramids, or at least downgrade them to step pyramids. If they want tombs, do remember the Egyptians eventually converted over the Valley of the KIngs- underground tombs with no giant structure shouting "Rob me!" built over them. No sphinxes either. Amun-Ra, pharaoh, and scarabs, even hieroglyphics I'll permit though. SoV's Valentia has Greco-Roman thematics to it, but I'd kiss Duma's unwashed feet if he asked for it if that was sufficient thanks for not putting everyone in a toga. Although Boey would look cute in one.
  12. Would IS even care? This is a popularity contest for some frilly artwork and an upgrade to Goddess-Blessed Holy Divine Sacred Blazing Shadow Omega Awakened Regalia status. Unless it was a gigantic attack, maybe they'd ignore it.
  13. Quiz time what does "D" stand for? Daemon? Destroyer? My cup size? *Promptly pelted by two large bullets and an energy blast* 270
  14. Yep. He did, that an Elixir. Stats and growths just to list them: HP 20 Str 7 Skl 7 Spd 8 Lck 5 Def 8 Res 13 Con 7 HP 80% Str 40% Skl 50% Spd 40% Lck 60% Def 25% Res 40% Also, Aimee did make an appearance in 1-3 as an NPC Level 13 Class: VendorAffinity: FireWeapon Ranks: NoneSkills: None HP 25 Str 3 Mag 10 Skl 5 Spd 12 Lck 0 Def 6 Res 12 HP 70% Str 45% Mag 15% Skl 60% Spd 70% Lck 35% Def 20% Res 25% Am I the only person who thought Almedha was a rather decent character in RD? Not my favorite, but certainly she was well written for her supporting role. A little more on the substance of why she defied her father would have been nice, and an idea of what she had been doing after she was abandoned by Ashnard, but that is about it. Just asking- any other NPCs listed on the poll? Namely Elbert, Ephidel, Brendan, Fargus, Leila, and particularly Bramimond? And if Merlinus isn't on the voting list, I guess he suggested to Roy it was a good idea that he be put on there, but Roy said that is the opposite of a good idea, and thus he was taken off.
  15. Explains why Sothe is so cold to Tormod in PoR. I always got the sense Sothe hated his job in RD, now I see why.
  16. Well that would be will be one weird banner. Lief and Nanna with Marisa and Myrrh? Fin is being neglected! ...Or maybe you're right those are just fragments of new upcoming banners please don't drop to 2 character banners. Here is to the new Red Tome Flier! I don't give a care about her assets and dislike that her being raised by Validar was a lie!
  17. Is that the new direction they're taking fanservice in? Negative clothing? Since negative clothing is less than zero clothing. Brilliant! But isn't the absolute value of negative clothing still a positive number? That could pose a threat to the highest of services. Somebody! Invent a degenerate dragon that can distort the priniciples of mathematics (never minding it being partly a human construct)! Dark! Me like! With him doing it to himself with a whip shouting "In the name of the god I serve!".
  18. How do you take off something even more that you didn't have on in the first place? Does he wear the shirt like a scarf and doesn't put his arms through it? I wouldn't mind something like Bravely Default's Feel No Pain ability. Any damage taken for the first four turns of battle will not kill, at the end of the fourth turn however all damage accumulated over that time is then dealt to the FNP character and they can die then. Obviously it would have to be nerfed for Heroes- the delayed feeling of the pain being felt sooner, and perhaps put a limit on the maximum damage exceeding HP allowed to be taken (like accruing more than HP x 2 kills instantly), but it would be appropriate thematically on a wilder character running loose on endorphins in a crazed state.
  19. Ah yes, the all important Japanese crowd. Since Archanea doesn't have much to run on aboard, just the generally considered weak SD. And reading those NM supports as side note, not all terrible, but pretty lacking and relatively fewer than even SoV if you exclude the Kris supports. Among 76 characters, there are 31 chains, this is excluding Kris supports. Although of the non-Kris supports, a Whitewing or two appears in 7 of them, or a nearly a quarter. So they do have ample NM coverage.
  20. Recognizing one's insignificance against the thousands of other voters and knowing there is absolutely no chance that you make a difference. Having this rational knowledge makes any voting process seem null and improving your situation in life hopeless through electoral means. It is enough to make one bother not to do it all. But there are people naive and or hopeful enough in this world to get past that, and yet others who just want to leave a record that even if their struggle was futile, they made it. Oh wait this isn't politics! Just a silly popularity poll. Still not voting though, since I'd only have one account to use, and I'm just gosh darn too indecisive. I cannot delude myself into thinking I love any of my favorites any more than any of the others. But isn't SoV Catria the only one with supports, wouldn't that possibly make it the most popular?
  21. Fair enough. Make the hypothetical Brave selves "promotions" since that is a classic FE thing which Heroes doesn't have outside of non-cosmetic promoting from one rank to another. Even Warriors and TMS have promotions (and I'd love to see Conqueror!Chrom in heroes, even as a costume for the regular Chrom, since that is just too cool). Which reminds me, I wouldn't mind if IS got a little lazy and just released alternate weapon variants of normal characters. Amelia as a Recruit for instance. Or Malig Knight Tome Camilla even for a flying mage. New artwork and voice clips optional, just different weapons, and maybe some slight stat readjustments and different but not necessarily new at all skills (relocate a few Atk on Camilla elsewhere, since her Str is significantly more than her Magic in Fates).
  22. It was just a little joking that people in response to over-the-top praise of FE Switch's new characters and the game overall, are going to respond with lectures on how terrible they are against all the popularity the new chars have. You yourself said it would be a bloodbath. Well you need an opposing side for that to happen.
  23. There is a shared hope possibly among the a sizable part of the community that sooner or later, the developers are going to include weapon upgrades for them in the story. Thus remedying their weaknesses. No gameplay need for Braving them right now then. And I will tell you right this very instant they are perfectionist trash that only continues to prove IS can't write stories anymore! Worshipped by everyone and yet they are as dumb as the designs are fanservice and totally unrealistic! They couldn't even name the countries the game takes place in! IS deserves to be executed for the failing the execution so badly! The Supports are ridden with gimmicks and everyone has one godawful note to them! They are all massively overrated, especially that insecure jerkface who I find so punchable! Did I mention how overpriced the DLC is?! Welp, at least they nailed the gameplay. Now no spewing your innards like a sea cucumber when FE Switch releases you hear! I've summarized the gist of your criticisms for you. EDIT: The second Emoji should make this clear the rant was joke! Like IS wouldn't even name the country? That is too low even for their standards.
  24. Don't steal Meg's thunder before she even gets in! Cow lifting is her business (with an incredible 35% Str growth)! CYL theme: Old and New! Celica is one of the two "New" themed units with Beloved Zofia. While Marth is one of the two "Old" themed units with Mercurius (which was locked to him in FE1) and a hideously retro artwork which is still beautiful by virtue of being Pantsless. Or the banner is just retro themed with Celica getting Seraphim (one of Gaiden's signature spells) and the Angel or Mage Ring as a skill. I'm not a Marth lover, and his games aren't the best, and the series has moved on from him, but I do agree he deserves at least one alternate. Even if it was just TMS little blue ball of light for an alternate that would be something. Seasonals should not just be popular and well-known characters, besides one or two safe choices, seasonals should branch out and include less popular characters in an effort to churn up popularity for them.
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