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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I just replayed the final battles of Revelation. It wasn't so bad as I remembered. Partly because this was the end of my nearly back to back first set of Conquest-Birthright-Rev runs. I just wanted to get it over with and rushed more than I should have. The first time I did C27, I did a one turn clear. On Lunatic (my first run was Hard) I decided against crunching the logistics and strategy of a one turn and instead spent ~8 (maybe 10 at most) turns on the fight. I thought there would be obnoxious reinforcements, not a single one on that map thank goodness. Since resource use doesn't save after beating the game, I used a bunch of stat boosters and many tonics, mostly on Corrin. Corrin safely dragontanked most enemies with a Gunter battery and a Concoction and Vulnerary, Draconic Hexing them in return. Paired and Speed + Defense Rallied Xander and Ryoma held a chokepoint and they helped whittle down the enemy numbers. The enemy's fliers went their own ways and were dispatched easily. When the enemy numbers had declined enough, I finished off the mass and then killed the Sorcerers who were the last thing between me and Anankos. C28 was much easier than last time. Not rushing, knowing there were two head phases and reinforcement that would be coming from the sides, I moved with a little caution because I'd hate to have to replay the prior battle, and spread out my forces over the whole area and baited or killed all I safely could. I managed to kill off all starting enemies by the second turn and had the reinforcements, a mere 2 per turn, under control. Paired Xander and a solo Ryoma killed the right hand without any fuss, with Corrin with Gunter took out the left. Corrin then moved back to the center and dispatched both the head and heart with relative ease. Sakura had a Physic and while I had another I should have given to Shura, with Dual Guards and one or two dodges, I didn't take that much damage and could slay Anankos fairly easily. RD 4-Final-5 is actually rather close to Endgame Rev- since neither the Silent Dragon nor Order Incarnate is that much of a threat. The Auras are harmless with Nihil, and Anankos's parts don't move (nor get healed like Ashera and her Auras) so you can fight them only when ready, and both need multiple attackers to take out barring the most optimal of setups. The Spirit reinforcements are weak, while Anankos's are stronger and he has more starting allies, but once you get them taken care of, it is easy to neuter both the Spirits and the Vallites. Anankos is stronger statistically, but he has no real tricks beyond a strong hit, and stat buffs are much more plentiful in Fates than RD (they didn't even give him Garon's Draconic Hex), so it evens out. Ashera has her strong single target and weaker AoE- but both are bearable, particularly the latter if you brought the Fortify, which Micaiah can always use since she gets auto S Staff on promotion to Light Priestess. The maps are smallish and quite open. So in short, my opinion on Rev's final battle has changed. FE has generally weak final battles in one way or another, but Rev's, in spite of many earlier objectionable maps in the route, isn't so bad after all. I think BR's is worse now actually since it has a harder and longer, but not for good reasons 27, and the Endgame is just a quick bosskill. And of course Awakening's (including Future Past's) final fight is worse. Not to say Rev has a masterpiece, it doesn't, but it isn't an atrocity either.
  2. Political murder isn't such a dark thing- as long as we don't see Prince Kurth's throat being slit. No graphics no problem. Child hunts- they do appear, that I must admit. However, we never see the terrible process by which they lose their souls and become the slaves of Loptyr. Witch hunts- I don't think they ever appear. No visuals, only spoken statements of them happening isn't so bad. You also forgot Tine and Tailtiu- victims of familial abuse, the latter killed by it. That is pretty bad, although isn't that the whole thing behind Camilla (but of course that was handled terribly right)? Another instance of NoA being overly sensitive- Shadow Dragon's little Knorda Slave Market in Chapter 11- the village, slave market, you recruit Linde from, became a ruffian "hold up"/hostage situation of civilians. There goes child hunts if this is anything to go by. SD is 4 games past by this point however.
  3. Are we here willingly, or are we put here by predetermined fate? That is the thing about predetermination- it allows for the illusion of belief in free will. Free will does allow for the acceptance of the illusion of predetermination, but that isn't quite as strong a point. Since if predetermination is an illusion, one can come to choose to believe otherwise and escape it. If free will is the illusion however, one can never escape it if it is not predetermined that they will escape the illusion. And what end in sight did Sisyphus have? What would getting the boulder to the top of the hill in Tartarus accomplish? After so many cycles pushing and watching the boulder roll back, didn't he come to see there was no real end in sight? Yet he is compelled to carry out his inescapable fate. 26
  4. First, where is the Walhart GHB? The Wolf Berg must come. Second, Ragnarok? So will everybody die? Well almost everyone. I can't wait for Fjorm and Alfonse to repopulate the whole world together. It'll be slightly bittersweet, but nothing worth bawling over. Book III will take place 10000 years later, when a new Zenith arises.
  5. We all love Camus here don't we? Albert Camus. We are all Sisyphus. This topic our boulder. The magic force that makes it roll back down, the curse, blessedness that is the mod. Up the hill I go, our 23rd step.
  6. The seal in itself isn't worth too much. But the EXP it saves me is. The average manually trained 20/10 Kana recruited ASAP should be identical to an Offspring Sealed 20/10 Kana statistically. However, if I don't need Kana early on and instead hold off until later in the game, say the point when they reach 20/10 just for the sake of easy numbers, then I just saved myself 2000 EXP- which is massive. I can invest that EXP into someone else and still use Kana as decent lategame filler, which you might want because later chapters generally add a couple extra unit slots, so having capable characters that can fill them is a nice thing. If you're insisting I recruit all the kids ASAP, you're almonds. Because now I am without nifty late game prepromotes and have a lot more contenders for the same limited pool of EXP (on CQ at least, and on Rev, grinding bites into your very limited 60k in funds). It isn't like Offspring Seals cost me in gold or anything. Shiro/Ignatius/Forrest? Well I can do them early, I'm willing to make a few exceptions, just not everyone. Or I'll just pass on Shiro and Ignatius completely- since neither has a chapter with any real notable goodies. On weapon ranks, having C minimums on Swordmaster and Snipers was a little too good in SD it has been said. In FE7/8, weapon ranks level so easily with the critical and fatal hit bonuses plus variable WEXP gain, that gaining ranks is too easy. Starting with E ranks in new weapon types on promotion Awakening is okay for Axes, Tomes, and Lances, but ugh for the rest (Disciple can help though), and it's even more ugh (or maybe slightly less with forges admittedly) in Fates. In FE4, paladins, magic users, and your Thief are all impaired by fixed weapon ranks. In FE6, low weapon ranks and slow growth keep most from ever touching a Divine Weapon, and Silver for a long time. So what is best? I'd say growable weapon ranks, with fixed caps per class works fine. D and not E should be the minimum though, unless gone is Bronze, because that is the issue here. I wouldn't mind a few units who have modified weapon rank caps though, or skills that make them better with a particular weapon type. Take RD Tanith for instance. At base from her ranks and starting equipment, she seems to favor the sword, but is forced into SS Lance by her class. Making her naturally have a -1 Lance weapon rank cap and a + Sword weapon rank cap would be nice.
  7. Wrong! Not everyone wants to ship Soren and Ike! Seriously. Soren is a character I'd never ship. I'll joke with shipping others, but Soren is one I wouldn't. I respect him too much for that. I wouldn't call Ike and Soren absolutely equally as bad as Chrom and Cordelia or Alm and Faye. Since in the latter two cases, they end up weighing down their families with their unhealthy obsessions. Soren at least dies celibate, affecting no one but himself. Well it might hurt Almedha, but that'd be the whole scope of things. Struck out on consideration of Faye and Cordelia not affecting that many more than Soren. Him not being willing to fix his issue is a problem, though at the same time I find it relatable. Since being an introvert myself, I know it isn't exactly good to be friendless, but nonetheless, I continue onwards never making an effort at friendship. I have none and continue to be this way, happy in my daily existence, only in a bout of melancholic thoughts does the absence of friends become painful and do I seek a solution. Once it passes, it is back to blissful ignorance. I'll agree tweaking Soren's unpaired ending would be for the better- but there is only so much you can do with so few words. I don't feel leaving Ike out of it would be for the best, since Soren is devoted to Ike. But saying "He offered his tactical genius to paying employers. Only to Ike did he ever grant them freely", would suggest a little more normalized lifestyle. And a paired ending with Stefan would do him well. But alas RD has issues with characterizing the cast due to the Part system and the serious issues it inflicted on traditional Supports. I'd like a Skrimir support, and a Stefan support, or at least some nice Base Conversations, but RD had only so much writing resources and its internal characterizing difficulties. Stefan to be fair to Soren isn't exactly the most friendly in their PoR support. Soren isn't either and he might not really care about a friendly approach is the counterpoint to this, but really, the support is wishing for another conversation, something where Stefan might show actual warmth. One, I never realized Lucia fits Mia's archrival description so well. A shame that she never meets her- Lucia being a good character could by association make Mia better. Two, Shinon in RD acting really racist in that one scene, well I think RD was selective with what supports happened in PoR. I'd wish to say they all did, but Marcia clearly didn't get her A Tanith- which had it been followed, would have ended up keeping her in the Holy Guard. This excuse not working? Well the catgirls aren't Janaff is the next excuse. Since Janaff was able to command respect from Shinon, something Lyre couldn't do. His hatred of Kyza in the same Base Conversation is somewhat similar to his hatred of Soren- someone else who he thinks is too cocky for what he is. But admittedly this is a weak excuse since Kyza isn't acting arrogant at all and Shinon is racist. Really, RD just didn't have the resources to make all the character interactions it should have had to happen. I wish he had another chat with Janaff- but he gets nothing, less than Astrid gets with Sothe! Three, Volke is better than the SD crew- that accusation going a bit too far. His backstory is a mystery beyond being extremely talented I must concede (but sometimes mysteries are fine). Yet he is also somewhat funny and "normal", behind his mask of deathly serious coldness. Two lines from his Bastian support: Volke: You there, in the bushes. You have until the count of five to show yourself before I start throwing sharp objects. One…two…four… Oh, I’ll take it. I never pass up a lucrative offer. Plus, I’ve come to think you’re not so bad, Bastian. You’ve always paid in full and on time. I like that in an employer. The latter sounds fairly friendly to me. I'd then want to bring up his Base Conversation in RD, where he altruistically returns unused money to Ike, and then darts off because he doesn't want to be thanked by Ike due to feeling uncomfortable from it. Volke having only one support in PoR is reflecting on PoR having an unwanted support shortage (many were cut from the final game). And also on the fact he is a stoic character, and stoics are naturally asocial and shouldn't be forced into supports- although breaking comfort zones is something that supports should sometimes do and they can in theory do it well.
  8. I'm not saying he wanted to be arrested. But at the same time he was in no rush to escape in PoR and RD. In PoR, he gets arrested because Ashnard invaded Daein and one of his pawns captured him helping Crimean militiamen. In RD, he gets arrested because he and Sanaki oppose war with the Laguz. In both cases, everything is already rolling towards judgement day he believes. Ashnard has already started a continental war, it just needs time to expand, but Sephiran trusts that it will expand because Ashnard is so strong and devoted to his goals. In RD, the Senate can be corrupt without him- if it couldn't the Serenes Massacre wouldn't have happened. Daein was already under the Blood Pact, Gallia and the Bird Tribe was already at war, and he probably imagined that Crimea could and would get involved later. The Senate had all of Begnion's massive resources at its disposal, it could fight on for years without stopping- long enough for a Medallion break. And what did Sephiran have to fear behind bars? Torture? His life has been torture- he broke 20 years ago, death he yearns for. Being killed before the judgement happens, and thus if it doesn't come in spite of his plans, he'll have died his goal unfulfilled? It'd be a laugh to watch a guillotine fall on his neck, only to break up on contact with his goddess blessed flesh. He can't die by ordinary force because of Mantle, he already tried over 800 years ago. Dheginsea alone perhaps can kill him in his blessed state- and Dheginsea would refuse such a request as mad. Zelgius doesn't "rescue" Sephiran, though he expresses such a sentiment before people who shouldn't know the secret truth of Sephiran (aka everyone), as he "rendezvouses" with him. He finds a convenient excuse to reunite with his master, relay new information, and get new orders.
  9. Totally subjective as I said. CanasxPent is great support in my opinion. His Erk is a good master-student one too. The Fiora explains what she was doing in Valor. The Louise is unique in that it is entirely chapter dependent and the idea of two characters having an auto A was different. The Hawkeye is bad, but that is about it, Pent is otherwise solid, if slightly shortchanged by his auto A with Louise. But rather a handful of good 2-part conversations than terrible 3-part ones. As for Bartre- which are you talking about? FE7's? I'm going to punch a rock if you think those are good. Bartre is brainless wild warrior who wears out his welcome quickly in FE7. Dorcas, though more mild, I like because he is grounded in being a family man and is reasonable (his Vaida though is awful). Wil's Raven and Wallace supports are bad. The rest are good, but those two are lacking, much like Pent's Hawkeye. As for Astram- blame IS for just not balancing the casts of SD and NM for their ridiculous higher difficulties- or balancing them at all even on the lower ones. Plus even the best of characters generally lack personality in Archanea. And sometimes, this is the naive optimist in me, you can weasel one or two weak favorites into a harder difficulty team. I recently watched an entire LP where someone make Fiona an MVP on RD Maniac, and they played anything but slow.
  10. How I'd forget Marricle (who is Ayra's brother) and King Manaan- Marricle and Ayra's father. We need in FE4 Remake a fixed-units DLC Issach Campaign- some battles have us using Byron and Grannvale, the others put us in control of Marricle. We do have this little picture of him (from upper left to bottom right, it's Victor, Ethnia, Cigyun, and Manaan): We don't get anything of Brigid's and Edain's father Duke Ring though. Add Micaiah or Sara, and we make a full team of Silver Haired Maidens: Cigyun, Deirdre, Julia and the other one. Or between Victor-Arvis-Azelle-Tormod a full team of fire using redheads. I like Ismaire's appearance. Very appropriate for a queen, quite elegant. Although her official artwork makes her look just a bit like Ashera now that I think about it: The Queen of the White Dunes gets sadly very little screen time, but I like her and wish we saw more of her.
  11. So many good units to choose from! Nasir is proof you can have an awesome granddad in FE (and no, Awakening/Fates child shenanigans don't count). As for the Laguz Royals- they deserve their own BST boost- canonical power be respected! Naesala does have the highest non-personally modified Speed cap in all of FE in RD when shifted at 50. Yes Fates and Awakening let you easily break this with temporary boosts and breeding, and Forseti + Speed Ring on FE4 Ced/Lewyn exceeds it too, but again, Naesala does that with no fancy tricks, just, pure, talent. As for Rajaion, that would be nice. At least RD gave meaning to his sacrifice- he did it to save his sister's infant son. They could give us him, SS's Vigarde (because Vigarde looks awesome), Jugdral's Prince Kurth (father of Deirdre), and for a female, how about Queen Ismaire? Call it the "Dead All Too Soon" Banner. Other contenders are Sumeragi, Mikoto, Philia, Fado, FE6 Hector, Marth's father Cornelius, and some others I've probably forgotten- but we have plenty of choices, probably too many. And Elbert would be better packaged with Lorenz, Sumeragi, and Emmeryn in a "Noble Martyrs" Banner.
  12. Only if Laguz get in at the same time. Skrimir has named me his Official Mane Manager. Without me that shaggy red hair would be nightmare! I also give head, shoulder and upper back massages to him since the mane covers said regions and he works out/fights a lot; my hands occasionally slip a little from the therapeutic all purpose Olivi Grass oil infusion I use. We can also get the adorable duo of Muarim and his Little One Tormod. And the guy everyone wants to hang around because he is so friendly, fun, yet and down to earth- Ranulf. And then I can start supporting Mist with Mordecai (nonsexual) since they're cute together.
  13. Live for Bouny? You mean Live for Bunny? Sounds good to me. There is no such thing as too many bunnies, and by the time you read this there will be even more bunnies. But there won't be any Taguel thank goodness. I bagged the last three yesterday. The idea of making archers, due to their love of hunting, having naturally great move in forests would be a neat little niche for them. Like mages in the sands and pirates in water. I mean Kiragi joins in Fates in a map that is pretty much just forest rife with wild game to bag. Reminds me of some ridiculous Early Modern European hunting statistics I read. You couldn't believe how much hunting well to do Europeans and royals/nobles did. And the Germans had the lovely practice of tossing a fox back and forth in bags until it died or they were bored and it was clubbed to death.
  14. There is a topic for this, use it to avoid cluttering the board. https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/70240-not-sure-what-skill-to-inherit-or-who-to-inherit-it-from-read-this-please-read-before-posting/&page=59 This works too https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/68792-ask-fire-emblem-heroes-questions-and-get-them-answered-here-thread/&page=361
  15. This a pure fanservice game, you have every right to be subjective and play as you wish. Even more so than usually in FE. Normally I play FEs and don't care about character personalities (although there are characters I like and dislike), I use whoever is good in gameplay. When I finally get into Heroes, I might just choose to do the total opposite and become a raging fireball of a personality/design freak. So burn Camilla, burn away all I loathe (which isn't much thankfully since I try not to be hateful)! If someone is too popular- so CYLyn and the Hardt, I'm intentionally going to ignore them except if i have theme in mind that would include them. Or if I change my mind, which may happen at the drop of a hat. Edit: And why no non CYL Bow Cavs yet? Has she hunted them to extinction? (How dare you kill Astrid ye Wench of the Plains!)
  16. That is incredibly subjective. Marcus rocks and Gwendolyn is filth, trash, human refuse, the garbage I burn in my backyard. Xander/Ryoma is king and Nyx/Mozu is a cesspool. Gameplay balance could always be better in FE, that is true. But don't confuse personalities with this. Correlation =/ causation (if such a correlation even exists- because it is very subjective as I just pointed out).
  17. I don't recall it too well, but the Lissa scene was good. I will say I wasn't so critical on my first Awakening run. Academic plot criticism is justifiable, but comes later. I think C10, which is supposed to drive the aftermath of her death home, while having good music, was a little off to me. Why? Because Anna's Paralogue popped up right after C9 and I went off to complete it. That was one was terribly placed. Imagine if SS let you go shopping in Renais after Eirika C14 (Jehanna Hall), and before Scorched Sands. Immersion ruined. Philia's death is kinda randomly forgotten, she never gets Spotpass Paralogue for resurrection either. And yeah, nobody questions how magical undead archers teleport in, even though it's a clear hint at something. I don't recall exactly how I felt about her death, even then I think I felt touched by it. There are times when loading up on tragic events like deaths can be used well to create a super tragedy, but I'm not sure if Awakening did this right. And since I like psuedo-academic criticism, here are Emmeryn's last words before she takes the plunge: Do said words actually have direct relevance to Walhart as they supposedly do later on? Walhart isn't out for selfish revenge, he might be selfishly ambitious, but he extolls himself as selflessly conquering to unite the world for good- not out of hatred. Emmeryn's whole life might be more relevant, but her last words? Not so much perhaps. Of course, I'd need to look at Chrom's use of Emmeryn's death in dialogue later to see what he makes of it and how far it actually deviates from the statement. Her reasoning for returning Ylisse and getting captured was this: Also, would Gangrel, the king who likes seeing people he doesn't like suffer, actually have let Emmeryn go free? Or would he have betrayed as soon as the Fire Emblem was his? In which case, Emmeryn's only choice was death by arrows or by a step too far?
  18. Dragon targeting the lower of Def/Res sounds good for them. Since unlike every other unit type up to this point, they could only target one damage reduction stat- Armors and Fliers had Seasonal tomes and Horses had permanent tome users. It also makes mixed tanks better and lets dragons have a niche as both physical and magical. Plus it references FE3, FE7, and SoV a little, where dragons just ignored Def/Res completely. And I think we just found a solution for the Light Brand! DC + this Def/Res targeting property should make magical physical weapons as close to what is expectably possible (as in no range 2 except on counters). You can come on out Leif! I'm awaiting for you! Nanna, Narcian, get your Runeswords ready! Dew can get the Wind/Sonic Sword. Petrine the Flame Lance.
  19. Laevatein is often used as a sword's name in video game because it is mythologically a sword. Sometimes associated with Surtr. That's Sagi's ultimate non-Excalibur weapon from Baten Kaitos: Origins. Laevateinn the Flameking. With Pac Mania it is actually better than the Excalibur.
  20. Roman numerals died out for a reason. Too much thought and effort to write. This said, Arabic/Indian numbers didn't take off in Medieval Europe for more reasons than just ignorance. When so little was being written at all, there was no need for speed or free paper for random number writing, everything put to vellum was monumental. Plus in the case of a monetary transaction being written down, it is much easier to change 361 into 887 and get away with it than CCCLXI to DCCCLXXXVII. 14F
  21. Well I'm just going to. A little mystery is good. Also of the newbies, who looks like they'll be staying 5 ⭐️ ? Will the 5 pool at last surpass the 4? Any guesses as to what will happened to the Farfetched? All 5s?
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