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Everything posted by DaloDask

  1. I'm half tempted to think we're all idiots. I think you could argue humanity as a whole is full of idiots, but that's more philosophy than beat-em-up. The signs were all there, but it seems as though nobody likes to pay attention...
  2. ... I feel like this topic has veered very hard off... Also, 16 sword lords. That is the number we're working with if we include every game in the series. That is about half the expected cast. And that's not counting Hector, Elincia or even Kris. Given that the weapon triangle is a mechanic in this game AND it's the first entry in a potential spin-off series, I don't understand how everyone is just jumping the gun and not looking at raw facts. Hyrule Warriors should have ALWAYS been used as a baseline for what to expect, yet it seems people were expecting Warriors Orochi instead. Maybe I'm just a man of relatively reasonable temperament, but all this seems like a shitstorm that had no right existing. Also I'd argue the reason they laugh at us for being whiny babies is because they aren't affected and don't really care but whatever
  3. Linde and Gharnef. Medeus and Marth. Garon and Xander. Anankos and Azura/Corrin. Walhart and Hardin. I really want to see villains conversing.
  4. With how few games ARE being represented, it's likely they will get in based simply on the lack of having to compete with other iconic characters. That DLC concern is very real. HW was certainly not a fun adventure for your wallet if you wanted everything.
  5. Oh god I can't unsee it now holy shit I'm dying of laughter.
  6. This is about the reaction I expected here as well. I don't understand how high your expectations would need to be in order to be disappointed or surprised by this. Data from Hyrule Warriors showed that this was going to be the most likely outcome no matter what, and I'm still hype for this game because there's enough cool shit in these three games alone to fill a strong roster. The idea that they would have the majority of titles represented in the base roster is silly. They were always going to focus on these three, with the rest coming via DLC. I'm personally still waiting for Aversa gameplay because if she's not in I'm eating my boot.
  7. I'd like the game to stick to one Lord and focus on their development alone rather than having to juggle several at once, allowing their development as the game goes forward to be the primary focus. A segmented story like Echoes can work, but even then the attention of the player as well is split between the two characters, potentially leading to some disconnect between the player and a single Lord. I generally don't care about gender or weapon type, it's mostly about how they fit into the overall narrative and gameplay that matters. A bow-wielding Lord sounds terrible, but that's in the context of a game that isn't built around that unit. Same with a sword Lord that sounds good but then surprise, the game's full of units that beat sword units into a bloody pulp. And for me, gender is far less important than what the character is like and how they play into the story, especially when just saying you'd like a male or female Lord doesn't say anything about what you want the character to be like besides their gender. I would like a Lord that has a firmly set development throughout the game. Bonus points if supports and choices of the player matter in how that development goes along, not just in the ending, but how the game progresses along the way.
  8. Double fake-out, we get Sumeragi and Garon.
  9. To be honest, it's a hella perfect fit, but unless it's in the base game I don't see it happening. Still waiting on that E3 trailer we know's coming though, who knows, maybe FE Warriors will be absurdly different from what we expect.
  10. I feel that scene was basically her trying to think up any excuse that she possibly could to stop Alm from going to war because that'd be bad. Some likely come from a legitimate place, but they are nonetheless rushed excuses to try and immediately get Alm off the warpath because war = death and Alm + death = sad Celica. It's still a huge case of mood whiplash though. Maybe could've given them a day before the conflict arose so that the whiplash wouldn't be as painful.
  11. Radiant Dawn's normal and hard modes (Hard and Maniac) in JP had an extended script, Treehouse didn't use this script when localising the game and as a result, 5% of the script was lost.Here's something from this very site on the matter.
  12. I need me a dancer with a twist. Buff-applier, multiple refreshes at once to make them relevant through to the late game for casuals, a combat role so that the decision to refresh or attack with the unit itself actually means something etc. Personally, I want an Axe-Dancer just so we have all three weapons of the triangle represented by them.
  13. Both are bad, but for very different reasons. P5's could be said to be bad because people fucked up. A lot. Like an absurd amount. An amount that seems distinctly difficult to comprehend. There's no intent behind these fuck-ups, it just so happened that somebody dun goofed in the translation. And then the guy who went over it fucked up. And potentially it went through several other people until it ended up in the game, somehow. Fates' could be said to be bad because of how it blatantly alters the information presented to the player in a way that seems disrespectful to both the original writers and the audience, as if they didn't believe the original script translated faithfully would have been fine. In this case, there is a clear intent behind these alterations, to make the script more palatable to the western audience, even if it means ruining the context, tone or intent behind scenes in the process. P5 has that page with all the grammatical errors, and Fates has shit like that whole mess involving Soleil, with all 10 of her supports with male characters having been altered, Corrin with the change everybody knows about, 8 having the S supports changed from romantic to platonic, and her support with Forrest being rewritten from the ground up. Sorry if it feels like I'm interjecting, because I kind of am, but both are bad for different reasons, and your opinion on those reasons is what makes certain localisation teams more pleasant to think about. You're right about not being able to compare them, but not for the immediate reasons.
  14. Great to get your position on this. (If I knew enough about their work on P5, I'd probably throw my two cents in, but i don't so I won't) And the part I'm referring to is the segment near the bottom, the 'Defenses of bad translation' segment.
  15. The- The page literally talks about your position on the matter and similar ones. Did you read it?
  16. Excuse me, what? This is exactly something you can pin on the localisation. It's right there. Objectively. I am legitimately having trouble understanding exactly what it is you are trying to say. This is an alteration made for the localised version of the game that alters the content of the game itself. Is that not what I was focusing on with the mention of gameplay differences? Is that not something that is an example of my point?
  17. I mis-worded that. I was referring to the alteration made to weapon effectiveness in the english version of FE7, which was lowered to double damage instead of the intended triple damage.
  18. On the one hand, I hope so. On the other, as soon as an issue pops up with the localisation of Echoes, my scepticism will immediately flare. I don't want Treehouse touching it again because every time I look deeper into the localisation of Fates, I only find more questionable script alterations with no discernible reason behind them. I'm even questioning the quality of prior localisations. Especially given how in prior games, there have actually been changes to the mechanics and the numbers of the games themselves, such as buffing growths in SS or lowering bow damage in 7. Not to mention some shenanigans in the Tellius games and the mistranslation of Aenir in Nergal's final line. Not to say I know enough about 8-4's localisation to really make a case for them either. Until somebody decides to meticulously translate the script of Awakening in japanese to english, I'm not gonna start talking shit about it. Although there's certainly a few things to note regarding that, such as Henry, which makes looking into it enticing. To be honest, Echoes is going to be what determines whether or not I trust 8-4 with localisation, since I'm actually going to be around to judge it since I'm one of those scrubs that came in with Awakening. And on the topic of VA work, Awakening's dub is godlike and I think we all know that, but that's generally not a talking point for me. The only thing that is would be Effie. And I think you know why.
  19. Alm, Clive and Atlas for the guys, and Clair, Mathilda and Celica for the gals. Alm and Celica are self-explanatory because glorious lords, they play off each other well and their JP VA work's great. Clive is here because he's a suave man who suave-d his way into landing a war goddess. Atlas because that death quote killed me. Clair because Peg Knight and her interactions with Gray are neat. Mathilda because she's the war goddess. And her ending is honestly great.
  20. I feel I should mention this, but Takumi's got a high chance of getting in not only because he's recent, but because he has two unique weapons to his name and is one of the major players in Fates. The only Archer that comes close from the three games represented would be Jeorge. It's not only based on popularity, but rather uniqueness should be a factor. If they WERE to have an Archer in the game, Takumi has the most potential for what they could do with his moveset. Tharja has a higher chance than the average mook due to her strong connection with Robin, a character we're almost sure is going to get in, while the only other Dark Mages that come close to that connection with other characters would be Gharnef, Validar and if we really stretch it, Odin. I'm not saying it's a guarantee she'll get in over them, but to act like the decision is based ENTIRELY around how easily they'll be recognised is silly. It is a factor, yes, but Takumi is a poor choice for this example. Better characters to illustrate the point would be, say, Cordelia, a character who, if she gets in with a unique moveset, will be entirely because of her popularity.
  21. Yes, but a lot of them seem to imply she has some sort of issue in regards to getting with guys, given that the only two where they're left romantic were Corrin, and the 'rewritten from the ground up' Forrest support. She liked girls, but she also liked guys. She can get with both, but prefers girls. The issue was simply the fact that there were no same-sex support chains that ended in any sort of romantic sense, which is simply an issue with the game as a whole and its handling of her character. (And my ideas on the matter are simply that she was originally intended to be a same-sex support partner, it was scrapped in development, but they didn't make enough changes to her character to fit that change, making the fact that she can't glaringly obvious.)
  22. I, personally, would have loved to have simply judged Henry as Henry instead of having to put a mental disclaimer that it's 'Localised' Henry and not actual Henry. I'd rather just experience the script as the script of the game. I'd rather have judged Henry as an edgelord edging all those fake smiles as such instead of now having pun-Henry stuck in my head forever. My point is that we shouldn't be asking the localisation to start changing things because at some point you hit the fanfictionalised territory of Fates and I'd rather not experience that mess again. That's not to say there's nothing wrong with alterations here and there that don't alter the context, tone and intent behind something, but when people experience Fates and see that Soleil has 8 platonic supports it can send the wrong message about her character. Punching them up is certainly a good idea, but the alterations people seem to be pushing are ones that would change the core of her character. There's nothing wrong with making Clive talk like the suave fancy-man that he is, but where exactly is the line to be drawn? Is the line drawn at her approach to Alm's refusal? Is it altering her ending? Is it changing the fact that she doesn't move on? My main point is that there's a thin line between quality-of-life changes to make it better for the average reader/listener, and going well over the limit.
  23. The point was to emphasise that they share an increasingly common character trait that we'd just seen in the past two games. Yes, that is true. Your point regarding this is? She doesn't have the deep backstory, fun personality or interesting interactions that other characters possess that make them inherently likeable, or at the very least not to the degree where it's something people note all the time. You don't need a deep backstory, but it is certainly something that can help when it comes to reception. Yes. Which is why i ask the question of why people WANT the localisation to alter her. English Faye will be the one they know, and my point is that we shouldn't want them to alter it. English Faye should receive the same ending she deserves as the Japanese version, and come off the same way, that way we judge it as 'Faye' and not 'Localisation Faye', and no separation needs to occur, like with previous shenanigans. English Faye should do the same things as Japanese Faye because they are the same character.
  24. I feel like tossing my two cents on the topic. I feel a lot of the issues about Faye come down to the fact that she's a type of character we've seen done twice before in the form of Tharja and Camilla, and it wasn't exactly charming then to most people and it's not charming now. However, from what I've read, there's a clear difference between these two and Faye. Faye's attitude isn't lorded as something great or of benefit to others around her, she doesn't have many other elements to call her own whereas Tharja and Camilla could be argued to have them. Faye is what I'd call an extremely barebones character that represents everything the story likes to portray as bad, the unwillingness to change, to move forward and to compromise. The issue is that it's kind of... All she is. Her personality's cute and charming, yes, but there's little there to keep people interested. There's not deep backstory, no extremely personal thing that sets her apart from everybody else. She's meant to be portrayed as a character with a terrible mindset, and more specifically one who never grows out of it even when the world changes. If anyone wants, they can call me completely off-base in my interpretation of things, but Faye seems like a character made because of not exactly the best of intentions, but in the end they decided to try and do SOMETHING with her. The big issue is that's really all that's there, some big message about the themes of the game as a whole. (She's a character which, in any other case or game, would probably not get the bad ending) Also I feel I should say something real-quick, why do some of you think it's okay for the localisation to alter an entire character for simply a release in another country? This type of talk leads to the only-good-for-memes-Effie of the localisation of Fates. (If I'm horribly, horribly wrong about this, call me out. Please. I hate being wrong.)
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