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Everything posted by redlight

  1. ... I got Arjuna. He's spooked me before. Now he's NP3. I want to cry
  2. Shamir is now the most liked character to be revealed so far. I'm sorta impressed that a character that was considered to be of the supporting cast and put so far behind others in bio reveals would seem to have the strongest initial impression. Can't say that I'm not surprised. I like what I've initially seen of her personality and backstory as well as adore her character design. Same vibe as Catherine's.
  3. Oh yeah. I hope they learned from extreme growth bonuses holy blood gives. That was some insane stuff.
  4. Oh yeah, I keep forgetting her for some reason. Hmm, battallions vs gauntletfaire at this point then as well as strength/speed growth, but then there's the question of if they get a heroic relic and how broken these are compared to Crusader Weapons.
  5. Oh lol. His VA is Kawanishi Kengo. Performed as ma boy Mika and Peperoncino
  6. He deals additional damage without battallions and gauntlets are a thing. Let's not forget gauntletfaire. He's gonna be broken for sure.
  7. Would explain why a lot of info got crammed into the SoV artbook instead.
  8. From what I saw in a screenshot Rodriguez appears to be a mage of some kind. Could be that they'll stop at him, but perhaps we'll get a bio for lord Renato
  9. War orphan taken in by Rhea. In order to repay his dept he became Shamir's disciple.
  10. Might just be me, but I felt as though they we're trying out world building in Echoes and it worked for the most part. Perhaps Fates' criticisms and experience in Echoes helped them
  11. Thanks. I'll finish up my stamina in Heroes and then get onto it in FGO. This is stupid. The buff Mori gains from his NP doesn't take effect because of the demerit on his first skill. Just get rid of that stupid demerit with a strengthening.
  12. Sort of a dumb question. Why are people collecting them on the friends list? I started reading that people are trying to get all of them. I've been kinda burnt out from work so I probably didn't get the gist of it. Also
  13. While I haven't read the entire chain I did personally like Niles's and Elise's C support. He felt like an older brother looking out for his ditzy younger sibling.
  14. She's very pretty. My heart is throbbing Curious if teachers can be reclassed as well as Flain I feel as though she can get along quite well with Lysinthea and Leonie. She shares with Lysithea somewhat of a distaste for nobles or at least their incompetence and humble origin with Leonie God I hope the teachers aren't Bylethsexuals. I'd like for them to have supports with students as well.
  15. Thankfully they have Normal difficulty, Casual mode and Divine Pulse 😅 So are breaker skills PP arts? Or passives that you have to equip? Makes sense that KT are "construction workers" of the game and the game looks similar to Warriors visually. IS has focused on making handheld games in recent years and if they wanted to make a console game that has a bit more demand required to develop it then they'd need help or just work on it for a long time. Or just make games with the 3DS engine for 10 more years 😝 I wonder if that talk about making realistic models from a 2017 statement means that experience in making more realistic models for IS went down the drain if other people were going to do it for them.
  16. Thinking about it more, yeah. Not busted and meta defining, but a welcome addition to the player's barracks who'll find use very often. Nobu is just... Really really bad. She shouldn't have ditched her SM skill. She could've been salvaged if it had taken that stupid invil skill's place. Mori is an odd servant for sure. I don't know where even to begin. There's something good there to be found, but it just needs a push.
  17. @MrSmokestackSo how good is Nagao? I think she's top 10 among welfares, but is there any argument for her being top 5 among them? She seems capable of NP looping against single enemies and can pack quite the punch. Are ST NPs relevant in JP content right now?
  18. Nagao has a QAABB(NPA) deck. Called it being arts focused deck, but whatever. Her NP gain is 0.45 with 4 hits on arts cards and 8 on her NP. Her first skill is a 1 turn arts MB at 5 CD with 30% buff and a star anchor attached. Second skill a 5CD evade with NP gain up for 1 turn at 30%. Final skill is a 6CD charisma that lastd 3 turns. Attack up 20%, Crit damage up 20% and star gen up 20%. We already know what her NP does if some of you looked it up on the notification. Why they couldn't have bothered to show damage and effects during the live stream is a mystery to me. Yori is a crit berserker with demerits attached. I can't really understand most of his skills since google translate can be a bit unreliable, but it looks like he can produce his own stars. Oh and he has a QAABB deck
  19. I find it incredibly funny how Nagao (childhood name of Kenshin) is basically a coincidental throwback to the VN heroine poll. Uesugi Kenshin from Sengoku Rance won it with Saber taking a close second place. Now Takeuchi draws saberface Kenshin. Looking at her stats we at least know she'll at least pack some punch
  20. Have you taken notes if they're missing doubles against certain enemies (might be that it's just 5 star locked heroes that will start to lose relevancy at some point) and if so is a blessing enough to close the ga? Speed available blessings if it's just an issue with doubling. Attack related if they're doing fine, but need to pack more of a bunch.
  21. I'll only look at Famitsu and Twitter reveals. Basically anything official. I'll avoid datamined rom dumps and such
  22. At least we can max them out at zero cost of essential resources that are outside events. But I will welcome ways to get welfare servants we've missed. I kinda want Casliz
  23. Might be final as in no more Nobu centric because of "final Honnoji". They might move onto other eras of Japan, but still feature the same cast of characters God, I hope she's good. I don't want DW to do her dirty
  24. The leaked image was real. Here we go boyoz She's got that warrior princess vibe going for her. She's also voiced my Nana Mizuki. Bless😍. And a welfare😇. I went to heaven This is our first ST welfare lancer. Fingers crossed she's good Oh, and limited R JP Zerkerlot, but nah. You betrayed the fandom for being a limited R servant. Know your place. Ara Ara Nobu as a Avenger huh. Don't think we have an AoE one that's buster. Oh, Gorgon. But her kit tho So here are the new NPs I don't know if this is anything to go by, but the CE featuring Kenshin has an arts effect. Maybe she's a arts lancer? It seems that her NP removes offensive buffs and reduces crit chance. Either her ally used defense down or she herself has that in her skillset But damn, Mori's NP is rather good for a 3*
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