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Everything posted by omegaxis1

  1. I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. It was too funny. XD But I do overall agree with what you're saying.
  2. ... LMAO! XD I'm sorry, but... this is so funny. And in an ironic way. Are we talking about the fanbase or the plot of Fire Emblem Three Houses?
  3. You know, there is something that I wanna get out that I find to be extremely annoying with one of the three lords. And it's nothing about debates or such. Nope. It's a very simple reason, and sadly, it's dumb. Claude, the man that I end up annoyed with simply because of how IS ruined him through the dumbest way possible: memes. Like, wow. Show a guy being upside down once, and never live it down. Does not help that the localization toned down a lot more of his ominous and more slightly shadier tone. It's like, now Claude is more widely known for memes. Not for his character or personality. Just memes.
  4. I would argue that Edelgard's is different, in that everything was built up in Byleth making a choice to side with Edelgard. Everything about choosing Edelgard is from Edelgard dropping many hints about how the time will come when Byleth will have to make a choice, how he might one day have to confront his students in battle, and how she is trying to get him to understand her worldview, till Byleth gets the power of the goddess, when she feels it becomes impossible for that. But everything was riding on Byleth making a choice, and how that choice really set the stage for Edelgard changing in a way that affected the entire story. Byleth plays a serious role for Edelgard, everything riding on a choice that's been built up. See, it's the fact that everyone else is being incompetent that makes the entire story about Azure Moon cringey. If you don't really like Dimitri or you don't find his journey really well written, it overall hurts the rest of the characters. Why are any of them there? They don't believe in Dimitri, but they are choosing to ride on Byleth on the case that it will all work out? And the fact that it has to be Rodrigue, a character that you really only knew a handful of times, isn't playable, isn't really developed, it doesn't really work. Again, hardly anyone cares about Rodrigue himself. People are more likely praising him only because of how much Dimitri reacts. Which, again, relies on the case of needing to like Dimitri and his story.
  5. Yeah, thing about that is that all Byleth did was... stand there, not accomplishing anything really for the most part, until that one convenient time for Rodrigue to make a crack at Dimitri by dying in his arms, and then have a rain scene. It's not really good if it's just a "right place, right time" moment here. Byleth's presence being just there for that one single moment doesn't help. If anything, if Byleth actually took more active stance against Dimitri's aggressive behavior and actually tried to direct him using his lust for vengeance, it would have served more to show Byleth playing more of a role than just being there as an enabler.
  6. I mean, yeah. Edelgard is fully aware of how she'll be hated by others and that many people will die because of her war. But for her, if she doesn't stand up and fight, then countless more people will suffer in silence. With all the issues going around, it's basically stuck between a rock and a hard place. The annoying part is that Byleth is still following what Dimitri wants to do. Would have preferred if the story direction was actually able to have Byleth/Gilbert/Rodrigue actually steer Dimitri by using his lust for vengeance to help in their war effort. I dunno why some people insist on defending his behavior and justifying that the story works fine as it does. No, it doesn't. If it was anyone but Byleth, then everyone in Dimitri's army would get slaughtered. I don't even mean this as an exaggeration. Silver Snow skipping Gronder confirms that Faerghus army was destroyed, and Dimitri dead. Even in AM, there's a soldier that accepts that going to Gronder was suicide, contrary to how in VW, the soldier felt confident that they could surely win at Gronder. Had they just focused on trying to steer Dimitri to help them liberate Faerghus so that they can fight Edelgard sooner, it'd help. But nope. What Dimitri says goes. I'll be honest, it'd have helped if Claude was actually more sleazy and scummy. He really doesn't live up to being a schemer. They end up making him so docile that people think that he does nothing wrong, even though plenty of things about him indicate that his entire plan in Part 1 wasn't actually peaceful. Who covets a weapon known to be able to cleave mountains and destroy armies for purely peaceful purposes? I'd have preferred if we had gotten insight on what his entire plan in Part 1 was.
  7. Sigh, no. You cannot suddenly think that it's a good idea to go on a side adventure to the Shambhala and take care of them. That's basically causing a civil war where they just give Dimitri and Rhea a chance to launch an attack that would cause the war to escalate even worse. There's a reason why Edelgard, Hubert, and Byleth chose to keep it a secret and lie to their friends about Arianrhod. It's to keep their focus on the Church, as well as the rest of the army. They are close to winning the war, and if they suddenly go sideline, that just wastes time to give Dimitri and Rhea enough time to prepare. This is why Edelgard and Hubert focus on dealing with the Agarthans after the war, where they can destroy them entirely in the shadows, where no one has to know. And because they actually go to completely eradicate the Agarthans, unlike the other routes that thinks they can wipe them out in one or two battles that gives the Agarthans time to hide away to make a retaliated attack in the future, Edelgard takes longer to ensure that they are all destroyed so they never cause problems ever again.
  8. I kind of want Edelgard and Tiki to be a Harmonic Duo. Due to how Edelgard is one that opposes dragons in 3H because of how they affected humanity, it would be great for Edelgard to meet Tiki, someone that I genuinely think Edelgard would get along with due to how Tiki separates herself from politics in regards to humanity, but is involved in the sense as a guide for the people at best.
  9. Wasn't there already a Forging Bonds session where they stated why dancers cannot dance one another?
  10. LMAO XD Poor Plumeria. She doesn't realize that the Summoner has already witnessed Rule 34. After all, they come from a world with the internet.
  11. Mustafa is a very known character in Awakening. He made a powerful impact on people due to how he comes after Emmeryn's sacrifice with the song, "Don't Speak Her Name". It's very memorable for players that enjoy Awakening. It's not a surprise that he's in. Actually, I think he's even more popular than Basilio and Flavia. Flavia is like one of the least popular Awakening characters when the game came out.
  12. Sylvain would never hit on her because she's already an heiress. She's already a noble that has it all. So ironically, Sylvain actually hold no hate toward her as he would other girls. But frankly, had they did have a support, I imagine Edelgard would be the only one that would acutally call out Sylvain's scummy nature.
  13. It's cause people know different things. Players know more than what characters would. Because they know the "whole" truth, or see various endings, they immediately begin to misinterpret things. Take Sylvain's solo ending, where through oration alone, he was able to stop people from relying on Crests and made peace with Srengs. People see that and try and insist that it proves that this would have happened even if she didn't start her war. But this only happens after a war did. Before the war, Sylvain was nothing more than a shameless flirt that was doing it just to make break their hearts cause he sees them as vile people only after him for his status or Crest. Hanneman's ending, where he creates magical tools that don't require Crests, but ignore that those tools resemble the Agarthan weapons like Indra's Arrow, which are available on every route, meaning that Agarthan tech fall into Hanneman's hands and only thanks to the war that his research produced such results. People see VW and Rhea explaining the truth about Nemesis and such, and when hearing what Edelgard knows about the the War of Heroes in Chapter 14 of CF, they start making assumptions that Edelgard was fed false info and that the Agarthans were behind that, even though there's no evidence that the Agarthans had anything to do with the story. That and the whole "simple dispute" thing really annoys them. Rhea in non-CF routes talks about how she wants Byleth to take over in Chapter 12, and steps down after Part 2, but they ignore how Rhea admits that she only ever saw Byleth as a vessel during Part 1, even in Chapter 12, not because of Byleth the person. Five years of imprisonment later, and Rhea realizes how she messed up. Overall, players simply hear and learn things more, and simply forget the nuances and circumstances of the information.
  14. Exactly. Not everyone fought the war for the best of intentions. Some did it to hold power, others out of fear of the power that was winning the war, and others did it because they genuinely doing it for the good of the war. I completely agree that if a hero is genuinely trying to do the right thing, with no real malicious intent behind it, but still doing something that is wrong overall, they are at worst misguided, but not a villain.
  15. Of course, bear in mind that not everyone would see hope in death. Suffering after a loss is something horrible, and many would never see that the death is meaningful. Some people would rather not have to deal with the pain of loss. Just because death is inevitable doesn't mean that people would take it well when it happens. After all, a LOT of bad guys do tend to go with the speech of "sacrifice for the greater good" and such in many stories, justifying evil as good. Plenty of people would see Edelgard giving meaning in the deaths in a war she started as petty excuses to justify herself, no different from the bad guys. It's wrong to see Edelgard as no different from those villains, but people would make the comparison.
  16. Yeah, I totally agree with that. More people should have tried. Frankly, it's upsetting how despite Felix saying that he called it when Dimitri loses it, no one is willing to really try and calm him down. No one is trying to make him see that there are other things at hand. Which is why I have issues with Dimitri's redemption. To an extent, I agree, but I also think that trying to label war as just one horrible and ugly thing is also the wrong way to understand it. Yes, war brings about death and suffering. Everyone knows that. But Dimitri never thinks about WHY people fight wars to begin with. For someone that talks about how there should be a mutual concession, he never tries to see anything beyond the ugliness of death in wars. Edelgard didn't start a war and the bloodshed because she had malicious intent. She does it because it's the only way for things to finally change and make a difference. Dimitri's view on war is because of how he sees death as something that is utterly meaningless. If someone dies, there is nothing to it. It's ugly, end of story. It's what we see in how he talks of Glenn's death to Ingrid. You can also see it in Lonato's chapter. He sees that his fight was fruitless, pointless, and they all died meaningless deaths. Edelgard, on the other hand, sees them as people that fought for what they believed in, even if it meant giving their lives for it, and is something that should be respected. But the thing is, death isn't always meaningless. How the people take those deaths is what gives death meaning. Edelgard and her soldiers died fighting for their beliefs in Silver Snow that made Seteth realize that he was wrong about what he believed about Edelgard, that she was not evil at all. Even if history says that Edelgard was wrong in non-CF routes, there are many people that would view her as a good person and believe that she was right, even if she lost. It's similar to why Nemesis and the Elites were seen as heroes to humanity, even though they lost. Rhea just altered things to make them "fallen heroes".
  17. I don't disagree with you. Dimitri had a LOT of issues. However the point is more toward how Dimitri really isn't fit to be a leader. Him being overall suicidal and wanting to focus on revenge, even during Part 1 as he admits in AM during the rain scene, he's definitely someone that expresses something that shouldn't be at the top of the chain of command. Had he been just a soldier, then he would be kept under control by a superior. But he IS the top dog, and therefore, no one can actually stand against him. That's why Gilbert and Rodrigue ended up going on a suicide attack on Gronder, even though they knew it was risky and likely suicidal. If you speak to some NPCs before Gronder, in VW, the NPC feels confident they can get through it. But in AM, the NPC are basically expecting to die. Great that he recovers in AM, but should he still be the leader of the nation? Being a leader is a responsibility that puts expectations on you. Dimitri is a good man, but being a good man doesn't mean being a good leader. Also, I would personally say that it's extremely bold claim to say that only Dimitri actually understood the horrors of war and death and the others didn't. Claude is in Almyra, that makes battle be sport. And frankly, Edelgard experienced betrayal, nobles fighting for power that they would use force to take it, and death through the Insurrection of the Seven and her experiments. She knows what war will bring, and she knows that people would die. And even Edelgard didn't want the war at all. She didn't want it anymore than others that reject war. But her paths all lead to war and suffering of countless people, so she accepts her inevitable sins. After all, there's no point in being afraid of the inevitable.
  18. Basically this. A ruler that loses himself to emotion and is driven by obsession is unfit to be a leader. This is why Ferdinand hardly ever has anything positive to say whenever he speaks of Dimitri. He expresses that Dimitri having little control over emotions is what makes him a bad leader, because a leader's duty is to put aside personal emotions to do what is necessary. Look at what Dimitri's obsession for revenge does in every non-AM route. VW/SS has his army decimated and he dies. He accomplishes NOTHING. His death had no real meaning, and only caused more lives to be lost. Even CF is similar, only people try to think that Dimtiri not being as insane as he is in the other routes means that he's in this just to defend his country, when the guy literally says, multiple times, that he wants revenge on Edelgard for Duscur. This is especially why CF refers to him as the Tempest King, rather than the Savior King as he is called in AM.
  19. I think it's less the route and more the people. I mean, many Dimitri fans defend or justify many of Dimtiri's actions, even some that are unjustifiably bad. I mean, geez, they say that Dimtiri doesn't WANT to hurt others, but feels he has to, why are these people saying that, but condemning Edelgard, who starts a war, not because she wants to, but because she feels she has to? It's also sad that the writers really sucked at making Claude. They admitted to wanting Claude to be worse than he was presented, and admitted he became more of a good guy.
  20. As mentioned above, even Rhea just saying that Edelgard would come in to rescue the civilians would help. Edelgard mentions that Rhea had locked the civilians inside.
  21. What know what? I agree. Every route has their own form of bad writing, and I should not deny that even CF suffers from this a little. Honestly, if Rhea's plan to burn the city was to lure Edelgard in because Edelgard would be trying to save the civilians, which Edelgard noted earlier were trapped inside, it should be clarified more.
  22. I don't think it was SUPPOSED to make sense. Rhea had lost her mind. She literally now just blames humanity itself for her suffering. Rhea was never sane. CF is just where she finally lets it all go. And the fact that the Church of Seiros and even people of Faerghus are willing to rationalize it, no matter how horrible and outrageous it was, it shows how humanity's dependence on Rhea and the Church had gone too far.
  23. I mean, you aren't wrong, since the recruitment method is a mess in itself, but the fact remains that Byleth being the mentor of their class has a direct influence over how the students act. Byleth is a literal god, so people would either greatly fear Byleth or admire him. There's a reason why his charisma is high. You treat this one single lie as if hating the Church more is some kind of apex where it has terrible consequences. But they are already at war with the Church. You're treating the lie like it's such a god awful thing, when you can't even remark that it changes how people view the Church. You can question, but not judge and state that they are or aren't friends. You are a human being, but certainly not a master of friendship that you declare what is what. Friendship is based on an individual's feelings and emotions. And no, the Black Eagles are literally much closer as a result of Crimson Flower, where Caspar even teases Edelgard over her feelings for Byleth, and Edelgard doesn't even get upset over it. The fact is, Edelgard is able to grow closer to her friends because they were able to let down their own walls. And "magic superpower" would make sense to an extent. They share the Crest of Flames, and there is the case of how Crests can influence an individual's tastes and even indicate personality link as well, basically bringing about a nature vs nurture kind of thing. Edelgard not only has the Crest of Flames, but also the Crest of Seiros. Not to mention that unlike others, Byleth literally is not bound by normal concepts of perceiving other people. Edelgard always has to deal with being the Imperial princess or Emperor. Byleth's the only one that has no sense of notion toward that. And you know, he's a god. Literally.
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