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Everything posted by Tybrosion

  1. My rank this round has suffered a bit thanks to me sleeping through Ike's multiplier earlier today. I'm just at rank 13,882 (score of 495,220) and rank 23,027 overall (score of 1,109,900). I've also went burned through the rest of my flags so I can do nothing more than play out the string for the rest of the way.
  2. So you're implying that Ike would've had no chance of beating Lyn, huh? Betting against any one character to lose isn't particularly wise as long as the multiplier sticks around. As long as the discrepancy between the two teams isn't like Corrin vs. Gaius, there are no guarantees in the VG.
  3. What are you talking about? Camilla was the one who eliminated Lyn in the first place. Shouldn't her losing here mean the opposite?
  4. I feel your pain. 3* Male!Robin was my freebie from the Threaten Def banner while bad luck incarnate (3* Arthur) was what my free pull from the Tempest banner got me. My luck just had to regress to the mean after the Lucina pull on the VG Block B banner.
  5. Nope. It really does seem like it sticks with a select three or four friends and rarely deviates from those select friends. In the case of this round, it's mostly been Rezzy's Titania, Rafiel's Aria's Amelia, a Seth from a non-SF friend and a Brave!Lucina from another non-SF friend. I think there's only been a time or two where I didn't get one of those four.
  6. She's among the ones who haven't turned up for me at any point though I know you only got on Team Ike for this round. I've still never gotten Ana's Summer!Frederick despite being on the same team as her from the very beginning.
  7. @Astellius, @Motendra Here's a guy you might like.
  8. The point difference percentage is at 7.34% right now, so it'll take several more hours at least. The Reddit prediction tracker has Camilla getting it six hours from now, but I suppose we'll see.
  9. I just promoted a +Atk/-Res one with the arena payout feathers myself since I quite like her. Whether or not I'll get particularly great mileage out of her remains to be seen.
  10. At least that Nino had Glacies as her Special. I'm pretty sure I saw Ignis on a Nino at some point earlier in the gauntlet.
  11. I've fortunately been mostly getting an non-red as my friend unit this round whether it's @Rezzy's Titania, @Rafiel's Aria's Amelia or @Locke087's Brave!Lucina. There is a Seth that I've been getting from someone who I don't think is an SF user but I haven't gotten screwed by that yet. I was also getting @SageOfAnys's Catria (who's done some damn fine work for me, for the record) quite a bit last round but I don't believe she's shown up in this one so far.
  12. I once got an Eirika (from a friend who's since been deleted) and a Jaffar to go with my Ike while there was a Triangle Adept Male!Robin among the enemy team. It was during a multiplier hour too so I was forced to use two Light's Blessings just to get the win. Not fun.
  13. Eh, sure. Have my CYL update (not F2P): Legendary Heroes / Deep Devotion: Catria (+RES, -DEF), Roy (+SPD, -HP) Family Bonds: Ephraim (+SPD, -DEF) Sibling Bonds: Eldigan (+HP, -DEF), Klein (+ATK, -RES), Klein (merged into the first) Blazing Shadows: Eldigan (merged into the first), Ninian (merged into the second), Chrom (+SPD, -HP), Seliph (+ATK, -DEF) Spring Festival: Ryoma (+SPD, -DEF) World of Shadows: Alm (+HP, -RES), Lukas (+HP, -RES) Hero Fest: Hawkeye (+ATK, -HP), Tharja (+HP, -RES) World of Radiance: Effie (merged into the second), Soren (+RES, -HP) Female Mages: Sanaki (+SPD, -HP) Rite of Shadows: Boey (used as skill fodder), Boey (+ATK, -SPD), Chrom (merged into the first) Bridal Blessings: Effie (+DEF, -SPD), Leo (+DEF, -RES), Bride!Lyn (+ATK, -DEF) Echoes of Mystery: Katarina (+RES, -SPD), Karel (+ATK, -HP) War of the Clerics, Block A: Seliph (merged into the first), Lachesis (+HP, -SPD) Ylissean Summer: Faye (+DEF, -HP), Rebecca (+RES, -ATK), Jeorge (+DEF, -SPD), Minerva (merged into the second), Young!Tiki (+ATK, -SPD), Summer!Frederick (+ATK, -SPD), Minerva (+HP, -DEF), Summer!Tiki (donated Melon Crusher+ to Camilla), Summer!Tiki (+ATK, -RES) Alm's Army: Gray (+HP, -ATK), Delthea (+RES, -ATK), Abel (+SPD, -DEF) Celica's Army: Saber (+HP, -SPD), Sonya (+DEF, -RES) Nohrian Summer: Summer!Corrin (+SPD, -ATK), Summer!Xander (+ATK, -RES), Summer!Leo (+DEF, -SPD), Marth (+DEF, -SPD), Raven (passed his Brave Axe+ to my now 5* Cherche), Summer!Leo (merged into the first), Summer!Elise (+ATK, -SPD) Hero Fest 2 The Quickening: Ninian (+SPD, -RES) The Sacred World: Tana (+ATK, -RES), Ike (+RES, -ATK), Tana (merged into the first) CYL Top 8, Block B: Lucina (+DEF, -HP) Brave Heroes: Brave!Roy (+SPD, -RES), Brave!Ike (+RES, -HP) Promoted: Nino (+ATK, -RES), Camilla (+ATK, -HP), Zephiel, Xander, Eirika (+ATK, -RES), Camus, Anna, Kagero (+SPD, -HP), Sharena, Alfonse, Cordelia (+ATK, -SPD), Cecilia (+SPD, -DEF), Odin (Corrin took his Blarblade+ while her wyvern ate him), F!Robin, Cherche (+ATK, -RES), another Nino (surrendered her Gronnblade+ to Elise), Felicia (+ATK, -DEF), Mathilda (+ATK, -RES) Tempest Trial Dudes: Masked!Marth, Tobin, Clive Brave Heroes Freebie: Brave!Lucina Total Pulled: 56 Total Promoted: 18 Current Total: 64
  14. I just felt the need to bring it up to note that those characters were technically playable prior to Heroes, just not in their home games. It's perfectly fine if you don't want to count it.
  15. Zephiel is playable in the trial maps, as is Narcian. It's just that you need to beat the game seven times to unlock Zephiel. If you want to count it, both Eldigan and Ursula were Einherjar units in Awakening. Lloyd was one as well.
  16. Gee, I missed quite a bit. It's what I get for staying up for Ike's first multiplier, I suppose. All I have to add to the whole dox thing is that it's people like that who are the reason we can't have nice things. At least, not for long since they end up shitting all over it and fuck over the rest of us who are trying to have innocent fun with it. Sent a request your way.
  17. Once a screw-up, always a screw-up... Sorry about that. I added a missing 0.
  18. Well, that's that. You fought valiantly, Hector. Once again, I'm sorry it had to be this way. So, I did end up securing a spot in Team Ike's top 50 (rank 27 to be precise) so that's 3,000 feathers gotten from this round. Considering there's going to be a massive influx to Ike now with Lyn gone, those of you who are hopping around Team Ike or otherwise can add me if you desire. ID is 0085075948, my lead is Soren and in-game name is also Tybrosion. Edit: Don't mind me, just left a digit out of my code like a moron.
  19. To add to this, a Nohrian royal got screwed by the multiplier last gauntlet. This gauntlet, a different Nohrian royal is about an hour away from getting a win thanks to it. Ah, how the tables turn...
  20. YES! Camilla, I freaking love you so much right now!
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