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Everything posted by Tybrosion

  1. Personally, I'd rather see the lords who still aren't in the game (Sigurd, Leif, Micaiah) get added into the game before characters who didn't originate from a main Fire Emblem title. At the very least, it would be much more difficult for me to get excited for characters I know nothing about (these two new Cipher peeps) over ones that I'm actually familiar with (the aforementioned lords).
  2. *passes some over* Knock yourself out, friend. I always make sure to have plenty to spare.
  3. I seriously hope these aren't actually ships. My faith in humanity can only take so many more hits.
  4. Believe me, that only makes it substantially worse hence my snark about already needing to break out the brain bleach.
  5. Homosexuality in any form squicks me out. It's as simple as that.
  6. Even though the FE wiki says otherwise, I'm pretty sure she says "okay" and not "fair" in that line.
  7. That and he's also voiced by Kaiji Tang, a guy who seriously knows how to ham it up. His voice acting for Narcian kinda reminds me of Specter from Ape Escape, another overly egotistical and sissy villain.
  8. ......... Didn't think I would be needing to break out the brain bleach this early in the day.
  9. Unless if she's like mine and is -Def. At that point all bets on her tanking any archer with respectable Atk is off.
  10. Considering this is what I have to work with in terms of 5* archers: Klein (+Atk/-Res, +1), Faye (+Def/-HP), Jeorge (+Def/-Spd), Rebecca (+Res/-Atk) I'm simply going with the best I've got. It also helps that Klein was among the first couple 5*s that I pulled so I've really grown to appreciate the guy as well.
  11. Now I almost feel bad about the fact that my Faye has pretty much done nothing but rot on the bench. I suppose it is hard to get work as an archer with me when there isn't even anything to kill since Klein already took care of everything. For the record, I have Alm and Faye but not Celica.
  12. If we're taking all three routes and all of the DLC into the equation, then I believe every playable character in Fates appears as an enemy unit at some point except for the following. Anna, Azura, Corrin, Felicia, Izana, Mozu, Shigure
  13. I want to say that Olwen appeared as an enemy unit on one particular map but that also wasn't the map where she can be recruited.
  14. Henry joins at the start of Chapter 13 while Lon'qu joins at the end of Chapter 4. To be fair in regards to Lon'qu, you would've fought him if not for the interference of "Marth".
  15. And as Phineas said, there's a laundry list of summonable heroes who started as enemy units. Navarre is mostly certainly not unique in that regard.
  16. Robin and Navarre aren't antagonistic characters yet they had GHBs. In my opinion, Glen would fit best in a second Sibling Bonds-type banner not unlike Eldigan and Reinhardt. That way he and Cormag would be introduced into the game at the same time. Though to be completely honest, I'd much rather see Ashnard become the next sword flier added before someone like Glen.
  17. To add to what Vax said, if you've logged into the game every day since the starter support bonus orbs went live then today is the last day that you'll get orbs from it. In other words, you won't get two log-in orbs on the 20th and 21st if you've logged in every day. 20 orbs per round, not 10.
  18. That's something the 1.6 update changed. Arena bonus units now get 6 SP per kill instead of 3 while non-bonus units get 3 SP per kill instead of 1.
  19. The thing I have with Amelia's art is simply the fact that this is like a fourteen year-old we're talking about here. I just can't help but find it a tad bit inappropriate with that in mind. Catria, though not that much older, can at least be considered a young adult. Though I suppose that still doesn't make her art any less awkward but I digress.
  20. Assuming you're talking about her standard art, yes I have and that's quite suspect as well. It is the same artist as Amelia's so maybe they just have some unresolved issues and/or fetishes or something.
  21. Yeah, I quite like that attention to detail / call back too. Though as far as her damaged art goes, I still wonder how the hell they got away with that pose. I suppose it's not much worse than Summer!Corrin's swimsuit getting ripped apart but still.
  22. Considering that Nintendo would probably have to pay Disney hefty royalties to get the rights to Star Wars, yeah that idea is most definitely nothing but a pipe dream.
  23. How about Darth Xander alongside Emperor Garon? The latter could use force lightning thunder magic and everything.
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