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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. About to send Freohr Datia a message asking if she had another choice for which pokemon she would want to be. Other than that I was going to stay on a while.

  2. Ello Masu! What's new?

  3. Hexblade huh? Oh well, Hi!

  4. Hiya! What'cha doin? :D

  5. ..Oh! So that's what your user name means!

  6. Thx for pointing out my mistake! :D

  7. *runs in and crashes* BIANCHI HAS AMNESIA!! *runs out*

  8. Well I'm getting off for now, Bye! Cya later!

  9. Yes! *standing ovation* This should be a real movie! This is Oscar material! :D
  10. Sure, that would be great! Thx!

  11. Hey, I would hate to ask Mac this on his B-day so I'll ask you. What the prize tournament prize..

  12. Lol yeah, I was on last night sending messages and got carried away. What'cha been up to?

  13. Your welcome! Have good day.

  14. Oooooh! I just saw it in a trailer and thought it was cool, thx for pointing that out! ^_^
  15. Now Now, no need to make this two against one. I said sometimes it's bad. You two have your moments, but your not always perverted. Your perverts with pride!
  16. Come on now. XD Besides, I wasen't saying Yay about that.
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